It is perfectly reasonable to like seeing the defeat of NATO and USSA. They are the military arms of the child raping qabal after all. Kind of hard to like them even on humanitarian grounds. Mercenaries, well... they get what they are paid for.
The idea that there is a widespread problem with western elites raping and even eating children in Satanic rituals is nonsense created by western intelligence.
Frazzledrip was reported on first and for the longest by a media company named Media Matters whose owner is good friends with John Podesta. Wikileaks is fake. Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden also. It's used as controlled information release. Seymour Hersh is fake. Just read his recent error filled article. Robert David Steele, the world's largest purveyor of the SRA myth, was himself an admitted CIA psyop officer who was good friends with Roger Stone. Roger Stone was a member of the NXIVM sex cult and is an IV drug user who is well above Epstein in the NY Kompromat and financial crimes cabal. It was Stone, he owned the brothel, that exposed Elliot Spitzer. Stone is on the same level as Lester Crown, who is the guy that selected Obama and got him elected. Lester's father was Henry Crown, the mobster that owned General Dynamics when JFK awarded them with the TFX contract (F-111) and which is most likely why they had to murder JFK. It was the mob taking out a mob boss that got too greedy. Lester's son is even more active then his dad was.
Tucker Carlson is an expert at linguistic programming and hypnotic induction just like Robert Malone. And Tucker's dad was CIA, just like Alex Jones dad.
That's a long paragraph I have no idea how to cut up. Like me I'll bet you'd ask "why would Hillary allow them to invent a mythical story about a video of her raping to the point of death and then eating an adolescent girl alive?"
I struggled and still struggle with that. The general explanation is that it splits us up into factions that are distracted and energized by hatred of the other groups. But the best explanation I found was from Slave Management Theory. In order to get a slave to identify their own self interest with those of their owner one must first find a common enemy. Then find common interests or things you see eye to eye on.
You exemplify greatly the fruits of psy op. This nonsense you have fallen into was indeed created for you. Attempting ti deny adrenochrome is like denying nato blew up nordstream. The facts avalanche against you more and more
I never denied adrenochrome. I only denied that there is a widespread problem with global elites that get their power from fallen angels in exchange for doing Satanic child sacrifice rituals. No benefit from doing them means they're not doing them.
If you do research on adrenochrome you'll find tons of it for sale at Alibaba.
Is that a psyop? It's very confusing. If you research it you find evidence. Try researching to debunk it. Crickets. I did a lot of research before finally finding out that almost everything is fake. And the evidence is there. But man is it hard to find.
No one wants to know they can give up their hate and stop pointing fingers. Want to control people? Find a common enemy. Everybody gets outraged when they hear about using young children in orgies until nearly dead and then eating them alive. It's the perfect trigger. Now confusing young children into demanding sex change surgery is the next thing.
It's all meant to create two sides that hate each other. I accessed this via email. Maybe I'll come back later and give you more leads. I looked into all this stuff as a true believer. My only saving grace is I really hate liars. If I sniff out a lie, I drop sources forever. This freed up the time to find new sources and that's how I found out.
E511Ministries on Rumble for the big picture. Road to Antichrist Part 2 is good as well as one with Plandemic in the title. His message is incredibly subtle. There's a psyop within a psyop which means there is no psyop (we're talking about God here so look at it as levels of reality or truth or whatever). Let him explain it.
Conspiracy Distllery for Q and all the psyop stuff in the states. This guy clued me into the US and international intelligence agencies operations. If they're in the public eye, they're probably an asset. He got booted off YouTube so now it hard to sort for good videos on his website. His name is Arturo Tafoya. Maybe look for a video of him being interviewed. Very amateurish production and organization. Watch some of this and then ask how Brendon O'Connell finds the time to do his super slick videos.
I think you were banging on about Khazarians too. I looked into that a lot. I was trying to find out how the 13 Illuminati bloodlines came from the tribes of Israel, if the Ashkenazi are Khazarian and what happened to the 10 tribes of the Kingdom of Israel. The answers were nothing, nothing and only God knows.
You can't listen to conspiracy theorists. These people treat uncertainty like a challenge. The more outrageously improbably some theory is the more they grip on to it. They're upside down in their minds and they lead each other on. Most of those books are nonsense or more likely, made by the government. Central banking isn't evil. I know people who think it is but they have no idea how finance works. And they'll never learn because they're mixed up in the head.
Russia tried very hard to achieve a diplomatic solution. They allowed the coup governmemt to form. They let the Azov battalion go beserk. They did help the resistance to halt their advance in the Donbas. Maybe they should have tried harder to counter US moves in the beginning. I don't think Russia or their population were prepared at the time to deal with it. They tried to implement Minsk twice while NATO flooded Ukraine with weapons and prepared for war. Ukraine started the war as observed by the OSCE. Observing the military buildup and increasing artillery attacks Russia twice demanded the USA come to the bargaining table and negotiate. The USA spat in their faces. After the second time the corrupt Biden regime went running around screaming to the press Russia was going to "invade". They knew this because Russia gave them an ultimatum. Negotiate or war. The US chose war. Humans have fought wars for dominance all of recorded history. When diplomacy is shunned and spat on your only choice is to fight or surrender. War is part of the human condition. Crying tears about it isn't going to change anything. Russia should fight this war to the end. Killing as many Ukrainians and NATO personnel as possible. If they want to survive and have any chance to thrive as a civilization the morally bankrupt West must be defeated and its elites shown to be disastrous failures. Somethimg drastic needs to happen to change leadership in the West. The West must be defeated and there should be death. Hopefully a lot of death in the West. This is what is needed and the only thing that will awaken the population of this rotting empire. After their last defeat the Germans behaved rather well the next several decades. Now they have let the Americans convince them they need to be Nazis again. It looks like Russia never settled WW2 after all. They will have to do it all over again now. This is my take. I am sure a lot of those poor Ukrainians were pulled off the street and thrown out there.i've seen the forced conscription videoes. It is sad. There should be British and American civilians dying but this world is ruled by Satan. That sort of justice will have to come later.
It is up to Western leaders if they want to take it that far. To surrender to those psycopaths would be worse than death. Thank God for Russia. Thank God for Putin. The world at least has a chance at a brighter future. It is worth fighting for.
Ukraine and Russia could have cobbled together a workable Peace Agreement. BUT, the Mob Families that run the USSA absolutely would rather see every Ukrainian die, so the USSA can point out what a bad bunch of people the Russians are.
The vast majority of USSA politicians and Government are the scum of the earth, narrow and narrow-minded thinkers, fixated on thuggery, not reason, not civility.
If I had to, I'd put my life on a 600 lb Siberian AmurTiger beating a stealthy 200 lb "Not See" Deutschlander's Leopard on a bad day. We all know what happened to their Tiger⚡⚡ after the last Blitzkrieg died out. Rinse & repeat. US is seriously debating letting Poles get directly involved in fighting as "independent" proxy #2 without invoking article 2. Time for another revolution in Warsaw apparently... Not all Poles are suicidal. Stay T👀Ned to zelen$ky'$ apocalyptic black comedy, we're only getting started... Once Syria gets hot in the northeast, Iran will become US/Israel's next new favorite target. NUTO is starting to look like a 1 armed juggler.
