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Aug 7
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I'm beginning to doubt this some.... and the rest of the planet might begin to doubt it, too. Stop putzing around and crush them! You don't mess around with a poisonous snake. You kill it.

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Ukraine is still advancing and embarrassing Russia on all levels. This is just Russian cope

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There can see the kremlin thru their binoculars

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But not the first to comment. lol

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Tricky Ricky, always good to take the cherry. At least that's what ya dad said!!!

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Don't see many 14 year olds here. Does your mom know you're up this late?

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well your here....think you got your mom's g string on too tight and backwards.

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Pity you didn't make a useful comment that was worth reading. Why bother?

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yeah , like you just did.

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Childish. Give a proper comment instead.

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The higher up the ladder of truth you go, the lonelier it gets.

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At least you are not alone here. Albeit we can not see face to face

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Not a word about what happened in Morozovsk on Saturday.

Meanwhile the video of the mushroom cloud and the pictures of the aftermath have appeared.

When you are allowing your airbases to be hit like that while the enemy has suffered zero damage, you are not winning anything.

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Link on this?

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Does that look to you like what it looks like to me?

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Yep, pretty big ammo dump, for sure. Much of it was old Soviet gravity bombs waiting to be converted into FAB, but there was some valuable su-34 armaments, too.

Not a huge loss, by any means, but it shows how vulnerable Russia is to drones, which has been a complaint of mine.

Due to cultural-strategic reasons, ossified minds and corruption the Russian Military wasn't were it should have been with drone warfare, both attack and defense.

They have made up a lot of ground, but where they are now is where they should have been when the war started.

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So you are a great moron. It looks nothing like what you think it does.

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For the record, this is what a nuke looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goMNAxFqGbk Notice the flash.

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Looks like making a mountain out of a mole hill

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Yes. Really disturbing. A few drones and you have the whole area for ammo-dump mushrooming into thin air. It must have been a setback, otherwise Rybar, Simplicius and other pro-russian would have written about it in more detail.

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Facts. Russia isn't winning shit. They're being embarrassed on a daily basis now

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Sure. The judaized Ukraine has taken the side of zionism in the ongoing standup with the Rest of the World (RoW). Mazel Tov, Banderites, on your service as patsies for Judea War on Russia!

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Keep cooping

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Your mom is the one being embarrassed on the daily. What a moron she raised.

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There's not enough sacrifices left to pull a proper gambit at this point. We're just watching the collapse in slow motion.

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Thanks for the update. Wouldn't Iranian integration of advanced Russian AD take quite some time, like at a minimum several weeks or months (in perfect conditions)? And wouldn't the Israelis - never shy - seek to immediately target these assets before they become operational? I mean, I would. The Iranian options rest on capability - if things turn hot they need to be able to actually down IAF aircraft, otherwise the myth of air invincibility of US/IAF will remain, and they will strike with impunity. The Israelis are fortunate that entire countries keep the Iranians off their borders because in a land conflict I would bet my money on the Iranians. But, in a standoff situation where they are 1000km apart? I am not so sure; it will be a balance of 1) who can launch more strikes that actually hit things (advantage: Israel) and 2) who can intercept or interdict more (advantage: Israel).

My sense is the Iranians do not have the capability to actually do anything. If they're smart they will hold off, get their AD in shape, and develop other capabilities to put them on par at least i.e. nukes for example.

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The Iranis will not develope nor use nuclear bombs- their Supreme Leaders have issued Fatwahs against the nuclear bomb and forbidden them

-check out even Wikipedia

The Iranis will deal with Israel with long term patience, just as they have until now

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Long term patience? So, the Syrian strategy then, hope they exhaust themselves beating the shit out them?

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To understand the situation: take a deep breath

Start by addressing the nuclear first, lose this particular fantasy

Patience means behaving like their allies, RF Nth Korea and China - - Nth Korea in particular - has been patient since 1952? something like that

The Iranis have local allies who will take the weight, chipchip away at the Israel, and the US

It is you westies always in a hurry

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North Korea is an awesome example. We're it not for their nukes they'd be Libya.

