Rep. Bennie Thompson [D-MS], the leader of Nancy Antoinette's now-defunct J6 Select Committee, introduced legislation in April 2024 to deny Secret Service protection for DJT "upon conviction."
IIRC Chuck Schumer said months ago something that was practically throwing out the idea of assassination right in the open, too. I can't recall the exact statement off the top of my head, but it is probably not too difficult to find. I think Greenwald may have reported on it at the time. RFK was also denied Secret Service protection, and had a near assassination attempt that was thwarted before it got as far as Trump's did with actual bullets flying past him.
A CIA director once said how the NED now does openly for propaganda what they used to have to do covertly. Now, it seems assassinations are done openly, or most optimistically they are allowed to happen through negligence and the media creating the circumstances in which it's acceptable and someone is likely to do it. Very nice brain you have there, it'd be a shame if someone put a bullet through it.
National Endowment of Democracy, which is nothing but a front for the CIA in all but name. It was expelled from Russia and rightly so. Didn't Schume say something like "don't screw with the intel agency as they have hundreds of ways at getting back at you",
Schumer speaking to Rachel Maddow about U.S. intel services just before DJT's inauguration in January 2017: "They have 6 ways from Sunday of getting you."
They won't let him win. They want total defeat of the public whom I think 75% support him. They will see once and for all what Mark Twain said years ago, "If voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it".... Chip
He will win, it's already planned. You've been watching a four year long movie. It's clean up time and this is the aftermath. Things will get worse but it's almost over. The best is yet to come! WWG1WGA 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Looks like the secret service wanted Trump killed.
"The witness claimed he and his friends tried warning police for several minutes as Secret Service members watched on, choosing not to take action until between five and eight shots were fired, the origins of which he said "100%" came from the rifle-carrying man.
"He was up there for a couple of minutes, absolutely at least three, four minutes. We were pointing at him for the Secret Service, who were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time."
Only after the gunman fired did police neutralize the threat: "They blew his head off."
I'm a Black dude who used to rescue naive wannabe proud boys from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang rape during my 34-year career in the prison industrial complex. Perhaps I'll have a second career in classifying you at a FEMA detention center if the shit hits the fan. 🤡
Did you just say that Trump supporters are proven dangerous because they did the Holocaust? That is so funny, that's a new one. I commend you for making me laugh, and if you really did prevent rape, then for that too. You are a good troll.
But I really hope you're taking the piss and do not actually think your political opponents should be raped and put in FEMA camps. It seems like it to me, but it's almost impossible to tell these days. You are doing a good job at it if so, and if not are insane.
It would help if you 🤡 learn how to read and not narrate nonsense. I used to rescue weak, wannabe, proud boys from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang rape during my 34-career year in the prison industrial complex in California.
I also assessed convicted felons for probation or prison based on the level of threat that the defendants presented to the community per California Penal 1203.03.
BTW, Becky is here at my second home on the beach rolling on the floor with uncontrollable laughter after assessing your retardation.
I agree. As a 24 year vet, I can tell you that I would not have allowed a single high point advantage around the venue. I would have had my own snipers on top of every building surrounding that venue. Gross incompetence or the SS was in on it... Chip
If Trump gets killed on stage, in the most public and obvious way possible, then what happens after that? He becomes a martyr, the country is destabilized to the extreme, civil war is not at all out of the question, etc.
Meanwhile they have countless ways of taking him out quietly and making it look like natural death. You can imagine what is in the various agencies arsenal of poisons, irradiation devices, and whatever else you might fancy. It's not as if death is an uncommon event for obese unhealthy 78 year olds.
So whoever did this, assuming it wasn't a case of Trump having some blood strapped to his ear, the way they do it in the WWE, with the shots being real, but being directed safely away from him (but why do that when you are up against the demented mummy currently in the White House and you are basically guaranteed victory? it makes no sense, so most likely it was a real assassination attempt), is looking precisely for maximum publicity and obviousness. The reasons for which are the key thing here...
In the aftermath of JFK's assassination, the CIA director JFK had actually fired--Allen Dulles--guided the governmental investigation, making sure to "color within the lines": he was there to "protect sources & methods."
For me Dules is the guy who was behind the assasination. With a strong religious background, diving the world in good and evil and evil had to be fought with every means. JFK more or less turned left and took the exit towards ‘evil’
Dulles brother, John Foster Dulles (the US secretary of State from 1953 until 1959) was the true believer, "good US vs. evil commies" type, not Allen. Allen was a straight up intelligent sociopath, such people only believe in themselves and their own superiority. All the hallmarks are there, his manipulation of his own family members, infidelities, amoral self dealing using his government and intelligence position to make money & protect his personal investments, cozying up to nazis during his WWII intelligence work in Switzerland, other murderous vendettas against any he thought a threat to himself.
Allen Dulles had relocated his (no longer Director of CIA since being fired in 1961) self to "the farm" CIA facility in Virginia BEFORE the Dallas assassination. He stayed there during the whole following weekend while Oswald was sought for, arrested, murdered & etc., Kennedys botched autopsy & return to DC occurred p
and while all the news stories shaping initial public perception were disseminated.
