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Apr 25, 2023Edited
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I couldn't see them either. I'm also new to substack, am I just missing something?

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Apr 25, 2023Edited
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There in the top video.

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The US was pretty smart in the past, I have to say, setting up the global financial system under their control forcing other countries to play on their terms with loaded die. They are the Casino, and the rest of the world the players, and the house always wins. Any hint of that system changing must be terrifying.

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Excellent point, terrifying indeed. The psychological strain is mostly likely the catalyst of escalation. There’s something else too; that being so certain they almost had their hands on the ring of power. A broken Russia and/or China was all they needed to insure their rule would be permanent.

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I get the sense that the USA "ruling class" has suffered from brain drain and essentially believing it's own propaganda.

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The U.S. Ruling Class is panicked. Even a mediocrity like Rubio realizes they have started a fire they cannot put out.

Now the guys who installed Biden under the "One-Term" agreement are seeing this walking PeeWee Herman of Cognition, announce that the Emperor shall not be denied.

Hilarious if it wasn't so dangerous.

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I suspect both of you are correct some see it while many of the others are truly under the spell they themselves cast.

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Yeah ...good points. It seems that in the face of the inevitable they simply double down, knowing or at least hoping that they will escape the consequences.

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inflation is coming home to roost. thats the big issue. inflation is spread to other users, soon that will be weimar wheelbarrow time for usa

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My very sentiment - instead of blessing our stars and praying the rest of the world wouldn't notice our unfair advantage, we (USA) twisted arms, destroyed and broke other countries which only fault was using our currency, and now Rubio is sincerely surprised with the outcome, but instead of drawing logical conclusions: stop the insanity and get back to normal before the pendulum swings irreversibly, Rubio prepares to escalate. Surreal...

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Fun fact: The "Servant of the People" show was entirely in Russian.

Double fun fact: It is now illegal to broadcast this show on Ukrainian TV because it is in the Russian language.

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Yup, nothing they do makes sense. Then again, a lot of Ukranians probably don't find it very funny anymore. Z didn't even speak Ukranian.

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Lots of Ukrainian politicians do not.

I recall a talk by a Yushchenko appointee, head of the government organization for combatting intellectual property infringement. I forget the specific name, because it doesn't matter.

At any rate, this functionary gave a speech in Ukrainian, yawn, but could not answer questions in that language.

Another time, I was supervising the closing of a public private partnership agreement between a Kiev native businessman and another Yushchenko functionary, this one in the Ministry of Sports. As per Ukrainian law, the agreement was written in Ukrainian.

I had to explain to the signatories, in Russian, the meanings of several common Ukrainian words in the contract. This was especially surreal, as I never formally learned Ukrainian, but I could understand more of it than any of the Ukrainians in the room.

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👍I've followed Ukr politics since 2004 so I'm well aware of Ukr language issues as Canada is the same. It is ironic that zelen$ky bans his native tongue, n'est pas?

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A lot of politicians in Ukraine used to speak Surzhyk, including Yanukovich:


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Surzyk was more a sign of the uneducated.

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The Ukrainian language is Russian. Russian slang. A bit like saying a British Cockey has his own language...sort of....

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I grew up with many Ukranian, Pole & Russian farmers.They were the majority, by far, so I learned many forms of bad slang language & cuisine were similar. 😜

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What is with these comedians-politicians? Ever since the Daily Show the USAID and Soros has been funding copycat style comedians all over the world. I know of at least a dozen Daily Show copycats, and I mean complete copycats, they even copy the body language and elocution like some weird body snatcher.

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The Ukrainian comedian is marginally better than the Austrian artist. Neither was grounded in reality, and both wicked, disgusting men who led their countries to ruin.

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Hitler served in WW1. He was wounded and earned a first class Iron cross in the war. Zelensky does a lot of green screen acting. Lol

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Although I do not have a link handy, the tradition of using traveling entertainers as intelligence assets goes back quite a ways.

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And just the same as in the Scamdemic, when policies/laws/rules are based on lies, contradictions and absurdities abound.

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Sam thanks for this. It's a perfect coffee and dessert to go with the post.

