The U.S.’ growing urgency in ‘containing’ China’s development was thrown in sharp relief this week as Janet Yellen arrived in Beijing for what turned out to be an execrable beggar’s tour.
The author is a deep state grunt, but capable of intelligence on occasion, not a foolish lawyer for hire, like Philippa Webb (see her CBR drama piece for the European Parliament)
Nonetheless provides a justification of dismissing international law in favour of a fuzzy reading of European history – instead of any attempt to define International Law, or to improve application thereof
Why can not the West do better than this ? ‘Because we do not have to’
Reason One - Explicit -The ascription of agency, and hence the Law, to ‘the most powerful countries’ only : nostalgia for the nineteenth century
The old colonial mindset is still beating it’s heart
« Today, the international community should reinvest in norms of territorial integrity and sovereignty through international law, even at the occasional expense of humanitarian objectives (which should be pursued vigorously through other avenues). The work of the United Nations should focus on interstate peace and territorial integrity. And the international community should think of new approaches to ensuring peace among the world’s most powerful countries. A new “Concert of Powers” modeled after the “Concert of Europe” formed in 1815 is an intriguing idea, one that would bring powerful countries together in an informal forum that offers more space for real dialogue than the U.N. Security Council does. Safeguarding against interstate war is itself an enormous task for international law and international institutions, as the current events in Ukraine demonstrate. »
Reason Two : Explicit- The ascription of good (humanitairian) intent to us, but bad intention to them : intent is 9/10ths of the law
So that our contraventions of international law, those cited by Putin, are absolved of their illegalities, destructions and deaths, legitimised by the fact of their good intent…
Reason Three : Explicit- Existing international ‘bodies’, specifically the hitherto most presitigious of all the UN, are inadequate to purpose
Why the UN should be dis regarded is not made explicit – one may assume it’s because of the presence of all those pesky non powerfuls who always disagree with ‘us’
Except those the west has under control, like Kenya, who’s self serving declared acceptance of colonialist borders merely justifies the continuing status quo of the colonial powers chosen dominant tribes and leaders, and familar ruling class- with repression of the same minorities and the same poor
So-Kenya agreed to send policemen to Haïti – luckily for these policement Haïti decided otherwise
Reason Four : Implicit – it is very hard work thinking up how to form and to conform to and to enforce international legal tribunals or assemblies, a habit of thought the west has lost, along with the power/influence to dominate such to the extent of being able to ignore them
The failure of the west is structural and systematic, the west is de structured and de intelectuelaised just as it has been de industrialised, for the same reasons and to the same results
On March 27, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov chaired a meeting of the Ministry's board on Russia's foreign policy and international legal mechanisms: current challenges.
« The Board noted that the system of international law based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter is undergoing a serious test of strength. As part of the hybrid war they have unleashed, the Westerners are taking a number of illegal steps, including unilateral coercive measures, manipulating the instruments of international justice in the hope of undermining the legitimacy of their competitors' actions, weakening their positions in the international arena, and seizing foreign assets. Russia and its friendly states are subjected to similar pressure on the "legal front". Behind all this is the course of the United States and its allies to undermine the principles of the UN Charter and other universal legal norms, to replace them with a "rules-based order" invented by the West in an attempt to slow down the objective process of forming a fair multipolar world order. »
« Under these conditions, Russia will not only continue to effectively resist the "legal aggression" of the West, but will also take offensive actions to hold accountable states that violate their international obligations. At the same time, it is important to resist the actions of the West to politicize international justice bodies and other multilateral structures. It was also recognized that it is necessary to step up collective efforts in the legal sphere together with like-minded people against the illegal neocolonial practice of unilateral coercive measures. As a follow-up to the interdepartmental inventory of the legal framework of the Russian Federation's international relations, which was carried out in an interdepartmental format in previous years, the legal analysis »
Jewish influence on the USA goes back to its revolutionary days. But that aside, you are correct in the sense that the USA was from its beginning a willing and eager colonialist state destroying everything and everyone in its path to accumulate great wealth and power - but much of that colonialist power was heavily driven and energised by Jewish money derived from the Rothschilds and their Jewish banking allies in London.
People trying to pretend the US government is some innocent dubed victim, misled by the Jews annoys me.
Zionism sucks, but the zionists are not the reason the Americans have a chappy far right government, that has a massive prison population stagnant wages, and has a chappy economic policy.
You are correct. The USG is not innocent by any means. But the particular talent that the jews have utilised over the millennia is that of having no problem at all in using people's spiritual and moral weaknesses against them. So rather than helping to restrain those weaknesses and build a better civilisation, they choose instead to utilise them to their fullest, playing on them to destroy societies, wreak havoc among the people and most importantly to gain immense wealth and power through any means possible - usury, gambling, prostitution, drugs, slave trade, organ trade, child trade and other human trafficking, funding wars, causing political upheaval and chaos, pitting people against each other to gain leverage - all aimed at destroying the world and sucking all its wealth.
This cadre of jews who have worked tirelessly over the millennia think they have it in their grasp now:
Yeah, because any criticism of Jews is automatically shut down (not necessarily here) as being 'anti-semitic'. They are the holiest of holies, beyond any questioning or accountability.
Why don't you replace "criticism of Jews" with "criticism of the Jew" or "criticism of the eternal Jew", what would be wrong with that? Theatre of the absurd here.
azrael, If you're going to slap "anti-semite" stickers on anyone who identifies who the criminals are you might want to define that slippery-when-wet pile of poo for those of us who aren't familiar with the workings of a Talmud/Tora-trained mind.
Please provide us, in your own words, a definitive definition of the phrase so that moving forward we're all on the same page.
Let me give you my definition so that you know where I'm coming from:
"Anti-Semitism" is anything that exposes jewish malfeasance, murder and mayhem.
Whole sale attributing unsdesirable features or behaviors to a certain ethnic or religious group should be the text book definition of racism (including antisemitism).
Read Victor's post again and your own and you'll find plenty examples.
Secondly turning this discussion about politics and ideology into a "racey" subject about the jews. I can't get any more blunt than that, I can send you text books from my German Nazi grandpa though.
*Offing contrarian presidents or contenders (JFK, RFK), compromising most of those who wouldn't sell out willingly.
*Substantially controlling Congress.
*Being a profit center for 'defense' contractors.
*Embedding yourself in critical defense and civilian networks.
*Owning/compromising most of mainstream media.
*Embedding yourself in key positions in social media.
*Systematically over decades propagandizing and otherwise cultivating support
among Evangelical rubes.
*Operating extensive clandestine influence operations in social media.
...add up to no small amount of influence.
As for innocent - well, no. But the duped are legion.
Plenty of Republicans out there who either fail to see or refuse to acknowledge
what is very obvious to the rest of the world: that the Israeli tail consistently and effectively wags the American dog.
How can we take seriously people claiming to be 'America First' who either just don't get or refuse to acknowledge that under prevailing circumstances the US cannot be even considered an independent country?
Kind of thought we had sorted that out a few centuries ago, apparently the matter needs revisiting.
"The blood of every Palestinian is on the hands of every American.
The form of corporate Progressivism you mention is fascist to it's core. The left fist of the "right/ left Judeo fascist enterprise". Purchased, paid for and controlled by the financier class. Open? That's window dressing for the harpies. No real difference between mainstream Progressives and Conservatives beyond superficial divisions, like team colors on the same field. It's a game. Progressive, Conservative, Totalitarian, Fascist, Asshole; it all fits.
You are a strange brew my man. Not sure if you know if you are coming or going. You’re all over the fucking map. Got a feeling not much makes you happy lol. Good luck
"500 years of jewish rule" on how much of this started after they were expelled from Spain and took over Amsterdam mid 1500's, building central banks and stock markets to manipulate countries.
We have waited far too late, and the country is now destroyed, our people are in ruin. Our elderly are still brainwashed into supporting our persecutors, it's like a nightmare waking up and realizing one is in hell.
I hope you're allowed to continue to post your hasbarah talking points here, aasghhh.
We're not as exposed to your style of propaganda as much here as we are on other sites. Even jewish supremacists like you seem to temper the worst of your excesses, or perhaps it’s just that Hasbara Central doesn't allow the usual unintelligent riff raff to comment here knowing full well most of the people who come here to read Simplicius and the comments are tonnes smarter than you lot. We’ve got your number.
Still, exposing your bigotry and unreasonable dissembling in public forums like this are valuable tools when trying to understand the inner workings of the troubled minds of the tribe who hate everyone not like them.
So...please keep doing what you’re doing. You’re opening even more eyes, while closing off the hearts and minds of those you desperately need to keep on “your” side if you, (as a collective), are to prevail.
Your account shows you have only been here 2 weeks. In that time you've made only 2 comments, one of them calling someone "homophobic", the other baselessly accusing someone of being an "antisemite". This not only indicates the actions of an agent provocateur, but is also extremely low effort divisive posting which is not allowed here.
You accuse me of being an agent provocateur. You sound just like a paranoid Nafo supporter who accuses everyone who doesn't agree with them of being a Kremlin agent.
You do some amazing work, but you are objectively an enabler of vile disgusting people under the guise of free speech.
You are an antisemite so you can shove your warnings.
Your comment section is full of nutters ranting about the Jews and raving about baseless conspiracy theories about the Frankfurt school.
Go ahead and ban me, you coward. Don't posture about being free speech in future posts.
Also I don't remember calling anyone homophobic, but I mostly did call one of your far right followers one, since they do hate gays.
Also in the past seen one of your far right nutters pedo smear someone too. Did you warn them? He straight up called someone who commented here a pedo.
There's a difference between jews and Israel and anyone using them interchangeably is doing a great disservice and harm to jews. I don't see Simplicius blaming jews for anything. Israel is a criminal, toxic project created by the cabal (both Jewish and non-Jewish) by weaponising the misery of jews.
You are correct, but it's complicated. No oner should claim the world's woes on ALL Jews. Indeed, the great majority of Jews in the global diaspora are hardworking, honest, family-oriented members of their respective resident countries. However, having said that, there is a small minority of very powerful and wealthy Jews in the media, government, banking and academia who have shared significant and out-sized percent responsibility for Western-based wars, slavery, colonialism, human trafficking, organised crime, financial crises, predatory capitalism, deterioration of social mores and undue political influence in their respective countries and across borders. Most of these are hardened zionists and support zionist causes throughout the world towards the support of the illegal state of Israel. It is this small percentage of Jews, with power and influence far beyond their relative numbers in society, who should be identified and removed from influence in the world.
As for your statement concerning "misery of jews", I can only agree to disagree - most jews, because of their cultural bent towards higher education, live pretty comfortable lives, them and their families - attending the better schools, and thus achieving a higher standard of living than their non-Jewish peers. I see very little "misery" among jews with the possible exception of self-generated misery.
Diaspora doesn't need to be from one country of origin - it can be more than one - take, for instance, the Jew - dispersed among the nations from the Levant and from the Khazars of Turkic origin who were thrown out of their territory by the Russians. So I suppose technically, we are talking about 2 diaspora?
These two dispersions being of blood-related families from a single region spreading across the globe. Christians and Muslims are not blood-related families.
Also, to take your point further, and mine, we are also talking about those normal Jews who are hardcore zionists as well as those close followers of the Talmud and its anti-gentile doctrine - large numbers of Jews fit into these categories.
Find me a Jew group who opposes occupied Palestine ? Also it is insulting to national socialists to equate zionism to national socialism. Can anyone disagree with Mein Kampf ? He was truly a man beyond time and tried to save the west from these sin merchant parasites.
I meant the past misery of jews, historical trauma to be more precise.
About a small percentage of much too powerful jews, I would say it's better to call them zionists instead of jews. I doubt if any of those even care about Judaism.
The convenience of being jewish is to be able to claim ethnicity, nationality and religion all simultaneously. This allows the jew to change the direction of the conversation at will and keep the opponent off balance.
Isreal is the Jew project. Over 80% Jews in USA support isreal. They are interchangeable. Israel is just those criminal HQ for Theo parasitic sin merchant schemes.
I'm guessing those with this opinion have very little sense of American Jews. Those on the left (vast majority) care very little about Israel other than the benefits they can get from claiming status.
"other than the benefits they can get from claiming status."
If they didn't care they wouldn't claim the status. That does not mean they care for Israel the state, they care for Israel, the money laundering project.
All major jewish organizations and all jewish colleges stand with Israel and its genocidal actions against Palestine. "They" care about ethnic cohesiveness more than about decency.
The bitter irony here being that the current batch of "European settlers" in the middle east are destroying a people that are more closely related to biblical jews. They may even be aware of this making the drive to exterminate them all the greater.....
I don't think so. The PANC was adopted wholeheartedly by the US hawks, indeed Wolfowitz and Co. saw Israel (as it is) as a US proxy and not the other way round. I agree it is always provocative and therefore dangerous to highlight this in point scoring asides. But the US and its ruling class is the master here - not the servant. That relationship is creating some tension at the moment.
The USG is bought for by those immensely rich and powerful zionists who have made certain that fellow jews are placed in high, influential positions in the US where their decisions impact US policy.
They even attempted to assassinate Winston Churchill, then magically he starts to appease them. This was all to force the US to help them create the State of Israel, where they would use the US as their military arm to bomb the middle east for decades.
We lost the Civil War to a central banking cartel (they label all their defeated foes, as people fighting for "racism" and no other reason, see Civil War and WW2) who wanted the US citizens to still believe they were free so they would go to war for them and be their tax slaves. We aren't going to be shut down anymore by screams of "antisemitism." If that's what the truth is labeled than so be it.
Usury must be a crime punishable by death, as that's the root of all this global misery. Babylonian financial alchemy they learned during their Babylonian exile:
Enough is enough, they are busted and we have the receipts.
Excellent round-up....the hasbara trolls have very little left to trot out, other than just shooting the messenger and screeeching "Thats not TRUE!!! AntiSemite!!!"
If diversity truly is our strength, then why is the current presidential cabinet so homogenous?
I don't think most of our middle east adventures would have happened if it weren't for the influence of Israel.
They wanted Iraq neutered in 1991 after they had bled out Iran sufficiently. It was Israel who wanted the government of Syria toppled because they'd rather have a Syria led by incompetent jihadists that they could bomb any time they were feeling froggy.
The US has been an imperialist state long before there was an Israel, but Israel certainly encourages American imperialism for its own benefit, or need I trot out Netanyahu assuring the US Congress that Iraq was simply chock-a-block with WMDs?
The two statements are not mutually exclusive, and need not imply antisemitism.
I hate to agree with you, because all of Simplicius' work is utterly fantastic. They should just drop these kinds of lines, it adds nothing to anything and tarnishes the rest of their work.
makes me wonder just how they keep it clean. muck, debris, spoil is going to accumulate for sure... in all the worst places as usual..
and all those machines will need servicing, every one.
and all liable to breakdowns and particularly those 'minor' breakdowns like perhaps doing a spot weld 20mm away from where it should be. Or drilling a hole in the wrong place a mere 2mm away so's the next machine cannot insert the bolt..
All that kind of stuff.