JFK was most likely killed because he was so corrupt that, even in a town full of criminals, they had to do something about him. L. Fletcher Prouty said that JFK got rid of all national security people when he took power and brought in his own people (this had never been done before) and he took the power to issue military contracts solely onto himself and would issue these contracts with the sole goal of assuring his reelection. The one thing he did that likely caused his death was the issuing of the TFX contract to General Dynamics run by a mobster named Henry Crown (this eventually became the F-111). The TFX scandal was by far the biggest scandal in US history and eventually all the investigations morphed into one huge Congressional investigation in 1970 (in the hopes of finally burying the issue). 1970 wasn't a very long time ago. I was born in 1964 and if I would have only been 5 years older would likely have had memories of the scandal. Yet nobody remembers anything about it. We remember when they tried to hire Smedley Butler in 1934 to overturn the US government and turn the country into a corporate dictatorship and we remember the investigation proving that Wall Street had funded Hitler yet somehow we have no recollection of something that happened more recently.
Gore Vidal was the step brother to Jackie Bouvier and in the book, History of the National Security State, he said that JFK wanted to turn the cold war into a hot war by first taking Laos and Manchuria (Manchuria is North Korea and Northern China and had at the time the world's largest deposits of coal and iron ore). He started by placing 20,000 troops in Vietnam (and those military contracts were about to ramp up massively).
It was all actually much more complicated then that. When the Great Depression started things didn't start to get better until FDR injected billions into the economy in 1933. But by 1939 the economy was worse than ever and the way they got it to start to recover was by beginning a massive military buildup starting with the B-17 program to try to not get too far behind the Germans (Vidal's father was the head of the air service at the time, the then equivalent of the Air Force).
By the end of WWII Truman had a choice. Either pay off a mountain of war debt using a civilian economy (and risk going back into a depression) or keep the economy on a military footing and kick the can down the road for another day. He chose to militarize everything. Truman and Eisenhower were men of the world and knew what the game was. In Eisenhower's famous speech warning about the military industrial complex, the part that is forgotten was that he warned about the long term effects on Universities that were all getting military funding. COVID might never have happened if it weren't for the universities being reliant on military funding for 75 years. But JFK was a spoiled rich kid that hadn't done anything with his life. He didn't know the military game was a ruse and so he took it seriously. He was delusional. He made a mess of it.
Today we know that "Investigative Journalists" such as Seymour Hersh are frauds. How he could investigate the Nord Stream bombing for 3 months and not find out the bombings occurred 17 hours apart is an intentional tell. He's fake. They're all fake. Like so many others Hersh wrote a book making the JFK assassination look like a mystery. Together, they create a mountain of lies. The most likely reason Trump didn't release the JFK files is because he found out just how corrupt everything is (and he'd have been hated even more for ruining people's fantasies). They were all in on it. It wasn't the mob or Israel. It was every branch of the US government. It's obvious when you find out the truth (And the Cuban Missile Crisis wasn't that big a deal and was all America's fault - but they've got to create their myths)). Just like the recent murders of Boeing whistleblowers is done by the government, not by Boeing. Only the government has the power to coverup every loose thread that can arise in a crime like that. People are naive and fall for all the bullshit. They want a story they van believe in and will hate your guts for telling them the truth. They want to believe there's a good guy and a bad guy. The truth is there is no morality when the stakes are high enough. The world is run by realists. They have no other choice. The reality is the west was never the democracy we're told it is. It's a military economy through and through. That's why all the strange stuff that keeps conspiracy theorists busy chasing their tails.
Search for "Henry Crown," "TFX Scandal" and "Chicago Outfit." Also listen to several hours of L Fletcher Prouty interviews and read "History of the National Security State" by Paul Jay. There's more of course but that's a start.
How is doing it in public "hiding" an assassination? And so far nobody has been able to provide examples of previous **political** sniper assassinations that also involve the targeting of random people in a crowd. From the diagrams I've seen, there is no way that someone capable of coming as close to actually killing Trump (the shot to his ear) would have **accidentally** hit at least two other people, in the head/neck area, killing one and leaving the others in critical condition. There is more to this story, and I fear that a lot of it died with the would-be assassin.
They are baiting that trap well: violence is what fascists do best. Please do not give them the excuse they need to lockdown the country for the election. Oh, you bet your ass they will.
“The modern Conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy;
that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
This stupid comment suggesting mass murder is acceptable US politics is typical of contemptible American citizens.
Hatred, violence, and brutal stupidity are hallmarks of this failed state's citizens who can't guarantee the safety of anyone, even a former President.
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956):
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents…
the inner soul of the people.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land
will reach their heart's desire at last and
the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
Art Buchwald:
"I always wanted to go into politics, but I wasn't light enough to make the team."
George Carlin:
“It’s called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.”
It was sheer desperation to take the heat off Biden and his dementia, Hunter Biden style. And he is running the White House now. The president gets an easy sound bite opportunity to sound presidential. he was clearly up, drugged and waiting for it when he gave that presser.
