SITREP 5/26/24: NATO's Yipping Chihuahuas Strain Their Leash as Russia Gears Up for Next Wave
We start today with a new Hollywood production that must be seen to be believed for its crass dramatization and phony caricaturization of the war by the actor Zelensky:
He’s trying to galvanize European support on the eve of the Swiss “Peace Conference” coming up in the middle of June, where he hopes to make some grand gesture toward solidarity against Russia.
In the above performance, by the way, he cites Russia’s destruction of Ukrainian books as some sort of tragedy, even crudely invoking Fahrenheit 451 for some emotive effect; how convenient, then, that he leaves out his own Guy Montag moment:
Funny how some books are more valuable than others.
But getting back:
The ongoing effort being coordinated from the highest offices of the shadow deepstate of the Atlanticist West sees a major campaign of European/NATO pressure against Russia with threats of boots on the ground. This has picked up pace, with Lithuanian foreign minister Landsbergis attempting to take the lead in sending troops for the putative purpose of ‘training’ on Ukraine’s territory:
Meanwhile, Der Spiegel writes that the Baltics and Poland “will not wait” for Russian troops to be “deployed on their border” and would send troops to Ukraine if Russian forces achieve a major breakthrough:
I suppose the Baltics aren’t great with geography, given that they already share a border with Russia.
But beyond that, they continue to seed the ground with potential falseflag justifications for some type of war against Russia. This week, the new claim of ‘threat’ is Russia allegedly seeking to capture Finland’s Aland Island:
This is lurid absurdity and tragicomedy in one. How abjectly brainwashed and brainless does one’s populace have to be to truly believe Russia seeks to invade those worthless islands belonging to two insignificant countries? From the Newsweek article above:
Sweden's NATO accession has made the Gotland issue even more pointed. "I'm sure that Putin even has both eyes on Gotland," Micael Bydén—the supreme commander of Sweden's armed forces—told the German editorial network RND this week. "Putin's goal is to gain control of the Baltic Sea."
"If Russia takes control and seals off the Baltic Sea, it would have an enormous impact on our lives—in Sweden and all other countries bordering the Baltic Sea. We can't allow that," Bydén added.
This is of course all part and parcel to the longstanding 3SI or Three Seas Initiative, the cabal’s plan to extend the Empire’s hegemony over all the Baltic, Adriatic, and Black Sea.
The hysteria continues apace with the corporate deepstate mill churning out one fake after another to propagandize European chattel into total fear and obedience into accepting the corporo-banking cabal’s need for global war:
Sure, it’s Russia that’s sabotaging everything, not the guys who did Nordstream.
The U.S. in the meantime has stepped up provocations of its own by flying nuclear bombers over the Baltics in a clearly threatening continuation of the campaign to pressure and rattle Russia, displaying some sort of ‘solidarity of strength’:
Interestingly, a video has appeared showing Russian troops dismantling navigation buoys on the Narva River between Russia and the ‘dwarf country’ of Estonia:
⚡️🔥⚡️In the video, Russian border guards dismantle navigation buoys installed by Estonia.
The line of control on the Narva River is reviewed every spring as the course of the river changes over time.
Before the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, the buoys were mainly installed by mutual agreement between Russia and Estonia, but since 2023 the Russian side no longer agrees with Estonia's position on the location of the buoys, the Estonian department reports⚡️🔥⚡️
While Russian MOD reportedly proposed moving Russia’s border within the Baltic Sea:
Russian Ministry of Defense proposed moving Russia's border with Lithuania and Finland in the Baltic Sea
Russia believes that the current border was approved in 1985 and does not correspond to the current “geographical situation.”
The new border will allow the use of the Baltic Sea as internal sea waters. Rosreestr was instructed to take into account changes in the Russian state border in the Baltic Sea, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was instructed to deposit copies of the adjusted and reissued maps with the UN Secretary General.