Note I'm not saying it won't work, can't work, doesn't work. Not at all. I accept it can and does.
I just mean: it wouldn't be all that easy... in fact I can well imagine a mountain of hassles..
No project worthy of high v alue comes without great effort - those factories didn't just appear out of the fog. Nor will they continue to exist without effort. Today's factories and workplaces are far cleaner than they used to be - again, that is no accident and is certainly not the result of sitting around and enjoying life whilst all your work deteriorates.
well think about it. not up in the stratosphere. down on the ground. I'm simply making a 'chatty' observation that there must be a hell of a lot more involved there than we see.
does that make it clear?
perhaps an illustration: madame typically thinks the motor of the car will run forever and so will all its parts, etc. motor mechanics and even an ordinary man usually knows different.
when hearing madame happily chattering to her friends a man may give a knowing eyebrow lift to a friend savvy?
That's gratuitous arch sarcasm and a non sequitur directed at a person rather than the subject and adding nothing to the thread. Rather detracting from it by deflecting attention, interposing an inaccurate irrelevancy and generally lowering tone and tenor. That's what we call 'ad hominem' and I will have nothing to do with such. We are done.
It's more like if America or Japan doesn't built it, it will fail. If China or India builds it... it will certainly fail.
Why? Because those countries have no pride in their work or craftsmanship; it's just fulfilling a batch order and moving on to the next one. No returns, warranty claims, or class action lawsuits to worry about or deal with. Unlike, say, Japan, who views shoddy work to be dishonorable. Japan cranks out smaller volumes of product at much higher cost but extremely high quality. They value quality over quantity.
Compounding the problem is a global consumer base who want cheap, throw-away and replace items so you end up with China gladly filing that gap. The Clintons (through their connections with Wal-Mart and their Arkansas Mafia) made that happen for America long ago. It was a sucker punch to the Made in the U.S.A. movement and a kick in the teeth for small businesses. A win-win for the globalists.
There's really no simple solution as the U.S. government does everything in their power to crush domestic manufacturing through regulations and incentives for off-shoring. i.e., We're not going back to the glory days of the 1950s and 60s with made-for-life products produced and sold on U.S. soil.
All we get is U.S. dollars flowing straight into the coffers of China and up to our necks in landfills overflowing with destin to fail, broken, toxic, shit products that get shipped over here.
Every time the U.S. somehow manages to pass some legislation that would be friendly to small to medium businesses and domestic manufacturing, they accompany it with some EPA or financial compliance regulations that strangle the life out of the business.
Or, in a much more recent example, inserting a bunch of impossible DEI requirements into the CHIPs Act, ensuring that no semiconductor companies want to open new facilities in the U.S. because the subsidies aren't worth it when you can't hire a competent work force to build the factory or to work in it once it's complete.
The Democrat legislators who dreamed up the CHIPs Act probably legitimately thought this was going to be another opportunity to create low-IQ union factory jobs for lots of women, trans, and minorities because they had zero understanding of the skill level required to manufacture cutting-edge chips.
As I mentioned in my reply to you above, you design the factory, from the very beginning, to capture all the debris. Microchip manufacturing does that to an anal retentive degree, a robot car factory can be several orders of magnitude dirtier, yet still be unholy clean by human staffed factory standards.
Side note: your expectations re factories are precisely what Elon Musk has had to overcome in getting Tesla to where the Chinese now choose to copy it.
1. Absolutely those machines will need servicing, a fact of machine life, but
2. This is a Chinese copy of a Tesla Giga-factory and they have taken the Elon Musk "Build the machine to build the machine" and "Design for manufacture" mantras, and turned them up to 11.
The Xiaomi copy of the Model S (they even call it the S7 lol) is designed to be built by robots. The point of using robots is they WON"T make mistakes and will build to high tolerances repeatedly. And if a robot fails, it should be built to fail *safe* i.e stop away from its workpiece.
Human staffed factories are dirty, because humans are dirty. Go to any food factory to see the amount of training and attention to process detail needed to produce safe food. Does a robot staffed factory produce debris? Sure, but look to microchip making.. If you design in cleanliness from the beginning you can work with quite horrendous materials and maintain an astonishing level of clean...
It’s interesting to think through what Yellen is actually saying when she asks China to address its “industrial overcapacity”, particularly in fields like solar panels or EVs.
First of all, what is “industrial overcapacity”? The official definition for it is “when an industry's production capabilities exceed the demand for its products, leading to inefficiencies and reduced profitability”.
What are the key metrics to assess if a country has “industrial overcapacity”? There are 3:
- Capacity utilization rates: this shows the % of a country’s industrial capacity actually being used. If you don’t use much, you have too much capacity.
- Inventory levels: high levels of unsold goods can indicate that production exceeds demand, suggesting overcapacity.
- Profit margins: declining profit margins in manufacturing sectors might indicate overcapacity, as firms may reduce prices to stimulate sales.
So let’s look at China for all three.
Let’s start with capacity utilization rates. Look at the graphs: it’s crystal clear they’ve been pretty much constant in China for the past 10 years, standing at roughly 76% right now, which is in the same ballpark as America’s own utilization rates at about 78%. So no issue there.
Now let’s take a look at inventory levels. As of the beginning of 2024, China’s finished good inventory PMI index stood at about 49 (… ) vs the US at 48 for manufacturing inventories (… ). An index of over 50 is a sign of growing stock levels: this is not the case here for either country, so there is no issue with inventory levels.
Lastly, let's check profit margins. China’s industrial profits rose 10.2% in the first 2 months of the year (… ), consolidating a gaining streak since August last year. So no issue there either.
So what gives? No matter how you look at it, there is just no sign of industrial overcapacity in China.
By accusing China of “industrial overcapacity”, could the US maybe mean that China is breaking WTO rules by practicing “dumping”, meaning the practice where companies export products at prices lower than what they charge in their home market, or below the cost of production? No, this is not what China is accused of doing here: despite the very low prices for its EVs or solar panels, the companies involved still make a profit (heck, as we just saw, industrial profits are rising at double digit growth), and they DO charge higher prices abroad than at home.
No, the real issue here is in fact not one of industrial capacity but one of competitiveness. What is crystal clear is that the competitiveness of Chinese companies is overwhelming: today, in scores of industries - like solar or EVs - there is simply no way for American or European companies to compete with Chinese ones. This is the real issue: Yellen and Western leaders are afraid that if things keep going, China will simply eat everyone’s lunch.
Contrary to popular belief, this competitiveness isn’t thanks to Chinese "cheap labor". One guy who explained this extremely well is Apple’s Tim Cook (…): “There's a confusion about China. The popular conception is that companies come to China because of low labor cost. I'm not sure what part of China they go to, but the truth is China stopped being the low-labor-cost country many years ago. And that is not the reason to come to China from a supply point of view. The reason is because of the skill, and the quantity of skill in one location and the type of skill it is.” He credits the Chinese education system for this: “I give the education system a lot of credit for continuing to push on that even when others were de-emphasizing vocational [...] China called that right from the beginning.”
Having a huge depth of skills is one thing, but there is also control of the entire supply chain since China is the only country in the world that produces all categories of goods classified by the World Customs Organization (WCO). This gives it a key advantage when it comes to end prices: when you want to build something in China you can literally find the entire supply chain for it at home.
Energy prices is another thing: for instance the International Energy Agency highlights that "low-cost electricity is key for the competitiveness of the main pillars of the solar PV supply chain" (… ) and "around 80% of the electricity involved in polysilicon production today is consumed in Chinese provinces at an average electricity price of around USD 75 per megawatt-hour (MWh)". For comparison, in 2023 energy prices for industrial customers in Germany averaged 251.21 USD per megawatt-hour (MWh) (… ): that's an incredible 234.94% more expensive!
Lastly, China has become an innovation powerhouse. In 2023 it filed roughly as many patents as the rest of the world combined (… ) and it’s now estimated to lead 37 out of the 44 critical technologies for the future (… ). All this too has implications when it comes to the final prices of its products. To take the example of solar panels again, the IEA notes that "continuous innovation led by China has halved the emissions intensity of solar PV manufacturing since 2011" (… ), which means that not only does China have raw electricity prices which are immensely cheaper than in the West, but it's innovated in such a way that it uses way less electricity in the production of its solar panels...
So “the threat of China’s industrial overcapacity” is a buzzword that actually means that China is simply too competitive, and by asking it to address this, what Yellen is truly asking of China is akin to a fellow sprinter asking Usain Bolt to run a less fast because he can’t keep up.
Now I’m not saying there isn’t some merit in this ask. At the end of the day, it’s understandable that when you see a competitor continuously gaining in strength, you grow quite anxious as to your own future and that of your people. But it needs to be framed the right way: framing it as if China was doing something malign with deliberate “overcapacity” is just a very unfair characterization. China played the game right: as Tim Cook explained, it first and foremost invested in its people, in their education. They also invested big time in innovation and they didn’t shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to energy prices the way Europe did, among many other policies.
Demonizing this is just not right, and it’s certainly not the right way to ask China for what’s an incredibly big favor: running less fast so the West can keep up… Especially when the West running slow is the result of catastrophic leadership for the past few decades: first and foremost choosing to waste trillions of dollars in killing people abroad instead of investing in its own progress…
I’m afraid this “overcapacity” framing is just another illustration of this poor leadership: when you prefer to blame others for your own failures rather than face reality.
That they have to keep sending Yellen is also an indication that among the members of the Biden cabinet, she's the only one who can cling to even a shred of credibility. At one point in her career, she definitely displayed a triple-digit IQ, which is something almost every other member of the Biden cabinet has never done.
My two cent's worth: the 'poor leadership' is a function of a 'missing' electorate. The people in our democracies might as well not exist for all the input they make, all the interest they have, all the interaction and care for them anyone who once 'gets away' (into elected office) has for them.
And I think the future should be and will be universal suffrage via a 'voter app' and similar on our smartphones.
THEN this poor leadership will find it harder to get in and impossible to remain.
The structure of 'democracies' (particularly the two party systems in the USA and the UK) in which propaganda is all-pervasive enables those who control the media to control those democracies. It assumes people can make rational choices based on objective information. That assumption is simply not applicable. A bottom up approach to democracy in which engaged people are elected and who in turn elect a knowledgeable leadership is probably a better democratic model.
People's opinions are like the wind on the grass - whichever way it blows, they bend. All you have to do is easily persuade them. Also, in a complex society many of the decisions that have to be taken and laws considered for passage are complex with most people having no idea except what they are told by "experts" (and lobbyists) - that goes both for direct and representative democracies.
if that were true... which isn't proven... it would mean what? that the people should be ignored, silenced, marginalised, kept like mushrooms 'in the dark and fed on manure' ? while others - yourself perhaps ? - get on with running the world?
I am saying that the truth is we will always rely on people of greater talent, intellect and political will to run things, rather than the masses, the "mob", if you will. Whether those people are good people of righteous intent is another question.
As for being "ignored, silenced, marginalised, kept like mushrooms 'in the dark and fed on manure', is that not what has always happened in the history of humanity? The truth is that unless you are in that club, you don't really "know" much at all, you are being ignored for the most part, and you are being silenced (censored). However, having said that, it is a fact that the best of us sometimes rise to the top and enter the great club from the outside - such as Putin and Xi - good leaders, smart, wiley and most importantly committed to the real wellbeing of their people - it is not the economic or social system that is exceptional - it is these people.
I don't have a disdain for people in general. I just see the reality - people have daily lives committed to keeping food on the table for their families, working hard during the day and coming home to spend the evening caring for their families - they don't normally have the time or the interest in keeping up with the many faces of technology, economics, or politics. Most can only find time and energy to read the brief glimpses of the news, much less plan to be leaders of the world. It is beyond naivety to think that people such as these have the talent to make decisions for society.
As for that last question, not me by any means - I am one of those who just hope to put food on the table and keep us in a home in these uncertain times - if I can accomplish that, I consider my mission accomplished (as does my family).
And you believe that a digital voting app will solve this problem? That the voter will have the knowledge to vote on decisions that require expertise? Where will he get this expertise in many fields? Does the normal citizen possess them? Can he call upon others for advice? Certainly. But who? And how does he know he is not being "guided" as our politicians today are guided? In the end he is again at the mercy of clever people who have the knowledge and skills to manipulate and manufacture assent.
Improvement in the governing system will not be improved by electronically democratizing elections in a politically confrontational society. At this point we need top-down but enlightened leadership.
the fundamental problem is this belief in 'leadership'. it's a messiah complex I think is the world for it. 'hold your breath, the lord/superman/audy murphy/jfk/jesus christ/someone anyone is coming to save us.
It is inherent in the concept of democracy, explicit in the concept of democracy that the people do their own leading by consensus or at least majority decision.
when the electorate is disenfranchised it cannot be.
to enfranchise the electorate is no more than to develop, exhibit, manifest democracy.
your postulate is just that: your postulate. I can see no reason why anyone ought to give it any credence.
The poor leadership of US, e.g. Biden/Obama are in cahoots with China. Failing USA is all part of thr plan. They are draining the economy before they leave.
"Especially when the West running slow is the result of catastrophic leadership for the past few decades: first and foremost choosing to waste trillions of dollars in killing people abroad instead of investing in its own progress…"
And offshoring it's industrial manufacturing capacity too.
Additionally, if China views manufacturing capacity as a strategic capacity capable of an ebb and flow that is not bound by typical Western evaluation.
The US said for decades that Russia was wasting resources by maintaining excess military production capabilities. In the 2023 DoD review, the US begrudgingly admitted that Russia's surge capacity was greater than the West's and served well even though the US still maintains it was wasteful to maintain such capacity. The US doesn't get it. Russia wasn't trying to make a profit from its military.
Similarly China has written about "Unrestricted Warfare" for over 30 years. This includes politics and economics and anything outside traditional methods of conducting kenetic warfare. China does understand economics. They also use there production capacity as a weapon. That changes what it means to have over-capacity.
There are plenty of examples of US companies overproducing to drive prices down to beat a competitor. China is not overproducing. It is burying the US.
As for 'Unrestricted Warfare' can you provide links, please - to call competition (economic, social, political) warfare may not be useful
Militarised language does not help - in what sense is 'production capacity a weapon', if a missile is also a weapon in what way does production capacity ressemble this
(nor does a washing machine become a weapon because someone invented a story about Russians using them for such)
Of 'Capitalism', since the first definitions in the 19th C, it has always been recognised that there are periodical crises, expansions and retractions, indeed this was a founding formula to explain/foresee the eventual failure of this system
Are you suggesting " if China views manufacturing capacity as a strategic capacity capable of an ebb and flow that is not bound by typical Western evaluation." that China has mastered these fluctuations/crises of production, and the West has not?
I am not the one who militarized the language. China's military leadership has for 30 years. Look up the book, "Unrestricted Warfare"written by 2 Chinese Colonels.
It has been standard instruction within China's military academy to approach the US and Europe this way. The Chinese government adopted this approach.
