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Sep 5, 2023
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Target the RECRUITMENT CENTERS and save 70 year old Ukrainian lives.

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Not so sure how many 404 casualties the Russians would be so inclined to give aid to if they have a much higher chance of contracting Aids, or other nasty infectious diseases?

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Sep 5, 2023
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AIDS was Fauci's first foray in to fake positives from PCR "testing" and then a make believe diagnosis with a dangerous "cure", AZT, to follow. And then they died.

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Sep 5, 2023
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Well, that's their purpose to feed "meat-grinder"...

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Yep. I wonder when the "recruiters" get to face the Russians.

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Targeting the recruiters would save a lot of Ukrainian lives.

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Me thinks they'll be facing the "real" "ukrainians" before that!

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Russ needs to hit RECRUITMENT CENTERS, draft centers and save the 70 year old grandpas. This would also serve to divide the people from those trying to use them as CANNON FODDER.

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That's the problem with Ukrainian left Jim, they lost their balls....

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Awesome thanks

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Anyone notice how in the BBC video when they showed the cemetery, the morgue and the lady that joined up they all had the Red and Black Bander flag? And that she was in the "Aidar Battalion"? These aren't just regular Ukrainians. These are the Nazis.

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I did notice that. But I thought there was some kind of anti-Bandera/Nazi meaning to the red and black, i.e. the "Colorado beetles" that the Azov fucks seem to hate so much and that they like to call residents of Donbass and Southern Ukraine. What am I missing here?

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"Red and black" is the Right Sector flag. It's the guys who burnt the Russian protestors alive in the Odessa trade union building. Hardly a friendly bunch.

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I read it as supporting these guys. Whoops sorry I am tired I didn't mean to call them anything bad. The St. George pro-Russians are characterized as beetles of red and black hue by the Azov nazi fucks. https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-colorado-beetle-separatists/25365793.html

Point being that it seemed strange given the obvious colors of the pro-Russia sect represented by the red and black (which in this war I support).

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it's orange and black, St George's ribbon, not red ; )

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We have a lot of their sympathizers in Toronto Canada. Chrystia Freeland carried a banner with other Ukranian Nazis at a "cultural" event. Even our now disgraced former Toronto Mayor John Tory was there holding another Right Sector banner--he was masked of course (coward). Its the funders and the apparatchiks that are the worst. The enablers.

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west coast canuck here.. i totally concur with your viewpoint here..

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I'm in Northern Ontario. Our country is under siege by the WEFers controlling our government. Treason at high levels goes unpunished as mainsteam media follows central command directives brainwashing our naive population with their false narratives. Also Health Canada is an oxymoron; a puppet of WHO. Our enemy is not Russia, it's our own government who have committed treason on its own population.

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The WEF has no power whatsoever. Let's not grasp for explanations that have no substance. Canada is run by the Privy Council. We were never a democracy. Having Poilievre in power likely would have made things worse because there would have been no lockdown support payments under him.

Fun fact: Robert Pickton, the BC pig farmer that murdered and ate Vancouver prostitutes for 20 years while the police turned a blind eye to witness reports, has a sister who is very high up in the European commission and a long time friend of Chrystia Freeland. That's no crazy conspiracy theory. It's traceable on the internet. She mustn't have security clearances or they'd have cleaned the web of any trace.

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I did not reply to Jamis because his or its (A.I.) comment is way off base and obfuscates the point I was driving at. Fun fact: The Canadian cabinet is filled with ministers who are WEF members. Hence, my factual conclusion that Canada is under siege by WEF and WHO. Treason by people in high places is in vogue here and there is no cavalry in place to save the day.

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Freeland and her relatives have a long history of supporting Bandera and his ilk. The red and black flag (Bandera's color) NOT yellow and blue Ukraine's colors were everywhere during her infamous march with other Ukrainians. Bizarrely Woke Canada is a hot bed of Banderites.

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The meaning of the red and black is "blood and soil".

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Yes the red and black banners (they are red-- the orange and black is a different thing) do mean this. Lots of Ukrainians here in Toronto have told me this on many occasions.

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I just saw a couple of these red-and-black + coat of arms trident flag wearing Ukro-cunts on the train here in Budapest, Hungary.