The changes are expected to come into force in January 2025

Well, two can play the game of cheap theater. Plus, if true, the above is likely a preemptive prophylactic against a move the Baltics had already threatened for a while since the start of the SMO: to play ‘games’ with their EEZs (Economic Exclusivity Zones) by widening them in the Gulf of Finland and elsewhere to prevent the Russian fleet’s ability to make passage of any kind.
Meanwhile the Estonian president Alar Karis stated that the West “must bring Putin and Russia to their knees” before any serious negotiations can ensue:
More and more the Atlanticist cabal of the EU and DC-controlled West are demonstrating just how totalitarian and undemocratic they’ve become. Yesterday a quite revealing story surfaced from the current Georgian prime minister Irakli Kobakhidze about how he was essentially threatened with assassination by EU commissioner Olivér Várhelyi for his perceived ‘pro-Russian’ foreign agent law.
But most shocking of all, instead of being buried in the mill of the ‘interesting/probable but unverifiable’ as is usually the case with such juicy rumors, the actual EU official in question came out and outright admitted it—but, of course, he couched it with an excuse about how he was actually trying to help Kobakhidze by warning him that he was engendering a ‘dangerous’ sentiment which could lead to a similar fate as that of the recently shot Robert Fico:
Commissioner Várhelyi: “Being fully aware of the very strong pro-EU sentiment of the Georgian society, during my phone conversation I felt the need to call the attention of the Prime Minister on the importance not to enflame further the already fragile situation by adopting this law which could lead to further polarisation and to possible uncontrolled situations on the streets of Tbilisi. In this regard, the latest tragic event in Slovakia was made as an example and as a reference to where such high level of polarisation can lead in a society even in Europe. Once again, I regret that one part of my phone call was not just fully taken out of context but was also presented to the public in a way which could give rise to a complete misinterpretation of the originally intended aim of my phone call.”
How noble of him!
Do you see how these gangsters operate? Is it any coincidence that just as their global cabal begins crumbling at speed we witness them resort to the furthest scale of desperate tactics? Iran’s entire ruling government taken out, Robert Fico shot, now Georgian PM being openly threatened with assassination; that’s likely just the tip of the iceberg we can see—many other resistance sphere leaders and politicians most likely face quieter threats which they don’t make public.
Kobakhidze also gave another interesting statement about how the U.S. has been trying to turn Georgia into a war front against Russia since 2002:
Naturally, the timing comes right after Putin took office, and was merely the continuation of the Chechen war of the caucuses that the CIA lost and for which it needed a replacement to keep Russia from ever rising from its knees. Of course, the first Ukrainian color (Orange) revolution occurred not long after that in 2004—the opening sallies of a long multi-vectored war to destroy Russia and balkanize the Slavic people, which are not only the most numerous ethnicity in all of Europe, but represent the greatest threat to the Anglo-Atlanticist Empire.
On the heels of all the hysteria amid Ukraine’s ongoing collapse, we have the latest establishment publication from another neocon writing for the CFR’s ‘Foreign Affairs’:
If you want a laugh, by the way, check ‘Eliot Cohen’s’ reputation:
In short, another racist warmongering Zionist neocon responsible for millions of deaths in the Middle East.
His latest masterpiece attempts to belly our sails with the laughable “theory” that Ukraine can still win the war. In the farcical piece the scheming little vermin openly salivates over doing grave damage to Russian ‘society’:
Unfortunately most of his laughable analysis is premised on total narcissistic hubris:
[Russia’s] artillery systems are based on old models and lack precision and long-range capabilities, and its multiple-launch rocket systems, tanks, and aviation equipment are no match for Western models. If Ukraine can increase precision strikes by long-range artillery, it can turn the war’s arithmetic against Russia and impose an unacceptable rate of attrition on Moscow.
He goes on to cite ISIS’s “shocking success” in striking Moscow as clear evidence of the vulnerability of Putin’s putative regime. Need one say more about such analysis? And this is the Empire’s best on offer.
Now, mainstream press continues squealing about Russian production advantages.
