Another astounding article, but Simplicius I know you posted the poll for the quantity of content. Don't feel pressured to put out, we are perfectly ok with 1 article a week and we value your time.

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Yeah, play the long game, Simpliticus. Steady does it.

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I tend to agree…

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I think events of the war are starting to spin faster and faster. If anything, Simplicius should keep hammering articles at his current rhythm of one every other day, while also he should beefing up his bitchute war-gore channel with even more death and destruction.

I don't think you thought it over too much, before hitting the "Post" button. You appreciate reading Simplicius sit-reps if you are here, and so: how will you keep updated about the war if he posts once a week? Also, the front changes daily, the political climate around the war also evolves fast, and a third aspect covered in Simplicius' posts, war technology, is slower than the preceding two, but still shows new enhancements - or even totally new surprises - pretty much every month.

That this message ended up being the first comment to the post, makes me think you planned this quite conspicuous bit of virtue signalling beforehand, even at the cost of shooting at your own foot as a Simplicius' reader, basically.

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You are a bit of an asshole hey?

How much you giving to Simplicius every week or month?

My guess is you never contributed $1.

One hopes that given your ungrateful comment Simplicius blocks you.

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How am I an asshole, what I wrote is the objective truth.

"Ungrateful", "asshole", these are all emotional remarks and ad-personam attacks.

You cannot engage in rational debate using emotions

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Perhaps. But what does that have to do with you being an asshole?

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looks like the herd can't handle the truth, and has to resort to blatant harassment...

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I don’t think it’s nice call someone with a sincere question “the herd”. But it is something an asshole would do.

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In the eye of the storm.

Tomorrow is 9/11, a reminder of when America attacked itself. lol

Right now, I'd say we're in the eye of the storm relating to the US election.

It's 8 weeks before the US election and the countdown has started for something big to occur sometime over this period. Talk about another virus-related economic shutdown has surfaced along with increasing media focus on monkeypox and other labels. This presidential election is even more ridiculous than that of Biden's. Kamala is running for President and if she wins all hell will break loose. I speculate stock markets would crash with lots of social upheaval. But we'll see. What a joke. The entire Presidential election has been reduced to theatrics without substance. Anything can happen which makes it that much more interesting. Buckle up, Hurricane Cackle is on the way. lol

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The Phoenician Black Nobility - This is Actually How the World is Run

This is actually how the world is run – through a satanic hierarchy, through a pyramid of power; hence their popular symbolism of the ‘All-Seeing Eye” within the pyramid of power.

If your Satanic Psychopathic Phoenician Black Nobility Minion like Kamala, Biden, Macron, Turdow, is at the top of the Pyramid he can conscript you and send you to war, mandate the Deathvaxx, Digital identity, Central Bank Digital Currencies, total surveillance and the end of free speech!


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You are a regular Nostradamus. Good job.

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Yup we know!!! That is their PLANS that is what you don't mention. Fear mongering and stating desires as factual predictions is kind of black pill and frankly equivalent to click bait.

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These are their plans... What Pedo “Joe Biden” actually accomplished in office - consciously - on Purpose - was the near-total wrecking of the USA. He torpedoed the authority and legitimacy of just about every federal agency, turned the Department of Justice into a Gestapo, seeded the federal court benches with Woke lunatics, allowed an invasion of perhaps 20-million border-jumpers (including many thousands of professional terrorists), coerced deathvaxx injections of an ineffective and injurious vaccine into millions of citizens - 35 Millions extra people dead! 35 Millions people not conceived, afraid of losing their livelihoods, promoted gross medical experiments on sexually troubled children, invited drag queens and mentally-ill degenerates to cavort in the White House, spent borrowed money at a rate that propelled the national debt past the event horizon into a black hole, by sanctions destroying the trust in the Dollar as the international currency, increased the price of petroleum, created famine by reducing fertiliser by 35% and destroying farming and food manufacturing centers, destroyed the army and made the seeking of incompetence the number one priority of the Pentagon, provoked a war in Ukraine that now teeters on the hazard of Worldwide World War 3 against Russia, China, and Iran, and allowed the CIA to complete its takeover of the US government that has even tried to assassinate Trump and now even Minion Pedo Joe has,"Disappeared" to be replaced by Giant Joe and Idiot Puppet Kamala . “Joe Biden” will go down in history as the worst of all 46 US presidents and for this Blame the Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/throughout-history-seventy-two-empires

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Joe Biden didn't do any of that, all he is is a front, a facade, and fall guy to take the blame.

Just as the ridiculous Cackling Cow Kamala is.

Everything you stated above rest on Blinken, Mayorkas, Garland, Cohen, Haines, Yellin and others, who all have one thing in common.

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The executive branch learned manners in 1963

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Is this to say that is when they were "captured"?

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Going by the turmoil inside US, conditions seem ripe for another false flag self-attack...

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The Dancing Israelis enter the chat….