I was heavily considering yelling "Slava Ukraini" while doing a pulbic nazi salute at them, just to embarass them.

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The whole thing begs the question of why so many y nazis from around the world flock to the Kiev regime, especially since we all have been duly reassured that There Are No Nazis In Ukraine.

So why are so many actual Nazis so confused?

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Does Hungary allow patriots to publicly harass and embarrass the disenfranchised NAZI refugee?

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People are pretty apathetic to this war in Hungary. 3 complete generations have grown up under Russian communist oppression, and the "Ukrainian" persecution and harassment of ethnic Hungarians in the Trans Karpathian region has been going on for over a century, so we have historical skepticism against both sides. People don't know about the Right-sector, or Azov, but they're not blindly supporting Ukraine either.

You don't see blue and yellow flags anywhere on the streets, or only very rarely. Only very left wing globalists eurocrat shills put it up.

People think of Putin as an autocratic leader, but an OK one at that. It's like "Yes, he probably does shady things from time to time, but he gives us gas and oil, so we really don't give a fuck". Obviously the big city liberals are more on board with the message, and the rural areas less so, but both the average and the median person is apathetic.

So to answer your question, neither side enjoys any special empathy or hostility, it's like harassing any other guy: don't do it.

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Hungarians/Magyars as a people, are historically anti-Russian/anti-Slav & pro-Nazi, & generally would like to see the death of all Slavonic peoples. Honest Magyars say this openly, others pretend that its all about "Soviet oppression" - crap. No it isn't. Hungary hates Russia.

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Interesting. To me It watched like a media propaganda piece instead of some heart breaking news story being reported. It is the BBC. As always the fields of sunflowers over there blows me away.

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Krasnodar region on the other side of the border in Russia is the largest sunflower oil producing region in the world. Those fields are beautiful in late summer. The nickname for people in Krasnodar region is "kubany" or boars. Wild pigs are very common in the region, and more dangerous to hunt than bear. Old Russian saying: "A man goes to hunt bear, and his wife prepares a festive table for his return. He goes to hunt boar, and she digs his grave for his return."

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Kuban region after Kuban river, as Kuban Cossacks. Kaban is boar. The two words are not related.

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Thank you, I've misunderstood that for a long time.

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They are Nazis.

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CIA/Nazis and Zionist Jews are the two leading parasites and predators to mankind. They have a natural alliance with the Ukraine War… a quick search of history will reveal genocide, culling of their own people (deplorable whites and ghetto Jews),mass injections to change human genome, and now transhumanism. All the money from the Jewish Banking Mafia and all the political might is not their end goal - The GOAL is Divergent humanity: Rulers and serfs with different genomes.

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Totally agree, they are the one who all these times been working for the Anti-Christ to tilt things up and down as it says "on his right hand is water but it is hell fire, and his left hand is fire when it is actually water). It's not just doing evil but they are the evil who done evil things, they NEVER HAVE HAD any good intentions, just pure evil agendas.

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Where'd you get that idea from? References?

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Not just the Red and Black of Bandera but I also noticed the Blue and Gold Lion with Crowns of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician).


I don't want to read too much into the flags and logos but these are the flags and logos they chose for themselves. The 1st Galacian's weren't Hitler Youth kids or Volksstrum grandpas drafted into the trenches. The were foreigners who chose the Waffen SS.

They chose poorly.

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Were Nazis

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Interesting, but I just generally think, Kiev, Nazis.

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The last video…the heart and soul of the Mother~Fatherland💙🇷🇺❤️Thank you, my bestie of the far away reaches. ❤️🐈‍⬛

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Excellent. Thank you.

All of this death and destruction. May God have mercy on us.

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Difficult to see how Turkey can be allowed to join BRICS while a NATO member.

NATO would require it to do everything possible to undermine BRICS and, at least under Erdogan, Turkey is such a weasel that it would comply.

It is simply not possible to be in any way allied to the West and be a good faith member of BRICS.

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Erdo got no choice since Turk's economy in dire need of cheap gas and grain only Russia can provide.

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Russia will sell grain and gas to Turkey without it being in BRICS, as it already does.

