Today Israel announced that they have finally taken “full control” over Gaza City—the northern and most populous portion of the Gaza Strip. Naturally, they erected a giant menorah and Israeli flag in the center:
I remain skeptical of their claims, but we’ll indulge them at face value for the sake of the report. Even if they did manage to fully secure it, keep in mind it has now taken nearly three months to capture a territory the size of the small red speck inside the Gaza Strip seen below juxtaposed within Ukraine for comparison:
The “world’s most advanced military” took three months to manage a claimed capture of that while fighting a completely technologically outmatched foe who they outnumber 500k to ~10k.
The IDF also has now used this capture as excuse to explain the dismissal of several top brigades to the rear for reconstitution. Instead of being made combat ineffective, the line is now that they have valiantly completed their mission and are taking a rest. They claim that in capturing Gaza City, they have eliminated 8000 Hamas fighters. However, John Kirby himself appears dubious regarding this, as he implies that Hamas has not been measurably attrited:
Netanyahu is again agitating for war with Lebanon next. In the meantime, radical Israeli politicians continue pushing for the total ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Most alarming is the fact that they are basing their policies on the alleged popular support amongst Israeli society for same. Here’s Likud party and Knesset member Moshe Saada openly stating that the people in the streets, the Kibbutz-dwellers, etc., are all shouting in unision: “Annihilate them (Gazans).”
And here is the Israeli ambassador to the UK just nonchalantly admitting that all of Gaza must be destroyed:
Where does such inhuman barbarity stem from, you wonder? I believe it is a case of simple unrestrained human nature. Those who’ve read books like Lord of the Flies know that humans can very quickly devolve into quite immoral, depraved, and Machiavellian brutes if there are no checks in place to restrain some of human nature’s darker impulses. You see, it’s not that all humans are necessarily mindlessly depraved by nature per se, but rather that it’s very easy to set off a cascade event of unethical behavior when only a small pilot group initiates it.
Think of baseball, boxing, or any sport in general. It takes only one guy to be juiced up on steroids to create a cascade that sees the entire league begin juicing due to the power creep nature of the realization that if you don’t do this too, you won’t be able to compete. Likewise, in an environment where there are no restraints, a small ‘contagion’ of bad behavior can set off a chain reaction as it spreads to others by a variety of vectors.
How does all this pertain to the utterly breathtaking criminality and inhumanly racist hatred seen in the Israeli society toward the Palestinians? For a long time now criticism of anything remotely related to Israel or Jewish-ness was highly verboten due to the black mark of “anti-Semitism” being cast against anyone who dared criticize their actions. In the same sort of way that the modern liberal movement has created blowback in the form of liberal fragility and the complete inability to debate or face facts, nor take any criticism whatsoever—a fact we see often, as liberals melt down into fits of feral screaming or crying when refuted by reality—the modern Israeli state, its inhabitants, and proponents likewise have never had to deal with genuine structured criticism because the West has generally been so obsequiously permissive toward it. Most importantly: they’ve never had to deal with accountability.
Israel can be viewed like one of those overly-pampered babies—the golden calf of the family—which never hears the word ‘no’ and whose every squall brings mommy dashing over to immediately coddle it. Israel has carried out terror and crimes for decades that any other country in the world would have been immediately reproached, condemned, and sanctioned for. This has created a sense of unparalleled historical entitlement and exceptionalism in Israeli society such that they feel no qualms whatsoever about glibly and openly calling for genocide. In any other society, it would not only make instant headlines but would make the top docket at the UN human rights council meetings. But in Israel, you can call for genocide, you can demean the Palestinians with open racism as Israeli TV so often does, and it doesn’t get so much as a passing glance or shrug.
Some consider such a viewpoint to be “anti-Semitic”, but there are two things to consider:
The Palestinians are the original Semitic people of the region. There is in fact nothing in the world more pro-Semitic than such views.
Most worldwide Jews appear to be in support of Palestine and are becoming increasingly anti-Zionist. I don’t know what the actual statistics are, and would be interested to see them. But even much of Israeli society is now openly rebuking the IDF, thus making the hateful portion of the population the true anti-Semites.
The last point obviously goes to show that not all of Israel can be characterized in such a negatively broad stroke. But of course the highly vocal and radicalized segment of it which are the bad seeds still account for such a staunch amount of violent racism and pro-genocide views that it still justifies the earlier characterizations.
As I said, when left to their devices, when a people’s most cruel and malign inclinations are left totally unchecked without any pushback or repudiation, it creates an enabling effect that essentially communicates to those people: “Keep going, what you’re doing is totally normal and acceptable.” Israel has been the favored son for so long, its most transgressive acts ignored and tacitly allowed for such a length of time, that it has simply developed a natural sense of entitlement and divine exceptionalism. Now, when the world suddenly stands up to it for the first time, Israel is dumbstruck with feigned shock like a child caught with its hand in the cookie jar.
This is not to say Israeli people are somehow bad by nature or genetically. No, just like the current Ukrainians, Israelis are to an extent being used by western colonialist powers. And in order for their colonialist-outpost to thrive, the powers that be must ensure that the puppet state has full immunity from any sort of accusations of wrongdoing or prosecutorial blowback. This is why Ukrainians are given full sanction to be Nazis and commit mass murder and genocide on Donbass, and it is why Israelis get the same allowance. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with great power politics and how colonialist outposts are conditioned and molded in order to further the geopolitical ends and interests of their sponsors.
