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Nov 27
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Please accept this free kitten!


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Wow someone didn't get cuddled when they were young

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He might have been excessively cuddled- By Uncle Ernie?


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If the U.S.’s interests lie in Ukraine’s mineral wealth, estimated to be valued from $2trn-7trn, could not the U.S. have spent decades working w/ Ukraine to acquire these minerals peaceably—?!!? By “acquire,” I don’t mean “loot”—but to negotiate win-win deals for the minerals where each side satisfies their interests.

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Nov 27
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Hilarious. Up until 2020, no one on the Planet was aware of the Untold Wealth of this USSR cobbled Ukrainian Rump State?

How many on-the-take U.S. mouth pieces started chirping in unison?

If it is so valuable, why doesn't BlackRock stroke a check for $200 Trillion and buy the entire country?

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Nov 27
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Oh dear - well at least you are tring to contribute something

Keep on trying, one day you may be able to come across something worthwhile

Meanwhile stear clear of Ruto, he puts smoke in your eyes

Good Luck!

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Nov 28
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Dear dear you are losing it badly

When you find something to say - maybe : until then Good Luck with figuring it out

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TC is a chump or perhaps a chimp

The untold natural resources nonsense was just another faked up justification ex post facto as the brits say for the war

The EUUS had all the time in the world, post Soviet collapse, did nothing much by way of stealing

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Blackrock + Soros + Pompeo + others have their tenacles in western UA land and minerals, as we speak.

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Why 'acquire' when it is easier and more profitable to steal under cover of war?

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They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to

do this right now visit.......... https://t.co/K2mXQiCZiT

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Since I've had a couple shots a few years back when they were all the rage, can I eat your food? What do you gots?

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The imminent prospect of the enforcement of the Minsk Accords would have meant the US effectively having to trade with Russia for this wealth. Eeeek, hell no, Hence the war, CS. The Ukrainians had actually elected Zelenskiiy to bring that illegal civil war in eastern Ukraine to an end and implement the agreement! It was all about to go belly up for the US and the Ukrainian zealots. So we are where we are.

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Decades before insincere actors inked the Minsk Accords the mineral wealth lay there in Ukraine, an earthen treasure unexplored, unexploited. The country stepped into its independence in 1991 but remained for the next 30 years the poorest of post-Soviet nations.

Sitting on raw untapped riches--but kept in penury

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CS, the penury had more to do with endemic corruption and under the table wealth transfers to the west (and elsewhere despite western attempts to cut off these 'pipelines'). And it was a continuing frustration of the EU that massive transfers to Ukraine were just syphoned off when they were supposed to be buying general Ukrainian support for the EU-wider west.

I could go on on and on about how the west did not intentionally keep Ukraine in penury but tried to turn it into a Poland while allowing a sotto voce asset strip to occur. There were just too many competing dirty fingers in the pie fighting amongst themselves rather than getting stuff out of the ground. The west has lost all ability to actually do stuff in the real world as opposed to talking about it.....

as you yourself have often pointed out.

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Face the Facts. Ukraine is a clean, honest, decent society as compared to the Dual Citizens using American Military Might to feather their nests.

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ohhh..but but Isreal...here we go again!

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Germany, "the next 30 years the poorest of post-Dual Citizen controlled nations"


Well, at least Germany can build some more cutting-edge Diesel U-boats for the Chosen.

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Sure, Ukraine has resources. But at this stage of this unbelievable U.S./NATO Military mistake, leaking out "valuable Ukrainian Resources", "Lithium laced with Gold" "Solidified Natural Gas - shovel ready" is just more D.C. nonsense.

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I nver understood 'we are where we are' as to any any possible meaning

Perhaps you can explain to a non Brit and/or non US speaker what this phrase means, if you have the time for such a common pursuit

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... in a state of war the west disingenuously claims was thrust upon a wholly innocent and independent 'sovereign' Ukraine, by Putin! Nothing to do with us, Gov! Another peculiar English turn of phrase.

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Your explanation is even less understandable, if that is possible, than your origninal it does what it does phrase

But perhaps this is the cherished advantage of the brits: that no one can understand what they are saying

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But I mean well, Gerrard, and that is not a typical British trait. :-)

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I hope you do not mean well to everyone, that too would be incomprehensible, or very un useful , at least in time of war, and very un brit like

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“We are where we are” (American version: “It is what it is”)

It means whatever, so be it, I’m resolved to accept the situation I’m in which I cannot change.

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So be it is so much neater and apter

Thank you for the explanation

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It means 'this didn't turn out well but there's nothing we can do about it'.

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Thank you

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Another, in a long series of Strategic Stupidities of U.S./D.C. Zionist Morons.

Far, far cheaper just to buy something from Russia than kill Russians, in the footsteps of Adolf.

Clearly American/European decision makers have never had their blood invested in their schemes.

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"Who's being naive, Kay?" - sorry, couldn't resist.

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The focus is not on Ukraine's mineral wealth - but Russia's.

And that can only be accessed by first dismantling her militarily.

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Russia already is selling uranium, titanium,e tc. to the West.

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But why buy when you can steal - cripey this is a puzzle- it is not the American Way, what is wrong with America Today

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ahhh not any longer

and neither is CN

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Because once owned, these riches can be put as collateral in issuing money.

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I don't think you understand how fiat currency works.

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Win, win is not in the nature of ashkeNAZI neocons, they want it all.

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That is just Graham's bs. Valued gross. How much do you need to invest? How much is extractable? what about property rights? How much do you leave in Urkaine? Why bother, if you can buy this stuff somewhere else?And so on, and so forth. This just isn't serious.

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google "minerals in the UA"

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You do realize that extracting and transporting minerals has costs?

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extract+refine+transport = seller's cost+profit = buyer's cost

Of course, we are not even talking about the availability of such minerals in today's weaponized commodities markets. Look at CN's recent action banning sales of Tungsten, Titanium, Antimony, Germaniun, etc etc

Look at RU with Uranium.