For the BRICS countries, the problem with Turkey is not just that it is a NATO member but it has large USD and euro denominated debts and its economy is fragile. The US and EU are able to lever that financial dependence on them, with the threat of imploding Turkey's economy, to force Turkey's compliance with their wishes, as they did to force Turkey to agree to admitting Finland and Sweden to NATO. Turkey was required to do that to get further funding it desperately needed.

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It's also about the approximately 10 million refugees which will pour out of Turkey if that country's economy collapses. And the number of refugees could be even higher.

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I gotta have to ask you where do you think those people would go Sam?... Germany, EU are in tatters, I don't see any better option, Turkey is good place to live, judging from what I've seen on the internet. Please share some knowledge on this one.

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"Turkey is good place to live"

Not so good for displaced people, refugees. EU gives cash handouts.

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Yeah but the food taste much much better in Turkeh than in EU... Hhhhh...

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Erdo got no other way than supporting Multipolar world lead by Russia-China, there's no other choice, the US NATO betrayed and want him dead once, yet after that I don't see Erdo truly grasped the situation that's changing or he might not that smart enough to have solid plans to pull Turkey out of Crisis, he just doing what he been doing since old days, that's my only critic to him.

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Erdogan is duplicitous and always ready to negotiate a deal to renege on later. He has been like that since he was first elected. No one trusts him for a list of reasons.

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The not so Sultan Erdo was in Sochi begging Russian Tsar to save his ass again cause he knew he's the one in charge of leading multipolar world, and Russia is shaping the future of the Post-Western Hegemony world where Turkey would really be part of it since again no figure has more integrity and trust except... Putin.

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BRICS isn't a military alliance like NATO or CSTO, or even a formal treaty-based international organization like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, or the EU. It is an informal gathering of like-minded states with similar economic outputs and trajectories, like the G-7.

I appreciate the fact that there is a counterweight to the West, but BRICS is one of many, and probably the most hyped and least relevant of such counterweights.

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Isn't that interesting. People I know here think Russia wants to take over Europe militarily (while its already taken over militarily by the US) when all Russia want to do is allow countries to use their own currencies in trade. This has world wide appeal as every one hates the Caucasian imperialists, even us Caucasian imperialists. Do Ukrainians really want to die to make Ukraine into a new British colony, the new Israel? Guess who wants that here? (Hollywood)

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The EU and UK have 500 million people. If Russia decides to take western Europe and those 500 million aren't enough to stop Russia then they deserve to be conquered.

Estonia and Latvia are trying really hard to make a case for why they should get steam rolled by Russia/Belarus. Probably the only people that would care would be the Lithuanians. The rest of European NATO will declare Article 5 is in effect and deliver the 42 round of sanctions, pallets of water and strongly worded condemnations.

I don't think most of the surplus Ukrainians currently serving are too keen on dying for either Ukraine or NATO. They are between the rock and the hard place. In chess it's called a zugzwamg, black's move and all of the options are bad.

We pretty much insured other nations would look for alternatives other than the dollar by our short-sighted actions. The fool Rubio, my Senator, even gave an interview about how losing dollar dominance would prevent an economic sanctions club from being used and that was a bad thing. You can't fix stupid.

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USA aka globalist always tried to kill anything coming that challenge their world order and global dominance. And they don't fear BRICS, since they still got some upper hands although losing it faster day by day, they only fear Bona-fide Russian nuclear arsenals ready to kick their sorry asses back to when earth existing only as an enormous cloud of dust and gas.

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The first nation to use nukes will need to use all of them. Immediately.

Most of the US top leadership aren't globalists in the nature of the WEF and Agenda 2030. They don't believe in sharing. They do believe in looting.

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They aren't globalist or colonialist, never were, they are but evil.

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Also, who on Earth would trust Erdogan to play a straight bat after the way he treated Putin during the grain deal situation? He's probably rat out the BRICS meeting minutes to Biden.

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I think Turkey will go where it sees the most benefit and is fed up with Western meddling in its politics and financial markets. I expect they will be one of the first to collapse NATO.

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We can hope.

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One of the BRICS requirements is that the country be sovereign, making decisions in its own interests and not under another country's thumb. Turkey is playing both sides to maximize its own interests.

This is, in principle, exactly what BRICS was founded to do; to foster a multipolar world and allow countries a viable alternative to western hegemony. It will be interesting to see if Turkey is invited, and how NATO responds.

