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Simplicius really seems to be pushing the "West's narrative lately. I am left to wonder why? Whenever a "reporter" of news and information suddenly changes course I automatically think bad thoughts. Integrity seems to be forgotten everywhere. Not saying that is the case, saying it makes me wonder. In the last 2 Sitreps I have been exposed to the same propaganda as if I was a CNN watcher.

This new "spin" that actually on paper the West will out produce Russia is laughable, in my opinion. Not as an "expert" only as someone who operated as a sub sub contractor to the names we all love to hate (in the US) Lockheed, Gen. Dynamics, etc.

Someone here (last post) even posted a link to some very young woman writing on Substack who declared "Russia could never defeat NATO in a conventional war, and Russia knows this." I had to sit back and wonder why and how so many are suddenly pushing this obvious fiction. IF Russia knew this, they are serious people and would have never embarked on this mission. In my opinion, even if there are things to disagree about Russia is demilitarizing NATO, Ukraine is already defeated.

I think, maybe it is time for Russia to remove the Black Sea "gnats" (US drones) that have been causing much of the propaganda "strikes" and to finally end the power supply to Ukraine, it will cause panic and I guess they do not want that but it is something to think about.

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I guess that's the only sentence you remember from that long series of posts I reproduced here from pat marins

It appears you took no time to assess the quality and sense of the information 'she' provided, nor did you show evidence that you read the refutation to this particular point she also posted, and I included

The person posting the info is not the person pictured, a Brazilain model, - is someone likely in the Ukraine or Ukrainian side, and is releasing dribs and drabs of quite interesting information about the strengths of the RF side, but mainly info highly critical of that European lot

I guess you are new here and perhaps also to the slightly subterranean world of information analysis or tone

S does not maintain a single tone or emphasis, and while usually inclined to highlight RF advantages, is also capable of mildly changing course, as here, somewhat

You'll notice, if you follow these things, that a lot of people are speaking and writing with distinctly new tone and content , VVP to start with

You should familiarise yourself better with this content, S as well as VVP, with the comments posted here, before launching such a criticism

Meanwhile if you would care to write about how those US companies you mention function, or do not function, you will be welcome

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Really? I have been here for a good long time. I am terrible with dates and I am not sure exactly when I began commenting regularly. I must admit I am not sure exactly what the criticism you are pointing out. I am asking the same question that you seem to be pointing out. It seems that since Ukraine is being destroyed on the battlefield, suddenly we have a shift in the "reporting" and Yes, I wonder when people who do not seem to cover the same topics suddenly ALL seem to begin talking about the same thing which I see as a distraction. I am very familiar with S, and I stand by what I said, which is that I wonder why. I think you have made a bunch of judgements about me and all the things I must not know about, good for you

What is next? The woman who's link you posted was not interesting to me, except for that 1 sentence and that is why I commented on it. I feel like I am explaining myself to someone who's first language is not English. IF you are going to post endless paragraphs on S substack do not get offended if I comment on it. VVP ? So I am also not familiar with him, why we had a beer together last week.

I guess I will leave it like this, just who put you in charge of who can post and what type of post I am permitted? EDIT> IF I said something so awful S has the ability to delete my comments or whatever options the Author has, you on the other hand have 0 options

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It is better to read in context than to take one sentence out of context

I gave you a partial explanation of that one sentence - that is to say that the (author of the tweets under the name) pati marins is not the young woman (Brazilian model) you might think she is but probably an Ukraine side poster

No need to get agressive - you did not write anything 'awful', but simply foolish -& we have many options- perhaps even you do -

But ---why don't you write about a subject you say you know something about - you say you have worked as a sub sub for the US Lockheed and so on - if you write about something with knowledge you'll find it easier to be appreciated, or not, depending if you have something of interest to write or not

And no, S is not ‘pushing the west’s narrative’- that’s a cartoon expressed in US style language, and a gross misrepresentation of S and what he does

Neither is the change of tone I attribute to S, partially, and to others, happening because the Ukraine side is doing worse and worse on the battlefield

The change is because of the increasingly strident language coming out from some 'western' gvmts about attacking RF territory with US/EU armaments, which is coming up against a more aggressive response and tone from VVP and others

This may, in VVP’s case, partly result from the recent agreements with China, who in their own pronouncements have recently shown a more aggressive tone and content

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