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What Graham was referring to was reserves (total, not even economically recoverable) times current market price. It is basically a senseless number as cost of production is unkown

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Those numbers smell like complete fabricated bullshit and, given that they come from the lips of Lindsay "light in the loafers" Graham, they almost certainly are. He is just trying to manufacture consent for a longer war.

Possibly they reflect the amount in 2040 devalued US dollars when the US gets their first shipment. When a loaf of bread costs $50.

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Lady G isn't exactly known as a straight-shooter (to use another fine Murikan phrase). In fact there's nothing straight at all about the Pink Palmetto Princess of South Carolina, one of the most "conservative" states in the union. She loves her boyz in MIC uniforms tho.... and even comes with a lawn-jockey accessory named Mister Tim. Kind of like a southern-belle version of "Barbie" - except way worse. To borrow another great phrase from a movie set in Savannah: It's like "Gone with the Wind" - on mescaline.

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Lady G has ladybugs to feed.

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google "minerals in Ukraine"

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Faulty understanding of global power structures is behind the misconception that American overseas wars are conducted for control of raw materials or markets.

Reality demonstrates no such thing.

The dollars that drive American meddling in foreign conflicts are only the military-intelligence budgets.

We destroyed Libya, with its massive oil industry. Are American companies benefiting from that? How about Iraq's oil industry--are American companies making money there? How about Afghanistan? For 20 years, we occupied the country. Where were the American mining or other companies exploiting that occupation? Etc, etc, etc.

American wars are now fought solely for the military/political benefit of the hostile foreign power that controls American politics, and their neocon foot soldiers in the USA. The money/profit made from our wars is primarily to the military-intelligence bureaucracy and the contractor and non-governmental organization ecosystem that sucks at the same teat.

There is absolutely no steal-Ukraine's-mineral-wealth game-plan behind our meddling in Russia's regional issues. Our prodding Ukraine to bleed Russia is purely a neocon strategy to harm their generational foe--Kagan/Nuland and 95% of the other neocons are all descended, within a couple generations, from Jews from the Russian Empire's "Pale." They harbor genetic hatred for Russia.

Nothing to do with minerals.

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But for the smug Chosen, the resources will (reluctantly) be taken (if they win).

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Exactly. Saddam woukld have been delighted to sell oil freely for dollars on world markets. The US did not allow him to do so, hence the "Oil for Food" program.

And if the US Were so intent on simply stealing oil, why hasn't it invaded Saudi Arabia yet? Why didn't it simply occupy and expripriate the oil of Kuwait, post 1991?

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CIA and State Dept don’t get high-paying no-work jobs at politically connected companies unless they deliver big bloated contracts, and they can only deliver the contracts by manufacturing crises and putting their people in charge overseas.

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Yes! That's the dollars to follow to explain American interventions.

As well as DOD contracts for weapons, supplies, and services.

Trillions to be made.

No need for any dirty mining or manufacturing in the host country at all.

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The USA could just have friendly relations with Iran Russia and N Korea. Just stop being g stooge for that parasitic tribe and its illegal state.

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The problem with all this preposterous estimating of "maybe" Resource Wealth, is...Gross Revenue or Net Profit. Many a Gross Revenue is eaten up by extraction/processing/transportation costs.

Even for Lindsey Graham, Ukrainian resources of underage children is being reduced daily.

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Because the "Ukraine is full of valuable minerals!" story is absurd on its face, jsut as the idea that Afghanistan was a treasure trove waiting to be exploited.

The point is to provide a pretext for intervention, nothing more.

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Because even if they wished to, that would require actual statecraft and diplomacy. The "USA" has never been capable of that, they're only into dick-waving and bullying.

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They did try it peacefully...the U.S. called it diplomacy, the Russians called it color revolution.

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The Russians strike back Another Deadly Front Opened

As part of their increasingly deadly sabotage campaign against the EU the Russians have just crashed a 737 in Lithuania

Not that Boeing needs any outside help when crashing their planes,

This time Lithuania heaves a sigh of relief that it was not a passenger jet Boeing decided to crash in their country

But can not face the future safely with this threat hanging over them – ‘if it is not the Russians, who are plenty bad enough, now it’s Boeing, who next is going to attack us’

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Authorities must “seriously” consider whether a cargo plane crash in Lithuania was an act of “hybrid” warfare, Germany’s foreign minister said.

A DHL cargo plane flying from Leipzig, Germany, to Lithuania hit a building in Vilnius and exploded into a huge fireball early Monday morning, killing a crew member and injuring three others.

Russia has stepped up a hybrid warfare campaign since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine started in early 2022, targeting various EU countries with cyberattacks, sabotage and outright violence.

Lithuanian officials have said they are investigating the cause of the Vilnius crash but have so far not found any indication of sabotage.

"The fact that we, together with our Lithuanian and Spanish partners, must now seriously ask ourselves whether this was an accident or, after last week, another hybrid incident shows what volatile times we are currently living in, even in the center of Europe," German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said.

"The German authorities are working very closely with the Lithuanian authorities to get to the bottom of this," she added.

Lithuanian Police Chief Arūnas Paulauskas said the crash was "most likely due to a technical fault or human error," but added that terrorism "cannot be ruled out.”

"This is one of the versions of the crash that will be investigated and checked. There is a lot of work to be done," Paulauskas said. "Gathering evidence may take all week, there will be no quick answers."

Earlier this year, an incendiary device shipped from Lithuania via DHL caused a fire at a logistics centre in Leipzig. Western intelligence officials blamed Russia for that incident, according to reports, with British counter-terrorism officials also investigating whether the Kremlin was behind a parcel bomb at a DHL depot in Birmingham in July.

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Great catch on this, G.

