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Oct 30, 2023
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Yeah, they say they are secular when it suits them. But what else is to be expected with the lying, thieving, inbred ashkeNAZI?

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Oct 30, 2023Edited
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Another "educated" idiot has entered the room.

FYI Brooks, placing letters after your name smacks of elitism and usually masks an intellectual deficiency.

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Oct 30, 2023Edited
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Go on, don't talk about it.

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Imagine standing with Israel because a few goat herders 2500 years ago wrote about how god spoke to them, called them his chosen people and commanded them to commit genocide. And then having the stones to put letters after your name.

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Nov 1, 2023
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Get a grip of yourself.

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Above he said he'd delete the letters , but deleted that post instead. What an utter "educated" twat.

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Didn't delete the post. Just blocked you. Have a nice day.

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Well, I just got here and it says 'Comment Deleted' - did you block me in advance?

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Same thing for me. Comment deleted.

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How much did the rabbi pay you to shill?

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Oct 30, 2023
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Ok dickhead, put your book of ancient fables down and pick up a dictionary.

Nah, you won't so I'll school ya'. Palestinians are Arabs, are you with me so far? Arabs are Semitic. However white Nth American and Eastern European ashkeNAZI filth are not. So if one champions Palestinians how can one be an "anti-semite"?

BTW "anti-semite" has lost it's sting. Only abject morons and the ADL shills use it. Which are you?

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Nov 1, 2023
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Bullshit from the Book of Ancient Fairy Tales.

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Nov 1, 2023
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You don't have to be a descendant of Abraham to be semitic. That is an ethnicity and it existed before Abraham.

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Oct 30, 2023
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And you ignore the facts, but take notice of the insult LOL

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Oct 31, 2023
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The Ashkenazi are Jews. They've tested the DNA of everybody in the area. If they're Khazarians than so are the Palestinians because they're cousins.

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According to you there is jewish DNA? LOL.

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And how long have you been anti-gentile?

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Oct 30, 2023
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The problem here is the first-strike dilemma both sides face. Israel has only a limited amount of nuclear weapons, with only a portion of them available for operation on relatively short notice, located in a limited number of places. Iran, with its strike at US airbases in Iraq, has shown that it can deliver big missiles with pinpoint accuracy. There's no reason to assume that Hezbollah in turn lacks such capacity for at least part of its arsenal.

So both Iran and Hezbollah, and perhaps others in the region too, have the capability for a 'decapitation' first-strike against Israel to take those out. Or at least most of them. This would greatly reduce Israel's strike-back capability, possibly to 'acceptable' levels. But it would force Israel to strike back with whatever nukes are left. So while such an Iranian/Hezbollah strike will greatly reduce the possible collateral damage when this goes nuclear, it will also almost certainly guarantee that it will go nuclear. Not an easy call to make. Especially when it is uncertain how the US will react.

Israel in turn, is also very much aware of this calculation, which gives it a motive ('use it or lose it') to go nuclear very early on in any conflict with Iran or Hezbollah, and especially both at once. In fact, from this perspective, it would give them reason to start such a conflict by going nuclear. However, that might well lead to the end of Israel itself. So not an easy call to make either.

Right now, these are the kinds of deliberations and calculations taking place in both camps. Now add to that the assumption that one or both sides may be driven by religious fanatics out to fulfil divine prophecy and things start to look pretty bleak rather fast.

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Oct 30, 2023Edited
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That is your calculation, and pretty much mine too. But is it the one made in Tel Aviv and Washington DC? Or for that matter, what calculation do the various players think the OTHER side is making?

Events like this usually escalate because of what one side, or both, fears the other side might be about to do. It's the fear of the other side being either irrational or simply mistaken about how the calculation works out. And both sides being rational agents often doesn't help either.

If I know that you will act rational, and you know that I am rational, then it's highly likely that at some point I can achieve a crucial advantage by surprising you by acting irrational for once and do something completely unexpected. But I also know that you could pull the same trick on me. So even when both sides are rational, it is still very dangerous for both parties to assume that that means the other side will always act rational! This is why a complete breakdown in communications between two sides is always so dangerous.

And as to the fallout, that's not really an issue. Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki never stopped being cities. The a-bombs didn't change that. Long-term health effects have turned out to be much, much smaller than anticipated. For example, increases in cancer compared to other regions in Japan are barely noticeable. Same for the after-effects of Chernobyl. They turned out to be far more limited than expected.

Plus those bombs dropped on Japan were first generation nukes which were relatively 'dirty'. Modern ones are much 'cleaner', unless deliberately designed not to be, and it's safe to assume that Israel will likely use relatively 'clean' nukes close to home.

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Oct 30, 2023
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It sounds like mister Palmer is using reversed logic. He assumes that nuclear weapons are highly radioactive and he assumes that radiation causes lots of cancer and he assumes that human bodies are very vulnerable to radiation. He then concludes that because there is no increase in cancers that therefore the bombs dropped couldn't have been nuclear. It is a lot more likely though that one or more of his assumptions was wrong, and there is in fact compelling evidence that all three are at least exaggerated, if not wrong entirely.

There have been many above-ground nuclear explosions. Here's a map of the testing ground near Las Vegas where about 100 of them were detonated above ground, and many more below it:


While it is a mere 100 miles from the city, notice the many other towns much closer, not to mention all the air force bases right next to the test site, including are 51!

While there may have been some increases in health issues in the wider area, all the way to Utah, during the era of the tests this has never come close to reaching a 'triggering' threshold, and nowadays most people, including those living there, either don't know about the tests, are have pretty much forgotten about them. That's largely because they haven't had much of a lasting legacy outside of the direct explosion zone. And as we have seen in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, even the explosion zone itself can remain habitable without much risks to people's health.

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Oct 30, 2023Edited
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Brilliant as always.

Important to note that Hezbollah & Hamas have also been using religious references in this war, that are arguably more instructive than the deranged evangelical/zionist ramblings of Israel & DC.

In particular there's a Hezbollah video that seems to have been overlooked.

On 8/9 October, literally just a day after Hamas's 'Al Aqsa Flood' operation started, Hezbollah released a video.

At the end of the video, Hezbollah made a specific reference to Genesis 7:17.

Genesis 7:17 specifically refers to Noah's Ark, and God's flood lasting '40 days'.

Dates matter to Hamas and Hezbollah. For example, it seems that October 7 was chosen by Hamas to start their operation to coincide with the start of the Yom Kippur War.

But consider this - '40 days' from October 7 takes us to November 15. Why might November 15 be important in this context?

Because November 15 is the Palestinian 'Day of Independence' (see below).

It also seems to be more than coincidental that the same Hezbollah video also showed their elite division, Radwan, in action. Radwan is specifically tasked with infiltrating Israel.

Hezbollah's message / threat in the video seems clear, at least to me. Hezbollah has stated very clearly that forced displacement of Gazans and/or a land invasion of Gaza by the IDF are 'red lines' for them, that may trigger their entry into the war (source below). These red lines have both been crossed.