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THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN has been playing this game of LIES AND DECEPTION for thousands of years. One of the differences now is the global aspect of it. And as if this is not enough .... THIS HAS ALL BEEN PROPHESIED LONG AGO .... the majority just stopped reading it ... because of THE MENTAL PRISON CELL they have walked into prepared by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN for every HUMAN MIND to walk into by falling for THE LIE ... "men is god" (Yuval Noah Harari) continuing THE WAR BETWEEN MAN AND GOD ALMIGHTY opposing THE TRUTH - MEN IS THE SERVANT TO GOD ALMIGHTY! - EVE convinced ADAM to go to war with his CREATOR ... here we go

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... it becomes clearer and clearer by the second .... THE JIG IS UP .... NO WAY TO MAKE A CALL THOUGH TILL THE LAST TRUMPET OF HIS ...

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I watched the video until the end. It is horrifying as well as it is sad! Thank you for your report.

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you've got to make these videos downloadable, simplicius... as a public service the public needs..

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That was really rough seeing Rubio. UGH. Poor thing, he won't be able to sanction countries.

Whatta Twerp.

I do feel bad for the Soldiers, what an ugly war, not that any war is pretty, but how depressing it must be to be there. It needs to end and not drag on.

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Rubio is Ricky Martin. Completely controlled.

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Like Ricky, he's about to feel it up the arse

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It's incredible to see how Zelensky has changed the way he speaks in public since the SMO started, and now bovine idiots in the west think that his gruff voice means he's a rugged leader and not an actor playing a part

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Check his new pair of boobs. Coke on steroids 🤡

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Yeah he seems to have a permanent case of the Colombian Cold....

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Thank you for your excellent work.

I tried to tip you but it says my zip code failed. I'm in S.Africa.

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The Americans will only understand the hell in Ukraine when they feel they same pain and loss

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The contrast between Rubio in his several thousand dollar suit, coiffed hair and childish US badge (did George Washington ever wear one on civilian clothes?) with the brave but mistreated Ukrainian soldiers sums up the evil of this conflict. I am even prepared to be charitable to Zelensky: my guess is that he genuinely wanted peace but the Anglo American influenced and funded Galician nationalists would have got rid of him if he had followed through on any of that. The true propagators of this war are western politicians who seek to perpetuate it whilst making money from it and taking no persons; risks themselves. Ukrainian elites are then complicit in this kamikaze activity.

Did you choose this cocktail of videos partly to show the contrast? It works well.

The comment about two weeks training is hair raising. I am no military person but my father did serve in the RAF in WW2. Even as a radar operator who would likely never expect to have to fight as infantry under any circumstances he did six weeks basic military training. That involved the fundamentals of marching, formation and learning to use a rifle. Training on his trade followed that. It blows the mind that men are taken off the streets and thrown into battle with as little preparation as we are hearing about. Does increasingly sound like they are pure cannon fodder for the elites.

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It would appear that the USA and NATO are running the show and have been since 2014 and even before. As far as the Z-Man goes, I have ZeroSympathy. He's is and always was a shill, and an asset. As such he will not be spared. If the SBU doesn't get him a mob of widows will. Sadly his Florida mansion will not be safe. Perhaps a compound in TelAviv?

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The medium to long term safety of jews in Occupied Palestine is far from guaranteed.

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When they finally decide to pull the ripcord and lash out at Iran good and proper, there will not be a single square meter of "safe-space".

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He has 3 mansions, one in Tel Aviv, one in Palm Beach, and one in Switzerland. Each worth 8-9 million dollars. I’ve seen the deeds.

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First I'd like to say "hat's off" to your astute analysis, of all the substacks I'm covering I have not found your equal. I would like to put a question to you that has plagued me for years, what the hell happened to Qaddafi's gold? Although James Corbett had a segment on it years ago, as thorough as he is I was still left with doubts. I would very much like to hear your take. All we hear about the Libyan debacle is the regime change aspect of it, but my gut tells me that it might have been a cover for the greatest gold heist in history. tia

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The gold? ISIS got it for a while to finance their campaign, until they were losing and then the US took it back, I think. But nothing really official.

