Personally I think the guy's a bit of a loud mouth dick and his Coach Red-pill manosphere stuff was cringe, but if what he said about Victoria Nuland knowing about him and hating his guts is true then he has risen in my estimation, “You can judge a man by the quality of his enemies”. That’s a lot better than “He has no enemies and none of his friends like him”.
He did stick around in a hotzone and spoke his piece long enough and well enough to be arrested by the secret police and tortured in prison, he’s no Dostoevsky or Solzhenitsyn but that counts for something.
Sorry to hear that.
Personally I think the guy's a bit of a loud mouth dick and his Coach Red-pill manosphere stuff was cringe, but if what he said about Victoria Nuland knowing about him and hating his guts is true then he has risen in my estimation, “You can judge a man by the quality of his enemies”. That’s a lot better than “He has no enemies and none of his friends like him”.
He did stick around in a hotzone and spoke his piece long enough and well enough to be arrested by the secret police and tortured in prison, he’s no Dostoevsky or Solzhenitsyn but that counts for something.
I hope he makes it out alive.