My conclusion: the timing of the Hezbollah video with the start of Hamas 'Al Aqsa Flood' seems preplanned. Specific reference to biblical events in the Hezbollah video referring to periods of time mentioned in the Bible seem to indicate a degree of coordination between the 2 groups, that may well involve Hezbollah's entry into the war on or about Noveber 15, 2023, which is the Palestinian Day of Independence.

Why do I think this? As I said at the start, Hezbollah themselves seem to have already told us.

Sources are below:

Genesis 7:17 -


Radwan -


Red lines -


November 15 -


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This seems very significant, well spotted with the dates!

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Interesting! But come on, let's not forget Putin's birthday on Oct 7th. According to some creative analysts, it was a gift to Putin 😀

On a serious note, does anyone think about Palestinian civilians? At least they could have created some bunkers for them too. Though I understand that atrocities in real time need to be seen by people to take action.

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They even announced (ukies)that VP is dead


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😆 are they trying to manifest their desires?

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And never, never forget that October 7th divides October 6th from October 8th.

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kam, thank you, in all the hand wringing, everyone seams to have over looked this most important fact. PRIORITIES people!

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Well. When Soros is involved, you know it isn't a simple Israel vs Hamas fight.

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Amazing how fast everyone forgets the constant drone of “death to Israel” coming from every direction surrounding them, and yet no deep dive into islamic intent, because it doesn’t require a deep dive,or forty pages. It’s in their book of books. No dog in this fight myself. Just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy.

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Yes you do have a dog in this fight, that is obvious. Arabs and Jews have lived in peace for centuries prior to the establishment of this settler colony. They still do in Iran, which has a very successful Jewish community exists. Your Hasbara talking point is a very feeble one.

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Nov 1, 2023
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Bullshit, Jews and Moslems lived in peace together for centuries.This is about Zionism, not Judaism - not the same thing. Asians were kicked out of Uganda, the list of such things is very long, utterly disproving your BS.

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Nov 1, 2023
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What an utter waste of electrons.

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I’m Muslim, find me one verse that says Jews are scum in the Quran.

I’ll wait.

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Nov 1, 2023
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I am Church of England actually you ignorant idiot. Ready for what, mouthing off with a keyboard? Beyond pathetic.

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Bro, leave Jews alone. The enemy is Zionism, not Judaism.

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Time to block the imbecile. Wtf?

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They lived 'in peace' relatively speaking, because the Muslims were guaranteed supremacy in law and the non-muslims had submitted to dhimmi status and accepted all the restrictions that came with it. It's not as if they had a choice. If that's your definition of 'peace', sure, a strict religious supremacist oppressive imperialist system will get you it.

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Dude, love your videos on youtube. I recognized your name from there on here. Hope you are well.

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Nov 1, 2023
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Well this is a totally random BS comment, want to give actual cases backed up with proof?

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It wasn't entirely peaceful. Seven pogroms in 500 years. Is that a lot? And they lived as dhimmis. Jews are treated fairly well in Iran, though it could be better.

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Indeed...In 1900, Baghdad was about 40% Jewish, and before all this strife caused by Israel and the Zionists, they got along fine with the other religions...

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'Got along fine' provided the non-muslims remained second class citizens under Islamic rule, as they remain today in many if not most Islamic states. Yes you can prevent 'strife' by keeping a minority population in a state of submission.

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Most of the west are 3rd class serfs

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Literal legal, state-enforced religious supremacism is bad, ok?

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blah, your "provided the non-muslims remained second class citizens" is total hasbara BS.

Jews in Baghdad were wealthy and didn't want to trade their comfort and their busineses for the poor unpaved streets of Israel. So ... in the early 1950's a series of false-flag bombings done by Zionists panicked the Iraqi Jews into fleeing to Israel. This was documented by one of those Baghdadi Jews who was only 18 or 19 at the time, and who had been very Zionist - until he discovered the racism of Ashkenazi Jews in Israel. He wrote a book about it. I can't remember the guy's name, but it starts with an "O". Can anyone help out here ?

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Are you pretending they weren't second class citizens? For literally centuries following the Islamic conquest? It's a historical fact, it's not arguable. Dhimmitude was only abolished in the Ottoman Empire in 1856 when the Europeans forced them to do it when they lost the Crimean war. Religious supremacism is ok when it's Islam doing it?

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Was it Akiva Orr?

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Is blah pretending these false flags did not happrn? Who should be held responsible for these terror attacks?

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It was a time of class societies. At that same time serfs in Europe were in a state of submission. People have since developed better ways of living, mostly because of increased surpluses (if your industry is able to provide enough goods for everyone, there's no need to take the goods of others like in the days of little industry).

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Why take the goods when you can go straight to the source and take their monies; hence, modern monetary theory

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This wasn't a class system. It was an explicitly religious supremacist system imposed by the conquering Islamic rulers on the natives. It was abolished in the Ottoman Empire in 1856. Not during the middle ages... And non muslims remain second class citizens in most Islamic states to this day. Learn about the laws on freedom of religion in places like Jordan, or Qatar etc.

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That wasn’t your argument. You said Jews were second class citizen in Bagdad. When you got refuted, you changed the goal post.

Have other religious minorities been considered 2nd class citizens in the past? Possibly, but that goes against Islamic teachings. This tax that you think is oppressive is also payed by Muslims, but it’s in the form of charity.

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Not sure who you're responding to but the dhimmi system was explicitly and clearly a form of second class citizenship. It wasn't remotely specific to Jews, all non-muslims were subject to it. Jizya is protection money, tribute paid to the conquering army, as in every empire. No it doesn't go against Islamic teachings, stop lying. Non-muslims are second class citizens today in many Islamic states including Qatar, Saudi and Jordan. Restrictions on their freedom of religion are simply toned down from the past but remain in place.

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The only reason it’s feeble is that so many people have woken up to their intentions that that have to be more “gentle” about it....you know, sound more reasonable....just the tip, so to speak.

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Islam is a cult, where men reign supreme, and death is their stock in trade. Judaism and Christianity aren’t. So y’all can argue all the day long who’s to blame for all the hatred. The only ones acting on it by orders of their chief pig muhammad are islamists. So yeah, I don’t have a dog or pig in this war. Just want to see the us uninvolved. Kinda like PDT had going, until y’all fucked that up.

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Nov 1, 2023
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What a fucking imbecile.

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Read what y’all just wrote, the last thirty entries. Y’all sound exactly like the two serfs explaining to Arthur the problem government. That’s where we’ve got to. Two people slopping peat shit, discussing class with the king.

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Hire this fucking retard David. He’s in direct contact with the ONE who shall not be named!

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"Death to Israel" is like "Death to Apartheid South Africa." Follow? They just don't like that form of government there.

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I disagree. There are a lot of examples where arabs celebrate the actual death of jews, quite apart from their hatred of the Israeli state and regime. Two wrongs don't make a right. The whole region is tainted by visceral "tribal" animosity and bad history.

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"There are a lot of examples where arabs celebrate the actual death of jews"

Cheered the death of ISRAELIS, not Jews per se. And a lot of them were pretty vicious in how they cheered the deaths of Israelis, I'll admit it. And it's not just Arabs who cheer for that stuff. I knew a Pakistani woman in Kuwait and she was like that. She was pretty nasty antisemite too. That's not uncommon at all.

