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Jun 12
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Actually, the US and NATO are courting war with Russia with the constant escalations in Ukraine. Especially letting Ukraine target Russia's early warning radars. The entire war could have been avoided by agreeing not to bring Ukraine into NATO. Once a war starts between Russia and NATO and the US, it can easily spin out of control and end with a nuclear exchange. Lavrov is probably point out the dangers of a wider war.

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It's USA attacking Russia using Europe as a proxi , let's not pretend otherwise. Russia made the mistake of attacking Ukraine instead of tackling the USA directly.

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The RF took the wise decision to drag the US and NATO into a war these could not win in the Ukraine, and thereby to so weaken them as to cut short anything but talk of any other military action

While pursuing alliances with China & RoW to weaken USEUNATO elsewhere, via military, economic, political actions

RF concern is to reduce the US to itself by eliminating the Empire, it is not to attack the US directly, or at home

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USA's plan is exactly to let Russia fight its empire, which is not only expendable but must be sacrificed according to them. That is why Russia needs to threaten the USA directly to avoid ww3. Fighting in Europe plays into the USA's plan.

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The US plan if they can be said to have one – unless you do what we say we’ll threaten you, unless you threaten and kill us back in which case we will be unable to threaten you….and we’ll go home (tried and tested over the last many years)

The US is capable of threats, the RF is capable of understanding these are empty

Why not discuss reality rather than a game of threats

The US is incapable without it’s empire, incapable with

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What Lavrov means is the primary target for Russian nukes will be the USA, not Europe.

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Jun 13
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This is because all 'talk' of nuclear is designed to be unreal and to be performative - on this subject alone can the US and RF talk in terms of the old Escalation Dominance ladder constructed during the Cold War

Except both sides have lost respect for eachother and indeed for the 'norms' which underpinned this

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Jun 12
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"Hope the poles get the shut kicked out of em too if that happens." The Poles have a cyclic death wish that kicks in every hundred years or so to eradicate their country. It's something in their genetics, where they get a frenzied craziness going and decide to attack a far larger country they can't beat.

What Western propaganda media will never tell you that the last phase of Polish self-destruction was kicked off by the Polish attack on the USSR in 1922. Yes, Poland actually attacked the USSR. They figured a USSR that had just barely won the Russian Civil War was so weak that Poland could attack the USSR and seize the lands (now called "Ukraine") that 300 years earlier had been part of a Polish Empire.

At first the plan went well. The Polish invasion made good progress, surging forward and taking Kiev. They basically controlled all of what is now "Ukraine" before the Red Army got its act together to respond. But respond they did, thoroughly defeating the Poles and pushing their army out of Ukraine. That's when the amateurs running the USSR got overconfident, and pushed forward into Poland with a plan to take Warsaw. That failed, with the first war between Poland and the USSR ending without the USSR destroying Poland.

One of the commanders of the Red Army in that war was Stalin, who never forgave Poland for invading the USSR. When he had the chance to settle scores with Poland a few years later, he did, carving up Poland with Hitler and ending Poland as an independent nation.

Right on schedule, about 100 years later, the Poles have forgotten that history and are now eager to attack Russia again. Some people never learn.

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Spot on. Ironically, Miracle on the Vistula ("decisive Polish victory" as you will often hear) is considered one of the most important battles in the history of the World, it stopped Lenin's conquest of Europe, so the story goes. It fails to mention that it was Poland that kicked the whole thing off.

Stalin as you noted had unfinished business with Poland, but that didn't prevent him from asking the Poles to allow for passage of Soviet troops in case of German aggression. The offer Poles refused, despite pressure from French and English allies to accept it. Perhaps the offer was designed to be rejected but in hindsight, it might have been a better option than the Nazi occupation and the concentration camps that followed.

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Also look at the Polish role (egged on by Britain and France) in collapsing the Little Entente at Munch.

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In this case, Poland (and France) are sure that the United States will not leave them out to dry.

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They forget the words of Kissinger at their peril.

“It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal”

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That's part of the cyclic Polish death wish... they whip themselves up into a nationalist frenzy to start wars they can't win, and part of that frenzy is the certainty that big powers will be happy to put the Poles ahead of their own interests. It always comes as a shock to the Poles that everybody else cares about themselves and doesn't give a hoot about the Poles.