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Oh dear oh dear - you are angry are you not

Nth Korea religion does not forbid nuclear bombs, as the Irani does

But patience is, with the other allies I mentioned a shared virtue

One you and your's do not share it is evident

No wonder the west is hurry ing from disaster to disaster

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I am not angry. I am objective. And I understand winning and losing and being effective. The Israelis are totally in control here and the Iranians are in a lose-lose sotuation: do nothing and be humiliated, do something and be obliterated

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So why they are developing them. Or put a mushroom cloud on some flag?

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There is no such thing as a Westie aside from what you deem it to be.

You stereotype hundreds of millions of Westerners into one basket. That's called primitive thinking, Mr. Gerrard and it makes you sound like a simpleton. Get over it, man.

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Think again

You are all the same because ruled oppressed and propagandised by the same social/economic structures and the same ruling class which disposes of you as it thinks fit and to which you are servile

I got news for you - the RoW thunk this from way back when - can't tell you apart

Oh, and you all call us primitive

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I rest my case.

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No group of people anywhere on the planet are "all the same" , you'd have to be retarded to believe otherwise.

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About 80% of "westies" are completely brainwashed sheep with zero understanding of or interest in, anything beyond 10 feet of their personal "bubble of delusion".

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Lol! Whatever, Gerrard.

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Wikipedia??? Are you serious? They tell more lies than the Washington Post.

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Do not be foolish the fatwahs are quoted many times across many sites, even W which quotes them

You spend your time in blaming the messenger so never get the message -

You should learn to seperate facts from fantasy - W reports the basics, say the population of Berlin, with more of less efficiency, their map of Mumbai is accurate enough

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Iran doesn't actually have to do much except support Hezbollah and the Houthis to the maximum extent possible...Israel's economy is crashing, Israel's jewish population is down to 6 million+, and the IDF is a weak land force...Iran only has to deal with, and withstand Israel's Air Force, which despite all the aid from the US, will run out of pilots, planes and munitions eventually... With Russian AD equipment, it will become quite dangerous for Israeli pilots...Patience, grasshopper!

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The Israelis have an unlimited trust fund to draw upon which is the entire US treasury. They can and will demand whatever amount of money to patch things up and the US will fall over itself to give it, even at severe cost

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There's only 1 problem: money does not achieve battlefield victory, yous till need soldiers to do the job, and the ZioNazi pussies are not up to the job.

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The Israeli strength is mossad and air force and political penetration of tbe US. Their weakness is their diaper forces on the ground.

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The ashkeNAZI AF need air bases. These will be obliterated first.

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You can't spell Ashkenazi without...


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The IDF, fully mobilized can put 500k into the field. As it is, they are rotating reservist callups and probably are maintaining 300k-350k in pocket while ensuring the rest of the reserve is combat ready.

War is money. You might like to believe the IDF are pussies, its the same kind of cope as the Ukrainians calling the Russians orcs. War is mostly arithmetic.

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Like 200 millions arabs or even more muslims around the zio entity, arithmetic.

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Perhaps in the end demographics is destiny. But on the other hand, there are not really 200 million arabs immediately on Israels border. And for centuries smaller numbers of well organized, equipped an disciplined armies have held larger populations at bay.

Also remember most of Israels bitterest enemies are not arabs. Iran is Persian. Egypt was occupied by Arabs, as well as Greeks, Romans and others. Syria, Lebanon, Jordon, Turkey are all vast ethnic mixtures. For 150 years thousands of Slavs were kidnapped as youths and imported into the area every year to serve as slave soldiers (Mamluks, Janisaries)and fill posts in the different imperial administrations.

The deep Jew Hatred in the former Ottoman empire today is a relatively recent invention of the last 100 years. For example, when the Jews were expelled from Spain the Ottomans actively welcomed them to settle in their lands to benefit from their enterprise, financial and commercial skills.