On the other hand, nobody cares about Diaspora Jews. I've never heard an Arab cheer the death of a Diaspora Jew.

I mean the actual phrase, "Death to Israel" as coined by Iran just meant get rid of the Israeli state. You can research Khomeini and see that that this what he meant.

And the only thing Iran has been calling for is a plebiscite on the future of the region with all Israelis and Palestinians participating in it. They assume that after that, the specific Israeli apartheid state will be gone.

Iran has never said "Kill all the Jews on Earth or in Israel." There are 7,000 Jews in Iran. How about if they start with them?

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Not much research is needed to realise that Israel is an ethnic-supremacist regime that controls territory in Palestine. Removing an ethnic-supremacist regime doesn't mean killing everyone it has issued papers to, or who live under it and who belong to the favoured ethnic group.

It's not absence of research that makes people say (or, more usually, scream) otherwise. It's being liars who support the said regime. Some of them probably lie so much that they believe their own lies. But that's the wrong way of thinking of them, because "truth" doesn't feature as a desired feature of what they say to the "unchosen" - or of what they say to rally their own side, for that matter. They "think" and say whatever works for the tribe.

All decent humanitarian people wish for the elimination of Israel.

Are some of Israel's supporters so crazy as to believe their own lies? Probably, yes. But we should let that be their problem, not ours.

Those who violently support an ethnic-supremacist regime against those who want to remove it have got it coming to them. They can at any point surrender or get some morals if they wish. Nobody is stopping them. Indeed at least a few of them will. Good for them. I can't honestly say I'll call them heroes, but there you go.

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I work in mental health and I've had a few former Israelis as clients. I said, "Now that you left Israel, you don't feel responsible for that anymore, right? You now have the leisure to not have that weighing on your conscience."

They enthusiastically agreed. They were on the Israeli Left and they said some interesting things. One said, "Well of course we are on the Israeli Left and we feel for the Arabs. On the other hand, the Arabs ARE TRYING TO KILL US AS IN ME PERSONALLY, so that only goes so far.

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Actually, there are about 25,000 Jews in Iran. Check your sources.

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Last I heard it was down to 6,000. A lot of them have been leaving in recent years.

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There aren't any Jews in Palestine, the zionists keep it Judenrein.

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What country are Jerusalem, Haifa, and Tel Aviv located in, if they're not in Palestine?

Also there are some of Jewish descent on the West Bank and Gaza too - working class women who have married Palestinian men and who are totally accepted and who don't believe in any of the Israeli i.e. Zionist bullshit. If some of them like to eat bagels, I don't think anybody has any problem with that whatsoever.

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He's being funny.

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There are also anti-Zionist Jews who go to Gaza and the West Bank to visit or even live for a while. Nothing's ever happened to any of them. Also there are 600 Samaritans living in the West Bank with no issues. Samaritans are considered to be Jewish sect. They don't believe in Zionism.

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The zionist occupation of Palestine is not Israel, it is an apartheid abomination which needs to be flushed round the u-bend of history, like Boer South Africa and the Smith regime.

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Why say "the Smith regime" rather than Rhodesia?

I don't understand why you say the Zionist occupation of Palestine is not Israel.

Israel is much worse than apartheid, which was a word that should never have been used by the opponents of white supremacy in South Africa anyway, because it means "separate development". You only have to say "separate development" to realise that this is obviously not what white supremacy was about in South Africa, or what any ethnic supremacy has been about anywhere.

Pass laws, bantustans, segregation of areas by ethnicity - yes, these all existed under white supremacy in South Africa and they are imposed by Israel in Palestine. But the South African regime didn't carry out murder on anything like the Israeli scale, using tanks and artillery and an airforce against either the bantustans or the black areas of cities. This is what makes Israel quantitatively and qualitatively much worse than South African white supremacy. A better comparison would be Nazi Germany.

Zionism has ALWAYS been about settlement and Judaisation and removals and expulsions, and the use of terrorism to assist with these. There has never been any intention of "stopping at this point". A most glaring illustration of this is settlement in the West Bank which has always been state-supported. Or to take another example, there was no intention of stopping with the original Nakba.

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Can any of you muzzie loving humanitarians describe to me Palestine’s borders? Can any of you explain how the millions of Arabs that live in Israel aren’t automatically rounded up and killed? Please expound. You seem to all be intelligently full of shit, so answer those questions. And why has Israel been able to exist surrounded by muzzie pigs all these years? Those same muzzie pigs that launch rockets daily into Israel. As I said, truly don’t give a mad fuck what happens between Israel and her pig neighbors. They all suck the same as far as I’m concerned. My issue is that we don’t get involved. And assholes like yourselves are bound and determined to have war. Fuck you all.

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Oct 31, 2023
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Um you missed my first post apparently. First off, I don’t have a dog in this fight,regardless what the next poster said. I don’t care as long as we meaning Americans don’t fight. Y’all can have at it, kill each other. The Jew owned media will quiet down for a little while. Zionazi? Great term, but no. I am just here to insult all you morons thinking somebody deserves to win this shitshow. You all suck, you muzzie bastards should all burn for what you believe, forever, in hell. Or the stinking desert, where you crawl from. And as far as jews go, you’re not much different. I’ve known many, and most of them somehow think they deserve better than everyone else. Zionazi? I don’t even know what the fuck that is. But if you’re a friend of Che, you too deserve a large hole in your cranium. Ya fucking idiot.

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Nov 1, 2023
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"Zionism and Nazism are 2 sides of the same coin"


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I'm an atheist you bimbo.

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And your point? You’re an atheist so labeling particular tenets of Judaism one way or another is ok to do, because you’re an atheist. You’re a fucking imbecile in my book, only because telling me you’re an atheist doesn’t even make sense. You may blather all you want, but claiming there is some nation called palestine, when it never existed, makes you about as intelligent as a 22 year old graduate from Harvard. Or a retard, same diff. Please do better in the future, bimbo. Lol

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You're an American, aren't you?

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I don't forget "Death to Israel". As a humanitarian I support the death of Israel, and I'm proud of it.

Israel is an ethnic-supremacist Nazi-style entity. It was always tendentially and ideologically genocidalist and now we are seeing it become actually genocidalist. Israel must be destroyed, just as the Confederacy was destroyed, etc.

And no this doesn't mean murdering everyone to whom the to-be-destroyed entity has issued nationality documents. The entity does like to tell the lie that it does, though. Guess why.

The opponents of Israel aren't like its supporters. It's the regime's supporters who are the genocidalists. Is there anything else I need to explain?

PS What kind of nutter wants to have an ethnic identity based on the fact that their ancestors followed a genocidalist religion?

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The thing about saying "Death to Israel" is that sends a message that won't convince others to your cause. You have to be astute, хитрый как лиза.

I do believe jews have been victims of brainwashing by their extremist goverments. No jewish baby or palestenian baby is born hating or opressing the other one.

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"He who dares not offend, dares not tell the truth." - Voltaire (as you can read on every post at voltairenet.org)

One of the most serious errors of the anti-war movement was moral cowardice and a belief that the message had to be trimmed down to "what people would accept." Thus we ended up not getting our message out and in the long run, we failed.

