First Crack in the Edifice.

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Nov 30Edited
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What difference does it make mRNA in our blood and next Oreshnik in our head

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are you part of the actors' guild or just in community theatre?

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Cool; Zelensky is ready to give what Russia doesn't want for what Russia cannot accept :P...

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It's got that eau de Minsk scent

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absolutely. Putin just wants to hear what self-aggrandizing nonsense we in the US make up now as "enticement" to the dumb Russians. No way will the Europeans get a seat at the table again. Dreadful boastful liars and manipulators who used "peace" to make war. And the US will be welcome when it offers serious security policies for Europe as a whole, not the divided Europe we created when the iron curtain fell.

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Decimate, Delegitimize, Decouple.

With the Ukr military starting to crack, it’s getting to the point where hunting and vaporizing Z and other puppets starts to look like a net positive for Russia. Force the West to either take direct political control, or fold, or try a “government in exile” approach that invites local revolt, or have Azov et al start trying to claim it locally. Any of these would move Russia forward.

Simultaneously, Russia will need an approach that shifts perceptions and finishes off the alliance. Team Trump has to be shaken out of the Pentagon assessment of facts on the ground, which even its anti-war wing has swallowed. Ukraine’s massive hostility to his own admin also needs to be stressed - and perhaps the Russians have evidence to share? The war ends much faster if Team Trump can be recalibrated to operational reality by diplomatic or even kinetic means.

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Nov 30Edited

>But listen carefully to this. Kellogg appears to view Russia as nothing more than a thorn to be tossed aside so the US can comfortably face its ‘primary adversary’ of China. He’s in for a rude awakening if he thinks Russia can be patronized in such a way during any upcoming talks:

So far that assessment is correct and there has been no "rude awakening".

Let's review the objective facts. There were loud proclamations about how missile strikes into Russia would be considered an act of war. Multiple such proclamations.

The strikes started (in fact they started much earlier than officially announced, and were much more devastating then too, e.g. Toropets) and what was the Kremlin's reaction?

Fancy fireworks in Dnepropetrovsk. But the people the Kremlin was supposedly in a state of war with were not touched.

Naturally those people were not deterred at all, so the strikes continued.

More proclamations followed about red lines and pending retaliation, but a week later there has been no such retaliation.

Except for yet another futile strike on transformers, followed by an announcement by the MoD that the strike was carried out in response to the missile strikes on Russian territory.

In other words, the Kremlin folded once again -- the missile strikes into Russia have been normalized, there was no immediate response to them, and likely there will not be. Because we have seen this movie again and again in the past -- threats are issued, time passes, everyone forgets about the fact that there has been no response to the "provocations", the new normal is established.

We are far along with that process regarding the ATACMS and Storm Shadow strikes now.

So of course JASSMs and Tomahawks are coming next, and the same will happen with those too.

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And NATO air. Thats inevitable

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Russia is in this until it gets what it wants and the longer this SMO goes on, the stronger Russia gets while the west collapses. Russians know what this entails, maybe another 5 years of war if necessary, and the Russians know they will survive. The people of the west have no idea what they're being led into and the collapse that is coming.

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You're really delusional, aren't you?

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Because I said so.

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I think you're the author of the Weapons and Strategy substack who thinks the US has the might and the right in the south China Sea. If not, you're probably his lover.

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I think you’re mistaking me for the dude you’ve been eyeing up in the gay bathhouse you often frequent.

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when do you turn 12?

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Chucky you appear to be the true life character which you have chosen for an Avatar and Pseudonym, completely off tilt.

So answer the question that was posed to you!

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Whatever you say, Admiral.

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Finally a use for the IGNORE button

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Finally a use for the KISS MY ASS button

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And still, there is no use for you.

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I sense the frustration, but Russia has never been rash and it is preparing itself for the possibility, greater by the day, that the west will feel emboldened to declare an army of oafs from the west as "peacekeepers" and attempt an invasion, which will mean war. Because Russia will hit those peacekeepers after giving fair warning that they see an army of invaders, not peacekeepers in sight.