A great example of that is how after Poland was eradicated in the 1790's the Poles were sure that Napoleon would restore Poland as a sovereign state, doubly sure he'd do that as a result of the influences of his Polish mistress. But nope, Napoleon just used the Poles, establishing a duchy of Warsaw as a French vassal, and then burning that up in his war with Russia.

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To be fair, it's not as if the big power don't egg Poland on in starting those wars.

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Symon Petilura.

Treaty of Riga eventually settled things, but given Poland's propensity for Repetition Compulsion things never really got settled....

Ghosts must do again what gives them pain -- W.H. Auden

When history starts rhyming, we need our poets

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Which is why Putin tempted Poland with his suggestion that lands now Ukraine could be returned to their former "owners." Putin's history lesson that he gave to Tucker, was not meant for Tucker it was meant for nations that had formerly held land now in Ukraine.

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Time for the Fourth Partition of Poland.

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Some say, the Poles are the village idiots of Europe. Some say, that's a title the baltic states view with envy and do their best to win.

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True, I couldn't believe it when they elected Tusk.

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You honestly think any leaders are 'elected' in the West?

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I don't think they control every election's candidates in full, but I don't think any leadership is elected, I believe they are chosen and have been for some time

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Wait until some of them finally figure out that the empire was just using them. The slavs can be crazy when pissed off, and I wouldn't put it past some of them to seek revenge on the neocons. Wait and see.

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That's right, and it only needs to be a few out of the angry crowd that actualizes the result, and there's no shortage of unhinged wingnuts.

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The reason behind Zelensky's heavily armed security detail is his growing paranoia. Initially, he was protected by a British SAS detail, which has since been replaced with US Special Forces. His fear has led him to trust only a select few individuals in his close circle. Additionally, he prefers to travel frequently, as he feels significantly safer when he is abroad. His days are numbered, once he is of no use to the neocons.

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I dunno, Ghani is alive and well. Saakashvili would be as well, were he not to have returned to Georgia like a fool.

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Wikipedia says he’s still alive? Is that the same guy?

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He is alive. In prison, but that is because he returned to Georgia like a fool.

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It has long been obvious that Ukrainians were being used. They still think that if they are good little slaves, the American Master will let them join The West, The Golden Billion, The Magical Land Where Institutions Basically Work.

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That's what I thought from the beginning, some Ukrainian Kadyrov will come for sure. You can see it more and more, how they wake up. But it has to get even worse for them to fight back and get revenge. And revenge they will get.

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The most mineral-rich regions are currently situated behind the front lines of the newly acquired Russian territories. It's noteworthy that Blackrock had initiated purchase contracts with Zelensky prior to the conflict, indicating a potential sell-out of Ukraine's resources. However, the primary objectives of US neoconservatives and corporations were much broader: they aimed for regime change and the fragmentation of Russia into five distinct regions, which possesses trillions more resources than Ukraine. This would have allowed for the systematic exploitation of these regions at their leisure. Unfortunately, their plans were marred by underestimation and poor intelligence, a common issue among Western agencies that lack genuine expertise in understanding Russia..

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The value of natural resources available to Russia exceeds $75 trillion, the highest in the World. In Ukraine, mostly Eastern parts as you noted, the value is estimated to be around $12 trillion. That's hell of a good motivation to put one against the other.

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Jewish mafia corporations like Blackrock have no predators. What institution kills Jewish mafia?

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Interesting question, war bringing on global force majeures possibly?

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Lawfare vs mafia? Lawfare would lose. Expelling Jews, mass imprisonment, and seizing all their assets is the historical humane option. Their are worse things to do to ethnic mafias.

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A different tribe of Jewish mafia.

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What are the chances Russia will honor any of those Blackrock deals? My guess is zero.

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Agree 💯

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Jun 12Edited

Man, first of all, that dude's a creep. Even among the miserable 100 member club he's part of.

Secondly' it's just another layer on nonsense misdirection. US firms want the titanium, maybe. There's some in Chernigov or Sumy or thereabouts. The rest of the resources just has to be made not available to EU, BRICS, and ROW countries.

Kiev regime's task now is to do as much harm as they can and maximize the mess they leave behind. Most of the population gets it by now, vs 2 years ago when many genuinely believed the rah rah UA nationalist BS. They just can't do anything about it, since the country's been 75% stripped of young men. When the AFU really falls apart in say 6-9 months, and the Poles eventually are sent in at full scale, they'll find much busy work keeping the remaining Ukie population in check rather than fighting the AFRF.