You must respect the intelligence and moral fiber of the people you are talking with. Most of the time, the people deserve contempt for refusing to listen and to be quickly offended. However, a significant minority of of people will get the message and accept the moral responsibility. It's always like that.

This problem is even deeper when talking about Zionism because Jews in the US and Europe have so much power that people have good reason to fear their wrath.

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Propagandists take advantage of the Overton window to marginalize points of view they don't like. It's part of the whole gaslighting they specialize in. "That's unthinkable".

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Death to Israel is more of a threat for destruction to the 7 million people who live there. I don't like Israel at all and the population are the ones that chose Bibi, and yes, there are videos of a lot of them calling for the destruction of Palestinians. Still, wishing death upon someone does not send a good message, since death to Israel will be understood by a lot of people in the most literal way.

With them having the Samsom option, and controlling the US, having politicians by the testicles, would give them weapons to arrest those who call for the destructions of the jews. Yes, I know, they call hollocaust while they hollocaust you.

Nevertheless, I would not say that's the best aproach. Death to the zionist regime is something people might be incline to agree on.

I did not dismiss the comment or OPs comment, I'm just saying you could convince other people of doing the destruction of Israel like they do with the best and other host nations. Force them to import refugees, destroy the walls, give Palestenians a right to return.

tl;dr use their strategies against them.

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Death to Israel is more of a threat for destruction to the 7 million people who live there. I don't like Israel at all and the population are the ones that chose Bibi, and yes, there are videos of a lot of them calling for the destruction of Palestinians. Still, wishing death upon someone does not send a good message, since death to Israel will be understood by a lot of people in the most literal way.

With them having the Samsom option, and controlling the US, having politicians by the testicles, would give them weapons to arrest those who call for the destructions of the jews. Yes, I know, they call hollocaust while they hollocaust you.

Nevertheless, I would not say that's the best aproach. Death to the zionist regime is something people might be inclined to agree on.

I did not dismiss the comment or OPs comment, I'm just saying you could convince other people of doing the destruction of Israel like they do with the west and other host nations. Force them to import refugees, destroy the walls, give Palestenians a right to return.

tl;dr use their strategies against them.

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You’re referring to islam, then. I get it.

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Pax Americana must give a way to Pax Judaica, only then the Anti-Christ (Dajjal the False Messiah) will appear in Jerusalem. However, Armageddon / Al Malhama Al Kubro must take place first, that is big big war involving nukes that destroy big player US - EU - Russia... So, do you think Russia - China will allow this? my thoughts will be no, there has to be another way around this crisis...

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You write as if something exists that can seriously be called Pax Americana.

I guess this term might have been applied sensibly after 1945 in a very few countries, such as Italy, and possibly at a pinch France, but that's about it.

The notion that US imperial influence over the compradore powers in NATO has maintained peace in those countries is untrue.

It's easy to point to Greece, Spain, Norway, Germany, Britain, and Turkey. In none of these countries did kissing the US butt prevent war.

Ditto for other countries "allied" with the US such as Japan, Saudi, and Colombia.

Where on earth do you think there is such a thing as Pax Americana? A US empire, yes, but that's different.

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I am merely quoting his lecture, I hope there is no misunderstanding here.

Three stages to pax judaica by sheikh Imran Hossein


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Pax American, if that's the phrase you wish to use, provided for the low hostilities rebuilding of the world at great expense to itself. The untold trillions the US did not collect as a policy to allow this rebuilding is not only a matter of political history but the trillions voluntarily prof erred by its citizen is also formidable. Did it change anything? Probably for those who directly benefited at the time, but many times the dog bites the hand that feeds it.

The other unrecognized benefit was the 'fortunes' not spent while the U.S. guaranteed the safety of the ravaged nations, and the trillions spent on policing the oceans from those whom would take advantage.

Alas, the U.S. lost its way along the path and it became a pursuit of power and greed, while those they had helped became accustomed to sloth and entitlement.

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Pax Americana is term to indicate where we are at history, it is marked by the Bretton Woods agreement where Pax Britannica end. The successor is Pax Americana up to 3 January 2020 by the death of Gen. Soleimani ordered by Trump, he literally ends Pax Americana. Now about to come is Pax Judaica since we have witnessed how great and to what degree the influence of Israeli Lobbyist inside US government, it's on but may still be far away into the future.

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The Hezbos and Hamassholes have used religious imagery from the get go and have (and continue) to advocate for the genocidal elimination of Israel. There's a point where maybe we should take them at their word. You don't negotiate with people like that, not if you're smart.

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The six-pointed star is secular, then?

Can you communicate in environments in which goyim are present without lying? Elimination of Israel doesn't mean killing all those who have an identity called Jewish that tracks back to their ancestors following a genocidal religion, any more than the elimination of the Confederacy or the Nazi German regime meant murdering all US southerners or all Germans.

If you were to imagine yourself as a goy, YOU might imagine yourself supposing that all the Jews should be killed.

(That would mainly be because your identity appears to be based on extreme ethnic hatred that essentially denies that non-chosen ones are human beings, which, as you probably know, is what the Jewish religion teaches. But those who REJECT such an obscenely insane idea usually recognise that ALL human beings are human beings, whatever ideas they might hold, or culture they might have, or religion they might follow.)

What you might imagine (and this is strongly suggested by how you put the word "genocidal" near the phrase "elimination of Israel") doesn't mean that all those among the goyim who really do oppose Jewish supremacism think anything like that.

But who cares what the truth is, eh?

Will you deny that you would be willing to murder all the goyim in the world if it were necessary to secure the continued existence of the ethnic-supremacist regime called Israel?

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It's my understanding that Palestinian Muslims are (similar to the Kurds) regarded by more conservative ones to be slacker Muslims, hardly ideal Al Qaeda candidates.

The opposition to Israel in the 60's-70's was mainly leftist/secular/nationalistic.

Israel had the bright idea of fostering Islamacist competition and we end up the likes of Hamas.

Which somewhat parallels what the French commentator pointed out: that Zionism has morphed from secular to 'messianic, biblical' - more than a few of the most radical Zionists fighting the Brits and Arabs were actual veterans of the Bolshevik Revolution (in which Jews were heavily represented).

And if we're supposed to be rejecting Hamas supporters maybe we should start with Team Bibi - the Israeli wack-job right have been supporting Hamas' control of Gaza for years. This with the aim of preventing all the occupied territories from coming under authority of the Palestine Authority - which could lead to the nightmare scenario of having to conclude a real peace treaty.

Yet they've been able to sell the rubes on the proposition that the Palestinians are the ones rejecting negotiation...

Consider this from 2019:

"The Israeli right is now openly saying it wants to keep Hamas in power"

By +972 Magazine May 12, 2019


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and here is peaceful israeli who express loved and affection towards palestinian or other races, Arab....

Everyday Israelis Express Support for Genocide to Abby Martin


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Perhaps the Israeli documents on the Gaza Purge Mark posted above became known to them, and they decided, enough. Now is the time?

