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Aug 2, 2023
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It wasn't worth mentioning. Just a minor inconsequential annoyance that won't change anything.

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Aug 2, 2023Edited
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How long do you want an article to be? 1,100 klm front, geopolitical events happening at lightening speed all over the world and Simp is meant to cover every event?

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The drone attack did exactly what it was intended to do, which was give the MSM an opportunity to change the subject to a Ukrainian victory.

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At least nobody was injured. I think the more interesting one is the S-200 missile attack on a Russian art museum. the MOD claims they shot it down but it looks like it exploded.

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Aug 4, 2023
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It was on Simplicius's Bitchute channel

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Aug 2, 2023
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Sorry to hear that.

Personally I think the guy's a bit of a loud mouth dick and his Coach Red-pill manosphere stuff was cringe, but if what he said about Victoria Nuland knowing about him and hating his guts is true then he has risen in my estimation, “You can judge a man by the quality of his enemies”. That’s a lot better than “He has no enemies and none of his friends like him”.

He did stick around in a hotzone and spoke his piece long enough and well enough to be arrested by the secret police and tortured in prison, he’s no Dostoevsky or Solzhenitsyn but that counts for something.

I hope he makes it out alive.

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Aug 2, 2023
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Once you go Black....

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Black don't crack.

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? what? go talk to Ibrahim Traoré or Assimi Goïta in this way and find out....

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I am not going to do this childish "First" thing again.

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Me neither. SECOND!

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Even at the beach?

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I don't like sand, it is coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere

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Aug 3, 2023Edited
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*that was a star wars quote btw*

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Saw these articles today. US cluster munitions will bring more pain and death to Donbass civilians, and Washington doesn't care Kiev will use its newly received weapons to target residential areas, just as it has for the past nine years - Canadian Journalist

Kremlin ‘inspired’ by Russian troops in one-vs-seven armor standoff. My comment follows. "One for the books, Russian Tank Crew was courageous in the face of the enemy, and when you're in a fight with patriotism like that, no way can you win. Got that, NATO Warmongers?"

The TRUTH of the matter is, with the morally bankrupt, warmongering, traitorous globalist rot in our government, with their diabolic rules that trash everything that is good in the world that must be obeyed, or the gulag for you, we're on the WRONG SIDE! Thank God the Russia isn't! They are the hope for the world to get out the darkness that our Government has embraced! I'm a Vietnam War Navy Vet of the Security Group Command (68-72). I don't recognize our Military anymore that has been turned into a group of Woke Perverts promoting every kind of perversion and making a priority of the biggest con that is man-made climate change that exists for making a fortune for the Gore Green Goblins, the rest of us be damned! Pray God save us from this evil, and, IMO, the Russian Armed Forces are HIS MIGHTY HAND at work doing it as every victory they win on the battlefield is a dagger to the heart of the Globalist Rot that wants to enslave the world!

Regarding the War Reporting, you must remember that the Uke Army currently being destroyed piecemeal by the Russian Armed Forces indiscriminately shelled Civilians to especially include women and children in the Donbass since the Maidan Coup instigated by the Criminally Insane Victoria Nuland, the morally bankrupt warmongering witch in the US State Department, who wants to see Russia Destroyed. So as far as I'm concerned, what's happening to that Uke Army is well deserved!

The Uke Armies continue to be attrited in the field at an ever-increasing rate with their fantasies of storming Crimea going down the drain as their miniscule gains resulting in the cannon fodder of their soldiers attest to in spades! This was is over. It only continues because of the Western Hegemon dreams of destroying Russia when, in fact, they are destroying themselves. Take that, Nuland and the rest of ur US State Dept garbage prolonging this war to please your MIC donors, the cost in lives be damned. Karma is coming for you all!

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For me, as a person born behind the Iron Curtain, there was a time when we believed that the USA was an excellent defender of the Free World, but we reached the time when we saw the reality behind the empty fake smile that what Ronald Reagan once said about the "Evil Empire" was indeed true, but the USA valid for ! We can already see that it is like a cancerous tumor parasitizing the body of the planet ! We pity the hard working decent American people, more than one of whom I can call my friend, that such a despotic military industrial power rules over them!

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As Robert E Lee said, the "consolidation of the states into one vast republic," which was the actual "war aim" of Lincoln and the Republicans in 1860, has created an empire "aggressive abroad and despotic at home." And needless to say, completely evil.