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Turkey isn't allied to anyone.

Erdogan is infamous as a fandancer who will fluff his parts to any and all. Anyone who expects different will inevitably be disappointed.

And note this is not an absolute term of disrespect: he clearly knows, like any great rug merchant, exactly how far to push without going over the line.

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History repeats itself, Azov Nazis will execute for a second time German and Polish Ukrainian refugees in an alike Auschwitz war zone camp. Who said European Union, NATO and Washington are different from extermination lager?

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The pixels forming an image, CIAzov, CIAvid, CIAbal,....

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CIAssholes as well

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I read this when it hit my inbox hours ago, but waited until now to make this comment. It would appear that not only would Monsanto, Cargill, the USG, and various petroleum firms in the west want Donbass depopulated of men between the ages of 17-49, but also all of Ukraine. Not only that, but the Ukrainian parliamentarian elites and their oligarchic and western billionaire/USG/UKG backers. It's all falling into place for me now. This is a depopulation exercise in the interest of removing obstacles to land and resource control by the western FIRE/energy/agriculture sector billionaire (and shareholder) elites AND the oligarch owned Ukrainian corrupt political elite which stand to benefit in the exact same way when there are no men in their prime to contest the land, resource, and other property grabs to come under disaster capitalism.

TL/DR: This is absolutely one of the most disgusting banker-elite wars in all of human history.

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AND...I'm sure some of the regulars here are old enough -or well educated enough anyway- to realize that when CCR wrote the "Senator's Son" song, there was nothing on this order of sacrificing the everyday men and women living on any particular plot of soil in terms of riches to be gained than the US/NATO/CoL proxy war. No fucking way any major Ukrainian politician or oligarch's son is fighting this meat wave war.

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My father was first in our family to graduate college. Turns out that 1964 was about the worst time you could ever pick to finish your ROTC scholarship and be eligible for four years of military service....

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My father graduated in 1966, almost same story. His older brother was drafted and went to Nam. My dad's lottery number never came up. My uncle came back mostly fine, BTW very much unlike my other uncle Pat from Korea. That fucked him up bad.

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I think the Western establishment is so deluded that they really believed the counter offensive would be a success. Their self grandiosity does not allow them to self reflect or think critically of their limitations in the economic and military sphere. They are stuck in a state of denial the likes of which I have never seen. After all, they were sternly convinced the sanctions would level Russia in a matter of weeks when realists clearly warned against such foolishness at the time.

Russia is still a backwards authoritarian shit hole that will lose the war, according to these people who are utterly detached from reality. Just because these people are rich and powerful does not mean they are sensible and or intelligent. More often than not they are narcissistic self absorbed opportunists who swindled themselves into high places with no real skills to show for. I mean just look at the German government is total joke FFS.

To your point I don't think this was a planned depopulation campaign from the jump but the Kiev scumbags definitively do not care about how many lives they destroy as long as the Western imperialists are lining their pockets with cash. And of course, for the banking elite this is a much welcomed side effect for the reasons you stated in your post.

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I disagree with your last paragraph but I'm fucking tired and it's late here. Still, I agree with most of what you said, but I am not in a mental state to expound in it, so I'll just say I liked and agree with a lot of what you wrote and will try to explain where I disagree tomorrow (or when I wake up anyway).

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> Russia is still a backwards authoritarian shit hole

I've lived half my life in the U.S. and Germany, and half in Russia. We still have more freedom in Russia than westerners do in their countries. And we probably have a more democratic country as well.

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Just to clarify: This is how I see it as well. The political elite and the brainwashed masses in the West see that way.

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I agree. I lived in Russia 6 years. The people are honest, hardworking, educated Christians. The infrastructure is excellent and the architecture unsurpassed.

It’s way above the woke American world.

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Do you really think the West thought the Ukrainians could beat the Russians in land war in Asia on their borders against the biggest nuclear power in the world? Perhaps if economic sanctions had worked, but not militarily. They actually think that war can be won by words, insults, hatred, and racism (Orcs).

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Yes they did and probably still think that Russia is a weak barbaric backwater. They've held this perception for over a thousand years. Every time they attempted to conquer Russia they got their faces stomped in. It's not any different this time. If you want to learn more about the deranged globalist mindset about Russia read a book from Timothy Snyder Anne Applebaum or Orlando Figues.

