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I am not going to do this childish "First" thing again.

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Saw these articles today. US cluster munitions will bring more pain and death to Donbass civilians, and Washington doesn't care Kiev will use its newly received weapons to target residential areas, just as it has for the past nine years - Canadian Journalist

Kremlin ‘inspired’ by Russian troops in one-vs-seven armor standoff. My comment follows. "One for the books, Russian Tank Crew was courageous in the face of the enemy, and when you're in a fight with patriotism like that, no way can you win. Got that, NATO Warmongers?"

The TRUTH of the matter is, with the morally bankrupt, warmongering, traitorous globalist rot in our government, with their diabolic rules that trash everything that is good in the world that must be obeyed, or the gulag for you, we're on the WRONG SIDE! Thank God the Russia isn't! They are the hope for the world to get out the darkness that our Government has embraced! I'm a Vietnam War Navy Vet of the Security Group Command (68-72). I don't recognize our Military anymore that has been turned into a group of Woke Perverts promoting every kind of perversion and making a priority of the biggest con that is man-made climate change that exists for making a fortune for the Gore Green Goblins, the rest of us be damned! Pray God save us from this evil, and, IMO, the Russian Armed Forces are HIS MIGHTY HAND at work doing it as every victory they win on the battlefield is a dagger to the heart of the Globalist Rot that wants to enslave the world!

Regarding the War Reporting, you must remember that the Uke Army currently being destroyed piecemeal by the Russian Armed Forces indiscriminately shelled Civilians to especially include women and children in the Donbass since the Maidan Coup instigated by the Criminally Insane Victoria Nuland, the morally bankrupt warmongering witch in the US State Department, who wants to see Russia Destroyed. So as far as I'm concerned, what's happening to that Uke Army is well deserved!

The Uke Armies continue to be attrited in the field at an ever-increasing rate with their fantasies of storming Crimea going down the drain as their miniscule gains resulting in the cannon fodder of their soldiers attest to in spades! This was is over. It only continues because of the Western Hegemon dreams of destroying Russia when, in fact, they are destroying themselves. Take that, Nuland and the rest of ur US State Dept garbage prolonging this war to please your MIC donors, the cost in lives be damned. Karma is coming for you all!

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Further affect of the instability in Northern Africa is that the EU will not be able to go ahead with the gas pipeline it wanted. It will be interesting to see how Nigeria and Algeria respond to Western pressure agains Mali etc. I wonder if Germany's AfD will be seeking Russian gas next year.

Regards sanctions, South Africa was under them for 40 years. I just mentioned that on Larry Johnson's site. But everyone still got their gold, coal and strategic minerals (used for big weapons). It's nice to see a pattern of reverse, a consequence for hypocrisy.

The Jeddah peace conference nonsense is next on the USA's agenda which is probably why no one is meaningfully discussing the results of the recent Russia-Africa Summit. If you're interested, check out the press statements by those involved in the latter - on the Kremlin's site, or pop over to my page for some highlights.

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Typical western chauvinism blaming Russia for the coup in Niger as if Africans are incapable of having their own agency. No wonder a lot of Africans dislike the west that makes sense to me.

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God damn dude. You put in the WORK. I might accuse you of using performance enhancing drugs to turn (not churn!) out a volume of quality work like you do but I know the implications and history. Thorough. Well thought out. Logically consistent. Open to new ideas.. I could go on. This is one of my - if not the - favorite paid Substack subs I've got. May upgrade to founding based on volume, accuracy, admission of unknowns, and sheer analytical prowess.

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The power challenge is heating up, and chips from other players are slowly coming onto the table. I hope someone folds soon, before they start considering pushing in more chips and trying to double or nothing.

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On the SitRep section, sheer mastery as always but with me being horrified the most. I'm glad that I've not become desensitised to Ukraine's leaders killing their youth. Whereas I used to hope for a real peace negotiation, both sides in agreement and benefiting, we're now at the stage where Russia has to win for the war to end. It's interesting to watch the pressure cracks, such as the Colombian mercenaries being attacked. Hopefully the Ukrainian Public will crack sufficiently to remake themselves into a protest yelling "NO MORE".

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awesome article - I will see how much a paid subscription is - thanks...will watch that new footage of the lone rangers - I saw another video yesterday of some guys inside a tank laughing and putting giant

bullets in the cannon and shooting them. I wonder if that was them ?

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Ha! Remember when people in America were laughing at Russia for having to take chips out of washing machines to make their tanks go even though it never happened? Well if Russia and China keep effing America and making it hard for them to make chips maybe it will be America who will be stripping washing machines of their chips. Who’s laughing now?

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Gotta come back tomorrow and finish. Another barn burner of a piece S. Love to see this stuff materialize. Me knowing very little about it last year was still aware enough to determine what scared the Empire. I am also aware that much pain awaits me if Globohomo fails. Still I want to see these bastards squirm and fall on their faces.

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Being an econ-finance nerd, extra enjoyed the opening section regarding the budding currency angle in all this. I didn't know about the rare earth ban kicking in today, so thanks for that. More importantly I kept thinking about the 2 TRILLION the US Treasury will be adding to the national debt, BEFORE yrs end. I strongly suspect China's turning the future price-inflation screws, especially on commodities, exacerbating our own fiscal inflation. After watching that African-Russian Conf clip I'm nearly certain of it. Never mind all of the Undeclared Gold by Russia, and China, that far as I can tell only Alistair Macleod has made mention of. IF China & Russia declared their undeclared gold, and went full 100% gold backed monetary system, that'd be the nuclear kill shot upon the US/5 Eyes/EU financial system. Would likely be the global Release the Nukes moment too. Game Over. So why do all that when China/Russia can sit back, turn up the pressure our wobbly financial system, and continue to watch us spin and flail about.

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No doubt the 10th Corps was intended as the breakthrough element, to be released after the 9th was depleted. Of course, the point was to breach the defenses before the 9th lost combat effectiveness! To commit them now makes little sense, certainly a desperate throw of the dice.

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"...the West can only throw sticks and twigs in the path of the rolling boulder, hoping to marginally slow it down." That's good writing. A beautiful mental image.

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Every military professional must know that Ukraine's "offensive" is pre-meditated mass murder of its own people. Zero chance of success. Why do it?

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