The eschatological fervor of the Palestine crisis is reaching a deafening peak. Officials worldwide are dropping their masks, and inadvertently revealing the Biblical strain of the conflict.
At every turn, political figures now soak their proclamations in Biblical reference and allegory. The foremost of which was Netanyahu, who has now invoked an assortment of Biblical prophecies as dogwhistles to stir his people into an eschatological frenzy.
Here he not only invokes the prophecy of Isaiah, but frames the conflict as that of “light” versus “darkness” and good versus evil, painting the Palestinians as the Children of Darkness to be vanquished by the Chosen Ones:
The Isaiah prophecy he appears to speak of is the following:
Isaiah 60:18 ESV
Violence shall no more be heard in your land,
devastation or destruction within your borders;
you shall call your walls Salvation,
and your gates Praise.
But then, more controversially, he invoked the Biblical blood-enemy of Amalek:
One commentator’s interpretation:
◾️ Netanyahu keeps referring to biblical prophecies on his press conferences:
- " You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible, and we do remember and we are fighting. Our heroes who fight in Gaza continue a dynasty of heroes that goes back 3000 years in history - from Joshua to the heroes of 1948, from the Six Day War to the Yom Kippur War and all other wars."
◾️The words about Amalek are taken from the 1st Book of Samuel: “Thus says the Lord of hosts: I have remembered what Amalek did to Israel, how he opposed him on the way when he came out of Egypt” (15:2). The Lord ordered King Saul to destroy the enemy and all his people: “Now go and defeat Amalek and destroy all that he has; and give him no mercy; but put to death both husband and wife; from youth to infant; from ox to sheep; from camel to donkey" (15:3).
◾️ Netanyahu feels himself a new Messiah with the divine right of exterminating all enemies of the chosen people... A genocidal maniac.
This is indeed the threatening mien with which many Arab observers are interpreting his words:
And another:
◾️ Israel has finally reached reactionary peak, a religious ethno-state with a bellicose and messianic leader that is carrying the liquidation of the Gaza ghetto:
- a test for all of humanity, is a struggle between the forces of evil... and the axis of freedom and progress. We are the people of the light, they are the people of darkness and light should triumph over darkness. Now my role is to lead all Israelis to an overpowering victory... We shall realise the prophecy of Isaiah... together we will win.
◾️The prophecy of Isaiah, to which Netanyahu refers, is a prophecy of Israel's victory over its enemies. It is often used by Israelis to justify their dominance over the Palestinians.
Of course, to some extent, we shouldn’t be surprised. Israel, after all, is one of the world’s only states founded almost exclusively on ‘Biblical Right’—which means that it’s only natural that much of its ensuing policy—whether right or wrong—will be rooted in Biblical determination.
So it’s not the sheer act of Biblical invocation itself that is troubling, but rather the implication that Netanyahu appears to conceive of himself as a messianic figure leading his nation to an eschatological fulfillment, a sort of Judgment Day or Rapture. Naturally, it’s incredibly dangerous for a nation led by a self-styled end-times messiah to be leashing the rest of the somnambulant world along toward WW3.
And who are those dew-eyed sleep-walkers? The very establishment figures of the West, particularly the evangelical U.S., though there are even some outlier surprises. For instance, many were shocked to see the Hindu Vivek Ramaswamy bizarrely and sycophantically parroting the Biblical ‘chosen ones’ premise, couched in its ‘divine nation’ conceits:
He further angered followers with the sudden bellicose tone-switch in his latest speech, making people wonder what it is about establishment figures that invariably leads them to so officiously melt like putty in Israel’s hands:
Not so shocking was new House Speaker Mike Johnson, immediately pivoting into full Christian Zionist mode:
The fact of the matter is, the American political elite are hardcore Zionists because many of them come from the Southern Baptist and evangelical strain of Christianity which preaches devotion to Israel on account of perceived Biblical rapport.
