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Jul 25, 2023
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Issue with DU is not radiation, it's gasified heavy metals that go up into the atmosphere and then fall down with rain contaminating the earth.

It causes cancer and birth defects.

This year's harvest has not even begun, so I don't know what they will do with it or who would want it. They could turn it into etanol or something like that.

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Jul 25, 2023
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Not sure about fear factor.

The only people that protest are farmers, and they have an incentive to keep the price on grain high. They will invent any story to keep Ukrainian grain out of their market, true or not.

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Jul 25, 2023
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The chances of Moldova "moving" against PMR militarily are zero. Zilch. Not gonna happen with or without Russian missiles.

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Agreed. But when this is over, I'm sure the neocons will be looking at Moldova and Romania as launching pads for their next crazy plan. Best to warn them off in advance.

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First. Sorry. couldn't resist!

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Bruh I am often one of the first people to view Simplicius's posts because I am impatient as hell and I never do that lol.

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Sometimes I find myself doing very childish things...LOL

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21 upvotes, lol

is this not a concern?

i entirely get your point, is it an age thing , or a moral thing? or what?

even here.

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Seems there is a rumour now that NATO is considering moves to disrupt Russia's Black Sea blockade of Ukraine. That should relieve tensions in the area.....wouldn't it?

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Yes, we ask, but what exactly is the latest hare-brained scheme? Blow Russian warships to bits and sail into Moscow? Idiots. Warmongers. International war criminals and the perpetrator of innumerable grave crimes against humanity. As for the UN, get out of the way Useless Nations. A less respectable performance in all of this cannot be imagined. Handmaiden to Washington.

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Yes it would, seeing as NATO would get their entire surface fleet sunk by Zircons and leave them unable to escalate tensions further.

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I thought the Treaty of Montreaux prevented foreign ships to pass the Bosphorus during times of war?

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European farmers don't t want cheap grain from former UKraine lowering the cost and value of what they grow themselves I am told

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I saw similar reports - some of the Ukrainian grain has pesticides not permitted in the EU, other grain was badly stored and has deteriorated, but the EU is forcing it onto the market nevertheless.

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I think it's much simpler - east european farmers saw a potential for profit. EU has been forcing them to cut production for decades, to meet the "quotas", now they can strike back.

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Yuck, thank you for the link. I wonder if this is intentional? For remember that fungus riddled rye and other grains were the cause of the deliriums that triggered Witch burnings in a number of countries over the centuries.


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The EU apparently allows GMO grains for animal feed, insane but from what I read that is what the Ukraine grain shipments have been used for in the EU.

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Rye rust...yum!

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I think I indirectly, by feeding it to livestock

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IIRC, most Ukrainian grain already went to Europe as animal feed..

The mewling over starving Africans is just crocodile tears.

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it is known fact they mostly use ukranian grain to feed cattle.

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I heard also sausage pigs, per mark sloboda

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yeah, cattle, pigs and hens

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I hear Ivan killed his own son.

Did he‽

Why would he do that?

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A reduction in supply is a reduction in supply. Fortunately this year and last year there was an oversupply so any reduction may actually be welcome by 3rd world farmers who have difficulty as it is competing against the glut dumping by big ag monopolies and their thug government/international "free trade" leg breakers. No matter what, those pigs in Spain will always be feed before any child in the "not so" Global South are allowed to queue up.

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Doesn't really matter what the people want

The governments will do whatever they feel like

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What beats me is that Russian eco unemployment is a notch above 3% and that they hire like crazy in all sectors. This conflict would have morphed Russia in every way. On the military side by experimenting and winning a convention war with NATO and on the eco side by flipping to all new partners and activity sectors

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Simple - Russia has a worker shortage, that's why unemployment is so low. Some industries report that they lack as much as 40% workforce.

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war, yes? that is what happens. that is when gals like Valentina the Velder come in, doing yeoman's work to fill the gaps.

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With her degree (in agriculture) my wife would currently earn the equivalent of 1400 euro, in Russia, while she is making about 1200 euro a month in Italy (in a ham processing plant).

Factor in the cost of living too and in Russia she would have a much better life.