The categories of warfare as defined by the Chinese military leaders are:
psychological warfare
smuggling warfare
media warfare
drug warfare
network warfare
technological warfare
fabrication warfare
resources warfare
economic aid warfare
cultural warfare
international law warfare
It is Chinese military leaders who divided up unrestricted warfare into these categories outside of traditional kenetic warfare. That is not a dig on China. Especially since these ideas were published in English in the 1990s, the US chose to ignore the perspective. The Chinese were open about it in discussions in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In the early 2000s examples of 1000s of Chinese individuals publically outlining their efforts in these categories were publically posted via resume online. They were not discrete. They were proud and open. This is particularly true of industrial hacking related to fabrication and manufacturing warfare, network warfare, technological warfare. Their terms for their actions, their strategic approach, and their policies.
They make it clear that any asymmetric approach is viable.
As for burying the US through production capacity, if you're not aware of China increasingly becoming a manufacturing source for global products since Kissinger help negotiate trade relations in the 1970s and then China's increased manufacturing output following being granted most favored nation status in the 2000s, I can't help you. There are plenty of resources on line or in print outlining the shift of manufacturing from the US to China or other countries to China. 2022 was a record year. A lot is made of the exodus of manufacturing from China to places like India. Forbes has several articles in this vein. It's like they channel Peter Zeihan who is a MIC shill. Okay some businesses might have moved. 2022 was still a record year of trade between the US and China favoring Chinese manufacturing.
"Much of the world's manufacturing base has migrated to China, attracted by low-cost labour and favourable policies from the Chinese government" National Post Jun 2023
Newsweek Jun 24 2019 mentioned US fortune 500 companies and manufactures moving to China, despite an open understanding that China wasn't actually interested in their success.
This is low hanging fruit. You can do you own search if your curiosity is honest. There's lots there.
None of that demonizes China. China is looking out for China. As I sat in US military schools most senior leaders were either overreacting or under reacting. Zero problem. Existential problem. No balance. As I planned US response in Taiwan almost all scenarios devolved into nuclear conflict while totally ignoring basics like why did we leave our online systems open for a decade? Why did we let a Chinese RAT attack suck most of our secrets for 5 years before stopping it in 2012 (you can look that up on YouTube or several journals).
You may say that you are not the originator of militarised language, all the more reason to not fall into the trap of using it
The fact that you cite a book by two Chinese soldiers as generalising warfare into control of every domain of activity does not mean a- that you should do so, or that b this is in some way official China policy
Do you have any links to China gvmt statements along such lines?
In fact is is often said that the US is directed by and in the interests of it's MIC- do you agree? or disagree?
As for 'burying' - I am indeed aware that China is outproducing the US, even in arms, - but in what sense is this 'burying' the US?
Until recently the US was more than happy to buy China products
What has changed?
Besides which, all efforts by the US, by Yellen, by sanctions, will only have the same effect on China as the USEU sanctions had on Russia, and indeed Iran - to make all these countries stronger more autonomous, and more efficient in every domain, while making the USEU less autonomous less efficient and weaker
It is an accurate depiction of the mindset and policy as well as military doctrine that shapes Chinese action. If you want to stick you head up your backside in some kind of inaccurate fairy tale, be my guest. Since it is accurate, I will describe them in their terms. Because accuracy actually is helpful unlike being a pedantic ass.
Is English your fist language? Seriously. Outproducing - burying. You defined it for yourself. That the US went along doesn't mean the US didn't get buried by Chinese capacity. It means America was stupid.
The US ruling class has killed, volunatarily and with determination, the US industrial and infrastructure base, for their own profit and to the loss of the people and the country
Ii regards to manufacturing I'm responding to: "Are you suggesting " if China views manufacturing capacity as a strategic capacity capable of an ebb and flow that is not bound by typical Western evaluation." that China has mastered these fluctuations/crises of production, and the West has not?"
The West has done so badly for their manufacturing that simply doing nothing would be light years ahead of the US. It's almost immaterial what China's doing specifically as long as it's not a massive net negative. Of course Simplicitus is arguing that they are actually doing them some positive. which I agree with.
Even the US government used to see US manufacturing as something to be protected for the sake of national interest so it's more like the US has lost any ability it used to have to benefit its industrial base in any way.
The US is incapable of industrial policy of any sort shape or kind, unless it is to invest in off shore production, which is not what one would call a policy, rather the opposite
A commentor here was trying to push a notion that China had waged some sort of 'war' on the US and buried the US with over production
Which merely displayed ignorance
The US ruling class took care to bury US industry and infrastructure and needed no help from nobody to do so
The casual use of US specific slang in an otherwise apparently serious discussion of serious matters is not useful
Usually software and other companies gain market share by superior products or lower prices
When slang is used it means a cleverclever alternative explanation is being offered from as so called 'insider' point of view, with a view to misdirect
Exactly as the US is trying out on China with Yellen
The WTO only has the US as a member?.When did this start? Google the words "Cambridge University dumping" or pick any other institution. There are thousands of examples.
And it is rich beyond words for you of all people to whine about tone.
The strong dollar economy that the US has followed since Clinton and Bush assumed our nation was so exceptional we could be financial rulers of the world and they would all work for us and make things and pollution. We have enforced our strong dollar policy through Mideastern wars post 911 maintaining low oil and commodity price inflation and interest rates on debt low. The dollar is tanking versus gold and bitcoin, and all we sell now to others is poorly designed military equipment like F35s that can't "fly within 20 miles of a thunderstorm" or the modern day battlefield. Israel was very helpful in keeping the Arab nations down. The problem with the strong dollar policy is that their labor costs less, and if they are as smart, they can be more productive, and cooperating and partnering can be more productive than buying and selling.
"Yellen made a fool of herself and the US by going to China, making demands, not appearing to have anything to horsetrade, and acting as if China should concede because we are entitled white customers. But that does not mean that a case could not have been made regarding one of her pet points, that of Chinese overproduction. The fact that Yellen made no attempt whatsoever to substantiate her position only further undermined weak US credibility, not just in China but among third parties. Even worse, by trying to act as if the China should constrain itself simply the US says so has likely poisoned rational discussion of this issue."
The argument, in sum, is that China is producing more goods (especially electric vehicles and solar panel) than the global economy can absorb, this problem is increasing as China keeps ramping up productive capacity and this will have negative impacts on China itself.
I did read NC's post on this, and found it confused and confusing - I'm in no position to mount an extensive rebuttal but -
One can always argue from sanctions - if the US puts prohibitive tarifs on Chinese solar and EV, as EU does on at least EV and I think solar too
No wonder there are going to be some short term excess production in China
As everyone points out China is re directing trade away from such un reliable partners or customers
By US and EU definitions and directives all ICE cars will have to be replaced by..? 2030? or 2035 - both are obliged to start buying EVs in larger quantities now, instead of still (still) trying to figure out how to build them for mass uptake and the infra for, grid upgrades, charging stations etc
Which comes down to desperate attempts at protectionism in industries for which they have put the cart before the horse - that is regulating procedures before they have built the industry, or before they have found out they are incapable of building either infra or ind
That Bloomberg publishes such a comprehensive refutation may/must be a signal that 'Wall Street' is less than happy about the foolishness of current Biden China trade/sanction policies
The comprehensive agreements between Lavrov and Wang Yi April 9 are also to be taken as a response
Not really. It's sort of an administrative thing and you just reapply for another 70yr term after the first one is up. Though in truth no one quite knows for 100% certainty given that the rule, as I understand it, was made less than 70 years ago which means even the earliest homes are not yet up for that clausal expiry. But the way most understand it, as it's written, is you simply reapply before the term ends, and unless the Chinese gov't has a particularly exigent reason to need your land, they will just continue approving the application.
It's no different than U.S. where eminent domain can take your home at any time and has happened frequently.
Using semantics you can argue no American owns their home either because they have to pay property taxes until the end of time on it and still can have it seized via eminent domain.
A one dimensional patch of land is a line since you can measure its location with one coordinate. If anyone possesses such a line of land with yearly fees attached, it must be recommended selling your line and upgrading to better land that possesses area, but if you can get some land with volume that's more than flatland with only area, even better. The Victorians understood this better than us.
'It seemed that this poor ignorant Monarch—as he called himself—was persuaded that the Straight Line which he called his Kingdom, and in which he passed his existence, constituted the whole of the world, and indeed the whole of Space. Not being able either to move or to see, save in his Straight Line, he had no conception of anything out of it. [...]
His subjects—of whom the small Lines were men and the Points Women—were all alike confined in motion and eyesight to that single Straight Line, which was their World. It need scarcely be added that the whole of their horizon was limited to a Point; nor could any one ever see anything but a Point. Man, woman, child, thing—each as a Point to the eye of a Linelander. Only by the sound of the voice could sex or age be distinguished. Moreover, as each individual occupied the whole of the narrow path, so to speak, which constituted his Universe, and no one could move to the right or left to make way for passers by, it followed that no Linelander could ever pass another. Once neighbours, always neighbours. Neighbourhood with them was like marriage with us. Neighbours remained neighbours till death did them part.'
Well said Simplicius. China is using the market to create surplus value to invest in infrastructure. The last thing it wants is war. Incidentally, sometime ago you said you would tell us who you were and your background. I work a good 6 hours a day at reading and researching and am fairly good at it. I find it hard to believe that you haven't a team behind you given your rate of output. Your occasional mention of a juicy titbit (Lewinsky/Pollard for instance) is understood by me BUT will be taken by mainstream hardline Zionists as being antisemitic. You need to do a proper analysis of this: the PNAC cabal was initiated in Israel by Netanyahu but then the whole team was co-opted by the US. It is the dog. Israel is the tail.
Yes - because the state owns and leases the land. In the UK we have a similar approach with leasehold law - but in the end the state owns ALL the land. Non-leasehold owners have a freehold interest but the state (in the UK, the Crown) ultimately controls everything. You own your property at their leisure and tolerance. The state can therefore under the law compulsorily purchase property should there be a justifiable reason to do so.
I would be more inclined to believe you if China respected rights more. However these days, the West have diminishing rights everywhere as well, so I'm guessing we're on track to pass each other somewhere in the next decade.
Yes, that is one thing that's getting lost these days in a lot of alternative media, that Russia and China have their dark sides as well.
As I forget which guest on the Duran pointed out, Putin's history lesson with Carlson did skip over e.g. the atrocity of the Holomodor, the engineered Ukrainian famine that killed 30 million during Stalin's time. It's true current Russia is not the USSR, but if you're going to talk about history, then in for a penny, in for a pound.
And I think about how extrapolating from Yuri Bezmenov, at least some of the demoralization we see now in western society is thanks to various communists agents, many of whom were Russian. Oh well, that's war I guess.
Concerning China, there have been and presumably still are horrrific black sites where Falun Gong adherents are tortured and executed for practicing what is basically a harmless offshoot of traditional Chinese Buddhism.
Chinese people in general will talk about FLG along the lines of "corrupt cult of terrorists." But I personally practiced it in Canada for about six months. If you live in a major city in N. America and I believe Europe, there probably a FLG group near you and you can talk to them yourself. They will be able show you photos, and in some cases, the actual physical scars of the torture they received in China for their beliefs. And the Canadian MP Lloyd Axworthy researched and wrote about a huge and organized organ-harvesting industry. As far as I know it's still operating, but to be fair, not only in China. I'll add, people can see the amazing movie "Letter from Masanjia," which gives a documentary account of one of these prisons.
Not that that the CIA and MIC are better, but in some ways probably not worse.
The famine was the result of Socialism. And the leading elites doing this were from all over place. Baltic, Polish, Russian, Ukrainians, Georgians, Armenians, Jews, Finnish, Bulgarians, Tartars, Cossacks .... Not "The Russians" but "The Soviets" is the right quote.
I don't think so. My understanding is that it was a poor collectivism policy decision by Stalin (who was Georgian, not Russian), very poor weather conditions over the past few years and repressive measures by the state. And it wasn't just Ukraine - it also included Northern Caucasus, Volga Region, Southern Urals, Western Siberia and Kazakhstan.
In Ukraine, the region that suffered most was Odessa Oblast, which was rather russified.
For that matter, the famine is today most cherished in Galicia, which didn't suffer at all, as it was part of Poland at the time. The Ukrainian nationalists of the 1930s were aware of the famine, but didn't much care, as the Ukrainian SSR offered broad cultural autonomy, unlike the aggressively centralizing and polonizing Polish Second Republic.
I think you could do well to check that holodomor thing. I've read persuasive refutations of it. Not the deaths but the 'evil' motivations, manipulations.
You mean, genocidal intent. I haven't studied it, I don't know. But apparently of the 5 million that died in the famine, 3.9 million were Ukrainians, so at some point something must have been at least criminally negligent, if not genocidal. In Alberta, Canada, two generations later it still burns in the hearts of many of Ukrainian descent. Should Russia apologize? I don't know. Maybe.
Yep, that'd be it: the question of genocidal intent. I think maybe there's also some question on numbers. But, yep, I'm not qualified to expound having forgotten all the details and mislaid the reference. I do remember only my 'going away' impression: that overall it was/is yet another case of deliberate misrepresenation in the interests of fomenting strife.
I found an old Quora thread. Possibly my original source.
I tried to post the relevant extracts but there's a size limit on posts and it wouldn't let me.
Naftali Frenkel (jew), was an organizers of the first Soviet concentration camp that eventually grew into a system of camps (GULAG)
Isai Berg (jew, NKVD officer) was the inventor and practitioner of a REAL gas chamber. This method of executing was used by the NKVD from 1936 (that is, before WWII). NKVD was the secret police agency.
Kolomoisky, the president of the Jewish Community of Ukraine, founded and financed four (4) neo-Nazi battalions to protect his properties in Donbass: the Azov, Aidar, Dnipro I & II battalions. The openly Nazi Azov battalion was welcomed in Israel and (by the J Lobby) in DC
Canadian "ruler" Chrystia Freeland is a committed Banderite and best friend of a jewish genocider Nuland-Kagan. Should we add that Chrystia Freeland is a progeny of a prominent Nazi-collaborator Chomyak?
Since 1991, Ukraine has been ruled and looted by local and foreign jews. Most Ukrainian oligarchs (and the presidents) are Jewish, despite them being just 0.13% of the population. The current Kievan junta is ethnically predominantly jewish. The Canadian and Ukrainian Banderites have been in bed with jews since WWII.
Quite - it was Stalin's dash for forced industrialisation and collectivisation that led to famine ALL OVER THE USSR. Ukraine suffered but not exclusively and now maintains the 'Holdomar' was deliberately engineered to destroy Ukraine. Food was taken to sell abroad to raise valuable currency and to feed urban workers. This came AFTER the departure from the New Economic Plan formulated under Lenin which sought to utilise the market. China learned from Stalin's fundamentalist departure (which led to turmoil that created the basis for extreme oppression). State capitalism is a necessary stage towards socialism. You have to create resources to build infrastructure. The dominant role of the Communist Party is critical in this and inevitably this restricts some 'freedoms'. What it does do is embrace planning and stability. A better question than pontificating about 'human rights' is to consider what government is for? If the needs of most people are provided for, why do we need the National Endowment for Democracy? (Funded by the US Government).