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Kamala won the debate last night (optically which is all that matters to the dumbed down voter). They are now clear to pull off another stolen election. KH will be our next president. We are well and truly fucked... Chip

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🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 black pill BS

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Either way. Last scenes of the Titanic, Trump and Kamal floating in the Atlantic, hanging on to the last wooden door, made in the USA.

Obama and his inside team have done an outstanding job of destroying America. It's almost as if he won't be satisfied until Kamal completes his 4th turn for him.

No Hope. Nothing's going to change.

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Again Obama was just a tool, you folks never seem to grasp who really does the decision making.

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We must have been watching a different debate, Trump took on a 3 against one fight and Kamala came across as a lost, out of touch and scared flunky.

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One candidate stayed after, the other fled….

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I burnt out 3/4 of the way through, which one stayed?

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I didn’t watch any of it. Apparently the ORangeMan stayed for an hour of additional banter and Karmella fled the scene….

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"fled the scene" Accurate.

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Yes it was three against one. Yes Kamala lied all night long. Optically, to the average undecided voter, she tromped Trump. You must be seeing what you want to see not the reality of the actual debate... Chip

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Markets, financial system & society are going to collapse regardless which figurehead "wins"/ is selected.

There is likely 1 more money printing cycle left before the collapse hits full force.

Likely sometime in 2025 or 2026 at the latest.

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Meanwhile, overheard in a Kyiv bar, Blinken says to Zelensky: “Congratulations, bud! The war is over! We exceeded our goal for creating dead Ukrainians, Russians, and miscellaneous mercenaries; our refugee side gig is booming; and we laundered so much money we’ve run out of soap!”

Zelensky: “But, Ants, don’t walk away now. I’ll look like a loser!”

Blinken: “Dude. You’re worried about your image? Everybody saw you play piano. Stick around and get mopped up . . . er, uh, I mean mop up.”

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The ZIOs forced the U$A's hand.

Not the other way around.

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Strikes... " within the European part of Russia."

That Europe and Asia are 2 different continents is one of the most absurd constructs still surviving in the post-modern world. Clearly they are as geographically connected as is possible. Are we to accept through some form of pretzel logic, that the Ural Mountains are a formidable barrier, while the Himalayas are not?

Europe was a purely political construct based on a brief period of civilizational supremacy. It's over and Eurasia is one continent.

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Good point

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misguided endorsement, Simp!

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Opport Knocks is correct.

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Perhaps it is best to consider Europe a geographical area of Eurasia and that part of Russia lies in that region.

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Europe is Asia's wild west. ;O)

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Whenever Eurasia gets stood on end, everything loose rolls to the West coast?


(My mom used to say that about North America/West coast, perhaps it is a continental constant?)

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Gravity? ;O)

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People like the West because of the sunset and the afternoon. Maybe it is just that simple.

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Europe, the Wild West.

Armed with dangerous platitudes and pronouns, sans guns.

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Even Russians talk about the European part of Russia. The English language is limited in this, you have no word for "world regions." Eurasia is a continent, Europe and Asia are two world regions.

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In the schools of the USSR, Eurasia was considered one continent.

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Perhaps superficially, just looking at a world map, you could say that Europe is only one of the peninsulas emanating from the larger Eurasian mass, just like Arabia or India.

In all other aspects that define the discipline of Geography, Europe is its own separate thing.

Weather and climate are similar anywhere on the shores of the Mediterranean basin, however once you move past the Syrian Coastal Mountain Range, all the way to the Pacific ocean you'll find different climates than those of Europe.

In terms of ease of movement and bottlenecks, Siberia + Himalayas + the Central Asia (Turkestan) desert are difficult barriers to overcome, unless you are part of a nomadic horse-riding tribe.

Ethnographically speaking, Europe is the Homeland of the White race, enough said. In this regard, you could also include the Mediterranean coast of Asia as basically White, and also the shores of the Caspian sea including the Iranian side. However these regions of Asia have steadily become more Semitic since the Islamic expansion.

Politically: Herodotus in the V century b.C., and probably since even earlier times, defined Europe as the lands North and West of the Mediterranean sea, mainly governed by tribal polities or democracies, popular like Athens or aristocratic like Sparta. Everything to the East and South was subjected to the aptly named "Oriental despotism".

So in summary it is very justified to consider Europe its own continent, separated from Asia. Helps to remind us that an Arab and an Indonesian half the world away have something in common, while a European shares nothing with an Indonesian, and very little with the Arab.

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So you agree, Europe is a political construct, based on ethno-cultural identity.

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no, the scope of my answer was far wider than that

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Seriously? You wrote; "it is very justified to consider Europe its own continent", and all the reasons you provided are political and ethno-cultural.

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No, I did not advance only ethnocultural arguments, read better.

Besides, it's easy to look at a map, consider Eurasia as a homogeneous landmass, and feel smarter than the accepted consensus on the topic, handed down tradition since time immemorial, that Europe and Asia are two separate entities.