So, they claim Russia is now or soon to be doing 4.5M shells per year, which is 375,000 a month, which further allows the firing of 12,500 per day. Recall the U.S. recently celebrated achieving 36,000 per month production:
The numbers of Russia’s daily firing rate appear to accord with recent Ukrainian battlefield updates, like this one from a UA soldier’s Twitter today:
Using the median of 9 shells per minute, 60 minutes x 9 hours = 4,860 shells per day fired just on the Volchansk front alone.
The West, however, claims to be steadily building up their productive capacities. A new Ukrainian report alleges that France is building a new 155mm shell plant in Belgium, which will be completed soon:
Of course, the fine print on the bottom, as always, goes like this:
Despite the opening, the plant’s full operation will begin no earlier than 2025, excluding the increase in production rates.
Meanwhile, Putin has continued to acknowledge our previous reporting about Russia’s main aims in restructuring the armed forces. In a new speech given during his visit to the JSC Tactical Missile Corporation production site near Moscow, he openly announces the creation of a People’s MIC.
Listen carefully below—he spells out precisely what I have been writing for the past several weeks, the dynamic collaboration and synthesis of both civilian/private innovation with the military technical enterprises of the State:
You see how he says that each Ruble has to work not only for the military but for the economy as a whole? This is the “dual use” technologies I was referring to. It is the development of technologies which can have versatile applications. For instance, an autonomous robotic vehicle which can both be used by the military for logistics transportation and deliveries as well as civilian markets in factories, foundries, etc. Although the ‘dual use’ concept extends to far more intricate manifestations like individual chips or components which can be interchanged between civilian/military systems and thus ordered wholesale en masse.
He further clinches it:
The country’s defense industry, which has been booming amid the hostilities, must not only become more efficient in meeting the needs of the military, but also diversify and become more involved in civilian manufacturing, according to Putin.
“Delivering on this systemic objective is instrumental for streamlining the defense sector’s manufacturing potential and helping talented professionals advance their careers. Overall, this would create a more sustainable footing for defense manufacturers by offering them a solid economic and financial foundation in the long run,” he explained.
And the most important:
The president also touched upon the civilian crowd-funded military manufacturers that have emerged amid the hostilities. The solutions they offer – such as radio-electronic warfare devices or sophisticated drones – must be fast-tracked for adoption by the military, the president said.
“We must also be effective when using assets supplied by the so-called grassroots defense manufacturing sector. We must enable it to develop and expand its manufacturing operations, and introduce a fast-track procedure for supplying its most effective solutions to the army,” Putin stated.
In essence, when independent Russian teams innovate and create something functional and effective, there will now be a much more fluid pipeline connecting their designs directly to the MIC which will allow the instantaneous scaling and mass production of the product. This includes the things which Russian engineering teams are cobbling together on the frontline itself. As you know, many of the top Russian drone systems and other jury-rigged EW and other gizmos are made by soldiers on the front themselves, who have the direct frontline experience and capacity to immediately test them in real-world conditions, which no scientist sitting in some MIC lab can dream of expediently doing.
Now, Russia has identified this precise pipeline as critical to future development and will do everything possible to nourish and support its actualization and growth; this is what a major part of Putin and Belousov’s new initiative is all about.
If it wasn’t any clearer, here’s Russia’s chief of the Trade and Industry Ministry, Denis Manturov emphasizing the point:
⚡️ In Russia, a new state weapons program is being formed with the cooperation of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Industry and Trade , said Denis Manturov.
In fact, this was part of a huge new initiative already launched, according to Manturov, which will entail a program for the years of 2025-2035. Critical to this sweeping initiative is the inter-marriage of Russia’s more ‘insular’ defense contractors with outside civilian developers that will loosen the innovation bottleneck. New defense minister Belousov expanded on this further:
According to Belousov, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation should "open" the Ministry of Defense for constructive work with scientific centers, participants in economic activities, manufacturers of military-technical products and components that are needed for the production of military equipment.
On the topic of Ukraine’s mobilization bad news continues to pile up.