I suspect the majority of people in the countries surrounding Israel would be just as happy to pursue peace and prosperity and Jewish extermination. Jew hatred serves diverse purposes

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How does ashkeNAZI arse taste?

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And it doesn't train pilots either

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272 jets, that's all the Israelis have. And the US is in no shape to restock them when they are gone or disabled. At some point the ZioNazis will be in the same shape as the UkroNazis, yet they keep throwing bodies and machines at the axisnof resistance.

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2 jets. When the Iranians down 2 aircraft, just 2, I will absolutely admit I was wrong and that this is a real fight.

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The Israeli airforce has nearly 600 aircraft. the 270-300 are their front line forces. They never throw anything away - kind of like the Russians. They've taken almost no losses in airframes. They have plenty of pilots.

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Nothing is unlimited...But Israel's most important limitation is people, an especially young people who can fight...

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No, Israels most import limitation is space and time. They have no strategic depth which is why they maintain such a large military establishment.

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Bash. The West doesn't have a defence against hypersonic missiles, so money isn't the issue. Israeli airfields can be attacked from Iran.

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I'm waiting to see it

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So what is Iran waiting for?

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"unlimited trust fund to draw upon which is the entire US treasury." Confusing debt/hypothecations with real wealth and real production is the first trick.

As the "message received" Congressman Massie now fully understands, the AIPAC guy that every U.S. Congressman reports to, and for which obedient standing ovations like Adolf in full rant, requires, the End-of-Earthers will take D.C. down. Their crazed obsession that this particular piece of dirt, written up as sacred by old scribes, is just another picked-off scab for which modern day Cavemen can kill their fellow Cavemen.

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Money can’t be turned into ordnance overnight, and the west can’t produce enough to fight all of these wars. Exhausting it on Iran will open up irresistible avenues to Russia and China. None of these battles happens in a vacuum.

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Sun Tzu: great generals win battles without actually fighting

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The leader tapped to replace Haniye is Sinwar

Sinwar = an excellent name

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Exactly - all these moaning ethnics dying to watch a nuclear holocaust on their tv's

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The "moaning ethnics" will experience withdrawal symptoms when the Paris Olympics conclude. They are looking for an Olympics after-party

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Well...I'm sorry to hark on about it, but take the plane to Kiev is my recommendation, the last days in the bunkers are going to be.....spectacular

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Zio entity lost 60 billions, 10.000 men at least, 650k left the country many will never come back, tourism is dead for years. Both ZE and Net and yahoo are bankrupting their countries.

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Agree with you. For the AD to be operative they need russians manning them. Highly unlikely. But on holding off an response to all these assassinations? No. Its smarter to use this free-kick to plaster Israel with 800 missiles. There is no way US/Israel has the means to defend them all off.

And never mind Gerrard White. He is only here to irritate us with all sorts of provocations. Arabs have been patient with Israel since 1948. And now in 2024 Israel can bomb all there neighbours unhindered (Syria), kill people at will, starve the whole population in Gaza - world looking on. Enough with it. Anf for Gerrard; I know iranians are persian, not arabs.

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He also assumes I'm western. He assumes a lot. All good, he wasn't disrespectful and I dont mind. I get the "patience" strategy except that it has literally never worked, for anyone ever

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You are one if you think like one - it's not a question of anything else

Your 'ethnic' 'tribal' 'cultural' 'social 'class' 'geo' distinctions are minor variants, it's the way you think and act that counts

You can start out from wherever, be born no matter how, but once you have fallen into their trap - you are one of them

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And exactly what differs ours thinking from your eminent brainwaves?

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You the prime example of a dumb westie immigrant

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You are a prime example of an ignorant little man.

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Mikey. Russians manned Egyptian AD in 1973, so there is precedent.

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Good! If they dare - why not? Blasting F35 with from the Sky will definitely brake the

”hidden bond” between Russia and Israel.

And I assume that Israel will respond to whatever the Iran does. There are no red lines or afterthought left in the deciscionmaking today in Knesset/War cabinet.