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I think right now Syria is a bigger problem than ATACMS. Perhaps all the threats going on with both sides is negotiating on threats... but negotiating. Russia will not allow troops from NATO countries enter Ukraine. That might cause an attack on the countries mentioned, as Russia would then be literally at war with them, and that goes nuke. But yes, I think the warning to hit Kiev should be taken seriously if Russia is hurt by a missile attack. Wasn't really last time, so the energy grid gets hit more.

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Nobody in Kiev or the West cares whether Ukrainians freeze or starve.

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The problem with the logic of your whole posting in this substack is that you like a moth, you live one day only and have memory of such. You envision Russia folding over and over again, yet they cleaned up Caucasus to the point of Chechen being their most staunch ally, smacked crap out of Georgia in 2008, stopped US ploy in Syria, took Crimea in 2014 and now in process of dismantling Ukraine. Not to mention becoming number 4 economy in the world. Whole path in last 20 years is one huge W.

You so lost in day to day minutiae that you completely oblivious to what is happening in big picture

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It's November 30. So if Russia want to attack during the NOTAM, they'll have to act fast.

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No need to rush on that account. NOTAMs are frequently extended.

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as it says in the OP, the presumption is that the attacks will come tonight. It's barely 8am in Ukraine right now as I write this

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says there you posted that one hour ago. it's 6 p.m. on the 30th where i am. so any time after about 12 hours from now I guess? so for me any time after 6 a.m. tomorrow...

well I hope it's good. take out their whole admin record and processing facilities from Kiev CBD (if that's where they are) I hope...

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Nothing will happen as they did not evacuate friendly countries embassies or a strike but not in Kiev then?

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It is 12 hours later now and I'm scanning for news. Hoping for something big. Targeting is so precise - certainly down to a city block I think? Perhaps they can find something in the CBD of great importance. How about their internet communications hub? Bring down their whole EFTPOS system at the same time?

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Seems that nothing happened.

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Unicorns will roam the Kremlin before Russia accepts those proposals.

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De-Nazify, demilitarize, de-Minsk

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Nov 30Edited

>“We are still ready for the negotiation process and, of course, on the conditions that I outlined n my speech to the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in June of this year in Moscow.”

Those conditions amounted to a surrender by the Kremlin and a strategic defeat.

Coincidentally, we are having this conversation right as the Idlib/Aleppo shitshow is unfolding, which should show the "strategic wisdom" of "restraint" in all its glory for everyone to see. The Kremlin didn't drive the jihadist out of Idlib back in the days and did not give Syria the kind weapons it needed to drive out the Americans, even after the US started slaughtering Russians with HIMARS en masse, thus breaking all rules of engagement that existed in the past. The response to which should have been moving a dozen Tornado-S systems into Syria to fire salvos of cluster warheads at the US bases for a day, turn those bases to dust, then have the SAA move in with ground forces and reestablish control; meanwhile the damn S-300s and S-400s should have started doing their job of protecting Syria's skies. But no, because reasons...

Well, what do we have now?

The same thing will happen with any rump Ukraine left under NATO control. Time will pass, and then the Kremlin will have an even bigger problem on its hands than it does now.

There is one and only one solution -- end the existence of the whole thing, permanently.

But the Kremlin is not even proposing a rump Ukraine -- those "conditions" leave Ukraine largely intact, and like a dagger stuck deep into the Russian heartland in Chernigov, Sumy, Kharkov and Poltava.

We are witnessing real strategic genius at work here...

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I'm quite surprise at how Russian/Putin are that naive (or not) when it comes to dealing with US/Israel deal despite them dealing with each other for more than 20 years now. It the same playscript everytime. The US swoop in tor protect it toys and demand Russia to stop, Russia accepted and 2 or 3 years after that, being once again slapped on the face by these US Proxies.

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From the Russian perspective, the U.S. and Israel are very different entities. A substantial portion of Israel's population are Russian Jews who left the Soviet Union with permission (the "refuseniks"). Those people remain a strong asset of Russia. Most of them have dual citizenship, so Russia has the same obligations towards them that it has towards any Russian national.

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"I believe that Russia is proposing an option that will make it possible to bring the war in Ukraine to a real end, that is, we call for turning the tragic page of history and, although with difficulty, gradually, step by step, restoring relations of trust and neighborliness between Russia and Ukraine and in Europe as a whole." Contrast with US goal, Impose a strategic defeat.