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Lindsey! You let the cat out of the bag!

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"There is no morality in us government or us military, if it ever existed."

It existed once upon a time, You might recall Eisenhower's warning, well we are here at the end, we deserve everything we get.

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Jun 12
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Ike The Kike. A war criminal.

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While attending West Point, Eisenhower was known among his contemporaries as "the Scandinavian Jew".

...Nuff said...

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Eisenhower, despite his last minute guilt-filled plea to the American people, was in fact a significant part of that MIC build-up. A man who can order millions of post-war Germans into open-air concentration camps without shelter from the elements and starve them to death is a man more than capable of betraying his country by allowing an American oligarchy to be put in place.

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We struggle in the U.S. to find a leader we can set in clear conscience before Third Graders.

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What are you referring to? I wasn’t aware Eisenhower had starved millions of Germans.

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Let me refer you to James Bacque's book, Other Losses. Bottom line: German prisoners of war were held under barbaric conditions both before and after the war.

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I never heard of that book but a few minutes searching throws up a heavily referenced article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_Losses which suggests the claim is nonsense

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What else would you expect from Wikipedia? You might as well asked CNN.

The best thing is to read the book for yourself and not rely on others for your opinion.

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Wikipedia is nonsense. Less truthful than cnn or the potato.

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Rhine Meadows. 1 to 1.5 million POWs and civilians, mention of it is now everywhere. That's just one instance.

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As I said, heavily referenced. There are numerous apologists for the Third Reich who take genuine events (the bombing of Dresden for example) and exaggerate the numbers killed by an order of magnitude or reference the “bad” behaviour of the Red Army and use this to argue that both sides were as bad as each other. All BS but if there was even a core of truth in this books thesis they’d have been all over it years ago. Of course there are honest and diligent historians who might be described as revisionist who do unearth less well known events that show barbarity was not confined to just one side, a good example is “ An eye for an eye” by John Sack. He cites 16 pages of references for his story.

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"As I said, heavily referenced. "

Which means absolutely nothing. I can easily write a "heavy referenced" article supporting the idea the earth is flat but it would still be a work of fiction. In today's world references can mean less than nothing.

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the book Orderly and humane : the expulsion of the Germans after

the Second World War / R. M. Douglas from 2012

"Immediately after the Second World War, the victorious Allies carried out the largest forced population transfer—and perhaps the greatest single movement of peoples—in human history. With the assistance of the British, Soviet, and U.S. governments, millions of German-speaking civilians living in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and the parts of eastern Germany assigned to Poland were driven out of their homes and deposited amid the ruins of the Reich, to fend for themselves as best they could. Millions more, who had fled the advancing Red Army in the final months of the war, were prevented from returning to their places of origin, and became lifelong exiles. Others again were forcibly removed from Yugoslavia and Romania, although the Allies had never sanctioned deportations from those countries. Altogether, the expulsion operation permanently displaced at least 12 million people, and perhaps as many as 14 million. Most of these were women and children under the age of sixteen; the smallest cohort of those affected were adult males. These expulsions were accomplished with and accompanied by great violence. Tens and possibly hundreds of thousands lost their lives through ill-treatment, starvation, and disease while detained in camps before their departure—often, like Auschwitz I, the same concentration camps used by the Germans during the Second World War. Many more perished on expulsion trains, locked in freight wagons without food, water, or heating during journeys to Germany that sometimes took weeks; or died by the roadside while being driven on foot to the borders. The death rate continued to mount in Germany itself, as homeless expellees succumbed to hypothermia, malnutrition, and other effects of their ordeal. Calculating the scale of the mortality remains a source of great controversy today, but estimates of 500,000 deaths at the lower end of the spectrum"

theoretically Ike was no longer supreme allied commander at that time but...

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The actual events of Dresden, planned by British military command, are unforgiveable, by any measure in history.

4 waves of attack, on a sleeping city of nothing but civilians, refugees, children; the most beautiful city ever built, a city of artists.

1st wave: 700,000 incendiaries and white phosphorus; even the waters of the river were burning.

2nd wave: a pause, in order to lure survivors and ambulance crews to come out to more incendiaries

3rd wave: another surprise bombing campaign in the morning on the Christian Ash Wednesday

4th wave: a fleet of Mustangs strafing everything that moved, especially any survivors now clustered on the riverbanks, including over 200 British POWs released from their camp so they wouldn't burn to death

It was a literal holocaust, a human sacrifice of white Christians consumed entire by holy altar fire to a foreign God

The AntiChrist is not some silly entity, it is a political vision, a culture; its body a nation that manifested physically in 1948. This is what the sacrifice of the Aryans bought.

