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Anyone notice how in the BBC video when they showed the cemetery, the morgue and the lady that joined up they all had the Red and Black Bander flag? And that she was in the "Aidar Battalion"? These aren't just regular Ukrainians. These are the Nazis.

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Sep 5, 2023
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"Red and black" is the Right Sector flag. It's the guys who burnt the Russian protestors alive in the Odessa trade union building. Hardly a friendly bunch.

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Sep 5, 2023Edited
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it's orange and black, St George's ribbon, not red ; )

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We have a lot of their sympathizers in Toronto Canada. Chrystia Freeland carried a banner with other Ukranian Nazis at a "cultural" event. Even our now disgraced former Toronto Mayor John Tory was there holding another Right Sector banner--he was masked of course (coward). Its the funders and the apparatchiks that are the worst. The enablers.

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west coast canuck here.. i totally concur with your viewpoint here..

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I'm in Northern Ontario. Our country is under siege by the WEFers controlling our government. Treason at high levels goes unpunished as mainsteam media follows central command directives brainwashing our naive population with their false narratives. Also Health Canada is an oxymoron; a puppet of WHO. Our enemy is not Russia, it's our own government who have committed treason on its own population.

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The WEF has no power whatsoever. Let's not grasp for explanations that have no substance. Canada is run by the Privy Council. We were never a democracy. Having Poilievre in power likely would have made things worse because there would have been no lockdown support payments under him.

Fun fact: Robert Pickton, the BC pig farmer that murdered and ate Vancouver prostitutes for 20 years while the police turned a blind eye to witness reports, has a sister who is very high up in the European commission and a long time friend of Chrystia Freeland. That's no crazy conspiracy theory. It's traceable on the internet. She mustn't have security clearances or they'd have cleaned the web of any trace.

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I did not reply to Jamis because his or its (A.I.) comment is way off base and obfuscates the point I was driving at. Fun fact: The Canadian cabinet is filled with ministers who are WEF members. Hence, my factual conclusion that Canada is under siege by WEF and WHO. Treason by people in high places is in vogue here and there is no cavalry in place to save the day.

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Freeland and her relatives have a long history of supporting Bandera and his ilk. The red and black flag (Bandera's color) NOT yellow and blue Ukraine's colors were everywhere during her infamous march with other Ukrainians. Bizarrely Woke Canada is a hot bed of Banderites.

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The meaning of the red and black is "blood and soil".

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Yes the red and black banners (they are red-- the orange and black is a different thing) do mean this. Lots of Ukrainians here in Toronto have told me this on many occasions.

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I just saw a couple of these red-and-black + coat of arms trident flag wearing Ukro-cunts on the train here in Budapest, Hungary.

I was heavily considering yelling "Slava Ukraini" while doing a pulbic nazi salute at them, just to embarass them.

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The whole thing begs the question of why so many y nazis from around the world flock to the Kiev regime, especially since we all have been duly reassured that There Are No Nazis In Ukraine.

So why are so many actual Nazis so confused?

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Does Hungary allow patriots to publicly harass and embarrass the disenfranchised NAZI refugee?

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People are pretty apathetic to this war in Hungary. 3 complete generations have grown up under Russian communist oppression, and the "Ukrainian" persecution and harassment of ethnic Hungarians in the Trans Karpathian region has been going on for over a century, so we have historical skepticism against both sides. People don't know about the Right-sector, or Azov, but they're not blindly supporting Ukraine either.

You don't see blue and yellow flags anywhere on the streets, or only very rarely. Only very left wing globalists eurocrat shills put it up.

People think of Putin as an autocratic leader, but an OK one at that. It's like "Yes, he probably does shady things from time to time, but he gives us gas and oil, so we really don't give a fuck". Obviously the big city liberals are more on board with the message, and the rural areas less so, but both the average and the median person is apathetic.

So to answer your question, neither side enjoys any special empathy or hostility, it's like harassing any other guy: don't do it.

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Hungarians/Magyars as a people, are historically anti-Russian/anti-Slav & pro-Nazi, & generally would like to see the death of all Slavonic peoples. Honest Magyars say this openly, others pretend that its all about "Soviet oppression" - crap. No it isn't. Hungary hates Russia.

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"Muh racism, muh fascism..."

I never understood how nazis got so popular in Germany but after reading your comment the appeal of their message of "mentally hindered people are just a burden on society" starts to make more sense.