See Capstick on dealing with unhappy leopards. One wants body armor, a 12 gauge pump loaded with 00 buck, a GOOD medical kit with lots of antibiotics and painkillers + someone backing you up who knows how to use it- And damn whoever put you in this situation to hell.
There was a cheeky video of a Russian Ka-52 chasing a Ukrainian Mi-8 yesterday on the contact line in Zaporozhye. The Ka-52 was trying to line him up for a missile but couldn't quite get him as the Mi-8 retreated behind the lines and Ka-52 likely didn't want to get Manpaded
Journalism is supposed to be news not marketing. One of the few ways the Russo/Ukrainian War ends is if there's too much blood and guts for Western Media to ignore. It tragically needs to be like a scene from 'Carrie'.
War, to the military industrial complex and the hawks they own, is the equivalent of Amazon online shopping.
Leopards were just the latest marketing scheme. Every time something fails, there's another thing on offer. Sure, some good-but-not-invincible items may receive less orders after this war, but war's financial speculators will have made a killing, and Ukraine will be in its second war, that of unwilling servitude to its creditors.
There is a massive amount of money allocated to rebuilding Ukraine, once there is no Ukraine, they will divide it up among themselves, oh or maybe not, as Blackrock is holding it all. Plus Zelensky signed over all management rights to Blackrock, a rump Ukraine is allowed to survive will have no ability to recover any of it. War is a rich man's trick.
Letting the Ukrainian panzer fist reach some 10s of km into the second defense line opens the possibility of forming a kessel. At some point the front line troops will run low on critical ATGM and will have to pull back, as was intended.
With heave EW from both sides we should scale down our expectations on close in high def drone video.
This appears a rather inept probing attack - poor co-ordination and march/manouvre discipline. It was repelled. But I agree, a full scale attack should be met with a more elastic type defence, pulling UAF forces into the heart of the defences.
I'd say the AFU can't really escalate much further beyond this. They prepped the EW disruption, massive artillery barrage, sent more than a hundred armoured vehicles into the fight and echieved basically nothing. What more are they going to do? Send in thousands of armoured vehicles? If these are indeed only "probing attacks", it'll only take a few more of them before they have no forces to follow up these "probing attacks" with.
I might well reassess my view, but what I am seeing is company or battalion sized attacks - supported by lots of fire for sure. Am I missing something here? Given the very poor battlefield co-ordination seen, maybe this is the best that the UAF can manage? It takes a long time for a brigade, or multiple brigades to be able to manage to successfully conduct co-ordinated operations. I think that was what I was expecting and have not seen yet these big formations. And maybe I won't?
Fair enough, if that's what your sources say. However, it looks to me like we've already seen the mauling of three whole brigades over the past five days. I'm terrible with the exact designations, and you obviously read here too, so it's quite possible I'm wrong and you're right.
Thanks for taking the quip in the intended fashion: making you laugh.
The 2nd one you're referring to even made 2 different videos, you can see him wearing Ukrainian uniforms in the other one:
Thanks. You know Ukrainian and Russian? I'm told that's more than most Kiev Ukrainians do.
And English? I am envious. I speak only English and ironically the more google translate etc. help me read languages all around the world the more I wish I could speak them instead of just relaxing into using it and being satisfied.
It must be great. :)
Do you also know, perhaps, where on social media Russians and Ukrainians meet and mix? I'm looking for some place where perhaps we could post the truth of this conflict, how Kiev Ukrainians are being used by America and doing it all for nothing and try to persuade them to make peace.
I am just amazed at how nearly half a million of them now are either dead or injured and all because they think they are fighting a Russian invasion when in fact it is they who are invading their brother's Donbas land! And all through 2022 and since 2014 they know full well they were fighting their brother Ukrainians - or those who fought during those years did, for sure.
They have nothing to gain and everything to use and I feel if they knew the truth they wouldn't do it.
Thanks. I'm a Russian-Ukrainian who happens to speak English having also lived in The West and in the USSR. It's true most Ukrainians speak Ukrainian poorly so I will not call myself an expert in Ukrainian either (far from it) and like most Ukrainians my Russian is much better.
You can install the Google Translate Browser Extension which allows for a single-click in your browser that will automatically translate most foreign language websites, including social media, including the entire page. This is much easier than copy-pasting random foreign text into a separate translator.
"" (Russian Facebook) is a popular place where Russians and Ukrainians used to meet though now I believe it is still banned in Ukraine. Presently these exchanges mostly occur on Telegram which is very popular in both countries. Telegram on mobile version has an auto translation feature built in too (not on the desktop version though). The dialogue is often not very civil as you can imagine.
As for how it got to them. Never underestimate the power of media monopoly and brainwashing using fear (primarily) and appeals to national vanity and arrogance. Most Ukrainians have (had) no issue with Russians outside of Western Ukraine which has historically always been hostile to anything Russian and who's history goes back to siding with Hitler and being sour that the Soviets liberated them and who even continued another lesser known but very bloody and long war inside the USSR utilizing Bandera Militias in the 1950's. These were elements who were funded and provided for (secretly) by the CIA (see Operation Aerodynamic and Operation Gladio). So there is a long history there. The US strategy was to operate "stay behind operations" using radical Ukrainian ethnic nationalist militias and bandits to disrupt operations inside the USSR. This was a very bloody affair and I see the present conflict as an extension of the radicalism of that era and the US again utilizing the same forces and social undercurrent from the past (the people with sympathies to Bandera and Co.).
The difference is since 1991 most Ukrainian presidents have towed a generally neutral line between Ukraine-Russia relations in order to maintain domestic harmony. After The Maidan Coup which was made possible by neo-nazi forces identifying with Right Sector and Svaboda, the elected government was ran out by sudden violence and a new era in Ukraine opened up that inflamed old tensions between Ethnic Nationalist Ukrainians (largely in the west) and Pro-Russian Ukrainians and Pro-Russian Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine.
Then suddenly many eastern citizens did not identify with the new values and new vision of the new anti-Russian far right state and that's when Kiev undertook its own punitive measures against that minority population with the full backing of DC as those minorities wanted nothing to do with Kiev's new government and wanted to realign with Russia. In many ways this is a conflict that the average Ukrainian had no choosing or say in. This is still true today as it was in 2014. But there is a very radical, loud, and violent minority that has governed all affairs since 2014 because it is they who have come to power and them that Poroshenko and Zelensky cater to and legitimized.
We know most Ukrainians were more or less ready for a peaceful solution because they voted for Zelensky in 2019 who promised peace in stark contrast to his predecessor Poroshenko who was a warmonger and obvious western lacky for war and more anti-Russian sentiment. Zelensky quickly started turning around his promises around and further tightened down on media and opposition after he came to office, especially anything pro-Russian.