And yet nobody in the West gets weepy over the Bengal Famine, which killed millions and was most deliberately engineered by none other than St. Winston Churchill Himself.
In Bengal, Churchill is still remembered as a monster, and rightly so.
History and Geo Politics are not the Star Wars world of good versus evil. They are more like Game of Thrones. Lots of players responding to their incentives, none of them particularly virtuous. The question is simply who is the least imperfect.
But, of course, our state media talks up the dark side of our “adversaries” and talks down our dark side, except when it suits their woke agenda to do otherwise. Alternative media often makes the opposite mistake. Balance is crucial.
I didn't really want to be assigned to this species, this kind of beligerent, semi-advanced life form is so poignant to observe, but it does make for an interesting report back to the Academy, don't you find?
Don't worry - you have in parallel been assigned to many other species in many other dimensions, all as a result of your previous test scores and suitability assessments
But there is an overall scorecard... we're certain you will do as well as you deserve to do
Very witty reply, and in essence more or less correct. No need for many other dimensions or parallel assignments. But there is an overall scorecard integrated over performance in serial assignments. And, everyone will do precisely as well as they deserve to do. Not joking. (Not a sock puppet for the 1st poster, an actual 3rd poster)
That's my point actually. Only that compared to our incompetent, corrupt, cynical, criminal ruling class and the shameful history of political, military and economic imperialism carried out in our names by our govt's, with the Russians and Chinese looking really good these days, the alternative media, and here I'm thinking the Duran and Scott Ritter and all my favorite commentators never breathe a word about the obvious fact you are stating as it pertains to Russia and China.
Historical dark side, e.g. communism, and who knows what contemporary dark side?
1: When an insolent upstart nation’s surging economic activity totally humiliates the reigning hegemon’s own faltering economy, causing the many expensive dentures and porcelain veneers of the ruling class gerontocracy to jiggle and grate with moral outrage and jealousy."
My first thought to Simplicius' definition of overcapacity was" I wonder which dictionary gave him that answer. Something is wrong here". Silly me.
Overcapacity could be solved by allowing production in the developing world, who currently don't use their share of energy, thus allowing them purchasing power to take up some of China's capacity.
Congrats on your continuing success. Regarding China. How is it that the US needs their industrial capacity and their purchase of US debt BUT AT THE SAME TIME China is an enemy and we're (US) definitely going to war against them?
The Thucydides Trap is one thing when war is fought with swords and sandals. It is quite another when nuclear weapons are involved. The US needs to pull its head out of its ass. The Rules Based Order based on military and economic extortion needs to be sacrificed on the alter of the Constitution and the Rule of Law. The world is plenty big enough for China, Russia, the US, and several other big players. A Westphalian world order works.
As for your standing on the list, taking down Chris Hodges will be nice. However, when you pass Timothy Snyder I will rejoice loud and well. Your hard work is paying off. Well done.
U.S. elites refuse to acknowledge that through their insatiable greed they've been outplayed by both China and Russia, and they're very, very angry about it.
"The fact is, Israel is a destructive parasite sucking the lifeblood out of America, causing the host to wage unnecessary wars on its behalf which have utterly removed every advantageous and competitive edge the country might have had over its Chinese ‘rival’."
It's true but it so rare to hear it spoken and so clearly, it's kind of overwhelming.
But the same story happened 1,000 years ago. The Crusader Nations were at the same spot; they sucked the wealth and blood from Christian Europe. They formed the powerful political elite; all the advisers to the emperor, king, or pope were on the knights orders. Some families in the maritime cities in Italy got rich, and the Byzantine Empire was destroyed (the fourth Crusade).
Agree completely. The fact that the obvious cannot be/is not stated —- and that the west is nearing the point where the only capital crime deserving of death will be the determination by the parasite that one has made “anti-Semitic” remarks — suggest the complete control by Jews and their accomplices. Murder, rape, sex with children, bestiality, treason etc will eventually be removed from the criminal code — changes in ‘de jure’ stipulations which merely match the ‘de facto’ reality.
Our focus here is on the disproportionate influence and effects of this financial/economic cabal — rightly so. But in a larger sense, the 20th century also underwent domination in cultural and intellectual studies (eg Frankfurt School), and particularly the arts and performing arts (requiring capital) by Jews (as one example, Schoenberg and his opera Moses und Aron). The effect on western culture has been enormous.
Can anyone direct me to a substack where these issues have prominence? Thank you.
I believe one must raise the argument to a greater height to see the reasoning behind the purposeful degeneration of society. To repair the world and make it better, it must first be destroyed so the jew can re-make it in their image (tikkun olan).
This is likely what was meant by the famous Maurice Samuel quote from his book, You Gentiles - "We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build."
Many believe this to be the rantings of an extremist.
But it's not. He was dead serious. Tikkun olan is of the highest importance to such followers. Only the jew has the divine spark. Only they can destroy the world. Only they can re-make it into the God-world (the collective jew being "God").
Thanks — I’m somewhat aware of this argument from references people have made to the Talmud. What I am looking for is a more in depth discussion of “why” a supposedly “admirable” people are so alienated/disconnected from other human beings and cultures. Maybe Ron Unz has explained this in his vast body of writings (perhaps someone can direct me if they know specifically where’s he’s written about this).
People don’t choose to be born a Jew or to be taught the Talmud — but why does Talmudic teaching continue to survive and infect an entire nation such that genocide is gleefully celebrated?
Ron Unz is in the same exceptional category as Spinoza — born a Jew and who realize at some point that that faith is at odds with their own heart. Schopenhauer believed that a sense of morality is innate and independent of intellect — so perhaps he is right (as he was so amazingly often).
Thanks for your response. However, I’m skeptical of this behavioral “research” —there are many holes in this work that are visible. @3:40, one puppet is clearly closer to the subject than the other puppet. @4:30, the “bad” puppet is already withdrawn when the subject turns to look at it again, so can only choose the “good” puppet. The Ivy League studies of this kind are notorious — witness the Harvard Business School professor whose behavioral studies have been shown to be definitively fraudulent (professor blamed it on a junior person on the research team) and a raft of papers withdrawn.
But this video does bolster my basic point: the lead authors are two Jews (Frank and Bloom). Are there any behavioral scientists who aren’t Jewish? Are there any economists who aren’t Jewish? Are there any newspapers not owned by Jews? Are there any senior personnel in the State Department who aren’t Jews? Is YouTube Jewish?
The most widely read recent book on the “problem of evil” is by Susan Neiman, a Jewish academic (Harvard, Yale, Institute for AS) — she situates it, basically in the European Enlightenment. Is the world going to be taught about evil through Jews pointing fingers back?
Absolutely agree. I’ve bought a couple of his books which are always intricately researched and fascinating — ideal for “locked room” situations (I read them on longer plane flights).
The most important single site on the web — he continues to publish Andrew Anglin who always manages to astonish — and his own research and findings are perhaps in a class by themselves. I know he’s done a series of articles on the Jews — I’ll look again there.
Yellen conveniently ignores basic economics of supply and demand, and she also seems to ignore the global warming high-priests. (How dare she! They *will* be angry).
If China is "flooding the market", then surely that's great for western inflation, isn't it? It means prices for those symbols of the Western green utopia - the solar panels and EVs, will become super cheap and abundant, and inflation reduces accordingly.
Better yet, markup on these items can increase without increasing prices, and the western salespeople, of which there are many, can become rich with minimum effort, and everyone likes that.
But even more important, if China is "flooding the market", then that means Western factories needn't bother existing, and they can stop using the dirtiest of energy, and stop causing pollution, and that's simply fantastic for the high-priests of global warming. They happily promote the destruction of all industry and energy extraction, and a return to pre-industrial standards of living.
Once the Chinese Morlocks are solely responsible for making everything in their factory-nation, then all the western Eloi need to do is live in their green socialist utopia, eat bugs, and plant some trees each year to offset the Chinese pollution.
He must have missed the memo when Ted Kaczynski handwrote it four years ago!
"Any movement that aims to limit technology has to be worldwide because if technological progress is cut back in one part of the world while another part of the world continues to follow the path of unrestrained technological development, then the fully technological pact of the world will have a vast preponderance of power over the less technological part. Sooner or later (probably sooner) the fully technological part of the world will take control of the other part in order to exploit its resources. To mention only the most obvious example, if technological progress is restrained in the United States while China continues down its present technological path, then China will dominate the world and will take whatever it wants of America’s natural resources — regardless of the wishes of Americans."
"The ecofascists need to read ISAIF, Technological Slavery, and Anti-Tech Revolution CAREFULLY." Mr. Schwab and the rest of the Eloi need to get on the job already.
They want to deindustrialise the West and make people eat bugs and drink "Klimamelk" like in Norway, feeding the cows all sorts of nasty poison to make them stop burping and farting and making a profit on it, and supposedly, there's genetic research into marsupials like kangaroos with "cleaner" burps of CO2 rather than CH4 to try to transport their biology to cattle, too. It'll all be a ridiculous failure, not only on the part of their own objectives (most thankfully!), but on everyone else's that they impede too.
The whole con and joke about 'ecofascists' forcing people to eat bugs, and Klaus' plan for 'stakeholder capitalism' was to create scorn and fear over what the Chinese are demonstrating is possible; ie that there can be a greener and fairer future for humanity. Obviously that threatens the very existence of the Cabal which is why they spooked up the WEF and the Rothschilds into a dystopian, 15 minute city, surveillance (the Cabal already know everything) pretence of the Chinese model.
PS all genetic modification and research on animals is disgusting and stupid though it's also silly to think that people shouldn't make a profit from green tech and energy.
Never turn your back on Russia (The Ripper), Zelinsky. The end nears.
9 April 2024 The Infamous Rules Based Order Re Defined, and Re Jected
‘International Law and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine’ February 25, 2022
The author is a deep state grunt, but capable of intelligence on occasion, not a foolish lawyer for hire, like Philippa Webb (see her CBR drama piece for the European Parliament)
Nonetheless provides a justification of dismissing international law in favour of a fuzzy reading of European history – instead of any attempt to define International Law, or to improve application thereof
Why can not the West do better than this ? ‘Because we do not have to’
Reason One - Explicit -The ascription of agency, and hence the Law, to ‘the most powerful countries’ only : nostalgia for the nineteenth century
The old colonial mindset is still beating it’s heart
« Today, the international community should reinvest in norms of territorial integrity and sovereignty through international law, even at the occasional expense of humanitarian objectives (which should be pursued vigorously through other avenues). The work of the United Nations should focus on interstate peace and territorial integrity. And the international community should think of new approaches to ensuring peace among the world’s most powerful countries. A new “Concert of Powers” modeled after the “Concert of Europe” formed in 1815 is an intriguing idea, one that would bring powerful countries together in an informal forum that offers more space for real dialogue than the U.N. Security Council does. Safeguarding against interstate war is itself an enormous task for international law and international institutions, as the current events in Ukraine demonstrate. »
Reason Two : Explicit- The ascription of good (humanitairian) intent to us, but bad intention to them : intent is 9/10ths of the law
So that our contraventions of international law, those cited by Putin, are absolved of their illegalities, destructions and deaths, legitimised by the fact of their good intent…
Reason Three : Explicit- Existing international ‘bodies’, specifically the hitherto most presitigious of all the UN, are inadequate to purpose
Why the UN should be dis regarded is not made explicit – one may assume it’s because of the presence of all those pesky non powerfuls who always disagree with ‘us’
Except those the west has under control, like Kenya, who’s self serving declared acceptance of colonialist borders merely justifies the continuing status quo of the colonial powers chosen dominant tribes and leaders, and familar ruling class- with repression of the same minorities and the same poor
So-Kenya agreed to send policemen to Haïti – luckily for these policement Haïti decided otherwise
Reason Four : Implicit – it is very hard work thinking up how to form and to conform to and to enforce international legal tribunals or assemblies, a habit of thought the west has lost, along with the power/influence to dominate such to the extent of being able to ignore them
The failure of the west is structural and systematic, the west is de structured and de intelectuelaised just as it has been de industrialised, for the same reasons and to the same results
Please note the RF re jection of the US illegalisms as reported by -
On March 27, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov chaired a meeting of the Ministry's board on Russia's foreign policy and international legal mechanisms: current challenges.
« The Board noted that the system of international law based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter is undergoing a serious test of strength. As part of the hybrid war they have unleashed, the Westerners are taking a number of illegal steps, including unilateral coercive measures, manipulating the instruments of international justice in the hope of undermining the legitimacy of their competitors' actions, weakening their positions in the international arena, and seizing foreign assets. Russia and its friendly states are subjected to similar pressure on the "legal front". Behind all this is the course of the United States and its allies to undermine the principles of the UN Charter and other universal legal norms, to replace them with a "rules-based order" invented by the West in an attempt to slow down the objective process of forming a fair multipolar world order. »
« Under these conditions, Russia will not only continue to effectively resist the "legal aggression" of the West, but will also take offensive actions to hold accountable states that violate their international obligations. At the same time, it is important to resist the actions of the West to politicize international justice bodies and other multilateral structures. It was also recognized that it is necessary to step up collective efforts in the legal sphere together with like-minded people against the illegal neocolonial practice of unilateral coercive measures. As a follow-up to the interdepartmental inventory of the legal framework of the Russian Federation's international relations, which was carried out in an interdepartmental format in previous years, the legal analysis »
“The U.S. funds wars, while China funds development.”
US Bombs, China Build
The mask is off, you go full anti semite.
You blame the Jews for the choices the US government decided to itself.
The US government is an aggressive Imperialist state, and was one way before the founding of Israel.
The victim mentally and scapegoating is pathetic.
Jewish influence on the USA goes back to its revolutionary days. But that aside, you are correct in the sense that the USA was from its beginning a willing and eager colonialist state destroying everything and everyone in its path to accumulate great wealth and power - but much of that colonialist power was heavily driven and energised by Jewish money derived from the Rothschilds and their Jewish banking allies in London.
People trying to pretend the US government is some innocent dubed victim, misled by the Jews annoys me.
Zionism sucks, but the zionists are not the reason the Americans have a chappy far right government, that has a massive prison population stagnant wages, and has a chappy economic policy.
You are correct. The USG is not innocent by any means. But the particular talent that the jews have utilised over the millennia is that of having no problem at all in using people's spiritual and moral weaknesses against them. So rather than helping to restrain those weaknesses and build a better civilisation, they choose instead to utilise them to their fullest, playing on them to destroy societies, wreak havoc among the people and most importantly to gain immense wealth and power through any means possible - usury, gambling, prostitution, drugs, slave trade, organ trade, child trade and other human trafficking, funding wars, causing political upheaval and chaos, pitting people against each other to gain leverage - all aimed at destroying the world and sucking all its wealth.
This cadre of jews who have worked tirelessly over the millennia think they have it in their grasp now:
"From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember’d;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers"
This is the Steam achievement "Maximum level of antisemitism". 2% of players have achieved this.
Yeah, because any criticism of Jews is automatically shut down (not necessarily here) as being 'anti-semitic'. They are the holiest of holies, beyond any questioning or accountability.