Firstly, as we know Ukraine began pulling mass amounts of men from brigades on other active fronts to staunch the territorial losses in the north Kharkov breakthrough. This has already had a deleterious effect, causing multiple losses of territory on other fronts as they have become majorly undermanned.
One of these is Khrynki, wherein immediately after UA’s 36th Marines were pulled from there to help reinforce Kharkov it was announced that Khrynki was finally folding for good and that AFU were abandoning it for other more defensible islands nearby, though it hasn’t been fully confirmed on the ground yet.
Elsewhere Russian forces have continued plowing along to the AFU’s cries:
This has resulted in rumors that Syrsky would be scapegoated by Zelensky:
As well as the reported announcement that the Ukrainian general staff would be ‘scaled down’ by 60%, with many sent to the front:
If there’s even a hint of truth to the above, I’d far likelier wager the real reason being Zelensky’s need to crop the command a tad in order to rein in growing prospects of military coup.
Now, rumor has it that after a small hiatus of regrouping, Russian forces are poised to make another large-scale broad-fronted attack across the entire front:
In the coming Days/Weeks the entire Front will be activated from our side. In the coming hours the Regrouping and Rotation along the front will be completed. As already happened this morning in the Avdeevka area. And then our Troops began Offensive Operations again. This will happen in a timely manner from Zaporozhye to Kharkov. Now the enemy is exhausted and forced to jump from A to B. The Meat Grinder will start up at full speed shortly.
This was followed by reports from the Ukrainian side that the Sumy border is getting hotter and hotter:
In light of this, large new echelons of equipment were spotted in Vologda, Russia headed to the northern front, sporting the new tactical markings:
The T-80BVM Obr. 2022 have the code 133 painted on their mudguards, which means they likely belong to Russia's 4th Guards Tank Division, 1st Guards Tank Army, Moscow (Western) Military District. 26 May 2024 Vologda, Vologda Oblast
And this is just a portion of the recent echelons seen being sent to the front elsewhere days ago:
And finally, if you watched the end of the Zelensky presentation posted at the outset of this report, you’d note that he reveals that Russia is building a sizable force “90km northwest of Kharkov”. This would put that force precisely opposite Sumy, slightly to its east:
This may be the first time Zelensky has openly declared Russia’s intention to strike in Sumy region, which means that time is likely nigh.
And lastly, in light of this, there is now the following very interesting report:
For the first time since the withdrawal in August last year, Mi-24 attack helicopters and multi-purpose Mi-8s of the Russian Army Aviation were deployed to the territory of the Baranovichi military airfield near Minsk.
That being said, I’m not sure what that means, exactly, given that that airfield is far to the west of Belarus and not concomitant with a prospective Sumy incursion—or so it would seem.
But it could simply be Russia ‘loading the deck’ and getting all the old positions ready for combat for a variety of future incursions in different directions.
By the way, there was some chatter from concern trolls or doomsayers that Russia has gotten “bogged down” in Kharkov and that UA has even managed to retake a tiny bit of land near Liptsy. The fact is, this is all according to plan thus far because Russia’s chief aim for now is not to retake much land up there but to do precisely what is being done—get Ukraine to redeploy mass amounts of reserves so they can be ground down there while thinning lines everywhere else and allowing Russian forces to bear down with disproportionate numbers on Ukrainian defenders in other key areas.
It’s like the old feint maneuver: you dash out aggressively while making a lot of noise to draw out your opponent, then quickly dig in and let him impale himself on your defensive bulwarks as he over-eagerly believes he’s “driving you out”. It’s the same tactic in stirring up a hornet’s nest to bring them out of hiding only for the exterminator to be lying in wait. This is called the rhythm and tempo of combat. Russia is dancing all over NATO’s dimwitted command at the moment, nimbly advancing, resetting, defending with the ballon of a ballerina. NATO dimwits simply can’t wrap their heads around it and, judging by their “analysis” seen decorating the latrine stalls of social media, they’re capable of interpreting only the straightforward, one dimensional, telegraphed tactical actions like “attack from point A to B and capture the objective”. They don’t have the instinct for multilevel planning and therefore can’t possibly grasp the strategic throughline of the ongoing Kharkov operations.
