A bombshell wiretap leak has set the intelligence and geopolitical world ablaze today, revealing high ranking members of the German Bundeswehr openly discussing plans to supply the Taurus missiles and help Ukraine destroy Russia’s Kerch Bridge.
Many are understandably pinning the leak on Russia’s GRU, but it seems just as—if not more—plausible that it was leaked by German insiders themselves in order to thwart the plans of their own deepstate establishment which is clearly bent on starting WWIII.
Before anyone questions the authenticity, let us first begin with the validation by Der Spiegel, who rules it as most likely legit:
Spiegel writes about the authenticity of the audio recording of German officers discussing the attack on the Crimean Bridge.
"After initial analysis, it is presumed that the recording of the meeting is authentic. According to the initial assessment, the possibility of forgery using AI is largely ruled out," the publication reports.
Here are the most damning snippets:
As well as another interesting couple:
Here is the full recording for those interested—though, caveat, it’s an auto-machine translation and may have irregularities:
And here is a transcript of it provided by RT’s Margarita Simonyan, for those who prefer reading—though you’ll have to do a machine translation in your browser:
It’s clear that there is an ongoing internal revolt in Europe by the last remaining sane faction against the hardliners pushing WWIII. This is evident by the fact that this entire pressure wave of ‘leaks’ suddenly coincided together from a variety of directions, which included Scholz himself outing British involvement in the war:
In light of Scholz’s disclosures, a slew of revelations have come to light about NATO’s true involvement in the war:

But what’s more, according to the Le Monde article above—though it’s behind a paywall—France is considering sending a contingent of special forces to Ukraine specifically to create a “strategic dilemma” for Russia:
The French government allegedly views such a troop deployment as a way of posing a “strategic dilemma” for Moscow, the paper said, adding that it could “constrain” Russia’s targeting and strike capabilities. In particular, it may prove to be “essential” ahead of the arrival of US-made F-16 fighter jets, scheduled to take place later this year, the French daily added.
Keep in mind, ostensibly, they’re referring to a small contingent of troops placed somewhere in the rear to ‘train’ Ukrainian soldiers. But the ‘strategic dilemma’ part is very interesting—what could they possibly mean by that?
The article makes some interesting revelations. For instance, it seems to suggest that the timed release of all the current hints is a precisely choreographed CIA campaign meant specifically to give signals to Moscow:
US intelligence services's controlled transparency operation – known as "campaigning" – is part of their plan to reinforce a form of strategic ambiguity that was initiated by Monday's meeting of allies in Paris, several sources close to the matter told Le Monde. Although the US was not involved in the precise wording of what Macron was going to say and may have been surprised by his remarks, the prospect of sending Western troops to Ukraine had been talked about in advance. The US had also sent a representative to Paris. The growing pressure from Moscow on Europe's eastern flank is worrying the US as much as the other participants.
On the aspect of ‘strategic dilemma’ they note specifically:
But here is the final and most important paragraph of the entire article, which ties directly into things I’ve been writing about and predicting here from the very beginning:
Paris wants to provide Kyiv training in surface-to-air defense in particular, which has been targeted by the Russians. The presence of French soldiers, or those of other nationalities, would potentially secure certain areas of Ukrainian territory and severely restrict Moscow's current unfettered bombing. An allied presence would also prove essential to the promised arrival of American-built F-16s in Ukraine in 2024.
And that, folks, is what gives the true game away.
Recall my earliest predictions about NATO coming in to ‘secure’ certain critical areas of West Ukraine from Russian takeover at the final hour when all else fails and it seems certain that Russia will overrun the AFU. I spoke specifically about Odessa, with the 101st and 82nd coming to dogpile and squat on it simply in the hopes that Russia will cautiously refuse to send troops, in fear of ‘clashing’ with NATO forces and starting WWIII.
It seems the French have got the same idea, though it may be for a different area or areas—hoping that by simply placing troops there, Russia will hesitate from striking the critical infrastructure for fear of killing NATO soldiers.
Interestingly, however, soon after French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne rejected this possibility:
No combat troops will be sent to Ukraine, French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne told Radio France Inter on Friday. Earlier, the nation’s president Emmanuel Macron told journalists that NATO could entertain such a possibility in the future.
Paris would not risk a direct conflict between Moscow and the US-led bloc, Sejourne said when asked to comment on Macron’s remarks. “Everything we do is to avoid war” between Russia and NATO, the minister said, adding that the French government did not want to increase the level of anxiety among its citizens.