Thx for the annexe

Very reassuring to hear that Annalena 'Scooby Doo' Baerbock & her Lithuanian counterpart "are working very closely" on this,

My tray is in an upright & locked position.

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CS - my advice is to steer clear of EU for the while

But maybe the collaboration with the RF will shift to the States, QTR, and other spots

Hit the Pentagon?

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Ironically, the Pentagon is now the most peaceful faction of US power structures. I wouldn't go as far as calling it friendly, but it's the only organization which still has people standing on the ground on own feet. Not to mention the requirement to refuse an illegal order.

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I'm reading the NATO Resolution you noted - it is an attempt to whip up money while the US gvmt is raving in the dead duck period, and a comprehensive resumé of all NATO clichés going back thirty years or more

The various coutries militaries are guaranteed to be more reasonable and to act as brakes on their Politicians' rhapsodies, this has been seen quite clearly in the UK, as in France

And is certain in the US

This is one factor that allows the pols to screech without fear of being taken seriously

And gives Mark The Bagman Rutte another go at raising cash

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Pity I live in the EU. :-(

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The EU militaries have shown they are as realistic as the Pentagon

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Don't worry. Death from a hypersonic missile is instantaneous and painless.

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I was kinda hoping for a strike on MI6 HDQ in London.

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I'm sorry for not more calmly going through the potential 1,200 top list of Boeing Kamikaze strikes

Country by country with up voting by readers

This needs real expertise

Volunteers to gather GPS or -I forget the name of the Russian system- co ordinates

Plus look outs

For example to warn Arms Factories Workers to leave factories

To clear the streets around MI6

A well organised resistance in other words

Perhaps that day will come

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A bit too closely, by all accounts, given that Annie has recently separated from her husband.

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Bareback loves black dick and has an African rent-boy that serves her. I hope he gives her anal warts and genital herpes.

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I hear he specialises in Mpox.

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I guess he did one 360 too many.

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"My tray is in an upright & locked position."



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Officials in Birmingham are now saying - on condition of anonymity - that the bomb was concealed inside a Matrushka doll, and Vladimir Putin's DNA and fingerprint traces were found on it.

Asked to comment, British transgender PM "Anti-farmer Starmer" stated that Britain stands with Ukraine, and will support her fight against the evil Russians "for as long as it takes."

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He left his passport too...

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He promised Ukraine 'forever money', taken from UK pensioners.

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Does Starmer have the same boot size as El Duce ?

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And mysteriously the door/plug bolts from that Alaska Airlines blow-out were also found nearby.

51 U.S. (not so) Intelligence Officers confirm this is true.

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Maybe Boeing 737s are the *new* exploding pagers--? Weaponized on the factory floor by Russia via hybrid warfare.

People, do not carry a 737 in your front pocket--!

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The new partnership between Boeing and the RF Sabotage Society is a perfect example of collaboration between East and West

737's crash all the time - but now Boeing shares the insurance pay out with the RFSS

This a Burns level genius move

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Nov 27
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The bagman for the BagMan

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The sun glinting off the window of a 737 @ 35,000 ft can't hold a candle to the heat Burnsie can & will bring

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The 737's hit the ground at Mach ?

This is the US's answer to Oreshnik

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It is perfectly okay to 'combat-test' a Mach 7 Boeing 737 in Lithuania--to peep the science & then debug later. Lithuania will understand.

Like Germany *understood* about the NordStream.

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You are right - cheaper than building the infra for the vanished German Brigade

There's plenty of crash sites going almost for free in Lit

They could even set up a Hunt the RF Saboteurs brigade and kill off their Remaining Russian semi citizens

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Given the state of Boeing's workmanship, their new 747 missile has been named 'OSHAnik'

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! Good joke on them - if they ever crawl back into production

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No, no, no. Boeing's yardstick is not Mach. You hit the ground at Mash 1.

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The little advertised factoid about Lloyds is if it is a significant Loss, then your first call will be from Lloyd's lawyers, introducing you to some fine print in your contract.

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Listen these Boeing guys have their lawyers too - they've gotten away with mass murder many times, bought off the FAA Congress the DOJ and the stockmarket, they bought Obama

I'd say they could handle Lloyds if there was money to be made

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I wonder how brisk are the sale of products "made in Chosenland"?

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737 is kind of chicken feed compared to blowing up Nordstream. Of course no one else but the Russians would have done that.

It's fascinating how far Biden can stretch a catastrophic election defeat into a mandate to launch WW3. A truly remarkable view of how "democracy" actually works.

Little did we know, Trump ending the war in 24 hours, is also going to be the end of the world. God forbid anyone should look weak, looking dead however, is fine.

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There are a lot more 737's than there are Nordstreams

Plus they fly over your head

Plus everyone knows that 737's crash anyway, even without the help of Russian saboteurs

This is a a move Sun Tzu recommended - When your planes are crashing anyway make sure your enemy helps you

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Blowing up Nordstream ruined Germany. You could crash all the airlines in Germany into big buildings and the damage would be trivial compared to Nordstream.

Actually it was an act of war to blow it up and my comment that Russia did it was sarcasm. Biden promised it would be shut down.

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Not if you get it right - there's an art to crashing planes that only Boeing possess, I'm suprised you have'nt heard about this

You can, on a good day, kill up to 280 passengers

At the lastest count there were 690 737's operational in EU, and many of course outside

Say 1,200 planes at an average of 250 a pop = 300,000 dead

AND! that's just passengers - get the crashes into crowded cities you could easily double up to 600,000 dead, many of them of course innocent children

Ha! Nordstream Dead Zero Boing Dead 600,000 and counting the babies double....

You think I'm being sarcastic

Ask the Ethiopians or the Indonesians

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Double Bonus if they hit Maternity Hospitals and Primary Schools

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Right! Triple Bonus if you hit NATO HQ: Quad Bonus Twin Towers! XXX44XX Bonus Mar al Lago

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Also, each aircraft will have multiple destinations on their itineraries every day. It’s a real possibility each 737 could crash multiple times per day making the number of killed passengers in the millions.

