Unconfirmed reports on 2nd Odessa attack were complete failure of civil defence warning system & more importantly, no air defence reaction when military internet links went down for 15 minutes during the Onyx strikes. One video I saw was from Odessa by a citizen filming the explosions who was freaked out that there was no warning & no air defence reaction. Anyone hear similar reports?
Unconfirmed reports on 2nd Odessa attack were complete failure of civil defence warning system & more importantly, no air defence reaction when military internet links went down for 15 minutes during the Onyx strikes. One video I saw was from Odessa by a citizen filming the explosions who was freaked out that there was no warning & no air defence reaction. Anyone hear similar reports?
Air raid alarms in Ukraine are famous for activating after the strikes or completely at random. They're used not for warning people but to generate more panic
O shite, but when you have zero air defence reacting, there's valid reason for concern. More relevant was another unconfirmed video of AD operator in front of a dead computer with exactly the same reaction. Can't find link, it disappeared, but it revealed the specific type of netlink system that went dark as attack was going down, but again, unconfirmed. I didn't record as I wrongly assumed it would be big news the next day. Regardless, Odessa was defenseless during part ├▓f the strike so my guess that's something that would be repressed ASAFP if true.
Unconfirmed reports on 2nd Odessa attack were complete failure of civil defence warning system & more importantly, no air defence reaction when military internet links went down for 15 minutes during the Onyx strikes. One video I saw was from Odessa by a citizen filming the explosions who was freaked out that there was no warning & no air defence reaction. Anyone hear similar reports?
" ....no air defence reaction when military internet links went down for 15 minutes during the Onyx strikes."
That is very interesting. Russian EW penetrates that far west?
Plus the "coincidental" internet failure!
Russian EW might be attacking Starlink satellites preventing comms during a missile attack. They are in low orbit, well within range of Russian EW.
Air raid alarms in Ukraine are famous for activating after the strikes or completely at random. They're used not for warning people but to generate more panic
O shite, but when you have zero air defence reacting, there's valid reason for concern. More relevant was another unconfirmed video of AD operator in front of a dead computer with exactly the same reaction. Can't find link, it disappeared, but it revealed the specific type of netlink system that went dark as attack was going down, but again, unconfirmed. I didn't record as I wrongly assumed it would be big news the next day. Regardless, Odessa was defenseless during part ├▓f the strike so my guess that's something that would be repressed ASAFP if true.