My personal belief is that Zelensky is a common fool and drug addict but he did mean to try to bring peace when he first came to office. There is video of him (in Ukrainian) speaking with Azov members in the trenches in the east when he first came to office trying to convince them to lay down their arms--he was rebuffed in no uncertain terms by young radicalized men with arms and I am certain he was threatened and has been since that time, ergo he knows the score. I think he chose to side with the hardcore ethnic nationalists and with Washington DC who both funded and armed those same nationalists vs risk getting assassinated by those same neo-nazi goons. Now it seems like he's gone way too far to ever go back. And who knows, with the amount of drugs he's on, I don't think he's a rational actor anymore at all and he may be believing his own lies. No doubt he is an evil coward who is saving himself while killing Ukrainians and denying them peace. He is too cowardly to call for peace because he fears what may happen to him--this is what I believe.
I dunno, back when he was satrap of Afghanistan, Ghani was proclaimed to be wiser than Solomon, a regular Jesus Christ returned to earth as a greater military and political strategist than Napoleon, Julius Caesar and Ashoka combined.
Ghani has since been chased out of Afghanistan, but he's still alive and well and living the good life.
Thank you for that. Very informative and backs what I'd thought was the case generally, which is important to me - being such an 'outsider' from it all there's always a good chance I'm mistaken in my ideas as outsiders so often are. But your words reassure me I've got it right. :) Anytime you have more to say on the subject I think many of us might want to hear it.
Glad I could help. I thoroughly understand the difficultly of attempting to see another culture and foreign political event from a foreign perspective since our own reference is typically inside-out first and then making calculated assumptions about said events and hoping we are right and more accurate than less accurate; it isn't easy! But people who are tenacious about finding the truth and are constantly scrutinizing what they currently know will eventually paint a very accurate picture. I will be chiming in more often here as I am just getting "onboarded" to this wonderful blog. Simplicius simply spoils us. See you around ;)
Actually, I would say it started even before 2014. The so-called "Orange Revolution" and that dickhead Yushchenko were precursors to all that followed in 2014. By the way, were is that brainless braided head Tymosenko these days?
The subcurrent has always been there; it all goes back to Bandera and WWII. It's true there were earlier attempts at Maidan-like revolutions (the one you refer to). I believe Tymoshenko is probably busy laundering "funds for Ukraine" and has been spotted in ever more exotic cars whilst advocating for Ukraine-NATO membership.
Honest question: The constant cocaine references are ubiquitous and certainly believable. (If I were in his position, I'd probably be doing lots of coke, and it explains his stamina in playing his ridiculous last acting role) But do we have direct evidence?
There are some Russian doctors who have analyzed Zelensky's "patterns" and strongly conclude he is on some kind of drugs, most likely cocaine. Is that so hard to believe? He's an actor and a comedian, he is in showbusiness and has the backing of very rich people. I certainly believe it given his constant nose twitching and erratic eye-shifting. He started to remind me of Tony Montana from Scar Face or Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) from Pulp Fiction.
There is no direct evidence, however, he's been filmed sniffing his nose several times (usually one nostril), which is a sign. He's also aged rapidly over the years, which is another sign. There are awful pictures online of before and after pics showing the physical decay a cocaine addiction can wreak on the body. This should be taught in schools, really.
Aside from that, it is a known mood booster and gives the user a lot of confidence, which given his situation may be a tempting cope. Again, nobody caught him on camera stuffing his face in some powder, but it seems unlikely he was suffering from the cold and aged poorly due to the stressss of the job alone.
As another USSR born, Russian speaker now living in the West, I would like to second the above. Telegram seems to be the only viable platform at the moment. Haven't heard anything about V Kontakte for a while.
30 tanks destroyed in 2 hours is not an offensive it’s a turkey shoot that’s one destroyed every 4 minutes, Russia should put all the strike together and call it Russias greatest hits and let that be a warning to the warmongering West
Yet another extremely informative article. Thank you for that.
It must be said - NATO got a heavy trouncing by a Russian screening force, no less, that may yet change the course of history. But the Russians must not get carried away by this early success. If the Ukrainians go all in and falling back to the rear lines is called for, false pride is your worst enemy.
But what is the word on the Karkhova dam? Some reports from yesterday say that the embankment has in fact not been breached. For how long can the Ukrainians keep releasing water from reservoirs further up the Dnepr to maintain the flooding? This must also be said - The Zelensky regime backed by NATO is committing a gigantic and ongoing ecological war crime that's also for the history books. That comes even on top on their willingness to use DU munitions.
My forces are well aware of Nato's June "war exercises". They are prepared. What the Federation is doing, I don't know but it doesn't matter at this point. NATO is going all in, and they took the bait.
There's no sure way to know if the dam base will hold. I live in S. Manitoba, it's a clone of Ukr with expat Ukranians here for 130+years. We have a floodway diversion bypassing our capital when the Red River floods. 1997 floods exceeded max capacity of 4000 c/ms I was at the exit flow gate the day they restricted access. The ground was literally shaking like a constant earthquake. Flow rate equaled the Mississippi but dropped through a narrow gate. Unknown to engineers, the record volume of water had undermined the base of the gate over 35 meters deep, threatening the entire earthen base and gate structure with catastrophic failure. Trucks 24/7 dumped unknown quantities of huge rocks, that were immediately swept away by the flow. Likely this desperate attempt helped only a little as floodwaters dropped 🙏& the threat of total collapse was averted. They were still filling the hole after the crisis was over.
If Ukr continues to overload the reservoir, realistically, this disaster could get infinitely worse. The fact that the entire power station structure was destroyed is good as it has spread the water flow over a wider area reducing undercut currents at the base. There's no way to know 100% how much damage has been done until flow is greatly reduced so they can assess the base, or it collapses.
The explosions at the power plant @ 2:50 am could've been the entire power generating system shorting out & exploding as it was flooded. I've witnessed 3 xfmrs explode, 1 industrial, & 2 local utility step-down & it is blinding & deafening. Can't imagine what a power plant would do.
Very good point about transformers exploding. As noted in this post, the explosion came from inside and I was wondering how Uke forced could have gotten inside, so I'm giving more weight to the (semi-) natural cause ... except for the evidence that elensky is feeding the flood from upstream ...
On one trip to the local dump, during a pre tornado thunderstorm (ocean green storm clouds circling @ maybe 200+/- ft, intense rain wind w extreme gusts, & continuous sheet lightning w ground strikes every couple seconds absolute minimum) I witnessed 8 or 9 pole mounted 600vac line power xfmrs explode in series starting with a ground strike on the one directly in front of me & off over the hill 2 miles away. The sound was like an entire 152mm arty battery went off, booming loud above the non stop thunder. When my eyes adjusted to the strobe like contrasting daylight/darkness, with no highway lighting, I proceeded to the dump, where I met a guy whose only words were "you like thunderstorms too... " I laughed, nodded & said, yeah.. We both stood & watched, maybe a minute, in silence🙉 then went our ways. When I got home I caught my best friend & my wife together, in the basement...⚡ 😵🤯⚡
What I witnessed was only a fraction of the energy that flooding of the power generating station would create. Generating output = xxx megawatts @6:00 on the D day of destruction would enable at least a ballpark guess on the electrical energy created within the plant that day. Confined electricity & water mix powerfully. My 2¢ rough calculations🤔🧐🤕 are an earthquake 1-2 Richter amplified through the river. Far lower than the 3.2 Richter ex brit depleted uranium dump that Ukr recently lost🙊.
