Perennially scrambling to scupper the BDE emanating from Russia, the Europeans harbor a penis envy against well-hung Russia that is so intense & intractable & so eternal, it places them constantly in a Size Matters r’ship in which they can never prevail. When the Dens were trying to sour DJT’s chances of defeating KH at the ballot box in 2024, they lambasted DJT for telling stories of how well-endowed the golfer Arnold Palmer was, how fellow golfers caught a glimpse of Arnie’s equipment while showering and, well, were just glad they hadn’t seen *that* before playing a round. U.S. Dems were clutching their pearls over DJT’s retelling these stories, as if there were a HIPAA violation in describing a guy’s junk. I don’t think any man would complain or cry HIPAA about someone extolling the mythic dimensions of their supremely large Johnson. Guys blessed w/ the BD which confers BDE would no doubt request that a straight edge, a ruler, be engraved on their cemetery headstone, allowing the world to see the length & breadth of what the deceased had, in life, to work with.
The ladies, by the way, in lieu of sympathies, flowers or tears, would sigh & say, merely,“Thank you.”
No one’s gonna wax poetic about the Eur-ocracy’s pork sword. More likely the Europeans’ll receive the treatment which the white John in the blaxploitation film, “Women in Cages” did when the prostitute character played by Pam Grier looked down at what he had to offer and said, “You were expecting to use *that* on me?”
Anatomy aside, even knowing for months of DJT’s return to the White House, the Eur-ocracy refused to master the new political lexicon which would arrive on 20 January and neglected, willfully it seems, to learn the grammar, syntax & vocabulary of the incoming president. That in itself was disrespectful, a signal of haughty *resistance* hold-outs within the EU bloc who were going to *pants* the new sheriff. Hah!
Lady vdL has requested a sit-down w/ DJT;’s team and has been rebuffed. Kaja the Kallused showed up in D,C., expecting a sit-down w/ Sec Rubio but was rebuffed. Neither seem to have absorbed the tea leaves SecDef Hegseth floated in Brussels and JD floated in Munich.
Gals, read the room.
There are gherkins and there are pricks. The Eur-ocracy are amply overstuffed w/ both.
I normally like cheetos but the male anatomy size talk, is that a guy thing? As a mature female, this is not an issue. Ever. Only one thing matters to women, kind gentlemen, it's about its durable strength. 🤣
he he, my so-called 'maturity' was not in charge of my internal, pesky TroubleMaker! I'm considering a delete, out of respect for cheetos, but he hasn't made comment so I might just let it ride. What say you?
I can certainly freely type that much that quickly after reading Simp's article; in fact I think the length of my reply was double his, if not nearly triple and I think Cheetos posted like 5 minutes before I did.
Comment ambushing, where users piggyback on bigger accounts, has become an annoying practice. Aside from the usual suspects who are everywhere, newcomers are joining in, polluting the forums with their need to be heard while screaming on the shoulders of these established accounts. I’ve started avoiding comments because of this nonsense.
There is a very good, independent Italian political commentator by the name of Laura Ruggieri (publishes on many "alt" websites), who refers to these hapless Eurocrats as "EUnuchs." This fits very nicely with your own metaphors and is even more absolute.
If UK's Stomer was smart it would generate an AI video showing Putin burning a Koran. Then it could recruit all of the illegal Muslims in the UK and send them off to fight for Ukraine. But Stormer ain't too bright, is it?
Not that it would even work anyway since Putin's support for a genuine multireligious society (not the reverse-colonized hellhole that is the UK) has been slathered over the media to try and smear him.
Europe, or the EU, will leverage this to float Euro-bonds and launch a pan-European army. This is the first European empire in 1,000 years, ruling over 23 countries. It has little to do with Russia or Ukraine, which the do not care about. But rather launching the E.U. As a civilization-state to compete with USA, Russia, and China. 800 million people, one government. Yes, chaotic, ineffective, illegitimate- but they will cancel, censure, propagandize, arrest, imprison, and even kill to take this step. And if a few thousand multi-European troops have to die under Russian artillery to justify “Russia bad” and “defending democracy” the union of Europe and subjugation of 23 nations will justify it.
You make a great point that building a European Empire is probably on their minds. But I have strong doubts they'll pull it off.
First off, who will buy the debt they need to finance this mighty empire? The US Treasury is selling their 10 year Treasury notes at 4.625% and maturing bonds are currently yielding less than that. People are selling their Treasuries because no one wants bonds when inflation is rampant. So at what rate would Europe have to offer its own bonds in order to attract customers? A rate that is unsustainable, dragging Europe further into the hole. That doesn't mean they won't try it though.
Exactly, the Euro is the reserve currency of sweet FA. The US still has a little room to work around what are now regular failed auctions, but the EU has no such option.
The Euro is the #2 World Reserve Currency with a flat +/- 20% share over the last decade. The USD share has gradually declined, from 65.5% to 57.4%, with modest gains by China, Japan, Australia and Canada.
If the US seriously wants manufacturing to return home it will encourage other countries to take on more of the World Reserve Currency role. Industry will not return without a basket of incentives, including a weaker dollar.
We will have to wait to see how the contradictory strategies announced by the Trump Admin play out.
Your timing is off. The EU attempted this already and is now on the way out, desperately grasping for anything to hold on to in order to slow or stop the inevitable.
They missed their chance - if they ever had one to start.
The EU is a creation of the CIA. Here is what the biased and fact-hiding AI has to say:
The claim that the CIA "created" the European Union (EU) is an oversimplification of historical events. While the United States, including its intelligence agencies, played a role in supporting European integration during the post-World War II period, this involvement was part of broader geopolitical strategies rather than direct creation or control of the EU.
### Key Points:
1. **U.S. Support for European Integration**:
- In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the U.S. actively supported European integration to stabilize the region economically and politically after World War II and to counter Soviet influence during the Cold War[1][2][3].
- The American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE), chaired by former OSS head William J. Donovan, was a key organization in promoting European federalism. Declassified documents reveal that ACUE provided significant funding to pro-European movements, including 53.5% of the European Movement's funds in 1958[2][3].
2. **CIA Involvement**:
- The CIA, through ACUE and other channels, worked covertly to support initiatives like the creation of a European Parliament and other integration efforts[2][3]. This was seen as a way to ensure a strong, united Western Europe aligned with U.S. interests.
3. **Role of European Leaders**:
- European leaders like Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman were instrumental in founding what would become the EU, starting with institutions like the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951. While Monnet had ties to U.S. officials and received support, he and other Europeans were driving forces behind integration efforts[4][6].
4. **Cold War Context**:
- U.S. involvement in European integration was primarily motivated by Cold War dynamics. A unified Europe was seen as a bulwark against Soviet expansion and a way to promote economic recovery under the Marshall Plan[5].
### Conclusion:
The CIA and other U.S. entities played a supportive role in fostering European unity but did not "create" the EU. The foundation of the EU was primarily driven by European leaders seeking peace and economic cooperation after World War II. U.S. actions were part of broader Cold War strategies rather than direct control over Europe's political future.
based and fact hiding indeed. There is no other logical explanation of the current extreme weak political establishment: it has been groomed by media and NGO's supported by the USA (through the CIA and other organizations). It has never been organic.
'It has never been organic' < this is the main point. although creating the horrific Euro seems to indicate there is some sort of union, there isn't and this will come more and more apparent. we liked our own currencies, we liked our own quaint city centers. both NATO and the manufactured EU will slowly but surely implode because it has no base.
A pan-European Empire with a stridently anti-European ethos, given its core tenet of replacing the native European populace with third-world immigrants as rapidly as possible? A perplexing combination indeed. It seems this so-called European Empire's concept of a 'European Empire' would be purely geographic, not ethnic, and would certainly not be an empire dedicated in preserving the continent's historic cultural achievements, given that actively holds so many of them, like its native populace, in contempt (indeed, the historic European legacy in question is already valued and preserved far more reverently by numerous nations outside the EU - nations this 'empire' would view as bitter enemies). Whether what you mention is a likely outcome in reality or not, I don't doubt many of the odious 'elites' pictured in the London summit in this article do dream of such a thing, inasmuch as it would given them a more direct platform from which to pursue their agenda.
Well put. And remember these are the very people that have taken over UK and European states and colonised them for the globalists. That is to say they have sold out their own countries and allowed the fabric of their cultures to be picked apart, insidiously, bit by bit.
The strongest suit they have is really clever advertising and public relations smart arses that now run mainstream media. Could they convince enough of their citizen's to fight for their gold? Their advantage in bullshit helps, but it is shallow when compared to the actual material circumstances their citizens can see in front of them. These ghouls think they can ask the very people who's lives and cultures they've ruined to go out and die for them. Can't resist posting this famous prose from Marat:
"Don’t be deceived when they tell you things are better now. Even if there’s no poverty to be seen because poverty’s hidden. Even if you ever got more wages and could afford to buy more of these new and useless goods which industries foist on you; and even if it seems that you never had so much; that is only the slogan of those who still have much more than you. Don’t be taken in when they pat you paternally on the shoulder and say there’s no equality worth speaking of and no more reason to fight; because if you believe them they will be completely in charge in their marble homes and their granite banks from which they rob the people of the world under the pretence of bringing them culture. Watch out, for as soon as it pleases them they’ll send you out to protect their gold in wars who’s weapons’ rapidly developed by servile scientists, will become more and more deadly until they can, with a flick of their fingers, tear a million of you to pieces."
Jean Paul Marat (1743 – 1793)
I pray a chance will come to get these rotten bastards and string them up from every available lamppost.
They are but, don't do much about it as individualism has been promoted to prevent larger groups to emerge in protest. Now most are afraid to expose themselves as they don't know if they will be backed-up or helped by others. The ones exposing themselves are easy target for the system and after they have given an example, even fewer people will stand up. Without income, a job, it will be very difficult to support the family in the way we are used to. Not a very attractive proposition.
This is the Game of Threats and it’s as old as the hills. Yes they can single out one or several people, or in some cases manufacture them. Hold them against the wall, beat them and make them bleed. “SEE?! See what happens when you disobey?!” The catch is that when people have very little to loose this leverage decreases drastically. So to the unelected technocrats I say this: go ahead and create a set of examples, but do be careful just how many become destitute as a result because before you know they could be on your very doorstep.
The hatred for the EU in the rural areas of Spain is approaching the threshold for "armed rebellion," or so I hear from my friends in Spain. Of course, this is a small sample size. Anyone in rural Spain care to confirm?
Where did he say that the people want to fight? On the contrary, he clearly said that this is essentially a group of unelected, rogue leaders who'll force what they want over the will of the people. Just add the word "draft" into this sentence that he wrote: "but they will cancel, censure, propagandize, arrest, imprison, and even kill to take this step."
The EU economy is in dire straits and in no position to sustain a military independent of the US. Look at the rapid deindustrialization of Germany, the strongest economy in the EU, for the evidence of this.
Unfortunately my ostensible leader who has already kind of, maybe, announced his resignation insists on giving my tax dollars to piano d#ck man while flying to Europe on my tax dollars.
Other stakeholders exist on earth, beyond simply the UK, France and Ukraine. It seems critical to include nations beyond the Euro-centric West in moving the Ukraine war to a conclusion.
Sir Keir did not invite representatives from China, India, Brazil or Indonesia to his 2 March summit in London. Obviously the perspective such nations could contribute would have been invaluable. It is difficult to know what can *bump* Europe from its strictly Eurocentric mind-set—and maybe nothing can, so don’t get your hopes up. But Europe is not the world. Disallowing an opportunity for the world to weigh in is regressive. What’s clear is that the UK, and really the EU bloc, lack the brain power or imagination to move the regrettable tragedy of the Ukraine war to an end. They do not want peace—they insist on the strategic defeat of Russia.
Ain’t happening, man.
Besides which—these are the same guys who showed up in the Oval Office this week, trying to trick or strong arm or charm DJT into providing a military backstop to their ill-conceived attempts to keep the war going in Ukraine. Days later, they are convening other retrograde Europeans in order to cobble together a potential Peace Plan to present to DJT which includes the selfsame backstop.
Lady vdL calls for Ukraine to be turned into a “steel porcupine.” She is part of a bureaucracy that is trying to solve the problem of the Ukraine war with the same thinking they used in creating it.
The new ‘ask’ emerging from Sir Keir’s summit is an old ‘ask’—for the U.S. to serve as a military backstop, providing an American-enforced No Fly Zone, should Russia attack the Coalition of the Willing, which is what they’re calling the Reassurance Forces from last week. The Coalition of the Willing, better known as the Coalition of the Willing Led by the Clueless, would post up as tripwire in various Ukrainian cities, this after a one-month truce along the line of contact, and the Coalition, once positioned, could serve as handy targets against which to commit False Flags that the Europeans would readily & noisily pin on Russia.
What plans like this fail to acknowledge is that Russia has already won the war and the Eur-ocracy has no leverage.
The tragedy of Ukraine is regrettable, in important ways unspeakable too. The U.S. is of course culpable in provoking Russia for years and making certain during Collective Biden that an invasion would be Russia’s only recourse. DJT has a chance to rectify this. However, Europe can’t give it up, can’t pivot. The ‘family photo’ from the 2 March summit in London was designed to show unity, four rows of Euro-crats shoulder to shoulder, w/ Zelya in his black footie pajamas front & center. Justin was there, too. They demand a strategic defeat of Russia.
As with the failed Peace Formats of the past, like last June in Switzerland, no one on the European side engages w/ Russia to find out what is acceptable to them in terms of a first step toward peace. These European initiatives make obvious that Europe does not care about Russia’s interests in a type of peace which removes the underlying tensions on the continent. Everything is intended as a way to arm-twist the U.S. into escalating the war. The gherkins & pricks have not fully grieved the loss of Collective Biden. Now that DJT is in office, the gherkins & pricks miss Collective Biden.
That the gherkins and pricks feign confidence and competence is obvious: they are Potemkin leaders.
However, "Collective Biden" has not gone away and I wonder what messages are being exchanged between that side in the US Civil War and these fucking European ghouls and avatars passing themselves off as leaders.
What do you think? I fear much violent flailing about, black ops, false flags and even attempts on DJT and his administration as it becomes more obvious these avatars for ancient, embedded UK and European layers of power and rule are fucked.
Will they take us all down or fuck off somewhere nice with their stolen loot and leave us all to rot?
You forgot “a few stolen sex slaves” they’ll need in the bunkers, though. And various meds, vintage wines, etc. As Nuland, their very own Cruella said: “F*** the EU”
Per Natalie Winters, cohost w/ Steve Bannon on War Room: Mrs. Nuland’s son is part of a think tank working against President Trump’s efforts to end the Ukraine War.
Prior to Zelya's DC visit, the group was drafting alternative "peace plans" to escalate the war and lobbying against the proposed mineral deal.
The Center for European Policy Analysis, where David Kagan serves as a Program Officer with the Democratic Resilience program, is also a recipient of several USAID grants. Kagan contributed to CEPA's “7-point Plan for Sustainable Peace in Ukraine" which demands the US “provide immediate material support” to Ukraine, engage in “maximum pressure strategy” against Russia, and paves the way for US involvement in the conflict.