Also, no one really thinks of the Ural mountains as an "unsurmountable barrier", it's not just you who noticed they are ancient and as such smoothed down mountains. What's really unsurmountable are the Siberian and Turkestani wastelands beyond.

In a nutshell, continents are not just landmasses. The same argument you made about Eurasia, could be made about Australia, and Oceania en large, as really being part of Asia and not their own thing. On a map, honestly they seem to be an offshoot of the Indonesian archipelago. Only 5 continents, and yet other similar examples could be made, of such incongruities.

But you don't really care about that either. You are more interested in scoring the moral points that are bizarrely rewarded, in the current day and age, for putting down Western civilisation and anything connected to it.

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We could begin by addressing the psychopathic, proselytizing and crusader tendencies that overshadow Western civ's better attributes.

The 'glass' is a glass; half empty or half full, deal with the 'glass'.

Shitty behaviours do not illuminate the good.

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I've wondered about that since I was 11 years old.

You can divide it by culture but not geography.

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Ditto for Australasia, then

In reality, flora and fauna set Oceania apart from Indonesia.

The same can be said about Europe and Asia.

In addition to different climates and natural barriers that set Europe and Asia apart, you could also look at geology.

Continent is not synonymous with landmass I am afraid. It's not as easy as just glancing at a map

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The side show of war-the deaths, the destruction war requires is ignored. Of most interest is the perfect Friday night Pizza.

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Sportsball(™) season is here, so noticing ground tremors and analyzing the possible progression of events following resumption of smoke rising from the local volcano is on hold. Plate tectonics never buys up blocks of prime time advertisement slots-

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Love that you used the term ‘SportsBall’…I do as well….

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You mean, "$port$Ball".

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As usual, excellent summation of the latest events.

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"Happy" 9/11 anniversary.


Gilbert Doctorow thinks kinetic WW-3 is about to start. https://gilbertdoctorow.substack.com/p/the-insane-recklessness-of-collective

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The joint naval drills don't appear random.

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Such drills are planned months in advance and often have little relation to current events.

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World Wars are always planned well in advance.

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"No plan survives first contact with the enemy"

WWI was more of a pickup game, AFAICT. Those who planned for a nice profitable & much smaller war in Eastern Europe got RATHER more than they had bargained for.

What became the opening of the European hot phase of WWII was planned to go VERY differently, at least by the British Empire, Germany and USSR.

We are likely about to see what happens INSTEAD of the long planned for neoliberal/neocon regime change/degradation of the Russian Federation and "bringing China & Iran to heel", securing the realm for the Indispensable Nation in the New American Century & etc.. See you on the other side. Or not, more likely.

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Bismarck said in 1899 when he was simply dismissed, that another 7-year war was planned. He knew what that means.

Planned by King Edward VII, even when dead at the start.

The USA got dragged in on the wrong imperial side, shortened it.

It is abundantly clear that UKraine fully intends NATO to be dragged into a WWIII. It may look like a desperate move, but remember Bismarck. After all Kaiser Wilhelm was King Edward VII's cousin, as was the Czar.

Russia fully remembers this.

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Ask any cop, the worst calls are family/domestic violence.

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On the long range missile attacks:

'That is the sense of the trip this week by Secretary of State Blinken to Kiev and of the visit to the White House on Friday by British Prime Minister Starmer.'

I gotta wonder why Russia is still letting NATO warmongers into Ukraine knowing how much they are trying to destroy Russia. Just tell them no you can’t go visit your puppet and if you try your train might have an accident. The only reason they are going there is to ramp up more war and attacks against Russian civilians.

So many things just don’t make sense.

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The world has entered a period of chaos and conflict that will last 20 to 30 years and if we survive that long it will only end with a Yalta 2.

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Did everybody get out of bed on the Black Pill prediction side this morning?

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@Carol Jones

I rearranged my bedroom furniture in early 2020, that's the only side I CAN get out on.

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AND all the interior decorators are out to lunch!!

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Do you mean to suggest that the world has not been in chaos and conflict fo the last generation or two maybe

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WWIII is now baked in the cake, and it doesn't really matter who is titular president.

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You are the titular tit

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Yes, he spoke with Rima on Dialog Works and said the same thing. Martin Armstrong wrote a blog today, remarking that the Netherlands Foreign Minister just told Ukraine that they would allow for their donated weapons to be used to strike Russia, any time, any way, was the nail in the coffin that we are, in fact, going to have WW3.

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So they want to turn whatever is left of Ukraine into Hamas?

It’s obviously a different situation altogether and Russia has no interest in Western Ukraine but something to think about how to neutralize it.

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Feed it to Poland, duh.

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@Andy Dean

Hungary is hungry too.

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The idea that Poland would want millions of fractious and well-armed people who are not only by no means Polish, but who have committ4ed genocide against Poles within living memory, beggars the imagination.

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Hey, they used to have tram signs "No dogs or Ukrainians allowed" only a hundred years ago. I believe in Polish bydlo-managing experience, after all it was Poles who bred this type of people and even invented the word. They'll do just fine.