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Built turbine engines for a decade or so. Did a few FAA investigations. 5 years at an airline. Boeing keeps going at this rate, never mind ticket sales ending, you won't be able to pay people to get on their planes. Certainly not me.

As for the Nordstream deaths. All those people that freeze to death in Europe this winter. All those people who are losing everything.

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Nobody of influence and authority cares whether europeans freeze or starve.

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Will probably go like the great depression. On Wall St. the failed bankers jumped out their windows.

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Don't be hunting Biden. Find Biden's strokers.

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Violence is playing into their hands. I say give em all amnesty, but for God's sake take away their control of the world.

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I for one would enjoy seeing UK and France being demilitarized in real time. Maybe without jackbooted thugs to oppress them, the long-suffering populace of those two countries can finally put their corrupt politicians in their rightful place - hanging from lampposts.

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Britain is retiring 6 warships and publicly considering letting the two carriers go.

The EU states are in hock for a hundred billion Euro from their Ukraine adventure and their bonds are looking wobbly. Their race is run and they lost badly.

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don't forget that Britain has a grand total of ONE(!) operational submarine atm.

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Thanks to extensive use of Superglue, of course.

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You forgot the gaffer tape and WD-40...

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That's one too many.

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The Uk has a nuclear diad - Trident missile subs and air dropped bombs - though no doubt a nuclear Storm shadow exists. If the Russians are ever able to track the single Trident sub on patrol then the UK is in a very precarious position. I think it might be a plausible plan to terrform the Uk and only the UK into nuclear glass to show the rest that Russia means business. The UK would have little means of retaliation and a response would depend on the rest of NATO deciding that the price of ending up like the UK is worth [aying. Hmmm? This might be thought of as the logical outcome of being the leading bit part player in poking the bear. BTW, I don't think this scenario has a high probability of being realised, but certinly if the SHTF then I would consider it - but it does depend on knocking out the Trident sub. And we do not know if those subs are still as secretive as they once were. They are c 30+ years old now.

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I wonder if the LinkedIn ad for a submarine admiral ever produced results. And who knows, the Russians might be unfortunate enough to catch the UK on a rare day when the sub was operational and they have enough crew to operate it- of course is assuming they could get the Tridents out of their silos.

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You just couldn't make it up,,,

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I would think a Hazelnut on MI6 HQ would pretty much do the job. As to the Trident boat, it is now so knackered that it probably has a distinctive enough acoustic signature to be tracked with relative ease and probably is.

It probably has its own permanent Northern Fleet 'escort' the moment it leaves the North Channel.

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Several whales have complained about the noise...

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BRICS might have an interest in the decimation of the banking cartels World financial hub.

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The only nuclear component of the UK is the Trident. The WE-177 air dropped bombs were phased out in 1990. Anything else was tightly controlled US issue.

Even Trident cannot be used without US authority. The Trident boat is basically a US asset and cannot be used independently.

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May have posted this twice. IT skills lacking...

I have read that, but also some stuff that offers a conflicting view including the Official MOD description for what that is worth. But if what you say is correct, then I wonder if the USA would sacrifice itself to avenge the UK? Possibly not, but doubt and uncertainty are the name of the game.

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That they use as a background for sex tapes.

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Not to worry. Israel has Starmer's back/reversing History using German Subs to protect the last British Dreadnoughts.

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Our military is almost non-existent. I would much more prefer that they remove our intelligence services, MI5/MI6 - that is where all the devious plans come from. Of course, if you really, truly wanted to make a statement, you could bomb the City of London, destroying World Bankers' Paradise - and top it off with Bank of International Settlements, Basel Switzerland.

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The MI 6 headquarters and Langley would be good for humanity.

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A report by Reuters in Feb 2023 put the cost of energy subsidies during the prior 18 months at €800 Billion. That sum will have at least doubled since then to €1.5 Trillion

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Soon enough it will be cheaper to burn the money than buy gas.

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Yeah but Hollywood has made thousands of movies about the US and Britain having the greatest militaries ever. That should be good enough to take over the world.

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Were this to assist in the Decolonisation of Scotland I could only applaud. And for the long suffering of the people of England and Wales also.

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The problem is not the UK and/or France. The problem is that the US cannot afford to see its vassals hung out to dry.

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I think they prefer guillotines, or maybe I do, hard to say.

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You know with todays technology we could probably watch their face as it dawns on them, maybe I went too far.

Ultimately they are gonna need amnesty.

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Nov 27Edited

NATO is starting to systematically dismantle Russian AD in Central Russia, i.e. the systems that are there to defend against a mass aerial attack towards Moscow.

And they are now seriously talking about JASSMs and Tomahawks.

Because why not? Who is going to stop them?

How iIs that "winning" and a "success"?

And if they manage to position and disperse TELs and VLSs with nukes in them before Putin finally wakes up, even wiping out Europe will be too late of a "decisive" measure.

Putin needs to strike and disable NATO now. With all the consequences.

This is the hole in which he dug himself in by refusing to go in properly in the beginning, and refusing to go in at all back in 2014.

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I just love the western propaganda that masquerades under the banner of Russia not having been tough enough! Having failed to persuade Russians to dump Putin for a western-centric world, the prop op turned early on, to blather in favour of toppling Putin for a tougher eastern centric one. Anything to destabilise Russia and get stuck into the fissure. You find this propaganda all over the telegram channels, although not so much now Russia has revealed a glimpse of its big back teeth.

That aside, it is certainly true that if the Russians really did decide in an orderly manner to replace Putin or have to replace him, nothing at all western facing would take his place. Quite the reverse. But this propaganda doesn't want that, an orderly transition to armageddon or to a really Big Bad Boy. It wants disorderly ructions in Russia.

It's time for a new approach GM. Maybe you should get on the 'panic Russia's allies' bandwagon. That seems to be where the current money is.