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I'll admit up front I despise this war.

Unless Russia makes a show of force outside Ukraine, in FULL VIEW of the western cameras and with substantial death and destruction, the west will put tactical nukes in Ukraine as the ultimate leverage to get Russia to come to the table and accept a partitioned Ukraine. Time is running out Russia, you need to have a show of force that is strong enough to get people to stop paying attention to Taylor swift.

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The moment any kind of nuke appears in Ukraine, mushroom clouds will be seen all over it. There will be no leverage on that level.

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What makes you so sure, even as rockwets are hitting Russia with impunity, after red line after Russian red line has been duly ignored?

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Why indeed? Russia's been fighting all this time to avoid this scenario. A nuke in Ukraine will be immediately launched towards a Russian city, resulting in death of at least a million citizens. This is an absolutely intolerable scenario. A strategic loss.

Therefore, all other options that were discussed so much but never came to be, will become not only available, but necessary. Literally anything but this. To avoid a million deaths, they will eradicate nuclear weapons with utmost prejudice.

You always advocate for the most stict response to pinpricks, and yet you don't see it clear as a day?

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What I want and what I advocate for have nothing to do with it. The problem is that Russia has not responded to attacks in the past.

Which is why the attacks keep on escalating, and why the West is gambling that any Russian response to bigger and bigger provications again will be feeble. Had Russia responded harshly from the outset, the West would be more likely to get the message.

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Perhaps, but then it wouldn't be Russia, the Katechon. It's still going to win this and there's still room for the other parties to come to their senses.

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Mr Kellog should stop using bourbon in is flakes!

So at the end Ukraine is in nato, main cause of the war!

Lift sanctions?, when they can be imposed again at any time!

NATO troops in Ukraine?, main cause of war.

Rússia pays reparations?, gotta be kidding, It was the west money and arming the UAF keep the war going, it’s the west to pay the reconstruction.


No NATO membership, and no western troops in Ukraine!.

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How to un-Minsk this bogus proposition--?!!?

In what world, in what universe

The CNN *scoop,* stovepiped by SKY news & the BBC, is a ruse: a bright & shiny object for late autumn.

Winter will be a month old when DJT & his team step into the White House. That's many many Oreshniks from now

The woods are lonely, dark & deep

but I have promises to keep

...and Oreshniks to fire before I sleep

...and Oreshniks to fire before I sleep

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A nice, Frostian poem. 'Tisnearly winter so a bit of hoary Frost now and again should be expected.

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Cheetos, enjoy a plus 10 for quoting Robert Frost! Frost spoke at JFK's inauguration. The creepy deep staters who took out JFK on that Dallas Street in '63 are the same asshats that are in charge of the Ukraine debacle. WAR! what is it good for!?...

...Absolutely profits! mo' money...mo' money...mo' money...Bigly sad.

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This is the West negotiating with itself again.

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Agree. It stinks. Why should Trump leak this to CNN?

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Mr. Kellog is a classic warmonger, I've just posted a Note on him with two quotes from his visit to Ukraine, apparently a year ago. His idea of endgame is “evicting the Russians from Ukraine,” including the Donbas and Crimea, resulting in the downfall of Putin.

This can only end well, can it not.

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They will steal the 300 billions ru assets, be sure.

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The astonishing thing is that the West still thinks that the conflict is over territory. What use does Russia have for Ukrainian territory?

I've suggested before that the situation is in fact a lot like the Korean War circa the end of 1950, except with the sides reversed so to speak--Ukraine being a lot like North Korea, NATO like USSR and China, and Russia like the US and its allies. Unlike PRC and USSR in 1950, however, NATO does not have a three million men volunteer army (of whom they are willing to risk a casualty of a million) or thousands of volunteer pilots to join the fight in Ukraine.

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Mineral resources and grain.

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The world is awash in cheap commodities.

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Strategic depth so Western missiles can't strike Moscow in 4mins.

Protection of Russian-speaking minorities from CIA-backed Nazis.

Vast amounts of natural resources.

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So Zelensky wants to give Russia back part of Ukraine so he can join NATO.

Isn't that one of the reasons Putin is in Ukraine, to stop the NATO encroachment?