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It's clear that they covet the resources of Ukraine, and want its people in debt slavery or dead, with the third world filling in as a labor force as needed. If they had it their way, their would be nothing left of that country but yet another globalized shithole. And that's the terrible irony of Ukraine: if they lose the war, they win; if they win the war, they lose. Conquest by Russia would spare them of the terrible fate outlined above, and their people and traditions would be preserved.

As for their tenuous grasp on reality, it's entirely possible that they believe their own propaganda at this point. They've gone all out, fabricating "Russian failure", "poor performance" "lack of logistics & morale" "200k+ losses" and so on, conjuring up an entire simulacrum (ie false reality) in the media. Of course, none of this ever happened, and a fair amount of it is more accurate to the Ukrainian side. Still, it's fascinating to see this information war play out, while noticing all the holes the brainwashed can't seem to see (eg stable Ruble, success in Syria, Ukraine's endless demand for support despite "winning", a complete lack of footage of this supposed patheticness, and so on). I look forward to the collapse of their hubristic delusions. Z

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Former analysts like Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern have alluded to many times that the intelligence agencies consistently mislead the politicians by feeding them information favorable to their political standing. Telling the truth is rocking the boat which is detrimental to their respective careers. Combine that with their maniacal superiority complex of being the indispensable nation and you have complete cognitive dissonance. This war has turned from a regime change attempt to an existential war over the control for the world's resources for the West.

To your point I do not doubt this and I believe the Rothchilds of the world are fully in on this and have exactly these objectives in mind. They have no investments in Russia and Ukraine and want nothing more than to absorb into their portfolios. Gladly, not going to happen though.

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Zelensky - one of the three candidates on the ballot last election (and all Jewish, as have all Ukrainian Presidents been since 2014) - has repeatedly referred to Ukraine as "ersatz (or greater) Israel". Odessa is a very Jewish city, at least it was until all the Jewish men fled at the start of the war. There's no doubt the idea of creating a new Jewish homeland in a land with a deep history for Ashkenazi (the Pale of Settlement), abundant water, raw materials, and excellent agricultural, is very attractive. Especially since the Ashkenazi have lost the culture war in Israel to the Orthodox.

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Wow. Very good comment. I noticed the depopulation but never thought that in and of itself would be a goal, but depopulation seems popular nowadays with COVID, vaccines, and the Maui fire. Sacrifices to Satan or well thought out conspiracies?

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Looks like it's been planned for a while. 2019 they removed restrictions on farmland sales to foreigners: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/ukraine-is-finally-ready-to-embrace-land-reform/

Foreign farmland ownership already has taken 28% of it.

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Technically, the land ownership referendum is set for 2024. What changed in 2019 was allowing CONTROL of Ukrainian land by foreign interests via "long term leases", with infinite options to renew.

This war WILL run until that referendum is successfully concluded (successful for Goldman Sachs, Cargill & etc.)

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Please explain how those interests you named would expect to be able to dominate a Ukraine depopulated of men 17-49. If this were to happen it would result in Russia controlling all Ukrainian territory, not the West. You believe they think that if the Russians kill off all the able-bodied men they would then just collect up all their toys and head home to Russia, leaving the Donbass and the rest of Ukraine free to fall under the control of Monsanto and Cargill?

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Sir, one question if I may... I am quite astonished that the ukro can continue fly their drones.

I understand that filling the airwawes with EW disruptive signals could be detrimental to Russian own drones, and maybe risky to the EW emitters as Harm missiles could fly, so maybe it is a second best decision, but... it's something I don' like...

My two cents...

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The problem is EW systems have far more drawbacks and limitations than most people think. For instance:

1. EW is much more directional than people think

2. EW has more limited range than people probably think

3. EW is much more maintenance intensive and therefore not as ubiquitously long-running and available as people think.

It's a giant radar system and cannot operate at all times. Most people don't realize that radar stations can't operate 24/7. They need to be shut down every few hours for cooling and rest. They take huge amounts of power, wear and tear, and most of all heat which builds up like crazy as they are outputting massive power ranges.