These straussians are set on exploiting Americans and US resources to achieve full spectrum talmudic dominance. The ongoing Ukrainian tragedy is a fruit of zionists rabid hatred of Slavs. The Nuland-Kagan putsch in 2014 was run in a direct and tight collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party Svoboda.
The shameless jewish tribe keeps its whining museums open as a reminder of jewish lack of honor and jewish shamelessness.
Most likely the former, although the latter is still plausible. Regardless the average pleb in Europe will get binned, although those who were against all of this can at least give a middle finger to those who refused too and seduced into the hysteria and bloodlust of it all.
I can see the bankers wanting to take out DJT and his merry band of servants. But then maybe not. Isreal still has leash around his neck for now, unless Trump bins isreal altogether which i doubt very much at all.
No i think more attempts on him and his followers will be the go to, rather than fleeing. These people make feral ghouls in fallout look sane, well-adjusted, educated individuals, just a bit on the skinny side.
Hopefully they fuck off to some awful dimension akin to the nether, hell, lake of fire, Dark underworld, 9 circles of hell, Tartarus, Kuzimu, The hells of the forgotten realm, the deadlights, the void, the abyss, liminal spaces (None of the good ones either).
>Certainly not for Americans who could no longer care less about Ukraine, or Europe for that matter.
Why are we so sure?
As far as we can tell, everything continues as before where it matters -- on the battlefield. It will be felt almost immediately if the US properly withdraws from the war, meaning ISR is shut down and the AFU is left high and dry.
Do we see that? No.
>Britain’s dead-eyed toad then proceeded to promise backing Ukraine’s sovereignty with ‘boots on the ground and planes in the air’:
Remember that Britain has good intelligence about the real situation and they would not be doing and saying these things simply on a whim. So far the consistent pattern has been that every escalation has been first publicly declared by the West, then actually carried out, and in the end the Kremlin has done nothing in response.
Which indicates that all such decisions are made with very careful consideration of the possible consequences and good knowledge of the real conditions.
Why would it be any different now? The Kremlin not only had all the reasons in the world, it was in fact mandatory to have smoked much of NATO in Europe a long time ago. If the people in charge in the Kremlin truly care about their country, of course. That it has still not happened can only mean:
1) The people in the Kremlin are traitors, and/or do not care about the country, and/or do not have the courage to defend it, and/or will sell it out at the first opportunity
2) NATO actually holds the military-technical upper hand.
Either way, past behavior and events being the best predictor of future actions and developments, the safe bet is on European NATO armies entering Ukraine and Putin not doing anything to stop it.
>In short: Europe is too terrified to go it alone and will not deploy troops unless it has American guarantees about backing them up should Russia turn their peace keepers into toasted compost.
Europe has now on many occasions shelled Russian cities with purely terrorist intentions, just to kill. Women and children primarily. Nothing happened to anyone responsible. That does not look like being terrified to me and/or not having US backing. And it does not speak well about the future potentialities.
>Russia, in the meantime, has requested direct flights between the US to be resumed:
Big mistake. The USSR was on the irreversible path to collapse the moment Khrushchev decided to go for friendship with the US. The corrosive influence started pouring into the country immediately, and we know what happened eventually. The North Koreans are the only ones who understood it after what happened in the early 1950s. The Russians suffered similarly, but almost immediately forgot the lesson.
>From Russia’s perspective, the only way it can trust the US again, to the point of actually ending the conflict at some point in the future, is if the US shows an unprecedented deal of good faith by ‘thawing’ relations, and normalizing at least the most practical of roadblocks between the two countries. It’s understandable that the big things like sanctions must stay on for now, for appearances sake, but the US will have to show Russia it’s capable of meeting it half-way after decades of betrayal. In that light, these things are a good start…but only a start.
Not remotely sufficient. The blood debt has to be repaid. How many dead Russian soldiers and civilians are we talking about (on both sides -- always remember that most Ukrainians are ethnic Russians too and this is a civil war engineered from the outside) and how much destruction?
Unless the Kremlin demands that those responsible be handed over to Russia for public torture and execution, the blood debt will remain, and the Kremlin will be guilty of high treason. And relationship can only be normalized with some degree of real trust if Trump actually does hand those people over. But we are talking thousands of high-ranking members of the Western elite, including the likes of Lindsey Graham in Trump's own party, so yeah, good luck with that.
Sorry, your post is full of nice sounding rhetoric with no factual basis in reality....need to stop absorbing the BS from the
mainstream propaganda media. Putin is in the drivers seat, on the battlefield and in the political arena. The EU acts as if they're still a power center and relevant. They're not. A leaked report stated that Britain as at most 24 functional tanks, about enough to last a week in the typical Ukrainian battlefield scenario. The EU needs the US backing to put boots on the ground and prolong the war. Won't happen. Please point out one campaign promise Trump has resigned on...not one. He and Putin will end this stupid proxy war, and the EU will whimper but comply.
>Putin is in the drivers seat, on the battlefield and in the political arena
Yes, you see, this is in fact the essence of the problem.
If Putin is indeed in the driver seat, and the Russian flag is not flying over Kiev, and Russian troops are not patrolling the Polish border, then what does that tell us?
I, for the record, fully agree with the notion that Putin has the capability to achieve those things rather quickly, but the empirical reality is that he hasn't and the Russian army is bogged down in a drone-imposed stalemate for three years.
So we have two options:
1) Internal politics dictates foreign policy, and in this case the Russian oligarchy does not want victory, so it is not being actively pursued.
2) In fact the assumption that Russia has the upper hand militarily is wrong.
FFS, you are like a broken record: "Putin is weak; he's not doing enough; blah, blah, blah..." While Putin has "not been doing anything," the US has started to drop out of this war (and out of NATO), and the EU and the remains of NATO are falling apart. Why would he launch a blitzkrieg and risk huge casualties when he can continue to grind Ukraine slowly and let his enemies just evaporate on their own? Russia has escalation dominance. It could nuke all of Ukraine, and the US would not do a thing about it because they will not trade New York for Kiev. But fortunately, Putin is not going to do that because he doesn't have to, and he doesn't have a clown like you advising him.
>Why would he launch a blitzkrieg and risk huge casualties when he can continue to grind Ukraine slowly and let his enemies just evaporate on their own
Because he can do a blitzkrieg with practically zero casualties if he used all the tools at his disposal while the grind is precisely what has killed over 100K Russian soldiers.
That is why.
> It could nuke all of Ukraine
We found yet another Westerner who does not understand anything about this war.
Russia will never nuke Ukraine because UKRAINE IS RUSSIA. That would be nuking your own people and land.
Who must be nuked is NATO in Europe. And here is the problem -- so far Western lives have been clearly much, much more valuable to the Kremlin than Russian lives....
I understand that a blitzkrieg will create more Russian casualties; I understand that attacking Europe will create more Russian casualties. Why would Russia do this when the current level of Russian casualties is acceptable? Perhaps not for the Russian soldier who gets killed, but that's how war works. This isn't a video game. And Russia has escalation dominance.
What you don't understand, or simply choose to ignore, is that the goals for the SMO were very clearly stated by Putin. They are demilitarization, denazification, and ensuring a neutral Ukraine. There was no timeline given to accomplish this. The Russians are achieving their goals and they are winning.
Not fast enough or violent enough for you? Too bad. I trust the military thinkers in the Kremlin far more than some anonymous clown continuously making crisis posts in the comment section of this blog.
>I understand that a blitzkrieg will create more Russian casualties; I understand that attacking Europe will create more Russian casualties. Why would Russia do this when the current level of Russian casualties is acceptable?
Every single thing said here is wrong.
First, the casualties are acceptable to you because you are in the West and do not affect you in any way nor do you care about Russian people. It is a video game/sports context for you. They are not in way acceptable otherwise
Second, attacking Europe will end the war immediately. Poland, Germany, etc. cease to exist in a couple hours, what do you think will be the reaction? The other NATO countries will attack Russia? Of course, not, nobody ever again will dare fire a single bullet against Russia and all hostile actions cease immediately. Because nobody will risk the same happening to them.
The blitzkrieg will happen with few casualties if logistics are broken and Ukraine is cut off from the West. Or rather, it would have been before they were allowed the luxury of three years of accumulating drones and other weapons all over the country. Now it will be much more difficult indeed even if Ukraine is cut off. Still, it will be much easier than what we have now.
But Ukrainian logistics remains off limits for strikes. Why?
No, it is not because that is the smarter strategy, that is you rationalizing what would be immensely absurd military stupidity if it was sincerely thought as the correct way to proceed in order to not have to face the reality that Russian leadership is not acting in the best interests of Russia the country. The latter is too painful to digest, thus the desperate need for rationalizing it away.
>...the goals for the SMO were very clearly stated by Putin. They are demilitarization, denazification, and ensuring a neutral Ukraine.
And none of these goals has been achieved, nor can it be achieved even in principle without going to the Polish border and ending Ukrainian statehood altogether.
Which Putin has neither prepared Russia for no has he indicated he has any intention of doing.
Blitzkrieg is a specific term that applies to a military doctrine employed by the German army in the early years of WWII in which armored vehicles were assembled together into their own divisions (rather than dispersed as support weapons throughout the infantry corps). These armored, highly mobile divisions (complete with mechanized infantry) were then used to exploit a breakthrough in defensive positions that were not held properly in depth (ala France's Maginot line) and create large pockets of an enemy packed along a line (WWI style).
The doctrine of blitzkrieg proved flawed in the vast expanses of the eastern front. What worked in compact regions of France and the low countries or against an unprepared Poland did not work in Russia for Germany.
It is not so much "blitzkrieg" that Russia needs, because drones make large mechanized columns a liability (as Simplicius has observed time and again). They need to engage and stay engaged relentlessly in one or two sectors once defensive positions crumble, with reserves ready to move in and stay on the offensive, rather than shifting theaters after each incremental advance and each Festung that falls. The reluctance to stay engaged and press forward allows the Ukrainians to dig on time and again, which results in higher casualties assaulting fixed positions rather than hounding retreating troops in open fields all the way to the Dnieper.
Shock and Awe is not Russia's style. This is a war of attrition. They have done quite well eating up Ukrainian military and all the West's equipment and ammo.
If they wanted to go American style and carpet bomb, hell yeah, they could have done that easily. You need to remember "Oreshek". They don't even need nukes.
>If they wanted to go American style and carpet bomb
Yet another know-nothing who doesn't understand the situation.
Russia does not have the military-technical capability to carpet bomb in Ukraine. Nobody does, not even the US. Planes will be shot down immediately and nobody has that many missiles
Russia can only nuke.
The point is to do it on Poland and Romania (and Germany, Czechia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Norway, etc., if you want to extend the list) if you are going for total annihilation, so that nobody else dares be aggressive towards Russia again, or to use tactical nukes to completely break and blockade logistics inside Ukraine (with close to zero civilian casualties) so that you win the war.
P.S. Why would you even carpet bomb. What will that achieve?
you say shock and awe is not Russia's style? are you sure?
What's Oreshnik then? What's FAB 3000? What is the Sointsepyok ? I suspect they're as familiar with the concept as anyone else and the demonstration of Oreshnik was clearly a shock and awe demonstration and it worked I think?
The 'war of attrition' well may be but the point is was it a deliberate choice or the only option? It seems any objective view of the facts reveals Russia was ill prepared for this conflict but - as part of being ill prepared - didn't know that at the beginning.
They had corruption and inefficiency from top to bottom. Everywhere but we're talking simply the military here.
It is still being found out. I have strong doubts about the Kursk region for instance. I'd love to know what Prigozhin would say about it. I do know what Alaudinov used to say about it a year ago: all pure tosh as revealed now.
America envisaged a war of attrition on Russia is the point. They chose that. Russia has/had no choice but to go along with it.
We are still at that now. Any pause, any ceasefire, Russia knows, is just that: merely a pause... the long war of attrition will still continue.
It seems never to get said any more though a short while ago it was loudly said on all sides: the enemy is America. What ritualised dances re Ukraine and Russia American's implacable war will continue won't it?
Now we're all pretending 'america has washed its hands of the war' etc. Pretending that is 'was always UK'. Horseshit. It was and is america.
Why/how? Because America is merely a pseudonym for a bunch of oligarchs who may or may not be Jews, I don't know. But they are like, for instance, Blackrock, I think. And the money there is more than the GDP of a number of nations added up I recently read.
Those people, those forces, never let up on seeking opportunities for plunder. Never.
That's why Russia has to go war of attrition. It has to keep in reserve forces enough to meet sudden stabs in the back, it has to keep in reserve resources to meet the long war....
It has to employ its energies in other 'theatres' or 'levels' or whatever of this war: politics, economics, trade...
America never lets up. See it at this very moment manipulating elections throughout Europe. Russia has to be mindful and resourceful and prepared to meet and counter..
Actually, Putin is in the driver's seat and has been from the beginning. He has significantly drained US/UK/NATO resources, disrupted the EU economy, forced political instability, cracked open NATO unity, preserved Ukrainian civilian lives - all by a slow, deliberate war of attrition.
Not gained much territory? That's not the point of attrition. The point is to destroy the military capability of the enemy and incapacitate their will to continue fighting - territory comes later. And Putin has now erased virtually all obstacles to a huge territorial gain this year or next by maneuvering the US, UK and Europe into a situation in which the military capability of the West is severely impacted and political will among the population is declining - and now Putin can demonstrate to the world that whilst he has on multiple occasions pleaded for peace, all such efforts have failed - indeed, Europe now demands more war demonstrably in the face of intense efforts to bring peace - and so only one solution remains - taking all of Ukraine, which I believe Russia will end up doing. Trump, meanwhile, lives in a bubble of his own making - a complete misunderstanding of Russia's intent in this war and its complete dedication and fierce determination to accomplish its ends. He believes he can quickly buy Russia off in a huge business transaction and establish an American version of peace there - not on your life, as Russia considers this an existential struggle and will give no quarter in achieving its own survival.
Look for Russia to completely break the back of Ukraine in the coming months and at that point begin the drive to the Polish border all the while giving the impression that he was forced to do so by a war-mongering Europe.
None of this could have been accomplished by a Big Arrow War. That is simply not Russia's style.
Brace yourself Americans in the comments will howl at you again, accusing you of treason, branding you some CIA funded running gloom and doom psyops to undermine the heroic triumph of Putin’s mythical 5D chess. it's practically an honored tradition on this blog now.
People write their wishfull thinking,fantasies Russia’s unstoppable ascendancy, America’s downfall at the hands of the righteous, some cosmic score settled through obscure victories over supposedly degenerate targets :) :) :) And then you arrive and show them reality than they curse you, curse you and curse you again.
Most ironic part of it is with months passing time is always proved you are right and they are wrong in fricking everything. I fear they are not real humans. Maybe they are bots or maybe they are raised in some basement or cave by their abuser without intterraction with any sane person
They’ll call you liar, traitor, warmonger, tool of foreign infiltration aka CIA. And They are doing this with unwavering conviction. What a nice irony!!!