Is this Zelensky on drugs or something?

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They don't call him "The Cocaine Cowboy of Kiev" for nothing.

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Finally, one I can answer. Yes , he is known to dip his shnozzle in the nose whiskey on occasion.

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Occasions such as days that end in -y.

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Zelensky's presidential airplane had a large quantity of cocaine (kilos) seized from it a year ago when he visited India. It was apparently for recreational use - lines left on tables, etc. Heads of State have special procedures for passing through immigration in foreign countries, but their luggage and transportation is still inspected for contraband.

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Zelensky is reading the room and aligning with what he thinks Trump will pitch. It's not wrong. He doesn't want to alienate Trump

And I think you hit the nail on the head. All of these insane plans to end the conflict make no sense whatsoever to me, unless the russian army losses and casualties are believed to be correct (as they are in western capitals). Then it makes sense. As well as the economic effect of the sanctions. If, for arguments sake, we take these things to be true, then everything else adds up. But can the truth about Russian casualties and the various other lies of the war ever be told? Not this decade...

As the days pass and the more I think about it, it really does seem it will be war to the knife, knife to the hilt. Does anyone think otherwise?

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It is safer, steadier, more real, to trust the *hilt* and not the *hype*

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Well said. Someone tell Putin

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I think Zelensky knows Trump despises him, and anything that looks like him. I would guess he's not so much trying to align with Trump as he is high as a kite and avoiding tough decisions at this point.

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Kellogg's peace plan assumes it's about territory. Russia doesn't need territory. Although it's a tell who's actually running America. Zionists are so blinkered they think everyone else wants what they want. Wrt Russia, Iran and China it just ain't so.

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The rare holiday propagandized pronouncement from CNN is as trustworthy as most scoops CNN pushes, holiday or not

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How do we know it is Kellogs peace plan? These clips are old.

I will wait for Trumps solution if he has any.

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There's no such thing as Kellogg's peace plan.


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The so called Zionists are servants of Satan.

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Perhaps Blackrock is concerned about losing its property/territory to Russia. So can the conflict be seen somewhat as Blackrock vs. Russia by way of NATO.

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How many times are these clumpnuggets going to spend those "frozen Russian assets"? They've been rehypothecated more times than the gold that ain't in Fort Knox.

The Ukraine conflict has accelerated the inevitable collapse of both the half-assed "Great American Empire" and the clusterfuck that is the EU. For that alone, history will eventually vindicate the SMO. It will be messy, but it's absolutely necessary.

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In a financialized economy it is permitted to rehypothecate so many times that the actual cash vaporizes as if under Oreshnik-caliber plasma

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Upvoted for the proper use of rehypothecated.

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we're tired of this war in Europe, it's mainly the head honcho's only, totally out of touch with every day reality in the street, so to speak, who are hyping it. "make love not war".

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Or if they just made sense it would be good.

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Nobody cares what europeans think or want.

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europeans do

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Have you seen their leaders? For thst matter, question American hegemony to a political class european and they will look at you like you stood up at a High Papal Mass to demand that the person who just farted please identify himself.

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politely disagree. in many places populist parties won national elections, but the EU's "european leaders" are not elected and we don't like them much, precisely because they don't care a rat's ass about what goes on in main street. never mind, plodding on. peace out.

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Surely you have noticed that it doesn't matter who wins. The policy doesn't change.

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Russia managed to survive for 3 years without these frozen assets just fine. There's no reason to believe it won't survive another 333 years without them. Stealing these assets won't hurt Russia, but it will hurt the dollar, as few outside US-controlled puppet regimes in Europe and Asia will trust the dollar and won't keep their reserves in dollars and US treasuries.

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Personally, I'm putting it all in canned food and shotguns.


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Only drug dealers and black marketeers really "trusted" the dollar. Everyone else used it because for decades it was the sole currency usable in the energy market. That era has ended.

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The West hasn't spent the principal of those seized Russian assets. They issued a Eurodollar loan to Ukraine, backed and paid off by the interest of the Russian assets.