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Notice how when Biden claimed "The Ruble will be Rubble" implying that Russia would be rubble, yet, Putin still has kept quiet, as Biden's Administration is being thrown into the Trashcan.

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"This is the hole in which he dug himself in by refusing to go in properly in the beginning and refusing to go in at all back in 2014."

Looks like this aspect of your comment is not gaining a lot of traction. Paul Craig Roberts might disagree with those dissenters/abstainers . And he (Roberts) seems (to me) to speak a lot of sense. Though you would not describe his views in any way as 'hilarious'.

Might have saved the World from nuclear disaster if firm action taken immediately? Who knows?

What I suspect/know, is that there are no accidents in the Universe. All actions have their consequence. Look at us.

Anyone familiar with the 'Harvest/Harvesting" of Souls, spirituality? Way out stuff. Screw ball, of course.

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No this a brave comment - in the teeth of such rabid materialsim as caractarises Western conduct of war, it is necessary to remind NATO of the spiritual dimension to their struggle they so narrow mindedly neglact

It is common knowledge that Mark Rutte is a Christian man, and that, with the right persuasions, could recast NATO into the requisite Crusader Entity to bring on the End of Days

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Onward Christian Bagmen

It's a celebration to be joyful - he collecting from you lot after all

Check out his latest NATO Resolution - you should know what you are doing

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You think being the bagman is significant? Huh?

After the F-35 scores - there's only a little cash to be squeezed by the scare scams

They'll have counting bills down in the Fed Bunker soon enough

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"You can always tell the Dutch, but you can't tell them much."


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Thanks for this age old EU saying

We in Africa have our own version of the very same saying

You can always bite the Hollanders but you can"t sell them Sollanders - it is better in the original Bantu, which never translates well, but you get the point

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I kinda look forward to GM’s verbal diarrhoea each article

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Down vote button please... Chip

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Jeez. Silly me. I thought D.C./Nato priority was dismantling themselves.

Thanks for the clarification.


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Appreciate all this study and work. It really adds to the critical thinking path. I found it super helpful.

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You’re most welcome. I come here, here, to learn from the bright bulbs. I pick and choose. The comments add flavor. I sorted and stacked, whom I learn from. The bright bulbs burn bright. Stay shiny friends. To the Motherland, the Sun Rises in the East. 💙🇷🇺❤️ Old lady with a virtual kat. ❤️🐈‍⬛ Note spelling. I was almost co-opted by the “ others”; thus I changed it up a wee bit. ❤️🐴🧲

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Heard. I’m not a regular contributor as a writer on Substack. I have to tap out words for a living in Hollywood. (Don’t judge. I’m trying to subvert from within.) But I read. Hundreds of thousands of words per month. Always slithering into dark literary corners and discovering thinking writers like you. Bless you!

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Just write another "scrappy rebels triumph against the big bad empire" narrative. You'll do fine. We apparently can't get enough of that slop, even though we don't learn from it.

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So funny. I have been telling many people that we are living through the actual plot of “Star Wars” (scrappy Rebels trying to take down the Empire with its Deathstar Bioweapons) and nobody seems to get it.

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Or they get the sides reversed. Until people see past national borders and realize that the real battle is The State versus The People, it ain't gonna get better.

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I found another article today very helpful. Here’s the link for you and your readers. Again… might be BS… hard to know. But my gut tells me there’s some “there there.”


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Lots of dots. Many ways to connect them. This, of course, is one.

You might be interested in Ron Unz's write-up on Jewish origins since Canaanites figure heavily in it.


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Mr. Putin enough playing with Jewlensky, erase him and the entire cabinets, Russia is not Uni Soviet, forget 1945 style Nuremberg trials, people are tired seeing those criminal faces, they ruined people's lives, people wanted to have a good time, let NATO finds out what it's like to have winter without electricity and with Everest-high radiation level. Kudos to RS 28 Sarmat ICBM, greatest Soviet's invention, please use it more often.

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"The irrelevant pipsqueak mewled something along these lines to powder on the phony fear-porn:"

Damn you're good with words Simplicius. Where are you getting these from ?

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The thesaurus

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I thought they went extinct ?

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And that's how it happened.

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I meant the thesaurus, not the "Irrelevant pipsqueaks' who sadly still dwell among us, waiting to pounce on any photo op to show Mary Ann and all the other girls at Crestview Junior High just how very wrong they were about them.

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I explored the two main issues presented, NATO/Outlaw US Empire having lost its almost 80 year-long war with USSR/Russia, "NATO Faces Capitulation in Europe" and "No Outward Fear Shown by Lavrov & Putin as NATO Publicly Threatens to Use Nukes," at my substack, https://karlof1.substack.com/

As I explain, the capitulation issue is very complex and needs much more discussion as it's tied to the use of nukes issue all of which are related to the ongoing Succession War. 54 days to go until the next crew of mental midgets arrives.

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What was especially brilliant was that Head-Fake of collapsing the U.S.S.R. and pretending to be mortally wounded as the U.S. squandered it's position with Narratives, DEI, squandering money by paying 10 to 100 times the actual cost, for mediocre toys.

Yep. Those Russkies, using the leverage of the Blow harts against themselves.

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Few remarks

- What would be the point of using a chemical explosive on a hypersonic IRBM? As far as I am aware, typical detonation velocity of most explosives is in the region of 8-10km/s or so, and the warhead is already traveling at "detonation" velocities (for lower end explosives). Could a casing even be designed that would survive ground impact and function with any reliabiity on fusing?