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That is a viable hypothesis, but we're talking about somewhere around 150 tons, moving that much weight would be a considerable undertaking, especially to do it in secret, it takes a lot of power to keep a secret.

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I also remember stories about people escaping in helicopters so loaded with gold they couldn't take off, but I think that was Afghanistan, but maybe Syria too. I don't know if it was 150 tons(?). Probably some CIA war lord has it now.

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The estimates that I've read were somewhere between 142 - 146 tons, I wouldn't have thought he kept all of his eggs in one basket, I would think he would have had is spread out, but it's still a mystery, all sorts of theories

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Well, Chavez had demanded his 144 tons to be sent from London immediately, and the next day Qaddafi was sodomized with a sword in the street, and his gold stolen. I remember that chain of events clearly at the time, though no one seems to bring it up anymore.

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If that is the case it seems to be completely purged from the web, but it makes sense, as I said it takes power to keep a secret like that, the Rothschilds would have that power

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Speaking of big secrets, right at the same time as all of this was happening with Qaddafi and Chavez, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the IMF, flew to Fort Knox. demanding to see the gold (that isn’t) there. At the time he was favored to be the next president of France. On his way back to Europe, he got busted for trying to pork some Somali maid at a New York hotel. Of course the case was dropped, but Kahn resigned four days later. You can look it up; and you will not find a peep about the visit to Fort Knox.

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The plot thickens

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Little Marco is a bit like Macron. Every so often he lets slip the truth because he still has a tiny piece of conciousness, of humanity left he wants to preserve. He is 98% corrupt, but not quite the 100% corruption of the vast majority of Western politicians. The truth has ever lasting power and weight. It cannot be denied forever, and those who live on the wrong side of truth will be destroyed inevitably when the bright, white light from above shines upon them, for they are the vampires who feed off of us. That time is coming now, and corrupt degenerates like Marco can see it.

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It does seem to have a certain gravitas...I suppose one need look no further than Victoria Nudelman. The Donbas soldiers were quite aware of her skullduggery: Painted on the side of a main battle tank were the words 'Victoria's Secret'

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Loving these video breakdowns. Thanks S!

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Ukraine Plans for World War III

Ukraine is a cornered animal, and it plans to lash out like one.


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Ukraine is an expendable battering ram and is already being "sold down the river". Poland is next on the chopping block.

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It amazes me that Poland did not invest in Diplomacy with her 2 adversaries (in the mind of many Poles) and reach a reasonable detente with Germany and Russia.

Instead, Poland drank a bottle of Belle Ingerence, put on her best lipstick, and decided to replace Deutschland as America's best hoar.

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And boy-0-boy are those Germans getting it from both ends....

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Powerful set, this one. As I watched Zelensky change, I was reminded of our US counterpart - Obama who convinced America and the world so well that he wanted peace he was given a Nobel Peace award in anticipation. Obama is a talented orator. Zelensky’s act was brilliantly evil. Probably had CIA coaching. And just like Z, he put his foot on the war pedal, even chemically killing thousands of children in Syria and disintegrating Libya with Killary’s help.

We know they use doubles, you showed a picture of them. Do you think Z was evil all along, corrupted, or the current one is a clone? Just curious about how all this is done.

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To be fair to the little twerp, I doubt that Zelenskii was ever given a choice.

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Do as you're told or else.

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Yet he dumped his producer/backer Kolonmyski & quickly formed new allegiances once he was elected. US/NATO told him Minsk Accord was a farce & he quickly folded to the right sector "not sees" for money power & Coke™️®️. He made his choice.

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He figured out that Kolomoiskii was no longer needed, and in fact had become a liability.

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Or 2 American examples.

1. DeSantis begging for Trump's endorsement when he was behind in the polls when he first ran for Florida Governor.

2. Dirty Old Joe forgetting the deal he made with the Deep Cesspool was One Term.

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Doubles? The Deep Cesspool Media just had "Ray Epps" on "60 Minutes."

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Doubles...Trebles..heck, thaw out half a dozen!!

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