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If I get it right that's a russian soldier complaining they got no support? that's the interesting bit, if so. more about that...

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Jun 9, 2023
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I meant the second 'southfront.org' one. I am not saying it was Russian I'm asking...

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They're all Ukrainian

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Yep, thanks.

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The 2nd one you're referring to even made 2 different videos, you can see him wearing Ukrainian uniforms in the other one: https://i.imgur.com/rFwCvBr.png

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they'll kill him for that won't they? one way or another...

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The Nazi NKVD commissar troops can't cover all the troops if they simultaneously surround the NKVD blockers and kill them or surrender en masse.

Although if RUssia has intel on where these blocking units are, specifying them for special treatment would help.

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Ukrainian soldier. I know both languages.

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Thanks. You know Ukrainian and Russian? I'm told that's more than most Kiev Ukrainians do.

And English? I am envious. I speak only English and ironically the more google translate etc. help me read languages all around the world the more I wish I could speak them instead of just relaxing into using it and being satisfied.

It must be great. :)

Do you also know, perhaps, where on social media Russians and Ukrainians meet and mix? I'm looking for some place where perhaps we could post the truth of this conflict, how Kiev Ukrainians are being used by America and doing it all for nothing and try to persuade them to make peace.

I am just amazed at how nearly half a million of them now are either dead or injured and all because they think they are fighting a Russian invasion when in fact it is they who are invading their brother's Donbas land! And all through 2022 and since 2014 they know full well they were fighting their brother Ukrainians - or those who fought during those years did, for sure.

They have nothing to gain and everything to use and I feel if they knew the truth they wouldn't do it.

But how to get it to them?

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Thanks. I'm a Russian-Ukrainian who happens to speak English having also lived in The West and in the USSR. It's true most Ukrainians speak Ukrainian poorly so I will not call myself an expert in Ukrainian either (far from it) and like most Ukrainians my Russian is much better.

You can install the Google Translate Browser Extension which allows for a single-click in your browser that will automatically translate most foreign language websites, including social media, including the entire page. This is much easier than copy-pasting random foreign text into a separate translator.

"VK.com" (Russian Facebook) is a popular place where Russians and Ukrainians used to meet though now I believe it is still banned in Ukraine. Presently these exchanges mostly occur on Telegram which is very popular in both countries. Telegram on mobile version has an auto translation feature built in too (not on the desktop version though). The dialogue is often not very civil as you can imagine.

As for how it got to them. Never underestimate the power of media monopoly and brainwashing using fear (primarily) and appeals to national vanity and arrogance. Most Ukrainians have (had) no issue with Russians outside of Western Ukraine which has historically always been hostile to anything Russian and who's history goes back to siding with Hitler and being sour that the Soviets liberated them and who even continued another lesser known but very bloody and long war inside the USSR utilizing Bandera Militias in the 1950's. These were elements who were funded and provided for (secretly) by the CIA (see Operation Aerodynamic and Operation Gladio). So there is a long history there. The US strategy was to operate "stay behind operations" using radical Ukrainian ethnic nationalist militias and bandits to disrupt operations inside the USSR. This was a very bloody affair and I see the present conflict as an extension of the radicalism of that era and the US again utilizing the same forces and social undercurrent from the past (the people with sympathies to Bandera and Co.).

The difference is since 1991 most Ukrainian presidents have towed a generally neutral line between Ukraine-Russia relations in order to maintain domestic harmony. After The Maidan Coup which was made possible by neo-nazi forces identifying with Right Sector and Svaboda, the elected government was ran out by sudden violence and a new era in Ukraine opened up that inflamed old tensions between Ethnic Nationalist Ukrainians (largely in the west) and Pro-Russian Ukrainians and Pro-Russian Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine.

Then suddenly many eastern citizens did not identify with the new values and new vision of the new anti-Russian far right state and that's when Kiev undertook its own punitive measures against that minority population with the full backing of DC as those minorities wanted nothing to do with Kiev's new government and wanted to realign with Russia. In many ways this is a conflict that the average Ukrainian had no choosing or say in. This is still true today as it was in 2014. But there is a very radical, loud, and violent minority that has governed all affairs since 2014 because it is they who have come to power and them that Poroshenko and Zelensky cater to and legitimized.

We know most Ukrainians were more or less ready for a peaceful solution because they voted for Zelensky in 2019 who promised peace in stark contrast to his predecessor Poroshenko who was a warmonger and obvious western lacky for war and more anti-Russian sentiment. Zelensky quickly started turning around his promises around and further tightened down on media and opposition after he came to office, especially anything pro-Russian.

My personal belief is that Zelensky is a common fool and drug addict but he did mean to try to bring peace when he first came to office. There is video of him (in Ukrainian) speaking with Azov members in the trenches in the east when he first came to office trying to convince them to lay down their arms--he was rebuffed in no uncertain terms by young radicalized men with arms and I am certain he was threatened and has been since that time, ergo he knows the score. I think he chose to side with the hardcore ethnic nationalists and with Washington DC who both funded and armed those same nationalists vs risk getting assassinated by those same neo-nazi goons. Now it seems like he's gone way too far to ever go back. And who knows, with the amount of drugs he's on, I don't think he's a rational actor anymore at all and he may be believing his own lies. No doubt he is an evil coward who is saving himself while killing Ukrainians and denying them peace. He is too cowardly to call for peace because he fears what may happen to him--this is what I believe.

