Sitemap - 2024 - Simplicius's Garden of Knowledge

SITREP 7/24/24: General Syrsky Shocks With News of Russian Armor and Troop Surges

Extraordinary Events Taking Place in America

Subscriber Mailbag - Your Questions (7/21/24)

SITREP 7/19/24: West Searches for New Deflection in Russian "Barrel Crisis"

Can Democrats Turn Crisis Into Opportunity?

SITREP 7/15/24: Crumbling NATO Buys Time for Broad European War

SPECIAL BULLETIN: America Teeters on the Abyss

Can the West Still Win? Analyzing Claims of Ukraine's Coming Tech Supremacy Over Russia

"Bombshell" Report Claims Russian Casualties "Much Higher Than Thought" - Debunked?

SITREP 7/6/24: Narrative Builds that Putin Desperate to End Conflict - Is He Really?

Regime Media Utters the Un-utterable

SITREP 7/2/24: Ukraine Bleeds Troops and Territory as New Russian Tactics Prove Unstoppable

SITREP 6/29/24: Biden's Unraveling Sets New Course for Ukraine

SITREP 6/26/24: Things Heat Up With Reports of North Korean Troops to Donbass

SITREP 6/23/24: Coordinated Terror Attacks by Ukraine and Friends Seek to Sow Instability

Ruling Class Finally Awakens to the Reality of America's Decline

SITREP 6/20/24: Putin Signs Defense Partnership in Historic Pyongyang Trip

Putin Preempts Pointless 'Peace' Powwow

Petrodollar Dead? Rumors Swirl as Moneyed Powers Go All in for the Final Roll

SITREP 6/11/24: Roundup of Hottest Developments

MAJOR: Russia Officially Becomes World's 4th Largest Economy, Passing Japan

Putin gives first official idea of Russian losses since start of SMO, + more from the SPIEF

SITREP 6/4/24: Global Turmoil Trends Bearish for Ukraine

SITREP 6/1/24: Ukraine's Latest Gasp Off to Rocky Start

SITREP 5/29/24: NATO Ramps Up Figleaf of Cross-Border Strikes

SITREP 5/26/24: NATO's Yipping Chihuahuas Strain Their Leash as Russia Gears Up for Next Wave

SITREP 5/24/24: Situation Turns Critical as De-legitimized Zelensky Dangerously Escalates

Last Dance at the Vampire Ball: West Searches for Answers to Its Demise

SITREP 5/19/24: Ukrainian Streets Deserted as New Mobilization Hits

The DragonBear-Hug Signals Unprecedented Expansion of Ties

SITREP 5/14/24: Putin Cleans House as Volchansk Comes to the Brink

Putin's Cabinet Shakeup Stumps Western Intelligentsia

Special Report: Russian Forces Breach Kharkov Border

Victory Day: Anxiousness Grows Amid Stirs in the North

Crunching Numbers: Ukraine Munitions "Ramp-up" Buzz, Real or Hype?

Macron Again Struts Feathers, NATO Troop Paranoia, & More

RUSI Report Quietly Validates Russia's Strategic Superiority: A Breakdown

SITREP 5/1/24: The Russian Steamroller Rolls On as Ukraine Braces for Impact

SITREP 4/27/24: U.S. Admits Top Weapons Failures to Superior Russian EW

SITREP 4/24/24: Comedown After Post-Aid 'High' Brings West Back to Reality

3M22 Zircon: Debunking Misconceptions

SITREP 4/19/24: A Small Gust for Ukraine's Sails?

Inferiority of the 'Western Way of War' Slowly Comes to Light

Iran Breaches Anglo-Zionist Defenses in Historic Attack: A Breakdown

SITREP 4/11/24: Zelensky in Shock as Kiev's Largest Power Plant Wrecked in Massive Strikes

Yellen Dispatched to Beg China for Face-Saving Slowdown

Edward Luttwak: Time to Send NATO Troops

SITREP 4/3/24: Zelensky Steps Closer to Mobilization Plunge Amid Dire Warnings

Jacques Baud and the Russian Way of War

Future of the SMO: Russian Army Think-Tank Breakdown + UGVs Enter the Fray

West Desperately Deflects as Ukraine's ISIS Gambit Backfires

30k Subs Milestone: Another one! And a primer on writing

Eventful 24 Hours: Moscow Terror Attack Follows Massive UA Grid Strikes

SITREP 3/19/24: French Military Openly Floats 20,000 Troop Deployment

Macron Attempts to Woo Nation to War

Explosive Secret French Military Report Makes Shocking Admissions: "Ukraine Can't Win!"

SITREP 3/11/24: Patriots Blown Up as Mix-Messaged NATO Fumbles On

SITREP 3/7/24: Macron Raises Rhetoric Temp, First HIMARS Kill, Black Sea Fleet Setbacks & More

SITREP 3/4/2024: Rifts in Bibi's Camp as Gaza War Drags

Bundeswehr Wiretap Bombshell - German Generals Exposed Planning Kerch Strike

SITREP 2/27/24: Desperate Globalists Float Boots on Ground to Save Ukraine

Avdeevka Denouement: Russian Momentum Turning Point

The Future of the SMO [Part 2]

SITREP 2/18/24: Avdeevka Liberated

Planetary Scare: Russian Doomsday Space Weapon Steals Headlines of Avdeevka Collapse

SITREP 2/13/24: Avdeevka Turns Critical as Iskander Strike Devastates AFU Staging Area

Special Anniversary Report: The Future of the SMO [Part 1]

Zaluzhny Finally Dismissed as Chaos Reigns in AFU

Avdeevka Defenses Continue to Crumble

SITREP 2/2/24: Biden Launches Attacks as Russia Again Breaches Major Avdeevka Lines

SITREP 1/31/24: Secret Back-Channel Talks Spur Hopes on Iran De-escalation + Zelensky-Zaluzhny Showdown

SITREP 1/28/24: US Troops Suffer Fatalities in Strikes as Escalation Grows

Border Crisis Heats Up as Biden Admin Loses Grip

Iranian Axis Grinds Down US' Will as Israel Suffers Stunning Setbacks

SITREP 1/22/24: Major Breakthroughs as AFU Defense Collapses in Avdeevka

SITREP 1/20/24: Russian Gains Resume as Holidays End

Year of Troubles: The Hatchets Come Out for Substack and Simplicius

New War Drums Chill Europe with Renewed "Putin Invasion" Fears

US Launches Strikes on Yemen, and Other Updates

SITREP 1/9/24: Latest Leading-edge Tech-war Updates

Update on Palestine: IDF Claims Gaza City Victory

Under the Radar: Major CIA Revelations Expose Secret Agreements and Boundaries in Ukraine

First of the Year SITREP - Hypersonic Strikes, Disasters, War, and More Global Trends