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In Vietnam War Soviet Union supplied Vietnam with AD systems and fighter jets, and many of them were operated by Soviet officers.

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Russians will absolutely operate them

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If they want nukes they already have them and have had them for a long time. They've been technically and materially capable since at least 2002. There is the whole Fatwah thing, but I am not convinced. I believe they have a few dozen nukes already.

The Iranians build AD similar to what they are getting from the Russians and have fairly competent domestic operators. It would still take a few weeks for them to be operational and integrated. Wouldn't surprise me if Russian operators were involved.

In a stand-off situation Isreal has an advantage, but it Iran could deal plenty of damage. The real risk for Iran is American intervention.

Strategically Iran should be in no hurry to respond, but maybe there is some internal pressure to do so?

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Agree with your points. Israel has cornered Iran into a lose-lose. As for the nukes, up until recently, neither China nor Russia would have been on board with a nuclear Iran. That may have changed recently. North Korea went nuclear, survived the sanctions that came, and now has emerged triumphant with a newly found alliance with Russia

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Iran can not go nuclear - read the Fatwahs - to treat all statements of policy as lies is just a westie habit

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Read the Q'ran.

Deception is not only allowed. It is required.

One of the many nasty tenets the Big Mo borrowed from his Abrahamic enemy.

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Sure sure we lie they lie everyone lies

So nobody knows nothing can say nothing

Even acts are lies .....all acts are lies - in this world of delusion and sin

Woe is me!

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He tells lies about the Truth!

He doesn't stop @ red lights!

When he sees a fence w/ a Beware of Dog sign, he jumps the fence & brings the dog home!

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Simplicius would have unlimited wealth by charging you rent for your copious inanities.

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Believing everything you read is just ignorant

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Sure you said it I believe it

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Iranians have tens of thousands of missiles with both the range and accuracy to strike any target in Israel they want. You have obviously been overlooking Iranian advances in missile and drone technology over the last few decades. They match or exceed anything the West can throw at them. Plus, the Iranians can hit several major US military installations and warships in the area. Plus, the Iranians can block the Strait of Hormuz at any time, inflicting immediate economic damage on the West.

Also, a coordinated attack on Israel and the US forces in the region by Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iraqi militias will completely overwhelm the so-called Iron Dome and any air defences thrown at them by the US and Jordan and Saudi Arabia (IF the Saudis decide to participate). Between Hezbollah and Iran, they have enough missile and drone power between them to throw wave after wave of cheap kamikaze drones to overwhelm air defences and subsequently send in their missiles to obliterate Israeli military and infrastructure targets. They proved they could do this when Iran first attacked Israel. And there is little the US would probably be able to do about it as they know the Iranian potential to hurt their assets in the region and will not want to place those assets in harm's way - even for the Israelis. Both the US and the Israelis much prefer to fight people who lack the means to fight back effectively. That is why neither of them have attacked Iran to date.

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So what is Iran waiting for?

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Iran doesn't have enough quantity to start a war with Israel. Israel knows this and are ready to retaliate 1000x once Iran starts firing.

I think Iran's best move right now is to improve their AD and when ready, hit Israel hard. OTBT, one time, big time.

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Well, that makes more sense than the cope we are reading about in the comments here from time to time.

Which is why Israel keeps behaving the way it does. Because it can, and it has its American thug backing it to the hilt.

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If it can, why doesn't it? It always threatens to. So di it. They don't because they are, like the American military, paper tigers. They know that without American help, they are toast. So they drag America into the fight with them. But what they don't realise, because they have their delusional blinders on, is that Iran will win even if America joins the battle. America knows it. that's why they are resisting and trying to get Israel to abandon attacking Iran. They have played this out in war games many times - and they always lose.

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I wish I shared your optimism.

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I think Israel's missile arsenal is far smaller than Iran's. But you are definitely correct that Iran needs to quickly improve their AD - which is probably in the works as we speak - Russia is likely delivering all kinds of equipment, both EW and AD to help out (along with manned crews, I suspect).