If Trump goes down for good, all the better. Anyone who cannot see this for what it is needs better glasses.
The US itself, like the old USSR of old is now the proverbial riddle, wrapped up in a mystery inside and enigma... In the US it is "Back in the USSR"..
There is some circumstantial evidence that Beria may have had a hand in facilitating the death of Stalin and intended to install himself in Stalin's place. It is also claimed by some that British intelligence provided Beria with a (then untraceable) warfarin/coumarin family poison which lead to Stalin's death. The liquidation of Stalin's personal staff immediately after his death points towards a coverup of a coup attempt as well.
Of course anything is possible. It's possible that Beria was a Western agent, the Soviets thought so but like I said, it's all speculation, it's unlikely we'll ever know what really happened.
One guy wrote on X,"How could a lone gunman have possibly known which one adjacent roof was going to be ignored by literally dozens of undercover agents, LLE, and Secret Service agents?"
Had it succeeded, Trump's nomination would've likely gone to Nicky Haley, a deep state candidate and warmonger. Then we'd see numerous Republicans switching and voting for Joe to stay, because she's even worse. All in all, it doesn't seem like a singular attempt yet, given how much is at stake.
They think that with their control of police & military- they can survive the chaos- then come in and take total control when the population is decimated & weak.
Control is all they think about.
"They" have largely controlled the world for the past 200+ years.
But have now lost Russia & China, plus a few more.
Their global dominance has been broken and they are freaking out.
America & the "west" are "theirs"- their home turf- from whence they controlled the world and brought "home" the treasure they skimmed & stole from around the world- for storage and to use for their purposes.
It is vital for them to "secure" control of their home territory- so they have a base from which to launch their planned future operations to take back control over the world.
They need unquestioning slaves & soldiers for this.
Hence the need to take total control of America, Canada & Europe.
With BRICS rapidly rising & strengthening, the USD & western financial system ponzi scheme are losing vital "cash flow" from the rest of the world.
No longer able to skim & steal from the whole world- without this "cashflow"- their ponzi scheme jig will collapse- is collapsing.
The more panicked they get, the more desperate their actions.
Be forewarned- America & the west face what Russia faced after the Soviet Union collapsed.
Except far worse because the majority in the west are totally dependent on complex supply chains, highly processed foods and highly integrated & technology dependent electrical grids, clean water supplies & sanitation.
Russian's were not nearly so dependent and still suffered greatly with big population declines.
It took Russia 20 years to stabilize, and another 10+ to reach a decent quality of life.
This is what likely what America & the west face- at minimum- given all western countries have rejected & destroyed their national identities.
Russia retained theirs and this was key to their turn around. This, plus a strong nationalist leader like Putin.
I highly doubt there is 1 person in the entire west that has the depth of understanding that Putin does.
Every participant, especially Director of SS Cheatle, should be prosecuted for willful negligence/ignorance, conspiracy to assassinate the President Of U.S. 45.
What's a 24 year old vets take on the shooter "grazing?" Trumps ear somehow (.22 gun?), yet getting headshots on civilians in crossfire. The shooter not even able to hit a static target at close range... Not even range trained ANTIFA?
"somehow?" I see you have limited experience with shooting. The shooter was firing an AR-15, .223 caliber. It's a small bullet but with very high power despite the small diameter. Going for a head shot was risky for the shooter because Trump moves his head a lot when giving a speech: in the time from when the shooter had Trump's head in his crosshairs (I presume he used a telescopic sight) and decided to squeeze off a shot, there's a delay from the reaction time from the decision to the time the squeezing action fires the shot, and then the slight time for the bullet to travel 400 ft / 120 m to the target. In that total time for reaction time and flight time combined, at least half a second and likely almost a second, Trump easily could have moved his head so the bullet grazed him. It's also very likely the shooter did not calmly squeeze off the shot but jerked slightly, because he fired five times in rapid succession. That's almost impossible for someone who is not a very highly experienced sniper to do without jerking the gun significantly off the desired aim point.
The result is that one shot grazed Trump's head while all the rest went into the crowd around Trump. That one of the missed shots hit a bystander in the head is just unlucky. But given the density of the crowd and the many people behind Trump it's no surprise whatsoever that the shots which missed Trump hit bystanders.
What are the chances the shot just grazes his ear in some whack freak of luck. It seems odd that he was shot yet it was the least damaging wound someone can make with a firearm. He didn't even lose part of his ear. Feels weird he can just get cleaned up and go back to normal. Too good to be true.
And yeah I know all of your annoying points you autistically brought up, but the range for the shooter was not far, and even a basic range scrub can hit something more meaningful.
"What are the chances the shot just grazes his ear in some whack freak of luck. "
About a million times greater than the chance someone could deliberately have pulled off a "graze the ear" shot from 120 meters. I see you're really focused on proving you have no skills whatsoever with firearms.