Cool story, man! The things that make for the best true stories often have little to do with one having been a sensible, day to day dependable but somewhat boring person... Golden retriever or Malinois? You decide.
I have seen my share of pole mounted Xformers blown (or at least their fusible links!). Noisy. Impressive.
But not the same profile for gas generation and shockwave application to a work piece as a charge of (aluminized?) RDX/HMX + either some binder + plasticizers for a plastique- Or enough TNT for melt casting? Or a few % of a flouropolymer plastic binder coating crystals of HE hydraulically compressed to high density as in a military type insensitive plastic HE.
We use capacitive discharge firing systems and exploding bridge wire detonators (no primary explosives) on some projects. The voltage and amperage dumped into these bridge wires or foils are less impressive than that which a good cumulus nimbus cloud can pump into a bolt. But the energy OUTPUT and SPEED of a substantial charge of modern military/commercial high velocity explosive would be required to shatter concrete and cut steel efficiently. An Xformer explosion is more like a steam explosion, the Xformer oil gets vaporized by arcing and ruptures the containment- Noisy, sure! But it ain't cutting steel and shattering concrete very well. I suppose if the dam were already starting to go? A little pulse like that MIGHT kick things over the edge and let the water do the rest. But anything worth doing is worth OVER doing.
Excellent points but I only used a xfmr as an analogy. This is a huge power generating station and the generators are exponential in output, size, quantity. This f👀ker powers every size xfmr we've ever seen in an industrial region & failed/short circuited under load. Remember, All it takes is one small breach in the - already damaged, leaking structure- for the increased flow of the reservoir water to take care of the rest of the upper structures. The amount of physical energy that is stored in the reservoir is comparable to many thousands of 2000lbers. Look at the disaster that nearly occurred when Task Force 9 bombed Taqba dam Syria with Blu109. Even that didn't destroy it, & disaster was only averted by the engineers allowed in, who were then killed in the next raid. Ukr knew exactly what they were doing when the upper dams were opened the day before. Smart trick, RF is blamed, & a much craftier terminal method than pulling a strategic repeat of Taqba methodology, B52s, is accomplished.
BTW, What saved the Syrian dam from failing was the fact that in spite of the extensive damage caused, the BLU109 was a dud. Significant too is the fact that this was a rogue operation run outside US chain of command, where US deniability for a potential war crime disaster, had at least a hint of crediblity.
Thanks for pointing out the Taqba dam clusterfuck. I totally missed this at the time of occurence. After a few minutes with Google, I have doubts that such an unusual LASER guided weapon was used "accidentally" or that the CIA/NSA/"usual suspects" planners of that USA orchestrated revolutionary war did NOT intend to breach Taqba dam. Motherfuckers.
👍It's not a coincidence that the same usual suspects are heavily & covertly involved in Donbass disaster, either. I do have to give them credit for manipulating this into "Rus did it." Destroying, lying, denying & misdirecting is what they do better than anyone except maybe Swiss elites, who never get their own hands dirty.
Completely correct to my line of thinking. Acting like the match is over before it actually ends is a good way to get a bloody nose.
That said, I'm calling it now: a creeping Western consensus of Vietnam-esque cope like "We would have won if it had been a real fight between NATO and Russia instead of a proxy war!"
If Ukraine doesn't have something big planned over the next couple days, this isn't going to end well for them. Also heard reports of rain in the next 2 weeks.
Knowing they'd get hit I think that they should have held the Leos back. Now it just feels like ritual humiliation for Germany by the allied millstone around their neck.
The West broke it, now they have to buy it. Get ripped and torn until it is done.
Sometimes you gotta wonder if Zelensky is working for Putin. He’s doing a great job helping Russia demilitarize NATO’s weapons. And showing how badly they stack up against Russia’s. 😁
Slap this caption on a video of the Patriot takedown. "Make the fireworks, don't be the fireworks. Talk to one of our Air and MIssile Defense specialists today to get a system sized for your needs!"
Thanks. I do forget sometimes to make that distinction. From what I've found people everywhere have the same relationship with government - they elect it, it elects to misrepresent them.
Why leave when you are kicking USA/NATO ass? Somebody is going to have to leave. It doesn't appear to be the Russians!
In the immortal words of David Cameron.
Calm down dear!
It is perfectly reasonable to like seeing the defeat of NATO and USSA. They are the military arms of the child raping qabal after all. Kind of hard to like them even on humanitarian grounds. Mercenaries, well... they get what they are paid for.
The idea that there is a widespread problem with western elites raping and even eating children in Satanic rituals is nonsense created by western intelligence.
Frazzledrip was reported on first and for the longest by a media company named Media Matters whose owner is good friends with John Podesta. Wikileaks is fake. Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden also. It's used as controlled information release. Seymour Hersh is fake. Just read his recent error filled article. Robert David Steele, the world's largest purveyor of the SRA myth, was himself an admitted CIA psyop officer who was good friends with Roger Stone. Roger Stone was a member of the NXIVM sex cult and is an IV drug user who is well above Epstein in the NY Kompromat and financial crimes cabal. It was Stone, he owned the brothel, that exposed Elliot Spitzer. Stone is on the same level as Lester Crown, who is the guy that selected Obama and got him elected. Lester's father was Henry Crown, the mobster that owned General Dynamics when JFK awarded them with the TFX contract (F-111) and which is most likely why they had to murder JFK. It was the mob taking out a mob boss that got too greedy. Lester's son is even more active then his dad was.
Tucker Carlson is an expert at linguistic programming and hypnotic induction just like Robert Malone. And Tucker's dad was CIA, just like Alex Jones dad.
That's a long paragraph I have no idea how to cut up. Like me I'll bet you'd ask "why would Hillary allow them to invent a mythical story about a video of her raping to the point of death and then eating an adolescent girl alive?"
I struggled and still struggle with that. The general explanation is that it splits us up into factions that are distracted and energized by hatred of the other groups. But the best explanation I found was from Slave Management Theory. In order to get a slave to identify their own self interest with those of their owner one must first find a common enemy. Then find common interests or things you see eye to eye on.
You exemplify greatly the fruits of psy op. This nonsense you have fallen into was indeed created for you. Attempting ti deny adrenochrome is like denying nato blew up nordstream. The facts avalanche against you more and more
I never denied adrenochrome. I only denied that there is a widespread problem with global elites that get their power from fallen angels in exchange for doing Satanic child sacrifice rituals. No benefit from doing them means they're not doing them.
If you do research on adrenochrome you'll find tons of it for sale at Alibaba.
Is that a psyop? It's very confusing. If you research it you find evidence. Try researching to debunk it. Crickets. I did a lot of research before finally finding out that almost everything is fake. And the evidence is there. But man is it hard to find.