Independent journalist Lee Fang has trailblazed coverage of this aspect during the current crisis. Here he interviews members of U.S. Congress, one of which states outright that he takes Biblical scripture on Israel very “literally”—those who bless Israel will themselves be blessed:
In particular, Fang pushes the angle that many of these people do believe in the Rapture, where a final ‘Armageddon’ battle will be fought over Jerusalem, which will prefigure the Second Coming of Christ.
Watch more:
You can see more of his coverage here:
From the above:
Pastor John Hagee, joined by Israeli diplomats and lawmakers, cited End Times prophecy to call for military support for Israel, U.S. strikes on Iran.
In fact, Fang points out how “Israel’s UN ambassador Gilad Erdan and other Israeli diplomats flew to Texas to hold a Christian right prayer rally w/ Pastor John Hagee, [who] cites the prophet Isaiah — a dog whistle for End Times — & calls on evangelicals to help lobby the US gov to back Israel as a religious war.”
Gilad Erdan addressing the Texan congregation:
There, pastor John Hagee of Christians United for Israel, even preached further End Times prophecy, openly calling for war against Iran:
Lee Fang adds:
For many of these evangelical Christians, the modern founding of Israel was the beginning of this prophecy, which they argue states that Jews must control Jerusalem before a war between the evil empires of “Gog and Magog.” Televangelists such as Hagee have said that various Arab nations, as well as China, Russia, and Iran, correspond to these biblical enemies of Israel, and he believes a war is necessary to fulfill the prophecy.
According to this belief, the End Times conclude with faithful Christians raptured to heaven and Christ returning to slay or convert nonbelievers, including Jews, before ruling over the world in a final era of humankind.
It’s plain to see that a large portion of America’s political elite and intelligentsia do envision Israel as being central to the long awaited, culminating ‘Rapture’ event. They view their support of Israel as being absolutely necessary for their ascension and the salvation of their souls. This inherently puts them in a subservient position to Israel’s geopolitical machinations, and allows Israel to easily manipulate and puppeteer them through grassroots evangelical capture and religious control into supporting whatever initiatives are needed, no matter how belligerent or harmful to America’s own national interests.
Erdogan picked up on these dimensions in his latest speech, emphasizing the global eschatological rift between the people of the Cross and those of the Crescent while invoking the Crusades:
Which even caused Israeli foreign minister Eli Cohen to announce the immediate withdrawal of diplomats from Turkey and a ‘reassessment’ of Israeli-Turkish relations:
Of course, many rightly suspect that Erdogan is merely paying lip service to the Palestinian issue in order to present himself as a ‘strongman’ and ‘leader of the Muslim world’:
As we have already noted, Erdogan is attempting to capitalize on the dissatisfaction with Israel’s actions and position himself as the “protector” of all Muslims. Given the impact of his words today, he will undoubtedly garner significant support.
Judging by the Turkish leader's strong rhetoric and enthusiasm, he envisions himself as the reincarnation of Sultan Mehmed II, known as the “conqueror.” In his speech, he criticized both the West and Russia (the reference to Karabakh is indicative).
Now the question is how far he is willing to go. Will his speech simply be an attempt to boost his popularity amidst the fighting in the Gaza Strip, or will it mark the beginning of a new, larger conflict?
💰Erdogan, Israel, and Gaza: "It's the Gas, Stupid!"⛽️
The satirical yet piercing imagery of Erdogan seated on a gas line, extending warm hearts to Netanyahu while vitriol spews from his mouth against Israel's “barbarism”, reveals the stark hypocrisy that dances at the heart of Erdogan's political theatre. His vociferous condemnations in the daylight seem to conveniently fade under the moonlit negotiations over gas.
The cartoon captures the essence of Erdogan's grandstanding—a leader who "doth protest too much" - literally - on the stage of pro-Palestinian rallies, only to bow to the tune of cynical interests when the curtains are drawn. The ludicrous display of affection towards Netanyahu, juxtaposed against his fiery rhetoric, underlines a clear narrative: Erdogan's allegiance tilts towards the alluring scent of gas rather than the principles he so loudly professes.