Why don't you replace "criticism of Jews" with "criticism of the Jew" or "criticism of the eternal Jew", what would be wrong with that? Theatre of the absurd here.
azrael, If you're going to slap "anti-semite" stickers on anyone who identifies who the criminals are you might want to define that slippery-when-wet pile of poo for those of us who aren't familiar with the workings of a Talmud/Tora-trained mind.
Please provide us, in your own words, a definitive definition of the phrase so that moving forward we're all on the same page.
Let me give you my definition so that you know where I'm coming from:
"Anti-Semitism" is anything that exposes jewish malfeasance, murder and mayhem.
Now, Please show me yours. lol
Whole sale attributing unsdesirable features or behaviors to a certain ethnic or religious group should be the text book definition of racism (including antisemitism).
Read Victor's post again and your own and you'll find plenty examples.
Secondly turning this discussion about politics and ideology into a "racey" subject about the jews. I can't get any more blunt than that, I can send you text books from my German Nazi grandpa though.
No, not *the* reason.
*Offing contrarian presidents or contenders (JFK, RFK), compromising most of those who wouldn't sell out willingly.
*Substantially controlling Congress.
*Being a profit center for 'defense' contractors.
*Embedding yourself in critical defense and civilian networks.
*Owning/compromising most of mainstream media.
*Embedding yourself in key positions in social media.
*Systematically over decades propagandizing and otherwise cultivating support
among Evangelical rubes.
*Operating extensive clandestine influence operations in social media.
...add up to no small amount of influence.
As for innocent - well, no. But the duped are legion.
Plenty of Republicans out there who either fail to see or refuse to acknowledge
what is very obvious to the rest of the world: that the Israeli tail consistently and effectively wags the American dog.
How can we take seriously people claiming to be 'America First' who either just don't get or refuse to acknowledge that under prevailing circumstances the US cannot be even considered an independent country?
Kind of thought we had sorted that out a few centuries ago, apparently the matter needs revisiting.
"The blood of every Palestinian is on the hands of every American.
- Scott Ritter
Far right government you say. I don’t think so. We are so progressive and open minded our brains have fallen out.
Depends. If you personally identify as a three-headed lesbian, sure.
If you are a single mom who gets hurt in an auto accident, not so much.
The only progress brought to us by the progressive and opened minded is progressive decline.
The form of corporate Progressivism you mention is fascist to it's core. The left fist of the "right/ left Judeo fascist enterprise". Purchased, paid for and controlled by the financier class. Open? That's window dressing for the harpies. No real difference between mainstream Progressives and Conservatives beyond superficial divisions, like team colors on the same field. It's a game. Progressive, Conservative, Totalitarian, Fascist, Asshole; it all fits.
We live in a feminist police state how is that open minded and progressive?
You are a strange brew my man. Not sure if you know if you are coming or going. You’re all over the fucking map. Got a feeling not much makes you happy lol. Good luck
Here is an unrolled twitter thread worth saving on their control of the US slave trade (Judah Benjamin, etc...).
"500 years of jewish rule" on how much of this started after they were expelled from Spain and took over Amsterdam mid 1500's, building central banks and stock markets to manipulate countries.
We have waited far too late, and the country is now destroyed, our people are in ruin. Our elderly are still brainwashed into supporting our persecutors, it's like a nightmare waking up and realizing one is in hell.
Behind every great evil is a Jew. Jews run the West. Facts is facts.
Great Leap Forward?
Rwanda genocide?
Wounded Knee?
Rape of Nanking?
Reality is grim enough - doesn't require exaggerating.
Tamils in Sri Lanka and please do not forget Rwanda.
I suppose calling you an antisemitic scumbag will get me banned. Lol
I hope you're allowed to continue to post your hasbarah talking points here, aasghhh.
We're not as exposed to your style of propaganda as much here as we are on other sites. Even jewish supremacists like you seem to temper the worst of your excesses, or perhaps it’s just that Hasbara Central doesn't allow the usual unintelligent riff raff to comment here knowing full well most of the people who come here to read Simplicius and the comments are tonnes smarter than you lot. We’ve got your number.
Still, exposing your bigotry and unreasonable dissembling in public forums like this are valuable tools when trying to understand the inner workings of the troubled minds of the tribe who hate everyone not like them.
So...please keep doing what you’re doing. You’re opening even more eyes, while closing off the hearts and minds of those you desperately need to keep on “your” side if you, (as a collective), are to prevail.
Epic Fail.
3 stages of control
Your account shows you have only been here 2 weeks. In that time you've made only 2 comments, one of them calling someone "homophobic", the other baselessly accusing someone of being an "antisemite". This not only indicates the actions of an agent provocateur, but is also extremely low effort divisive posting which is not allowed here.
Consider that your final warning.
"agent provocateur" -> Certain
You accuse me of being an agent provocateur. You sound just like a paranoid Nafo supporter who accuses everyone who doesn't agree with them of being a Kremlin agent.
You do some amazing work, but you are objectively an enabler of vile disgusting people under the guise of free speech.
You are an antisemite so you can shove your warnings.
Your comment section is full of nutters ranting about the Jews and raving about baseless conspiracy theories about the Frankfurt school.
Go ahead and ban me, you coward. Don't posture about being free speech in future posts.
Also I don't remember calling anyone homophobic, but I mostly did call one of your far right followers one, since they do hate gays.
Also in the past seen one of your far right nutters pedo smear someone too. Did you warn them? He straight up called someone who commented here a pedo.
“antisemite”!?! Puts My Ray’dar UP !!
“antisemite” !?! Puts My Ray’dar UP !!!
There's a difference between jews and Israel and anyone using them interchangeably is doing a great disservice and harm to jews. I don't see Simplicius blaming jews for anything. Israel is a criminal, toxic project created by the cabal (both Jewish and non-Jewish) by weaponising the misery of jews.
You are correct, but it's complicated. No oner should claim the world's woes on ALL Jews. Indeed, the great majority of Jews in the global diaspora are hardworking, honest, family-oriented members of their respective resident countries. However, having said that, there is a small minority of very powerful and wealthy Jews in the media, government, banking and academia who have shared significant and out-sized percent responsibility for Western-based wars, slavery, colonialism, human trafficking, organised crime, financial crises, predatory capitalism, deterioration of social mores and undue political influence in their respective countries and across borders. Most of these are hardened zionists and support zionist causes throughout the world towards the support of the illegal state of Israel. It is this small percentage of Jews, with power and influence far beyond their relative numbers in society, who should be identified and removed from influence in the world.
As for your statement concerning "misery of jews", I can only agree to disagree - most jews, because of their cultural bent towards higher education, live pretty comfortable lives, them and their families - attending the better schools, and thus achieving a higher standard of living than their non-Jewish peers. I see very little "misery" among jews with the possible exception of self-generated misery.
Diaspora doesn't need to be from one country of origin - it can be more than one - take, for instance, the Jew - dispersed among the nations from the Levant and from the Khazars of Turkic origin who were thrown out of their territory by the Russians. So I suppose technically, we are talking about 2 diaspora?
These two dispersions being of blood-related families from a single region spreading across the globe. Christians and Muslims are not blood-related families.
If you wish, we can agree to disagree on this.
Also, to take your point further, and mine, we are also talking about those normal Jews who are hardcore zionists as well as those close followers of the Talmud and its anti-gentile doctrine - large numbers of Jews fit into these categories.
Find me a Jew group who opposes occupied Palestine ? Also it is insulting to national socialists to equate zionism to national socialism. Can anyone disagree with Mein Kampf ? He was truly a man beyond time and tried to save the west from these sin merchant parasites.
FWIW - lots of interesting material on this site re: Khazaria
archaeological, genetics, medieval accounts and much more:
I meant the past misery of jews, historical trauma to be more precise.
About a small percentage of much too powerful jews, I would say it's better to call them zionists instead of jews. I doubt if any of those even care about Judaism.
The convenience of being jewish is to be able to claim ethnicity, nationality and religion all simultaneously. This allows the jew to change the direction of the conversation at will and keep the opponent off balance.
"I meant the past misery of jews, historical trauma to be more precise."
And conveniently forgotten is the misery caused by those same jews on others.
Also forgotten (and suppressed) is the history of truly revolting activities of some Jews in the Middle Ages — sanctioned by their “holy books”.
The new always complains that he was persecution but never why
Isreal is the Jew project. Over 80% Jews in USA support isreal. They are interchangeable. Israel is just those criminal HQ for Theo parasitic sin merchant schemes.
Furthermore for a jewish person to even speak unkindly of the isreal project quickly earns them pariah status, with all the attacks that entails.
I'm guessing those with this opinion have very little sense of American Jews. Those on the left (vast majority) care very little about Israel other than the benefits they can get from claiming status.
America Jews. lol. More like Jews who happen to be in America.
I think you are speaking an untruth here.
"other than the benefits they can get from claiming status."
If they didn't care they wouldn't claim the status. That does not mean they care for Israel the state, they care for Israel, the money laundering project.
All major jewish organizations and all jewish colleges stand with Israel and its genocidal actions against Palestine. "They" care about ethnic cohesiveness more than about decency.
The only Jews that are Semitic pal are the indigenous to the Levant. You're talking shite, it's the ashkeNAZI that are the anti-semites.
Learn to read for comprehension and maybe you won't be such a triggered karen.
The bitter irony here being that the current batch of "European settlers" in the middle east are destroying a people that are more closely related to biblical jews. They may even be aware of this making the drive to exterminate them all the greater.....
Yes, it is ironic that the very people targeted by the zionist entity are most likely originally jews converted to Islam many years ago.
This was confirmed by Ben Gurion!
Good point.
You suffer from "cognitive dissonance.".
I don't think so. The PANC was adopted wholeheartedly by the US hawks, indeed Wolfowitz and Co. saw Israel (as it is) as a US proxy and not the other way round. I agree it is always provocative and therefore dangerous to highlight this in point scoring asides. But the US and its ruling class is the master here - not the servant. That relationship is creating some tension at the moment.
So then we can cancel the 10 million "above board" tax dollars a day and cease the "all you can eat" free weapons shipments?
The US ruling class are predominantly jews.
They have destroyed our entire country for their dumb Zionist project.
They will be forever remembered as traitors.
Brother Augustine who is one of the few good ones, here explains how antisemitism will end:
Nope, they haven't destroyed your country. The US government did it to themselves. Scapegoating is for cowards.
Americans are too stupid to want a national health service, and have drunk the "free market" kool aid.
Please to show your true hasbara colors.
The scrit is always the same, and it degenerates thusly....
The USG is bought for by those immensely rich and powerful zionists who have made certain that fellow jews are placed in high, influential positions in the US where their decisions impact US policy.
The US is not committing suicide: it is being murdered.
All three of these Israeli prime ministers used terrorism to gain power:
JFK warning Israeli's were committing terrorism to get their way politically:
Stern Gang sent several letter bombs to Truman (and many other places) at the White House to get their way
They even attempted to assassinate Winston Churchill, then magically he starts to appease them. This was all to force the US to help them create the State of Israel, where they would use the US as their military arm to bomb the middle east for decades.
We lost the Civil War to a central banking cartel (they label all their defeated foes, as people fighting for "racism" and no other reason, see Civil War and WW2) who wanted the US citizens to still believe they were free so they would go to war for them and be their tax slaves. We aren't going to be shut down anymore by screams of "antisemitism." If that's what the truth is labeled than so be it.
Usury must be a crime punishable by death, as that's the root of all this global misery. Babylonian financial alchemy they learned during their Babylonian exile:
Enough is enough, they are busted and we have the receipts.
Excellent round-up....the hasbara trolls have very little left to trot out, other than just shooting the messenger and screeeching "Thats not TRUE!!! AntiSemite!!!"
If diversity truly is our strength, then why is the current presidential cabinet so homogenous?
Calling out your cowardly racism and anti semtism is trolling?
Okay racist 👍
Such a dirty little pigeon !
“I dont often discriminate but when I do, it’s based on content of character”
(And you sir, are a rube!)
So take your fake-assed accusations, your agent provocateur posturing, and beat it back to twitter!!
And STAY gone
You support the South in the civil war? Okay racist 👍
Please resist the urge to get juvenile
Which semites are you referring to? Surely not the Europeans living in the middle east?
I don't think most of our middle east adventures would have happened if it weren't for the influence of Israel.
They wanted Iraq neutered in 1991 after they had bled out Iran sufficiently. It was Israel who wanted the government of Syria toppled because they'd rather have a Syria led by incompetent jihadists that they could bomb any time they were feeling froggy.
The US has been an imperialist state long before there was an Israel, but Israel certainly encourages American imperialism for its own benefit, or need I trot out Netanyahu assuring the US Congress that Iraq was simply chock-a-block with WMDs?
The two statements are not mutually exclusive, and need not imply antisemitism.
I hate to agree with you, because all of Simplicius' work is utterly fantastic. They should just drop these kinds of lines, it adds nothing to anything and tarnishes the rest of their work.
The Xiaomi factory can only be described as a beautiful piece of art and engineering - a wonder to behold.
makes me wonder just how they keep it clean. muck, debris, spoil is going to accumulate for sure... in all the worst places as usual..
and all those machines will need servicing, every one.
and all liable to breakdowns and particularly those 'minor' breakdowns like perhaps doing a spot weld 20mm away from where it should be. Or drilling a hole in the wrong place a mere 2mm away so's the next machine cannot insert the bolt..
All that kind of stuff.
Note I'm not saying it won't work, can't work, doesn't work. Not at all. I accept it can and does.
I just mean: it wouldn't be all that easy... in fact I can well imagine a mountain of hassles..
No project worthy of high v alue comes without great effort - those factories didn't just appear out of the fog. Nor will they continue to exist without effort. Today's factories and workplaces are far cleaner than they used to be - again, that is no accident and is certainly not the result of sitting around and enjoying life whilst all your work deteriorates.
So in effect, not sure I see your point.
well think about it. not up in the stratosphere. down on the ground. I'm simply making a 'chatty' observation that there must be a hell of a lot more involved there than we see.
does that make it clear?
perhaps an illustration: madame typically thinks the motor of the car will run forever and so will all its parts, etc. motor mechanics and even an ordinary man usually knows different.
when hearing madame happily chattering to her friends a man may give a knowing eyebrow lift to a friend savvy?
I lifted an eyebrow.
Because the US didn't build will fall?
That's gratuitous arch sarcasm and a non sequitur directed at a person rather than the subject and adding nothing to the thread. Rather detracting from it by deflecting attention, interposing an inaccurate irrelevancy and generally lowering tone and tenor. That's what we call 'ad hominem' and I will have nothing to do with such. We are done.
Amateur deflection.
It's more like if America or Japan doesn't built it, it will fail. If China or India builds it... it will certainly fail.
Why? Because those countries have no pride in their work or craftsmanship; it's just fulfilling a batch order and moving on to the next one. No returns, warranty claims, or class action lawsuits to worry about or deal with. Unlike, say, Japan, who views shoddy work to be dishonorable. Japan cranks out smaller volumes of product at much higher cost but extremely high quality. They value quality over quantity.