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They are coordinating with the other resistance groups - and also making the Israeli population stew a little in fear. And they have every reason to fear.

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We've heard that one before, too.

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Every one of your crap comments we've all heard too many times - ff off back to your basement

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The longer they wait the more the empire has to spend to remain ready for what may come. It exhausts physically, psychologically, and financially. Timing is everything. See what happened to financial markets this week? Trillions lost. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Well, the markets have since gained back most of those losses, so no collapse.

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You to ff off

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It's not clear what actual capability Iran has. For whatever reason, they rely on proxy forces. Iran is a poor country with vulnerable infrastructure and it's own serious internal divisions.

No doubt Iran can damage Israel, but likewise there is no doubt Israel and/or the US can damage Iran.

What I find most interesting is the example in Yemen. The US has been bombing in Yemen for 6 months accomplishing nothing. The Houthis send 1 drone at Israel and within a week Yemens oil transfer facilities and storage are in flames, very pointedly right across the harbor from their grain import terminal that stands between eating and starvation for much of the population. That says nothing about water works, electricity generation etc....

Neither side is going to have a free ride.

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> otherwise the myth of air invincibility of US/IAF will remain, and they will strike with impunity

The ability of IAF to strike with impunity is not contingent on this or that myth.

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That's a gnomic comment in it's obscure intricacy - maybe there are facts which show the impunity strikes to be real or is that too plane jane for the miracle men in their flying

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My comment tries to snap the logic of the snippet I quoted, without even attempting to reason about the premises. :) On the assumption IAF has the ability to strike with impunity, this ability isn't contingent on any myth. If it has such a capability, they have to be arising from IAF's objective, physical abilities, like the range of their jets, the organization of sorties, the targeting, the planning, the weapon systems... It has nothing at all to do with the myth of air invicibility of US/IAF, as Bash is implying in the quoted snipped. :)

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They now have midair refueling, which means their range has increased dramatically. Israeli strikes on Iran will come from two directions - they'll overfly Lebanon/Syria and Iraq at will, because none of these countries can do anything about it, and they will launch missile attacks from the South.

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And this is contingent on myths of IAF air invincibility how exactly?

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Bash. Your analysis ignored both the Houthis and Hezbollah.

Both of whom are allied to Iran and can hit Israel.

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The equipment will be operated by Russians. Operational the moment it rolls off the plane. The longer they wait to attack the more time they have to integrate, and it’s not like they haven’t been cooperating and practicing for this kind of thing for a while now.

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This war makes no sense, from the Ukraine national interest: that proves that it's a masonic war with other hidden interests, like getting Putin out of the way, keep Russia busy while they follow the plan for a war with Israel, get GMOs in the Ukraine, etc.

Your thoughts?

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Ukraine national interest is only in harming Russia in any way, because Ukraine is not a country - it's a religious cult, and a very narrow one at that. That's why you can spot Ukies who are disgruntled with how little civilians they lose on camera because it means less Western aid to kill more Russians. It's a literal death cult, and a rich soil for the future psychiatric researches.

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Ukraine is bankrupted in default, 1.3 million casualties, 15 millions left...will never come back..what a victory.

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As a country it has no future indeed, but as a piss-poor terrorist cesspool? That one is bright.

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To help out their current offensive- The Ukrainains can rely on their F16s as per Bloomberg

This one’s for Andy Dean, a caller from Constanta

There are problems

‘It’s not clear whether Ukrainian pilots, who have trained with their western allies over the past months, will be able to immediately use the warplanes or the process will take longer, the people said.’

But Official Optimism is still the order -

‘Jake Sullivan, Biden’s top national security adviser, has said the F-16s are expected to defend front-line forces in the short term and help retake territory “down the road.”’

Yet- That came alongside intense debate as to whether F-16s would give Ukraine any decisive advantage. Veteran pilots told Bloomberg last May that the jets wouldn’t be the game changer Ukraine claims.