- Whatever Russia does as a response for the ATACMS/Storm Shadow strikes, they must realize that it will prompt an immediate NATO escalation. At this stage of the conflict, there can't be anyone on either side who thinks this war will end with just Russia and Ukraine, like night follows day it will almost certainly draw in expeditionary forces from other countries. So, does the Kremlin know this? Have they planned for this? Are they husbanding resources for this eventuality? I don't want to hear "ya but they won't have any equipment or experience" re: FR or UK troops. They will. And then if (or, when) US air power is brought to bear that will be yet another level of intensity of the war

Before anyone jumps in and screams "NUKES", there are many levels of conventional warfare that can and will be fought before it goes nuclear. It eventually will - not saying it won't - and as soon as the first aircraft carrier is sunk or if Russian IAD goes offline in a broad region, they will. But that won't happen right away.

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I disagree, once a certain threshold is reached they will skip the steps in between and go right for the kill. That is the art of violence. In a fight once you understand hostilities are coming your mission becomes one. Incapacitate the enemy before he does it to you.

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I would agree, except evidence points to the contrary.

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Seems fairly obvious that the damage done at Dnepro was as a result of kinetic forces.

You never saw any explosions at ground level after impact.

Oreshnik is about as surgical as you can get - little if any collateral damage is done.

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Right, hence why I am wondering why bother with an explosive warhead. If anything, just making the “inert” bit heavier and harder will make it more powerful. Eventually orbital bombardment with tungsten or DU rods will be the norm…

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Exactly. And I wonder why @Simplicius is not taking up our thoughts. Instead showing irrelevant Sarmat tests with a 2-3 slowmoving warheads.

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Oreshnik. The perfect tool to kill Bunkers loaded with NeoLibCons, their friends and families. Does Russia know where all the D.C./Nato bunkers are?

Asking for a friend.

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There is no explosive surviving the casing heating up to 1000degrees. These Oreshnik warheads were solids. like asteroids travelling 3000m/s (or less). Neverthless hypersonic and with tremendous penetrating power. The heat propably set fire to alot of the underground workshops.

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On one hand the strike on the Dnipro complex was very impressive... otoh, it's been functioning for the last 3 years. I don't get Moscow. I would have expected a "super" node like that would have been a prime, constant candidate for nonstop bombardment.

Are normal missiles just not that destructive?

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The Yushmaz complex is 1,5x1,5 km = 2,3 square km, 2.300 000 m2. An Iskander can affect between 5000-10000 m2. So you need 200 -300 precise hits to flatten the complex above ground level and maybe 1 or 2 beneath. Ukrainian AD will force you to commit 3 times more missiles to be sure.

Oreshnik is impressive because you cant stop it.

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A complex that big has a massive logistical tail. And my sense is there are lots of similar complexes all over Ukraine.

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Yes it is a Hydra.

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Since it was a frontline province of the USSR, I imagine it was militarised heavily all over.

Why have the Chinese been so quiet...

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They have hit it - many times.

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One wonders who owned the shares in Yuzhnyemash. If it were one of the oligarchs on relatively good terms with the Russian leadership, this would go a long way toward explaining the hesitation in striking the factory until now.

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The factory has been hit many times over the last couple of years. It is a huge facility - a small city.

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It's a Soviet missile plant the size of a town designed to operate unhindered after a direct nuclear explosion overhead. Make a guess how many layers of concrete shield the actual workshops, not warehouses at ground level. Of course it was bombed, but you can't hurt something like that with a mere cruise missile.

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Ukraine was a "province" of the USSR. And all of those sites were built by the USSR.

Russia knows as much as, and likely more, than Zelenski.

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They are surrounded by very effective heat shields. You have this problem with any hypersonic missile.

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@Mikey Johnson

Re entry vehicles for warheads can be and HAVE BEEN engineered to keep a suitable environment for rather complex thermonuclear weapons (with HE implosion components). There are other reasons not to use a conventional HE fill for a hypersonic impactor, the most important being DENSITY in an impactor with a limited VOLUME.

Common military HEs are less than 2g/cc, once the kinetic energy per kg of dense stuff (metal!) which can be crammed into a particular re-entry form exceeds the explosive yield + kinetic energy of the same volume of the densest available HE, why BOTHER with loading more dangerous to handle HE + engineer complex fusing & arming systems.

Every cc of, say, titanium (density about 4.5) impacting at 3.3km/sec will deliver more in just kinetic energy on impact than the kinetic + explosive energy of a cc of, say, PBXW-114 (density about 1.7).

Plus, a hot titanium impactor is likely to end up pulverized, dispersed and burning if air or even water vapor are available? Zirconium would be an even nastier kinetic impactor, hafnium would be incredible though the price would be too.

Even a chunk of mild steel (density around 7.9) at that speed outperforms the same VOLUME of any HE. While tungsten or DU might be optimum they are not really nescessary unless the target were very hardened and deep.

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Sinking a US SSBN in response to the next missile attack would be quite apropos. Hard to arrange, but very apropos.

If that didn't concentrate minds, nothing would. And I say this as a sane US citizen and employee of the DoD. This carnage seems less problematic than the worldwide kind currently being bandied about.

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That would be a very strong message indeed!

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Those are tricky though. I'd rather expect Aegis Ashore installations to go first, once Trump escalates.

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I mean, easy enough but I think the impact to the US is a little remote. I want to see something unmistakable, but I also don't want something that is photogenic.

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I guess we'll arrive there in three years or so.

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Trump cruised into Syria, did the dirty work for Israel on Soleimani, sent some toys to Ukraine, but never attacked a Peer Military Power.

Term 2 would be a disaster if Trump decided to up the ante in Ukraine.

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If we assume that Ukraine is given several nuclear warheads in violation of international treaties, what will happen next? Kyiv can present Moscow with an ultimatum, which will boil down to a demand to get out of Donbass and Crimea, since Russia does not demand anything from Ukraine except recognition of the separation of 5 regions and neutral status. What will the Kremlin do? It is almost impossible to imagine that it will accept such conditions. In this case, Ukraine will have to either admit that nuclear weapons will not help it, or strike. Let's assume that the Ukrainians will be able to detonate two or three warheads in Russian cities, what will be the consequences? Obviously, Ukraine will be retaliated against using nuclear weapons on their cities. A limited strike is possible only as a preventive one, when only military facilities associated with the nuclear program will be hit. The question arises, what is the benefit for Ukraine if it turns into a radioactive desert to one degree or another?