Now, the coordinated narrative has turned to finding a new home for ethnically cleansed Gazans, as we long predicted here from the literal outset of the conflict. They are couching this with standard imperial terminology, calling it “humanitarian emigration”.

Here the Israeli finance minister underlines how Gaza must be cleansed:
Did you catch that at the end?
Once again in totally choreographed fashion, he states this “humanitarian solution” must be enacted to save Gazans. Yes, the Israeli “final solution” but in “humanitarian” robes.
On cue, Nikki Haley follows the directive in her new interview, shockingly openly calling for ethnic cleansing:
In fact, her statement is extremely anti-Semitic against Palestinians because she uses subtly coded pre-genocide language to dehumanize Palestinian civilians as ‘Hamas’ operatives and, by extension, “terrorists”—eligible for legal elimination, it is to be inferred. This is a highly dangerous anti-Semitic trope used by racist Zionists in recent videos where they have attributed “all Palestinians” to be either Hamas or Hamas-“affiliated” in order to justify their calls for genocide against them.
For instance from today:
Note how the anti-Semite above considers all Palestinian children to be guilty by association in order to excuse her warped genocidal fantasies.
In the same vein, Nikki Haley’s call to relocate all Gazans into “Hamas” countries is clearly an attempt to subconsciously link innocent civilians to ‘terrorism’. And that’s of course besides the fact that she’s openly calling for ethnic cleansing of an entire population, which is a crime against humanity, and goes against every international law—except the western Luciferian “Rule of Law”.
Now it’s been reported that Israel is attempting to force friendly countries to pressure South Africa’s judges who have filed a genocide case in the international court at the Hague against Israel:
According to a cable obtained by Axios, the Israeli Foreign Ministry is calling on the country's embassies to pressure host country diplomats and political leaders to swiftly issue an "immediate and unequivocal statement along the following lines: To publicly and clearly state that YOUR COUNTRY rejects the outrage[ous], absurd, and baseless allegations made against Israel."
The cable warns that "a ruling by the court could have significant potential implications that are not only in the legal world but have practical bilateral, multilateral, economic, security ramifications." Israel is seeking to prevent an injunction ordering the country to suspend its attack on Gaza.
That’s not to mention the fact that members of Israeli Knesset’s own pro-Arab Hadash-Ta’al political party have joined in on the lawsuit for the Hague, according to Jerusalem Post:
But Israel’s plan appears to amount to this: slow-roll the operation while desperately searching the globe for a place willing to have Gazans offloaded onto it. We’ve seen Congo in discussion, with Haley bringing up Qatar, Iran, Turkey, etc.—all prima facie non-serious suggestions.
Israel officials have clearly signaled that they intend to occupy Gaza, and Netanyahu just this week reiterated that they will “not stop the war” until all objectives are reached.
By the way, as a slightly tangential note, here’s Israeli ambassador Mark Regev openly admitting that we haven’t seen a single killed Hamas fighter—yet preposterously attributing this to the fact that “Hamas controls all images out of Gaza”:
How does that make any sense? Does Hamas control all the IDF bodycams and endless videos that Israeli soldiers have released of themselves romping through Gaza? How is Hamas behind the fact that the IDF itself has not shown us a single eliminated Hamas militant? What does this really tell us about how many “Hamas fighters” the inept IDF has actually “eliminated”?
This is the same individual who said with a straight face that it’s a lie to claim Israel has killed a single Palestinian child:
This is how immorally and reprehensibly sick a government can become when it is given unfettered moral license to act as it pleases without any international accountability whatsoever.
You don’t say?
One of the consequences of all this is the Biden administration has become divided like never before. Yesterday we learned that Raytheon Lloyd was hospitalized in intensive care for days without the president’s knowledge:
The United States of America, at a time of historic international upheaval and danger to ‘American interests’ abroad, was functionally without a Secretary of Defense for almost a week without the commander-in-chief’s knowledge. Some assumed Austen’s deputy Kathleen Hicks would take over—except she was on ‘vacation’ in Puerto Rico at the time. How convenient!
It ties into the Israeli situation because rumors have it disgruntled White House staffers were responsible for hiding the information from Biden over his contentious stance on Palestine—another case of open rebellion, if true. It once more highlights the deepening rifts within the corrupt and beleaguered Biden administration.
As to Lloyd’s “minor elective procedure”—which appeared to leave him comatose for nearly an entire week—there’s no definitive word. But some suspect it may have been an emergency surgical extraction of an uncashed Raytheon kickback from his netherside.
As a parting item, enjoy this song by a Palestinian girl named Nour, who sings beautifully about the Arab nations abandoning Palestine:
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This is ironic. For all the Western propaganda about Putin having heart attacks, Lloyd Austin seems to be the one in the hospital.
It's become the equal of the West claiming that Russia was going to run out of missiles and now the West is finding itself running out of weapons to send to Ukraine, with lead times for replacements years away.
As far as the IDF, I think that the war has outed the truth that the IDF is a paper tiger. It can hurt civilians who can't fight back, but it cannot do as well in a conventional fight or against Hamas, which is a dug in opponent.
This seems to be in line with what the Russian SMO has revealed about the Western military-industrial and their limited power.
In my 65 years of life, I have felt a lot of things but the one emotion I never truly experienced until now? DESPAIR.