Erdogan's moral high ground seemingly crumbles when the whispers of 'business is business' echo through the chambers of Turkish-Israeli gas deals. (
The stark contrast between Erdogan’s day-time rallies against Israeli aggression and his behind-the-scenes cuddling with Israeli leadership over lucrative gas lines is laughably tragic. It brings to light a veiled reality, one where the cries of solidarity with Palestine are drowned by the clinking of economic agreements with Israel.
This artful depiction prompts a biting question: When will Erdogan's theatrical rage translate into genuine action, if ever? Or will the allure of gas continue to fuel the warm embers of Israeli-Turkish relations, while the cries of Palestinians are lost in the cold shadows?
How much genuine impetus exists beneath Erdogan’s agitation is up for debate, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that not only is a global schism being ruptured open, but that everyone is beginning to pick up on the historical, Biblical, and eschatological dimensions of these events.
Even Russia’s Medvedev added his barbs yesterday with an invocation of Moloch, a pagan Canaanite god known for child sacrifice—a clear reference to Israel’s heedless slaughter of Palestinian children:
⚔️Dmitry Medvedev:
Israel keeps delaying its ground operation in Gaza. Mainly under US pressure and fearing world wrath.
But don't delude yourself. The operation will take place, and with the most serious and bloody consequences. Moloch always demands more and more victims, and the machine of mutual violence will now work for years.
In addition, the West is very tired of Ukraine. And has enthusiastically took up the support of Israel. Even the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Michael Jackson (sorry, Mike Johnson, but who cares) named helping Tel Aviv as his first priority.
Or maybe it would be better to resume the Middle East settlement process and finally try to implement UN Security Council Resolution No. 242 of November 22, 1967? Or even the original Partition Plan for Palestine adopted on November 29, 1947 by UNGA Resolution 181?
The questions are, of course, rhetorical. After all, dividing the money from someone else’s war far from the United States is much more interesting.
The war must go on…
But one of the most important pieces on this topic comes this week from Alastair Crooke. Fully grasping the dimensions of the brewing conflict, Crooke writes:
Rather, Israel under the Netanyahu government has been moving closer and closer to an eschatological founding of Israel on the (Biblical) ‘Land of Israel’ – a move that expunges Palestine totally.
It is no coincidence that Netanyahu flourished a map of Israel during his General Assembly address last month in which Israel dominated from the River to the Sea – and Palestine (indeed any Palestinian territory) was non-existent.
In fact, more and more the above continues to be proven true. For instance, a new leak of internal Israeli documents claims to show a government plan explicitly calling for the total relocation—i.e. ethnic cleansing—of Palestinians to the Sinai:
Anyone who doubts this any further, or believes it to be some unfounded conspiracy theory, need only watch a lesser seen segment of the recent Marc Lamont Hill interview of Israeli former deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon, who in no uncertain language, explicitly lays out the plan. Many of you have seen the clip doing the rounds where he calls for Gaza civilians to be pushed down into the Rafah crossing, but you likely haven’t seen this extended portion.
Please watch just the first minute below:
He clearly states that the Palestinians are to be filtered into tent cities in the Sinai. This fully corroborates the “leaks” about the total forcible relocation of the Gaza population into Egypt, and further supports Crooke’s statement on the creation of the Biblical ‘Land of Israel.’
Other Israeli politicians likewise have invoked Biblical scripture to support their stance on totally cleansing Palestine. For instance, here’s Moshe Feiglin, one of the most powerful members of the Likud Party, outright calling for a Biblical punishment unto Gaza in the form of total Dresden-like destruction of all Palestinians, and to turn all of Gaza “to ash”:
Here he calls for the outright indiscriminate genocide of all Palestinians to teach them a lesson:
But Crooke goes on:
In spite of western scepticism, there are signs that this insurrection in the Arab sphere is different, and resembles more the 1916 Arab Revolt that overthrew the Ottoman Empire. It is taking on a distinct ‘edge’ as both Shi’a and Sunni religious authorities state the duty of Muslims to stand with Palestinians. In other words, as the Israeli polity becomes plainly ‘Prophetical’, so the Islamic mood is turning eschatological, in its turn.