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These books of the Bible that Netanyahu is quoting was commissioned by the Ptolemaic Dynasty to further the legacy of Alexander the Great and his conquests, massacres, and genocides. These values in the Pentateuch and historical books, which includes institutionalized slavery as the cornerstone of a debt based society, and the celebration of wars of conquest, were contradicted by the Prophets and Jesus who valued all human beings as children of God. If we can't function at a higher level than the tyrannical, fratricidal, and genocidal Ptolemaic Dynasty, we have learned nothing as a species for 2500 years of wars. Apparently Israel is the West's battering ram to subdue non-Caucasian races, especially Muslims, Chinese, Russians, Africans, and Latinos. By the way, Trumps close ties with Netanyahu don't looks so attractive anymore. I won't vote for him or Biden.

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Dear Simplicius, I have studied and delighted in your work from the moment I encountered it. So I wonder why you deleted my comment regarding the dangers of mandatory vaccinations and the advocates thereof. The casualties from the War in Ukraine are small compared to those from the global genocide in the name of healthcare. And so I once again cite the work on the subject from another member of the substack intelligentsia:


I am not trying to get you in trouble. In fact, I am half Jewish by birth. I also write and comment under my own name.

Most of all, I just know that there is a 100% certainty that the issue of mandatory vaccination in Russia and the manipulation thereof is just as problematic, no moreso, worse than Azov et al, because it goes undiscussed, even by you.

So why no comment?

Why just the deletion?

Your friend and admirer,

R. Leland Lehrman

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Neither Hamas or Hezbollah have the fourth largest military in the world backed by the first. Religious speak is not uncommon but when it is combined with psychotically deranged hatred and a superiority complex it is very, very dangerous.

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boy the US is in a hurry to quit its role in the world.


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If you knew you were in decline and getting weaker every day, and you knew your weapons were progressively less effective every day, would try to use them all to crystalize their value today?

If you knew that Russia was going to win and you had usurped the financial power of Europe, would it make sense to leave Europe as Scorched Earth while trying to cannibalize what is left of their dying industries and transplant to your continental island where you plan to retreat?

If you knew Israel was in a demographic dead end and you produced enough oil on your side of the world for your needs, would you try to sabotage the middle east knowing China relied on oil from there?

If you were a secular atheist but you knew people who believe in magic are easily riled up by aligning your words with ancient mythological books, would you pretend to be religious?

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Hmmm, a crisis of falling expectations, Gemany 1914 anyone?

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Well that about sums it up. Looks Ike we are going to get some answers shortly. Come one, Come all...this one for all the marbles.

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All in

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1. Yes, strike before the advantage disappears. But not with all of the weapons, no. And "progressively less effective" - is this premise accurate? (Bear in mind that new weapons are being developed, and existing weapons aren't all publicly known.)

2. Do you mean Australia?

3. Can you fill out this question some more? Israel is in the Middle East.

4. Yes!

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The US. With respect, Australia is a bit player and have forfeited their autonomy to the US for fear of Chinese envelopment.

The US is falling behind on everything because of the foolish strategy of globalization and outsourcing. The recycling of dollars to the capital market that sustains them will end soon. They are executing a destroy and retreat strategy right now, even while they pretend to do the opposite.

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To be fair, if the choice was globalization or autarky, autarky would already have failed. So they got 30 or so years out of it.

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I don't know how afraid Australia really is about Chinese envelopment. A year ago their media was pulling their hair out over 24/7 Chinese military cyber attacks and underhanded trade actions.

Today Chinese EVs are the top selling automobiles in Australia and they can't say enough good things about these companies. Me thinks most of the news is beyond fake.

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Then why dump the insane amount into submarines when there is no way oz can threaten China? It's tribute to the US.

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agree with all except China HAS won, not Russia its sidekick and muscle man.

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If America got European industry where would they get the educated, responsible and disciplined workforce? That theory has so many holes I wouldn't know where to start.

And America doesn't have enough oil. Much of theirs is natural gas liquids that doesn't have high energy density and can't be used for much other than making plastics and chemicals. That's why heavy oil from Canada or Venezuela is so important. They feed their refineries with the resultant blends.

Access to oil and gas and mineral resources is what it's all about. Great Britain and the US have controlled the world since 1813 by controlling access to oil. The reason we aren't all using molten salt thorium reactors right now was likely so America could accuse anyone seeking nuclear energy of trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Everybody is underestimating the moral bankruptcy and ruthlessness of all involved. Israel just arranged for the murder or kidnapping of thousands of their own citizens, supposedly to use as an excuse to kill all Palestinians. I think they have grander plans.

For example, America has had open borders for years and we can see footage of these young middle eastern and African men coming across by the thousands. They treat them far better than their own citizens. Then this Israel thing happens and American and Israeli politicians and pundits enthusiastically call for the genocide of the Gazans. Any bets this is about provoking terrorist attacks inside western countries they can use to bring in digital IDs, CBDCs and totalitarian security controls? Any bets they're all in this together. Doesn't anybody notice how fake everything is?

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Nov 1, 2023
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Bits are evil, most is fake.

But most of the society is not evil.

Most of it can be explained by the wrong incentives and a deeply flawed constitution and legal system.

I like Americans, hate USA

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They're serving their role. Both the ones who put the boats there and the people on them. On both boats, there's 2 sinking.

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'Sole Global Superpower' to 'Zimbabwe With Nukes' in what, 22 years?

Has to be some kind of record.

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A judicious use of foreign policy to communicate a commitment to some form of justice and a withdrawal from military adventurism would do wonders, and is still possible.

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Theoretically possible. psychologically impossible for US to revert to standard diplomacy. And I think they understand that inability.

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I don't understand the psychological inability in any context but hubris, and i'm an American who more or less supported the foreign policy through about 2002. Bush lost me, and now the Israelis lost me. That French dude Simplicus quotes above has the right idea.

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It would mean accepting 2nd place in a multi-polar world.

US strategy is based on denying that that is necessary (despite it already having happened).

The best outcome is that US decline happens a) invisibly (so far that is true for Amercians at least) and b) rapidly.

So that the damage US does on the way is minimised.

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Sometimes the answer is right in front of our noses and we fail to appreciate it.

That actually makes a lot of sense, that they know it as well as I do. Of course, that makes the current forward deployment foolhardy in the risk involved. Trusting that every other actor with any power is disciplined enough to not apply the apropos lesson and puncture the balloon.

The Taiwan thing makes no sense in that context, though. That should have been ceded at least 10 years ago, the way I see it.

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I remember a Republican debate in 2012 (N. Carolina IIRC) where Ron Paul suggested something very much along those lines - that we attempt to employ actual diplomacy and try to apply the Golden Rule in dealing with others.

He was roundly booed.

Couldn't find that clip, but here's another - one in the continuing series of 'We Should Have Listened to Ron Paul' (well, some of us did):


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There was an very interesting take on the rather remarkable fall of the US in recent years by El Salvador President Nayib Bukele with Tucker Carlson:

"The demise of the USA has to come from within. No external enemy can cause so much damage as an internal operation."

"I am from a 3rd world country and I see cities in the US where I wouldn't want to live now. When you see cities in the US eroding so fast, this has to be by design."


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Tucker Carlson is CIA. He's building consensus.

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Consensus on the US being destroyed from within? Seems an odd thought for the CIA doesn't it?