The Christians have no idea what they are actually reading, esoteric political and spiritual propaganda that chronicles a race war between those of Aryan descent and their half-breed, half-African offshoot.

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My father fought in the European theater in WW2, what people don't understand is that after watching the men next to them die, and suffer it brings out a certain coldness, and ferocity that the average person can not understand.

You see similar coldness and cruelty in today's wars "tea bagging" the dead, trophy taking (ears and such).

War is ugly, unless you've been in it you can't understand.

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However, in a 1991 New York Times book review, Ambrose claimed:

"when scholars do the necessary research, they will find Mr. Bacque's work to be worse than worthless. It is seriously—nay, spectacularly—flawed in its most fundamental aspects. […] Mr. Bacque is wrong on every major charge and nearly all his minor ones. Eisenhower was not a Hitler, he did not run death camps, German prisoners did not die by the hundreds of thousands, there was a severe food shortage in 1945,[5] there was nothing sinister or secret about the "disarmed enemy forces" designation or about the column "other losses." Mr. Bacque's "missing million" were old men and young boys in the Volkssturm (People's Militia) released without formal discharge and transfers of POWs to other allies control areas."[6]

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I wasn't either until a few years ago.

Some links:






It was very real. Patton spoke out against Eisenhower's treatment of the prisoners under his command, who by the way he renamed "Enemy Combatants."

Where have we heard that before? Ah yes, Guantanamo.

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Always do your own looking into things.

Baques book was also edited by Stephen Ambrose, Ambrose states.

However, in a 1991 New York Times book review, Ambrose claimed:

"when scholars do the necessary research, they will find Mr. Bacque's work to be worse than worthless. It is seriously—nay, spectacularly—flawed in its most fundamental aspects. […] Mr. Bacque is wrong on every major charge and nearly all his minor ones. Eisenhower was not a Hitler, he did not run death camps, German prisoners did not die by the hundreds of thousands, there was a severe food shortage in 1945,[5] there was nothing sinister or secret about the "disarmed enemy forces" designation or about the column "other losses." Mr. Bacque's "missing million" were old men and young boys in the Volkssturm (People's Militia) released without formal discharge and transfers of POWs to other allies control areas."[6]


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Yep, a thoroughly horrible man.

Patton complained about the treatment of German prisoners by Eisenhower, the French and Red Cross also spoke out. One of the possible causes of Patton's death was the damage he could do to Eisenhower's upcoming run for the Presidency.

When Eisenhower’s terms ended, United States has almost 30,000 nuclear weapons. When he came into office, the US had less than 3,000.

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Eisenhower was really a naif. His incident with that English chick where he was almost relieved during WWII is notable. He was a project manager, not a field commander. For people who say it couldn't have happened - have a look at Petraeus. Of course it can.

The issue with the MIC is not confined to the last 80 years. The abuses were just as severe during the Civil War, with adjustments for time frame. The embalming trade during the war was notable for its sleaze. They'd pick up bodies on the battlefield, embalm them without permission and basically hold them prisoner until the family forked over the money to pay for it, and the government made sure it was legal to transport rotting, stinking corpses on the trains. Eventually metal caskets were provided for that were essentially watertight to prevent decomposition liquids from leaking on the train.

It's just that a significant peacetime military establishment had not really existed in the US before the 1940s.

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Stephen Ambrose helped write the book "OtherLosses" and he says>

However, in a 1991 New York Times book review, Ambrose claimed:

"when scholars do the necessary research, they will find Mr. Bacque's work to be worse than worthless. It is seriously—nay, spectacularly—flawed in its most fundamental aspects. […] Mr. Bacque is wrong on every major charge and nearly all his minor ones. Eisenhower was not a Hitler, he did not run death camps, German prisoners did not die by the hundreds of thousands, there was a severe food shortage in 1945,[5] there was nothing sinister or secret about the "disarmed enemy forces" designation or about the column "other losses." Mr. Bacque's "missing million" were old men and young boys in the Volkssturm (People's Militia) released without formal discharge and transfers of POWs to other allies control areas."[6]

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Eisenhower was weak which is why he was chosen. He rolled over and played golf while the Dulles brothers ran amok. By all accounts Ike debased himself before the elite class, following them around like a puppy dog with stars in his eyes. I guess he was one of those guys who was impressed by money and the wealthy.