Yet the cycle never breaks: fresh illusions (like Russia winning a great win against so called Gay/Trans/jew collective west ) spring forth, than you arrive and show reality, fresh curses are start to flung, than months passes and time show you are right and their wrong. and keep going. Goes on. This is really our sad tradition. stuck in a purgatory of wilful ignorance and bottomless spite.
I feel like this is real hell experiences. Forced to living with utterly ignorant and bad people. I don't think any hell fire cannot torture me anymore
I believe Russia will lose all its wars, not because of its enemies, and not even because of its own incompetence, but rather because of its so called friends. With friends like those, who needs enemies?
By the way, for at least the last six months, I’ve been reading Simplicius specifically for your comments. Thank you for writing. That wasn’t my original intention, but at some point, I realized that whenever there’s a new article, the first thing I do is search for your name
>I believe Russia will lose all its wars, not because of its enemies, and not even because of its own incompetence, but rather because of its so called friends. With friends like those, who needs enemies?
Well, here is the thing though -- why would anyone be loyal to Russia given what it has done to its sincerely loyal allies in recent decades?
Did people in Bulgaria, Romania, the GDR, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland want to go capitalist? Maybe in the latter three, certainly not in the former three. Nobody asked them though, regime change and abandonment of socialism was ordered from Moscow and then duly carried out.
Did the Cubans and North Koreans want to starve in the 1990s? Of course not, but nobody asked them. Moscow cut them off abruptly, despite their decades-long strict loyalty.
What happened to Syria just a few months ago?
And many such stories in between.
The biggest one being the Kremlin's betrayals of Russia itself, which are too many to list.
I cannot agree more. Russia itself betrays its nation, its history, its sacrifices, and everything once sacred. I witnessed much of this betrayal with my own eyes. It is beyond tragic. I once received a job offer from Rostec (a Russian military company), but I refused. Because, why not? Getting three times bigger paychecks from the so-called gay/trans/homo Western world is a million times better and more honorable, I thought. The current Russian state is the pinnacle of shame. They sell their resources to other nations as cheaply as water. They sell their women in brothels in Turkey, Berlin, Tel Aviv, and the remaining parts of the world!!! And right now, Putin sells his soldiers—the best men of Russia—in the swamps of Ukraine to cheap $1,000 Chinese drones!!!!! Like a real African country. Like a real joke.
If Stalin or Strelkov were in power, I would go to war without hesitation, because I know my sacrifices wouldn’t go in vain and the enemies wouldn’t be happy. But the current Putin and oligarch state is horrible. One boy from my city joined the Russian army (he was a communist like me and thought serving in the Russian army would be a good way to repay the Soviet Union and its sacrifices), and in just one freaking month, he died from some stupid grenade dropped by some stupid drone. Now I empathize with him, thinking that if it were me who died, then American people would come here and comment their horribly low-intelligence fantasies about how Putin is destroying the so-called homo/trans/gay/Jew Western world. Even the thought gives me shivers
Right now, I’m so happy to finally be serving Western capitalists. It’s better to live and die in a life of luxury than to serve some not-real ideology (4th Political Column, Dugin, Eurasia, BRICS, Putin, etc.) as a poor peasant.
These people in the comments are beyond salvation. They blame you for following mainstream media. What audacity!!!! They have been brainwashed by mainstream media their entire lives, they have no unique or original ideas, they just believe whatever they were taught on TV and in schools, and then they come and blame you for following mainstream media? What the heck is that? Really, what is this?
Is this a joke? Is this a freaking joke?
Do you know what we can do about this sheer ignorance and these brainwashed people? Just serve Western capitalists and help extend the Western capitalist world’s hegemony more. Because these people definitely deserve it. They need natural selection. They are not the same humans as us, so to speak
It is obvious that if I disagree with you, you are already convinced that I am brainwashed turd deserving of being flushed down the toilet. So I won't bother. At least with GM he generally doesn't preface his comments with scathing pre-judgement of his audience - he gets right to his points and invites replies without personal insults.
Is this another joke? Do you know what sort of replies “GM” has been getting from people like you for an entire year or more? Generally, they call him one of two things. In the polite version, he’s a CIA asset, a funded troll, a fascist, a doomer, low intelligence, etc. In the worse version, they directly insult and swear at him. And you say I am rude? That I am cursing you? No, my friend, no. I’m only stating the truth about what we feel and how we live right now. I don’t care about you. Please, call me a CIA asset and a troll. Then tell me your fantasies about Russia’s victory over the so called globo/homo/gay/trans/Jew Western alliance! Please enlighten me and other doomers. we need your definitely non mainstream views
Do you know why you guys act this way? Because the people dying out there don’t matter to you. You have no real affinity for them beyond your imaginary fantasies. If those dying in the field were your own kin, your blood, your friends, your comrades, you wouldn’t be writing those fantasies in the first place. It’s unfair, and I’m tired of holding my tongue This is unfair
>One boy from my city joined the Russian army (he was a communist like me and thought serving in the Russian army would be a good way to repay the Soviet Union and its sacrifices), and in just one freaking month, he died from some stupid grenade dropped by some stupid drone.
Which is another tragedy of the current situation -- negative selecton.
It is this type of motivated volunteers dying in the trenches.
You disappoint me. There are many who appreciate you, GM, and others on this forum coming from the former Soviet Union and with such an excellent command of English. I'm one of them.
Many Western people loathe the reduction of complexity to "Four legs good, two legs bad" in George Orwell's words.
I understand you are sticking up for GM but what you are writing is childish and beneath you. Let's not all end up being 5 year olds in the playground because nobody will gain wisdom. I'm writing this to you because I normally read all your posts and still will. Perhaps you're having a bad day.
Yeah, once I see Trump cutoff US ISR (which is 90 percent of Ukrainian reconnaissance), and once Trump doesn't allow Europe to buy American weapons and send them to Ukraine, or Starlink gets cutoff, then I'll believe it.
I must have told you before: yes, terrible things happen to people being bombed by Ukraine's attack on Russian's pre 2022 territories, but add up the number of casualties and I think you won't come up with a 1000 people. You want to risk a global war to somehow revenge these unfortunate people? Think again. The number of casualties will be off the scale!
The exact official count the other day was 652 dead and ~3,000 wounded, but that does not include the Kursk invasion, where several thousand were slaughtered directly, not by bombing, and have not been counted yet
The issue here is not just those dead though, it is also the 100,000 dead soldiers, the 200-300,000 soldiers that have lost limbs, and the 5-6x that many on the Ukrainian side, most of whom are ethnic Russians too, plus the physical destruction.
In the previous thread I asked the hypothetical question, let’s repeat it here, slightly modified.
When the US dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it killed ~140,000 and ~70,000, respectively, plus, of course, destroying the cities.
Comparable to, or even quite a bit less damage than what has happened so far (again, a lot of the dead Ukrainians are ethnic Russians).
Now let's say NATO sends nuclear missiles at a couple Russian cities with population 100,000 each and wipes them out. What happens next? We have these questions to answer:
1) Would Moscow launch the nukes in response?
2) What would happen if it doesn't?
3) Why is inflicting the same damage conventionally permissible given the answers to 1) and 2)?
"Remember that Britain has good intelligence about the real situation and they would not be doing and saying these things simply on a whim. So far the consistent pattern has been that every escalation has been first publicly declared by the West, then actually carried out, and in the end the Kremlin has done nothing in response.
Which indicates that all such decisions are made with very careful consideration of the possible consequences and good knowledge of the real conditions."
I understand the critique you are making of the Kremlin. However, I'm not sure you're grasping the desperate situation the UK and Europe are in. They face losing the system they have built over centuries and the layers of power and entitlement they have built up through their States: they bet all their hands on the US to protect and consolidate that wealth and power and it is collapsing around them.
With your knowledge, I would suggest you think about the last days of the Soviet Union; how bureaucracies and state media kept control and bullshitting everyone when it was already fucked. That is arguably the West now. Their system is collapsing.
Perhaps Putin knows this and it may be that in fact it is the Kremlin's restraint: "Which indicates that all such decisions are made with very careful consideration of the possible consequences and good knowledge of the real conditions."
The USSR in the late 1980s is a very bad comparison.
It was objectively losing ground and internally destabilizing -- two of its own republics went to war with each other already in 1988, with Moscow totally impotent to do anything about it, the Baltics declared independence in 1990, etc.
Meanwhile the West has been on a clear winning and internal consolidation streak -- Sweden and Finland were officially absorbed into NATO, Syria was destroyed, Russia has firmly lost most of its near abroad (Armenia is now de facto a NATO ally, the Central Asian republics have drifted away, etc.), everyone in Europe except for Hungary diligently lined up and started sending weapons to the AFU, including even Serbia, and not just in Europe -- India did it too. India...
There are levels to this. Is the West in a bad shape compared to China? Sure. Is it in a much improved position relative to Russia? You bet.
It is the Chinese threat that is causing DC to force the vassals in Europe to be the cannon fodder in the war against Russia, while the US focuses on China. But that in no way means Russia is in a winning position currently.
Based on what is publicly known, this is not because of real military weakness, but because of internal dysfunction preventing the proper application of Russian hard power.
But it is entirely possible that the real military balance of powers is also not in Russia's favor, we just don't know about it.
And the long-term trend is again negative -- the Russian elite spent trillions on megayachts, mansions and private jets while not investing in the Russian space sector, the result of which is that the US will likely have the upper hand militarily again in the not too distant future, when the decisive strategic factor becomes space-based weapons.
I appreciate what you write but you are badly missing my points and the comparison is not a very bad one.
My understanding is you live in Russia and when it was the Soviet Union: I get a lot from reading your perspectives on your government.
However, you do not live here and did not live through the 1980s when Western decline and deindustrialisation began along with the selling off of nations and cultures to globalism and finance. The points you make above are shallow because I am talking about the insidious disintegration of societies over time and the methods used by power to add bureaucracies and bullshit covering this theft and collapse. You are clearly not aware of what a state the West is in and how broken large constituencies of people here are. Thanks for your reply.
Without Trump I have trouble believing that even in Europe, anyone is really paying attention to what EU bureaucrats are doing. The Russian anxiety, at least here in America, is basically regulated to a bunch of activists in the Democratic party and only mentioned because for some reason even the likes of Bernie Sanders thinks that it is still a somewhat effective line of attack.
In truth, the EU as a whole will need YEARS to build the capacity to help Ukraine in any meaningful way, militarily. They have had 3 years already to try and do something do arm themselves, but from what I can tell with the except of a factory here and maybe a factory there, the EU as a whole has done nothing but empty their own stocks of mostly irrelevant equipment, and money to keep the Ukrainian state going in its financial responsibilities.
It seems to me like individual EU member states are too busy drowning in politics around immigration and the economic slow down, and have but only passing time to mention Ukraine and Russia, though the anti-Putin rhetoric is as bad as it has ever been.
If the EU loses Germany to its own domestic political problems, they will have no credible way to help Ukraine at all - Macron is trying to keep the last vestiges of the French Empire from completely disintegrating, and Britain seems to be completely behind on even basic maintenance for their already bare-minimum armed forces.
Right now all Ukraine can count on for America is the moral support generated from Trump's opposition calling him a Putin-Puppet. If you peruse other writers on substack who represent the liberal consensus, they are basically in the full throws of delusion about Trump but cannot turn that into any meaningful action or political opposition. I want to say that this is going to be seen soon as a losing issue because recent polling seems to indicate that over two-thirds of voters want peace in Ukraine and want to dump the entire fiasco into the same memory hole they dumped Vietnam and Iraq. So I expect the liberals and dems to abandon it to nothing as a line item amongst a broad swatch of grievances against Trump that they will use in the upcoming mid-terms, and to crush out any actual opposition in the gear up to the primaries.
That being said, I feel like some predictions I made a couple of articles ago in the comment section might be bearing fruit:
"The Wall Street Journal reports that the United States' shift towards Russia aims to create a rift between Moscow and Beijing, yet it risks dividing the West itself."
I obviously do not think it will succeed, but broadly forcing Europe to re-arm with their current and likely lasting bellicosity to Russia is absolutely bad for Moscow and serves American interests in hurting a geopolitical competitor. This leaves even more room for America to maneuver around China and Iran, the later of which is currently being squeezed by an even more aggressive sanction regime.
I do feel like Zelensky had no practical choice than to defy Trump openly; while the Russians could kill him any time with a strike, it is the nationalists who are rabid and murderous that are the true threat to Zelensky and his safety. Even after forcing so many of them into the grinder in Bahkmut and Kursk, they are still numerous and highly dangerous. If anything, the nationalists are still currently the biggest road-block to a ceasefire and eventual settlement on the Ukraine issue.
The true test is if Zelensky can be convinced to mobilize the 18 year olds: I think that will be the tipping point if one exists in Ukrainian society which seems completely dissonant with the truths of reality at the front lines.
The one additional silver lining to all of this, is given Ukraine knows that Trump won't be drug into the war, some of the more deranged and dangerous provocations that the Ukraine no doubt have waiting in the wings will be abandoned, as they will not bring America into the conflict and will only generate terrible PR.
"In truth, the EU as a whole will need YEARS to build the capacity to help Ukraine in any meaningful way, militarily."
I see the EU counting on the fast False Flag, which they will readily & noisily blame on Russia, as a major chin-jutting casus belli for extending the war--and *forcing* the come in as a backstop: no-fly-zones, F35s taking off from Romania & Poland, more long range missiles launched into 'old' Russia, etc.
So it is not that the EU is capable of helping Ukraine "in any meaningful way, militarily." They just want to widen & worsen the war.
Never mind POTUS 47, the more intelligent, reality based faction of the US deep state is who selected him. There is no way that a NATO false flag will bring US intervention. Trump was the ideal communicator to emphatically send this message. Article 5 does not mandate all members getting involved, it only allows members to choose for themselves. The US has already chosen, to quote Vicky, "F the EU"
Hamas is just a proxy 'problem-reaction-solution' for Zionist interests. Anyone remotely familiar with the intelligence and battlespace dominance of Israel, would be exceptionally skeptical of believing that Oct 7 was a legit attack from Hamas. 'they flew hang gliders bro'. lol
Then there's the Epstein (Mossad) farce that was paraded prominently until that was sent off the front page due to the Zelensky-Trump-Vance rigamaroo.
That's my guess. October 7th and the support it got in the West made a ton of them realize the globalism they've been pushing meant taking in Muslims and replace Christians in the West (not just making the west more open to their influence). So they're pushing to end the immigration and focus on more valuable partnerships instead of world policing.
Is there any faction in the US deep state which is not under AIPAC control? If there is, I've never seen any evidence of it. We're talking here about a western re-run of the Stalin vs Trotsky conflict. One wanted to be a regional ruler, a 20th century Tsar of a reborn Russian Empire under ideological branding. The other wouldn't rest until ruling the entire world, a doomed project, and was killed for it, to the great benefit of his country. That's what reality based means. What were the neocons before they rebranded? Trotskyites, delusional sociopaths, they lost in the 1930s and they are losing again.
