I serious doubt that the Western elites could psy-op their populations into a war against Eurasia. The willpower is not there. The last 2 generations of hedonic individualism cannot be quickly flipped into stoic patriotism.
I serious doubt that the Western elites could psy-op their populations into a war against Eurasia. The willpower is not there. The last 2 generations of hedonic individualism cannot be quickly flipped into stoic patriotism.
Do you HAVE to sound like this is a Bad Thing(tm)?
One of the few things the Earth has got going for it is that the psycho Western elites like L Graham, Nuland, Clintons, Bolton, Haley etc, are facing that reality.
I serious doubt that the Western elites could psy-op their populations into a war against Eurasia. The willpower is not there. The last 2 generations of hedonic individualism cannot be quickly flipped into stoic patriotism.
Do you HAVE to sound like this is a Bad Thing(tm)?
One of the few things the Earth has got going for it is that the psycho Western elites like L Graham, Nuland, Clintons, Bolton, Haley etc, are facing that reality.
Is there anything to be admired in "stoic patriotism"? ... considering LIFE!