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Cool story, man! The things that make for the best true stories often have little to do with one having been a sensible, day to day dependable but somewhat boring person... Golden retriever or Malinois? You decide.

I have seen my share of pole mounted Xformers blown (or at least their fusible links!). Noisy. Impressive.

But not the same profile for gas generation and shockwave application to a work piece as a charge of (aluminized?) RDX/HMX + either some binder + plasticizers for a plastique- Or enough TNT for melt casting? Or a few % of a flouropolymer plastic binder coating crystals of HE hydraulically compressed to high density as in a military type insensitive plastic HE.

We use capacitive discharge firing systems and exploding bridge wire detonators (no primary explosives) on some projects. The voltage and amperage dumped into these bridge wires or foils are less impressive than that which a good cumulus nimbus cloud can pump into a bolt. But the energy OUTPUT and SPEED of a substantial charge of modern military/commercial high velocity explosive would be required to shatter concrete and cut steel efficiently. An Xformer explosion is more like a steam explosion, the Xformer oil gets vaporized by arcing and ruptures the containment- Noisy, sure! But it ain't cutting steel and shattering concrete very well. I suppose if the dam were already starting to go? A little pulse like that MIGHT kick things over the edge and let the water do the rest. But anything worth doing is worth OVER doing.

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Excellent points but I only used a xfmr as an analogy. This is a huge power generating station and the generators are exponential in output, size, quantity. This f👀ker powers every size xfmr we've ever seen in an industrial region & failed/short circuited under load. Remember, All it takes is one small breach in the - already damaged, leaking structure- for the increased flow of the reservoir water to take care of the rest of the upper structures. The amount of physical energy that is stored in the reservoir is comparable to many thousands of 2000lbers. Look at the disaster that nearly occurred when Task Force 9 bombed Taqba dam Syria with Blu109. Even that didn't destroy it, & disaster was only averted by the engineers allowed in, who were then killed in the next raid. Ukr knew exactly what they were doing when the upper dams were opened the day before. Smart trick, RF is blamed, & a much craftier terminal method than pulling a strategic repeat of Taqba methodology, B52s, is accomplished.

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BTW, What saved the Syrian dam from failing was the fact that in spite of the extensive damage caused, the BLU109 was a dud. Significant too is the fact that this was a rogue operation run outside US chain of command, where US deniability for a potential war crime disaster, had at least a hint of crediblity.

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Thanks for pointing out the Taqba dam clusterfuck. I totally missed this at the time of occurence. After a few minutes with Google, I have doubts that such an unusual LASER guided weapon was used "accidentally" or that the CIA/NSA/"usual suspects" planners of that USA orchestrated revolutionary war did NOT intend to breach Taqba dam. Motherfuckers.

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👍It's not a coincidence that the same usual suspects are heavily & covertly involved in Donbass disaster, either. I do have to give them credit for manipulating this into "Rus did it." Destroying, lying, denying & misdirecting is what they do better than anyone except maybe Swiss elites, who never get their own hands dirty.

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