Compounding the problem is a global consumer base who want cheap, throw-away and replace items so you end up with China gladly filing that gap. The Clintons (through their connections with Wal-Mart and their Arkansas Mafia) made that happen for America long ago. It was a sucker punch to the Made in the U.S.A. movement and a kick in the teeth for small businesses. A win-win for the globalists.
There's really no simple solution as the U.S. government does everything in their power to crush domestic manufacturing through regulations and incentives for off-shoring. i.e., We're not going back to the glory days of the 1950s and 60s with made-for-life products produced and sold on U.S. soil.
All we get is U.S. dollars flowing straight into the coffers of China and up to our necks in landfills overflowing with destin to fail, broken, toxic, shit products that get shipped over here.
When things get bad enough the conditions for the Artifact Integrity Revolution may align.
Every time the U.S. somehow manages to pass some legislation that would be friendly to small to medium businesses and domestic manufacturing, they accompany it with some EPA or financial compliance regulations that strangle the life out of the business.
Or, in a much more recent example, inserting a bunch of impossible DEI requirements into the CHIPs Act, ensuring that no semiconductor companies want to open new facilities in the U.S. because the subsidies aren't worth it when you can't hire a competent work force to build the factory or to work in it once it's complete.
The Democrat legislators who dreamed up the CHIPs Act probably legitimately thought this was going to be another opportunity to create low-IQ union factory jobs for lots of women, trans, and minorities because they had zero understanding of the skill level required to manufacture cutting-edge chips.
How do they keep it clean?
Maybe by cleaning it? People that is?
Those machines need servicing?!
Wow! What a revelation! That's a first in industrial production, fer shure, dude!
"I can imagine a mountain of hassles."
I can imagine a mountain of production.
" wouldn't be that easy..."
What exactly do you mean by "that easy"?
Who said it would be "that easy"?
You do realize that automated production using robots is nothing new, right? It is the scale that is new.
What exactly are you trying to say here?
makes me wonder just how they keep it clean. muck, debris, spoil is going to accumulate for sure... in all the worst places as usual..
As I mentioned in my reply to you above, you design the factory, from the very beginning, to capture all the debris. Microchip manufacturing does that to an anal retentive degree, a robot car factory can be several orders of magnitude dirtier, yet still be unholy clean by human staffed factory standards.
Side note: your expectations re factories are precisely what Elon Musk has had to overcome in getting Tesla to where the Chinese now choose to copy it.
1. Absolutely those machines will need servicing, a fact of machine life, but
2. This is a Chinese copy of a Tesla Giga-factory and they have taken the Elon Musk "Build the machine to build the machine" and "Design for manufacture" mantras, and turned them up to 11.
The Xiaomi copy of the Model S (they even call it the S7 lol) is designed to be built by robots. The point of using robots is they WON"T make mistakes and will build to high tolerances repeatedly. And if a robot fails, it should be built to fail *safe* i.e stop away from its workpiece.
Human staffed factories are dirty, because humans are dirty. Go to any food factory to see the amount of training and attention to process detail needed to produce safe food. Does a robot staffed factory produce debris? Sure, but look to microchip making.. If you design in cleanliness from the beginning you can work with quite horrendous materials and maintain an astonishing level of clean...
what is your point? do you have one?
Chinese machines do Tai Chi for 30 minutes every day. They never break down!
ahh so....
To add to S's comments please find this from Arnaud Bertrand
9 April 2024 China overcapacity Arnaud Bertrand
It’s interesting to think through what Yellen is actually saying when she asks China to address its “industrial overcapacity”, particularly in fields like solar panels or EVs.
First of all, what is “industrial overcapacity”? The official definition for it is “when an industry's production capabilities exceed the demand for its products, leading to inefficiencies and reduced profitability”.
What are the key metrics to assess if a country has “industrial overcapacity”? There are 3:
- Capacity utilization rates: this shows the % of a country’s industrial capacity actually being used. If you don’t use much, you have too much capacity.
- Inventory levels: high levels of unsold goods can indicate that production exceeds demand, suggesting overcapacity.
- Profit margins: declining profit margins in manufacturing sectors might indicate overcapacity, as firms may reduce prices to stimulate sales.
So let’s look at China for all three.
Let’s start with capacity utilization rates. Look at the graphs: it’s crystal clear they’ve been pretty much constant in China for the past 10 years, standing at roughly 76% right now, which is in the same ballpark as America’s own utilization rates at about 78%. So no issue there.
Now let’s take a look at inventory levels. As of the beginning of 2024, China’s finished good inventory PMI index stood at about 49 (… ) vs the US at 48 for manufacturing inventories (… ). An index of over 50 is a sign of growing stock levels: this is not the case here for either country, so there is no issue with inventory levels.
Lastly, let's check profit margins. China’s industrial profits rose 10.2% in the first 2 months of the year (… ), consolidating a gaining streak since August last year. So no issue there either.
So what gives? No matter how you look at it, there is just no sign of industrial overcapacity in China.
By accusing China of “industrial overcapacity”, could the US maybe mean that China is breaking WTO rules by practicing “dumping”, meaning the practice where companies export products at prices lower than what they charge in their home market, or below the cost of production? No, this is not what China is accused of doing here: despite the very low prices for its EVs or solar panels, the companies involved still make a profit (heck, as we just saw, industrial profits are rising at double digit growth), and they DO charge higher prices abroad than at home.
No, the real issue here is in fact not one of industrial capacity but one of competitiveness. What is crystal clear is that the competitiveness of Chinese companies is overwhelming: today, in scores of industries - like solar or EVs - there is simply no way for American or European companies to compete with Chinese ones. This is the real issue: Yellen and Western leaders are afraid that if things keep going, China will simply eat everyone’s lunch.
Contrary to popular belief, this competitiveness isn’t thanks to Chinese "cheap labor". One guy who explained this extremely well is Apple’s Tim Cook (…): “There's a confusion about China. The popular conception is that companies come to China because of low labor cost. I'm not sure what part of China they go to, but the truth is China stopped being the low-labor-cost country many years ago. And that is not the reason to come to China from a supply point of view. The reason is because of the skill, and the quantity of skill in one location and the type of skill it is.” He credits the Chinese education system for this: “I give the education system a lot of credit for continuing to push on that even when others were de-emphasizing vocational [...] China called that right from the beginning.”
Having a huge depth of skills is one thing, but there is also control of the entire supply chain since China is the only country in the world that produces all categories of goods classified by the World Customs Organization (WCO). This gives it a key advantage when it comes to end prices: when you want to build something in China you can literally find the entire supply chain for it at home.
Energy prices is another thing: for instance the International Energy Agency highlights that "low-cost electricity is key for the competitiveness of the main pillars of the solar PV supply chain" (… ) and "around 80% of the electricity involved in polysilicon production today is consumed in Chinese provinces at an average electricity price of around USD 75 per megawatt-hour (MWh)". For comparison, in 2023 energy prices for industrial customers in Germany averaged 251.21 USD per megawatt-hour (MWh) (… ): that's an incredible 234.94% more expensive!
Lastly, China has become an innovation powerhouse. In 2023 it filed roughly as many patents as the rest of the world combined (… ) and it’s now estimated to lead 37 out of the 44 critical technologies for the future (… ). All this too has implications when it comes to the final prices of its products. To take the example of solar panels again, the IEA notes that "continuous innovation led by China has halved the emissions intensity of solar PV manufacturing since 2011" (… ), which means that not only does China have raw electricity prices which are immensely cheaper than in the West, but it's innovated in such a way that it uses way less electricity in the production of its solar panels...
So “the threat of China’s industrial overcapacity” is a buzzword that actually means that China is simply too competitive, and by asking it to address this, what Yellen is truly asking of China is akin to a fellow sprinter asking Usain Bolt to run a less fast because he can’t keep up.
Now I’m not saying there isn’t some merit in this ask. At the end of the day, it’s understandable that when you see a competitor continuously gaining in strength, you grow quite anxious as to your own future and that of your people. But it needs to be framed the right way: framing it as if China was doing something malign with deliberate “overcapacity” is just a very unfair characterization. China played the game right: as Tim Cook explained, it first and foremost invested in its people, in their education. They also invested big time in innovation and they didn’t shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to energy prices the way Europe did, among many other policies.
Demonizing this is just not right, and it’s certainly not the right way to ask China for what’s an incredibly big favor: running less fast so the West can keep up… Especially when the West running slow is the result of catastrophic leadership for the past few decades: first and foremost choosing to waste trillions of dollars in killing people abroad instead of investing in its own progress…
I’m afraid this “overcapacity” framing is just another illustration of this poor leadership: when you prefer to blame others for your own failures rather than face reality.
That they have to keep sending Yellen is also an indication that among the members of the Biden cabinet, she's the only one who can cling to even a shred of credibility. At one point in her career, she definitely displayed a triple-digit IQ, which is something almost every other member of the Biden cabinet has never done.
Is that triple digit number to two decimal points? If so, yeah...I'd buy that.
This is brilliant. Excellent. Thank you.
My two cent's worth: the 'poor leadership' is a function of a 'missing' electorate. The people in our democracies might as well not exist for all the input they make, all the interest they have, all the interaction and care for them anyone who once 'gets away' (into elected office) has for them.
And I think the future should be and will be universal suffrage via a 'voter app' and similar on our smartphones.
THEN this poor leadership will find it harder to get in and impossible to remain.
Something like this: DON'T WRITE TO CONGRESS
The structure of 'democracies' (particularly the two party systems in the USA and the UK) in which propaganda is all-pervasive enables those who control the media to control those democracies. It assumes people can make rational choices based on objective information. That assumption is simply not applicable. A bottom up approach to democracy in which engaged people are elected and who in turn elect a knowledgeable leadership is probably a better democratic model.
and that's precisely what 'digital voting app' allows for.
People's opinions are like the wind on the grass - whichever way it blows, they bend. All you have to do is easily persuade them. Also, in a complex society many of the decisions that have to be taken and laws considered for passage are complex with most people having no idea except what they are told by "experts" (and lobbyists) - that goes both for direct and representative democracies.
if that were true... which isn't proven... it would mean what? that the people should be ignored, silenced, marginalised, kept like mushrooms 'in the dark and fed on manure' ? while others - yourself perhaps ? - get on with running the world?
I am saying that the truth is we will always rely on people of greater talent, intellect and political will to run things, rather than the masses, the "mob", if you will. Whether those people are good people of righteous intent is another question.
As for being "ignored, silenced, marginalised, kept like mushrooms 'in the dark and fed on manure', is that not what has always happened in the history of humanity? The truth is that unless you are in that club, you don't really "know" much at all, you are being ignored for the most part, and you are being silenced (censored). However, having said that, it is a fact that the best of us sometimes rise to the top and enter the great club from the outside - such as Putin and Xi - good leaders, smart, wiley and most importantly committed to the real wellbeing of their people - it is not the economic or social system that is exceptional - it is these people.
I don't have a disdain for people in general. I just see the reality - people have daily lives committed to keeping food on the table for their families, working hard during the day and coming home to spend the evening caring for their families - they don't normally have the time or the interest in keeping up with the many faces of technology, economics, or politics. Most can only find time and energy to read the brief glimpses of the news, much less plan to be leaders of the world. It is beyond naivety to think that people such as these have the talent to make decisions for society.
As for that last question, not me by any means - I am one of those who just hope to put food on the table and keep us in a home in these uncertain times - if I can accomplish that, I consider my mission accomplished (as does my family).
Turns out for the Biden election that was false. The people wanted Trump, the Deep State defied the people, and we all suffer for it.
Isn't that the theory behind most of our democracies, whether they be parliamentary or otherwise? You see how well that turned out.
of course it is the theory. isn't it blindingly obvious, if you happen to be looking, that it has never been practiced? isn't it?
And you believe that a digital voting app will solve this problem? That the voter will have the knowledge to vote on decisions that require expertise? Where will he get this expertise in many fields? Does the normal citizen possess them? Can he call upon others for advice? Certainly. But who? And how does he know he is not being "guided" as our politicians today are guided? In the end he is again at the mercy of clever people who have the knowledge and skills to manipulate and manufacture assent.
Good luck with that app.
Improvement in the governing system will not be improved by electronically democratizing elections in a politically confrontational society. At this point we need top-down but enlightened leadership.
the fundamental problem is this belief in 'leadership'. it's a messiah complex I think is the world for it. 'hold your breath, the lord/superman/audy murphy/jfk/jesus christ/someone anyone is coming to save us.
It is inherent in the concept of democracy, explicit in the concept of democracy that the people do their own leading by consensus or at least majority decision.
when the electorate is disenfranchised it cannot be.
to enfranchise the electorate is no more than to develop, exhibit, manifest democracy.
your postulate is just that: your postulate. I can see no reason why anyone ought to give it any credence.
The poor leadership of US, e.g. Biden/Obama are in cahoots with China. Failing USA is all part of thr plan. They are draining the economy before they leave.
"Especially when the West running slow is the result of catastrophic leadership for the past few decades: first and foremost choosing to waste trillions of dollars in killing people abroad instead of investing in its own progress…"
And offshoring it's industrial manufacturing capacity too.
The leadership of the past few decades has been precisely the leadership the elite of society wanted.
Yes, the best money can buy LOL
What a great and interesting comment! Thank you.
Additionally, if China views manufacturing capacity as a strategic capacity capable of an ebb and flow that is not bound by typical Western evaluation.
The US said for decades that Russia was wasting resources by maintaining excess military production capabilities. In the 2023 DoD review, the US begrudgingly admitted that Russia's surge capacity was greater than the West's and served well even though the US still maintains it was wasteful to maintain such capacity. The US doesn't get it. Russia wasn't trying to make a profit from its military.
Similarly China has written about "Unrestricted Warfare" for over 30 years. This includes politics and economics and anything outside traditional methods of conducting kenetic warfare. China does understand economics. They also use there production capacity as a weapon. That changes what it means to have over-capacity.
There are plenty of examples of US companies overproducing to drive prices down to beat a competitor. China is not overproducing. It is burying the US.
In what way is China 'burying the US'?
As for 'Unrestricted Warfare' can you provide links, please - to call competition (economic, social, political) warfare may not be useful
Militarised language does not help - in what sense is 'production capacity a weapon', if a missile is also a weapon in what way does production capacity ressemble this
(nor does a washing machine become a weapon because someone invented a story about Russians using them for such)
Of 'Capitalism', since the first definitions in the 19th C, it has always been recognised that there are periodical crises, expansions and retractions, indeed this was a founding formula to explain/foresee the eventual failure of this system
Are you suggesting " if China views manufacturing capacity as a strategic capacity capable of an ebb and flow that is not bound by typical Western evaluation." that China has mastered these fluctuations/crises of production, and the West has not?
I am not the one who militarized the language. China's military leadership has for 30 years. Look up the book, "Unrestricted Warfare"written by 2 Chinese Colonels.
It has been standard instruction within China's military academy to approach the US and Europe this way. The Chinese government adopted this approach.