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Miss Lindsey is corrupt, depraved, and utterly disgusting. Yet in this instance, she told the truth, and I'm sure some of the other neocons in the imperial capital did not like it one bit.

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"Graham finally says the real reason of getting money and resources." He's also illustrating the fatal flaw in US military strategy: they believe their own propaganda for morons. In reality, Ukraine is not, repeat not, the vast storehouse of resources that Graham claims it is. In fairness to Graham, he could well know that what he said was a lie, but that he went ahead and said it anyway because it is a narrative he can use to convince imbeciles in the Senate and Congress to go along with what he wants.

One thing the USSR was very good at was geology and resource exploration. They did not have the time to cover all of the USSR's immense geography, but they did a very good job of exploring well-known regions in the European part of Russia, like what is now called "Ukraine". Ukraine in particular was well explored because of the mapping of coal seams and other well-known mineral resources in the Donbass that extended into what is now called "Russia."

All of those Soviet resource exploration maps are online and easily available to anybody in the West who can use Google. What all of them show is that what Graham claimed is a lie. Ukraine is not a minerals and natural resources powerhouse.

What Ukraine has is coal, a lot of coal, but that's almost all already part of Russia. It's interesting to note that Ukraine's coal resources are big, but still not remotely as large as the huge anthracite coal reserves in the US. Ukraine also had iron ore, albeit not remotely on the scale of the huge iron deposits in a world iron ore superpower like Australia, but those iron ore deposits are also mostly now part of Russia. And Ukraine had large underground salt deposits, also now mostly already part of Russia.

It's true that Ukraine has small deposits of lithium, which have the distinction of being easy to mine for being on the surface or very near the surface. But those deposits are also either part of Russia already or are adjacent to Russia and on territory claimed by Russia that no sane person thinks will not end up being in Russia. They're also not large enough to be strategic, even though in the short term they're easy to mine. People who think lithium was underexplored by the Soviets because electric vehicles were not a factor in Soviet times are wrong: the USSR was interested in lithium because that's the nuclear explosive that powers thermonuclear bombs. So yeah, sure, the Soviets knew exactly where every trace of lithium was that they might get their hands on.

As for titanium and rare earths and other lies, the mineral resources of Ukraine are simply no big deal. They're not trillion dollar deposits like that corrupt imbecile Graham claimed. They're not remotely the scale of mineral resources that Russia has.

Last, but not least, is agriculture, with the famous claim that Ukraine was the breadbasket of Europe. That's sort of true but only if you include the vast agricultural lands in the Russian European Plain that stretch far to the East: Russia was always a far larger producer of, say, wheat than "Ukraine." Already more than half of "Ukraine's" agriculture is part of Russia, with key parts of the rest soon to follow. The far West and Northwest that is likely to stay part of any remnant Ukrainian rump state will still have agriculture, but much less than France, say, or Poland, or Germany.

Bottom line, Graham is a liar, whether he realizes it or not.

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I suspect that Graham knows full well that Ukraine isn't especially valuable real estate in and of itself. Ukraine has no value to the West, except as a threat to Russia.

It's simply an excuse, sort of like repackaging aid as "loans" that everyone knows never will be repaid.

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What about Hookers? Ukraine's got a lot of Hookers. Gotta be worth somethng?

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Facts are a great way to deal with BS, great post

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Of course this never was about Ukraine or Ukrainians, nor about "Muh Freedom And Democracy". It isn't really about resources, either, but about hurting Russia.

So what does Russia propose to do about it?

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It is all about resources, it always is. Ukraine is loaded with them, so is Russia. Western economy collapses without them. Russia doesn't need to conquer more of Ukraine to win, just needs to hold onto what it has. US economy will tank. Should be obvious by now that this is the game.

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Nonsense. as was pointed out earlier, Ukraine really doesn't have much that the world is not already awash in.

Ukraine's sole value to the West is as a spear to point at Russia.

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Russia is ready to push from the west.

From Kaliningrad? you ask

No--from Cuba

Hoping the sailors on the Russian flotilla will drop anchor @ the port of Havana & then head toward the zocalo for some R & R: at least 2 cigars per day, several well-chilled El Presidente beverages & plenty of Salsa Rosado.