Indeed and it is possible if Russia doesn't play ball with Trump fast enough that he could end up making moves that worsens the situation and sets back peace for years. I do think, however, that with the exception of the 'opposition' which is just a badly made stew of neocons and delusional democrats and their mentally compromised activists, it will end up being difficult to get Trump to become confrontational with Russia given that the voters are sick of the war.
DJT, seeking to end Collective Biden’s forever war-in-the-making in Ukraine, is decoupling the U.S. as fast as possible from anything Euro-centric or rules-based. That is why Lady vdL, et al, who represent a continent that spawned not one world war but two and is hell-bent on breeding a third, emoted furiously in response to Zelya’s dressing-down in the Oval. Compelled by a malevolent demi-urge, they insist that the U.S. help them torch Russia in an unwinnable war via Ukraine.
No signing ceremony. No leather-bound portfolio holding the document professionally printed on cream-colored vellum. No ceremonial pen. No lunch! In his Oval Office meltdown, Zelya’s demand for a U.S. backstop of French and UK Reassurance Forces in Ukraine followed a week-long basting of DJT by Napoleonette and Sir Keir, who both arrived in D.C. w/ plenty of vinaigrette & butter—and even an invitation from King Charles—hoping to tenderize the tough-as-leather DJT into providing the backstop. Which did not happen.
After his humiliation in D.C., Zelya wrote in a lengthy post on X that “Russia brought this war to our territory and into our homes,” repeating the fiction his Euro-warmongers favor. In truth, the Obama State Department backed a violent street coup in 2014 that toppled Ukraine’s democratically elected president and then fostered a civil war, which saw ultra-nationalistic militia attacking Russophone Ukrainians in the Donbass region, who had rejected the coup.
The war did not being in 2022 but in 2014.
To explain the conflict as a manifestation of a larger confrontation sparked by U.S.-led OTAN aggression, using Ukraine as a proxy, is to capture the fundamental essence. This is an epochal geopolitical clash. DJT is ready to jettison it. Russia too. Lady vdL, et al, cannot give it up.
And Mark Rutte is beside himself, seeing his direct deposit paycheck courtesy of the U.S.-led OTAN nearing an end. Rutte rightly sees Zelya jeopardizing the future of the alliance itself in his inflexible stance on America’s policies, through which he embarrassed himself in the White House. The OTAN Secretary-General called on Zelya to mend ties with DJT. He reminded the usurper of Kiev, who shows up @ the White House wearing black footie pajamas, of the support provided by DJT’s admin, particularly the provision of Javelin anti-tank weapons in 2019, which were crucial in Ukraine’s defense when the conflict escalated in 2022. Without the Javelins, “Ukraine would have been nowhere,” Rutte stated. “We really have to give Trump credit for what he did then, what America did since then and also what America is still doing.”
Europe has nowhere else to turn but to the U.S. Nonetheless, Chancellor-to-be Merz can saber rattle against DJT all he wants, but the threats are meaningless.
we were glad last year we finally got rid of Rutte as prime minister (3 periods, 12 years, ugh) and his 'promotion' to NATO chief is quite incomprehensible. unless NATO only wants to be an administrative entity...?
For 14 years we had to endure Mark Rutte. Is very good at debating, has great dossier knowledge and as a negotiator, but has absolutely no vision. Numerous times that his memory left him during those years, that he had no recollection. A disgrace in the way he handled MH17, already the Russophobia was clearly visible. He, as a history teacher, also blamed the Russians for the BUK missiles killing 2 people in Poland as Russia has started this brutal and unprovoked was of aggression (sick). In his role of secretary general he even pushed up his warmonger anti-Russia rhetoric. It is pathetic to listen too (I have to force myself). The other day he was blaming the Russians for incidents happening at factories in Europe, dead of several people and the threat of Russia. Of course no evidence is ever supplied. And let's assume for a moment the Russian's have a hand, so Putin (always Putin) kills a couple of people, so he is bad. We kill tens of thousands and we are the good guys?
It's like a plane crash: everybody turns their head towards the plane crash and the number of people died in the crash, but nobody looks at the number of casualties in traffic.
Note: since 1971 around 150000 people died in plane crashes while around 75 million died in a car accident (currently 1.3million per year globally)
Good point about how distractingly lurid deaths due to plane crashes are. In the U.S., on average, 40,000 people die as a result of drunken driving each year. Ditto the same number of people as a result of suicide.
During the pandemic, it was eye-opening to see how people howled @ daily Covid deaths, even the deaths of patients w/ several comorbidities who died "with" Covid, when already--and consistently year-to-year-to-year--Americans have been dying regularly & repeatedly of *something.*
Daily Covid deaths are, of course, way down by now--but guess what deaths have remained @ the same levels? Those from drunken driving & those from suicide.
Outlaw US Empire indifference to NATO's fate is the big deal here. Do we hear any whining from Congress or elsewhere aside from Europe? NATO will take the EU with it, and good riddance to both! Lavrov's interview with the Red Star media group provides some hope yet caution at the same time as many deeds will need to be performed by Team Trump. It can be read here,
Frankly I really don't know why they keep attending these meetings which they know will result in nothing. WHT don't they just sit home and watch a movie or something if they absolutely don't want to solve any problems at home.
It's like they're enthrall to an "Eyes Wide Shut" kind of set up, if you know the Kubrick film--cult-driven occasions to experience these Securing Our Future freak-offs.
Drug addiction we already know about, but I wonder about sex addiction too (riffing on the Kubrick.) It ain't an addiction to shopping.
Weirdly, the frequency of these lofty summits provides the predicate for heavy use of the *stash*. It's practically a way to sanctify the addiction: come for the democracy--stay for the sex.
I missed your take on whether it was Trump&co who deliberately irritated Zelensky in order to create a scene last Friday at the White House, or if instead it was Zelensky's own premeditated plan to cause a rupture, being counselled to act upon it by his Dem+Euro+media handlers ..
I think it built throughout, from his showing up dressed like a futbol hooligan to his cocaine-induced bombast, talking over Trump and Vance, and generally acting like someone who did one too many lines in the limo on the way over. That he was on drugs was pretty obvious. Trump is a notorious teetotaler, and given his family history, Vance is not the type of guy to overlook the obvious signs of drug-induced behavior. Not a good scene for Zelensky. The "you will feel it" comment was the final straw.
I agree. But it is crazy whats going on here in the UK Parliament. ‘Putin is the aggressor’….well, technically perhaps but the west was the trickster and instigator and agitator and provocateur. Our PM is dictating the narrative in a ‘this is the word, it must be recorded as this and no person must disagree’ . Of course media and sheeple just nod nod baah. I hope Trump pulls an absolute zinger out the hat. But I’m worried about China, they get a touch of the Zelenskyys themselves when they think they have position.
My understanding of the subject (with the caution that I have not read extensively on it) is that Russophobia was crafted pretty much whole cloth by the British elites during the Concert of Vienna years post-Napoleon. The entire idea of England "balancing out Russia" became so engrained in the thinking of British boarding-school elites that it is essentially inseparable at this point from British foreign policy as a whole. These types of things tend to take on a life of their own inside institutions, especially those as incestuous as the British boarding-school crowd and the Cambridge/Oxford/ London School of Economics crowd who fill out most of the government. It is startling though that this life has continued on for almost 200 years without anyone even questioning the validity of England's role as a "balance" to Russia. To think that little ole England with its army of 35,000, its decrepit navy, its mostly nonfunctional air force, and its tiny economy could serve as a balance to anything is nothing short of ridiculous, but so it continues.
The Parliamentary system and its links to the feeder system of universities and private schools almost makes a Trump-style change impossible in England. England lacks the political capacity for democratic input that would make a Trump-style change there possible, so they go on, deluding themselves and the few English who remain on the isle that they remain an important global player.
All true. But I’d say the entrance of Reform, led by Farage, has shaken up all the establishment parties - who are really WEF uni parties. I suppose he’d get a boost if Trump/Musk endorsed him but although sincere he is quite the egotist so I am not confident. We are doomed.
It is not simply the politics that must change. It is the entire boarding school to Oxford/Cambridge/LSE to Parliament or Downing that must change. It is an inbred cultural/social/economic elite who must change.
Something similar exists in the U.S. with the New-England private school to Harvard/ Yale to DC pipeline, but ironically DEI basically destroyed that, since most of the people that emerge from the Harvard School of Government today are too illiterate to sign their own names.
There is an entire back-bench network of state universities and so forth in the U.S., which, while staffed by Harvard/Yale/Stanford castoffs who share the same intellectual pedigree, but still manage to produce some quality engineers and other STEM types. These are the types of people who are capable of driving the changes in the U.S. that England lacks (i.e. see Musk's crew of 20-something tech kids in DOGE). England lacks this back-bench system and is entirely dependent upon the Cambridge-Oxford finishing schools to produce their leadership.
I guess that it was Zelensky's plan. You see, there are those rumors that there will be presidential elections in Ukraine in late October. Zelensky's popularity in Ukraine seems to have risen considerably after his show in the Oval Office... After all, Zelensky is a politician. Winning elections and remaining on his throne are the things that count for him, nothing else.
Looks like Zelensky was the trouble-maker. Here's why.
The agenda of Zelensky's WH visit (preceded by Starmer, Macron, Duda) was clearly advertised as the (phoney) "minerals deal".
But throughout the infamous 50-minute exchange Zelensky repeatedly interjected to insist on "security guarantees" from the US, clearly a task set by his handlers, even though just 2 weeks earlier Hegseth had clearly spelled out to Zelensky's face: 1/ No US boots in Ukraine, 2/ No Article 5 if the Europeans go in.
Tell me you've not watched the whole meeting, without telling me you didn't watch the whole meeting.
Zelensky was the instigator of the whole fracas, probably with "advice" from Vicky Nuland et al... to get in DJT's face and play the strong man.
1. You DO NOT sully the decorum and institution of the Oval Office by turning up in a Greta Thunberg costume. MASSIVE "in your face" insult. Especially if you've previously worn a suit to meet Klaus Schwab at the WEF.
2. You DO NOT publicly berate the President of the United States in front of the WHOLE GODDAMN World, because if you do, the VP, whose job it is to look after his boss' person and interests will
3. Personally hand you your very own "Come to Jesus" moment, and rip the rug out from under your childish antics.
The "Deep State" has a fairly good idea, by now, of how to push DJT's buttons, but they really have no understanding of JDV, hence their bad advice to Zelensky, leading to the mad scramble we currently see to salvage *something* from the debacle they actually instigated.
Which is actually the biggest tell as to who set things up. The "Deep State" + EU made the call, and it has totally blown up in their face. So now they have to tread very carefully, because they can no longer be sure their efforts will have the predicted outcome.
Yes. That could have gone off the rails in the way that the neo-cons intended were it not for Vance, whose cool rebukes set the temper and made Zelensky appear to be the crazed coked up loon that he is.
I am old enough to remember how the he "ceasfires " worked out negotiated by Lord Oven and other British diplomatic NATO clowns during disintegration war in ex Yugoslavia. Along with peace keeping forces provided by always " neutral" and disnuctiional UN agencies .
Perennially scrambling to scupper the BDE emanating from Russia, the Europeans harbor a penis envy against well-hung Russia that is so intense & intractable & so eternal, it places them constantly in a Size Matters r’ship in which they can never prevail. When the Dens were trying to sour DJT’s chances of defeating KH at the ballot box in 2024, they lambasted DJT for telling stories of how well-endowed the golfer Arnold Palmer was, how fellow golfers caught a glimpse of Arnie’s equipment while showering and, well, were just glad they hadn’t seen *that* before playing a round. U.S. Dems were clutching their pearls over DJT’s retelling these stories, as if there were a HIPAA violation in describing a guy’s junk. I don’t think any man would complain or cry HIPAA about someone extolling the mythic dimensions of their supremely large Johnson. Guys blessed w/ the BD which confers BDE would no doubt request that a straight edge, a ruler, be engraved on their cemetery headstone, allowing the world to see the length & breadth of what the deceased had, in life, to work with.
The ladies, by the way, in lieu of sympathies, flowers or tears, would sigh & say, merely,“Thank you.”
No one’s gonna wax poetic about the Eur-ocracy’s pork sword. More likely the Europeans’ll receive the treatment which the white John in the blaxploitation film, “Women in Cages” did when the prostitute character played by Pam Grier looked down at what he had to offer and said, “You were expecting to use *that* on me?”
Anatomy aside, even knowing for months of DJT’s return to the White House, the Eur-ocracy refused to master the new political lexicon which would arrive on 20 January and neglected, willfully it seems, to learn the grammar, syntax & vocabulary of the incoming president. That in itself was disrespectful, a signal of haughty *resistance* hold-outs within the EU bloc who were going to *pants* the new sheriff. Hah!
Lady vdL has requested a sit-down w/ DJT;’s team and has been rebuffed. Kaja the Kallused showed up in D,C., expecting a sit-down w/ Sec Rubio but was rebuffed. Neither seem to have absorbed the tea leaves SecDef Hegseth floated in Brussels and JD floated in Munich.
Gals, read the room.
There are gherkins and there are pricks. The Eur-ocracy are amply overstuffed w/ both.
You had this ready to go within seconds of him publishing?
I normally like cheetos but the male anatomy size talk, is that a guy thing? As a mature female, this is not an issue. Ever. Only one thing matters to women, kind gentlemen, it's about its durable strength. 🤣
disagree. not keen on a pencil neck or pencil —ck
And how would you know that, ma'am? lol
Brilliant! 🥇 I deserved that, Juliaah. 🤣
Look what you’ve gone and done 🤣
he he, my so-called 'maturity' was not in charge of my internal, pesky TroubleMaker! I'm considering a delete, out of respect for cheetos, but he hasn't made comment so I might just let it ride. What say you?
Would you measure the time in minutes or hours? Just asking. lol
I can certainly freely type that much that quickly after reading Simp's article; in fact I think the length of my reply was double his, if not nearly triple and I think Cheetos posted like 5 minutes before I did.
Double or triple Cheeto's length and doesn't come...err, post... as quick.
But who lasted longer? (When both are thrusting, over and over! Touche’ to the both of you)
Gentlemen don't just share those secrets.
Yeah. He is preparing them in advance. Sometimes they are on topic, many off them off-topic.
Comment ambushing, where users piggyback on bigger accounts, has become an annoying practice. Aside from the usual suspects who are everywhere, newcomers are joining in, polluting the forums with their need to be heard while screaming on the shoulders of these established accounts. I’ve started avoiding comments because of this nonsense.
Cheetos craves attention and whilst smart, hasn't the gonads or depth of knowledge to do other than hang on the coat-tails of those who have both
I enjoy Cheetos comments and find them consistently informative, funny and insightful.
Dems clutched pearls over Trump's locker room talk, but these same people want trannies to talk about their parts to all of us, even little kids.
In rare form tonight, Cheeto, rare form :)
Cheetos - not only prolific, but FAST.