400 ft / 120 meters is a third longer than a US football field. That's a very long shot for rapid fire shooting: your comment that it was "not far" is wildly wrong.
As for range shooting, anybody who has any real experience with shooting at a range knows that putting a telescopic sight on a relatively short-barreled AR-15 won't solve the basic problem that hitting a head sized target at a range of 133 yards (which is what 400 ft is) when rapidly pulling the trigger five times is very difficult. Most people, even those with a lot of range time, can't do it. Heck, many people even taking their time to squeeze off the first shot with no attempt to follow up with four more shots couldn't do it.
And that's at a range: trying to assassinate a former President and the likely next President when you know there will be return fire gets the adrenaline going way more than calmly trying to do your best at the range.
That this shooter got as close as he did indicates either he's exceptionally skilled for an amateur or he just got lucky.
Ah, and I just love it, laughing out loud, at how some people get "annoyed" when they encounter a reality-based comment.
I think one of two alternatives are happening now:
1) TPTB are getting are attempting to get rid of all opposition and take full power over the USA, using the assassination attempt as an excuse to further the existing "State of Emergency" declared by Bush after 911 that has never been rescinded. They will put in power some monkey idiot (like Harris) who will take their orders without question as the national crackdown begins and they can manage the final takeover of the US government by zionists who see this as the last chance to use US military power to start the last war that will result in the zionist takeover of the world..
2) They are setting Trump up as a martyr so he can take full power over the USA, using the assassination attempt as an excuse to further the existing "State of Emergency" declared by Bush after 911 that has never been rescinded and manage the final takeover of the US government by zionists who see this as the last chance to use US military power to start the last war that will result in the zionist takeover of the world.
Lean towards #1 - but watch for (as Alex Jones has warned about) Phase II, where an 'enraged, conspiracy wacko, violent white-supremacist ( etc., etc.) Trump supporter'
attacks someone/something associated w/the Dems (or maybe RFK, Jr. - wouldn't that be convenient? Massacres a bunch of immigrants?).
"immigrants"....are you referring to the MILLIONS of uninvited, invading foreign "soldiers" brought into FUSA and funded by taxpayers, courtesy the communist cabal of Soetoro and company ?
Kennedy has been repeatedly denied SS security by the Biden Administration after multiple attacks on him and his family. This is unprecedented for presidential candidates.
We are watching "The Godfather" in real time.
Exciting times when you have Peace reigning in your spirit.
My first thought when I saw the news: So the Secret Service does NOT have a surveillance drone overhead during Trump's open air speeches? How is that omission even possible in today's world?
There is a water tower close by----The best vantage point to observe everything---Can't believe the security detail did not have someone on top of water tower,
No, not an Americanism. To be in the limelight is to be highlighted, shown off. A positive action.
To be in the bullseye is to be a target. A negative action.
You are right. Silly me. I'll delete. All this speculation got to me. You're kind to point it out. 🥺
Obviously never shot a gun
It is clearly his right ear bleeding in the photo.
Yeah, your wires are clearly crossed.
If he makes it to January alive, that is. Because democracy . . .
Judge Merchan has delayed sentencing until mid-September, "if necessary."
They'll try again, and the second time round they won't miss.
Rep. Bennie Thompson [D-MS], the leader of Nancy Antoinette's now-defunct J6 Select Committee, introduced legislation in April 2024 to deny Secret Service protection for DJT "upon conviction."
IIRC Chuck Schumer said months ago something that was practically throwing out the idea of assassination right in the open, too. I can't recall the exact statement off the top of my head, but it is probably not too difficult to find. I think Greenwald may have reported on it at the time. RFK was also denied Secret Service protection, and had a near assassination attempt that was thwarted before it got as far as Trump's did with actual bullets flying past him.
A CIA director once said how the NED now does openly for propaganda what they used to have to do covertly. Now, it seems assassinations are done openly, or most optimistically they are allowed to happen through negligence and the media creating the circumstances in which it's acceptable and someone is likely to do it. Very nice brain you have there, it'd be a shame if someone put a bullet through it.
National Endowment of Democracy, which is nothing but a front for the CIA in all but name. It was expelled from Russia and rightly so. Didn't Schume say something like "don't screw with the intel agency as they have hundreds of ways at getting back at you",
Schumer speaking to Rachel Maddow about U.S. intel services just before DJT's inauguration in January 2017: "They have 6 ways from Sunday of getting you."
They won't let him win. They want total defeat of the public whom I think 75% support him. They will see once and for all what Mark Twain said years ago, "If voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it".... Chip
He will win, it's already planned. You've been watching a four year long movie. It's clean up time and this is the aftermath. Things will get worse but it's almost over. The best is yet to come! WWG1WGA 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
I am astounded how more people do not see this….but i suppose emotional triggering does narrow the perspective.
Fuck Musk.
What you no like hair transplant boy in satan suits?
And Reid Hoffman
Jealousy has overtaken your thoughts.
Looks like the secret service wanted Trump killed.
"The witness claimed he and his friends tried warning police for several minutes as Secret Service members watched on, choosing not to take action until between five and eight shots were fired, the origins of which he said "100%" came from the rifle-carrying man.