Indeed the events currently precipitating around the Levant appear to be Biblical in scale. The latest reports on the NATO armada currently assembling around Israel leave one breathless:
Not to mention a monumental airbridge of over 50 U.S. C-17 transport planes carrying ungodly amounts of weaponry toward the Middle East in what appears to many like war preparations:
🇺🇸🏴☠⚔️🇵🇸 About 50 US military transport planes have taken off for the Middle East in the past 24 hours.
97% of them are giant C-17 cargo planes, capable of transporting 77 tons of equipment and weapons.
And shattering any delusions that this is all some coincidence, Biden himself seemed to imply understanding of the eschatological proportions to this conflict when he openly declared:
“We are in an inflection point…in the world, which occurs every 3 or 4 generations.”
He goes on to ominously recount that “60 million people died between 1900 and 1946” in establishing a ‘Liberal World Order’ which he appears to believe has led to a sort of golden age, which others would characterize as the unipolar world model.
But now, he states, things are shifting again towards a ‘new world order’:
Forget the conspiratorial temptation to glom onto the low hanging fruit of the NWO invocation. Focus more on the fact that Biden is acknowledging that what is happening now is an unprecedented inflection point that threatens to shake up the globe in a way that hasn’t been done since the post-WW2 era realignment. The fact that he references tens of millions dying only adds to the foreboding aspect of the elites’ clear grasp of current eschatological ramifications.
Interestingly though, the seemingly apocalyptic direction has gotten insiders extremely worried, creating rifts within the establishment itself. For instance, the apparatchik in charge of U.S. arms transfers to foreign nations just publicly resigned on account of moral and ethical grounds vis a vis supplying the genocidal terror regime of Israel:

The Director of Congressional and Public Affairs at the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Josh Paul who is in Charge of U.S. Arms Transfers to Foreign Nations has just Resigned with a Resignation Letter being Posted on his LinkedIn stating his Reason is due to Pending-U.S. Arms Shipments for Israel, who he claims “Abuses Human Rights”
Now, Congressional staffers on Capitol Hill are even secretly turning against Israel. Journalist Kei Pritsker spoke to an anonymous staffer “who describes the growing discontent with Israel’s massacre in Congress”:
In short: it’s a mutiny of sorts, deep within the bowels of the establishment itself, which points to a growing rift as people begin to grasp the true dimensions of the escalating conflict.
Alastair Crooke, for one, leaves with a pessimistic outlook on things:
Should Israel enter Gaza (and Israel may decide it has no choice but to launch a ground operation, given the domestic political dynamics and public sentiment), it is likely that Hizbullah will incrementally be drawn further in, leaving the U.S. with the binary option of seeing Israel defeated, or launching a major war in which all the hotspots become fused ‘as one’.
In a sense, the Israeli-Islamic conflict now may only be resolved in this kinetic way. All efforts since 1947 have seen the divide only deepen. The reality of the necessity of war is permeating widely the consciousness of the Arabic and Islamic world.
As a final key piece in understanding where things are heading, we have this week’s interview with former Prime Minister of France, Dominique De Villepin, as translated by Arnaud Bertrand.
Arnaud commends De Villepin for his extremely insightful deconstruction of the conflict, with which I agree. I highly recommend reading the interview in its entirety, but I’ll highlight the single most important point made therein.
Its chief idea is epitomized in the following essential exchange:
"Hamas has set a trap for us, and this trap is one of maximum horror, of maximum cruelty. And so there's a risk of an escalation in militarism, of more military interventions, as if we could with armies solve a problem as serious as the Palestinian question.
There's also a second major trap, which is that of Occidentalism. We find ourselves trapped, with Israel, in this western bloc which today is being challenged by most of the international community.
[Presenter: What is Occidentalism?]