Reminds me of the bigger prick foreign policy schtick by G. Carlin:
There is a very good, independent Italian political commentator by the name of Laura Ruggieri (publishes on many "alt" websites), who refers to these hapless Eurocrats as "EUnuchs." This fits very nicely with your own metaphors and is even more absolute.
If UK's Stomer was smart it would generate an AI video showing Putin burning a Koran. Then it could recruit all of the illegal Muslims in the UK and send them off to fight for Ukraine. But Stormer ain't too bright, is it?
Not that it would even work anyway since Putin's support for a genuine multireligious society (not the reverse-colonized hellhole that is the UK) has been slathered over the media to try and smear him.
While Russia is as multicultural a society as is found anywhere, good luck convincing the average frustrated westerner otherwise.
The Muslims would simply riot about Stasi Starmer not sending all the actual Brits off to fight Russia.
They wouldn't be volunteering themselves.
In Russia, burning The Quran is illegal, I'm sure Muslims won't fall for it.
I dunno, we were duly assured that invading Iraq would make it possible for girls to go to school.
The fact that Iraq under Saddam was a secular country, with women in government posts, never entered into the minds of most westerners.
I am waiting for "shocking footage of new Russian atrocities ZOMG" in 5..4..3..2..1.
Eitehr that or Zelenskii gets a puppy.
Europe, or the EU, will leverage this to float Euro-bonds and launch a pan-European army. This is the first European empire in 1,000 years, ruling over 23 countries. It has little to do with Russia or Ukraine, which the do not care about. But rather launching the E.U. As a civilization-state to compete with USA, Russia, and China. 800 million people, one government. Yes, chaotic, ineffective, illegitimate- but they will cancel, censure, propagandize, arrest, imprison, and even kill to take this step. And if a few thousand multi-European troops have to die under Russian artillery to justify “Russia bad” and “defending democracy” the union of Europe and subjugation of 23 nations will justify it.
watch it fall apart within the first five years
Watch it fall apart before it even comes together
Prophetic indeed!
Isn't EU population more like 500 million or so?
With or without Ukrainians?
Doesn’t matter, most are still in Europe wether in jukraine or not.
It was sarcasm :-)
Oh, lol
450 million in the EU, 750 million for Europe (which includes Russia)
Yes, if you counting the African and Middle Eastern asylum-seekers.
You make a great point that building a European Empire is probably on their minds. But I have strong doubts they'll pull it off.
First off, who will buy the debt they need to finance this mighty empire? The US Treasury is selling their 10 year Treasury notes at 4.625% and maturing bonds are currently yielding less than that. People are selling their Treasuries because no one wants bonds when inflation is rampant. So at what rate would Europe have to offer its own bonds in order to attract customers? A rate that is unsustainable, dragging Europe further into the hole. That doesn't mean they won't try it though.
Exactly, the Euro is the reserve currency of sweet FA. The US still has a little room to work around what are now regular failed auctions, but the EU has no such option.
The Euro is the #2 World Reserve Currency with a flat +/- 20% share over the last decade. The USD share has gradually declined, from 65.5% to 57.4%, with modest gains by China, Japan, Australia and Canada.
If the US seriously wants manufacturing to return home it will encourage other countries to take on more of the World Reserve Currency role. Industry will not return without a basket of incentives, including a weaker dollar.
We will have to wait to see how the contradictory strategies announced by the Trump Admin play out.
Your timing is off. The EU attempted this already and is now on the way out, desperately grasping for anything to hold on to in order to slow or stop the inevitable.
They missed their chance - if they ever had one to start.
Yes, June 22, 1941.
The EU is a creation of the CIA. Here is what the biased and fact-hiding AI has to say:
The claim that the CIA "created" the European Union (EU) is an oversimplification of historical events. While the United States, including its intelligence agencies, played a role in supporting European integration during the post-World War II period, this involvement was part of broader geopolitical strategies rather than direct creation or control of the EU.
### Key Points:
1. **U.S. Support for European Integration**:
- In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the U.S. actively supported European integration to stabilize the region economically and politically after World War II and to counter Soviet influence during the Cold War[1][2][3].
- The American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE), chaired by former OSS head William J. Donovan, was a key organization in promoting European federalism. Declassified documents reveal that ACUE provided significant funding to pro-European movements, including 53.5% of the European Movement's funds in 1958[2][3].
2. **CIA Involvement**:
- The CIA, through ACUE and other channels, worked covertly to support initiatives like the creation of a European Parliament and other integration efforts[2][3]. This was seen as a way to ensure a strong, united Western Europe aligned with U.S. interests.
3. **Role of European Leaders**:
- European leaders like Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman were instrumental in founding what would become the EU, starting with institutions like the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951. While Monnet had ties to U.S. officials and received support, he and other Europeans were driving forces behind integration efforts[4][6].
4. **Cold War Context**:
- U.S. involvement in European integration was primarily motivated by Cold War dynamics. A unified Europe was seen as a bulwark against Soviet expansion and a way to promote economic recovery under the Marshall Plan[5].
### Conclusion:
The CIA and other U.S. entities played a supportive role in fostering European unity but did not "create" the EU. The foundation of the EU was primarily driven by European leaders seeking peace and economic cooperation after World War II. U.S. actions were part of broader Cold War strategies rather than direct control over Europe's political future.
based and fact hiding indeed. There is no other logical explanation of the current extreme weak political establishment: it has been groomed by media and NGO's supported by the USA (through the CIA and other organizations). It has never been organic.
'It has never been organic' < this is the main point. although creating the horrific Euro seems to indicate there is some sort of union, there isn't and this will come more and more apparent. we liked our own currencies, we liked our own quaint city centers. both NATO and the manufactured EU will slowly but surely implode because it has no base.
I love it how even the “smartest” entities can be made to reveal their true colors with just a simple workaround. Nicely done.
EU lacks the primary necessity for a civilization state - civilization.
Not even the Roman Empire could hold together without various parts rocketing away in different directions.
There was a civilization state there not long ago - Yugoslavia. It didn't work very well, did it?
I could perhaps see the Nordics get together since they're by nature sufficiently cool headed to look in the same direction. But that's not much.
Under Tito, Yugoslavia did quite well as I understood from an older lady from Bosnia who came as a refugee to our country in the 90-ties.
That’s quite funny. Intentional, I hope.
Of course, there is no politician of Tito's caliber anywhere to be seen in "Europe."
no-one had the right, for whatever reason, to bomb Yugoslavia to smithereens (ht Madeline Albright).
A pan-European Empire with a stridently anti-European ethos, given its core tenet of replacing the native European populace with third-world immigrants as rapidly as possible? A perplexing combination indeed. It seems this so-called European Empire's concept of a 'European Empire' would be purely geographic, not ethnic, and would certainly not be an empire dedicated in preserving the continent's historic cultural achievements, given that actively holds so many of them, like its native populace, in contempt (indeed, the historic European legacy in question is already valued and preserved far more reverently by numerous nations outside the EU - nations this 'empire' would view as bitter enemies). Whether what you mention is a likely outcome in reality or not, I don't doubt many of the odious 'elites' pictured in the London summit in this article do dream of such a thing, inasmuch as it would given them a more direct platform from which to pursue their agenda.
London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels and more, all Islamic strongholds now. Nothing, absolutely NOTHING 'European' about them.
Very true, once they start talking about potentially using Sharia Law for things like divorce, it is over.
People should read Nassim Taleb's chapter from "Skin in the Game" on "How the Most Intolerant Wins"
Well put. And remember these are the very people that have taken over UK and European states and colonised them for the globalists. That is to say they have sold out their own countries and allowed the fabric of their cultures to be picked apart, insidiously, bit by bit.
The strongest suit they have is really clever advertising and public relations smart arses that now run mainstream media. Could they convince enough of their citizen's to fight for their gold? Their advantage in bullshit helps, but it is shallow when compared to the actual material circumstances their citizens can see in front of them. These ghouls think they can ask the very people who's lives and cultures they've ruined to go out and die for them. Can't resist posting this famous prose from Marat:
"Don’t be deceived when they tell you things are better now. Even if there’s no poverty to be seen because poverty’s hidden. Even if you ever got more wages and could afford to buy more of these new and useless goods which industries foist on you; and even if it seems that you never had so much; that is only the slogan of those who still have much more than you. Don’t be taken in when they pat you paternally on the shoulder and say there’s no equality worth speaking of and no more reason to fight; because if you believe them they will be completely in charge in their marble homes and their granite banks from which they rob the people of the world under the pretence of bringing them culture. Watch out, for as soon as it pleases them they’ll send you out to protect their gold in wars who’s weapons’ rapidly developed by servile scientists, will become more and more deadly until they can, with a flick of their fingers, tear a million of you to pieces."
Jean Paul Marat (1743 – 1793)
I pray a chance will come to get these rotten bastards and string them up from every available lamppost.
Well they certainly do seem to have an emerging army of flying monkeys..
Not gonna happen, Europe's countries are too divided and local population are sick of EU policies and unelected bureaucrats.
They are but, don't do much about it as individualism has been promoted to prevent larger groups to emerge in protest. Now most are afraid to expose themselves as they don't know if they will be backed-up or helped by others. The ones exposing themselves are easy target for the system and after they have given an example, even fewer people will stand up. Without income, a job, it will be very difficult to support the family in the way we are used to. Not a very attractive proposition.
This is the Game of Threats and it’s as old as the hills. Yes they can single out one or several people, or in some cases manufacture them. Hold them against the wall, beat them and make them bleed. “SEE?! See what happens when you disobey?!” The catch is that when people have very little to loose this leverage decreases drastically. So to the unelected technocrats I say this: go ahead and create a set of examples, but do be careful just how many become destitute as a result because before you know they could be on your very doorstep.
and rightly so
The hatred for the EU in the rural areas of Spain is approaching the threshold for "armed rebellion," or so I hear from my friends in Spain. Of course, this is a small sample size. Anyone in rural Spain care to confirm?
Pure nonsense. Look at that map Simplicius posted: "Would you fight for your country?"
Nobody wants to fight for their own countries. What makes you think somebody will fight for the EU or for a European army?
The foreign invaders won't fight for the EU either, if 'that's what you mean'. They've got other things on their mind.
It's quite astonishing that this post has so many likes.
Where did he say that the people want to fight? On the contrary, he clearly said that this is essentially a group of unelected, rogue leaders who'll force what they want over the will of the people. Just add the word "draft" into this sentence that he wrote: "but they will cancel, censure, propagandize, arrest, imprison, and even kill to take this step."
His post would be even more nonsensical if he wouldn't imply that 'people want to fight'.
Do you think that you must become a soldier and go to the front when you're 'drafted'?
What makes you think somebody will fight for the EU or for a European army?
Indeed. Let's hope that in fact they do fight, but against these ghouls, overthrow them and string them up.
The EU economy is in dire straits and in no position to sustain a military independent of the US. Look at the rapid deindustrialization of Germany, the strongest economy in the EU, for the evidence of this.
Yes, agree! I would not perhaps go so far as to talk about the birth of a civilisation-state, but for the rest, it is exactly what I wrote about here:
The EU Wants to Cynically Use War for Debt Bonanza: The Idea is to Use the War as Political Cover for Massive Joint EU Bonds Issue
The US' yapdogs are desperately scrambling for their master to save them
And Trump is looking down and saying, "no".
zion don only cares about that illegal jew terrorist state....
Unfortunately my ostensible leader who has already kind of, maybe, announced his resignation insists on giving my tax dollars to piano d#ck man while flying to Europe on my tax dollars.
I know how you feel. Every time I see that dickwad pretending to represent Canadians I want to bang my head against the wall.
Other stakeholders exist on earth, beyond simply the UK, France and Ukraine. It seems critical to include nations beyond the Euro-centric West in moving the Ukraine war to a conclusion.
Sir Keir did not invite representatives from China, India, Brazil or Indonesia to his 2 March summit in London. Obviously the perspective such nations could contribute would have been invaluable. It is difficult to know what can *bump* Europe from its strictly Eurocentric mind-set—and maybe nothing can, so don’t get your hopes up. But Europe is not the world. Disallowing an opportunity for the world to weigh in is regressive. What’s clear is that the UK, and really the EU bloc, lack the brain power or imagination to move the regrettable tragedy of the Ukraine war to an end. They do not want peace—they insist on the strategic defeat of Russia.
Ain’t happening, man.
Besides which—these are the same guys who showed up in the Oval Office this week, trying to trick or strong arm or charm DJT into providing a military backstop to their ill-conceived attempts to keep the war going in Ukraine. Days later, they are convening other retrograde Europeans in order to cobble together a potential Peace Plan to present to DJT which includes the selfsame backstop.
Lady vdL calls for Ukraine to be turned into a “steel porcupine.” She is part of a bureaucracy that is trying to solve the problem of the Ukraine war with the same thinking they used in creating it.
The new ‘ask’ emerging from Sir Keir’s summit is an old ‘ask’—for the U.S. to serve as a military backstop, providing an American-enforced No Fly Zone, should Russia attack the Coalition of the Willing, which is what they’re calling the Reassurance Forces from last week. The Coalition of the Willing, better known as the Coalition of the Willing Led by the Clueless, would post up as tripwire in various Ukrainian cities, this after a one-month truce along the line of contact, and the Coalition, once positioned, could serve as handy targets against which to commit False Flags that the Europeans would readily & noisily pin on Russia.
What plans like this fail to acknowledge is that Russia has already won the war and the Eur-ocracy has no leverage.
The tragedy of Ukraine is regrettable, in important ways unspeakable too. The U.S. is of course culpable in provoking Russia for years and making certain during Collective Biden that an invasion would be Russia’s only recourse. DJT has a chance to rectify this. However, Europe can’t give it up, can’t pivot. The ‘family photo’ from the 2 March summit in London was designed to show unity, four rows of Euro-crats shoulder to shoulder, w/ Zelya in his black footie pajamas front & center. Justin was there, too. They demand a strategic defeat of Russia.
As with the failed Peace Formats of the past, like last June in Switzerland, no one on the European side engages w/ Russia to find out what is acceptable to them in terms of a first step toward peace. These European initiatives make obvious that Europe does not care about Russia’s interests in a type of peace which removes the underlying tensions on the continent. Everything is intended as a way to arm-twist the U.S. into escalating the war. The gherkins & pricks have not fully grieved the loss of Collective Biden. Now that DJT is in office, the gherkins & pricks miss Collective Biden.
That the gherkins and pricks feign confidence and competence is obvious: they are Potemkin leaders.
However, "Collective Biden" has not gone away and I wonder what messages are being exchanged between that side in the US Civil War and these fucking European ghouls and avatars passing themselves off as leaders.
What do you think? I fear much violent flailing about, black ops, false flags and even attempts on DJT and his administration as it becomes more obvious these avatars for ancient, embedded UK and European layers of power and rule are fucked.
Will they take us all down or fuck off somewhere nice with their stolen loot and leave us all to rot?
You forgot “a few stolen sex slaves” they’ll need in the bunkers, though. And various meds, vintage wines, etc. As Nuland, their very own Cruella said: “F*** the EU”
Nuland the JEW hates all the goyim...