But- They still love their F16- because it’s money for nothing & the chicks for free: See the pics of Z, VdL and KK inside one


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Ukraine's post office is already selling the fetching new stamp depicting a gleaming F-16 scything the sky above the Dniepr

We know the F-16s will be a game-changer & will allow the AFU to *ramp up* because the stamp itself is proof of that: the stamp foretells it

Licking these stamps & affixing them to your letters will allow you to share the Great News of Ukraine's no-fly zone far & wide

The stamp will ramp

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A stamp? Get out -- you are disinforming me - they have a Postal system, or are these souvenirs for the tourist contractors

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When I spread Russian disinformation, it leaves behind a vapor-trail & etches contrail messages in the sky: Free Dorthy

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Now I know you have been looking at those Z photos with VdL and KK in the cockpit

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Look I'm not saying you should try it, this sort of diplomacy is not for anyone but the most accomplished - where you are are there any spare F16s hanging around?

But maybe it's worth thinking about.....

I'll ask Andy, maybe he knows

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My decoy F-16 has a silver metal-flake paint scheme. I keep it parked atop the pediatric hospital.

Sure hope the adversary doesn't see it

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As Alex Christoforou pointed out, Russia may be winning the military battle, but Ukraine is winning the much more important propaganda stamp war!

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What about Biden and Kamala,what are they winning?

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? that sentence is the wrong way round

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Don't read it, it is not for you.

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It's sort of wonderful they find the time for this nonsense - but it just one more indication that they are fighting a different war, not the soldiers but the régime

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Okay that's enough of trying to pin words that were said by someone else on me. Into mute you go.

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Come on Constant caller, you really do not like being made a fool of do you

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40 year old skin, compressing, decompressing. Metal Fatigue. Those old F16's ain't gonna readline in high stress action, but they will be able to carry water for thirsty troops.

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There is no way the F16s will be used that close to Russia, they will be blown out of the sky by Russian AA systems and Russian planes with long range air to air missiles.

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Terroristic adventurism, esp w/ the drone-murder of an old lady in her apartment & the targeting of a car w/ children: Budanov's hand is behind this ill-conceived evil

It's not warfare so much as a whooping raid

Say, you & 299 of your buddies were @ the billiard hall, shooting a little pool, & you got this brilliant idea to marauder on across the stateline in order to loot & plunder the cow-town just beyond the Rest Area.

It's a ! surprise attack !

The townspeople are ! surprised !

But then the volunteer fire department & the county sheriff & that one local yokel who owns 97 guns starts mulching their way through your line of attack, scattering you & the boys to the four corners. 80 of you hole up in the Rest Area, waiting for resupply.

Emptying the snack machine, drinking the bottled Fiji water--waiting for resupply.

You see the glow of torches on the night's horizon--you see how the flames reflect on the tines of pitchforks held aloft.

The townspeople are coming for you & man, are they pissed.

This was Budanov's genius idea: let's raid Russia cause no one will notice

No one will fight back

No one will flatten your sorry Alfa-Sierra-Sierra w/ a FAB-3000 in a cow-town's Rest Area while you chew that last chip from the Dorito's bag

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In all the fog of war reporting it is very unclear to me if this Ukie move is of any significance

Please help

Ignorant caller from Africa

Mind you my mind is clear about F16's

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Check your mailbox tomorrow. Rifle through the ads for free iPhones & knock-off Ozempic & the coupon fliers, looking for that one slender envelope w/ the F-16 postal stamp

Open the envelope.

When you read, "The red fox trots at midnight," you'll know what to do next

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CS - I'd love to

Here in downtown CAfrica we do not have postal systems, nor boxes nor addresses

I do not know if ever you have tried this, but it is really a major advantage - no invoices! no income tax! no administration, no worries

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Doesn't the government man come around once a year & say "Hey, G, I see you grew 10 bushels of maize this season. I need 2 of those, thanks. Next year, I want 3"--nobody pays a visit like that?