The categories of warfare as defined by the Chinese military leaders are:
psychological warfare
smuggling warfare
media warfare
drug warfare
network warfare
technological warfare
fabrication warfare
resources warfare
economic aid warfare
cultural warfare
international law warfare
It is Chinese military leaders who divided up unrestricted warfare into these categories outside of traditional kenetic warfare. That is not a dig on China. Especially since these ideas were published in English in the 1990s, the US chose to ignore the perspective. The Chinese were open about it in discussions in the late 1980s and early 1990s. In the early 2000s examples of 1000s of Chinese individuals publically outlining their efforts in these categories were publically posted via resume online. They were not discrete. They were proud and open. This is particularly true of industrial hacking related to fabrication and manufacturing warfare, network warfare, technological warfare. Their terms for their actions, their strategic approach, and their policies.
They make it clear that any asymmetric approach is viable.
As for burying the US through production capacity, if you're not aware of China increasingly becoming a manufacturing source for global products since Kissinger help negotiate trade relations in the 1970s and then China's increased manufacturing output following being granted most favored nation status in the 2000s, I can't help you. There are plenty of resources on line or in print outlining the shift of manufacturing from the US to China or other countries to China. 2022 was a record year. A lot is made of the exodus of manufacturing from China to places like India. Forbes has several articles in this vein. It's like they channel Peter Zeihan who is a MIC shill. Okay some businesses might have moved. 2022 was still a record year of trade between the US and China favoring Chinese manufacturing.
"Much of the world's manufacturing base has migrated to China, attracted by low-cost labour and favourable policies from the Chinese government" National Post Jun 2023
Newsweek Jun 24 2019 mentioned US fortune 500 companies and manufactures moving to China, despite an open understanding that China wasn't actually interested in their success.
This is low hanging fruit. You can do you own search if your curiosity is honest. There's lots there.
None of that demonizes China. China is looking out for China. As I sat in US military schools most senior leaders were either overreacting or under reacting. Zero problem. Existential problem. No balance. As I planned US response in Taiwan almost all scenarios devolved into nuclear conflict while totally ignoring basics like why did we leave our online systems open for a decade? Why did we let a Chinese RAT attack suck most of our secrets for 5 years before stopping it in 2012 (you can look that up on YouTube or several journals).
You may say that you are not the originator of militarised language, all the more reason to not fall into the trap of using it
The fact that you cite a book by two Chinese soldiers as generalising warfare into control of every domain of activity does not mean a- that you should do so, or that b this is in some way official China policy
Do you have any links to China gvmt statements along such lines?
In fact is is often said that the US is directed by and in the interests of it's MIC- do you agree? or disagree?
As for 'burying' - I am indeed aware that China is outproducing the US, even in arms, - but in what sense is this 'burying' the US?
Until recently the US was more than happy to buy China products
What has changed?
Besides which, all efforts by the US, by Yellen, by sanctions, will only have the same effect on China as the USEU sanctions had on Russia, and indeed Iran - to make all these countries stronger more autonomous, and more efficient in every domain, while making the USEU less autonomous less efficient and weaker
It is an accurate depiction of the mindset and policy as well as military doctrine that shapes Chinese action. If you want to stick you head up your backside in some kind of inaccurate fairy tale, be my guest. Since it is accurate, I will describe them in their terms. Because accuracy actually is helpful unlike being a pedantic ass.
Is English your fist language? Seriously. Outproducing - burying. You defined it for yourself. That the US went along doesn't mean the US didn't get buried by Chinese capacity. It means America was stupid.
Steady on...when you start writing like this, what was already less than coherent becomes incoherent
Out producing = burying? And in this newspeak one can go along with being buried -?
This looks like a classic case of projection, only I guess the Chinese would use more reasoned language
But - thank you - It is always useful to learn the language of the US governing class, more like an angry slang
By the way when you write 'fist language' it's pretty good, matches your angry slang
Can't you look up the term yourself? There's like 1 main book on it. Take a read.
In regards to manufacturing only a dunce can't see that the US has sorely neglected if not outright antagonized US industry.
What term are you referring to?
The US ruling class has killed, volunatarily and with determination, the US industrial and infrastructure base, for their own profit and to the loss of the people and the country
'Unrestricted Warfare'
Ii regards to manufacturing I'm responding to: "Are you suggesting " if China views manufacturing capacity as a strategic capacity capable of an ebb and flow that is not bound by typical Western evaluation." that China has mastered these fluctuations/crises of production, and the West has not?"
The West has done so badly for their manufacturing that simply doing nothing would be light years ahead of the US. It's almost immaterial what China's doing specifically as long as it's not a massive net negative. Of course Simplicitus is arguing that they are actually doing them some positive. which I agree with.
Even the US government used to see US manufacturing as something to be protected for the sake of national interest so it's more like the US has lost any ability it used to have to benefit its industrial base in any way.
The US is incapable of industrial policy of any sort shape or kind, unless it is to invest in off shore production, which is not what one would call a policy, rather the opposite
A commentor here was trying to push a notion that China had waged some sort of 'war' on the US and buried the US with over production
Which merely displayed ignorance
The US ruling class took care to bury US industry and infrastructure and needed no help from nobody to do so
Well, isn't "dumping" how software companies gain market share?
The casual use of US specific slang in an otherwise apparently serious discussion of serious matters is not useful
Usually software and other companies gain market share by superior products or lower prices
When slang is used it means a cleverclever alternative explanation is being offered from as so called 'insider' point of view, with a view to misdirect
Exactly as the US is trying out on China with Yellen
"Dumping" is not US-specific slang but a term of art in international trade.
See, for example
You are once again dead wrong.
WTO is an US organisation
Show examples of what you claim is common practice
You use dismissive one liners instead of commenting - another example of US specific slang
The WTO only has the US as a member?.When did this start? Google the words "Cambridge University dumping" or pick any other institution. There are thousands of examples.
And it is rich beyond words for you of all people to whine about tone.
Top German motor manufactures can sell to dealers at cost price because $billions start rolling in from CRAZY service and maintenance costs.
Wow! Amazingly thorough and astonishingly accurate post… thanks for distilling your thoughts into this starkly valuable insight…
Very well written, Very well written
Will share with my son
The strong dollar economy that the US has followed since Clinton and Bush assumed our nation was so exceptional we could be financial rulers of the world and they would all work for us and make things and pollution. We have enforced our strong dollar policy through Mideastern wars post 911 maintaining low oil and commodity price inflation and interest rates on debt low. The dollar is tanking versus gold and bitcoin, and all we sell now to others is poorly designed military equipment like F35s that can't "fly within 20 miles of a thunderstorm" or the modern day battlefield. Israel was very helpful in keeping the Arab nations down. The problem with the strong dollar policy is that their labor costs less, and if they are as smart, they can be more productive, and cooperating and partnering can be more productive than buying and selling.
Thank you for the link.
Readers may be interested by Yves Smith's take on the question of Chinese "overproduction."
I'm not convinced by the argument, but it is worth considering.
"Yellen made a fool of herself and the US by going to China, making demands, not appearing to have anything to horsetrade, and acting as if China should concede because we are entitled white customers. But that does not mean that a case could not have been made regarding one of her pet points, that of Chinese overproduction. The fact that Yellen made no attempt whatsoever to substantiate her position only further undermined weak US credibility, not just in China but among third parties. Even worse, by trying to act as if the China should constrain itself simply the US says so has likely poisoned rational discussion of this issue."
The argument, in sum, is that China is producing more goods (especially electric vehicles and solar panel) than the global economy can absorb, this problem is increasing as China keeps ramping up productive capacity and this will have negative impacts on China itself.
I did read NC's post on this, and found it confused and confusing - I'm in no position to mount an extensive rebuttal but -
One can always argue from sanctions - if the US puts prohibitive tarifs on Chinese solar and EV, as EU does on at least EV and I think solar too
No wonder there are going to be some short term excess production in China
As everyone points out China is re directing trade away from such un reliable partners or customers
By US and EU definitions and directives all ICE cars will have to be replaced by..? 2030? or 2035 - both are obliged to start buying EVs in larger quantities now, instead of still (still) trying to figure out how to build them for mass uptake and the infra for, grid upgrades, charging stations etc
Which comes down to desperate attempts at protectionism in industries for which they have put the cart before the horse - that is regulating procedures before they have built the industry, or before they have found out they are incapable of building either infra or ind
This Bloomberg article appears to be a clean cut refutation of the NC argument, whatever exactly that argument is
"Yellen Junks 200 Years of Economics to Block China Clean Tech" -
Excellent find, Mr. White. Thank you for your continued contributions to this stack.
Is it not telling that a Bloomberg contributor is taking to task Yellin's scolding of the Chinese Communist Party?
Yep - that's tellin Yellin for sure
That Bloomberg publishes such a comprehensive refutation may/must be a signal that 'Wall Street' is less than happy about the foolishness of current Biden China trade/sanction policies
The comprehensive agreements between Lavrov and Wang Yi April 9 are also to be taken as a response
It’ is Not our failure but who has Controlled [Our] everything ! From ‘Education’ onward . . . The de’Nile’ runs through Their Laps Now •
"They own apartments at a much higher rate and with a lot more equity than Americans."
The Chinese only own their homes for 70 years.
Care to expand on that? I was unaware. Perhaps you have a source?
Legally, the State owns all land and you get a 70 year lease on the land.
Not really. It's sort of an administrative thing and you just reapply for another 70yr term after the first one is up. Though in truth no one quite knows for 100% certainty given that the rule, as I understand it, was made less than 70 years ago which means even the earliest homes are not yet up for that clausal expiry. But the way most understand it, as it's written, is you simply reapply before the term ends, and unless the Chinese gov't has a particularly exigent reason to need your land, they will just continue approving the application.
It's no different than U.S. where eminent domain can take your home at any time and has happened frequently.
Using semantics you can argue no American owns their home either because they have to pay property taxes until the end of time on it and still can have it seized via eminent domain.
And we don't own the ground under the surface. Or the sky above it. Just a one dimensional patch of land with ever increasing yearly fees attached.
A one dimensional patch of land is a line since you can measure its location with one coordinate. If anyone possesses such a line of land with yearly fees attached, it must be recommended selling your line and upgrading to better land that possesses area, but if you can get some land with volume that's more than flatland with only area, even better. The Victorians understood this better than us.
'It seemed that this poor ignorant Monarch—as he called himself—was persuaded that the Straight Line which he called his Kingdom, and in which he passed his existence, constituted the whole of the world, and indeed the whole of Space. Not being able either to move or to see, save in his Straight Line, he had no conception of anything out of it. [...]
His subjects—of whom the small Lines were men and the Points Women—were all alike confined in motion and eyesight to that single Straight Line, which was their World. It need scarcely be added that the whole of their horizon was limited to a Point; nor could any one ever see anything but a Point. Man, woman, child, thing—each as a Point to the eye of a Linelander. Only by the sound of the voice could sex or age be distinguished. Moreover, as each individual occupied the whole of the narrow path, so to speak, which constituted his Universe, and no one could move to the right or left to make way for passers by, it followed that no Linelander could ever pass another. Once neighbours, always neighbours. Neighbourhood with them was like marriage with us. Neighbours remained neighbours till death did them part.'
Do not pay property taxes on such a land!
lol - very good. I remember reading that book in high school !
Well said Simplicius. China is using the market to create surplus value to invest in infrastructure. The last thing it wants is war. Incidentally, sometime ago you said you would tell us who you were and your background. I work a good 6 hours a day at reading and researching and am fairly good at it. I find it hard to believe that you haven't a team behind you given your rate of output. Your occasional mention of a juicy titbit (Lewinsky/Pollard for instance) is understood by me BUT will be taken by mainstream hardline Zionists as being antisemitic. You need to do a proper analysis of this: the PNAC cabal was initiated in Israel by Netanyahu but then the whole team was co-opted by the US. It is the dog. Israel is the tail.
Yes - because the state owns and leases the land. In the UK we have a similar approach with leasehold law - but in the end the state owns ALL the land. Non-leasehold owners have a freehold interest but the state (in the UK, the Crown) ultimately controls everything. You own your property at their leisure and tolerance. The state can therefore under the law compulsorily purchase property should there be a justifiable reason to do so.
And most younger americans have owned their homes for 0 years and counting.
Hi! Please stop making us look incompetent! (Insert impotent threat here)
I would be more inclined to believe you if China respected rights more. However these days, the West have diminishing rights everywhere as well, so I'm guessing we're on track to pass each other somewhere in the next decade.
Yes, that is one thing that's getting lost these days in a lot of alternative media, that Russia and China have their dark sides as well.
As I forget which guest on the Duran pointed out, Putin's history lesson with Carlson did skip over e.g. the atrocity of the Holomodor, the engineered Ukrainian famine that killed 30 million during Stalin's time. It's true current Russia is not the USSR, but if you're going to talk about history, then in for a penny, in for a pound.
And I think about how extrapolating from Yuri Bezmenov, at least some of the demoralization we see now in western society is thanks to various communists agents, many of whom were Russian. Oh well, that's war I guess.
Concerning China, there have been and presumably still are horrrific black sites where Falun Gong adherents are tortured and executed for practicing what is basically a harmless offshoot of traditional Chinese Buddhism.
Chinese people in general will talk about FLG along the lines of "corrupt cult of terrorists." But I personally practiced it in Canada for about six months. If you live in a major city in N. America and I believe Europe, there probably a FLG group near you and you can talk to them yourself. They will be able show you photos, and in some cases, the actual physical scars of the torture they received in China for their beliefs. And the Canadian MP Lloyd Axworthy researched and wrote about a huge and organized organ-harvesting industry. As far as I know it's still operating, but to be fair, not only in China. I'll add, people can see the amazing movie "Letter from Masanjia," which gives a documentary account of one of these prisons.
Not that that the CIA and MIC are better, but in some ways probably not worse.
The famine was the result of Socialism. And the leading elites doing this were from all over place. Baltic, Polish, Russian, Ukrainians, Georgians, Armenians, Jews, Finnish, Bulgarians, Tartars, Cossacks .... Not "The Russians" but "The Soviets" is the right quote.
I don't think so. My understanding is that it was a poor collectivism policy decision by Stalin (who was Georgian, not Russian), very poor weather conditions over the past few years and repressive measures by the state. And it wasn't just Ukraine - it also included Northern Caucasus, Volga Region, Southern Urals, Western Siberia and Kazakhstan.
In Ukraine, the region that suffered most was Odessa Oblast, which was rather russified.
For that matter, the famine is today most cherished in Galicia, which didn't suffer at all, as it was part of Poland at the time. The Ukrainian nationalists of the 1930s were aware of the famine, but didn't much care, as the Ukrainian SSR offered broad cultural autonomy, unlike the aggressively centralizing and polonizing Polish Second Republic.
I think you could do well to check that holodomor thing. I've read persuasive refutations of it. Not the deaths but the 'evil' motivations, manipulations.
You mean, genocidal intent. I haven't studied it, I don't know. But apparently of the 5 million that died in the famine, 3.9 million were Ukrainians, so at some point something must have been at least criminally negligent, if not genocidal. In Alberta, Canada, two generations later it still burns in the hearts of many of Ukrainian descent. Should Russia apologize? I don't know. Maybe.