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Whitney Webb wrote about those lunatics back in 2019...


As was explored in previous installments of this series, these Christian Zionists, much like religious Zionist extremists in Israel, believe that the Al Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock must be replaced with a Third Jewish Temple in order to usher in the end times.

These two groups of different faiths, since the 19th century, have repeatedly formed an opportunistic alliance in order to ensure the fulfillment of their respective prophecies, despite the fact that members of the other faith are rarely if ever on the same page in their interpretations of what occurs after the temple’s construction.

This alliance, based on a mutual obsession with hastening the coming of the Apocalypse, continues to this day and now, more than at any other time in history, these groups have reached the heights of power in both Israel and the United States. Parts I and II of this exclusive series explored how this branch of religious Zionism has come to dominate the current right-wing government of Israel and has led Israel’s current government to take definitive steps towards the destruction of the Al Aqsa mosque and the imminent construction of a Third Temple.

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Do these religious fools actually think that the Lord God will reward them forf attempting to perversely hurry the Lord's plan for the apocolypse? I believe they should reconsider that the Lord make His own plan and wishes it to unfold, He will not thank the arrogant "Christian" evangelicals for interfereing with His intent?

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No, these fools, even the Jew believe in the advent of Anti-Christ the False Messiah that will bring them victory upon their enemies, Christian and Muslim, while the enemies believe in the advent of Christ the Savior, true Messiah that will cleanse this world from Evil for once and the last time.

"And ˹remember, O Prophet,˺ when the disbelievers conspired to capture, kill, or exile you. They planned, but Allah also planned. And Allah is the best of planners." Al-Anfal - 30.

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When the religious nuts are confronted by nuclear fire, it'll surprise you how quickly they'll go back to their corner and bow out.

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Maybe not. For they are all strongly and well convinced that glistening wings, golden robes, a sparkling halo, and possibly a music career await them.

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People facing actual death usually aren't happy about it, even religious types.

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We are talking about people who believe in the Rapture....they are cut from a different cloth.

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Actual death has been my business; religious beliefs rarely cut the mustard there, no one really wants to die. Even most suicides chicken out at the end, but sometimes too late. Factor in families and this religious crap will collapse like a house of cards. Doing Jim Jones on a continental scale is laughable.

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It's pretty strange that these Christians buy into Israel's indiscriminate attacks on civilian women and children...Jesus said that the "little ones" were under special protection and that anyone harming them would face his wrath...

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It’s funny when nonbelievers love to quote a verse from the Bible out of context to prop up their view of a specific current affairs situation. What hubris.

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Hubris in stating a completely relevant and basic tenet of Christ's teaching? I don't think so.

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Why do you think I'm a non-believer?

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It’s usually nonbelievers who like to do what you just did.

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I respectfully consider that judgement you just made a bit of a leap...

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These people aren't Christians. Christians world be trying to bring satanic fake jews to Christ not supporting their satanic murder rites.

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I'm an American, born again fundamental Christian who knows the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. I subscribe to the Biblical understanding called premillennialism. With that said, any religious person trying to force God into doing something is a laughable fool!

"The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; There is no one who does good.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭14‬:‭1‬

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But of the day and the hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but my father only.

Matthew 24:36

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No one knew when it was said, but the quote is not "no one will never know" the time has come, so we can know, this next months are going to be a bumpy ride

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My father used to use that quote when we as children asked when we would be leaving for the beach. He used it as his guarded reference to the fact my mother was always running late. Only he would end it with, "...but your mother only."

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You want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.

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Been there, done that.

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"I'm an American, born again fundamental Christian who knows the Bible is the inerrant Word of God"

I commend you on not being ashamed of your mental illness. But it is cringe worthy so please STFU.

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What strikes me as possibly being "cringe worthy" is acknowledging your emotional inability to either consider or ignore other people's opinions. If someone forces you to read post you can't handle, you might try escaping your mental straight-jacket.

Good luck amigo!

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LOL. Say hi to the sky fairy for me.

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We can "handle it" but it stinks and BTW shows your mental <i>rigor mortis</i>. The Bible has to be interpreted, hopefully inspired by the Holy Spirit and not by some scumbag like Cyris Scofield. If you are using his "Reference Bible", standard among Christian Zionists, you should read his biography on Wikipedia.

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Yep, wikipedia, where real scholars hangout.

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This will be the best thing I read today. Same with the Trans fantastical absurdity, more mental illness. Lots of fantastical absurdity narratives out there. Money and fractional reserve banking is easily number one but religion is a close second. Strangely, they both get a lot of people killed.

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Respect your rights to your beliefs, but if you think the Bible is 'the' word of God you might look into the history of how what is considered the Bible now came to be.

For one thing, there are numerous problems with translation from Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew. There's also the historical fact that a committee of fallible and partisan humans decided what should be included or excluded.

Small differences are not necessarily minor ones. For example, most everybody is familiar with 'Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's'. right?

But in one of the Gnostic Gospels only rediscovered post WWII (at Nag Hammadi, Egypt) the passage goes 'Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, to God what is God's and to me what is mine.'

Which is correct? What does it mean? You, or anybody that wants to can try and work it out, but the point is they are quite different, and just because one is the current standard version doesn't necessarily mean it's *the* right one.

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Let me start by noting I'm no scholar on the topic and I find it a fascinating topic to discuss over a cup of coffee or a pint o beer, however attempting a discussion via this avenue would grow old, fast.

Let me ask, since I don't know for certain, do the other possible, to your way of thinking I guess, versions cover the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus?

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I think (could be wrong) there is one book of the bible that "those in charge" tossed fairly early on. It that said he didn't die, married, had kids.. Enoch maybe?

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I've heard of it, never dug into it. Did the author claim to witness it or is it a he said, she said verification?

Obviously everyone is entitled to draw their own conclusions.

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Oh, it's an absolute gem!

It has it all! Aliens, giants, angels on earth, an amazing text, I think it was cut because the other books pale in comparison :)

There are lots of videos on it, but here is a link to the entire text


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I'm not an authority. Some of the rejected material was declared heretical and destroyed. I don't know to what extent they covered the life of Jesus. I have seen contentions that Jesus marrying and having children was suppressed - there were some European families that claimed descent from Jesus IIRC.

There were a few of the so-called Gnostic Gospels that survived - the Nag Hammadi manuscripts found in 1945 were buried in clay jars, maybe to avoid destruction and included both previously unknown texts and alternate versions of ones in the Bible.

In the newly discovered Gospel of Thomas, some things are near identical to current Bible, some seem to contradict or depart from it. A lot just confusing, to me, anyway...

Lots of info on this site:


Cheers. Beer or coffee some other time, I guess.

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Sounds like a plan. Thanks!

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Many people know many things. Most act on their knowledge. Sometimes it even turns out their knowledge is true. It even happens that people get their way, especially in little things that don't depend on others with wills free to choose. :)

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@Tree of Woe @Texas Arcane Looks like I am about to be Correct! ;-P

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What is the virtue of a proportional response?

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Thanks Simp, I think you've hit the nail on the head with this analysis. Pretty scary alright, we're all in for a rough ride especially the poor Gazans and goodness knows where we'll be in a year's time.....