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An intelligent person would respond with facts - say that Miklos Horthy never really was an ally of Hitler & the Hungarian population was against him - but that is simply not true & you know it isn't. So you respond with imbecility - Hungarian massacres as Nazi allies in Serbia, Novi Sad are very well documented. Hungarians hate Slavs & want to exterminate them. Fact. Having Orban as head of state changes nothing - he's not pro-Russia either.

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I don't need to prove anything, the burden of proof is on the accuser. You're the one making a huge claim (that all Hungarians have always been racist against all Slavs), because they committed genocide against Serbs in certain times in history. Guess who else committed genocide against the Serbs? The Croats. Not too far back either. So are Croats racist against slavs now? Or is that a standard that doesn't prove racism against slavs?

Horthy was not a fascist. He was a revisionist and a nationalist. He wanted to revise the Versailles treaty that stripped Hungary of 70% of its territory and 50% of its population. And that was what the treaty said, the Serbian army would go on to march north. Romanian army was in Budapest in 1919, well after the post-WW1 borders were agreed upon. Serbs were aiming to push the border up to lake Balaton.

Hungary opressed all minorities on its territory, as did everyone else at the time, and was hostile to Yugoslavs, Romanians, Slovakians and Ukrainians (or whatever the fuck they were called at the time). We hate people who surround us because they pieced up Hungary, not because they're slavs. The Romanians are not slavs (or at least they don't claim to be), and we hate them the most because they took the largest chunk out of Hungary (entire Transylvania), with the largest Hungarian population (around 1.5 million).

In Europe, everyone can list a time and place where they were wronged by the other country at some point in time. Everyone committed some form of genocide or other attrocity at some point and tallying points of who transgressed against who the most is never gonna work because everyone feels like they have been wronged the most. The only thing we can do is extend the hand. But I don't see you as the type of preson who's ever agreeing to that, so I didn't see any point wasting 15 minutes of my life typing it out.

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I think the Balkans, Eastern and Central Europe, like the Hungarians, Czechs, Polaks, Slovaks, Serbs, hell, even the Romanians should join forces. We all value family, Christianity, we all hate the degenerate west, and forge alliances based on common interests, instead of bickering based on crimes committed against each other almost a century ago. It's why we're doing so poorly economically. You as a Serb (I assume) should know this, of all people. Yugoslavia was the most prosperous country in the region, basically the best living standards in all of the Communist block, until NATO fanned the flames of nationalism to divide and tear apart the country along ethnic and religious lines. And you have to accept that you are going to have to move past those national traumas if you want to return to greatness. If we let the world use our differences to pit us, Christian conservative countries against each other, we will always be just "shithole Eastern European countries". To become strong we must learn to cooperate, and I agree with Orb├бn's policy on becoming more friendly with Serbia.

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Interesting. To me It watched like a media propaganda piece instead of some heart breaking news story being reported. It is the BBC. As always the fields of sunflowers over there blows me away.

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Krasnodar region on the other side of the border in Russia is the largest sunflower oil producing region in the world. Those fields are beautiful in late summer. The nickname for people in Krasnodar region is "kubany" or boars. Wild pigs are very common in the region, and more dangerous to hunt than bear. Old Russian saying: "A man goes to hunt bear, and his wife prepares a festive table for his return. He goes to hunt boar, and she digs his grave for his return."

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Kuban region after Kuban river, as Kuban Cossacks. Kaban is boar. The two words are not related.

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Thank you, I've misunderstood that for a long time.

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They are Nazis.

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CIA/Nazis and Zionist Jews are the two leading parasites and predators to mankind. They have a natural alliance with the Ukraine WarтАж a quick search of history will reveal genocide, culling of their own people (deplorable whites and ghetto Jews),mass injections to change human genome, and now transhumanism. All the money from the Jewish Banking Mafia and all the political might is not their end goal - The GOAL is Divergent humanity: Rulers and serfs with different genomes.

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Totally agree, they are the one who all these times been working for the Anti-Christ to tilt things up and down as it says "on his right hand is water but it is hell fire, and his left hand is fire when it is actually water). It's not just doing evil but they are the evil who done evil things, they NEVER HAVE HAD any good intentions, just pure evil agendas.

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Where'd you get that idea from? References?

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Not just the Red and Black of Bandera but I also noticed the Blue and Gold Lion with Crowns of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician).


I don't want to read too much into the flags and logos but these are the flags and logos they chose for themselves. The 1st Galacian's weren't Hitler Youth kids or Volksstrum grandpas drafted into the trenches. The were foreigners who chose the Waffen SS.

They chose poorly.

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Were Nazis

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Interesting, but I just generally think, Kiev, Nazis.

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