A smattering of new headlines as a quick temp gauge:
The above CNN piece about the draft in particular segues into this video where a Ukrainian official declares that all “women and children” must be driven into Ukraine’s enterprises (read: factories) to save the country:
A last few interesting videos:
Two showcasing new Russian tank assaults, one where the tank is rinsing Ukrainian trenches at point blank range:
And another which shows the advancement and strengthening of successful Russian small armor unit maneuver tactics, in this case in Krasnogorovka:
At least two tank platoons (presumably T-72B/B3) of the 5th motorized rifle brigade named after. the first head of the DPR A.V. Zakharchenko are advancing into the urban areas of Krasnogorovka with the aim of promptly providing fire support to platoon-tactical infantry assault groups of the Russian army. The vehicles operate direct and semi-direct fire at the firing positions of anti-tank systems, grenade launchers, as well as sniper groups of the AFU in multi-storey buildings in Krasnogorovka. At the moment, more than 50% of the territory of the settlement is under the physical control of the Russian army. Fire contact shifted to the central region and to the private sector in the northwestern part of Krasnogorovka
A video showcasing Russian forces training their new motorbike trench assault tactics, which have been seen used more and more on the frontline:
This is one way Russian units have successfully worked around the drone threats recently, by advancing very quickly in highly dispersed motorbike squads. Sure, there have been some spectacularly gruesome losses via successful drone hits on these bikes, but they lead to poor analysis via selection bias by Ukrainian “analysts” as one or two gruesome kills always has an overt emotional/psychological exaggerative effect while not accurately representing the vast successes the tactic has provably yielded thus far, as seen in many videos. Any assault has losses, obviously: but losing one or two bikes with a guy or two on each does not equate to losing several slow APCs filled with 10 men each. But critical thinking has never been the strong suit of the pro-NATO faction.
However, this tactic, too, will eventually lose its luster as drones get even more ubiquitous, autonomous, and generally accurate.
Lastly, as wanton demonstration of the U.S.’ flaunting of any real ethical global strictures or standards, compromised (and probably kompromatized) Zionist puppet Mike Johnson has now openly declared the U.S. does not follow international law, because no international law supercedes American sovereignty:
While that sounds great and is true on paper, it sets quite the obvious precedent for every other nation to follow. Why the hypocrisy and double standards on Russia and China, then? If international law should never take priority over national interests and sovereignty then why bleat about Russia’s putative “breaking of international law”, putting on theatrical virtue signaling performances of the enshrined ‘hallowedness’ of these ‘inviolable’ statutes? But everything is clear: it’s why the U.S. itself is strategically clever in never using the designation when it applies to itself or allies. For Russia and China it’s the hallowed ‘international law’, for the Atlanticist Empire and its putrid dependents and vassals, it’s “Rules Based Order”, which allows them to semantically skirt the inherent hypocrisy.
I’ll leave you with this video of new defense minister Belousov being consecrated by Patriarch Kirill in the famed temple of the Russian Armed Forces near Moscow:
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Western merc's:
"We do not do this because it is easy... But because we thought it was easy."
You missed the most important piece of news - another Voronezh-M strategic early warning radar was attacked, this time in Orsk.
There was no damage this time - the drone fell some distance away from it - but the intent is clear.
Also, Orsk is 1,500 km away from Ukraine, and by straight line the drone would have to fly over Kazakhstan territory. So quite likely it was in fact launched from Kazakhstan. This was a large airplane-type drone. Just as the drone that hit the radar in Armavir may well have been launched from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, or even ships in the Black Sea.
Given that there was no immediate response to the attack in Armavir, what immediately followed was another attack. Who would have guessed...
Next on the menu presumably are the radars in Kaliningrad, Leningrad oblast, and perhaps even the one in Belarus. Given that drones (the source of which continues to not be established) have hit objects as far from Ukraine as Vyborg, there is no technical barrier to it.