Per Natalie Winters, cohost w/ Steve Bannon on War Room: Mrs. Nuland’s son is part of a think tank working against President Trump’s efforts to end the Ukraine War.
Prior to Zelya's DC visit, the group was drafting alternative "peace plans" to escalate the war and lobbying against the proposed mineral deal.
The Center for European Policy Analysis, where David Kagan serves as a Program Officer with the Democratic Resilience program, is also a recipient of several USAID grants. Kagan contributed to CEPA's “7-point Plan for Sustainable Peace in Ukraine" which demands the US “provide immediate material support” to Ukraine, engage in “maximum pressure strategy” against Russia, and paves the way for US involvement in the conflict.
These straussians are set on exploiting Americans and US resources to achieve full spectrum talmudic dominance. The ongoing Ukrainian tragedy is a fruit of zionists rabid hatred of Slavs. The Nuland-Kagan putsch in 2014 was run in a direct and tight collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party Svoboda.
The shameless jewish tribe keeps its whining museums open as a reminder of jewish lack of honor and jewish shamelessness.
I mean, it's freaky to the max--even the time-out-of-mind persistence.
Most likely the former, although the latter is still plausible. Regardless the average pleb in Europe will get binned, although those who were against all of this can at least give a middle finger to those who refused too and seduced into the hysteria and bloodlust of it all.
I can see the bankers wanting to take out DJT and his merry band of servants. But then maybe not. Isreal still has leash around his neck for now, unless Trump bins isreal altogether which i doubt very much at all.
No i think more attempts on him and his followers will be the go to, rather than fleeing. These people make feral ghouls in fallout look sane, well-adjusted, educated individuals, just a bit on the skinny side.
Hopefully they fuck off to some awful dimension akin to the nether, hell, lake of fire, Dark underworld, 9 circles of hell, Tartarus, Kuzimu, The hells of the forgotten realm, the deadlights, the void, the abyss, liminal spaces (None of the good ones either).
Hopefully anyways.
Indeed. Thanks for your great reply.
Balder's Gate comes to mind, too. Good way to conceive of all this.
We need to avoid Europe until this insanity runs its course. They are a tiny part of the world.
I follow your advice in an, uh, literal way: I have big post retirement travel plans, but will avoid Europe until and unless their insanity ends.
I'd be more scared to go to Britain or Germany right now than anywhere.
Reality will bump them.
>Certainly not for Americans who could no longer care less about Ukraine, or Europe for that matter.
Why are we so sure?
As far as we can tell, everything continues as before where it matters -- on the battlefield. It will be felt almost immediately if the US properly withdraws from the war, meaning ISR is shut down and the AFU is left high and dry.
Do we see that? No.
>Britain’s dead-eyed toad then proceeded to promise backing Ukraine’s sovereignty with ‘boots on the ground and planes in the air’:
Remember that Britain has good intelligence about the real situation and they would not be doing and saying these things simply on a whim. So far the consistent pattern has been that every escalation has been first publicly declared by the West, then actually carried out, and in the end the Kremlin has done nothing in response.
Which indicates that all such decisions are made with very careful consideration of the possible consequences and good knowledge of the real conditions.
Why would it be any different now? The Kremlin not only had all the reasons in the world, it was in fact mandatory to have smoked much of NATO in Europe a long time ago. If the people in charge in the Kremlin truly care about their country, of course. That it has still not happened can only mean:
1) The people in the Kremlin are traitors, and/or do not care about the country, and/or do not have the courage to defend it, and/or will sell it out at the first opportunity
2) NATO actually holds the military-technical upper hand.
Either way, past behavior and events being the best predictor of future actions and developments, the safe bet is on European NATO armies entering Ukraine and Putin not doing anything to stop it.
>In short: Europe is too terrified to go it alone and will not deploy troops unless it has American guarantees about backing them up should Russia turn their peace keepers into toasted compost.
Europe has now on many occasions shelled Russian cities with purely terrorist intentions, just to kill. Women and children primarily. Nothing happened to anyone responsible. That does not look like being terrified to me and/or not having US backing. And it does not speak well about the future potentialities.
>Russia, in the meantime, has requested direct flights between the US to be resumed:
Big mistake. The USSR was on the irreversible path to collapse the moment Khrushchev decided to go for friendship with the US. The corrosive influence started pouring into the country immediately, and we know what happened eventually. The North Koreans are the only ones who understood it after what happened in the early 1950s. The Russians suffered similarly, but almost immediately forgot the lesson.
>From Russia’s perspective, the only way it can trust the US again, to the point of actually ending the conflict at some point in the future, is if the US shows an unprecedented deal of good faith by ‘thawing’ relations, and normalizing at least the most practical of roadblocks between the two countries. It’s understandable that the big things like sanctions must stay on for now, for appearances sake, but the US will have to show Russia it’s capable of meeting it half-way after decades of betrayal. In that light, these things are a good start…but only a start.
Not remotely sufficient. The blood debt has to be repaid. How many dead Russian soldiers and civilians are we talking about (on both sides -- always remember that most Ukrainians are ethnic Russians too and this is a civil war engineered from the outside) and how much destruction?
Unless the Kremlin demands that those responsible be handed over to Russia for public torture and execution, the blood debt will remain, and the Kremlin will be guilty of high treason. And relationship can only be normalized with some degree of real trust if Trump actually does hand those people over. But we are talking thousands of high-ranking members of the Western elite, including the likes of Lindsey Graham in Trump's own party, so yeah, good luck with that.
Sorry, your post is full of nice sounding rhetoric with no factual basis in reality....need to stop absorbing the BS from the
mainstream propaganda media. Putin is in the drivers seat, on the battlefield and in the political arena. The EU acts as if they're still a power center and relevant. They're not. A leaked report stated that Britain as at most 24 functional tanks, about enough to last a week in the typical Ukrainian battlefield scenario. The EU needs the US backing to put boots on the ground and prolong the war. Won't happen. Please point out one campaign promise Trump has resigned on...not one. He and Putin will end this stupid proxy war, and the EU will whimper but comply.
Dick Minnis
>Putin is in the drivers seat, on the battlefield and in the political arena
Yes, you see, this is in fact the essence of the problem.
If Putin is indeed in the driver seat, and the Russian flag is not flying over Kiev, and Russian troops are not patrolling the Polish border, then what does that tell us?
I, for the record, fully agree with the notion that Putin has the capability to achieve those things rather quickly, but the empirical reality is that he hasn't and the Russian army is bogged down in a drone-imposed stalemate for three years.
So we have two options:
1) Internal politics dictates foreign policy, and in this case the Russian oligarchy does not want victory, so it is not being actively pursued.
2) In fact the assumption that Russia has the upper hand militarily is wrong.
Do you see another option?
Either way, we have a big problem.
FFS, you are like a broken record: "Putin is weak; he's not doing enough; blah, blah, blah..." While Putin has "not been doing anything," the US has started to drop out of this war (and out of NATO), and the EU and the remains of NATO are falling apart. Why would he launch a blitzkrieg and risk huge casualties when he can continue to grind Ukraine slowly and let his enemies just evaporate on their own? Russia has escalation dominance. It could nuke all of Ukraine, and the US would not do a thing about it because they will not trade New York for Kiev. But fortunately, Putin is not going to do that because he doesn't have to, and he doesn't have a clown like you advising him.
>Why would he launch a blitzkrieg and risk huge casualties when he can continue to grind Ukraine slowly and let his enemies just evaporate on their own
Because he can do a blitzkrieg with practically zero casualties if he used all the tools at his disposal while the grind is precisely what has killed over 100K Russian soldiers.
That is why.
> It could nuke all of Ukraine
We found yet another Westerner who does not understand anything about this war.
Russia will never nuke Ukraine because UKRAINE IS RUSSIA. That would be nuking your own people and land.
Who must be nuked is NATO in Europe. And here is the problem -- so far Western lives have been clearly much, much more valuable to the Kremlin than Russian lives....
I understand that a blitzkrieg will create more Russian casualties; I understand that attacking Europe will create more Russian casualties. Why would Russia do this when the current level of Russian casualties is acceptable? Perhaps not for the Russian soldier who gets killed, but that's how war works. This isn't a video game. And Russia has escalation dominance.
What you don't understand, or simply choose to ignore, is that the goals for the SMO were very clearly stated by Putin. They are demilitarization, denazification, and ensuring a neutral Ukraine. There was no timeline given to accomplish this. The Russians are achieving their goals and they are winning.
Not fast enough or violent enough for you? Too bad. I trust the military thinkers in the Kremlin far more than some anonymous clown continuously making crisis posts in the comment section of this blog.
>I understand that a blitzkrieg will create more Russian casualties; I understand that attacking Europe will create more Russian casualties. Why would Russia do this when the current level of Russian casualties is acceptable?
Every single thing said here is wrong.
First, the casualties are acceptable to you because you are in the West and do not affect you in any way nor do you care about Russian people. It is a video game/sports context for you. They are not in way acceptable otherwise
Second, attacking Europe will end the war immediately. Poland, Germany, etc. cease to exist in a couple hours, what do you think will be the reaction? The other NATO countries will attack Russia? Of course, not, nobody ever again will dare fire a single bullet against Russia and all hostile actions cease immediately. Because nobody will risk the same happening to them.
The blitzkrieg will happen with few casualties if logistics are broken and Ukraine is cut off from the West. Or rather, it would have been before they were allowed the luxury of three years of accumulating drones and other weapons all over the country. Now it will be much more difficult indeed even if Ukraine is cut off. Still, it will be much easier than what we have now.
But Ukrainian logistics remains off limits for strikes. Why?
No, it is not because that is the smarter strategy, that is you rationalizing what would be immensely absurd military stupidity if it was sincerely thought as the correct way to proceed in order to not have to face the reality that Russian leadership is not acting in the best interests of Russia the country. The latter is too painful to digest, thus the desperate need for rationalizing it away.
>...the goals for the SMO were very clearly stated by Putin. They are demilitarization, denazification, and ensuring a neutral Ukraine.
And none of these goals has been achieved, nor can it be achieved even in principle without going to the Polish border and ending Ukrainian statehood altogether.
Which Putin has neither prepared Russia for no has he indicated he has any intention of doing.
Therefore Putin has decided to lose the war.
Blitzkrieg is a specific term that applies to a military doctrine employed by the German army in the early years of WWII in which armored vehicles were assembled together into their own divisions (rather than dispersed as support weapons throughout the infantry corps). These armored, highly mobile divisions (complete with mechanized infantry) were then used to exploit a breakthrough in defensive positions that were not held properly in depth (ala France's Maginot line) and create large pockets of an enemy packed along a line (WWI style).
The doctrine of blitzkrieg proved flawed in the vast expanses of the eastern front. What worked in compact regions of France and the low countries or against an unprepared Poland did not work in Russia for Germany.
It is not so much "blitzkrieg" that Russia needs, because drones make large mechanized columns a liability (as Simplicius has observed time and again). They need to engage and stay engaged relentlessly in one or two sectors once defensive positions crumble, with reserves ready to move in and stay on the offensive, rather than shifting theaters after each incremental advance and each Festung that falls. The reluctance to stay engaged and press forward allows the Ukrainians to dig on time and again, which results in higher casualties assaulting fixed positions rather than hounding retreating troops in open fields all the way to the Dnieper.
find the jew wherever it has infested the west and drive it out...
Shock and Awe is not Russia's style. This is a war of attrition. They have done quite well eating up Ukrainian military and all the West's equipment and ammo.
If they wanted to go American style and carpet bomb, hell yeah, they could have done that easily. You need to remember "Oreshek". They don't even need nukes.
>If they wanted to go American style and carpet bomb
Yet another know-nothing who doesn't understand the situation.
Russia does not have the military-technical capability to carpet bomb in Ukraine. Nobody does, not even the US. Planes will be shot down immediately and nobody has that many missiles
Russia can only nuke.
The point is to do it on Poland and Romania (and Germany, Czechia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Norway, etc., if you want to extend the list) if you are going for total annihilation, so that nobody else dares be aggressive towards Russia again, or to use tactical nukes to completely break and blockade logistics inside Ukraine (with close to zero civilian casualties) so that you win the war.
P.S. Why would you even carpet bomb. What will that achieve?
"american" style war is jew war where women and children are terror bombed: dresden; hiroshima, gaza, etc.. the jew - as always - is the problem....
Still demanding a magic pony, immediately?
you say shock and awe is not Russia's style? are you sure?
What's Oreshnik then? What's FAB 3000? What is the Sointsepyok ? I suspect they're as familiar with the concept as anyone else and the demonstration of Oreshnik was clearly a shock and awe demonstration and it worked I think?
The 'war of attrition' well may be but the point is was it a deliberate choice or the only option? It seems any objective view of the facts reveals Russia was ill prepared for this conflict but - as part of being ill prepared - didn't know that at the beginning.
They had corruption and inefficiency from top to bottom. Everywhere but we're talking simply the military here.
It is still being found out. I have strong doubts about the Kursk region for instance. I'd love to know what Prigozhin would say about it. I do know what Alaudinov used to say about it a year ago: all pure tosh as revealed now.
America envisaged a war of attrition on Russia is the point. They chose that. Russia has/had no choice but to go along with it.
We are still at that now. Any pause, any ceasefire, Russia knows, is just that: merely a pause... the long war of attrition will still continue.
It seems never to get said any more though a short while ago it was loudly said on all sides: the enemy is America. What ritualised dances re Ukraine and Russia American's implacable war will continue won't it?
Now we're all pretending 'america has washed its hands of the war' etc. Pretending that is 'was always UK'. Horseshit. It was and is america.
Why/how? Because America is merely a pseudonym for a bunch of oligarchs who may or may not be Jews, I don't know. But they are like, for instance, Blackrock, I think. And the money there is more than the GDP of a number of nations added up I recently read.
Those people, those forces, never let up on seeking opportunities for plunder. Never.
That's why Russia has to go war of attrition. It has to keep in reserve forces enough to meet sudden stabs in the back, it has to keep in reserve resources to meet the long war....
It has to employ its energies in other 'theatres' or 'levels' or whatever of this war: politics, economics, trade...
America never lets up. See it at this very moment manipulating elections throughout Europe. Russia has to be mindful and resourceful and prepared to meet and counter..
>They had corruption and inefficiency from top to bottom. Everywhere but we're talking simply the military here.
Which is true, but it's not the reasin Russia lost the war -- the reason is that there simply was no political order to win it
Actually, Putin is in the driver's seat and has been from the beginning. He has significantly drained US/UK/NATO resources, disrupted the EU economy, forced political instability, cracked open NATO unity, preserved Ukrainian civilian lives - all by a slow, deliberate war of attrition.