Buenas noches Comrade Zircon

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I wish Fidel was alive to see the destruction of the JUSA.

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He lives on through Trudeau.

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LOL, if true, he must have inherited solely his mother's IQ.

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Fidelito is nothing like his father. He is more like his whore of a mother.

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Pierre left Margaret behind in Cuba with Fidel for a few days while he conducted business elsewhere. Fidel took good care of her and gave her a child named Justin. Margaret has mental issues which were passed on genetically to Lil Castro. She wasn't a whore. She just liked to have sex and party with a lot of different men.

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"She wasn't a whore. She just liked to have sex and party with a lot of different men"

Yeah fair point. A slut is more accurate.

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She married a homosexual Pierre. The only way to have a Child was meeting a Man. Castro did not give the upbringing though.

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Interesting. What leads you to think that Pierre was bi-sexual?

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Russia will not attack the USA.

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Not directly, but they have positioned themselves to strike Russia through their proxy. This is something Russia cannot respond to symmetrically, unless they were to give Iskanders to Mexican drug cartels, which I think is unlikely.

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Not purely PR. It's an attempt to get a negotiated peace that is not on the table. They define their preferred terms in the press and then start annoying the Russian state in ways they can without directly exposing themselves. It's the usual. Either you pay attention to it or you don't. The wise wouldn't.

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Oh they definitely can. They can provide weapons to Syria, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Yemen etc.. Maybe not to hit the US mainland, but there are enough US assets all over the world to cause some very, very serious issues for the US. The have PLENTY of options, my friend

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They have options, I agree with that. The point I’m trying to make is that there is no threat to the US mainland, its civilian populations, defense capabilities, or early warning systems, unlike in Russia, which faces threats from Ukrainian strikes (we all know who is behind them). This gives NATO an advantage that Russia has difficulty responding to.

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No need for. US citizens face millions of illegals ready to kick their butt

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Yep, I don't disagree with that. But if you look at US bases as mainland, suddenly they are pants down all over the world. I mean, even the Houthis sent the Navy home, imagine what Russia would do. So, Russia would definitely strike back hard where it hurt. If it continues to escalate, the US mainland would not be spared IMO

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Or Cuba, and the "hard to find" Kazan off the Eastern coast of the US.

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Maybe they are secret "friends."

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Rumba, mamá…

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?--Se habla Havana Syndrome--?

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Thanks for the update

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I hope the Russian fleet brought 3 of the Poseidon nuclear drone submarines with them.

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Nah, they were already there.

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P-8s are not equipped with magnetic anomaly detectors (MAD booms), wonder how that comes into play in their search for that submarine.

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These people are bat shit crazy in the west. What a collective bunch of shit stains... Chip

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LLM-derived breakdowns and summaries of that post by Simplicius The Thinker:


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Are the reports of blowing up of new SU planes TSIPSO's or actual facts?

Also, Simplicus do you understand Russian? Apologies if its too personal a question

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He answered that in his article.

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It's a good thing the ambulance workers had their support squad in formation when the Conscriptors swarmed them: situational awareness. Raytheon & General Dynamics are ramping up their production of AI-enhanced anti-crutch weaponry.

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The story is actually worse than described. The paramedic voluntarily went to the TCC to get his EXEMPTION papers and had the documents from his employer saying he's exempt, etc. But the TCC guys wanted to conscript him on the spot. He then called his paramedic buddies to come rescue him, and that's when the melee broke out.

If the TCC isn't automatically exempting frigging emergency medical personnel, then you know shit's getting crazy.

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On the Brink: The NATO-Russia Ukrainian War Comes to Europe and the World



Big rumor of mother of all western false flags coming between French and Brits elections (6th and 4th of July) or just after as both Sunak and Macron don't want to be leaders in ''times of big war'' (dixit Sunak)...but before Olympics which gives us a window of 2 weeks.

NATO summit in july (in D C)would be THE date to hit Crimea bridge + destroy all of Crimea which is the only place they care about with Odessa, all the rest of 404 can be wiped out they don't care including millions of ukies kia if necessary.

Peace summit in CH collapsing only 75 countries going (out of 194).

Ukraine Aircraft Strikes Interior Russia with West-Supplied Weapons

Ukrainian fighter jets have fired NATO missiles at a target on Russian territory for the first time in this war! A "Russian command node" was hit on Sunday in the area of Belgorod.

Expect a massive response from Moscow.

NATO continues to use Ukraine to launch its attacks on Russia!