"He was up there for a couple of minutes, absolutely at least three, four minutes. We were pointing at him for the Secret Service, who were looking at us from the top of the barn. They were looking at us the whole time."
Only after the gunman fired did police neutralize the threat: "They blew his head off."
From MOA comments.
I'm a Black dude who used to rescue naive wannabe proud boys from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang rape during my 34-year career in the prison industrial complex. Perhaps I'll have a second career in classifying you at a FEMA detention center if the shit hits the fan. 🤡
AI bot. Don't take the bait.
Even worse, I think—a human who writes like an AI, trained on reddit posts.
Wow, that's big of you, rape is so funny as is threatening to put anyone you disagree with in a concentration camp.
Did you just say that Trump supporters are proven dangerous because they did the Holocaust? That is so funny, that's a new one. I commend you for making me laugh, and if you really did prevent rape, then for that too. You are a good troll.
But I really hope you're taking the piss and do not actually think your political opponents should be raped and put in FEMA camps. It seems like it to me, but it's almost impossible to tell these days. You are doing a good job at it if so, and if not are insane.
No you are just another lying troll. Never had a job outside the troll farm cubicle.
Another State Department troll, how does it feel to be a true American traitor?
So you have experience with buck breaking?
Most peculiar...
It would help if you 🤡 learn how to read and not narrate nonsense. I used to rescue weak, wannabe, proud boys from Aryan Brotherhood prison gang rape during my 34-career year in the prison industrial complex in California.
I also assessed convicted felons for probation or prison based on the level of threat that the defendants presented to the community per California Penal 1203.03.
BTW, Becky is here at my second home on the beach rolling on the floor with uncontrollable laughter after assessing your retardation.
She's wondering how you compensate. :)
A most peculiar buck indeed...I do declare!
I agree. As a 24 year vet, I can tell you that I would not have allowed a single high point advantage around the venue. I would have had my own snipers on top of every building surrounding that venue. Gross incompetence or the SS was in on it... Chip
Why do it this way though?
If Trump gets killed on stage, in the most public and obvious way possible, then what happens after that? He becomes a martyr, the country is destabilized to the extreme, civil war is not at all out of the question, etc.
Meanwhile they have countless ways of taking him out quietly and making it look like natural death. You can imagine what is in the various agencies arsenal of poisons, irradiation devices, and whatever else you might fancy. It's not as if death is an uncommon event for obese unhealthy 78 year olds.
So whoever did this, assuming it wasn't a case of Trump having some blood strapped to his ear, the way they do it in the WWE, with the shots being real, but being directed safely away from him (but why do that when you are up against the demented mummy currently in the White House and you are basically guaranteed victory? it makes no sense, so most likely it was a real assassination attempt), is looking precisely for maximum publicity and obviousness. The reasons for which are the key thing here...
you forget that US is a violent country, has had multiple presidents assassinated, the best way to hide an assassination is doing it in public
even if Trump moves is head, and you do not kill him, you just kill the shooter
and continue
In the aftermath of JFK's assassination, the CIA director JFK had actually fired--Allen Dulles--guided the governmental investigation, making sure to "color within the lines": he was there to "protect sources & methods."
Protect the mossad
For me Dules is the guy who was behind the assasination. With a strong religious background, diving the world in good and evil and evil had to be fought with every means. JFK more or less turned left and took the exit towards ‘evil’
Dulles brother, John Foster Dulles (the US secretary of State from 1953 until 1959) was the true believer, "good US vs. evil commies" type, not Allen. Allen was a straight up intelligent sociopath, such people only believe in themselves and their own superiority. All the hallmarks are there, his manipulation of his own family members, infidelities, amoral self dealing using his government and intelligence position to make money & protect his personal investments, cozying up to nazis during his WWII intelligence work in Switzerland, other murderous vendettas against any he thought a threat to himself.
Allen Dulles had relocated his (no longer Director of CIA since being fired in 1961) self to "the farm" CIA facility in Virginia BEFORE the Dallas assassination. He stayed there during the whole following weekend while Oswald was sought for, arrested, murdered & etc., Kennedys botched autopsy & return to DC occurred p
and while all the news stories shaping initial public perception were disseminated.
Pretty busy for a retired spook.
Thx for describing Dulles's secret government on "the farm"
David Talbot's 2015 book "The Devil's Chessboard: the Rise of Allen Dulles, the CIA & a Secret Government in the U.S." is well-sourced
Another compelling book: "JFK & the Unspeakable"by James W. Douglass, 2008
JFK was most likely killed because he was so corrupt that, even in a town full of criminals, they had to do something about him. L. Fletcher Prouty said that JFK got rid of all national security people when he took power and brought in his own people (this had never been done before) and he took the power to issue military contracts solely onto himself and would issue these contracts with the sole goal of assuring his reelection. The one thing he did that likely caused his death was the issuing of the TFX contract to General Dynamics run by a mobster named Henry Crown (this eventually became the F-111). The TFX scandal was by far the biggest scandal in US history and eventually all the investigations morphed into one huge Congressional investigation in 1970 (in the hopes of finally burying the issue). 1970 wasn't a very long time ago. I was born in 1964 and if I would have only been 5 years older would likely have had memories of the scandal. Yet nobody remembers anything about it. We remember when they tried to hire Smedley Butler in 1934 to overturn the US government and turn the country into a corporate dictatorship and we remember the investigation proving that Wall Street had funded Hitler yet somehow we have no recollection of something that happened more recently.