To be honest, until now our house (paid off), new car (paid off), the sun, the sea and the food are what have kept us here but, coupled with the increasingly crazy and dystopic new rules and laws ever more rapidly coming out of the EU, they are not a good enough reason to not move anymore...

Personally, the only thing I would really miss is the food.

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Russia has more food than we do. And not just cabbages, beetroot and potatoes.

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Man I am not concerned about the quantity but the quality ;P

And I didn't say it in relation to Russia specifically, that would be true for any other country too :D

I am an ex-expat who has lived and worked all over the world on 4 different continents for 15 years (including Russia and Belarus, and my wife is from the Donbas) and even though many people say so about the cuisine of their own country, I TRULY believe that the Italian cuisine and the quality of things like for example cheese and diary products is simply the best...

It's the ONE thing that I have always missed, no matter where I was.

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Can't argue with that. Italians rule when it comes to food.

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I'm expat and have lived in Russia two decades due to marriage. I've spent a lot of time in Europe, including Italy. Food is the one deprivation here - and also maybe architectural beauty when you are away from the old parts of cities and not in the new (the Kruschevsky bleak concrete apartment buildings from the Soviet era).

There's good sources for ingredients for Asian cooking, and with delivery services so popular now you can get them anywhere in the country. The price is reasonable. The quality of beef is a lot lower than in Europe and especially the U.S., and some meats are hard to find and expensive like mutton.

Quality of vegetables is high and you can find just about anything pretty easily, including unusual vegetable types from Africa and Asia. But it's also season - you can only buy pumpkins in autumn for example.

The selection of cheeses are limited. If you like fancy wines, the western varieties are expensive now since they're shadow imported. Western liquors are the same, and no one bothers trying to get German beers into the country anymore for sale. Good prosciutto can't be found. It's hard to find less popular pastas to make Italian dishes, the unusual ones.

Italian, Japanese, and Thai are the most popular ethnic foods, and bigger cities have lots of good restaurants featuring their cuisine.

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and developing their own technologies, some of it provided by US and west European weapons that fell into Russian hands, so to speak. Technology in all sorts of fields. Agriculture has had to be supported and further modernized. It is all happening thanks to the frightened Americans who see the use of force as the only way to keep out all rivals.

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The Eastern European border states surrounding Ukraine are particularly vulnerable to domestic competition from Ukrainian grain exports. At least part of the grain exported westwards via land from Ukraine and apparently destined to other markets tends to get stuck in Poland, Romania, for example, driving down local prices. This hits the earnings of local farmers and appears to be a sacrifice too far for Ukraine's Eastern European allies.

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Also, at least in Slovakia, there is a massive problem with railways, that cant handle normal operations in time for years now. Not to mention, the decades long aim to finish a proper highway from west to east is stuck due to corruption, financing and work lay-offs to infinity. That means, any more serious tonnage of it would collapse both highway and rail transportation ... not to mention, the width of the railroad is different and the capacity to move the cargo between them is not adequate.

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Ah, the traditional Slovak bitching about highway building. The former lead geologist for these projects is now a wine trader in Czechia. You can meet him every year in Mikulov (I believe you can guess when and where exactly).

He will tell you the true story.

The problem is not corruption (which actually worsened because of stupid EU rules for these projects). The problem is that Slovakia is building highways over the worst possible places on this planet. The route between two mountains that came to be by different layers rolling over each other and the underlying foundation changes properties more often than Biden's diapers.

It's virtually impossible to build any long or strong structure over it, but no one had the guts to change the project and start over again with a different route.

The entire thing is essentially an equivalent of the Chinese Tibet railway, but without the glamor and built by a 3 orders of magnitude smaller economy.