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No - no one is interested in that sort of taxation, too much work

All gvmt services are accessed by cash

Sales tax is high

Plenty police barricades on major roads

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Russia is a place where nazis come to die. So they came to Kursk now, not the first time.

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It's either a historical reenactment or it is a repetition compulsion

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The people of Kursk have suffered enough (July,1943,right?).

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Russia now has a golden opportunity to crush decisively AFU's Assault. Spare them no quarter. The order must be given to counter-attack now and fully decimate the enemy with sufficient force to destroy incoming AFU forces, hit their supply lines hard, blow up every mechanized vehicle in sight and not let up until they are soundly defeated. It's time for Russia to lay the hammer down, break enemy morale and send a clear message that Russian forces rule over the theatre of conflict. A decisive Russian victory would break AFU morale that resistance is futile. Turn this AFU assault into a resounding defeat and leave Zelensky nothing but bad news and outcomes giving him absolutely nothing to brag about. Will Russia seize the moment? I don't know. But they should.

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Zhukov would ask no less

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Seize the moment.


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Russia should have done this from the outset. A lot fewer people would have died if they had been decisive.

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Possibly they were simply not ready for the required scale of conflict needed for a quick win.

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Possible, but indicates a lack of planning on Russia's part, especially as it was no secret that NATO and Ukraine were planning for war.

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I wonder if all the corruption in the military ranks played a part.

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Very possible.

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No more prisoners and VP must stop avoiding killing ukie civilians to the contrary that is the only way they will got the message.VP protects the ukies more than the russians.

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Thank you for this battlefield analysis.

I know nothing about military strategy, but it's obvious from looking at a map that the Kursk border region is almost entirely open agricultural fields. It truly does seem like a really stupid place to try and attack. Also, one should remember that the SMO doesn't include Kursk, so that area is staffed by both "regular" MOD troops as well as conscripts/mandatory service soldiers, so there are plenty of folks on hand without taking from SMO forces.

As for the rest, I read Nasrullah's statement yesterday - looks like Iran is coordinated a three-prong attack (from Iran, Lebanon and Yemen) while also bleeding Israel dry just by making them wait. Not only is it rattling the Israeli populace psychologically, but the northern third of the country is not going to work or school, effectively taking them "offline." And let's not forget that their economy is crashing due to this war, including from a huge decline in tourism and foreign workers leaving.

Honestly, I know a lot of people online are hopping up and down with excitement for the prospect of a full-on attack, but both Iran and Russia's patience is actually the smarter move right now as both Israel and USA are cracking up on their own.

That being said, I'm about tired of these "gentleman's agreements" and spook collabs and secret prisoner swap deals, to say nothing of the "Texas" Bentley cover-up (they still haven't released his body???), and widespread corruption and stupidity in the Russian MoD.

This "war" is increasingly looking like two retards having a fist-fight in a Jell-o filled pool, with only the insane bravery of Russian soldiers on one side and the tsunami of Western money and equipment to the other side keeping this farce going as long as it has. It's beyond ridiculous at this point.

PS - the SBU isn't just tricking people into getting into big groups before trying to cross the border, they're also stealing the bribe money. These devils never do anything without getting their cut.

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Thought I should add something here about the border since I live 2km from Ukraine. Getting across to PMR is easy as there are no water barriers, treacherous mountains. or fences. In fact, I think I accidentally crossed the border once without even knowing it when I took my dog to the vet in Slobozia because it's literally just a line on a map, and the line is quite jagged and nonsensical and runs through open fields.

The difficult bit is getting anywhere CLOSE to the border from the Ukraine side, as all roads to border-adjacent villages are monitored and access blocked to people who aren't residents or don't have official permission to enter. What these smugglers are doing is getting a driver who DOES have permission to be there to drive a vehicle laden with people hidden inside/the back. The "catch" of course is that the operation often is an SBU sting.

My heart really goes out to these poor people.

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what is the SBU going rate to get out

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The rate is 12-15 thousands USD per person

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Thank you for this information - by which one can see the poor are trapped the rich escape

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Do you have a getaway plan just in case?