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I am confident little dick 'elensky will not live long. He will be hunted down and destroyed.

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Zela is a dead man walking. Either his "friends" in the west, or FSB will see to it. All in good time.

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I dunno, back when he was satrap of Afghanistan, Ghani was proclaimed to be wiser than Solomon, a regular Jesus Christ returned to earth as a greater military and political strategist than Napoleon, Julius Caesar and Ashoka combined.

Ghani has since been chased out of Afghanistan, but he's still alive and well and living the good life.

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Yep. Idi Amin an incredibly evil insane murderer died peacefully, I think, in Saudi Arabia in 2003, long after fleeing Uganda in '80.

They mostly always get away with it I think.

The answer is in our hands, the hands of the people and I don't just mean the dealing with these people after the fact I mean not allowing the fact.

Every single lunatic mass murderer throughout history has committed his mass murders via the people, of course.

One segment of the people sets upon another segment.

The people kill the people.

We, in every family, every home, should all be brought up with that basic precept: do no harm and strongly suspect anyone that asks you to do and avoid like the plague those that demand you do it.

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Thank you for that. Very informative and backs what I'd thought was the case generally, which is important to me - being such an 'outsider' from it all there's always a good chance I'm mistaken in my ideas as outsiders so often are. But your words reassure me I've got it right. :) Anytime you have more to say on the subject I think many of us might want to hear it.

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Glad I could help. I thoroughly understand the difficultly of attempting to see another culture and foreign political event from a foreign perspective since our own reference is typically inside-out first and then making calculated assumptions about said events and hoping we are right and more accurate than less accurate; it isn't easy! But people who are tenacious about finding the truth and are constantly scrutinizing what they currently know will eventually paint a very accurate picture. I will be chiming in more often here as I am just getting "onboarded" to this wonderful blog. Simplicius simply spoils us. See you around ;)

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Actually, I would say it started even before 2014. The so-called "Orange Revolution" and that dickhead Yushchenko were precursors to all that followed in 2014. By the way, were is that brainless braided head Tymosenko these days?

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The subcurrent has always been there; it all goes back to Bandera and WWII. It's true there were earlier attempts at Maidan-like revolutions (the one you refer to). I believe Tymoshenko is probably busy laundering "funds for Ukraine" and has been spotted in ever more exotic cars whilst advocating for Ukraine-NATO membership.

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Is there anything common to Russians and Ukrainians, perhaps I should ask, to all Eastern Europeans, that would let them all live in peace?

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Of course there is. Almost everyone wants prosperity and peace. Among the people this is true everywhere in the world, not just slavs. But bad ideas and bad actors get in the way and spread lies and false promises to the people. Right now that bad actor is NATO and the west trying to use Ukraine as a battering ram against their geopolitical adversary (Russia) through ceaseless propaganda and false promises.

What is common is that they speak similar if not the same language. They have a shared slavic history and many of them are Orthodox sharing the same ideas about religion. Slavs tend to be high in traditional values and patriotism compared to Western Europe. They also share many of the same historical trauma (WWII). There is a lot to unite around but slavs are also easy to divide as we can see--in that way they are not any different than other people.

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Excellent synopsis.

Honest question: The constant cocaine references are ubiquitous and certainly believable. (If I were in his position, I'd probably be doing lots of coke, and it explains his stamina in playing his ridiculous last acting role) But do we have direct evidence?

Do we know his dealers?

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Are you kidding? who has the history of funding their black ops through drug running?

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There are some Russian doctors who have analyzed Zelensky's "patterns" and strongly conclude he is on some kind of drugs, most likely cocaine. Is that so hard to believe? He's an actor and a comedian, he is in showbusiness and has the backing of very rich people. I certainly believe it given his constant nose twitching and erratic eye-shifting. He started to remind me of Tony Montana from Scar Face or Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) from Pulp Fiction.

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Back when he was young and even stupider, he made a video extolling the virtues of cocaine and gushing about all the stuff he got done when tooted up.

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The dealership headquarters is in Langley.

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There is no direct evidence, however, he's been filmed sniffing his nose several times (usually one nostril), which is a sign. He's also aged rapidly over the years, which is another sign. There are awful pictures online of before and after pics showing the physical decay a cocaine addiction can wreak on the body. This should be taught in schools, really.

Aside from that, it is a known mood booster and gives the user a lot of confidence, which given his situation may be a tempting cope. Again, nobody caught him on camera stuffing his face in some powder, but it seems unlikely he was suffering from the cold and aged poorly due to the stressss of the job alone.

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As another USSR born, Russian speaker now living in the West, I would like to second the above. Telegram seems to be the only viable platform at the moment. Haven't heard anything about V Kontakte for a while.

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