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Well, the worst "placed" ones I saw were in Slovenia ( have a friend there too ) and if anyone tells that our geology is off for such projects, than I call it BS. Its not a basalt plane here, but we dont even compare to a good minimaly 1/5-th of european nations in this regard and we do not have any extreme slope tracking ones ... besides, I cant call those building schemes, where firms that get the contract dont have any building tech nor people and hire firms that actually do for gov. funds a corrupt scheme. By measure of funds per 1 km build its also a lot off to the rest of the EU ... not to mention the decades long siphoning of tolls by a certain company, witch should be prominently be used back on them highways ( at least servicing or repairs, if not building new ones ). ... and when issues are around gov. witholding money for actually necessary additional costs due to what you write is, making the financial situation by stretching times as well, the problem, than it is still my point of absolutely abbysmal State disfunction - both on this going on still, and no one bening even taken to account from the administration/ministry. We needed them being done a decade ago and I did mention the new problem with the under-serviced and inadequate railways as well, so if it should go on as it is, we can simply call it all off an let politicians syphon the money off for the same end result no proper trans-Slovak logistics reality even for decades to come. Especially with the actual post-covid state and private loan ballance. :/

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You didn't give an option In the vote for NATO to more actively suicide against Russia,barring that, I suspect former UKraine is near collapse,since the matrix media has started to admit that...

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You didn't give an option In the vote for NATO to more actively suicide against Russia,barring that, I suspect former UKraine is near collapse,since the matrix media has started to admit that...

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Great write up as always, thank you. I really hope Wagner/Belarus create enough of a deterrent to stop Poland from doing anything stupid.

The economic aspect for Russia are going to be massive. Once the war is over they'll have plenty of buyers in the middle east to maintain a massive arms industry. The rebuilding of eastern Ukraine is also going to be a massive boom. That doesn't even include the resources or growth in total population. The Russian economy and military production could quickly become a problem for NATO/US/Israel in Syria and Iran. How the Saudi and Iraqis respond will be telling. The trillion dollar question is how much land Russia will take from Ukraine before they stop.

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I'm curious in that after the fighting is over and the rebuild begins ( I suspect mainly Russians) will the Ukrainians finally come to their senses and realize there is no future with the West ? I'm sure its already been noticed by sane Ukrainians how the West has basically sacrificed Ukraine and is unable to protect them. A rational person would see no future with the West, better the devil you know.

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My thoughts too - the West has a proven track record of leave death and death and destruction in its wake and deserting so-called allies (abandoning Afghanistan after stirring the Taliban hornets nest and blowing the Nordstream which affects Germany/EU) - maybe - depending on how long it takes - the economic/monetary implosion of the US will be the wake up call. I also wonder when Ukrainians are going to start calling for Zelensky’s head on a stick - at the very least the ‘mothers of Ukraine’ should be outraged given the needless deaths.

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You are correct with all the points you make. The US is only interested in controlling or stealing important, valuable commodities and their subdued allies beg for the left overs. I have no degree, nor an extensive education but I can identify a pattern of behaviour when I see one and the US isn't even discreet.

As this conflict continues, the cheer leaders for Ukraine are exposing just how evil they are. We know Ukrainians will eventually be abandoned with no friends and a devastated country.

Zelensky is highly likely to have his escape route planned.

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All true, but the perception is what is critical, and , for better or worse, the West is perceived in Ukraine as The Land Where Institutions Work, the Land Where You Can Live The Good Life.

I recall a Ukrainian woman, a lawyer working for a large firm in Kiev, who told me her dream was to move to Boston and work in an iStore, so she could be surrounded by iGadgets all day long.

The whole thing is the flipside of NATO's hope that once Russians no longer could buy drawstring trashbags or whatever that they would demand that Putin be replaced.

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So true but this is changing - I’m an American and moved to Ireland for 33 years ago - when I arrived the Irish were dumbstruck as to why I would leave America for Ireland. Fast forward to the the generation of my 20-something children and their friends tell me, while they enjoyed their summer jobs or holidays over in the US, they’d never want to live there. The lights are going out on the “Shiny house on the hill”. It’s sad but it’s a road all empires travel.

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I wasn't speaking strictly of the US but the West in general. And that's still the perception in much of the world. The average frustrated Russian minigarch still cares about plaudits from western cultural institutions, degrees from western universities still open doors, etc..

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Based on my experience, Europe (western) is light years ahead of the US as a place to live for the average person so I understand the attraction. And it has strong social programmes so that’s naturally attractive to immigrants - an area as you can see which is causing a lot of angst. But based on what Simplicius has to say about Russian weaponry and war strategy, doesn’t sound like Russian Universities are doing too badly either. Faraway hills will always be greener though.