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And let's add that, having bought up most of the media on the planet, they successfully lie whatever they want. Of course, more and more people are opening their eyes to the fact that Lord Palmerston's old saying, which he said in the days of the British Empire, "We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.", the new hegemon took it over perfectly and uses it to this day! The fact that the new one throws its former allies like a snotty handkerchief is exemplified by the last picture of the South Vietnamese clinging to the roof of the Saigon embassy, but the image of the ugly escape from Afghanistan is still vividly alive in us when the image of the Afghans clinging to the wheel of the C17 plane and then falling to their deaths , presumably this fate awaits the Ukrainians !

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What a load of anti-historical rubbish. MSNBC or CNN ought to hire you for your ability to spin false narratives. The US Empire started with the founding of the Office of Strategic Services in 1942 by former MI5/MI6 (same thing at the time) agents which reorganized into the CIA in 1945. The actual roots of the US Empire and why the American elite welcomed the cream of the British Empire with open arms in order to revive their empire in a new host country are in the Business Plot, which was a plot by the Rockefellers, Carnegies, and all other ruling families in the US to overthrow FDR's socially democratic government to instead install a Mussolini-style fascist regime. When that plot failed after it was exposed to the public by a mole, building the US Empire with the help of President Trueman was the next best thing.

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"a plot by the Rockefellers, Carnegies, and all other ruling families in the US to overthrow FDR's socially democratic government to instead install a Mussolini-style fascist regime."

Lol! What a hot take. FDR was a psychopathic murderer, the man more responsible than anyone for starting and continuing WWII. He ran roughshod over the Constitution and any petty legalities getting in the way of his tyrannical government. His administration was riddled up and down with Communist Jews, and was the start of turning America into the Jewish controlled satrapy that it is today (just like Ukraine, btw). After Lincoln, he is the worst American President, but then Biden's not done yet.

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Pretty much, the Anglo Empire never ended -- its center of gravity crossed the Atlantic, from London to DC. I think this process began during WWI, and was completed after WWII. We're now living through no less than the dismantling of the post-1945 order. And honestly, even though I'm American, it's justified at this point. Between the endless debt & inflation, the cultural rot & decay, and the increasing tyranny of the oligarchic regime, the West no longer deserves to win at this point; it's sad but true. I was hoping Trump would set things right, but the Swamp is too deep to drain, even for him. Now I want no less than the military defeat of NATO by China & Russia, only that will provide the needed systemic shock.

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Evil is as evil does...The fact that the regime supports child trafficking, both in the US and the Ukraine, is reason enough for it to be totally destroyed by history...

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Germany and the Netherlands have brothels, where pregnant women are kept, kidnapped from Eastern Europe, 1-12 yrs old. Clientele, European and Middle Eastern.

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It is becoming clear as a bell. There are so many countries in the world, large and small, that have a big supply of a particular resource that the world needs. Either one country controls the whole world, or we all get along enough to maintain a complex trade network. Zero sum or win/win. We've had over 1,000 years of one way of doing things, but it's the 21st century and the world is slowly shifting. It is a dangerous, but exciting time.

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You don't understand, do you?

We live in a world with limited resources, the goal of globalists is to ensure that these resources last as long as possible.

To do this, first they will use the allies to try to dominate and subjugate and eliminate the entire world, then they will eliminate the allies as well.

It works like in the movie Highlander, there can only be one...

Ultimately they will exterminate a large portion of the population itself to extend the duration of the resources to the maximum, hoping that the advancement of the technique will give them time to exploit resources in space to maintain themselves indefinitely.

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What resources are limited.

Everything that this planet was made of in that swirling cloud that evolved into planet earth is still here. Water evaporates or condenses, or it can freeze into a solid. Changing state is natures great trick. If I throw my last gallon of water on the hot desert sand it is not wasted it still exists by changing into a vapour. I may die of thirst but I and the H20 will still be here. I will simply be reduced to the elemental compounds mostly water which constituted my living body and are now returned to the earth upon my death. The idea that oil is a fossil fuel which we are rapidly depleting is a bald faced lie promoted by old man Rockefella back in the nineteen twenties. NO. oil like water is a compound originating in the formation of the planet. The crust of the earth in simplistic terms moves on it like a shaft on a roller bearing. When oil under great pressure along with gas is found at great depths 25K to 35K inside the mantle it is not made from dead dinosaurs or vegetation. That oil is abiotic.