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Newest Sikorski leak pretty much reinforced my point. There are red lines for Poland beyond which it's going to slap together an expeditionary force and go in, and this line is Odessa. A city Russians view as definitely their own, bound to return home.

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Which in turn begs the question whether the Americans will let Poland and its other poodles hang out to dry.

"Muh American Credibility" and all that. Russia was foolish not to have used overwhelming force from the outset.

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The first generation of Wehrmacht Banderas didn't succeed with their insurgency - why would anyone with half a brain think this one would do better?

Note the same Western support, post WW2.

Only this time, Russia is relatively far stronger in its world positioning.

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Bridge to Crimea will blow any minute now!!!

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It's laughable that Zelensky wants to end the war, he's just grifting for more weapons to do terror strikes on Russia. They'll keep dragging it out, but Europeans are going to be footing more of the bill (a feature not a bug since it will be the gateway to install direct EU taxation for Brussels). Talk of "negotiations" is just the sales pitch.

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Russia will go Full Grozny if need be. The EU will be too busy repeatedly falling on its own sword to have much to say in it. If the hot war cooks off then all bets are off….and no I am not black pill dooming.

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I don't think Putin will initiate nuclear war unless their deterrent is degraded significantly. They're trying to force him to escalate via a Syria scenario to get a no-fly zone imposed. But through the prayers of the Russian saints and martyrs it hasn't been accomplished.

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Haunting GoPro footage @ the end of this SitRep...

When an F-5 tornado plows through a neighborhood, heaving destruction heavenward, for all the disaster & death it leaves in its wake, it mercifully ends.

When a Cat-5 hurricane drowns a coastline & pummels county after county under bullet rain, for all the devastation its storm surges toss hither & yon, the next day can bring azure skies, light tradewinds & sparkling sunshine.

Tornadoes dissipate--and people pick up the pieces. Hurricanes peter out--and people repair the damage.

Russia's shredding of Ukraine rises to a level so relentless & hard-charging in its intensity that to call it *war* scarcely captures the essence. The grim aftermath of battle, which the GoPro's lens sweeps as it scans the twisted metal & debris-field, puts this conflict in the category of natural disasters. Plural.

It's like a tornado followed by a hurricane followed by an earthquake followed by a volcanic eruption--and the forecast for tomorrow promises more of the same.

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Wow, reading that was an experience. Well done, cheetos.

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Well done cheetos, depressing as it is descriptive. It reminded me, a bit, of French historian Bernard Fall's description of events during the First Indochina War. Of course, different time and place and "orders of magnitude" but...recollections are recollections. It is early here and no bracing coffee for me yet so I snatched the following from ChatGPT, IE, AI generated response to a question posed re "Street Without Joy".

The term "Street Without Joy" refers to a region in Vietnam that became infamous during the First Indochina War (1946–1954) and later the Vietnam War (1955–1975). It specifically describes a road on the central coast of Vietnam, which ran through a series of villages that were heavily contested during military conflicts between the French colonial forces and the Viet Minh in the First Indochina War.

This area earned its name because of the devastating losses and brutal conditions experienced by the French troops who operated there. The road became notorious for ambushes, guerrilla warfare, and high casualty rates. The French military suffered significantly in this region, and it symbolized the difficulties foreign forces faced while fighting in Vietnam.

The term was popularized by the historian and war correspondent Bernard B. Fall in his 1961 book titled "Street Without Joy", which detailed his observations and experiences of the conflict. Fall highlighted the road as emblematic of the larger challenges of warfare in Vietnam, including the futility of conventional military tactics in the face of guerrilla warfare.

In summary, "Street Without Joy" is not a single battle but a notorious stretch of road associated with numerous skirmishes and military struggles in Vietnam during the mid-20th century.


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Before Matthew Brady documented the American Civil War w/ his photos, Roger Fenton had done the same in the valley of Balaclava during the Crimean War, lugging a camera, tripod & a portable dark room with him over the rugged topography.

Fenton, a Brit, was the first photographer ever embedded w/ an attacking army. He printed murky photos which illustrated the brooding cataclysm of the war.

As captured by Fenton's lens, the gaping aftermath of devastation wrought in Balaclava--chunked out knobs of earth, pulverized bedrock, ravines strewn w/ cannonballs, at rest and rusting--stands in stark contrast to Balaclava today: vineyard-encrusted terraces dominating the slopes, symmetrical rows positioned on ledges & rocky hillocks, all of the gnarled rootstock tethered to stakes & supports.

The terroir in Balaclava produces an acidic, zesty grape for the nearby Inkerman Winery.

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Sweden Ulf-ed up

And Finland got Stubbed

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Not really. That Ukraine has any infrastructure standing demonstrates otherwise.

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Circle jerker Top Troll

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That is simply because the RF forces were considerate up until now. That is unlikely to continue to be the case. Sometimes lessons need to be learned so hard that it lasts generations.