No one wants to know they can give up their hate and stop pointing fingers. Want to control people? Find a common enemy. Everybody gets outraged when they hear about using young children in orgies until nearly dead and then eating them alive. It's the perfect trigger. Now confusing young children into demanding sex change surgery is the next thing.
It's all meant to create two sides that hate each other. I accessed this via email. Maybe I'll come back later and give you more leads. I looked into all this stuff as a true believer. My only saving grace is I really hate liars. If I sniff out a lie, I drop sources forever. This freed up the time to find new sources and that's how I found out.
E511Ministries on Rumble for the big picture. Road to Antichrist Part 2 is good as well as one with Plandemic in the title. His message is incredibly subtle. There's a psyop within a psyop which means there is no psyop (we're talking about God here so look at it as levels of reality or truth or whatever). Let him explain it.
Conspiracy Distllery for Q and all the psyop stuff in the states. This guy clued me into the US and international intelligence agencies operations. If they're in the public eye, they're probably an asset. He got booted off YouTube so now it hard to sort for good videos on his website. His name is Arturo Tafoya. Maybe look for a video of him being interviewed. Very amateurish production and organization. Watch some of this and then ask how Brendon O'Connell finds the time to do his super slick videos.
I think you were banging on about Khazarians too. I looked into that a lot. I was trying to find out how the 13 Illuminati bloodlines came from the tribes of Israel, if the Ashkenazi are Khazarian and what happened to the 10 tribes of the Kingdom of Israel. The answers were nothing, nothing and only God knows.
You can't listen to conspiracy theorists. These people treat uncertainty like a challenge. The more outrageously improbably some theory is the more they grip on to it. They're upside down in their minds and they lead each other on. Most of those books are nonsense or more likely, made by the government. Central banking isn't evil. I know people who think it is but they have no idea how finance works. And they'll never learn because they're mixed up in the head.
Later, hopefully. Holidays coming up.
Russia tried very hard to achieve a diplomatic solution. They allowed the coup governmemt to form. They let the Azov battalion go beserk. They did help the resistance to halt their advance in the Donbas. Maybe they should have tried harder to counter US moves in the beginning. I don't think Russia or their population were prepared at the time to deal with it. They tried to implement Minsk twice while NATO flooded Ukraine with weapons and prepared for war. Ukraine started the war as observed by the OSCE. Observing the military buildup and increasing artillery attacks Russia twice demanded the USA come to the bargaining table and negotiate. The USA spat in their faces. After the second time the corrupt Biden regime went running around screaming to the press Russia was going to "invade". They knew this because Russia gave them an ultimatum. Negotiate or war. The US chose war. Humans have fought wars for dominance all of recorded history. When diplomacy is shunned and spat on your only choice is to fight or surrender. War is part of the human condition. Crying tears about it isn't going to change anything. Russia should fight this war to the end. Killing as many Ukrainians and NATO personnel as possible. If they want to survive and have any chance to thrive as a civilization the morally bankrupt West must be defeated and its elites shown to be disastrous failures. Somethimg drastic needs to happen to change leadership in the West. The West must be defeated and there should be death. Hopefully a lot of death in the West. This is what is needed and the only thing that will awaken the population of this rotting empire. After their last defeat the Germans behaved rather well the next several decades. Now they have let the Americans convince them they need to be Nazis again. It looks like Russia never settled WW2 after all. They will have to do it all over again now. This is my take. I am sure a lot of those poor Ukrainians were pulled off the street and thrown out there.i've seen the forced conscription videoes. It is sad. There should be British and American civilians dying but this world is ruled by Satan. That sort of justice will have to come later.
It is up to Western leaders if they want to take it that far. To surrender to those psycopaths would be worse than death. Thank God for Russia. Thank God for Putin. The world at least has a chance at a brighter future. It is worth fighting for.
It is up to me and god. Western leaders are puppet tools
Liberals are far-right crypto-fascists.
Chill Winstan!
Sociopaths and Psychopaths are way more common than you think. The level of mental illness in the heavily propagandized west is off the charts.
Ukraine and Russia could have cobbled together a workable Peace Agreement. BUT, the Mob Families that run the USSA absolutely would rather see every Ukrainian die, so the USSA can point out what a bad bunch of people the Russians are.
The vast majority of USSA politicians and Government are the scum of the earth, narrow and narrow-minded thinkers, fixated on thuggery, not reason, not civility.
Therein lays the Tombstone of Ukraine.
Spayed leopards 😂😂😂
If I had to, I'd put my life on a 600 lb Siberian AmurTiger beating a stealthy 200 lb "Not See" Deutschlander's Leopard on a bad day. We all know what happened to their Tiger⚡⚡ after the last Blitzkrieg died out. Rinse & repeat. US is seriously debating letting Poles get directly involved in fighting as "independent" proxy #2 without invoking article 2. Time for another revolution in Warsaw apparently... Not all Poles are suicidal. Stay T👀Ned to zelen$ky'$ apocalyptic black comedy, we're only getting started... Once Syria gets hot in the northeast, Iran will become US/Israel's next new favorite target. NUTO is starting to look like a 1 armed juggler.
all their self-made enemies come home to roost. at once. real nightmare, huh?
agreed, I also liked the title.
See Capstick on dealing with unhappy leopards. One wants body armor, a 12 gauge pump loaded with 00 buck, a GOOD medical kit with lots of antibiotics and painkillers + someone backing you up who knows how to use it- And damn whoever put you in this situation to hell.
>faced stiffer resistance than expected
"Bwaaaa?! The Russians were dug-in and prepared for an assault after we warned them for a year?"
-some american bureaucrat in Ukraine
LOL yeah I grimaced at that too. How could anyone not know the strength of the Russian resistance? Clowns abound.
I know right? Must have been serious political pressure:
"But sir, our ISR show significant Russian fortifications and troops."
"Order Zelensky to attack anyway, or no more Coca Cola for him".
The whole point of propaganda is to make *other people* fall for it.
Falling for your own propaganda is just embarrassing.
"The russian army is just a bunch of conscripts dragged out of their communes and given a rifle"
Sir, that was 1941.
Well we don't know if they DID fallen for their own propaganda.
We a describing an article in mass-media, that is, a propaganda product. It is normal for propaganda to "fall for itself".
We do not know if "decision makers" in Kiev, Brussels and Washington thinks so, or not.
They've been smoking their own supply that's for sure.
1000 Thanks for all you do! You're my number one source!!
armed forces of ukraine failed last night to get through the skirmish lines.....
which is the case because the long range fires and reacting aviation backed up the light lines....
artillery prep is minimized when the light force can call in heavy fires which are safe from the artillery preparation.
the value of air dominance!
a 'tank wedge'! we are not talking shield walls and swine heads!
There was a cheeky video of a Russian Ka-52 chasing a Ukrainian Mi-8 yesterday on the contact line in Zaporozhye. The Ka-52 was trying to line him up for a missile but couldn't quite get him as the Mi-8 retreated behind the lines and Ka-52 likely didn't want to get Manpaded
But it proves that Ukraine did have all the air support they could manage. But unfortunately Mi-8 just can't match Ka-52 support
Real life war thunder happening.