The globalists, I call them what they really are the Khazarian Zionists want this planet for themselves. Now that they have most of the planet in their grasp they no longer need these large human herds of prey. Besides with the misery about to befall many nations it may become known as it has in other times that these Khazars are the source of the misery and degradations befalling humanity. Better to kill them off as soon as possible... wars and diseases. Look around... every government agency or department at its head has a Zionist Khazar. All the major drug companies manufacturing the clot shots are operated by Khazar Zionis CEOs. The Hill ( Washington ) is in the grip of Neo Con Khazar Zionists. The CDC top 6 positions al Khazar Zionist. I could spend the rest of the night and next week talking about how everything is in Khazar Zionist lock up. In fact if you have the ears ( tuned in ) to hear it they themselves will tell you that they have a special right to anything they demand including exclusive ownership of this planet with or without you. They decide.

It's time to really wake up.


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The thing about karma that many misconceive is that it is simply a natural impersonal force that doesn't judge or seek vengeance, it simply restores balance. It is the twin of reincarnation, you can't have one without the other. Committing evil on a personal or national level indeed will see a response, it can be shorter term but more likely it will occur in a latter cycle when events are suitable. As we reincarnate roughly 500 to 2000 years between depending on populations at a given time, those suffering now do so for events from antiquity, as it will be for those engaged in wrong action now. Karma is why most religions say to not seek vengeance, it is a pointless endeavor that adversely affects those seeking it, balance is always restored. Pedantic and irrelevant to the discourse I know, however as instant karma or calling for karmic retribution are catch phrases these days...

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I think it's more correct to say that karma is not a force, but something like a fundamental law or attribute of the universe, which says that every action or event has a cause and effect. Karma does nothing, it just determines how things in the universe relate to each other. There is also another fundamental law of the universe - the law of conservation of energy or balance. And since everything in the universe is energy, just in different forms, everything in the universe strives for balance. These two things at a basic level determine everything that happens or will happen in the universe.

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Further affect of the instability in Northern Africa is that the EU will not be able to go ahead with the gas pipeline it wanted. It will be interesting to see how Nigeria and Algeria respond to Western pressure agains Mali etc. I wonder if Germany's AfD will be seeking Russian gas next year.

Regards sanctions, South Africa was under them for 40 years. I just mentioned that on Larry Johnson's site. But everyone still got their gold, coal and strategic minerals (used for big weapons). It's nice to see a pattern of reverse, a consequence for hypocrisy.

The Jeddah peace conference nonsense is next on the USA's agenda which is probably why no one is meaningfully discussing the results of the recent Russia-Africa Summit. If you're interested, check out the press statements by those involved in the latter - on the Kremlin's site, or pop over to my page for some highlights.

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Agreed. The blocking of the Trans-Saharan gas pipeline is an important energy angle not covered in today's sit rep. It's expected to deliver up to 30 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year from Nigeria to Europe. The Europeans are going to be in a world of hurt without access to huge quantities of gas and uranium from Africa to replace what they lost by sanctioning Russia.

Geroman posted a map of the planned route of the gas pipeline on Twitter earlier today. The route also transits through Algeria, which is another country that's actively aligning with and seeking Russia's military assistance to free itself from colonial servitude. https://twitter.com/GeromanAT/status/1686339404548218881

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Thanks for the meaningful comment and the map.

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And just for insurance sake let's have some "Ukrainian extremists" blow it up from their rented yacht!

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Thanks for the map very useful

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Algeria is one of the more important applicants to BRICS. May or may not have an effect on their position concerning energy cooperation with the EU. Certainly giving the EUcrats something to worry about..

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Nigeria has limited control over their northern provinces. Boko Haram are very likely to target Nordstream...err Trans Sahara.

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Didn't Boko Harem write "A whiter shade of pale"?

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As a European facing a cold winter without fuel, I'm trying to stay ahead of the game. I'm off to the local forest to collect wood.