Not gained much territory? That's not the point of attrition. The point is to destroy the military capability of the enemy and incapacitate their will to continue fighting - territory comes later. And Putin has now erased virtually all obstacles to a huge territorial gain this year or next by maneuvering the US, UK and Europe into a situation in which the military capability of the West is severely impacted and political will among the population is declining - and now Putin can demonstrate to the world that whilst he has on multiple occasions pleaded for peace, all such efforts have failed - indeed, Europe now demands more war demonstrably in the face of intense efforts to bring peace - and so only one solution remains - taking all of Ukraine, which I believe Russia will end up doing. Trump, meanwhile, lives in a bubble of his own making - a complete misunderstanding of Russia's intent in this war and its complete dedication and fierce determination to accomplish its ends. He believes he can quickly buy Russia off in a huge business transaction and establish an American version of peace there - not on your life, as Russia considers this an existential struggle and will give no quarter in achieving its own survival.
Look for Russia to completely break the back of Ukraine in the coming months and at that point begin the drive to the Polish border all the while giving the impression that he was forced to do so by a war-mongering Europe.
None of this could have been accomplished by a Big Arrow War. That is simply not Russia's style.
Brace yourself Americans in the comments will howl at you again, accusing you of treason, branding you some CIA funded running gloom and doom psyops to undermine the heroic triumph of Putin’s mythical 5D chess. it's practically an honored tradition on this blog now.
People write their wishfull thinking,fantasies Russia’s unstoppable ascendancy, America’s downfall at the hands of the righteous, some cosmic score settled through obscure victories over supposedly degenerate targets :) :) :) And then you arrive and show them reality than they curse you, curse you and curse you again.
Most ironic part of it is with months passing time is always proved you are right and they are wrong in fricking everything. I fear they are not real humans. Maybe they are bots or maybe they are raised in some basement or cave by their abuser without intterraction with any sane person
They’ll call you liar, traitor, warmonger, tool of foreign infiltration aka CIA. And They are doing this with unwavering conviction. What a nice irony!!!
Yet the cycle never breaks: fresh illusions (like Russia winning a great win against so called Gay/Trans/jew collective west ) spring forth, than you arrive and show reality, fresh curses are start to flung, than months passes and time show you are right and their wrong. and keep going. Goes on. This is really our sad tradition. stuck in a purgatory of wilful ignorance and bottomless spite.
I feel like this is real hell experiences. Forced to living with utterly ignorant and bad people. I don't think any hell fire cannot torture me anymore
I believe Russia will lose all its wars, not because of its enemies, and not even because of its own incompetence, but rather because of its so called friends. With friends like those, who needs enemies?
By the way, for at least the last six months, I’ve been reading Simplicius specifically for your comments. Thank you for writing. That wasn’t my original intention, but at some point, I realized that whenever there’s a new article, the first thing I do is search for your name
Thank you!
>I believe Russia will lose all its wars, not because of its enemies, and not even because of its own incompetence, but rather because of its so called friends. With friends like those, who needs enemies?
Well, here is the thing though -- why would anyone be loyal to Russia given what it has done to its sincerely loyal allies in recent decades?
Did people in Bulgaria, Romania, the GDR, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland want to go capitalist? Maybe in the latter three, certainly not in the former three. Nobody asked them though, regime change and abandonment of socialism was ordered from Moscow and then duly carried out.
Did the Cubans and North Koreans want to starve in the 1990s? Of course not, but nobody asked them. Moscow cut them off abruptly, despite their decades-long strict loyalty.
What happened to Syria just a few months ago?
And many such stories in between.
The biggest one being the Kremlin's betrayals of Russia itself, which are too many to list.
Those are the sad facts...
I cannot agree more. Russia itself betrays its nation, its history, its sacrifices, and everything once sacred. I witnessed much of this betrayal with my own eyes. It is beyond tragic. I once received a job offer from Rostec (a Russian military company), but I refused. Because, why not? Getting three times bigger paychecks from the so-called gay/trans/homo Western world is a million times better and more honorable, I thought. The current Russian state is the pinnacle of shame. They sell their resources to other nations as cheaply as water. They sell their women in brothels in Turkey, Berlin, Tel Aviv, and the remaining parts of the world!!! And right now, Putin sells his soldiers—the best men of Russia—in the swamps of Ukraine to cheap $1,000 Chinese drones!!!!! Like a real African country. Like a real joke.
If Stalin or Strelkov were in power, I would go to war without hesitation, because I know my sacrifices wouldn’t go in vain and the enemies wouldn’t be happy. But the current Putin and oligarch state is horrible. One boy from my city joined the Russian army (he was a communist like me and thought serving in the Russian army would be a good way to repay the Soviet Union and its sacrifices), and in just one freaking month, he died from some stupid grenade dropped by some stupid drone. Now I empathize with him, thinking that if it were me who died, then American people would come here and comment their horribly low-intelligence fantasies about how Putin is destroying the so-called homo/trans/gay/Jew Western world. Even the thought gives me shivers
Right now, I’m so happy to finally be serving Western capitalists. It’s better to live and die in a life of luxury than to serve some not-real ideology (4th Political Column, Dugin, Eurasia, BRICS, Putin, etc.) as a poor peasant.
These people in the comments are beyond salvation. They blame you for following mainstream media. What audacity!!!! They have been brainwashed by mainstream media their entire lives, they have no unique or original ideas, they just believe whatever they were taught on TV and in schools, and then they come and blame you for following mainstream media? What the heck is that? Really, what is this?
Is this a joke? Is this a freaking joke?
Do you know what we can do about this sheer ignorance and these brainwashed people? Just serve Western capitalists and help extend the Western capitalist world’s hegemony more. Because these people definitely deserve it. They need natural selection. They are not the same humans as us, so to speak
It is obvious that if I disagree with you, you are already convinced that I am brainwashed turd deserving of being flushed down the toilet. So I won't bother. At least with GM he generally doesn't preface his comments with scathing pre-judgement of his audience - he gets right to his points and invites replies without personal insults.
Is this another joke? Do you know what sort of replies “GM” has been getting from people like you for an entire year or more? Generally, they call him one of two things. In the polite version, he’s a CIA asset, a funded troll, a fascist, a doomer, low intelligence, etc. In the worse version, they directly insult and swear at him. And you say I am rude? That I am cursing you? No, my friend, no. I’m only stating the truth about what we feel and how we live right now. I don’t care about you. Please, call me a CIA asset and a troll. Then tell me your fantasies about Russia’s victory over the so called globo/homo/gay/trans/Jew Western alliance! Please enlighten me and other doomers. we need your definitely non mainstream views
Do you know why you guys act this way? Because the people dying out there don’t matter to you. You have no real affinity for them beyond your imaginary fantasies. If those dying in the field were your own kin, your blood, your friends, your comrades, you wouldn’t be writing those fantasies in the first place. It’s unfair, and I’m tired of holding my tongue This is unfair
the "west" has become this because of the jew: globo/homo/gay/trans/jew
>One boy from my city joined the Russian army (he was a communist like me and thought serving in the Russian army would be a good way to repay the Soviet Union and its sacrifices), and in just one freaking month, he died from some stupid grenade dropped by some stupid drone.
Which is another tragedy of the current situation -- negative selecton.
It is this type of motivated volunteers dying in the trenches.
The liberal degenerates are not the ones dying
You disappoint me. There are many who appreciate you, GM, and others on this forum coming from the former Soviet Union and with such an excellent command of English. I'm one of them.
Many Western people loathe the reduction of complexity to "Four legs good, two legs bad" in George Orwell's words.
I understand you are sticking up for GM but what you are writing is childish and beneath you. Let's not all end up being 5 year olds in the playground because nobody will gain wisdom. I'm writing this to you because I normally read all your posts and still will. Perhaps you're having a bad day.
What the US has done to Russia will take a generation to forgive--and the countdown would only start when and if it were to mend its ways.
Russia even forgave Germany, the US did less harm, all things considering.
>Russia even forgave Germany
And what did that result in in the end?
There are problems the only solution to which is "kill it with fire"
which is why the jew sticks to its big lie....
Yeah, once I see Trump cutoff US ISR (which is 90 percent of Ukrainian reconnaissance), and once Trump doesn't allow Europe to buy American weapons and send them to Ukraine, or Starlink gets cutoff, then I'll believe it.
I must have told you before: yes, terrible things happen to people being bombed by Ukraine's attack on Russian's pre 2022 territories, but add up the number of casualties and I think you won't come up with a 1000 people. You want to risk a global war to somehow revenge these unfortunate people? Think again. The number of casualties will be off the scale!
The exact official count the other day was 652 dead and ~3,000 wounded, but that does not include the Kursk invasion, where several thousand were slaughtered directly, not by bombing, and have not been counted yet
The issue here is not just those dead though, it is also the 100,000 dead soldiers, the 200-300,000 soldiers that have lost limbs, and the 5-6x that many on the Ukrainian side, most of whom are ethnic Russians too, plus the physical destruction.
In the previous thread I asked the hypothetical question, let’s repeat it here, slightly modified.
When the US dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it killed ~140,000 and ~70,000, respectively, plus, of course, destroying the cities.
Comparable to, or even quite a bit less damage than what has happened so far (again, a lot of the dead Ukrainians are ethnic Russians).
Now let's say NATO sends nuclear missiles at a couple Russian cities with population 100,000 each and wipes them out. What happens next? We have these questions to answer:
1) Would Moscow launch the nukes in response?
2) What would happen if it doesn't?
3) Why is inflicting the same damage conventionally permissible given the answers to 1) and 2)?
russia is doing honorable war. compare that to the jew in gaza....
There is nothing honorable about slaughtering the working class to ensure oligarch safety and maximize oligarch wealth.
"Remember that Britain has good intelligence about the real situation and they would not be doing and saying these things simply on a whim. So far the consistent pattern has been that every escalation has been first publicly declared by the West, then actually carried out, and in the end the Kremlin has done nothing in response.
Which indicates that all such decisions are made with very careful consideration of the possible consequences and good knowledge of the real conditions."
I understand the critique you are making of the Kremlin. However, I'm not sure you're grasping the desperate situation the UK and Europe are in. They face losing the system they have built over centuries and the layers of power and entitlement they have built up through their States: they bet all their hands on the US to protect and consolidate that wealth and power and it is collapsing around them.
With your knowledge, I would suggest you think about the last days of the Soviet Union; how bureaucracies and state media kept control and bullshitting everyone when it was already fucked. That is arguably the West now. Their system is collapsing.
Perhaps Putin knows this and it may be that in fact it is the Kremlin's restraint: "Which indicates that all such decisions are made with very careful consideration of the possible consequences and good knowledge of the real conditions."
The USSR in the late 1980s is a very bad comparison.
It was objectively losing ground and internally destabilizing -- two of its own republics went to war with each other already in 1988, with Moscow totally impotent to do anything about it, the Baltics declared independence in 1990, etc.
Meanwhile the West has been on a clear winning and internal consolidation streak -- Sweden and Finland were officially absorbed into NATO, Syria was destroyed, Russia has firmly lost most of its near abroad (Armenia is now de facto a NATO ally, the Central Asian republics have drifted away, etc.), everyone in Europe except for Hungary diligently lined up and started sending weapons to the AFU, including even Serbia, and not just in Europe -- India did it too. India...
There are levels to this. Is the West in a bad shape compared to China? Sure. Is it in a much improved position relative to Russia? You bet.
It is the Chinese threat that is causing DC to force the vassals in Europe to be the cannon fodder in the war against Russia, while the US focuses on China. But that in no way means Russia is in a winning position currently.
Based on what is publicly known, this is not because of real military weakness, but because of internal dysfunction preventing the proper application of Russian hard power.
But it is entirely possible that the real military balance of powers is also not in Russia's favor, we just don't know about it.
And the long-term trend is again negative -- the Russian elite spent trillions on megayachts, mansions and private jets while not investing in the Russian space sector, the result of which is that the US will likely have the upper hand militarily again in the not too distant future, when the decisive strategic factor becomes space-based weapons.
I appreciate what you write but you are badly missing my points and the comparison is not a very bad one.
My understanding is you live in Russia and when it was the Soviet Union: I get a lot from reading your perspectives on your government.
However, you do not live here and did not live through the 1980s when Western decline and deindustrialisation began along with the selling off of nations and cultures to globalism and finance. The points you make above are shallow because I am talking about the insidious disintegration of societies over time and the methods used by power to add bureaucracies and bullshit covering this theft and collapse. You are clearly not aware of what a state the West is in and how broken large constituencies of people here are. Thanks for your reply.
As usual an informed and well thought out response. It is refreshing to read a balanced and realistic report on vital issues such as this.
Without Trump I have trouble believing that even in Europe, anyone is really paying attention to what EU bureaucrats are doing. The Russian anxiety, at least here in America, is basically regulated to a bunch of activists in the Democratic party and only mentioned because for some reason even the likes of Bernie Sanders thinks that it is still a somewhat effective line of attack.
In truth, the EU as a whole will need YEARS to build the capacity to help Ukraine in any meaningful way, militarily. They have had 3 years already to try and do something do arm themselves, but from what I can tell with the except of a factory here and maybe a factory there, the EU as a whole has done nothing but empty their own stocks of mostly irrelevant equipment, and money to keep the Ukrainian state going in its financial responsibilities.
It seems to me like individual EU member states are too busy drowning in politics around immigration and the economic slow down, and have but only passing time to mention Ukraine and Russia, though the anti-Putin rhetoric is as bad as it has ever been.
If the EU loses Germany to its own domestic political problems, they will have no credible way to help Ukraine at all - Macron is trying to keep the last vestiges of the French Empire from completely disintegrating, and Britain seems to be completely behind on even basic maintenance for their already bare-minimum armed forces.
Right now all Ukraine can count on for America is the moral support generated from Trump's opposition calling him a Putin-Puppet. If you peruse other writers on substack who represent the liberal consensus, they are basically in the full throws of delusion about Trump but cannot turn that into any meaningful action or political opposition. I want to say that this is going to be seen soon as a losing issue because recent polling seems to indicate that over two-thirds of voters want peace in Ukraine and want to dump the entire fiasco into the same memory hole they dumped Vietnam and Iraq. So I expect the liberals and dems to abandon it to nothing as a line item amongst a broad swatch of grievances against Trump that they will use in the upcoming mid-terms, and to crush out any actual opposition in the gear up to the primaries.
That being said, I feel like some predictions I made a couple of articles ago in the comment section might be bearing fruit:
"The Wall Street Journal reports that the United States' shift towards Russia aims to create a rift between Moscow and Beijing, yet it risks dividing the West itself."
I obviously do not think it will succeed, but broadly forcing Europe to re-arm with their current and likely lasting bellicosity to Russia is absolutely bad for Moscow and serves American interests in hurting a geopolitical competitor. This leaves even more room for America to maneuver around China and Iran, the later of which is currently being squeezed by an even more aggressive sanction regime.
I do feel like Zelensky had no practical choice than to defy Trump openly; while the Russians could kill him any time with a strike, it is the nationalists who are rabid and murderous that are the true threat to Zelensky and his safety. Even after forcing so many of them into the grinder in Bahkmut and Kursk, they are still numerous and highly dangerous. If anything, the nationalists are still currently the biggest road-block to a ceasefire and eventual settlement on the Ukraine issue.
The true test is if Zelensky can be convinced to mobilize the 18 year olds: I think that will be the tipping point if one exists in Ukrainian society which seems completely dissonant with the truths of reality at the front lines.