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The "mothers of ukraine " thought that they would win. They are very proud that they have the support of NATO and USA. The best team that they can get.

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I’m not so sure (no doubt for some, but the majority?) - Zelensky was elected on a peace with Russia platform afterall. And prior to his election the country as whole was split as to whether or not to join NATO. Since in office Zelensky has shut down the media, made competing political parties illegal, and uses hostile tactics to recruit new soldiers (young men/boys). The dissenters have no choice or even face death as Simplicius’s videos show.

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A rational person, yes. But Western Ukrainians are not always rational. There is deep hatred for both Russia and Poland in much of the territory West of the Dnieper, esp Galicia and the surrounding areas. With a heavy hand they can be controlled, but release that pressure at any time and you have today's poisonous atmosphere.

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These age old grudges are sadly enflamed and encouraged by CIA/MI6 etc for control. Same strategy was done with Middle Eastern countries - but as the current wave of reconciliations in the Middle East shows - countries cop on and can learn to work together peacefully - bonded by a common cause/enemy. (Israel still follows the US-style approach on how to treat others.). And if further evidence of the US leadership/deep state modus operandi were needed, just look what a good job they’ve done getting Americans to fight amongst themselves.

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The hate of Russians is quite deep in most Ukranians. It is not even close to being rational.

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If you are talking ethnic Ukrainians, it's about ~40-45% who have an extreme hatred of Russians. Full blown Nazis are ~12%. In the West, full blown Nazis are ~25%. However, sympathy for the Nazis is extremely common. But I could be wrong.

Ukraine was traditionally divided 50-50. Half pro-NATO, EU, West and half pro-Russia. As ethnic Russians are only 17% of the population, apparently a considerable number of Ukrainians support Russia! However, I would estimate that 65% (2/3) of Ukrainians were pro-Maidan. 35% or 1/3 were anti-Maidan.

So you see there is some variability among the Ukrainians and 1/3 of Ukrainians are pro-Russia! This was as of 2014 though and as I understand it, things have hardened since and a lot of the eight years is extreme, genocidal, Nazi exterminationist Ukrainian nationalist rhetoric and brainwashing has taken its toll. I'm really not sure what the figures are now, but I hold to my figure of 40-45% of Ukrainians being genocidal Russia-hating Ukrainian nationalists at the start of the war.

Even in Kherson and Zaporozhye, ~25% of the population is pro-Ukraine or at least does not want to be part of Russia.

A good 10% are hardcore, hardline pro-Ukraine Nazis who have either taken up arms against Russia or support those who do. At least that was the figure around Endergodar last year. The supporters were hard to deal with as they were giving away Russian positions to the Ukrainian army. These people were waging or supporting a guerrilla war behind enemy lines.

What about the other 55-60% of Ukrainians who don't have an extreme hatred of Russia? How do they feel about Russia? I don't know! I would say half of them are pro-Russia and half are "soft" Ukrainian nationalists.

Keep in mind that a lot of Ukrainians see themselves as ethnic Russians. I have a friend in Dnipro and she definitely sees herself as Russian and speaks only Russian to my knowledge.

And I've heard that a l lot of people in that city are pro-Russia, a lot more than you might think. If you are talking Kiev and north of Kiev, at the start of the war, maybe 5% were pro-Russian. But the Ukrainian government has been so brutal and vicious that quite a few folks north of Kiev have gone over to Russia. Kharkiv has been pro-Russian forever, same with Nikolaev and Odessa region.

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Unconfirmed reports on 2nd Odessa attack were complete failure of civil defence warning system & more importantly, no air defence reaction when military internet links went down for 15 minutes during the Onyx strikes. One video I saw was from Odessa by a citizen filming the explosions who was freaked out that there was no warning & no air defence reaction. Anyone hear similar reports?

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" ....no air defence reaction when military internet links went down for 15 minutes during the Onyx strikes."

That is very interesting. Russian EW penetrates that far west?

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Plus the "coincidental" internet failure!

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Russian EW might be attacking Starlink satellites preventing comms during a missile attack. They are in low orbit, well within range of Russian EW.