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My thought exactly. This war is becoming senseless. I know people blame the U.S. for continuing it but I blame Zelensky.

If he knows what’s good for him he will cut a deal with the Russians, handover whatever will help Russia end this painlessly/quickly, and surrender - if he wants to increase his chances of survival.

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Zelenski has the same options as the mustache man in 1945. Only difference is the Nazis were loyal to the moustache man until the end, Zelenski not so much. Zelenski for Russian's is the modern day proverbial moustache man. Do you think Stalin and the Soviet leadership would have been merciful in 1945, do you think the Russian leadership will be merciful today?

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No, Ghani and Saakashvili are alive. Ghani is living the good life, and Saakashvili would be, if he hadn't returned to Georgia like a tomfool.

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Elensky can't "cut a deal" as he is illegitimate since May.

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Zelensky decides nothing only the brits.

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Why would Zelenskii do that, and lose all that sweet western cash and have his assets and villas confiscated?

You may recall that Zelenskii and his sponsor I.V. Kolomoiskii were prominently named in The Paradise Papers. This was likely western intelligence telling Zelenskii to stop dawdling and get on with it.

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The Jell-o filled pool...

What flavor is the Jell-o?

Trying to visualize this

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Strawberry. Visualize it red.

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" Visualize it red."

Red, like the color of blood...I see dead people.

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Or you can picture blood mixed with chitosan. We use it as a hemostatic (especially for open wounds). The result looks like red jello.

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Fooled everyone into thinking it's the NPP they are after. This is 20D grandchessmaster move!

Almost entering Kremlim And Putin is cramming Gold bars into his pants to flee!

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This is the poor man's ZNPP, like the generic version of a pharmaceutical like Ozempic, but it's not Ozempic, it's Wegovy:>>

Man, we can't hold the ZNPP hostage cuz it's so hot down there on the actual line of contact where the actual battle is actually happening. I know what--!! Let's put on a show--!! No, wait, wait--let's make it a musical--!! Yeah, yeah, we'll attack the Kursk NPP in Russia. [Consults map] Okay, look--it's 21km from this veterinarian's office in Russia where everyone takes their dog. Put your dog in the Stryker. Yeah, like that. Let him ride shotgun. C'mon Thelma, c'mon Louise--we're going to do this thing--!! Thelma, Louise, we're gonna give it a glow-up. We're gonna give the Kursk NPP a glow-up!! Give me a high 'C' Thelma. Very nice. And the chorus goes something like this

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"it was quite a striking juxtaposition to see the Russian ex-Defense Minister with his Iranian counterparts at the same exact time that American general staff was meeting with its Israeli counterpart earlier today—the proxy conflict in full effect"

Of course, the US is the proxy combatant for Israel -- not the other way around.

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AIPAC is in the White House, the Senate and the House.

1. 81 million ballots. Their back-up choice is under their control.

2. Not allowed to ask any questions says Media and Internet

3. They let Biden off his chain and he pees on the carpet in front of the guests

4. The Dual Citizens are too clever by half

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For the first time in this war I agree with Pro-UA commentators: this Kursk offensive was useless.

I don’t think Ukrainian “leadership” (or U.S.) fully recognize this war is over. Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean the end to the general conflict (which has many phases and will include other theaters both geographic and categorical) but the kinetic part of this phase in Ukraine is almost done. Meaning, we’ve crossed the 60% boundary to completion.

As for Zelensky specifically, let’s just say that unless he is instrumental in resolving the Ukrainian problem definitively for Russia (which I doubt he will be in a position to do much in the future) there will not be a place safe enough for him to hide.

Best thing is for Zelensky to do something while he still can.

As for the ME, it’s going to be … interesting.

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It is striking how the UkroNazis use the same tactics as the ZioNazis: attack the defenceless and stay away from the real opponent.


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They share the same Imperial lineage. Blame Churchill and the other British Empire apparatchiks. Prior to their carpet bombing campaigns of WWII civilians were generally not targeted.

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You forgot the Anglo

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