The one additional silver lining to all of this, is given Ukraine knows that Trump won't be drug into the war, some of the more deranged and dangerous provocations that the Ukraine no doubt have waiting in the wings will be abandoned, as they will not bring America into the conflict and will only generate terrible PR.
"In truth, the EU as a whole will need YEARS to build the capacity to help Ukraine in any meaningful way, militarily."
I see the EU counting on the fast False Flag, which they will readily & noisily blame on Russia, as a major chin-jutting casus belli for extending the war--and *forcing* the come in as a backstop: no-fly-zones, F35s taking off from Romania & Poland, more long range missiles launched into 'old' Russia, etc.
So it is not that the EU is capable of helping Ukraine "in any meaningful way, militarily." They just want to widen & worsen the war.
Never mind POTUS 47, the more intelligent, reality based faction of the US deep state is who selected him. There is no way that a NATO false flag will bring US intervention. Trump was the ideal communicator to emphatically send this message. Article 5 does not mandate all members getting involved, it only allows members to choose for themselves. The US has already chosen, to quote Vicky, "F the EU"
Is that the Zio deep state faction? Trump pulled out the for chair Bibi. Would have been funny if he'd gone to sat down to a phantom chair. lol
Is the ceasefire still holding in Gaza?
Look at actuality, not the threats, bluster and imagery.
Hamas is just a proxy 'problem-reaction-solution' for Zionist interests. Anyone remotely familiar with the intelligence and battlespace dominance of Israel, would be exceptionally skeptical of believing that Oct 7 was a legit attack from Hamas. 'they flew hang gliders bro'. lol
Then there's the Epstein (Mossad) farce that was paraded prominently until that was sent off the front page due to the Zelensky-Trump-Vance rigamaroo.
That's my guess. October 7th and the support it got in the West made a ton of them realize the globalism they've been pushing meant taking in Muslims and replace Christians in the West (not just making the west more open to their influence). So they're pushing to end the immigration and focus on more valuable partnerships instead of world policing.
Is there any faction in the US deep state which is not under AIPAC control? If there is, I've never seen any evidence of it. We're talking here about a western re-run of the Stalin vs Trotsky conflict. One wanted to be a regional ruler, a 20th century Tsar of a reborn Russian Empire under ideological branding. The other wouldn't rest until ruling the entire world, a doomed project, and was killed for it, to the great benefit of his country. That's what reality based means. What were the neocons before they rebranded? Trotskyites, delusional sociopaths, they lost in the 1930s and they are losing again.
Indeed and it is possible if Russia doesn't play ball with Trump fast enough that he could end up making moves that worsens the situation and sets back peace for years. I do think, however, that with the exception of the 'opposition' which is just a badly made stew of neocons and delusional democrats and their mentally compromised activists, it will end up being difficult to get Trump to become confrontational with Russia given that the voters are sick of the war.
DJT, seeking to end Collective Biden’s forever war-in-the-making in Ukraine, is decoupling the U.S. as fast as possible from anything Euro-centric or rules-based. That is why Lady vdL, et al, who represent a continent that spawned not one world war but two and is hell-bent on breeding a third, emoted furiously in response to Zelya’s dressing-down in the Oval. Compelled by a malevolent demi-urge, they insist that the U.S. help them torch Russia in an unwinnable war via Ukraine.
No signing ceremony. No leather-bound portfolio holding the document professionally printed on cream-colored vellum. No ceremonial pen. No lunch! In his Oval Office meltdown, Zelya’s demand for a U.S. backstop of French and UK Reassurance Forces in Ukraine followed a week-long basting of DJT by Napoleonette and Sir Keir, who both arrived in D.C. w/ plenty of vinaigrette & butter—and even an invitation from King Charles—hoping to tenderize the tough-as-leather DJT into providing the backstop. Which did not happen.
After his humiliation in D.C., Zelya wrote in a lengthy post on X that “Russia brought this war to our territory and into our homes,” repeating the fiction his Euro-warmongers favor. In truth, the Obama State Department backed a violent street coup in 2014 that toppled Ukraine’s democratically elected president and then fostered a civil war, which saw ultra-nationalistic militia attacking Russophone Ukrainians in the Donbass region, who had rejected the coup.
The war did not being in 2022 but in 2014.
To explain the conflict as a manifestation of a larger confrontation sparked by U.S.-led OTAN aggression, using Ukraine as a proxy, is to capture the fundamental essence. This is an epochal geopolitical clash. DJT is ready to jettison it. Russia too. Lady vdL, et al, cannot give it up.
And Mark Rutte is beside himself, seeing his direct deposit paycheck courtesy of the U.S.-led OTAN nearing an end. Rutte rightly sees Zelya jeopardizing the future of the alliance itself in his inflexible stance on America’s policies, through which he embarrassed himself in the White House. The OTAN Secretary-General called on Zelya to mend ties with DJT. He reminded the usurper of Kiev, who shows up @ the White House wearing black footie pajamas, of the support provided by DJT’s admin, particularly the provision of Javelin anti-tank weapons in 2019, which were crucial in Ukraine’s defense when the conflict escalated in 2022. Without the Javelins, “Ukraine would have been nowhere,” Rutte stated. “We really have to give Trump credit for what he did then, what America did since then and also what America is still doing.”
Europe has nowhere else to turn but to the U.S. Nonetheless, Chancellor-to-be Merz can saber rattle against DJT all he wants, but the threats are meaningless.
Get some medication for verbal diarrhoea . , or get off the medication you are on
Gee thanks for adding your incredible insights. Don't be jelly.
Rutte's job is only as important as DJT says it is. NATO is nothing without the US.
we were glad last year we finally got rid of Rutte as prime minister (3 periods, 12 years, ugh) and his 'promotion' to NATO chief is quite incomprehensible. unless NATO only wants to be an administrative entity...?
Merz is showing off his capabilities for play-acting and indeed, sabre-rattling in public, with his grandiose background as a corporate lawyer and BlackRock investment banker -
For 14 years we had to endure Mark Rutte. Is very good at debating, has great dossier knowledge and as a negotiator, but has absolutely no vision. Numerous times that his memory left him during those years, that he had no recollection. A disgrace in the way he handled MH17, already the Russophobia was clearly visible. He, as a history teacher, also blamed the Russians for the BUK missiles killing 2 people in Poland as Russia has started this brutal and unprovoked was of aggression (sick). In his role of secretary general he even pushed up his warmonger anti-Russia rhetoric. It is pathetic to listen too (I have to force myself). The other day he was blaming the Russians for incidents happening at factories in Europe, dead of several people and the threat of Russia. Of course no evidence is ever supplied. And let's assume for a moment the Russian's have a hand, so Putin (always Putin) kills a couple of people, so he is bad. We kill tens of thousands and we are the good guys?
It's like a plane crash: everybody turns their head towards the plane crash and the number of people died in the crash, but nobody looks at the number of casualties in traffic.
Note: since 1971 around 150000 people died in plane crashes while around 75 million died in a car accident (currently 1.3million per year globally)
Good point about how distractingly lurid deaths due to plane crashes are. In the U.S., on average, 40,000 people die as a result of drunken driving each year. Ditto the same number of people as a result of suicide.
During the pandemic, it was eye-opening to see how people howled @ daily Covid deaths, even the deaths of patients w/ several comorbidities who died "with" Covid, when already--and consistently year-to-year-to-year--Americans have been dying regularly & repeatedly of *something.*
Daily Covid deaths are, of course, way down by now--but guess what deaths have remained @ the same levels? Those from drunken driving & those from suicide.
Outlaw US Empire indifference to NATO's fate is the big deal here. Do we hear any whining from Congress or elsewhere aside from Europe? NATO will take the EU with it, and good riddance to both! Lavrov's interview with the Red Star media group provides some hope yet caution at the same time as many deeds will need to be performed by Team Trump. It can be read here,
Frankly I really don't know why they keep attending these meetings which they know will result in nothing. WHT don't they just sit home and watch a movie or something if they absolutely don't want to solve any problems at home.
It's like they're enthrall to an "Eyes Wide Shut" kind of set up, if you know the Kubrick film--cult-driven occasions to experience these Securing Our Future freak-offs.
Drug addiction we already know about, but I wonder about sex addiction too (riffing on the Kubrick.) It ain't an addiction to shopping.
Weirdly, the frequency of these lofty summits provides the predicate for heavy use of the *stash*. It's practically a way to sanctify the addiction: come for the democracy--stay for the sex.
Insecure egotistical types like to hang in a pack, it gives them courage.
because of the parties
The food is good and misery likes company.
I greatly appreciate the analysis in your articles but I think this article would benefit if the invective was toned down a little.
Think of it as a little pepper in the dish?
Yeah, right. Let's have all articles in the world be written blandly, without substance that won't affect snowflake's sensibilities.
Did you lose your way from the MSM?
BTW there is no invective in the article. You need to get out more.
I enjoy the writing style. Lot's of energy about it, which makes it engaging even if there's parts that are disagreeable, or the perspective is off.
let's go, 'Plicius...
I missed your take on whether it was Trump&co who deliberately irritated Zelensky in order to create a scene last Friday at the White House, or if instead it was Zelensky's own premeditated plan to cause a rupture, being counselled to act upon it by his Dem+Euro+media handlers ..
Seemed to pivot when the poisoned dwarf piped up that USA would soon ‘feel it’ despite the ocean between them.
I think it built throughout, from his showing up dressed like a futbol hooligan to his cocaine-induced bombast, talking over Trump and Vance, and generally acting like someone who did one too many lines in the limo on the way over. That he was on drugs was pretty obvious. Trump is a notorious teetotaler, and given his family history, Vance is not the type of guy to overlook the obvious signs of drug-induced behavior. Not a good scene for Zelensky. The "you will feel it" comment was the final straw.
I agree. But it is crazy whats going on here in the UK Parliament. ‘Putin is the aggressor’….well, technically perhaps but the west was the trickster and instigator and agitator and provocateur. Our PM is dictating the narrative in a ‘this is the word, it must be recorded as this and no person must disagree’ . Of course media and sheeple just nod nod baah. I hope Trump pulls an absolute zinger out the hat. But I’m worried about China, they get a touch of the Zelenskyys themselves when they think they have position.
My understanding of the subject (with the caution that I have not read extensively on it) is that Russophobia was crafted pretty much whole cloth by the British elites during the Concert of Vienna years post-Napoleon. The entire idea of England "balancing out Russia" became so engrained in the thinking of British boarding-school elites that it is essentially inseparable at this point from British foreign policy as a whole. These types of things tend to take on a life of their own inside institutions, especially those as incestuous as the British boarding-school crowd and the Cambridge/Oxford/ London School of Economics crowd who fill out most of the government. It is startling though that this life has continued on for almost 200 years without anyone even questioning the validity of England's role as a "balance" to Russia. To think that little ole England with its army of 35,000, its decrepit navy, its mostly nonfunctional air force, and its tiny economy could serve as a balance to anything is nothing short of ridiculous, but so it continues.
The Parliamentary system and its links to the feeder system of universities and private schools almost makes a Trump-style change impossible in England. England lacks the political capacity for democratic input that would make a Trump-style change there possible, so they go on, deluding themselves and the few English who remain on the isle that they remain an important global player.
All true. But I’d say the entrance of Reform, led by Farage, has shaken up all the establishment parties - who are really WEF uni parties. I suppose he’d get a boost if Trump/Musk endorsed him but although sincere he is quite the egotist so I am not confident. We are doomed.
It is not simply the politics that must change. It is the entire boarding school to Oxford/Cambridge/LSE to Parliament or Downing that must change. It is an inbred cultural/social/economic elite who must change.
Something similar exists in the U.S. with the New-England private school to Harvard/ Yale to DC pipeline, but ironically DEI basically destroyed that, since most of the people that emerge from the Harvard School of Government today are too illiterate to sign their own names.
There is an entire back-bench network of state universities and so forth in the U.S., which, while staffed by Harvard/Yale/Stanford castoffs who share the same intellectual pedigree, but still manage to produce some quality engineers and other STEM types. These are the types of people who are capable of driving the changes in the U.S. that England lacks (i.e. see Musk's crew of 20-something tech kids in DOGE). England lacks this back-bench system and is entirely dependent upon the Cambridge-Oxford finishing schools to produce their leadership.
I guess that it was Zelensky's plan. You see, there are those rumors that there will be presidential elections in Ukraine in late October. Zelensky's popularity in Ukraine seems to have risen considerably after his show in the Oval Office... After all, Zelensky is a politician. Winning elections and remaining on his throne are the things that count for him, nothing else.
Looks like Zelensky was the trouble-maker. Here's why.
The agenda of Zelensky's WH visit (preceded by Starmer, Macron, Duda) was clearly advertised as the (phoney) "minerals deal".
But throughout the infamous 50-minute exchange Zelensky repeatedly interjected to insist on "security guarantees" from the US, clearly a task set by his handlers, even though just 2 weeks earlier Hegseth had clearly spelled out to Zelensky's face: 1/ No US boots in Ukraine, 2/ No Article 5 if the Europeans go in.
Tell me you've not watched the whole meeting, without telling me you didn't watch the whole meeting.
Zelensky was the instigator of the whole fracas, probably with "advice" from Vicky Nuland et al... to get in DJT's face and play the strong man.
1. You DO NOT sully the decorum and institution of the Oval Office by turning up in a Greta Thunberg costume. MASSIVE "in your face" insult. Especially if you've previously worn a suit to meet Klaus Schwab at the WEF.
2. You DO NOT publicly berate the President of the United States in front of the WHOLE GODDAMN World, because if you do, the VP, whose job it is to look after his boss' person and interests will
3. Personally hand you your very own "Come to Jesus" moment, and rip the rug out from under your childish antics.
The "Deep State" has a fairly good idea, by now, of how to push DJT's buttons, but they really have no understanding of JDV, hence their bad advice to Zelensky, leading to the mad scramble we currently see to salvage *something* from the debacle they actually instigated.
Which is actually the biggest tell as to who set things up. The "Deep State" + EU made the call, and it has totally blown up in their face. So now they have to tread very carefully, because they can no longer be sure their efforts will have the predicted outcome.
Yes. That could have gone off the rails in the way that the neo-cons intended were it not for Vance, whose cool rebukes set the temper and made Zelensky appear to be the crazed coked up loon that he is.
I am old enough to remember how the he "ceasfires " worked out negotiated by Lord Oven and other British diplomatic NATO clowns during disintegration war in ex Yugoslavia. Along with peace keeping forces provided by always " neutral" and disnuctiional UN agencies .
Didn't the underprepared Peace Keeping Forces *permit* Srebrenica-?
They were ready to act like bombing the green market in Sarajevo. Sure bring more body bags…
We know what they are doing. They want to find a way to sneak into Ukraine as "peace keepers" and then have the US fight Russia for them.
Trump and Putin are not going to fall for it, don't care how they try to shame them into it, and don't particularly even like these people.
I'd love to see Trump pull out of NATO and withdraw troops from Romania if they don't release Georgescu and let him run in a fair election.