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Air raid alarms in Ukraine are famous for activating after the strikes or completely at random. They're used not for warning people but to generate more panic

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O shite, but when you have zero air defence reacting, there's valid reason for concern. More relevant was another unconfirmed video of AD operator in front of a dead computer with exactly the same reaction. Can't find link, it disappeared, but it revealed the specific type of netlink system that went dark as attack was going down, but again, unconfirmed. I didn't record as I wrongly assumed it would be big news the next day. Regardless, Odessa was defenseless during part òf the strike so my guess that's something that would be repressed ASAFP if true.

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So, the other side of this is "why"? Why are the AFU throwing away so many men & machines for relatively small gains? And, if they are taking such losses, how are they able to hold on to them? It has been almost 2 months now, and, as you've pointed out, they HAVE made minor inroads here and there, which means they are able to achieve tactical successes against RuAF. Russia clearly has more strategic patience than I do, but, if they actually want to resolve the conflict the message that "You cannot gain an inch" seems to be one which is worth sending.

And so, perhaps the AFU keeps carrying on because if they stop then its an admission of failure... Or, do they know something we don't?

On drones - every time I see a drone hit an armored vehicle or tank I always think to myself that there just isn't enough ordinance to do any real damage. Then the think starts smoking and is clearly on fire internally. Crazy. I would assume a relatively low % of hits actually result in critical damage like that, but if you have thousands of drones flying all the time you don't really need a high rate. I would imagine your typical IFV or tank takes several hits and shrugs it off.

That Russian general Mordvichev seemed very relaxed, cool, matter of fact. Contrast with the rhetoric infused garbage we hear in English, tells a lot.

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Ukraine military is just an arm of the United States. The US does not value Ukrainian lives. Looking back at history, In Vietnam the South Vietnam army took 10 times the casualties of the American army. Same story in Afghanistan, where the Afghan army run by the United States took most of the casualties.

The Ukraine soldiers are meat to be sacrificed. When the collapse comes, the leaders of Ukraine will flee to the bolt holes they have already purchased in Europe.

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"When the collapse comes, the leaders of Ukraine will flee to the bolt holes they have already purchased in Europe."

This is not true. Some of them also have luxury villas in Miami and condos in NYC.

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Not surprised. ☹️

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Maybe those non-traditional targets Medvedev was talking about should be those villas! At least Zelensky's. He'd definitely be crapping his pants then.

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Nah just hit Zelensky's favourite dildo factory

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The real question is weather some Ukrainians living in the west just happened to leave with a supply of weapons and just send a drone to his house or even on the street in his car. Seems that these smuggled weapons will cause a lot of problems for Europe as well.

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I dunno, Ghani is alive and well.

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Because Kiev doesn’t have a choice. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of the US national security state, which made the historical-strategic error of declaring Ukraine to be an existential conflict. But it lacks the capability, and more importantly the cognitive ability, to effect a victory. It is now stuck in the quagmire it hoped to create for Russia.

Zelensky also can’t stop because Ukraine is a horribly failed state that only functions because of western support and propaganda about the war. The minute fighting stops Zelensky will have to cope with the economic and social situations brought on by 30 years of Ukrainian governance and 18(ish) months of war. There will be 4 million veterans demanding their benefits, grieving families demanding explanation, angry people with no jobs and no social support, heavily degraded infrastructure, crushing foreign debt, etc. etc. etc.

Zelensky has to win, but he realistically can’t. The US has to win, but it realistically can’t. And neither has any idea how to extricate themself from the situation. The historical moment US leadership created is simply too big for them. They are not serious people facing very serious issues and decisions. The easiest choice is to keep throwing poor Ukrainians at Russian guns and hoping for a miracle.

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Well said, thank you

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Minor correction: the minute fighting stops Zelensky will have to be outside the country someplace where his fascist, neo-OUN praetorian guard cannot immediately assassinate him. Or--his CIA handlers.

Ironically he'd be most secure in Russia, where there is no death penalty and he could get a semi-comfortable cell for the rest of his life in exchange for the massive kompromat he knows. If not? Well. He could dream of a Rudolf Hess treatment in Miami, maybe?

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What motivated Ukrainians to attack Donabas in 2015? Hatred. Hatred of Russia, anything Russian, and anybody perceived as pro-Russian.