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I think if Ukraine is given nukes, Russia can/will nuke them immediately, and then will nuke the donor country for good measure.

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Yea, better not wait them to equip it. My problem with this whole shitshow is the audacity of the US to allow Ukraine to even contemplate this escalation. It’s unthinkable really and makes me nervous.

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Notice Russia moved on the Donbas only after Ukraine mentioned nukes, the first time. (my wife won that bet).

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Personally I would judge that that would trigger MAD. That would follow the [game] theory here. We need to remember that NATO wargamed this type of escalation scenario around 100 times before the war [and no doubt have done so since 2022 many times] and the published results were MAD every time. Once a certain threshhold is crossed, it seems things go wrong very badly and very quickly. My concern is people don't intentionally and wifully pursue policies designed to create MAD, but that it just accidentally occurs. As the poet said, shit happens...

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Why repeat nonsense MSM scary stories - these are intended to shut you up not to make you babble

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These are NOT nonsense MSM scare stories (that's some serious babble on your part BTW)

Those stories are there to move the Overton Window of public perception about the use of atomics in Europe and muddy the waters about who decided to use them and their provenance.

The US Admiral publicly stating the US is fine with letting you (Europe/Ukraine) and him (Russia) nuke it out, is part of that Overton Window shifting.

Russia, as has been its wont throughout the whole SMO, has nipped that concept in the bud, with Oreshnik.

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Tsk Tsk, so easily taken in by your own propoganda you should be ashamed of yourself

The militaries have more sense than to let anyone press the button, or to launch x y or z

This is what allows the various bagmen to up the scam with their scary

You'll cought up more the more fightened you are - and you sound fairly well fearful

Do you not reaslise that your guys are constantly lying to you and stealing your gullible money

Oreshnik is an excuse to extort more money

Check out the new NATO resolution - Read it I mean : Bagman Rutte ups the ante and wants to clean you out

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Oreshnik kills the previously Untouchables in their "safe bunkers"

Lindseys' arse won't be the only one puckering.

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I can’t disagree with the public perception aspect. I have been thinking that perhaps another purpose may be to fracture Trump’s base. Not to keep him out but to do enough damage to stall him out. Kill the mandates in a sense.

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Trump's base are cultists who will support him, no matter what he does.

To be fair, Trump could invent a cure for cancer using this one weird old trick and Team D and the MSM would bitch about all the doctors that he put out of work.

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It’s a reason (Media) they latch on to him. You have different types/levels of Trump supporters. In many cases the media dictates how they are perceived too.

Everyone i pretty much know voted for him. Can’t think of any of them that actually went to one of his rallies (all 3 times). Got me racking my brain now lol.

Conservatives aren’t completely impervious to facts like the left is. I know this is accurate about the left as they value feelings over logic in many respects. I never believed it until I dated and got to know one a few years ago. Could never get past it either.

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Most cultists, left right or otherwise, are pretty impervious to facts.

That said, I can see why people voted for Trump - in a system which is rigged against you, the only rational response is to Burn It All Down.

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So, for those that a ginning up active Nukes being thrown by both sides.

For efficiency purposes, Russia will nuke strategic assets, cities if necessary, and every Hazelnut, and Hazelnut derivative will be used on the Safe Space bunkers of the NeoLibCon Dual Citizen Little Princes.

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It's probably not a question of the benefit accruing to Ukraine - the entire scenario has never been about Ukraine.

Mrs Graham has made it clear on many occasions what this is about - it's about destroying Russia as a functioning independent state, and stealing its resources.

Any use of nuclear weapons against Russia will be less concerned with inflicting physical damage on her, than on enabling a regime change to occur there.

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"what will be the consequences? Obviously, Ukraine will be retaliated against using nuclear weapons on their cities. . ."

No. Substitute "the US" for "Ukraine" in the above sentence. Putin explicitly said so, and signed a new policy to that effect. Do you, along with the neocon crowd, disbelieve that? Or think that he was bluffing? He wasn't.

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Ukraine will be vaporized before it even tries to launch a nuke into Russia. Also there will be retaliation in some form directly against US/NATO.

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Nothing would delight NATO more than if Russia were to resort to nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

Russian impotence would be on full display, and any good will that Russia has would disappear. Not only that, but the US and Israel would take this as a green light to use nuclear weapons on Iran.

Fair? No, but fair has nothing to do with it.

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I agree that a nuclear strike on Ukraine is favourable to its current "friends". But my question was about finding benefits for Ukraine in the use of nuclear weapons.

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The outcome would basically be the same.

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And if Ukraine turned into a Pumpkin?

Nukes in transport to Ukraine, and Ukraine disappears.

Not going to happen.

Western Media is fly sheet.

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Well they are not just trying to get regime change in Russia, they want Putin to overreact to bring NATO.

Zelenskyy will be very disappointed.

The responses until Jan 20 will be in Ukraine and conventional. After that, all depends on how realistic Trump is willing to be. All I will say is anyone who discounts Russian strikes on military/air bases in NATO countries is making a big mistake. There are conditions - they just haven’t been met, yet.

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If NATO wants to attack, they will attack.

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Not without pretext they won’t.

Also, assuming no real damage happens (or they stop the strikes) till Jan 20 then the response will be limited to Ukraine.

If not, then … 😉

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A pretext can always be ginned up.

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These headlines are intended for the same anxious audience that listened to 'pandemic of the vaccinated' as truth.

Media accomplishes two goals in the West: fear and hate. Turn it on/read the article...who are you supposed to fear and who are you supposed to hate.

It is all so transparent.