Great analysis
Journalism is supposed to be news not marketing. One of the few ways the Russo/Ukrainian War ends is if there's too much blood and guts for Western Media to ignore. It tragically needs to be like a scene from 'Carrie'.
War, to the military industrial complex and the hawks they own, is the equivalent of Amazon online shopping.
Leopards were just the latest marketing scheme. Every time something fails, there's another thing on offer. Sure, some good-but-not-invincible items may receive less orders after this war, but war's financial speculators will have made a killing, and Ukraine will be in its second war, that of unwilling servitude to its creditors.
Ukraine won't exist by the time this is all over, so its creditors will be left holding the bag.
Blackrock will take it out of the taxpayers wallet someway. they dont lose any deals.
Russian taxpayers won't pay Blackrock 😎
It risks being the 51st state of America.
Has been for many years-- biolabs, human trafficking etc.
USSA and Kiev works for the khazarian mafia. This includes the rothschild, rockefeller, windsor clan, Vatican, DC, and London inside London network.
Oh, go evolve to a higher level of conciousness.
Already did, mortal
States have rights, satraps just have obligations.
There is a massive amount of money allocated to rebuilding Ukraine, once there is no Ukraine, they will divide it up among themselves, oh or maybe not, as Blackrock is holding it all. Plus Zelensky signed over all management rights to Blackrock, a rump Ukraine is allowed to survive will have no ability to recover any of it. War is a rich man's trick.
Letting the Ukrainian panzer fist reach some 10s of km into the second defense line opens the possibility of forming a kessel. At some point the front line troops will run low on critical ATGM and will have to pull back, as was intended.
With heave EW from both sides we should scale down our expectations on close in high def drone video.
This appears a rather inept probing attack - poor co-ordination and march/manouvre discipline. It was repelled. But I agree, a full scale attack should be met with a more elastic type defence, pulling UAF forces into the heart of the defences.
I'd say the AFU can't really escalate much further beyond this. They prepped the EW disruption, massive artillery barrage, sent more than a hundred armoured vehicles into the fight and echieved basically nothing. What more are they going to do? Send in thousands of armoured vehicles? If these are indeed only "probing attacks", it'll only take a few more of them before they have no forces to follow up these "probing attacks" with.
Very possibly - though I am not sure we have as yet seen large forces committed. Mind you, with c 20 to30 tanks per brigade they will soon run out.
If this looks to you like a probing attack, I never want to meet your proctologist.
:-) That is funny!!
I might well reassess my view, but what I am seeing is company or battalion sized attacks - supported by lots of fire for sure. Am I missing something here? Given the very poor battlefield co-ordination seen, maybe this is the best that the UAF can manage? It takes a long time for a brigade, or multiple brigades to be able to manage to successfully conduct co-ordinated operations. I think that was what I was expecting and have not seen yet these big formations. And maybe I won't?
Fair enough, if that's what your sources say. However, it looks to me like we've already seen the mauling of three whole brigades over the past five days. I'm terrible with the exact designations, and you obviously read here too, so it's quite possible I'm wrong and you're right.
Thanks for taking the quip in the intended fashion: making you laugh.
If I get it right that's a russian soldier complaining they got no support? that's the interesting bit, if so. more about that...
I meant the second '' one. I am not saying it was Russian I'm asking...
They're all Ukrainian
Yep, thanks.
The 2nd one you're referring to even made 2 different videos, you can see him wearing Ukrainian uniforms in the other one:
they'll kill him for that won't they? one way or another...
The Nazi NKVD commissar troops can't cover all the troops if they simultaneously surround the NKVD blockers and kill them or surrender en masse.
Although if RUssia has intel on where these blocking units are, specifying them for special treatment would help.
Ukrainian soldier. I know both languages.
Thanks. You know Ukrainian and Russian? I'm told that's more than most Kiev Ukrainians do.
And English? I am envious. I speak only English and ironically the more google translate etc. help me read languages all around the world the more I wish I could speak them instead of just relaxing into using it and being satisfied.
It must be great. :)
Do you also know, perhaps, where on social media Russians and Ukrainians meet and mix? I'm looking for some place where perhaps we could post the truth of this conflict, how Kiev Ukrainians are being used by America and doing it all for nothing and try to persuade them to make peace.
I am just amazed at how nearly half a million of them now are either dead or injured and all because they think they are fighting a Russian invasion when in fact it is they who are invading their brother's Donbas land! And all through 2022 and since 2014 they know full well they were fighting their brother Ukrainians - or those who fought during those years did, for sure.
They have nothing to gain and everything to use and I feel if they knew the truth they wouldn't do it.
But how to get it to them?
Thanks. I'm a Russian-Ukrainian who happens to speak English having also lived in The West and in the USSR. It's true most Ukrainians speak Ukrainian poorly so I will not call myself an expert in Ukrainian either (far from it) and like most Ukrainians my Russian is much better.
You can install the Google Translate Browser Extension which allows for a single-click in your browser that will automatically translate most foreign language websites, including social media, including the entire page. This is much easier than copy-pasting random foreign text into a separate translator.
"" (Russian Facebook) is a popular place where Russians and Ukrainians used to meet though now I believe it is still banned in Ukraine. Presently these exchanges mostly occur on Telegram which is very popular in both countries. Telegram on mobile version has an auto translation feature built in too (not on the desktop version though). The dialogue is often not very civil as you can imagine.
As for how it got to them. Never underestimate the power of media monopoly and brainwashing using fear (primarily) and appeals to national vanity and arrogance. Most Ukrainians have (had) no issue with Russians outside of Western Ukraine which has historically always been hostile to anything Russian and who's history goes back to siding with Hitler and being sour that the Soviets liberated them and who even continued another lesser known but very bloody and long war inside the USSR utilizing Bandera Militias in the 1950's. These were elements who were funded and provided for (secretly) by the CIA (see Operation Aerodynamic and Operation Gladio). So there is a long history there. The US strategy was to operate "stay behind operations" using radical Ukrainian ethnic nationalist militias and bandits to disrupt operations inside the USSR. This was a very bloody affair and I see the present conflict as an extension of the radicalism of that era and the US again utilizing the same forces and social undercurrent from the past (the people with sympathies to Bandera and Co.).
The difference is since 1991 most Ukrainian presidents have towed a generally neutral line between Ukraine-Russia relations in order to maintain domestic harmony. After The Maidan Coup which was made possible by neo-nazi forces identifying with Right Sector and Svaboda, the elected government was ran out by sudden violence and a new era in Ukraine opened up that inflamed old tensions between Ethnic Nationalist Ukrainians (largely in the west) and Pro-Russian Ukrainians and Pro-Russian Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine.