Yep, that'd be it: the question of genocidal intent. I think maybe there's also some question on numbers. But, yep, I'm not qualified to expound having forgotten all the details and mislaid the reference. I do remember only my 'going away' impression: that overall it was/is yet another case of deliberate misrepresenation in the interests of fomenting strife.
I found an old Quora thread. Possibly my original source.
I tried to post the relevant extracts but there's a size limit on posts and it wouldn't let me.
So I can only pass on the link:
It still looks like very absolutely believable material to me. Full of normal human bungling and consequences.
Well, Banderites have shown amazing tolerance towards the organizers of Holodomor.
Lazar Kaganovitch (jew): The first Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine. Kaganovich was the Stalin’s closest collaborator.
Stalin’s real name: Joseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili (Georgian):
Saakishvilli (Georgian), was invited by Ukrainian government to become a Governor of Odessa.
Rozalia Zalkind (jew): An organizer of mass slaughter of Russia's multiethnic officer corps:
Naftali Frenkel (jew), was an organizers of the first Soviet concentration camp that eventually grew into a system of camps (GULAG)
Isai Berg (jew, NKVD officer) was the inventor and practitioner of a REAL gas chamber. This method of executing was used by the NKVD from 1936 (that is, before WWII). NKVD was the secret police agency.
Kolomoisky, the president of the Jewish Community of Ukraine, founded and financed four (4) neo-Nazi battalions to protect his properties in Donbass: the Azov, Aidar, Dnipro I & II battalions. The openly Nazi Azov battalion was welcomed in Israel and (by the J Lobby) in DC
Nuland-Kagan (jew): An organizer of an anti-democratic putsch in Kiev in collaboration with the Nazi Party of Ukraine:
Canadian "ruler" Chrystia Freeland is a committed Banderite and best friend of a jewish genocider Nuland-Kagan. Should we add that Chrystia Freeland is a progeny of a prominent Nazi-collaborator Chomyak?
Since 1991, Ukraine has been ruled and looted by local and foreign jews. Most Ukrainian oligarchs (and the presidents) are Jewish, despite them being just 0.13% of the population. The current Kievan junta is ethnically predominantly jewish. The Canadian and Ukrainian Banderites have been in bed with jews since WWII.
Quite - it was Stalin's dash for forced industrialisation and collectivisation that led to famine ALL OVER THE USSR. Ukraine suffered but not exclusively and now maintains the 'Holdomar' was deliberately engineered to destroy Ukraine. Food was taken to sell abroad to raise valuable currency and to feed urban workers. This came AFTER the departure from the New Economic Plan formulated under Lenin which sought to utilise the market. China learned from Stalin's fundamentalist departure (which led to turmoil that created the basis for extreme oppression). State capitalism is a necessary stage towards socialism. You have to create resources to build infrastructure. The dominant role of the Communist Party is critical in this and inevitably this restricts some 'freedoms'. What it does do is embrace planning and stability. A better question than pontificating about 'human rights' is to consider what government is for? If the needs of most people are provided for, why do we need the National Endowment for Democracy? (Funded by the US Government).
pass. over my pay grade
And yet nobody in the West gets weepy over the Bengal Famine, which killed millions and was most deliberately engineered by none other than St. Winston Churchill Himself.
In Bengal, Churchill is still remembered as a monster, and rightly so.
Yes, every country has / had a dark side.
History and Geo Politics are not the Star Wars world of good versus evil. They are more like Game of Thrones. Lots of players responding to their incentives, none of them particularly virtuous. The question is simply who is the least imperfect.
But, of course, our state media talks up the dark side of our “adversaries” and talks down our dark side, except when it suits their woke agenda to do otherwise. Alternative media often makes the opposite mistake. Balance is crucial.
I didn't really want to be assigned to this species, this kind of beligerent, semi-advanced life form is so poignant to observe, but it does make for an interesting report back to the Academy, don't you find?
Don't worry - you have in parallel been assigned to many other species in many other dimensions, all as a result of your previous test scores and suitability assessments
But there is an overall scorecard... we're certain you will do as well as you deserve to do
Very witty reply, and in essence more or less correct. No need for many other dimensions or parallel assignments. But there is an overall scorecard integrated over performance in serial assignments. And, everyone will do precisely as well as they deserve to do. Not joking. (Not a sock puppet for the 1st poster, an actual 3rd poster)
Thanks for your comment - I was being serious in fact as well as offhand
When people start talking 'assigned' I know they limit themselves artificially, but do so in order to take refuge in these self centred limits
The infinite universe may well, for all we know, have materialised many forms which so fool themselves
Has there ever been ANY country without dark sides? Not sure what are you trying to say.
We still don’t even know who assassinated Kennedy for Christ sake.
That's my point actually. Only that compared to our incompetent, corrupt, cynical, criminal ruling class and the shameful history of political, military and economic imperialism carried out in our names by our govt's, with the Russians and Chinese looking really good these days, the alternative media, and here I'm thinking the Duran and Scott Ritter and all my favorite commentators never breathe a word about the obvious fact you are stating as it pertains to Russia and China.
Historical dark side, e.g. communism, and who knows what contemporary dark side?
Many of the negative stories have been helped by 1 person and taken over by both Republicans and Democrats
Bravo — Zenz+CIA+Falun Gong “religion” == Uyghur “genocide” fabrication
o·ver·ca·pac·i·ty: ō′vər-kə-ˈpa-sə-tē
1: When an insolent upstart nation’s surging economic activity totally humiliates the reigning hegemon’s own faltering economy, causing the many expensive dentures and porcelain veneers of the ruling class gerontocracy to jiggle and grate with moral outrage and jealousy."
My first thought to Simplicius' definition of overcapacity was" I wonder which dictionary gave him that answer. Something is wrong here". Silly me.
Overcapacity could be solved by allowing production in the developing world, who currently don't use their share of energy, thus allowing them purchasing power to take up some of China's capacity.
Congrats on your continuing success. Regarding China. How is it that the US needs their industrial capacity and their purchase of US debt BUT AT THE SAME TIME China is an enemy and we're (US) definitely going to war against them?
The Thucydides Trap is one thing when war is fought with swords and sandals. It is quite another when nuclear weapons are involved. The US needs to pull its head out of its ass. The Rules Based Order based on military and economic extortion needs to be sacrificed on the alter of the Constitution and the Rule of Law. The world is plenty big enough for China, Russia, the US, and several other big players. A Westphalian world order works.
As for your standing on the list, taking down Chris Hodges will be nice. However, when you pass Timothy Snyder I will rejoice loud and well. Your hard work is paying off. Well done.
U.S. elites refuse to acknowledge that through their insatiable greed they've been outplayed by both China and Russia, and they're very, very angry about it.
Nutshell analysis for the win!
As the famous Zhou Enlai aphorism concerning the French Revolution goes: "It's too soon to tell".
Periods of exponential growth are often followed by a decline. US and China are at different stages of the cycle, for now.
"The fact is, Israel is a destructive parasite sucking the lifeblood out of America, causing the host to wage unnecessary wars on its behalf which have utterly removed every advantageous and competitive edge the country might have had over its Chinese ‘rival’."
It's true but it so rare to hear it spoken and so clearly, it's kind of overwhelming.
But the same story happened 1,000 years ago. The Crusader Nations were at the same spot; they sucked the wealth and blood from Christian Europe. They formed the powerful political elite; all the advisers to the emperor, king, or pope were on the knights orders. Some families in the maritime cities in Italy got rich, and the Byzantine Empire was destroyed (the fourth Crusade).
Agree completely. The fact that the obvious cannot be/is not stated —- and that the west is nearing the point where the only capital crime deserving of death will be the determination by the parasite that one has made “anti-Semitic” remarks — suggest the complete control by Jews and their accomplices. Murder, rape, sex with children, bestiality, treason etc will eventually be removed from the criminal code — changes in ‘de jure’ stipulations which merely match the ‘de facto’ reality.
Our focus here is on the disproportionate influence and effects of this financial/economic cabal — rightly so. But in a larger sense, the 20th century also underwent domination in cultural and intellectual studies (eg Frankfurt School), and particularly the arts and performing arts (requiring capital) by Jews (as one example, Schoenberg and his opera Moses und Aron). The effect on western culture has been enormous.
Can anyone direct me to a substack where these issues have prominence? Thank you.
I believe one must raise the argument to a greater height to see the reasoning behind the purposeful degeneration of society. To repair the world and make it better, it must first be destroyed so the jew can re-make it in their image (tikkun olan).
This is likely what was meant by the famous Maurice Samuel quote from his book, You Gentiles - "We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build."
Many believe this to be the rantings of an extremist.
But it's not. He was dead serious. Tikkun olan is of the highest importance to such followers. Only the jew has the divine spark. Only they can destroy the world. Only they can re-make it into the God-world (the collective jew being "God").
Thanks — I’m somewhat aware of this argument from references people have made to the Talmud. What I am looking for is a more in depth discussion of “why” a supposedly “admirable” people are so alienated/disconnected from other human beings and cultures. Maybe Ron Unz has explained this in his vast body of writings (perhaps someone can direct me if they know specifically where’s he’s written about this).
People don’t choose to be born a Jew or to be taught the Talmud — but why does Talmudic teaching continue to survive and infect an entire nation such that genocide is gleefully celebrated?
Ron Unz is in the same exceptional category as Spinoza — born a Jew and who realize at some point that that faith is at odds with their own heart. Schopenhauer believed that a sense of morality is innate and independent of intellect — so perhaps he is right (as he was so amazingly often).
Thanks..I’ve read some Guyénot on Unz — maybe I’ll pore through his archive there. Ron’s bibliography (like his research) is irreplaceable.
I am certain Ron Unz has addressed this in the past. Sorry I do not have it at hand. You can probably search his site.
Here are a couple of excellent sources - unfortunately, they are books, not articles:
Jewish History, Jewish Religion - The Weight of Three Thousand Years - by Israel Shahak
The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed
Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit, by Michael Hoffman
I consider all three books "page turners" - packed with interesting facts.
“Schopenhauer believed that a sense of morality is innate and independent of intellect — so perhaps he is right (as he was so amazingly often).”
A study in infants’ sense of goodness and meanness:
Thanks for your response. However, I’m skeptical of this behavioral “research” —there are many holes in this work that are visible. @3:40, one puppet is clearly closer to the subject than the other puppet. @4:30, the “bad” puppet is already withdrawn when the subject turns to look at it again, so can only choose the “good” puppet. The Ivy League studies of this kind are notorious — witness the Harvard Business School professor whose behavioral studies have been shown to be definitively fraudulent (professor blamed it on a junior person on the research team) and a raft of papers withdrawn.
But this video does bolster my basic point: the lead authors are two Jews (Frank and Bloom). Are there any behavioral scientists who aren’t Jewish? Are there any economists who aren’t Jewish? Are there any newspapers not owned by Jews? Are there any senior personnel in the State Department who aren’t Jews? Is YouTube Jewish?
The most widely read recent book on the “problem of evil” is by Susan Neiman, a Jewish academic (Harvard, Yale, Institute for AS) — she situates it, basically in the European Enlightenment. Is the world going to be taught about evil through Jews pointing fingers back?
Can the west save itself?
"Ron Unz is in the same exceptional category as Spinoza."
The Unz Review
Great site for lots of verboten ideas.
Absolutely agree. I’ve bought a couple of his books which are always intricately researched and fascinating — ideal for “locked room” situations (I read them on longer plane flights).
The most important single site on the web — he continues to publish Andrew Anglin who always manages to astonish — and his own research and findings are perhaps in a class by themselves. I know he’s done a series of articles on the Jews — I’ll look again there.
Oh look a far right nut case ranting about the frankfurt school. You don't even know what the Frankfurt school is, since you are a conspiracy nut.
Also your foaming at the mouth pedo smearing is disgusting and deranged behavior.
The Frankfurt school was obscure and didn't even dominate anything.
Still mostly verboten. I’m not sure if I totally agree but certainly believe we should consider the possibility. Seems to be ample evidence.
Maybe she also was beggin for enough dough to keep scAmerica afloatin....
Or checking out what she needs to do to get the same deal as the Biden crime family.
Yellen conveniently ignores basic economics of supply and demand, and she also seems to ignore the global warming high-priests. (How dare she! They *will* be angry).
If China is "flooding the market", then surely that's great for western inflation, isn't it? It means prices for those symbols of the Western green utopia - the solar panels and EVs, will become super cheap and abundant, and inflation reduces accordingly.
Better yet, markup on these items can increase without increasing prices, and the western salespeople, of which there are many, can become rich with minimum effort, and everyone likes that.
But even more important, if China is "flooding the market", then that means Western factories needn't bother existing, and they can stop using the dirtiest of energy, and stop causing pollution, and that's simply fantastic for the high-priests of global warming. They happily promote the destruction of all industry and energy extraction, and a return to pre-industrial standards of living.
Once the Chinese Morlocks are solely responsible for making everything in their factory-nation, then all the western Eloi need to do is live in their green socialist utopia, eat bugs, and plant some trees each year to offset the Chinese pollution.
Perhaps Yellen didn't get the memo?
He must have missed the memo when Ted Kaczynski handwrote it four years ago!
"Any movement that aims to limit technology has to be worldwide because if technological progress is cut back in one part of the world while another part of the world continues to follow the path of unrestrained technological development, then the fully technological pact of the world will have a vast preponderance of power over the less technological part. Sooner or later (probably sooner) the fully technological part of the world will take control of the other part in order to exploit its resources. To mention only the most obvious example, if technological progress is restrained in the United States while China continues down its present technological path, then China will dominate the world and will take whatever it wants of America’s natural resources — regardless of the wishes of Americans."
"The ecofascists need to read ISAIF, Technological Slavery, and Anti-Tech Revolution CAREFULLY." Mr. Schwab and the rest of the Eloi need to get on the job already.
They want to deindustrialise the West and make people eat bugs and drink "Klimamelk" like in Norway, feeding the cows all sorts of nasty poison to make them stop burping and farting and making a profit on it, and supposedly, there's genetic research into marsupials like kangaroos with "cleaner" burps of CO2 rather than CH4 to try to transport their biology to cattle, too. It'll all be a ridiculous failure, not only on the part of their own objectives (most thankfully!), but on everyone else's that they impede too.
The whole con and joke about 'ecofascists' forcing people to eat bugs, and Klaus' plan for 'stakeholder capitalism' was to create scorn and fear over what the Chinese are demonstrating is possible; ie that there can be a greener and fairer future for humanity. Obviously that threatens the very existence of the Cabal which is why they spooked up the WEF and the Rothschilds into a dystopian, 15 minute city, surveillance (the Cabal already know everything) pretence of the Chinese model.
PS all genetic modification and research on animals is disgusting and stupid though it's also silly to think that people shouldn't make a profit from green tech and energy.
the hilarious part will be when the west demands the Chinese pay them carbon tax...
H G Wells — Eloi and Morlocks…
Do you know that his “War of the Worlds” (written in 1895 to1897) was inspired but genocide of Tasmanians by English settlers?