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I was going to respond a bit more but kept on browsing one step away until I felt that I had to write an article which then drained my whole day. Hopefully this adds info for people who are interested in the Niger situation - https://mikehampton.substack.com/p/is-the-cold-war-heating-up-africa

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Thanks for raising this gas pipeline angle - the anglo MSM are talking about Putin's revolution in Niger and the terrible effect it will have on EU inflation and immigration - scant a word about uranium or this pipeline

It may be that the Algerians 'side with', even if very quietly, the anti imperialist revolt in Niger, along with Burkina Faso and Mali

That leaves the remaining stretches of French Equatorial Africa to.....

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I started writing about it yesterday, awoke to continue but found 3 links in my inbox to articles about it - not MSM but we can usually rely on the 'alternative' community.




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Thank you for the links- it is very plausible to read the MSM comments as huff and puff, being ordered to stir the jingo pot in the absence of any realistic war plans on the part of the EUUSNATO blob - Libya this is not

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Libya, is sure isn't. But its a hotbed for fundamentalist terrorists that the USA created, so they will want to try keep them there. Plus there's the graft involved in military spending and sending $100m in annual aid. The corporations will want to try hang onto that. They will first use EWOCAS for pressure, and hope to stay out of it so that the average American doesn't have to learn another location on a map.

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The US supposes that the Nigerian régime and other ECOWAS's are quite as corrupt and as stupid as the Ukrainian - but this time to take on not only one neighbouring country but many - it's impossible to be that stupid

And risk, in the case of Nigeria, reviving the activities of Boko

Africa in general, the Sahel in particular, have been quick to understand and to react to the significance and the already lessons of the EUUS failed war by proxy on Russia

Apart from one or two neo-colonies, Côte d'Ivoire, Morocco, Rwanda, Kenya - it's probable that there are more countries than not determined to break loose from USEU exploitation corruption and poverty

(Maybe add Ghana to the list of the of the enslaved)

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It doesn't help the French that before sanctions, they got a lot of their uranium from...Russia. They are committing energy suicide in the same way as Germany. They really can't be that stupid, can they?

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Correct- but, remarkably, the French, as the Germans etc, proclaimed the inherent virtue in abstaining from the use of Russian gas and almost everything

They have 360°d with regard to Niger, where they find virtue in keeping that country as the poorest in the world while they increase their dependence on products they rip from that country at very convenient cost

It is stupid, if you are Russian, and it is neo slavery if you are Nigerien, but if you are part of the French or the EU élite it is too late in the endgame to even start to think about what can otherwise be done

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Typical western chauvinism blaming Russia for the coup in Niger as if Africans are incapable of having their own agency. No wonder a lot of Africans dislike the west that makes sense to me.

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Shaman's video Я РУССКИЙ (https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxYBRgbNU81olI6WGiirIP9HZLlcI6O-Ow) has an interesting ending (but is set in the "USA") that echos to your comment.

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Because the coup in Niger is the first time a coup ever has happened in Africa, LOL. Only Russians could do such a heinous thing, compared with the peaceful and scrupulously law abiding events in Chile in 1973, Iran in 1955 or Ukraine in 2014.

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Yep. And of course, the neocons have never, ever instigated any coups. Anywhere. Ever!

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Ok Russia probably did have a hand in it but screw the West anyway.

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God damn dude. You put in the WORK. I might accuse you of using performance enhancing drugs to turn (not churn!) out a volume of quality work like you do but I know the implications and history. Thorough. Well thought out. Logically consistent. Open to new ideas.. I could go on. This is one of my - if not the - favorite paid Substack subs I've got. May upgrade to founding based on volume, accuracy, admission of unknowns, and sheer analytical prowess.

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The power challenge is heating up, and chips from other players are slowly coming onto the table. I hope someone folds soon, before they start considering pushing in more chips and trying to double or nothing.

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On the SitRep section, sheer mastery as always but with me being horrified the most. I'm glad that I've not become desensitised to Ukraine's leaders killing their youth. Whereas I used to hope for a real peace negotiation, both sides in agreement and benefiting, we're now at the stage where Russia has to win for the war to end. It's interesting to watch the pressure cracks, such as the Colombian mercenaries being attacked. Hopefully the Ukrainian Public will crack sufficiently to remake themselves into a protest yelling "NO MORE".

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From what I am hearing, the people in Kiev at least remain all in. Of course, I don't press the issue too closely, as I don't want to attract the attention of the secret police on the people I talk with.

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They're more insulated there, ... so far.