Hatred taught in Ukraine made Ukraine a perfect proxy weapon for American war-mongers.

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I believe that was Mc Cain’s, Da Nag Dick and Linda Graham’s plus the usual gang of neocon’s at the State Dept. I have scene Videos of the three of them cheering the Ukrainians on before the war started. I believe the money going into Ukraine was sent in cash and these Congress crooks went there to comeback with suit cases of cash. Plus collect from the MIC.

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They no longer trust Hunter in handling their commissions. They would rather show up in person to collect.

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They were fighting against separatism. The first Ukrainian army units who went in lay down their weapons and went over to the separatists and refused to fight them. This went on for some time, and finally the Ukrainian government decided to send the Nazi militias in, and that's when things got bad. Later the Ukrainian army got Nazified. The hatred was more latent than anything. The country was split, half pro-Russia and half pro-Ukraine.

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Ukraine was always split. There are 3 main groups

Russians, Eastern Ukrainians and Western Ukrainians.

Western Ukrainians hate eastern ones as much as they hate Russians. Doubly so now, after some more nazification.

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thank you so much.

I do believe that the Ukrainian regime just do not care about the front. The war will continue as long as they can keep getting money from the west.

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Didn't Russia say that if Ukraine hit Crimea they will missile Zelensky's ass? Well fuck around and (maybe) find out...

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no, they never said that. because Zelensky is actually the best leader of Ukraine - for Russia. he is not smart, not calculative, not cold blooded, too emotional, too greedy, too jealous, too thirsty for power, he will give everything to stay at top of the world the western masters put him. Lust for money, power and VANITY his biggest flaws. Over all he is way too incompetent even for a peace time leader, let alone for an exictentual war. If I were Putin, I'd make sure he stays where he is as long as possible, untill everything suddenly collapses.

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Thinking a few steps ahead the important thing is that Russia does everything she can to make the Democrats cancel the upcoming US elections so that a civil war is started in the US. That is the clean way of taking out the West without nuking it. Taking the scraps of Finland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia and threatening Poland should achieve that very nicely. The US won't dare respond in any serious manner because for one thing she can't and for another she has no existential threat from Russia unlike the threat to her from China. WW3 will be fought in North America not in Europe.

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Let's say that the Dems cancel the upcoming election. There is really no chance that will happen, but just for the sake of argument let's say it does happen. Who do you envision fighting this "civil war" you think will start? Elites vs the working class? Whites vs minorities? Conservatives vs liberals?

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There really was no chance that Zelensky would jail members of the other parties in the Ukraine and yet he did, there really was no chance he would attack the Church and yet he has and hasn't he already said that the next election in Ukraine can't take place during a war?

All Biden's dual passport minders have to do is follow the same script as they are imposing in the Ukraine via fellow dual passport holder Zelensky so yes the upcoming US election could be cancelled. The deep state wants the people to rise up so they can smack them down and cancelling the election has been flagged up for quite some time now by the UNIparty as the way they will do it.

When has a US president ever threatened US citizens with F16's? And yet Biden has threatened them with F16s on several occasions now. It will be the government versus "white supremacists" and the mainstream media simply won't show that they are just killing anyone that stands against them.

These various groups you mention are only separate groups because the deep state has spent 70 years separating people to weaken us but when push comes to shove the state will murder anyone and then simply blame it all on white supremacists then the next bogey man and then the next and then the next and the mainstream media will do as it is told including creating AI fantasy attacks out of thin air in order to excuse it and demand the government hits these imaginary people even harder but real people will be hit not their imaginings. Remember that old film "The Running Man" where the good guy was changed into the bad guy by the mainstream media with the help of AI ......... that is what will happen in the US.

First they came for the socialists but I wasn't a socialist so I did nothing .............. and when they came for me there was no one left to stand up for me.

They don't hide their script they lay it out for you as I have above.

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I agree, the Biden "win" was a coup, you don't vote your way out of coups plain and simple. Of course they may cancel the election. Because bottom line they have no chance of stealing the election again. These people would destroy the world to rule over the ashes.