Gore Vidal was the step brother to Jackie Bouvier and in the book, History of the National Security State, he said that JFK wanted to turn the cold war into a hot war by first taking Laos and Manchuria (Manchuria is North Korea and Northern China and had at the time the world's largest deposits of coal and iron ore). He started by placing 20,000 troops in Vietnam (and those military contracts were about to ramp up massively).
It was all actually much more complicated then that. When the Great Depression started things didn't start to get better until FDR injected billions into the economy in 1933. But by 1939 the economy was worse than ever and the way they got it to start to recover was by beginning a massive military buildup starting with the B-17 program to try to not get too far behind the Germans (Vidal's father was the head of the air service at the time, the then equivalent of the Air Force).
By the end of WWII Truman had a choice. Either pay off a mountain of war debt using a civilian economy (and risk going back into a depression) or keep the economy on a military footing and kick the can down the road for another day. He chose to militarize everything. Truman and Eisenhower were men of the world and knew what the game was. In Eisenhower's famous speech warning about the military industrial complex, the part that is forgotten was that he warned about the long term effects on Universities that were all getting military funding. COVID might never have happened if it weren't for the universities being reliant on military funding for 75 years. But JFK was a spoiled rich kid that hadn't done anything with his life. He didn't know the military game was a ruse and so he took it seriously. He was delusional. He made a mess of it.
Today we know that "Investigative Journalists" such as Seymour Hersh are frauds. How he could investigate the Nord Stream bombing for 3 months and not find out the bombings occurred 17 hours apart is an intentional tell. He's fake. They're all fake. Like so many others Hersh wrote a book making the JFK assassination look like a mystery. Together, they create a mountain of lies. The most likely reason Trump didn't release the JFK files is because he found out just how corrupt everything is (and he'd have been hated even more for ruining people's fantasies). They were all in on it. It wasn't the mob or Israel. It was every branch of the US government. It's obvious when you find out the truth (And the Cuban Missile Crisis wasn't that big a deal and was all America's fault - but they've got to create their myths)). Just like the recent murders of Boeing whistleblowers is done by the government, not by Boeing. Only the government has the power to coverup every loose thread that can arise in a crime like that. People are naive and fall for all the bullshit. They want a story they van believe in and will hate your guts for telling them the truth. They want to believe there's a good guy and a bad guy. The truth is there is no morality when the stakes are high enough. The world is run by realists. They have no other choice. The reality is the west was never the democracy we're told it is. It's a military economy through and through. That's why all the strange stuff that keeps conspiracy theorists busy chasing their tails.
Search for "Henry Crown," "TFX Scandal" and "Chicago Outfit." Also listen to several hours of L Fletcher Prouty interviews and read "History of the National Security State" by Paul Jay. There's more of course but that's a start.
How is doing it in public "hiding" an assassination? And so far nobody has been able to provide examples of previous **political** sniper assassinations that also involve the targeting of random people in a crowd. From the diagrams I've seen, there is no way that someone capable of coming as close to actually killing Trump (the shot to his ear) would have **accidentally** hit at least two other people, in the head/neck area, killing one and leaving the others in critical condition. There is more to this story, and I fear that a lot of it died with the would-be assassin.
That's exactly why he was killed rather than apprehended.
Ahh he was killed so he could kill anyone else 🤦🏻♂️
The shot went through Trump's ear & hit the blond haired woman behind him in the head. She dropped like a rock while Trump was still standing.
Multiple shots were immediately fired. Nothing says the assassin didn't fire off more shots in attempt at Trump.
May God have mercy on her soul and comfort her loved ones.
It should just be leaked that if Trump is killed then a dozen corrupt Dem Congressional criminals will be shot within days. Simple.
They are baiting that trap well: violence is what fascists do best. Please do not give them the excuse they need to lockdown the country for the election. Oh, you bet your ass they will.
That is just what they want.
John Kenneth Galbraith:
“The modern Conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy;
that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
This stupid comment suggesting mass murder is acceptable US politics is typical of contemptible American citizens.
Hatred, violence, and brutal stupidity are hallmarks of this failed state's citizens who can't guarantee the safety of anyone, even a former President.
H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956):
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents…
the inner soul of the people.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land
will reach their heart's desire at last and
the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
Art Buchwald:
"I always wanted to go into politics, but I wasn't light enough to make the team."
George Carlin:
“It’s called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.”
It was sheer desperation to take the heat off Biden and his dementia, Hunter Biden style. And he is running the White House now. The president gets an easy sound bite opportunity to sound presidential. he was clearly up, drugged and waiting for it when he gave that presser.