A new poll from Le Figaro likewise showed 68% of French citizens do not approve of troop deployment to Ukraine:

68 percent of French people do not approve of Emmanuel Macron's position on the possibility of introducing Western troops into Ukraine, 31 percent agree. This is according to a poll published by Le Figaro newspaper
However, on the heels of these bombshells, Canada attempted to join the fray:

The Canadian Minister of National Defense, Bill Blair stated today that Canada is willing to Participate in a NATO-Led Training Mission for Ukraine, which would involve the Deployment of a Limited Contingent of Canadian Servicemembers into Ukraine, who would assist in the Training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and act in a Non-Combatant Role against Russia away from the Frontlines.
You can see the desperate, seeking attempts to find any lifeline for Ukraine. The NATO/EU nomenklatura are scrambling to create any possible conditions that may give Ukraine a tiny leg up, or even some leeway or breathing room for a few months.
In general, though, this recent spate of threatening announcements could simply be a message to Russia: in essence, a warning in attempt to get Russia to make concessions about resolving the conflict, or simply to keep it from pursuing the most maximalist goals.
This of course all stems from the urgency inherent to Russia’s growing battlefield initiative, where Russian forces continue breaking through Ukrainian lines, generating total trepidation across the Western globalist ruling class:
Lloyd, for instance, again reiterated the tired threat today:
“If Ukraine Falls, NATO Will Fight Against Russia” – Lloyd Austin "If Ukraine loses, Putin will not stop, he will continue to attack and seize the sovereign territory of his neighbors," Austin claimed during a House Armed Services Committee hearing. Adding, "And if you're a Baltic country, you're very worried about being next. And that's why they know Putin, they know what he's capable of. And frankly, if Ukraine loses, I really believe that NATO will go to war with Russia."
There could also be a couple other potential explanations:
Firstly, France in particular may be pushing the brinkmanship due to:
The fact that Russia may have seriously wounded them by killing a bunch of secret French special forces in the infamous strike in January.
Some believe that Macron is being heavily ‘pressured’ by his generals to pay back Russia for the grave humiliation it doled out unto France in Africa, by using hybrid warfare to boot the French colonialist presence there and totally usurp control over Francophone ex-colonies.
The combination of both explanations is fairly plausible, logic would dictate.
Some reports even suggest that Macron wants to push the issue further, likely owing to this very pressure he’s under:
🇫🇷🇺🇦🇷🇺Macron wants to gather the leaders of all parties in the French parliament to discuss the war in Ukraine.
Le Figaro reports this.
The publication writes that the French President, “isolated among Western countries after statements about the potential dispatch of ground troops to Ukraine,” wants to raise this topic at a meeting with the leaders of French parties.
It seems France is desperate to regain some form of lost prestige or influence on the world stage, or is merely now just out for pure revenge.
But what’s more troubling is that in light of the earlier Telegraph article, where Scholz ‘exposed’ British operations in Ukraine, some other grave rumors have been illuminated. For instance, though unsourced, a new rumor claims that British servicemen directly operated the air defense systems which shot down the Russian Il-76 carrying Ukrainian POWs over Belgorod recently:
Ukraine sources. IL-76 with UAF POWs was shot down by British servicemen operating in the Kharkov region. UK government has now obtained written immunity from prosecution for all involved. No one will face consequences. Kiev has quietly lodged a request for return of the bodies.
These combined revelations paint a stark picture of NATO’s true involvement in the war—but, alas, it is one that we have already long suspected. Particularly, readers of my blog will have long known about the deep involvement from my consistent coverage on the topic, like when I posted videos of AFU servicemen openly describing Polish and other soldiers operating their own equipment, like AH Krabs, etc. It’s just telling that this is coming out in the open now, which further emblemizes the current period as one of culmination, and perhaps termination phase for Ukraine.
Ultimately, though, it shows the utter disarray that NATO and the West are in. It’s clear that there is huge disagreement and perhaps even outright revolt—what else could possibly cause Scholz to come out to countermand, and outright expose, his allies in this way?
Additionally, some harsh words of accusation have now been thrown around by bloc members:
Tobias Ellwood, the former chairman of the UK Commons’ defence committee, said: “This is a flagrant abuse of intelligence deliberately designed to distract from Germany’s reluctance to arm Ukraine with its own long-range missile system. This will no doubt be used by Russia to racket up the escalator ladder.”
Ultimately, the entire German bombshell, vis a vis the Taurus missiles, is quite humorous given that in the recording, the German high command openly laments they only have about 50 Taurus missiles they could potentially give, admitting that “this would not change the war”:
Also, the recording confirms not only my long-standing assertion in regard to hardened bridges in general, that it takes upwards of 10-20 missiles to take them out, but that the Kerch in particular could take even a far greater amount.
This pretty much condemns such an operation to implausibility; in the recording, the Germans give out another secret: Ukraine, according to them, has “single digits” Su-24s remaining—i.e. less than 10. In order to hit the bridge with the needed 20 Taurus missiles or so to bring a section down, they’d need a fairly large complement of planes simultaneously launching the missiles.
