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> Everything that was left was transferred to Ukraine more than year ago,

Do you understand meaning of 'recently'? Equipment is not always works and needs repairing or cobbling up together from cannibalized parts. It's constantly happens in trickle down matter. It's not even reported by western MSM anymore because it doesn't have PR value. Ditto frankenSAMs. These monstrosities happen in ex-Warsaw pact countries and then send to Ukraine in small numbers.

> NATO can get up a four-digit number of planes

In your dreams. F35 alone have 18-30% full mission capable rate. It's mystery why they even keep producing this shit.

If you believe that numbers of planes on paper equals number of planes on air strips with kerosene, crews, pilots and ammunition ready - you are moron and just wasting everybody's time

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I said "four-digit number" with full awareness of the mission-readiness issues with the F-35S.

First, most NATO planes are not F-35s..

Second, they do indeed have that many planes.

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