If Trump goes down for good, all the better. Anyone who cannot see this for what it is needs better glasses.
You mean to give a signal to other opposite voices… they could ne next and less lucky…
End of times is nearing…
General Moron sinks to new levels....
The US itself, like the old USSR of old is now the proverbial riddle, wrapped up in a mystery inside and enigma... In the US it is "Back in the USSR"..
Except the USSR never assassinated its leaders, just the opposition.
The opposition also had and has leaders.
Who don't really amount to much, by and large, Western puppets.
@William Bowles
There is some circumstantial evidence that Beria may have had a hand in facilitating the death of Stalin and intended to install himself in Stalin's place. It is also claimed by some that British intelligence provided Beria with a (then untraceable) warfarin/coumarin family poison which lead to Stalin's death. The liquidation of Stalin's personal staff immediately after his death points towards a coverup of a coup attempt as well.
Of course anything is possible. It's possible that Beria was a Western agent, the Soviets thought so but like I said, it's all speculation, it's unlikely we'll ever know what really happened.
One guy wrote on X,"How could a lone gunman have possibly known which one adjacent roof was going to be ignored by literally dozens of undercover agents, LLE, and Secret Service agents?"
Had it succeeded, Trump's nomination would've likely gone to Nicky Haley, a deep state candidate and warmonger. Then we'd see numerous Republicans switching and voting for Joe to stay, because she's even worse. All in all, it doesn't seem like a singular attempt yet, given how much is at stake.
They would nominate some patsy to replace him two days later and all of the sympathy for Trump would get channeled into a form that wasn't a threat.
How did the gunman know beforehand that his location is not going to be guarded by anyone? Huh!
And this?
I found the original video posted on youtube about 4 months ago. Listen to the prediction around the 11 minute mark.
The donors have decided that Trump will be president. It's that simple. Beautifully orchestrated. And that fist he raises! Splendid.
The question now is his vp, which I speculate will be Vance. Vance's biggest donor is Thiel. As in "Surveillance Thiel". Chaos is necessary!
Why start the war in the ukraine if we knew it would hasten our demise and show the whole world the US is weak?
because they're desperate
Because they're arrogant. Hubris has slain many a hero and villain.
the quote comes to mind: Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt
"They" want civil war.
They think that with their control of police & military- they can survive the chaos- then come in and take total control when the population is decimated & weak.
Control is all they think about.
"They" have largely controlled the world for the past 200+ years.
But have now lost Russia & China, plus a few more.
Their global dominance has been broken and they are freaking out.
America & the "west" are "theirs"- their home turf- from whence they controlled the world and brought "home" the treasure they skimmed & stole from around the world- for storage and to use for their purposes.
It is vital for them to "secure" control of their home territory- so they have a base from which to launch their planned future operations to take back control over the world.
They need unquestioning slaves & soldiers for this.
Hence the need to take total control of America, Canada & Europe.
With BRICS rapidly rising & strengthening, the USD & western financial system ponzi scheme are losing vital "cash flow" from the rest of the world.
No longer able to skim & steal from the whole world- without this "cashflow"- their ponzi scheme jig will collapse- is collapsing.
The more panicked they get, the more desperate their actions.
Be forewarned- America & the west face what Russia faced after the Soviet Union collapsed.
Except far worse because the majority in the west are totally dependent on complex supply chains, highly processed foods and highly integrated & technology dependent electrical grids, clean water supplies & sanitation.
Russian's were not nearly so dependent and still suffered greatly with big population declines.
It took Russia 20 years to stabilize, and another 10+ to reach a decent quality of life.
This is what likely what America & the west face- at minimum- given all western countries have rejected & destroyed their national identities.
Russia retained theirs and this was key to their turn around. This, plus a strong nationalist leader like Putin.
I highly doubt there is 1 person in the entire west that has the depth of understanding that Putin does.
Everything went according to plan except the outcome.
Which is why Aleks at BMA says we're now living in Plan B.
Every participant, especially Director of SS Cheatle, should be prosecuted for willful negligence/ignorance, conspiracy to assassinate the President Of U.S. 45.
What's a 24 year old vets take on the shooter "grazing?" Trumps ear somehow (.22 gun?), yet getting headshots on civilians in crossfire. The shooter not even able to hit a static target at close range... Not even range trained ANTIFA?
"somehow?" I see you have limited experience with shooting. The shooter was firing an AR-15, .223 caliber. It's a small bullet but with very high power despite the small diameter. Going for a head shot was risky for the shooter because Trump moves his head a lot when giving a speech: in the time from when the shooter had Trump's head in his crosshairs (I presume he used a telescopic sight) and decided to squeeze off a shot, there's a delay from the reaction time from the decision to the time the squeezing action fires the shot, and then the slight time for the bullet to travel 400 ft / 120 m to the target. In that total time for reaction time and flight time combined, at least half a second and likely almost a second, Trump easily could have moved his head so the bullet grazed him. It's also very likely the shooter did not calmly squeeze off the shot but jerked slightly, because he fired five times in rapid succession. That's almost impossible for someone who is not a very highly experienced sniper to do without jerking the gun significantly off the desired aim point.