Secondly, there’s very little chance of that many missiles bypassing Russia’s air defense on the bridge, which thus far has been pretty much impenetrable. Even with a saturation attack, they may get one or two to go through, but certainly not all 10-20, particularly given the fact they’ve already attempted previous saturation attacks many times, and every single one was shot down in full. The Kerch has been one area where Russia has not slacked in air defense and seems to have its most powerful systems and best crews present, which is why Ukraine has been forced to rely on either naval drone strikes, or outright terrorist suicide attacks.
The key summarizing takeaways are the following:
The West is absolutely desperate to staunch Ukraine’s impending collapse and have doubled down on taking out the Kerch Bridge as their final ‘holy grail’ of salvation
The West is in disarray, with secret infighting, backbiting, double-crossing, or outright revolt amongst the ranks due to terminal fear of uncontrollable escalation
The combination of the above is a decisive confirmation that the Ukrainian military is getting down to its dregs and could be on its final legs
In fact, Substack’s very own
phrased it best on X: the Kerch has become the WhiteThe last most important point that’s come to light amid all this recent controversy is the further illumination of the deep role that the CIA has played in Ukraine from the beginning.
In particular, a new NYTimes article details some startling never-before-seen information which in many ways serves to vindicate Russia:
The article is a must-read, and openly admits that the CIA helped build 12 secret underground bases/bunkers along the Russian border, which are used to spy on Russia and launch terror attacks on its territory:
There is also one more secret: The base is almost fully financed, and partly equipped, by the C.I.A.
“One hundred and ten percent,” Gen. Serhii Dvoretskiy, a top intelligence commander, said in an interview at the base.
It states the partnership took root more than a decade ago, i.e. even before the Maidan movement, and now serves such purposes:
The C.I.A. and other American intelligence agencies provide intelligence for targeted missile strikes, track Russian troop movements and help support spy networks.
The most notable revelation completely repudiates years of propagandists’ claims that Russian FSB/GRU/etc. had assassinated top Donbass ‘patriotic’ figures, like Motorola, Givi, Zakharchenko, Mozgovoy, etc. These propagandists, many of them 6th columnist ostensibly pretending to be ‘pro-Russian patriots’, attempted to tie these incidents into a wider conspiracy theory about the Kremlin allegedly hunting down any “true patriots” like Strelkov and co.
But now, the CIA readily admits via their NYTimes mouthpiece that it was in fact the secret Ukrainian intelligence directorate they trained, which carried out the murders of figures like Motorola:
In fact, rather than being responsible for the murders, Russia had avenged them, according to the CIA Times:
A shadow war was now in overdrive. The Russians used a car bomb to assassinate the head of Unit 2245, the elite Ukrainian commando force. The commander, Col. Maksim Shapoval, was on his way to meeting with C.I.A. officers in Kyiv when his car exploded.
As a final emphasizing point, listen to this unearthed talk from January 14, 2022, just before the Russian invasion. Ukrainian politician and former presidential candidate Yvegeniy Muraev, leader of the now-banned “Nashi” party, lucidly enumerates precisely what was then dawning on Ukraine, that so many blinkered Ukrainians failed—or willfully neglected—to see:
In particular take note of his reference to the British building bases in the Odessa region, a fact I myself have belabored since the beginning of this blog, which greatly contributed to Russia being forced to take the actions it eventually took.
For the last part, let’s move into some of the battlefield updates which are, after all, driving much of the frenetic urgency we’re seeing out of the West, which is responsible for the latest leak fiasco. If it wasn’t for Russia’s overwhelming battlefield successes, and Ukraine’s concomitant ongoing collapse, we wouldn’t see these drastic and risky measures taking place.
The only thing I want to cover today in this regard is the current ‘meta’ surrounding the Avdeevka line collapse. We’ve discussed how most of it is owed to Ukraine’s inability to build proper second echelon defenses on this axis, for a variety of reasons which include corruption and embezzlement.
From a Ukrainian source:

One notable aspect missing from much of the analysis here is the fact that Ukraine’s collapse was precipitated in large part to order-spurning mutinies, with units like the 47th outright countermanding their own leadership to flee on their own. This has created chaos in this direction which the Ukrainian command is desperate to hide and sweep under the rug. But the truth has slowly come to light from several videos of captured AFU who confirm that they first withdrew, and only then the official order of withdrawal issued in order to save face.