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Sooo. Ukraine is not going to "join" NATO, but NATO will station 100,000 troops there and supply the entire country with arms... lol. The sad fact is not that Trump and Kellogg are 80-year-old men who have been incapable of updating their understanding of the world in 25 years. The sad fact is that they are so senile as to believe that Putin is stupid enough to accept anything like this deal. This is actually a worse deal than Minsk.

Exactly what I expected from Trump: lots of blowhard rhetoric, sabre rattling, and chest thumping with little attempt to grasp reality or respect for the intelligence and and legitimate concerns of his colleagues among world leaders. Kellogg is even worse. His whole "Putin was afraid to invade Ukraine under Trump because Trump is such a hard-ass" is probably one of the stupidest takes on geostrategy that I ever heard. As if serious nations redefine their national priorities and security and change completely their evaluation of their military capabilities because one man in some other nation acts like a tough guy. Is Donald Trump going to come forth in his chariot and challenge Putin to a duel at the gate of Moscow like a geriatric Achilles?

One could argue that this is merely the opening attempt at negotiations, but the entire concept is a non-starter. One would be inclined to laugh at the stupidity of Trump, Kellog, and his advisors, except that the current foreign policy team of the U.S. is even more deranged and hell-bent on starting a world war. The U.S. needs to speak in a sane voice now to reduce global tensions. Instead of sanity, we are all treated to this spectacle of old-men talking tough like drunks at a bar.

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All you need to deal with the Fat Orange Retard is some keys to jangle.

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Wow, you got me. How did you ever figure it out?

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DJT and Kellogg are elderly--dotards, as Kim Jong-Un would say.

Ukraine will not join OTAN--but OTAN will join Ukraine

Russia's SVR has noted that "NATO is already deploying training centers in Ukraine, through which it is expected to drag at least a million mobilized Ukrainians."

Sounds like OTAN contractors are staffing these abduction, erm, conscription centers.

These are Settlers, a la Settlers in the West Bank & the Golan Heights--Settlers w/ a certain appetite for violent occupation, expropriations, the torch & pitchfork crowd.

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Looks to me like Trump is seriously out of his depth here. Could be a negotiating stance, but why even put forward such a dumb proposal? It is insulting. To end the war we must grant Ukraine all the things that started it? Looking more and more like a deep state trap for Mr T. To end the war all he has to do is cut off funding, withdraw support and walk away - and soon so he can blame it on Biden. Mr T will now be blamed for the fubar by his enemies anyway, so what has he got to lose?

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I would not believe in this CNN/SkyNews fabricated peaceplan. Who is behind, Deep State or Trump administration? Clue: CNN

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True - though the Duran guys claim that Kellogg signed off on a document covering the exact same peace plan when it was first proposed (about a month ago??). So hence my view is that it is a trap - and leaking it via CNN is just amateur hour. Unless I am missing something here which is usually the case...

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You are excused if you miss something. Most of us are because the massive amounts of narratives, counter-narratives and mirror narratives from the same sources. The goal is to sow confusion and obfuscate the real motives.

If Kellog signed anything a month ago it was BEFORE the Election day. If CNN is ”leaking” or driving a new narrative now it is to counter Trumps eventual proposal. I think Simplicius should chew the stuff for an hour instead of swallowing it the first minute…

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Trump probably realizes his publicly announced plan is total bullshit. It does deprive the DC Bureaucratic Mafia (the deep state) of talking points being printed or aired on the discredited MSM.

I completely agree. Get sworn in and Trump's inaugural speech should start with publicly relieving every GS 15, sr executive service administrators, 1 stars and above and an immediate withdrawal of all US assets from Ukraine within 48 hours.

Arrest a few to reinforce in their minds and dark souls that Trump means business.

Try to keep in mind the feds tried to kill him twice this year after 8 years of lawfare and slander/libel failed. A certain amount of deception, guile and discretion is required.

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I hope so much that you are right!

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This may be an opening gambit. This is the maximal offer- and through negotiations they hope to meet in the middle. I still doubt there is any compromise possible

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It has long been obvious that Trump is the equivalent of the loudmouth at the corner bar.

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Nicely summated.

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don't forget it's Thanksgiving, so a bit of self-complementing "news" surely makes people feel good.

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If Trump has balls he will just walk away

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He'd have no home to go to. His family are Zog.