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Insulated - padded by propaganda, but less sheets the further they move East.

Then there's that video of the Ukrainian and his girlfriend who were so happy because he filmed a missile hitting his street. Then there was the video of him being conscripted.

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I still can't believe that so many Ukr soldiers play along. They need to shoot the Azov enforcers and walk away. Let Z and his neocon friends do the real fighting.

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awesome article - I will see how much a paid subscription is - thanks...will watch that new footage of the lone rangers - I saw another video yesterday of some guys inside a tank laughing and putting giant

bullets in the cannon and shooting them. I wonder if that was them ?

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Ha! Remember when people in America were laughing at Russia for having to take chips out of washing machines to make their tanks go even though it never happened? Well if Russia and China keep effing America and making it hard for them to make chips maybe it will be America who will be stripping washing machines of their chips. Who’s laughing now?

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The Russian missiles always go in circles looking for their targets, because the missile's chips come from washing machines )

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I watch a lot of Russian films, and even there, you can see how far Putin has brought the country since Soviet times. I'm sure there are some backwaters that haven't changed much, but the main places look clean and modern.

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Gotta come back tomorrow and finish. Another barn burner of a piece S. Love to see this stuff materialize. Me knowing very little about it last year was still aware enough to determine what scared the Empire. I am also aware that much pain awaits me if Globohomo fails. Still I want to see these bastards squirm and fall on their faces.

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me too!

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Being an econ-finance nerd, extra enjoyed the opening section regarding the budding currency angle in all this. I didn't know about the rare earth ban kicking in today, so thanks for that. More importantly I kept thinking about the 2 TRILLION the US Treasury will be adding to the national debt, BEFORE yrs end. I strongly suspect China's turning the future price-inflation screws, especially on commodities, exacerbating our own fiscal inflation. After watching that African-Russian Conf clip I'm nearly certain of it. Never mind all of the Undeclared Gold by Russia, and China, that far as I can tell only Alistair Macleod has made mention of. IF China & Russia declared their undeclared gold, and went full 100% gold backed monetary system, that'd be the nuclear kill shot upon the US/5 Eyes/EU financial system. Would likely be the global Release the Nukes moment too. Game Over. So why do all that when China/Russia can sit back, turn up the pressure our wobbly financial system, and continue to watch us spin and flail about.

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US got a ratings downgrade by Fitch today. To AA I think.

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Yup dropped from AAA to AA+. Yellen's angry statement was laughable.

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Yellen is a seriously dumb person...wonder how (((she))) got promoted to such high positions?!

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Indeed, she's a true legend of incompetence. One should trade the exact opposite of her calls. There'll never be another financial crisis in her lifetime again. She's a WEF/Davos loyal servant. Applies to the entirety of Team Brandon. Not that Team GOP is any better. They gave these clowns and themselves this post-debt ceiling blank check of debt. 2T thru yrs end. Absolutely insane.

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Perfect contrarian indicator so far.

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She was friends in school with Alexander Hamilton.

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And almost immediately saw an article title to the effect that those who buy Treasuries don't pay attention to ratings. Had a good morning laugh at that! This may be the start of a spiral in percentage of debt that is interest and further downgrades.

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Yeah lol that's pretty stupid. I think the avalanche of downgrades & defaults is incoming. But then COVID & CARES Act taught me the powers that be are far more crafty and insane than I ever imagined. They will do Whatever It Takes! To keep this beast system going.

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Such is the way when all empires crumble. I mean a good indicator of that is the way the culture is imploding, the quickening descent of morality and the fact that those that watch/listen to/readead mass media don't recognize their product as cartoons aimed at the mental capacities of school children.

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Indeed I think it's true traditional inflation-the artificial creation of currency and credit, that's overtaken and overwhelmed all previous empires. Such is the timeless fate of this empire too. And it leads to all the cultural collapse. In hyperinflation, it becomes useless to invest in business and production. Speculative Mania, is what's encouraged and rewarded. The financialized economy. When the economy is contracting, issuing more currency only leads to more speculation and FOMO chasing. such is what we've seen a lot of since 2020 CARES Act. And it gets harder to find true adults, and TV/Movies/Hollywood are virtually devoid of them.

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Yep. A key indicator of decline is the attempts to normalise perversion and pedophilia. We are there.

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Yep, AA+...more downgrades coming in the future as the US budget blows up next year...