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We've been hearing that Russia really is going to take off the gloves for real this time for over two years now.

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Impatient much?

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I'm not the one making the predictions.

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Yes you are here there and everywhere Top Ten troll of all tiome

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No we have not dumpster dog

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Not ever?

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Kursk: "...the Ukrainians are in a state of loss, shock, and confusion as they are simply hit from every side—recall the previous video of the ‘road of death’ showing countless destroyed vehicles spanning miles."

How desperate Kiev and NATO must be to think that invading Russia was a winning strategy. They've exposed their soldiers in the Kursk bulge to attack from all sides. This is on ground that Russia knows well and considers sacred, having freed it from Nazi invaders 80 years ago. The Ukrainians will be shown no mercy. The only hope for them is to lay down their arms which I hope they do in great numbers.

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These people - "western elites" - are purely short term thinkers and focused on perception. They are greedy and it makes them stupid. The gravity and decisive nature of their military and diplomatic defeat in "ukraine" is just beginning to dawn on them.

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Are you sure about that? Seems to me they still don't get the message.

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They have no idea what to do. They just flail about hoping some weapon system might be a miracle but none will be. They've left themselves no honorable way out of this defeat.

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I'm sure they know, deep down inside, late at night they are shitting their pants.

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Sep 11Edited

It's who you know not what you know. They are stupid. I went to one of their elite schools and most are legacy admissions. Dad or grandpa may have earned matriculation, but they are lazy dumb trust fund brats and act like it until they die. Being dumb, they pick the easiest majors and it doesn't matter, the nepotism continues to the tippy top of our institutions and corporate America.

edit:: This power elite phenomena was better described in C. Wright Mills book


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I'm a 66 year old American who worked in government for 40 years. I know....

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It's all trash now, huh? Would it take a complete change in our country such as war, here, or a massive natural disaster to change our government?

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Mostly.... yeah. I think a true depression would spur serious changes.

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So Putin has been getting frustrated by Lula and Modi's constant pleas for Russia to settle the conflict in Ukraine just when Russia has the upper hand. Putin should set them on a three-way call. Here's how that chat might go:

Putin-"Now, what we have here gentlemen is a failure to communicate. Do you think I'm going to call for peace when I've got the Americans and NATO by the balls and I'm just about to squish those balls tin shingle thick? You've both been taking it up the ass by the Americans for so long you can't even sit straight and I'm starting to think you might like it that way".

Lulubell-" But Vlad..."

Putin- "Shush, there are no Buts in yes, lulubell". "Relax, I was just kidding about the you guys liking it part. (Smiles and chuckles)

Lulu- "Yes, Vlad"

Putin "Very good, Lulu". "Now what I need the both of you to do is just shut the fuck up and stop busting my balls when I'm about to bust someone else's. And stop trying to play both sides like you're some kind of trans phonys. Russia has the upper hand now from which you fellow BRICK stakeholders will benefit greatly. So stop bugging me. See you at the BRICK meeting next month and we'll talk more. Good evening my good friends. (shakes his head)

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Fortunately Kursk is there and the perfect excuse for Putin to continue the work of THD.

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Also, Ukraine refused to settle with Russia when it was offered so it gives Putin the perfect leverage to continue the SMO on his measured and regulated terms.

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Also the fact that Ukraine flat out broke the agreement they made on 2022 means Russia no longer needs to consider their words as being worth anything.

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Also Germany & France backstabbed Russia by never intending to support Minsk, thus giving the U.S. time enough to train the AFU to OTAN standards

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True, the Ukrainians are formidable cultural warriors. On all levels except physical they have already driven the Russians out.

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At least on the surface.

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On the spiritual on the mental on the social on the emotional on the addiction on the philosophical on the animal loving and caring, on the gender friendly non bipolar on the baby smuggling and organ sales on the book burning on the GMO and Pesticides on the invading US website levels

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Good thing the USA has Germany’s back…..oh wait (NS2 enters the chat)

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Can you imagine Stalin or Molotov saying "while the German Fascist is on our territory we cannot negotiate"? I cannot. The only "negotiations" that should be happening is accepting Ukraine's unconditional surrender, nothing more.

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Please define "THD"? Means Total Harmonic Distortion to me, a measure of power supply efficiency.

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Total Hohol Death, i.e. complete demilitarization of Ukraine. Since all the survivors will hate Russia to their last breath there is no option but to tear them out by the roots.

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I think Mercouris is off base here. Putin is both extremely patient and extremely professional. Anyone with a modicum of analysis understands the pressures and influences that Modi and Lula are under - certainly Putin would. Russia will talk to their partners and give them the opportunity to fandance with the West, but will equally not allow Russian interests to be damaged in the process.

For that matter, I don't share Mercouris' (and others) view that the CIA helped Lula win his election; Mercouris has either forgotten, or never knew, the role the CIA may have had in booting his party out of power in Brazil to start with.

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by this time its clear Lula is a shameless ridiculous yank shill

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He doesn't have a choice.

