Look at the fleet sizes. It's 5:1 in NATO's favor in aviation, with a much higher degree of modernization, and even worse in the open ocean.
Even submarines, in which the USSR used to have quantitative superiority, are firmly in NATO's favor now. It's 14+4+4 = 22 SSBNs versus 12 for Russia. Attacks subs are not in Russia's favor either.
Look at the fleet sizes. It's 5:1 in NATO's favor in aviation, with a much higher degree of modernization, and even worse in the open ocean.
Even submarines, in which the USSR used to have quantitative superiority, are firmly in NATO's favor now. It's 14+4+4 = 22 SSBNs versus 12 for Russia. Attacks subs are not in Russia's favor either.
This is why so many people reveal themselves to be utter morons when they talk about the wisdom of Russia's attrition warfare "strategy".
It isn't a strategy, it is kicking the can down the road in the hope that the problem will somehow resolve itself.
The reality is that tanks and artillery don't matter in a NATO vs. Russia war, what matters is aviation, navies and air defense. Russia is vastly superior in air defense, and that is why it is precisely air defense that NATO is targeting now. And the VKS and the Russian navy too. So Russia is being attrited where it matters, while NATO is taking zero losses because nobody has the balls to hit back.
Is that why Ukraine is still flying old Soviet planes 28 months into this?
And flying them 10 km away from the Russian border too.
If you think NATO's thousands of jets will all be shot down when they go up, you are delusional.
Saturation works. Mass matters. It has been repeatedly shown in this war.
The only way Russia can neutralize NATO's air force superiority is pre-emptive nuclear strikes on all the airbases. The cowards in the Kremlin won't do it, so that's a moot point.
> Is that why Ukraine is still flying old Soviet planes 28 months into this?
No, because they recently got the bunch of Soviet planes from Slovakia (t55 tanks as well). You mixing leftovers from Warsaw Pact with real procurement. What will you write when there will be a reports of Ukraine losing their t55 batch? Russia still failing to destroy outdated Ukrainian tanks, they never destroyed anything in reality? Right?
Do you really believe that armaments happens right outta thin air? Are these armaments in the same room with you right now?
> Everything that was left was transferred to Ukraine more than year ago,
Do you understand meaning of 'recently'? Equipment is not always works and needs repairing or cobbling up together from cannibalized parts. It's constantly happens in trickle down matter. It's not even reported by western MSM anymore because it doesn't have PR value. Ditto frankenSAMs. These monstrosities happen in ex-Warsaw pact countries and then send to Ukraine in small numbers.
> NATO can get up a four-digit number of planes
In your dreams. F35 alone have 18-30% full mission capable rate. It's mystery why they even keep producing this shit.
If you believe that numbers of planes on paper equals number of planes on air strips with kerosene, crews, pilots and ammunition ready - you are moron and just wasting everybody's time
Look at the fleet sizes. It's 5:1 in NATO's favor in aviation, with a much higher degree of modernization, and even worse in the open ocean.
Even submarines, in which the USSR used to have quantitative superiority, are firmly in NATO's favor now. It's 14+4+4 = 22 SSBNs versus 12 for Russia. Attacks subs are not in Russia's favor either.
This is why so many people reveal themselves to be utter morons when they talk about the wisdom of Russia's attrition warfare "strategy".
It isn't a strategy, it is kicking the can down the road in the hope that the problem will somehow resolve itself.
The reality is that tanks and artillery don't matter in a NATO vs. Russia war, what matters is aviation, navies and air defense. Russia is vastly superior in air defense, and that is why it is precisely air defense that NATO is targeting now. And the VKS and the Russian navy too. So Russia is being attrited where it matters, while NATO is taking zero losses because nobody has the balls to hit back.
You missing the point.
You have submarines, and you have floating coffins.
Modern warfare is all about rock & paper & scissors.
You say planes, I say AD.
You say tanks, I say ATGMs.
Russia completely covers all bases.
There is not a single area where the West have an advantage. You lose it everywhere, sorry if it hurts
>You say planes, I say AD.
Is that why Ukraine is still flying old Soviet planes 28 months into this?
And flying them 10 km away from the Russian border too.
If you think NATO's thousands of jets will all be shot down when they go up, you are delusional.
Saturation works. Mass matters. It has been repeatedly shown in this war.
The only way Russia can neutralize NATO's air force superiority is pre-emptive nuclear strikes on all the airbases. The cowards in the Kremlin won't do it, so that's a moot point.
> Is that why Ukraine is still flying old Soviet planes 28 months into this?
No, because they recently got the bunch of Soviet planes from Slovakia (t55 tanks as well). You mixing leftovers from Warsaw Pact with real procurement. What will you write when there will be a reports of Ukraine losing their t55 batch? Russia still failing to destroy outdated Ukrainian tanks, they never destroyed anything in reality? Right?
Do you really believe that armaments happens right outta thin air? Are these armaments in the same room with you right now?
Everything that was left was transferred to Ukraine more than year ago,
Yet it still hasn't been shot down.
You are completely missing my point.
NATO can get up a four-digit number of planes, a lot of them carrying nukes in various formats. Russian AD has no prayer of shooting all this down.
Russia cannot do the same to NATO.
> Everything that was left was transferred to Ukraine more than year ago,
Do you understand meaning of 'recently'? Equipment is not always works and needs repairing or cobbling up together from cannibalized parts. It's constantly happens in trickle down matter. It's not even reported by western MSM anymore because it doesn't have PR value. Ditto frankenSAMs. These monstrosities happen in ex-Warsaw pact countries and then send to Ukraine in small numbers.
> NATO can get up a four-digit number of planes
In your dreams. F35 alone have 18-30% full mission capable rate. It's mystery why they even keep producing this shit.
If you believe that numbers of planes on paper equals number of planes on air strips with kerosene, crews, pilots and ammunition ready - you are moron and just wasting everybody's time
I said "four-digit number" with full awareness of the mission-readiness issues with the F-35S.
First, most NATO planes are not F-35s..
Second, they do indeed have that many planes.