deletedJan 8
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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

This is ironic. For all the Western propaganda about Putin having heart attacks, Lloyd Austin seems to be the one in the hospital.

It's become the equal of the West claiming that Russia was going to run out of missiles and now the West is finding itself running out of weapons to send to Ukraine, with lead times for replacements years away.

As far as the IDF, I think that the war has outed the truth that the IDF is a paper tiger. It can hurt civilians who can't fight back, but it cannot do as well in a conventional fight or against Hamas, which is a dug in opponent.

This seems to be in line with what the Russian SMO has revealed about the Western military-industrial and their limited power.

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In my 65 years of life, I have felt a lot of things but the one emotion I never truly experienced until now? DESPAIR.

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Based on everything I've seen in Ukraine (and how the IDF's ground forces have operated), Israel is doomed and living on borrowed time. They better hope Ukraine keeps the Russians busy for many years, because as soon as that conflict is over all that Russian equipment getting made is going to end up in Syria and Iran. Russia made huge investment in their manufacturing and they'll get that back selling it into the middle east. It will start with air defense then will start seeing lancets and fpvs.

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Keep going simp, you are really good

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Very well thought out piece, Simplicius. It would be easy to simply say "The Khazarian lizard people are innately subhuman psychopaths" but I know from my own family history that regular old white Anglo-Saxon immigrants to the USA were fully capable of treating our own natives this way, in light of their resistance to being colonized, and to characterize them as savages in need of being destroyed - full scale. It should be a major field of study at all levels of academia - and the fact that it isn't is enough to justify all the criticism the academy gets - as to how to tamp down, minimize, deal with, subvert the base "human" instinct to simply wipe out one's enemies as ruthlessly as we can (and to deal with the fake and constructed notion that if WE don't THEY will) as a means of bringing "peace."

Granted, this situation in Gaza will do no good for the reputation of world Jewry (or right wing Jewry especially) but a lot of us have been brought up in civilizational, religious, ethno-educational constructed false systems that make it VERY easy to dehumanize our supposed enemy and then rewrite history further demonizing them in the manner in which Israel and the Ukronazis are doing to their own members of an inconvenient population.

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Excellent Update! Interesting Factual, Objective Reading.

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A case of human nature! Sorry, Simplicius. I do have to disagree. An environment, ok. Warlike brainwashed society, ok. But I doubt there is some kind of human nature that is inherently ‘evil’.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

The Israeli government is counting on global apathy to take over as they do not believe that any country, esp in the West, will actually stand against them - they being historically unaccountable.They believe that they will face a lot of noise and anger internationally, but in the end no one will do anything against them. This entire operation is showing the world the true Israel, the Israel that after WWII murdered and stole their way to a Jewish state, the Israel that continued its murderous ways throughout the years since and the Israel today that calls for all Palestinians to be murdered or removed from the remaining portions of their land and calls for the unchallenged support of their Western prostitutes in the effort.

What is happening to the Palestinians is making me literally sick, not only because of what they are doing, but the slavish support they are getting from the US and UK.

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When I try to explain my extreme distaste for the actions of Israel - actually counter-productive for that nation in every sense - I use as an analogy the troubles in Northern Ireland and the terrorist actions of the IRA. It as if a proportionate response to those acts would have been to shell and bomb West Belfast and Londonderry and drive out the catholic population, or at least those who survived. And no doubt the Catholic community had unaddressed legitimate greivances which gave rise to the provisional IRA - an organisation celebrated as freedom fighters in Eire. So again parallels with Hamas. So I agree it is not anti-semitic to criticise Israel. Theirs is a wholly disproportionate response and amounts to a crime against humanity. And I would think all right thinking Israelis know this, and I very much hope sanity prevails.

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Three months is no surprise given that during that time the Israelis have been concerned about hostages plus acting to minimize military casualties, and they have in fact taken remarkably light casualties given that they are engaged in dense urban warfare with a long entrenched enemy, as well as casualties of civilians when possible; all of which slows operations. Plus time is on their side, they are in no hurry. Hamas is cut off and immobilized as its teeth are being pulled. It isn't going to be targeting and slaughtering any more defenseless Israeli civilians from Gaza now or perhaps anytime in the future. In short the Israelis are acting methodically and intelligently as they necessarily destroy Hamas in Gaza, which is their clearly stated objective.

BTW, before anyone freaks out in response, I have no connection with Israel, hold no religious views and couldn't care less about US partisan politics. I am however a former US Army combat arms officer capable of conducting an overarching analysis of MOUT.

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WRT the IOF's victory in Gaza, I'm finding it hard not to be reminded of Dubya's "Mission Accomplished" moment.

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Is the time of the terrorist organization masquerading as a country up?

I’d say it is ...

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"...Israelis are to an extent being used by western colonialist powers."

It's the other way around. Israel exerts far more control over the West than the West does of Israel, especially considering how sympathetic much of their diaspora is. And their inordinate amount of influence in the West; note the photo of Nety with our Jewish SecState. Much of the problem seems to be caused by Israel assuming that the US would have their back, no questions asked. Likely due to the massive amount of money AIPAC hands out like candy to both parties.

An excellent book on this:

"The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy"

by John Mearsheimer

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Here are the 15 judges at the ICJ.

Maybe there should be a grass roots campaign to persuade them to keep it on the straight an narrow. This should be a trial easier than Nurenberg, because we have the full and open and free confessions of the perpetrators...


How can we do this?! If Israel is campaigning, we, the proles, hoi polloi should be campaigning too. I wrote to my PM, but can we signal the court in some polite but audible or visible way, such that they cannot pretend not to see?

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> This is not to say Israeli people are somehow bad by nature or genetically.

No, it's to say their religion is bad because it breeds pharisaic consciences which in turn can't tell good from evil. Yes, I just fired a round against Talmud. https://library4conciliation.substack.com/p/6-the-judaic-christian-tradition

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