The result is that one shot grazed Trump's head while all the rest went into the crowd around Trump. That one of the missed shots hit a bystander in the head is just unlucky. But given the density of the crowd and the many people behind Trump it's no surprise whatsoever that the shots which missed Trump hit bystanders.
What are the chances the shot just grazes his ear in some whack freak of luck. It seems odd that he was shot yet it was the least damaging wound someone can make with a firearm. He didn't even lose part of his ear. Feels weird he can just get cleaned up and go back to normal. Too good to be true.
And yeah I know all of your annoying points you autistically brought up, but the range for the shooter was not far, and even a basic range scrub can hit something more meaningful.
"What are the chances the shot just grazes his ear in some whack freak of luck. "
About a million times greater than the chance someone could deliberately have pulled off a "graze the ear" shot from 120 meters. I see you're really focused on proving you have no skills whatsoever with firearms.
400 ft / 120 meters is a third longer than a US football field. That's a very long shot for rapid fire shooting: your comment that it was "not far" is wildly wrong.
As for range shooting, anybody who has any real experience with shooting at a range knows that putting a telescopic sight on a relatively short-barreled AR-15 won't solve the basic problem that hitting a head sized target at a range of 133 yards (which is what 400 ft is) when rapidly pulling the trigger five times is very difficult. Most people, even those with a lot of range time, can't do it. Heck, many people even taking their time to squeeze off the first shot with no attempt to follow up with four more shots couldn't do it.
And that's at a range: trying to assassinate a former President and the likely next President when you know there will be return fire gets the adrenaline going way more than calmly trying to do your best at the range.
That this shooter got as close as he did indicates either he's exceptionally skilled for an amateur or he just got lucky.
Ah, and I just love it, laughing out loud, at how some people get "annoyed" when they encounter a reality-based comment.
Only the first shot 'might' have made the target of 6" by 8" at 400 feet. The 4 rapid following shots would all be slightly or more off-target.
Thank you for this analysis.
Can you control yourself and not write up to the word limit every time?
Speaking of autistic.
Autistically.. not you ?
"And yeah I know all of your annoying points you autistically brought up" -- what a jackass.
Same chances that God actually exists and doesn't wish for his creation to go down in atomic fire yet. He's more in the flood business, you see.
Agree. He turned his just in time.
All pure speculation but fun for the speculators
Thank you for the analysis, and as a side effect you also uncovered a gamma.
That was .223 not 22LR. Very different rounds.
The target isn't static, Trump uses lots of body language.
Not close range, medium range, not an easy shot.
8 shots into a crowd, odds aren't to bad someone catches one in the head.
I think one of two alternatives are happening now:
1) TPTB are getting are attempting to get rid of all opposition and take full power over the USA, using the assassination attempt as an excuse to further the existing "State of Emergency" declared by Bush after 911 that has never been rescinded. They will put in power some monkey idiot (like Harris) who will take their orders without question as the national crackdown begins and they can manage the final takeover of the US government by zionists who see this as the last chance to use US military power to start the last war that will result in the zionist takeover of the world..
2) They are setting Trump up as a martyr so he can take full power over the USA, using the assassination attempt as an excuse to further the existing "State of Emergency" declared by Bush after 911 that has never been rescinded and manage the final takeover of the US government by zionists who see this as the last chance to use US military power to start the last war that will result in the zionist takeover of the world.
See the similarity between the two options?
Option 2 is highly unlikely. If Trump hadn't turned his head at that exact moment, he wouldn't be alive to take power.
Good point.
Lean towards #1 - but watch for (as Alex Jones has warned about) Phase II, where an 'enraged, conspiracy wacko, violent white-supremacist ( etc., etc.) Trump supporter'
attacks someone/something associated w/the Dems (or maybe RFK, Jr. - wouldn't that be convenient? Massacres a bunch of immigrants?).
So as to more fully justify the 'emergency'.
"immigrants"....are you referring to the MILLIONS of uninvited, invading foreign "soldiers" brought into FUSA and funded by taxpayers, courtesy the communist cabal of Soetoro and company ?
Your mental illness is more obvious
How was any person allowed to penetrate that perimeter...with a rifle?
How often has someone behind DJT at a rally had a sign with a big red.....
FIRED on it?(I don't know haven't watched many recent rallies)
Kennedy has been repeatedly denied SS security by the Biden Administration after multiple attacks on him and his family. This is unprecedented for presidential candidates.
We are watching "The Godfather" in real time.
Exciting times when you have Peace reigning in your spirit.
My first thought when I saw the news: So the Secret Service does NOT have a surveillance drone overhead during Trump's open air speeches? How is that omission even possible in today's world?
Thought the same thing. Could easily have a dozen
There is a water tower close by----The best vantage point to observe everything---Can't believe the security detail did not have someone on top of water tower,