Then suddenly many eastern citizens did not identify with the new values and new vision of the new anti-Russian far right state and that's when Kiev undertook its own punitive measures against that minority population with the full backing of DC as those minorities wanted nothing to do with Kiev's new government and wanted to realign with Russia. In many ways this is a conflict that the average Ukrainian had no choosing or say in. This is still true today as it was in 2014. But there is a very radical, loud, and violent minority that has governed all affairs since 2014 because it is they who have come to power and them that Poroshenko and Zelensky cater to and legitimized.
We know most Ukrainians were more or less ready for a peaceful solution because they voted for Zelensky in 2019 who promised peace in stark contrast to his predecessor Poroshenko who was a warmonger and obvious western lacky for war and more anti-Russian sentiment. Zelensky quickly started turning around his promises around and further tightened down on media and opposition after he came to office, especially anything pro-Russian.
My personal belief is that Zelensky is a common fool and drug addict but he did mean to try to bring peace when he first came to office. There is video of him (in Ukrainian) speaking with Azov members in the trenches in the east when he first came to office trying to convince them to lay down their arms--he was rebuffed in no uncertain terms by young radicalized men with arms and I am certain he was threatened and has been since that time, ergo he knows the score. I think he chose to side with the hardcore ethnic nationalists and with Washington DC who both funded and armed those same nationalists vs risk getting assassinated by those same neo-nazi goons. Now it seems like he's gone way too far to ever go back. And who knows, with the amount of drugs he's on, I don't think he's a rational actor anymore at all and he may be believing his own lies. No doubt he is an evil coward who is saving himself while killing Ukrainians and denying them peace. He is too cowardly to call for peace because he fears what may happen to him--this is what I believe.
I am confident little dick 'elensky will not live long. He will be hunted down and destroyed.
Zela is a dead man walking. Either his "friends" in the west, or FSB will see to it. All in good time.
I dunno, back when he was satrap of Afghanistan, Ghani was proclaimed to be wiser than Solomon, a regular Jesus Christ returned to earth as a greater military and political strategist than Napoleon, Julius Caesar and Ashoka combined.
Ghani has since been chased out of Afghanistan, but he's still alive and well and living the good life.
Thank you for that. Very informative and backs what I'd thought was the case generally, which is important to me - being such an 'outsider' from it all there's always a good chance I'm mistaken in my ideas as outsiders so often are. But your words reassure me I've got it right. :) Anytime you have more to say on the subject I think many of us might want to hear it.
Glad I could help. I thoroughly understand the difficultly of attempting to see another culture and foreign political event from a foreign perspective since our own reference is typically inside-out first and then making calculated assumptions about said events and hoping we are right and more accurate than less accurate; it isn't easy! But people who are tenacious about finding the truth and are constantly scrutinizing what they currently know will eventually paint a very accurate picture. I will be chiming in more often here as I am just getting "onboarded" to this wonderful blog. Simplicius simply spoils us. See you around ;)
Actually, I would say it started even before 2014. The so-called "Orange Revolution" and that dickhead Yushchenko were precursors to all that followed in 2014. By the way, were is that brainless braided head Tymosenko these days?
The subcurrent has always been there; it all goes back to Bandera and WWII. It's true there were earlier attempts at Maidan-like revolutions (the one you refer to). I believe Tymoshenko is probably busy laundering "funds for Ukraine" and has been spotted in ever more exotic cars whilst advocating for Ukraine-NATO membership.
Is there anything common to Russians and Ukrainians, perhaps I should ask, to all Eastern Europeans, that would let them all live in peace?
Excellent synopsis.
Honest question: The constant cocaine references are ubiquitous and certainly believable. (If I were in his position, I'd probably be doing lots of coke, and it explains his stamina in playing his ridiculous last acting role) But do we have direct evidence?
Do we know his dealers?
Are you kidding? who has the history of funding their black ops through drug running?
There are some Russian doctors who have analyzed Zelensky's "patterns" and strongly conclude he is on some kind of drugs, most likely cocaine. Is that so hard to believe? He's an actor and a comedian, he is in showbusiness and has the backing of very rich people. I certainly believe it given his constant nose twitching and erratic eye-shifting. He started to remind me of Tony Montana from Scar Face or Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) from Pulp Fiction.
Back when he was young and even stupider, he made a video extolling the virtues of cocaine and gushing about all the stuff he got done when tooted up.
The dealership headquarters is in Langley.
There is no direct evidence, however, he's been filmed sniffing his nose several times (usually one nostril), which is a sign. He's also aged rapidly over the years, which is another sign. There are awful pictures online of before and after pics showing the physical decay a cocaine addiction can wreak on the body. This should be taught in schools, really.
Aside from that, it is a known mood booster and gives the user a lot of confidence, which given his situation may be a tempting cope. Again, nobody caught him on camera stuffing his face in some powder, but it seems unlikely he was suffering from the cold and aged poorly due to the stressss of the job alone.
As another USSR born, Russian speaker now living in the West, I would like to second the above. Telegram seems to be the only viable platform at the moment. Haven't heard anything about V Kontakte for a while.
Yesterday's post was linked at The Gateway Pundit:
30 tanks destroyed in 2 hours is not an offensive it’s a turkey shoot that’s one destroyed every 4 minutes, Russia should put all the strike together and call it Russias greatest hits and let that be a warning to the warmongering West
there was two vids of memorable note on TG . within those two vids 42 pieces were destroyed from helo . alligators are formidable
They probably tried to but their 1Tb portable drive couldn't fit such a long video.
Russias greatest hits😂😂😂 Thank you👍👏
Yet another extremely informative article. Thank you for that.
It must be said - NATO got a heavy trouncing by a Russian screening force, no less, that may yet change the course of history. But the Russians must not get carried away by this early success. If the Ukrainians go all in and falling back to the rear lines is called for, false pride is your worst enemy.
But what is the word on the Karkhova dam? Some reports from yesterday say that the embankment has in fact not been breached. For how long can the Ukrainians keep releasing water from reservoirs further up the Dnepr to maintain the flooding? This must also be said - The Zelensky regime backed by NATO is committing a gigantic and ongoing ecological war crime that's also for the history books. That comes even on top on their willingness to use DU munitions.
My forces are well aware of Nato's June "war exercises". They are prepared. What the Federation is doing, I don't know but it doesn't matter at this point. NATO is going all in, and they took the bait.
There's no sure way to know if the dam base will hold. I live in S. Manitoba, it's a clone of Ukr with expat Ukranians here for 130+years. We have a floodway diversion bypassing our capital when the Red River floods. 1997 floods exceeded max capacity of 4000 c/ms I was at the exit flow gate the day they restricted access. The ground was literally shaking like a constant earthquake. Flow rate equaled the Mississippi but dropped through a narrow gate. Unknown to engineers, the record volume of water had undermined the base of the gate over 35 meters deep, threatening the entire earthen base and gate structure with catastrophic failure. Trucks 24/7 dumped unknown quantities of huge rocks, that were immediately swept away by the flow. Likely this desperate attempt helped only a little as floodwaters dropped 🙏& the threat of total collapse was averted. They were still filling the hole after the crisis was over.