Occidentalism is the idea that the West, which for 5 centuries managed the world's affairs, will be able to quietly continue to do so. And we can clearly see, even in the debates of the French political class, that there is the idea that, faced with what is currently happening in the Middle East, we must continue the fight even more, towards what might resemble a religious or a civilizational war. That is to say, to isolate ourselves even more on the international stage.
This is not the way, especially since there's a third trap, which is that of moralism. And here we have in a way the proof, through what is happening in Ukraine and what is happening in the Middle East, of this double standard that is denounced everywhere in the world, including in recent weeks when I travel to Africa, the Middle East, or Latin America.
The criticism is always the same: look at how civilian populations are treated in Gaza, you denounce what happened in Ukraine, and you are very timid in the face of the tragedy unfolding in Gaza. Consider international law, the second criticism that is made by the global south. We sanction Russia when it aggresses Ukraine, we sanction Russia when it doesn't respect the resolutions of the United Nations, and it's been 70 years that the resolutions of the United Nations have been voted in vain and that Israel doesn't respect them.
In short, he’s explaining that the West finds itself trapped in a fatal Sunk Cost Fallacy. They’ve gone “all in” on a certain moral and ethical framework of the world, and faced with a situation where the West’s moral fabric has been openly exposed and refuted, they find it extremely difficult—and perhaps fatally impossible—to withdraw, admit guilt or wrongdoing, and correct course. Instead, the hubristic, psychopathic leaders of the West may instead choose to “take it to the end” and force the imposition of their now falsified ontology onto the rest of the world.
Coming full circle, De Villepin too limns the conflict in eschatological hues:
You are in a game of causes and effects. Faced with the tragedy of history, one cannot take this 'chain of causality' analytical grid, simply because if you do you can't escape from it.
Once we understand that there is a trap, once we realize that behind this trap there has also been a change in the Middle East regarding the Palestinian issue... The situation today is profoundly different [from what it was in the past]. The Palestinian cause was a political and secular cause. Today we are faced with an Islamist cause, led by Hamas.
Obviously, this kind of cause is absolute and allows no form of negotiation. On the Israeli side, there has also been a development. Zionism was secular and political, championed by Theodor Herzl in the late 19th century. It has largely become messianic, biblical today.
This means that they too do not want to compromise, and everything that the far-right Israeli government does, continuing to encourage colonization, obviously makes things worse, including since October 7th. So in this context, understand that we are already in this region facing a problem that seems profoundly insoluble. Added to this is the hardening of states. Diplomatically, look at the statements of the King of Jordan, they are not the same as six months ago. Look at the statements of Erdogan in Turkey.
He recognizes that the conflict is coming to a head—the classical unstoppable force vs. immovable object. Now that things have taken on Biblical, messianic, eschatological dimensions, there are very few ways to defuse things.
But there is some hope, as evidenced by the growing rifts within the Western establishments themselves. It can even be seen reverberating up the spine of the U.S. political hierarchy like a jolting fear, adding an uncharacteristically tremulous step to their typically unequivocal approach. Now they seem uncertain as to how to proceed; despite sending a massive armada to the region, their signals to Israel are mixed.
There continue to be reports that Biden’s administration is completely split on how to proceed. Interestingly, Bush, too, was once conflicted on the eve of the Iraq war. What finally facilitated his ‘sound-minded’ decision to invade? Apparently, the same eschatological framing:
So—will the Biden administration follow suit in accordance with voices of a ‘higher calling’, cleaving to their Biblical obligations of protecting sacred Zion? The problem is, unlike Iraq and Saddam, Iran and its protectorate are much more attuned to the eschatological purpose of ongoing events, as are many of the satellite powers which now threaten to enter the conflict—like that of Turkey, whose radical opposition figures have already threatened war against Israel should they fully invade Gaza.
The ultimate danger of the situation rests on the fact that Netanyahu and his most fervent right-wing lackeys see this as potentially the one and only opportunity to enact a decades-long plan to fully erase ‘Palestine’ once and for all. If this conflict was only actually about Hamas itself, then there wouldn’t be much to worry about.