Now what would be interesting if the Biden admin should cancel the election would be for Russia and China to show up, and do a NATO Intervention, insisting on fair elections :)

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I agree it would be more difficult to steal the election but still not impossible and if you vote for the other side and they win you just end up with the other cheek of the same arse in power as George Galloway likes to say. I have said for years and every day that passes makes it more likely that the worst thing the US ever did was "special rendition flights", i.e. illegal kidnappings outside their jurisdiction, because when they are no longer the world hegemon, and we can all see that day is already here, the new rising power(s) will be sending "special rendition flights" into the former US to collect all the war criminals hiding there in the ruins.

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Maybe, but perhaps not this time, Kennedy has upended the apple cart by entering the race. And there are now too many awake.

As for rendition flights to collect war criminals, why bother for they destroy their own country far more quickly than any outside force :(

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Sorry, Frances, but Kennedy has in no way, shape, or form upset any kind of "apple cart''. Significant majority of the US population has no clue who Kennedy even is.

As far as there now being "too many awake", you are obviously living in some part of the US very, very different than the part I live in or the parts I travel to.

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I don't think they would cancel the election by diktat, but rather by creating some extrinsic emergency that would make it very difficult for large parts of the population to vote, even by mail. They'll then not cancel it per se, but "postpone" it ... indefinitely.

I leave to the reader to imagine such scenarios ... but I do think we can leave out another virus scare, ... too obvious.

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Maybe. But Martial law might lead to revolt, which would be awesome in their minds. They have been hoping for people to fight back, as I suspect they want to institute full lock downs and a purge. Remember that scornful comment from Biden that to revolt "you" would need F-16s? Could be wrong.

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I wish I knew you personally, John, so then maybe I could talk you into entering a bet over whether the next election will be cancelled. I'd give you $100,000 if it's cancelled and you give me $100 if it isn't.

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Elections in the US are held locally and the votes counted at the state level. I don't see any mechanism for the Feds to cancel the election, as there really is no such thing as "The Election". There are multiple, local elections. Elections continued throughout WW2. Is the US Army going to block people from voting - even for local offices? Are they going to confiscate all of the absentee and mail-in ballots? Are the 45% of states controlled by Democrats going to ban voting while the 55% of states controlled by Republicans do vote? Is Biden going to not campaign? Unless he is reelected, Biden's term expires at noon on January 20th 2025, period. Is he going to refuse to vacate the office? Are the state governors going to recognize his authority? I don't see any realistic scenario here.

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Why should the Dems cancel the elections if they have the CIA and FBI to through dissident candidates under a bus or simply manipulate the elections by disinformation?

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Canadian grain hoppers are high capacity & carry 3900 bushels of wheat.

If we assume a 90-car unit train with five cuts of cars, 18 cars each, the following times are consumed in car handling:

5 cuts @ 25 minutes per cut = 125 minutes

90 cars @ 3 minutes per car = 270 minutes

Total = 395 minutes

Total time available for unloading (24 hours) = 1440 minutes

Time available for discharging (1440 min. - 395 min.) = 1045 minutes

1045 minutes / 90 cars = 11.61 minutes per car

3,900 bushels / 11.61 min. = 336 BPM (20,155 BPH)

Loading times will be about the same -if- port infrastructure is intact & is even capable of efficiently reloading rail hoppers, as all ukr handling of grain at ports involves loading ships from rail cars, not to railcars.

If Ukr tries to ship by rail, it will take them forever to reload & transport the quantities they currently have in storage, & will completely tie up locomotives & rail lines needed for logistical supply. They won't even come close to having enough storage capacity for even a reduced crop this year, let alone enough rail capacity to move what they already in storage. They will need many 1000s of hoppers & dedicate many more locomotives to move the huge volumes they produce. This also assumes European ports can handle reverse procedures to ship rather than receive the grain.

IMO- Logistics dictate that ukr is f👀ked if they can't use ships to move the grain, hence zelenskys shite his pants demeanor, as this is Ukraine's major source of revenue besides welfare payments. Time to take out rail bridges en masse.

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Thanks for this practical analysis

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Let's find whoever voted that Russia wil lose the war. Give 'em a wedgie!

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It was Blinken. Or Biden. or Nudleman.....

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