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There is always a choice.

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Like "your money or your life!" isn't really robbery because the victim had a choice.

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Maybe this is just theater on the part of Lulu and Modi. A diplomatic feint to show the Americans, "hey! we tried.." But since you folks are losing at present and had no sincere desires in the past for a negotiated peace..well...long story short: eat shit and die, fools.

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Lula, in particular, has become aware that he retains his office and his freedom only at American sufferance.

India is a more complicated and multidimensional situation, but don't think that the color revolution in Bangladesh has goen unnoticed.

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Nahhh, Putin is not bothered by Lula and Modi's constant please, for him they are just background noise produced by people who have no clue.

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Comedy Gold. Funny because it’s true. I hope you dont mind but I quoted you on that…..

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The Politico headline is nonsensical.

So the study concluded that the reason for a rapidly declining European economy is the 2x-4x increase in energy costs (because they cut themselves off from Russia)

.. and the SOLUTION is AI (which consumes vast amounts of energy) and defense (which also consumes vast amounts of energy) and so don’t actually solve the problem but make it worse?

Looks like a classic predetermined non-solution “solution” to a real problem. Present the problem and then go ahead and do what you wanted to do anyways.

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As they say, "There is no cure for stupid.".

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There is - a punch in the face, or, if you pefer, a missile on your HQ

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There IS a cure for stupid, but it only benefits a species if there are sufficient descendants of those individuals who were not "cured" (or hit by collateral damages during episodes of "curing"). See "great filter" theory:



Why yes, I DID get out of bed on the black pill side this AM.

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Seen recently on a truck’s bumper: You cant fix stupid, but you can numb it with a 2 by 4.

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If you were trying to run a nation into the ground, it just might work!

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Ukrainians strike one Russian block and claim peremoga. Russia strikes back with cruise missiles all over Ukraine and Ukranians scream zrada.

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excellent reporting simplicius

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>What differentiates my reporting from some other people who rely on hearsay, hyperbole, or simple guessing is I let the sources speak for themselves; the above is straight from the horse’s mouth.

And I prefer to to let the facts on the ground speak for themselves. Which are that in the third year of the war it is moving eastwards, not to the west...

>The more eye-opening admission pertains to the utterly widespread nature of desertion in the AFU’s ranks:

>Here’s an interesting discursion. The above commander states they’re outnumbered 5:1. The earlier article’s commander stated on his front that ratio is 10:1. Even pro-Ukrainian commenters could not hold back from asking the obvious questions under Rob Lee’s post of the above article:

If AFU had a truly serious mass desertion problem and if it was outnumbered 5:1, then surely the front lines would be moving only in the right direction and much faster than they currently are.

And it would be a trivial matter for the Kremlin to push the AFU 40-50 km away from the Belgorod border so that at least the city is out of RM-70 range.

So what are we to make of the fact that neither of these things is happening? I see two possibilities:

1) The AFU's manpower problems are greatly overblown

2) Just a few guys with FPVs can indeed hold positions quite well.

Not mutually exclusive, of course.

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It's a fair question. It's almost certain that the 5:1 and 10:1 are exaggerations. I'm sure on their front there are disparities but nowhere near that high.

The truth is, those are very narrow sections of front where Russia has chosen to deliberately overwhelm Ukrainian forces. So yes, there are disparities on the active fronts of Pokrovsk and surrounding regions but that's about it. Pokrovsk makes up a tiny percentage of all total fronts. In Kupyansk/Kursk, Zaporozhye, etc., you will be hard-pressed to find any disparity in numbers.

But also is the fact that you generally need much greater forces to assault/advance successfully. So of course having a 3:1 disparity in your favor, is almost equivalent to a stalemate if you're on the assault.

That all being said, Russia is now actively advancing everywhere they do have a claimed numeric superiority so there really is no controversy there. The only questions come down to the infamous "HaHa Russia's winning too slowly" meme: https://i.imgur.com/VpgG49E.jpeg

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Sep 11Edited

"Winning too slowly" is indeed losing in this case.

JASSMs are coming.

And I read your whole sitrep and didn't see a single mention of the fact these are both nuclear and conventional missiles.

Which we have gone over many times, and yet it never seems to successfully penetrate people's thick skulls -- when that first salvo of JASSMs is fired, Russia will have to decide whether to treat them as nuclear missiles (because they won't know if they are until after Moscow and the whole command structure is gone), or to try to shoot them down and live with the consequences of whatever gets through.

If it chooses the latter, then the size of the salvos will grow and one day they may very well indeed be nuclear, but the system will have been conditioned to see them as conventional and there will be no response on time.

Before someone brings up SSBNs and Poseidons and ICBMs in Siberia, let me preempt that -- it doesn't matter. What matters is that NATO will have been emboldened enough to pull the trigger, and the European portion of Russia will be gone by the time whatever remains of second-strike capabilities is fired. Russia loses everything either way.