But given that all indications prove that this has been an internal Israeli plan long in the making, that the events of October 7 were in fact a Pearl Harbor-esque falseflag tasked with generating the needed outrage which would allow the execution of the ‘Final Palestinian Solution’, this tells us that the Netanyahu government means to go “all the way” in the first step towards fulfilling messianic prophecy.
And if that’s the case, then as De Villepin implied, the West may be trapped in following Israel into the throes of darkness—basically risking their own total destruction for someone else’s Biblical madness and vanity.
In the end, the conflict could merely schism the world heavily, rather than lead to a total kinetic WW3 confrontation. But even so, it would similarly lead to the West’s complete downfall as it would only accelerate the global rifts and harden the newly-formed oppositional blocs, which favors the East rather than the dependent West.
Given that energy giants like Iran and KSA are not only technically on the same side in this conflict, but even moreso given recent developments like KSA’s accession to the BRICS (not to mention Egypt), the conflict will only ‘isolate’ the West from everything it needs to thrive, leaving China and its constellation of friendly powers to develop and grow and pull away from the terminally declining, necrotic European powers.
If I had to make a prediction, that’s how I see things unfolding. Though there’s still a strong chance for a major kinetic outbreak, I slightly favor the outcome of the Western powers stepping off from the ledge on account of the strong internal opposition and fraying disagreement, discussed earlier. This conflict will continue to simmer for many months, with perhaps some ‘close calls’ flaring up, but will ultimately lead to even deeper global realignments as the world sees the bared, naked face of the West’s moralizing hypocrisy and double standards. The West will simply continue to lose their moral exclusivity and righteousness as the entire global south solidifies under China, Russia, and Iran’s leadership.
Sensing the West’s hesitancy and weakness, Israel may attempt to desperately spark a wider conflagration by increasing the amplitude of their falseflags—perhaps another USS Liberty-like incident or unilateral strikes on Iran meant to goad them into a response that would necessarily trigger a U.S. intervention. It’s my belief that this will be the chief danger to watch as, gripped by the terminal phase of its eschatological madness, Israel will be at its most unpredictable and dangerous to humanity at large.
In the end, they may succeed in establishing a new kingdom on the ashes of the old one, just perhaps not in the way they expected.
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Brilliant as always.
Important to note that Hezbollah & Hamas have also been using religious references in this war, that are arguably more instructive than the deranged evangelical/zionist ramblings of Israel & DC.
In particular there's a Hezbollah video that seems to have been overlooked.
On 8/9 October, literally just a day after Hamas's 'Al Aqsa Flood' operation started, Hezbollah released a video.
At the end of the video, Hezbollah made a specific reference to Genesis 7:17.
Genesis 7:17 specifically refers to Noah's Ark, and God's flood lasting '40 days'.
Dates matter to Hamas and Hezbollah. For example, it seems that October 7 was chosen by Hamas to start their operation to coincide with the start of the Yom Kippur War.
But consider this - '40 days' from October 7 takes us to November 15. Why might November 15 be important in this context?
Because November 15 is the Palestinian 'Day of Independence' (see below).
It also seems to be more than coincidental that the same Hezbollah video also showed their elite division, Radwan, in action. Radwan is specifically tasked with infiltrating Israel.
Hezbollah's message / threat in the video seems clear, at least to me. Hezbollah has stated very clearly that forced displacement of Gazans and/or a land invasion of Gaza by the IDF are 'red lines' for them, that may trigger their entry into the war (source below). These red lines have both been crossed.
My conclusion: the timing of the Hezbollah video with the start of Hamas 'Al Aqsa Flood' seems preplanned. Specific reference to biblical events in the Hezbollah video referring to periods of time mentioned in the Bible seem to indicate a degree of coordination between the 2 groups, that may well involve Hezbollah's entry into the war on or about Noveber 15, 2023, which is the Palestinian Day of Independence.
Why do I think this? As I said at the start, Hezbollah themselves seem to have already told us.
Sources are below:
Genesis 7:17 -
Radwan -
Red lines -
November 15 -,-15-november.html
boy the US is in a hurry to quit its role in the world.