That means EW systems have to be shut down, which means they need to be rotated with other units or there are "holes" and gaps in the coverage. It's all far more complicated than laymen imagine. Most people think it's just some kind of magical button you press and it shuts down the entire country. That's simply not how it works. It has huge limitations and requires huge amounts of upkeep and therefore it can be exploited by the endless swarm of drones being flooded. Ukraine loses 10,000 drones per month: https://nypost.com/2023/05/22/ukraine-losing-10000-drones-per-month-to-russia/

So imagine how many they are operating if 10k losses are not really disruptive to them.

This is a scale almost no one can imagine. They are operating upwards of hundreds of thousands of drones per month. There is no one on the planet that can shut all that down everywhere, particularly given the fact that Ukraine is the largest country in Europe and has huge swaths of open frontline.

But as you suggested, the other biggest issue is EW shuts down your own drones too--so it's another big limitation which forces friendly units to limit their EW in order to be able to operate their own "eyes and ears".

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Thank You Sir... Yes, I understand the limitations, but... I wish they could :)

New kind of war indeed.

I wish to see less death between brethens... a psyop like popping not grenades but oranges with a paper... "You could be dead now... now think about your second life and go home till You can..."

I still am a dreamer...

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Keep dreaming, it could be a premonition - well we can hope. ;o)

Thanks Simplicius. Particularly the video of VVP, which I'd read in Karloph1's substack. Seeing and hearing it was even more moving. So much for the crazed dictator image-propaganda.

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"Well…better than being dead, I guess."

I would rather be dead than lose my best friend.

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All very mind numbing on so many levels.

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Beslan... Like so many tragedies happened previously in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Vietnam, Korea, Somalia and so and so... All US foreign policies since WW2 caused so much deaths and destructions, but the bill have to be paid one day in the future and I see that day is very near. They shall fear the retribution that is coming to get them.

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"But despite the massive unprecedented losses, how worried should we be that Ukraine continues to still make some incremental progress?"

"Personally, I’m not worried at all with their level of advancement so far."

Worried? Are you writing for the Russian MoD? Or are you part of their propaganda unit? If not, then why are you using that word in something that's purporting to be an objective analysis of the situation? Sorry mate, but if you're using that word, you're not a journalist. You're a partisan and you're not to be trusted.


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Fuck off then, don't let the door smack you in the butt on your way out. Walk of shame for you.

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Lol I love the brutal way you deal with trolls here.

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Aw shucks. LOL they wandered in from facebook by mistake, poor dears are lost and I am merely showing them the way home.

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Your reaction shows that you yourself are also partial .. so fuck off with ya, you swarthy troll.. lol

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How is requiring a journalist to be impartial in a conflict they are dscribing, being partial?

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Simplicius is an analyst, not a journalist. The expectations are different. And point out an impartial main stream journalist in the west to me, if you could? I don't think there are any.

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Journalists or Analysts are not WORRIED about one or another aspect of the subject matter they are writing about or analysing. Why is Simplicius "worried" or "not worried" about possible advancement of Ukraine on the battlefield? Can anyone explain that?

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I actually agree with you. The way Simplicius writes - in particular his defensive response to any criticism of the Russian military - makes one wonder whether he's a propagandist for the Russian MOD. And perhaps he is. I have no proof either way.

But regardless, that doesn't invalidate him as a valuable source of timely information. Most of his stuff is sourced; you can read it for yourself. Just filter his analysis accordingly, the same way we have to do with Western MSM. As such, I'm not going to unsubscribe on the basis of perceived partisanship, but you are not wrong to point it out and take it into consideration when forming your own opinions.

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I agree with Linuxbg. We already have a media disadvantage because the west controls worldwide media. In order to chip away at that and make inorads we must act/pretend to be the most "objective". By pretending to be "objective" through the use of "neutral language" we will be able to pull some people to our side and make the opposing side doubt themselves, leading to questioning the necessity of helping Ukraine. This is only good for Russias war effort. This is the part we can do, how we can contribute. So yes, I think @Simplicus should write in a more neutral fashion if not for our sake then for that of Russia.

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Utter bollocks.

Western journalists are not remotely impartial even in non-war situations.

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His personal view has nothing to do with the analysis.

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But it obviously does.

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Supporting one side more than other does not stop you from providing good analysis.

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On a good day.

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There is no human alive who's analysis have nothing to do with their personal views.