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The media propagandists are ‘slicing the sausage’ by rearranging a couple of prepositional phrases or slightly altering a stray adverb or two, shifting the meaning *just enough* in order to manage the narrative forward, a little mesmerizing sleight of hand, so that eventually the nuclear war we thought was happening in Ukraine against Russia is really happening in Taiwan against China.

Don't blink or you'll miss it

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The Enemy has many devices to trick and deceive, even the most 'awake' of us. "Look here" is an old trick but many are deceived by it.

We, as mere mortals, are all subject to being deceived even those of us who have been 'awakened'....there is no running away from this monster and we've had time to prepare. Me, I cast my cares on the One who cares for me so I can withstand the assault. For those who have eyes to see, this is a spiritual battle so I encourage you to....

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are. (1Peter 5:7-9)

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Joe Rogan was a one-man plasma-scorching Oreshnik during his podcast, stating that Russia’s unstoppable ballistic missile can carry a nuclear payload and explaining that “if it does, the whole world changes. It changes because of the military industrial complex, and it changes because of the money that’s going to Ukraine, and it changes because the outgoing president – or whoever the f**k is actually running the country – has decided to do something f**king insane. How are you allowed to do that on your way out?”

Auguring in like an MIRV penetrating the earth, Rogan slammed Zelya and Joe for their villainous recklessness: “F*ck you man, f*ck you people. You f*cking people are about to start World War 3.”

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I think it's about time to sit back and put things into a higher perspective about what is REALLY happening. In the words of Bertold Brecht:

"We are traveling with tremendous speed towards a star in the Milky Way.

A great repose is visible on the face of the Earth. My heart's a little fast.

Otherwise everything's fine,"

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Having guys like this on our team are a fucking game changer. That and X. I have been trying to explain to dullards the importance of such. Without Elon and X guys like Rogan do not dare pop off. And it really smacks the Normie crowd. It must drive the media dickheads downright insane. Lol see the Axios pos and Scarborough and crew 😉

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The cure for fear is action, brother

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It is shameful that nobody insists on action, direct action, as being the only solution

Everyone too suckered by the violence is never right Mayflower Minnies

Start with a General Strike and watch how much encouragment this will give to all those currently hiding in corners or afraid to come into the light, or....

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It’s true and sometimes fear can freeze you right in your tracks. Fear can be good tho if you can ever learn to manage it the right way. (Sounds like a Rocky Movie I think). That only comes from experience however and it’s not really something that can be trained out of you. It’s also hard to duplicate that the experience in a controlled setting. Nothing quite exposes you like real life events.

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Musk sucks off the hind teat of American taxpayers. Give me a break. Rogan was doing his thing long before Musk bought X. It’s difficult to take people like you serious.

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Not sure if you want to be reached or not. But you are black and white thinking person. You have no ability to see into the grey do you. Maybe you can try it. I am not sure if it can be taught however.

Listen genius, we were done, finished, goose was cooked by mid 2020. All serious platforms had been purged of all dissent. Utter the word vaccine and become demonetized or banned outright.

Musk’s purchase of X pushed the Overton Window. There are every day conservatives on their now who are well aware of a certain tribe of dual citizens. They would never understand (including myself) had it not been for X.

That should be plenty of information for you to ponder. Please don’t retort something stupid. That’s not what this is about.

Thank you

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Elon is a god and Trump is my savior. It’s biblical.

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No Rogan is a retread for retards. All his guests are chosen by his Jew producers.

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I don’t rule out what you said but the fact remains Joe REACHES the masses. He is delivering mostly the right message. It was infinitely more frustrating and worrisome when we weren’t reach anyone but each other mid 2022. We can’t win that way. One shouldn’t complain too much, it could be worse, much worse.

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Now NATO is hot, French CNN sister FR5 you cannot imagine how many Napoleon dummies are ready to colonise Russia, but again too cold, no money, not enough canon fodder and too less French who are buying their crap.

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Plus it's almost winter.

The French have a bizarre Repetition Compulsion: they only put boots on the ground in a war w/ Russia during winter

Cue Prokofiev's "Troika"

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Maybe this is the French version of escalation dominance

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Escalade stratégique

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Now in Russian? I mean what do Russians call the escalade stratégique of those guys they once whipped all the way back to Paris?

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"Mr. Macron. Pick up the Courtesy Phone."

Borodino calling.

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Like a lot

RF tanks rolling down the Champs Elysées

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CheetosSpring. The little Corsican lost more of the Grande Armee advancing in to Russia in high Summer, than he did retreating in mid Winter.

Apparently Typhus was responsible (and Russians being hard as nails too, I expect).

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Nobody will ask the french or other europeans what they think.

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Except the Russian will, you forget them

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If the Oreshnik test strike was as lackluster as the UKR and Western media reports, they would have presented plenty of satellite photos as well as the internal photos and videos, showcasing lack of major destruction (and everyone knows how UKR regime enjoys producing such propaganda, so why they would hesitate now?). So far the locals report that the UKR secret service tightly controls the situation to prevent any leak of footage from the location.

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The UKR Secret Service are sending an expert team to the site of the Boeing DHL crash to assess the involvement of the RF, the hypersonics involved, and to count the number of dead

And to establish how easy it is to reproduce such 'accidents' all over the US, and the EU

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The silence in the US media about the Oreshnik is deafening and that speaks volumes. Kirby could barely string three words together.

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They're going to parade grainy satellite pictures to subvert and downplay the impression while actual underground facilities are all but pulverized. Yuzhmash is a nuclear-proof underground plant where the best stuff was obviously stored, and the Brits had already reported three hours of secondary detonations on site. Under the layer of dirt and concrete it must be a scene from hell itself.

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Larry Johnson (ex CIA) has a recent column supporting a CIA source told him , ie the 1 mi x 1 mi facility is dust,

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Can no one in this mad world manage to 'obtain' a satellite image of the site? Some bored 14 year old or something

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