While as long as deterrence was credible, it was not under threat of losing anything.

This is why "winning too slowly" is losing -- it was absolutely critical to get to the Polish border long before the JASSMs came. But what did the 5D chessmaster botox midget do? He refused to mobilize and tried very hard to work out one treasonous for Russia deal after another.

So here we are...

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Your point is a bit overblown, but valid. Deterrence is important, and at the moment - outwardly - Russia appears to have none. I am sure that deep in defense departments they know better, but governments are run by civilians, and in the end they make the decisions, and the uniformed military will follow orders in the end, even if they are bad ones. And this is why the PR and info-war matters.

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Your analysis of the fighting does what many commentaries from the west are always trying to do- obfuscate the distinction between attritional warfare and territorial manoeuvres. Russia has to exhaust the western fuelled Ukrainian resistance or any gains will be unstable. That takes hard work along multiple points on the front which means it can appear that Ukraine has more defensive strength than it actually has as Russia keeps retrenching to lure Ukrainians forward to destroy them. Kursk is a batty irrelevance now as Forces North have mastered this and there is no rush- as Ukraine piles more men into that black hole.

So, where's the western victory here that you apparently see? Or are you from the nutter fringe that believes the west can just go in and use Ukraine to strike all over Russia with missiles fit for the job, and bring Russia begging to the table that way? There is no debating that nuttery and so no one bothers.

That fantasy aside, how is anything that is actually happening playing into victory for the west, as opposed to playing to the Russian game, which has always been (since Johnson trashed Istanbul 1- the last chance to enforce the MAs) to come out with a Ukraine that has chosen to join the RF? All of Ukraine, that is, not just the east. It brings the Russian front up to existing NATO borders and establishes a stand off peace along the lines of an old cold war settlement that Putin realised he was not going to get any other way.

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Sep 11Edited

>So, where's the western victory here that you apparently see?

The West has slow cooked the frog to the point where it is now going to meekly accede to being subjected to a NATO strategic (even if conventional initially) bombing campaign.

This is where I see the victory

>Or are you from the nutter fringe that believes the west can just go in and use Ukraine to strike all over Russia with missiles fit for the job, and bring Russia begging to the table that way? There is no debating that nuttery and so no one bothers.

It is has been happening for more than a year now. Intensied in the last month.

Have you been monitoring the well-being of Russian military bases in that last month by any chance? I have.

And the Kremlin indeed came begging to the table for a deal instead of mobilizing for a decisive win.

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As I said- what you would like to to be seen as boiling a frog I see as successful attritional warfare- fought by Russia, that is.

As for the nutter fringe argument, no it is not already happening unless you have truly lost your mind. Even the nutters don't say that, GM!

But claiming victory even as you sink beneath the mud, is one way of beating a retreat that I did not discuss.

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Absolutely laughable. Go play your video war games.

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“But it played out so well in the simulation!” ——GM

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When did Russia "come begging to the table for a deal"? Russia has always said they are willing to talk at any time. That is not begging.

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"a NATO strategic bombing campaign."

B-52's? Nah, dead meat before they even get to a launch point.

B-1's? Same deal, but quicker.

B-2's? Use 'em and lose 'em, but hey, no more hangar queens...

F-whatever? Don't have the range, and tanker support to give them range can be spotted from the moon, plenty of warning to take them out en route, or just Kalibr their airfields whilst they're still in the air, nowhere to land, too bad, so sad, bye-byeeeee.

Your ideas are so dumb, they make a Biden-Harris thought bubble look like a Socratic thesis.

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Plus the retaliation across the globe sponsored by the RF and Friends (SCO, et al) would be significant…sorry GM but you are in magical thinking mode.

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You live in a fantasy world you have created in your own mind.

What you said does not exist in the real world.

Thanks for making clear you are a "nutter" as described by Jullianne.

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Pure fantasy from the great moron

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Great summation!

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You're a fucking nut.

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General Moron is a complete and utter moron. He has been MIA for awhile, probably in a crank stupor in his trailer park.

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Probably his fat wife pissed him off, and here he is taking it out on someone who is willing to listen.

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Best to start a list of top ten trolls




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I still long for the IGNORE button so handy on ZH….

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Winning too quickly is the wrong strategy in this case, though it may seem counter-intuitive. Making large, fast territorial gains shifts the lines on the map in a satisfying way but does not attrition the opposing force. We saw that at the beginning of the SMO when Russia made huge territorial gains, only to have them rolled back.

Capturing Kiev while it still commands lots of soldiers and equipment is guaranteed to be unstable following any truce. It will be like the US in Iraq. They defeated the Iraqi army quickly, which largely just disappeared into the civilian population. Then the war continued at a lower intensity, bleeding the US for years. That's winning on paper, but a loss for realists who can see beyond the current news cycle.