Which is why one needs to consciously look at those analysis they don't find comforting and consider them as objectively as they can.

"Be less wrong"

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I agree with you, and I regret not voting for Joe Biden three years ago! Absolutely no other U.S. President could have achieved what he has. Hastened the collapse of the dollar; brought China and Russia together as "closer than allies"; put the Taliban back in power in Afghanistan; showed the entire world the idiocy of "women with penises"; drained the U.S.'s oil reserves and made Louisiana the fifth largest oil-producing country in the world (while not lifting a single barrel from the ground); and disgraced the entire neocon hegemonic project forever.

Trains derailing and then intentionally burning the toxic contents, while his homosexual Secretary of Transportation stayed home and played gay dad was just icing on the cake. America's about to get what it deserves for all of the havoc its unleashed on the world and on its own citizens.

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You should now also understand that Richard (Dick) Cheney was indeed a deep cover KGB operative who remained dedicated to his mission of destroying the power of the USA to harm Russia even after the official dissolution of the USSR.

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They've been stuck in and around Rabotino for three months now while consistently taking heavy losses in manpower and armor. They have not even sniffed the first defensive line that is actually designed to be breached to trap the penetrating forces into a cauldron to be swiftly annihilated. Objectively speaking there is no too much to be worried about right now.

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Well, to be fair, Refax, they're now the proud new owners of a ruined village that previously housed 500 or so people. Gotta take what wins you can!

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I think the Russians are letting them get a break at Robotino so they will pour more meat into the cauldron.

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What fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake?

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You can add a bit of editorializing and personal perspective to articles without significantly sacrificing objectivity. Simplicius consistently does professional quality work, which gives him room for occasional meandering. It's not even remotely comparable to the outrageous mendacity of the Western MSM, especially on the topic of Ukraine, in which they've fabricated an entire simulacrum of propaganda. He's also generally more neutral than the modestly biased Russian sources out there. Personally, I find it difficult to believe that you don't realize these obvious distinctions, which tells me that you're concern-trolling.

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Editorializing works only when you have the media advantage. In our case we must be careful until we shift the overton window in our direction and then we can start turning the readers.

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Man, your comment would have been a lot more valuable if you had stopped after the last question. You have a good point though. Please avoid the menopause-type judgements from now on.

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The picture of Surovikin and his wife was taken in Moscow and not Sochi, this is obvious by the trees in the background.

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Sochi is further north (43.6° N) than Chicago (41.8° N). Palm trees aren't native there and don't even grow well without a lot of effort. The Black Sea at Sochi is too cold to swim for more than five minutes at a stretch (that's the official rule enforced by lifeguards at the public beaches). Surovikin's picture looks very much like Sochi to me, and I've spent weeks in the city on vacation.

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The water temperature right now is 27C. I live in Adler, in the foothills, not even on the shore, and have banana and palm trees growing in my yard. Before moving here permanently a few years ago, I lived in Moscow and the suburbs for 25 years, traveling to Sochi often, mostly in the winter, to ski. Suffice to say, I know these two locations better than any other.

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Then you know the area a lot better than I do, sorry. For comparison, it's 26C today here in St. Petersburg. The picture of Surovikin still looks like it could be in Sochi to me.

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The type of conifer that grows down here is "пихта", whereas what's shown in that picture is the ubiquitous, more northern, "сосна". I haven't been everywhere in Sochi, so perhaps there is a place that looks like that somewhere, but I haven't seen it.

Btw, Sochi is very far north, and is also the world's northernmost subtropical climate. It's a truly unique place in that respect, a full fledged summer/beach, winter/ski resort.

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Thank you for that explanation. I am planning to buy a plot of land in an СНТ, and looked at plots in Sochi. It's still possible for me! I've spent more time in Anappa and Galendzhik though. I can't decide if I want pine forests + lake + cold weather and no daylight in winter (plus the craziness of white nights in summer), or no forests + sea + warmer weather. You can definitely buy larger plots for the same money and close to the city up here.

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Odd sense of "north"! Sochi is north of Georgia but not far. It is FAR SOUTH of Moscow. It is considerably farther south than Crimea/Yalta. There are date palms in Yalta, not Moscow!

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furthermore, it is also lies roughly at the samelatitude as Spain, Italy, and Greece.

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