For instance, listen to this recent POW’s brief words:
The 110th brigade was also said to have been mostly destroyed and is now being removed to the rear for reconstitution:
The writing is on the wall—even Ukrainian officials see what is obvious, that a domino effect may soon precipitate, with many areas falling one after the other:
So, what is the big concern in the Avdeevka axis in particular, besides the lack of constructed defenses? Here’s one view from a Russian military analyst:
Yevgeny Krutikov: "Behind the new line of defence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which has developed in the Avdeyevka area at the moment (provisionally around Orlovka), an empty space has opened up in which there are no natural obstacles capable of supporting new defensive fortifications."
Yevgeny Krutikov: "There is nothing like this up to the next major settlements of the Donbass, primarily Krasnoarmeysk (Pokrovsky). The enemy has not strengthened the small villages there in any way, thinking it wouldn’t be necessary."
What he’s saying is, behind Orlovka, which Russian forces were said to have taken today, there are no good, naturally defensible positions all the way up to Pokrovsk. And this happens to be precisely where all the current talk revolves around.
For reference, here’s the current defense line which is a temporary transit point that Ukraine has already mostly lost:
But the Vovcha River is the central focus of the commentariat presently, as being the first truly defensible position Ukraine can reliably fall back to in the medium term—a point Big Serge underscores:
The natural defensive barrier of the river shown in yellow below:
One Russian military linked channel says the river will be reached by end of March:
Two small boilers were formed near Avdiivka-between three settlements: Tonenke-Orlovka-Berdychy. They record conversations between military personnel, equipment and personnel. These "dead men" should slow down the advance of the Russian army, which is expected to reach the watershed of the Volchya River by the end of March. The next frontier for our infantry will be the Umanskaya-Novoselovka line to the west. The enemy will not have time to dig in well there and will not hold these villages.
And a Ukrainian take:
from Ukrainian channel
evening 02/28/2024
[The cascade of reservoirs should contribute to our defense in the Avdeevsky direction, - press secretary of the AFU Tavria OSUV (Group) Likhovoy]
The APU will withdraw (while preserving HP as much as possible) beyond the Karlovskoye Reservoir and a chain of reservoirs, floodplains and streams along the vector to Ocheretino.
While the Armed Forces of Ukraine are fighting for the villages of Pervomaiskoye and Netailovo, their rear forces will be building new lines of defense behind the Karlovsky water chron at a frantic pace.
(our videoconferencing and high-precision technology will help them). Because the dam explosion will be blamed on our FABs in any case.
It is possible that several dams in the adjacent ponds and the Charles Dam itself will be blown up during our offensive.
This is further supported by Rezident UA channel:
Our source in the General Staff said that Syrsky gave the team to prepare Selidovo for defense and the creation of a fortified area from the city, while Pokrovsk, which now brings technology and BC, should become the main center of resistance.
The command has already transferred more than ten thousand military personnel to that area, who occupy empty houses and apartments, to create defensive structures.
Not to mention the following:
MI-6 handed over new intelligence to the Office of the President and the General Staff, which contains information on the preparation by the Russian army of four new strike corps for the spring offensive in eastern Ukraine. British intelligence believes that the Kremlin wants to collapse the front and seize new territories in order to strengthen its position in a protracted war.
As a final note:
Here’s a very evocative video of Orlovka, just to the west of Lastochkino in Avdeevka:
Most striking are the gigantic Fab-500 craters, which are distinct from the regular 152mm shell craters moonscaping the surroundings. Julian Roepcke once more grieved at the sight of it, describing how Ukrainian positions were annihilated by the endless waves of Russian glide bombs, and how they stand no chance because of it:
He further elucidates the situation:
This quite astute observation from an ex-chairman of the NATO military committee, Harald Kujat, regarding the fallacy of ‘wunderwaffen’—like the Taurus missiles—saving Ukraine in any way:
The opinion that Western arms supplies will turn the strategic situation at the front in Kiev’s favor is a fallacy. The ex-chairman of the NATO military committee, Harald Kujat, speaks about this. He also reminded the audience that “there were negotiations in Istanbul with an excellent result for Ukraine.”
“All the dead Ukrainians, as well as all the dead or wounded Russians after April 9, are due to the fact that Ukraine was not allowed to sign this peace treaty,” says Kujat.
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In December 2019, I was in Kharkov - city near the Russian border and the front line in the Donbas. I took a taxi. The driver could speak a little English. He asked me where I was from. I told him Australia. He looked thoughtful and then told me that there were "many Australians in Kharkov". I asked him if they were soldiers and he merely smiled.
Imagine my surprise to find that Australia was fighting against Russia. It could only have been the Australian SAS and in substantial numbers. If the Australians were there, you can be sure that their British cousins were also there.
I am sure the Russians knew all of this long ago. There are many thousands of "Russians" in Kharkov and it would seem that these troops were not being very discreet.
The fact Der Speigel authenticated it tells me it was the Germans who leaked it