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Trump's appointees on Ukraine seem to be made from the same mould as the current bunch of dimwits. But one sliver of hope is this: these are the words of the underlings. Trump has not said anything definitive yet. Perhaps these are trial balloons. It would be a PR disaster if these people were to agree to Putin's conditions even before Trump is president. So let's wait till Trump is president and then see what he says.

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I am hoping the recent moronic maunderings are deceptions, not policy.

Trump knows who voted for him and why. I hope

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Who voted for him is irrelevant. On the day he takes office, he's a lame duck; he can't run again so has no reason to be loyal to voters.

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He wasn't loyal to voters from 2016-2020, so why anyone thinks that this time will be different baffles me.

No, that is not an endorsement of Biden, Harris, or anyone on Team D.

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Let us know when The Great Wall Of Idiocy will get built, and when Mexico will give that gimmick check.

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Trump's silence is deafening.

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They aren't senile.

They are very typical American exceptionalists. They have no idea the reality in the world beyond Americas borders, except the reports they receive from the CIA- which are not representative of reality- but twisted to serve CIA/deepstate plans & operations.

Just today Trump again says the USD must remain the sole reserve currencies- and actually saying the BRICS countries working on an alternative payment system & trade currency- MUST STOP or risk the wrath of America.

Disconnected from reality.

All these reports about their plans for 100,000 NATO peacekeeping force in west Ukraine are actually really good news.

This all but ensures Russia takes full control over all Ukrainian territory.

This is the only possible way to secure the buffer zone between Russia & NATO, that Russia requires as point #1 of their non-negotiable demands.

Ceasefire prior to & during negotiations? Beyond delusional. Out of touch with reality.

For Trump's sake he should find a valid reason to walk away, blame Biden & Europe.

The very first step required by Russia is end of weapon & ammunition supply

to Ukraine & tangible withdrawl of NATO forces from Ukraine.

Until this happens and a long term agreement comes into force- Russia must & most likely will continue advancing to Ukraines western border.

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The USD as the reserve currency is not, in any way, helpful to the U.S. long-term and runs contrary to everything Trump claims that he wants to do with the U.S. domestic economy. The only thing that it allows is the printing of vast quantities of money by the Fed without as much inflation as a normal country would experience- which keeps the U.S. economy on a drug-induced high. Printed money is not wealth though, and the longer that the high continues, the worse the crash and withdrawal.

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King Canute couldn't stop the tide. Trump certainly can't.

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It is always foolish and an act of sumbission to treat the leaders of your country as mad insane

This merely excuses you from understanding their aims and oprrerssions, and gives you the illusion you have said some thing, when you have done nothing but perpetuate your servility

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Not me. I do not live in the U.S.

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I did not say you did, or do you believe that only the US's behave in the way described

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I did not say you did, or do uou believe that only the US's behave in the way described

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Insane people can't talk sane that's just not possible

And they are all insane with very few exceptions and these exceptions have not enough power to change the course

And the course is a big war in Europe where the US won't be touched

After the war the US comes out like Phoenix from the ashes

At least that's what these idiots have in their wicked minds

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Trump has not done anything yet. You're responding to a PR campaign. Patience and you will see.

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Minsk 3.

Another fake deal to delay dealing with reality.

Trump 2 is rapidly turning into Trump 1.

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Trump was never going to change. He's to old, to lazy and stupid.

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Trump knows very little, and delegates a lot. Fine with Kennedy in HHS. Not fine here where close associates like Manafort (see Tucker interview) believe the Ukrainians, and many of the rest believe Fox News or Pentagon “sources” (which are washed Ukrainian claims).

Even if they dislike the war, their base of understanding for the facts on the ground is clinically delusional. Hence this proposal, which isn’t far from what people around him have said.

Russia has some tools to move these perceptions, including diplomatic tools. But it’s going to have to come from them.

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Yes, I suspect they will have to keep repeating Nyet, hazelnut style, until the message gets through.

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What a fucking joke.

"...thoroughly prepare Kiev for an attempt at revenge."

You said the quiet part out loud, retards!

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Russia must sometimes feel like it's dealing with cartoon villains. Oh yes, they are quite evil, but sooo stupid.

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Well they are, Zelensky is a Comedian.

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