Russia's task isn't just to defeat Ukraine, but to deal it such a defeat that it can't militarily resurrect itself afterwards. That, unfortunately, means comprehensively destroying Ukraine's manpower and equipment, leaving it nothing to fight with. That strategy wouldn't be necessary if the Ukraine side weren't fanatics. But they are and so are those backing them. Ukraine isn't on the other side of the planet from Russia, as Iraq is to the USA. Russia needs a politically stable Ukraine, or what's left of it, to close this sad chapter in history. That primarily requires grinding down the opposing force, not capturing territory quickly.

JASSMs: YAWW (Yet Another Wonder Waffen.) They could've been launched already against Russia, as both Finland and Poland have them. So Russia's been facing that strategic threat all along. Should JASSMs move into Ukraine it only changes the game for Russia by a small increment. Assuming that ever happens, which it may not.

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It is not even really about Ukraine.

It is about America & NATO.

Ukraine just happens to be the unfortunate battlefield & cannon fodder of the west.

Jullianne made the point above- Russia is going to Ukraines western border. There it will install a comprehensive military defence line.

If America & NATO want to play more shooting games with Russia(assuming they are able to given the approaching economic collapse they face)- they will have to do it on central European territory.

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I also think it really takes time to clear locations even if they appear undefended. Traps, mines, listening devices and so on left behind, plus sabotage groups hiding in basements waiting to pop out later etc

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The Red Army had those problems to solve in WWII too.

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Sounds like cope to me. Did Ukraine face such problems in Kursk?

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It's a tiny bit of cope

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@Feral Finster

I suspect that Ukraine faced it at Poltova. Janitor drops a dime about who is attending the big get together taking place?

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Not likely because it was not a fuggin battle zone until the Ukies launched…..geeeesh

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Ok, does Ukraine not have hundreds of kilometers of border with Byelorus?

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I wonder what the first-ever public meeting of CIA Burns and MI6 Moore was all about. What do you think are they cooking now? Both West Asia and Ukraine seem to be eerily contained on the surface. I'm afraid the eruption might be huge and sudden.

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It was about assuring the public that someone with an IQ above room temperature is in charge in "the west". Not Biden/Harris, not Starmer.

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S - we all respond to trolls, it's infectious

GM is very well disliked as a troll on your site as on others where he posts the very same doomsday is nigh nonsense garbled in extensive verbiage which seeks to give the impression of details

Never a link, never a clear objective fact or report

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The very best comment and thread of this article. It is ridiculous to name a 1000 day of blood-letting a SMO. An Operation takes 1-60 days. Period. This is a War and time is not on the Russian side. It is a War of Existence for both parties. And as you say, thinking ”winning slowly” could very well be a dellusion. If Forces ratio are 5:1 or 10:1, why no breakthroughs? Kreml says 2000-2500 ukrainian losses/day. This article states 1000-1300 losses/ day. Same counting as Westmoreland in Vietnam. Did they win? Attrition goes both ways.

Today the evil masters of US&UK will have a meeting in Kiev about the long range missiles. Expect them to give Ukraine green light for a defined (secret) list of targets inside Russia. By now they now Russia and Putin is not taking the bait to escalate. So why not poke them more and deliver even more damage to Russia?

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If the Russian strategy is strategic attrition, it doesn't matter where it takes place. The Russians defeated Ukraine in the firth 48 hours, they've been fighting and defeating Nato ever since. Nao comes on in the same old way and Russia defeats them in the same old way.

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Not exactly true.

Kursk brought Western AD and the "strong" brigades fully into Russian military reach - resulting in hundreds of destroyed armor, artillery and AD platforms.

Clearly much easier than digging them out of prepared positions in Ugledar and what not.

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Even dug-in troops need food and reinforcements hence them setting up their B echelon for trouble. Territory does matter in operational attrition e.g. in the Kursk salient, which was a bonus for the Allies but not necessary.

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"Russians defeated Ukraine in the firth 48 hours, they've been fighting and defeating Nato ever since."

So what, as long as it works.

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Nothing would have defeated NATO more than easily measurable progress. If a Russian military Commandant sat in Kiev on Bankovaya street and was dictating the way Ukraine would be won, there would be clear, undeniable evidence that Russia won and NATO lost. That would hurt NATO more than any "attritioning" (that we don't actually know is happening as it is not clearly seen or easily measurable).

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No, that's tabloid strategy, this way American Caesar has sent his lackeys to be defeated in detail.

PS 'attrition' is not a verb.

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The world does not see that. And perception is reality. This is why one of the the first lines of Sun Tzu's "Art of War" is: "All warfare is based on deception". Deception influences both perceptions and military strategy. That is why PR and perception is of utmost importance. Particularly in this war, where perceptions influence how much equipment/money is sent.

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The world is not post-modern, the facts are that the Allies are thrashing the US-Ukronazis and there is nothing that the US imperial propaganda system can do about the defeat - note Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq (to a lesser extent) other than lie about it up to the last moment. People outside the empire see everything without trying. As for Sun Tzu, how many divisions does he have? ;O)

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And for another angle: https://www.moonofalabama.org

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