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Response to Simplicius' "World Plummets into Eschatological Frenzy: Unraveling the Implications"

This is what you get when monkey-ass human beings invoke religion and worse, global religions. If the world was still pagan, this would likely not be happening. The invention of monolithic, monotheistic religions will be marked by aliens as the "Doom of the human species". What did the philosopher say: "Mankind will only be free when the last king is strangled with the guts of the last priest."

"behind-the-scenes cuddling with Israeli leadership over lucrative gas lines"

Well, if Turkey invades Israel as part of a "get rid of Israel" push by the Muslim world, well, the gas problem gets resolved in Erdogan's favor, doesn't it? He didn't hesitate pushing into Syria over the Kurdish issue and everyone presumed that in reality he intended to seize Syrian territory with the oil, right? So yeah, I can see Erdogan pushing this right to a full-scale invasion of Israel. He thinks, "Why not?" And he's right. He can't lose - unless Israel nukes Istanbul.

See, people who think like "civilians" - i.e., believers in the concept of the state - just don't get how rulers of states think. As an anarchist, I understand state rulers better than most people.

" I slightly favor the outcome of the Western powers refraining from pulling the trigger on account of the strong internal opposition and fraying support,"

Wrong. You forget who's running things in Washington: the neocons and the Bible freaks you just spent half the article discussing. So how do you figure a handful of "dissenters" with no power are going to dissuade the freakshow from going all in? And what happens when Netanyahu invades Gaza and Hezbollah proceeds to to demolish half of Israel? You really believe the US Congress is NOT going to authorize the application of the AUMF - which they're already talking about in regards to Iran's alleged attacks on US troops in the region?

Get serious, Simplicius. It's one and nothing can stop it - unless Netanyahu backs down. Which I don't see happening because he can't afford to and survive (not that he can survive even if he doesn't, eventually.)

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If Armageddon starts in middle east. are you sure the good books and most importantly Revelations was fiction?

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In a word, yes. Don't waste my time.

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Fiction, yes, but prophetic fiction if believed by enough people.

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Correct. That's the problem.

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They are self-fulfilling prophecies because the lunatics running the asylum are manipulating events in a Revelations play-by-play.

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I love it, "... don't waste my time ..." by making me read something I disagree with.

Call in the censors!!!!!!!!

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Yep, absolute fiction.

Right up there with Harry Potter. Doesn't mean that a lot of people won't buy into it, Harry Potter vendors sold a LOT of wands...same difference.

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Don't leave out the " ... monkey-ass human beings ... " that believe the big bang theory; you know, when mass quantities of matter and energy appear out of nothing. Those people are dangerous too!

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Not being an astrophysicist, I couldn't comment - and neither should you, unless you're an astrophysicist.

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If you are not an astrophysicist, what causes you to think I shouldn't comment? Are you a religions scholar? If no, I notice it didn't keep you from commenting on religious issues.

I guess one of our noticeable differences is I support your right to comment on anything you are compelled to comment on, even your right to tell me I shouldn't comment on issues you don't want me to comment on. And I'll exercise my right to ignore your comment. 😎

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What's that old saying? "Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than open your mouth and have it proven".

I comment on the believability of religions, not on religious scholarship. That is available to any reasoning person. Astrophysics requires specialty education. Do you comment on brain surgery? And expect to be taken seriously?

You can comment on anything you want. But if you comment on stuff you know nothing about, you will merely prove yourself a fool. So yes, I ignore you.

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...and then, some galactic soup seeps through some rocks and soil, and then we have the life on our planet, how exciting, let us pray, Hallelujah!!!

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NOT going to authorize the application of the AUMF

When do they ever authorize that? None of our recent wars were declared. The US fights any war it wants with or without Congressional approval.

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True. But they'd love to get the authorization - and in this case Congress would give it to them 'cuz Israel...

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Biden dropped off a war authorization letter to Congress. Apparently we are on a war footing primarily because a US contractor in Syria when evacuating during an air attack had a heart attack. He was not killed, he died, just a pesky detail?

"The airstrikes were launched following over 15 Drone and Rocket Attacks by these Militias on U.S. Forces in Syria and Iraq resulting in the death of an American contractor as well as the Injury of at least 30 military personnel."


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Kind of hard to complain about our forces being targeted in places they have no business being placed in in the first place...

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You are quite obviously ignorant of paganism as a moral system.

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If an "intelligent" alien species living in this conceptual multiverse doesn't believe in the top concept they aren't intelligent.

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"As an anarchist, I understand state rulers better than most people."

Well said, sir! :)

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The Turkish-Kurdish war long predates Erdogan. Erdogan's family makes serious money shipping stolen Syrian oil to Israel for $12.50 a barrel. Erdogan isn't going to do anything to help Palestinians.. He's just a blowhard who sometimes pretends to be a good Muslim or to help the Palestinians. It's just that he presents a very proud and arrogant persona, a corporate logo which he can't afford to let get too stained.

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I sadly think you are right.

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So, If our suddenly “god fearing” psychopaths who have hijacked the United States want to read more scripture, maybe the story of Joshua and the Battle for Jericho would be appropriate.

The original Mossad sent spies into Jericho and they stayed with a prostitute. (How appropriate) After the walls were destroyed the Israelis killed every man, woman, child and animal in Jericho EXCEPT their prostitute.

This is the Word of the Lord... Thanks be to God. Wackos!

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History is often strange to us. But to call them whackos means you think we are more sane. I see a lot of insanity around me in the world right now.

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This was completely "normal" behaviour for the period, slaughtering whole populations, skinning the losing King alive, heads on sticks, taking the young women as forced sex workers, enslaving many. It wasn't just the Jews who were such "whackos".

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Pol Pot comes to mind....

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Rwanda genocide, then Tutsi-led genocide of Hutu's in Congo (ongoing), mass killing of civilians in Mosul by US army ... yep!

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Saw a documentary ages ago. Some biologist put red moss on one side of a rock, black moss on the other, and waited.

As the mosses grew they encountered each other and began to fight for territory. It was speeded up, so the attacks were pretty clear, quite aggressive and didn't stop.

Darwin laughs.

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"The walls came tumbling down". Some say the horns were to hide the sounds of the sappers digging the tunnels beneath the walls....

Like Roger said just "normal" behavior for the "period".... but then again nothing has really changed, we're still in that "period".

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The number of hostiles (aka - Palestinian militants) killed during the daring incursion on 7 October was omitted from all media reports because the inclusion of the number killed would have shattered the fiction (lie) that the Gazans massacred innocent, unarmed civilians - a fiction necessary to whip up

support for Israel's Revenge...

As with the US attack on Iraq, the msm is being used to promote the belief that the IDF intends "a full-scale ground invasion of Gaza"(TM)....Horror of Horrors !!! The deployment of ground troops hid the Pentagon's plan to bomb the shit out of Iraq from the sky...The IDF's "full-scale ground invasions' story

obscures the IDFs intention to clear-out "the cockroaches" from Gaza, section by section, little by little... We'll all give a sigh of relief and praise the IDF for coming to its senses, and allow our attentions to be distracted by the Next Big Distraction...

