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Ah, the traditional Slovak bitching about highway building. The former lead geologist for these projects is now a wine trader in Czechia. You can meet him every year in Mikulov (I believe you can guess when and where exactly).

He will tell you the true story.

The problem is not corruption (which actually worsened because of stupid EU rules for these projects). The problem is that Slovakia is building highways over the worst possible places on this planet. The route between two mountains that came to be by different layers rolling over each other and the underlying foundation changes properties more often than Biden's diapers.

It's virtually impossible to build any long or strong structure over it, but no one had the guts to change the project and start over again with a different route.

The entire thing is essentially an equivalent of the Chinese Tibet railway, but without the glamor and built by a 3 orders of magnitude smaller economy.

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Well, the worst "placed" ones I saw were in Slovenia ( have a friend there too ) and if anyone tells that our geology is off for such projects, than I call it BS. Its not a basalt plane here, but we dont even compare to a good minimaly 1/5-th of european nations in this regard and we do not have any extreme slope tracking ones ... besides, I cant call those building schemes, where firms that get the contract dont have any building tech nor people and hire firms that actually do for gov. funds a corrupt scheme. By measure of funds per 1 km build its also a lot off to the rest of the EU ... not to mention the decades long siphoning of tolls by a certain company, witch should be prominently be used back on them highways ( at least servicing or repairs, if not building new ones ). ... and when issues are around gov. witholding money for actually necessary additional costs due to what you write is, making the financial situation by stretching times as well, the problem, than it is still my point of absolutely abbysmal State disfunction - both on this going on still, and no one bening even taken to account from the administration/ministry. We needed them being done a decade ago and I did mention the new problem with the under-serviced and inadequate railways as well, so if it should go on as it is, we can simply call it all off an let politicians syphon the money off for the same end result no proper trans-Slovak logistics reality even for decades to come. Especially with the actual post-covid state and private loan ballance. :/

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