If Ukr continues to overload the reservoir, realistically, this disaster could get infinitely worse. The fact that the entire power station structure was destroyed is good as it has spread the water flow over a wider area reducing undercut currents at the base. There's no way to know 100% how much damage has been done until flow is greatly reduced so they can assess the base, or it collapses.
The explosions at the power plant @ 2:50 am could've been the entire power generating system shorting out & exploding as it was flooded. I've witnessed 3 xfmrs explode, 1 industrial, & 2 local utility step-down & it is blinding & deafening. Can't imagine what a power plant would do.
Very good point about transformers exploding. As noted in this post, the explosion came from inside and I was wondering how Uke forced could have gotten inside, so I'm giving more weight to the (semi-) natural cause ... except for the evidence that elensky is feeding the flood from upstream ...
Very good observations. There is a lot of ways the water can damage or magnify damage.
On one trip to the local dump, during a pre tornado thunderstorm (ocean green storm clouds circling @ maybe 200+/- ft, intense rain wind w extreme gusts, & continuous sheet lightning w ground strikes every couple seconds absolute minimum) I witnessed 8 or 9 pole mounted 600vac line power xfmrs explode in series starting with a ground strike on the one directly in front of me & off over the hill 2 miles away. The sound was like an entire 152mm arty battery went off, booming loud above the non stop thunder. When my eyes adjusted to the strobe like contrasting daylight/darkness, with no highway lighting, I proceeded to the dump, where I met a guy whose only words were "you like thunderstorms too... " I laughed, nodded & said, yeah.. We both stood & watched, maybe a minute, in silence🙉 then went our ways. When I got home I caught my best friend & my wife together, in the basement...⚡ 😵🤯⚡
What I witnessed was only a fraction of the energy that flooding of the power generating station would create. Generating output = xxx megawatts @6:00 on the D day of destruction would enable at least a ballpark guess on the electrical energy created within the plant that day. Confined electricity & water mix powerfully. My 2¢ rough calculations🤔🧐🤕 are an earthquake 1-2 Richter amplified through the river. Far lower than the 3.2 Richter ex brit depleted uranium dump that Ukr recently lost🙊.
Cool story, man! The things that make for the best true stories often have little to do with one having been a sensible, day to day dependable but somewhat boring person... Golden retriever or Malinois? You decide.
I have seen my share of pole mounted Xformers blown (or at least their fusible links!). Noisy. Impressive.
But not the same profile for gas generation and shockwave application to a work piece as a charge of (aluminized?) RDX/HMX + either some binder + plasticizers for a plastique- Or enough TNT for melt casting? Or a few % of a flouropolymer plastic binder coating crystals of HE hydraulically compressed to high density as in a military type insensitive plastic HE.
We use capacitive discharge firing systems and exploding bridge wire detonators (no primary explosives) on some projects. The voltage and amperage dumped into these bridge wires or foils are less impressive than that which a good cumulus nimbus cloud can pump into a bolt. But the energy OUTPUT and SPEED of a substantial charge of modern military/commercial high velocity explosive would be required to shatter concrete and cut steel efficiently. An Xformer explosion is more like a steam explosion, the Xformer oil gets vaporized by arcing and ruptures the containment- Noisy, sure! But it ain't cutting steel and shattering concrete very well. I suppose if the dam were already starting to go? A little pulse like that MIGHT kick things over the edge and let the water do the rest. But anything worth doing is worth OVER doing.
Excellent points but I only used a xfmr as an analogy. This is a huge power generating station and the generators are exponential in output, size, quantity. This f👀ker powers every size xfmr we've ever seen in an industrial region & failed/short circuited under load. Remember, All it takes is one small breach in the - already damaged, leaking structure- for the increased flow of the reservoir water to take care of the rest of the upper structures. The amount of physical energy that is stored in the reservoir is comparable to many thousands of 2000lbers. Look at the disaster that nearly occurred when Task Force 9 bombed Taqba dam Syria with Blu109. Even that didn't destroy it, & disaster was only averted by the engineers allowed in, who were then killed in the next raid. Ukr knew exactly what they were doing when the upper dams were opened the day before. Smart trick, RF is blamed, & a much craftier terminal method than pulling a strategic repeat of Taqba methodology, B52s, is accomplished.
BTW, What saved the Syrian dam from failing was the fact that in spite of the extensive damage caused, the BLU109 was a dud. Significant too is the fact that this was a rogue operation run outside US chain of command, where US deniability for a potential war crime disaster, had at least a hint of crediblity.
Thanks for pointing out the Taqba dam clusterfuck. I totally missed this at the time of occurence. After a few minutes with Google, I have doubts that such an unusual LASER guided weapon was used "accidentally" or that the CIA/NSA/"usual suspects" planners of that USA orchestrated revolutionary war did NOT intend to breach Taqba dam. Motherfuckers.
👍It's not a coincidence that the same usual suspects are heavily & covertly involved in Donbass disaster, either. I do have to give them credit for manipulating this into "Rus did it." Destroying, lying, denying & misdirecting is what they do better than anyone except maybe Swiss elites, who never get their own hands dirty.
Completely correct to my line of thinking. Acting like the match is over before it actually ends is a good way to get a bloody nose.
That said, I'm calling it now: a creeping Western consensus of Vietnam-esque cope like "We would have won if it had been a real fight between NATO and Russia instead of a proxy war!"
Ifs are whiffs, wins are what matter.
If Ukraine doesn't have something big planned over the next couple days, this isn't going to end well for them. Also heard reports of rain in the next 2 weeks.
If they do have something big planned, I don't suppose they'll fare much better either. They're just fucked either way, TBH.
I love the Leopard Hunting meme. Hot buxom RF cartoon girl! A real female cartoon character. Great cartoonist!
Knowing they'd get hit I think that they should have held the Leos back. Now it just feels like ritual humiliation for Germany by the allied millstone around their neck.
The West broke it, now they have to buy it. Get ripped and torn until it is done.
Sometimes you gotta wonder if Zelensky is working for Putin. He’s doing a great job helping Russia demilitarize NATO’s weapons. And showing how badly they stack up against Russia’s. 😁
PT Barnum was a farce, The Greatest Showman (based on him) was a tragedy.
Zelensky somehow manages to do both at once, or perhaps all three, like you say.
They are fighting a god and a true god has ways of messing you up, even if you are on the other side. Same for Xiden and sanctions.
Leopards sales down. Abrams sales up. Or so they cynically hope in DC.
Rest of the unvassalized world will buy 'Made in Russia' instead.
Slap this caption on a video of the Patriot takedown. "Make the fireworks, don't be the fireworks. Talk to one of our Air and MIssile Defense specialists today to get a system sized for your needs!"
Testimonials from the Syrians and the Chinese.
In Japanese divine wave language, you are the ammo my son.
Really? Or are the leaders of Germany and the West in general just fulfilling their obligations to funders (MIC)
Thanks. I do forget sometimes to make that distinction. From what I've found people everywhere have the same relationship with government - they elect it, it elects to misrepresent them.
Thanks. I wait for your reports. No one comes close in details or accuracy.