And there was no "intelligence failure"...Israel had simply deluded itself about its impregnable etc Gaza Prison Wall...Lulled by its own hubris...Hamas trained, and waited...It knew (or guessed right) that the Israeli Hubris would eventually create possibilities for incursions to snatch hostage to be use to

trade for the release of Palestinian in Israeli prisons...Hamas motto "Be Prepared"... So when IDF forces were sent to quell "troubles" elsewhere, Hamas acted...

The hubris also explains why a Rave was belatedly shifted to a not very secure area close to Gaza...A hubris that has the entrenched belief "the cockroaches" could not pull-off the daring "something big planned" the Israelis were alerted to...

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>>>> YOU ARE HERE! <<<<

Death toll in Gaza reaches 100k

Hezbollah fires off thousands of Fateh-110s at Israel and murders some 50k+ in retaliation at major urban centres.

USN uses Tomahawks and other munitions to murder some 250k+ in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine and Iran as retaliation.

Iran uses Shahabs, Sejjils and Soumars to murder 300k+ Israelis and 30k+ Muricans. All carrier battle groups are sunk or mortally wounded by said TBMs and Cruise Missiles.

Formal declaration of war on Iran.

Iran invokes SCO clauses on defence.

Russia and China declare war on Murica.

World War III kicks off formally.

… That would be the logical sequence of events I think in the coming days.

(Reposting from a response to a friend regarding the question “what happens in the coming 30 days?” … maybe not quite that fast, but this all came to mind)

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Way I see it too. Good time to party like a rock star. Max out credit cards, check your bucket list, take your loved ones to finest cuisine etc because you won't have to pay it back.

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And what will you do if the world survives after all that? 😀

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I guess be up to my eyeballs in debt like most Americans but it's worth the risk at this stage. US is nuclear bias - especially since we are low on ammo due to Ukraine folly. I only see a World War ending one way. In 10 years of nuclear winter if not fortunate enough to be vaporized by the initial blast so I don't even have a saferoom under my house.

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I am with you. I have the added benefit that I am in my 70's. Nobody gives a damn what I think about anything, I have an "excellent" credit rating, and I live within a few miles of an air force base that has to be a target for a warhead. If the missiles start flying I plan to drive there. I don't want it to end that way but voting now seems futile.

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Haha enjoy the 100,000,000 degree sunrise. I'm close in middle 3 military bases... Even my civil disorder bug spots 100 mi away will get DOA rad plumes.

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Now wait just a minute, we care what you think. Head down cellar instead, you never know what heaven may have in mind for you.

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The western debt ponzi is at the point of implosion; Jamie Dimon selling massively is a tell. The run to alternate assets, e.g. bitcoin is on a tear. The western elites think they have a plan, e.g. CBDC digital gulag, but most of the world seems to say no. This leaves the rump Anglo 5 eyes holding a bag of manure. Even Elon is said to be offering Starlink to Gaza which provoked an aggressive israeli response. Rats/ship?

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Good luck collecting?

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I see this happening around January. Other than that I think you have accurately identified the game plan behind this madness.

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As a Pauline midActs dispensationalist and rightly dividing the ‘word of truth’ there is no prophecy being fulfilled today, these preachers misunderstand the word of God, there’s no Israel today either, it’s a man’s construct. Gods not dealing with his people of old (Abraham) today, not at this moment. Unfortunately these folks calling on Biblical verses to support their position on Israel have no clue what Gods doing today. Today was a mystery hid in God and it’s been that way for 1993 years hitherto. Not much longer. Today Gods focus is gentiles for a bit longer. God gets the blame for all man’s shit.

Romans 11:25 (KJV) For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

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There are a few Biblical quotes that Netanyahu may not be taking into account, such as:

"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.

For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."

(Matthew 23:37-39)

And this one:

"And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.

Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto.

For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled."

(Luke 21:20-22)

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They're atheists or rather Satanists. They've nothing to do with God. It's all a psychological operation going on for a century.

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It's actually made things more obvious since these people are all Satanist working for the False Messiah... This is getting clearer that it's Good vs Evil, if you do not choose side, then you directly sided with the Evil. Anyone who is not with God with the devil.

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That prohesy occured in AD 67-70. It is the reason the Jews were expelled from Palestine by God. The question is, did God call them back or will they be expelled again?

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It looks to me like the UN called them back, not G^D. I anticipate that will be made clear at the time of His choosing

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That is the same reasoning of the fundamentalist Jews living in Israel. They believe that Israel should not exist again until the Messiah comes and sets it up. This is the reason they give for refusing to recognize the Israeli govt, why they do not pay taxes, nor serve in the military. They are about 17% of the country now.

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Good point. (Although it may still be applicable in a 'timeless' sort of fashion...)

Be that as it may, I suspect that the British Empire had it's own reasons for creating the State of Israel as a Jewish homeland and it had less to do with their love for the Jewish people or of fulfilling the will of God, than with their own, personal agenda.

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In my interpretation, the first one (the Jesus' condemnation) is timeless and applicable both to "Israel the nation" and every Jew individually. Even if the nation of Israel isn't recognizing Jesus as LORD, any Jew can escape the condemnation by personally recognising him as LORD of the Covenant. The fact that they have a little state in the Middle East right now in no way detracts from the condemnation. After all, is their little state a homely cozy place or a place of terror for the Jews? If it isn't a place of terror, why do they draft their women as well as their men? And if you aren't living in peace, is God showing himself to you or not?

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They had a personal agenda alright IMO, actually a few of them.

I suspect it was primarily a plan by the slime of the many nations who had profited by and from the theft of Jewish property.

This way the homes, factories, shops, treasure they stole remained theirs, and they would not be hit with lawsuits by any returning Jews wanting to regain said goods.

Plus as the Irish say, if two men suddenly fall out, an Englishman has just left the room. They do love their divide and conquer.

Rothchild's request for a spot in Palestine was doing them a favor as far as they were concerned.

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When a man's ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Proverb 16:7-10

I've been thinking about that one a lot recently

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This is the way.

Couldn't help it, funny ture.

What you say that's nature

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For God's sake quit with the religious crap.

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For God's sake? Is that an oxymoron?

But I suspect you're right. The problem doesn't have to do with any particular scriptural quote but in an actual relationship, (or lack thereof) with the Living God.

I kinda feel for God! Up there in heaven having to account for the free will of all His creatures at the same time...

When we zig, He has to zag. When we zag, He has to zig.

It can't be an easy job.

And very few of us actually trying to co-operate with Him!

It must be rough on the old guy.

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. I don't think he has to zig or zag that much when he is good and evil.

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Unfortunately Bibi is Jewish, not Christian or Islamic. It's therefore unreasonable for us to expect him to take the slightest notice of the New Testament. Can you please replace your quotes with ones he'd recognize?

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Here's the thing. Even if he doesn't take notice of them, they are still applicable to himself and everyone else that he is responsible for.

That's just the way it works. Once It's been said, it's a done deal whether we know about it, understand it or 'believe' in it or not.

That's why it's good to keep current on these things, especially if you're the leader of an entire Nation and are responsible for their well being.

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YES! THANK YOU! Finally somebody other than me who remembers this little bit of (non-)trivia!

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