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My thoughts exactly. Reading regular econ/finance stuff I keep hearing that in markets when everyone thinks one thing will happen, it’s often another that does happen. I can’t help asking myself - they all think the US dollar as a reserve is safe. So using their own logic. . . And I also have wondered when will China just flush the system with US treasuries - painful for China too, but worse for the US. Slay the beast.

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That's a good observation, when everyone's on 1 side of the boat. I was, and still am in the US recession-hard landing camp. It's coming, we have to create 2T of currency to keep the whole payment system afloat thru yrs end. I may be dead first, but math will win out eventually!

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The other assumption I question is the presumption that there will be (or needs to be) another single reserve currency (at least in the short term) - why do people rule out a menu of currencies between trading countries - especially between those countries who have products both trading partners want so there’s symbiotic benefits. The US seems to only export its debt (and arms) so stands to be left out of the equation. The additional liquidity of dollars sloshing around the system which would result from less dollar denominated transactions I would think would be enough to cause significant loss of purchasing power/inflation as the US prints to fill the gap - if so, Hemingway’s famous quote comes to mind - first slowly, then all at once - debt spiral anyone?

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I like how you think! There's an argument that Powell first raised the Reverse Repo Rate, a measly 5 bps on 6-15-21 I believe, to begin the process of soaking up those overseas dollars rather than them sloshing thru and help inflate our system. And Powell agrees w/you, he stated awhile ago that there's room for more that 1 reserve currency. Powell sees the handwriting on the wall. Unfortunately there's many forces at work trying to bend the Fed to it's will. Powell's done a commendable job, but he's only 1 man in heavily shark infested waters. And I'm a big Gold guy. But I'm rooting hard for Powell to kill the Fed Put, and to put us back on a more realistic fiscal track. It's a tall order, and the fight continues. I wish Powell much luck, and hope he's really well protected!

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You are a lone voice re Powell in my reading - I admit I never considered him ‘fighting against’ ulterior forces - there’s something odd in the Fed - I’m aware of the criticisms yet I can’t believe that many PhDs are ‘so stupid’. Nothing is as it seems these days. The question I had is why did Powell pivot back in 2018? Only for the temper tantrum on Wall Street? Is breaking the financial system an objective? This is where the ‘Great Reset’ rabbit hole appears lol! I have gold too (not enough I keep thinking). Feels like we are watching a slow-motion train wreck.

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It could be as simple an answer as social pressure. The PhD's at the Fed don't like getting yelled at during cocktail parties, and while they may go pout about it together, they don't have the spine to stand up to powerful market players...or govt officials. Combine that with the junkie mentality of "oh, just one more and then I'll stop" and the picture comes into focus. Cowardice is just as dangerous as malevolence.

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I'm not at all sold on Powell, but he appears to be working against the will of WEF/Davos. Most of what I cite about Powell comes from Tom Luongo and his Gold Goats & Guns blog, and I Patron him too. It's Tom who cited the 6-15-21 RRR 5 bps raise as a major inflection point. This was the 1st salvo of the Powell Fed retaking the initiative, and it's independence.. He did fold like a cheap suit in 2018. We've all been waiting for him to fold now. And he well could still. Trumper though I was, among his biggest mistakes (Covid Lockdowns!) was signing the CARES Act. The Fed didn't want it, and it's signing did box in the Fed for a whiles. Of course, Brandon's done far, far more damage to the current situation. Tom makes a great point, there's many rivalries and factions within the halls of the power, money, and war mongers. It's why Communism ultimately fails. there's no stopping Civil War!

PS I feel the same way. One can never have enough GOLD!

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I agree with most of your post. I think the export of any arms after this mess is over will drop quite a bunch. Countries are seeing are shit is not very good in real wars.

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Good point. We’ve hardly covered ourselves in glory - what did Ron Paul say - we don’t have the best military equipment, only the most expensive

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No doubt the 10th Corps was intended as the breakthrough element, to be released after the 9th was depleted. Of course, the point was to breach the defenses before the 9th lost combat effectiveness! To commit them now makes little sense, certainly a desperate throw of the dice.

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Lol they may as well reform the 2nd SS Panzer Corps

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"...the West can only throw sticks and twigs in the path of the rolling boulder, hoping to marginally slow it down." That's good writing. A beautiful mental image.

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