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is deteriorating so fast, and on so many levels due to NATO interference, that Serbia's President Vucic now openly warns of World War 3 in Europe!!

“We are months away from a full scale war between NATO vs Russia!! All signs point to a major war in Europe!” said President Vucic. “We are heading for a major catastrophe and it seems that the train has already left the station and can no longer be stopped."

In a TV interview, Vucic went on to say "No one in the West is talking about peace anymore - only more war. The West thinks it can win and take out Russia. I think the West is wrong. Both sides now believe it is existential for them, so I don't think they will find a solution other than war and everything . . . everything is at stake." he continued.

In Europe, the leaders act as the big heroes, but they are not honest and do not tell their citizens that they will all pay a big price if it comes to war” he said.

t's been well over a year since the collective West announced F-16s for Ukraine. Since that moment, I said, and repeated ad nauseum, that Ukraine will NEVER GET F-16s...because they do not have airfields and maintenance to operate them.

I was right then and I am right now.

The simple FACT that they will have to use F-16s from NATO bases, also proves that those jets will have NATO pilots...because once those F-16 start hitting Russian targets, well, it will mean the EXPANDING of WW3, which already started.

It's not really hard to understand that once Russia hits those NATO airfields, which they WILL DO, WW3 goes beyond Ukraine, hence, there is NO POINT IN TRAINING Ukrainian pilots.

I have predicted this for a very long time, and the only thing that made my dates to be wrong, was in INCREDIBLE PATIENCE OF RUSSIA.

But, as more time passed, the better accuracy my predictions become, and my last calculation was in November 2023, when I predicted direct conflict between NATO and Russia before the summer of 2024, which starts on June 20th.

I WAS 100% RIGHT -- NATO forces started direct attacks against Russia at the end of last month, when they gave the "green light" to Ukraine to use Western weapons to strike inside Russia. We all know that NATO troops are doing it, not Ukrainians.

The only missing part is Russia striking back, but realistically speaking, the FACT is that Russia was directly attacked by NATO already.

In my view, Russia striking back is 100% CERTAIN.

We just don't know when and how they will do it, but I am pretty sure that it will happen in the next 10 days, and it is going to be a major one.


BREAKING: tonight 14 atacms shooted at Crimea (not confirmed yet).

Several AD destroyed.

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I have heard that the Paris Olympic games were never meant to take place. They will make good use of the world focal point on Paris to blow up the Eiffel Tower and blame it on Putin. They say that the olympic swimming pool has not been built yet... Dont know its true.

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I think the US plan is to get a war going before the election, so my guess is October, not July.

I believe they believe they can accomplish a number of things: declare Martial law, put a "hold" on the election, and the real frosting on the cake, declare force majeure on all of the US derivatives and bonds held by the world.

Bingo! No US debt.

And possibly no more DC, but then again, they are men who would rule over the ashes rather than lose power.

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An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over its ashes -- Sun Tzu

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Yep, that's them.

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Clueless rightwing people in the Western world (especially in USA) are getting excited for rightwing parties of continental Europe that say "ABC" and then do "XYZ" when they actually ascend to power. Like Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini of Italy who talked tough on immigration and then softened when he ascended to national office or the supposedly ultra-rightwing Giorgia Meloni who talked even tougher on immigration and then did a 180 degrees turn upon becoming Prime Minister of Italy. Today, she no longer thinks immigration is that bad. In fact, her main preoccupation is screaming "Slava Ukraini" while transferring Italy's entire military arsenal to the drab shirt called Volodymyr Zelensky.

Over in the Netherlands, we have Geert Wilders simultaneously pretending to give a shit about about Dutch people while engaging in non-stop shilling for faraway colonial-settler state in the Middle East (Israel)

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Of course. Even if any outsider candidate gets elected, they are quickly brought to heel.

I suspect without knowing that the process is something like seen in "Yes, Minister".

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There is no evidence to show that they are even genuine in the first place. Just look at AFD of Germany, which many rightwingers in USA and Europe celebrate. The AFD leader is a lesbian who is "married" to an immigrant Sri Lankan woman. Only a buffoon would think that if such AFD leader were to rise to the position of Bundeskanzler (i.e. prime minister or chancellor) in Germany, she would implement the much vaunted hardline immigration policies that the AFD currently espouse. Over in Sweden, the Swedish Democrats have already started backpedaling as soon as they began to win elections here and there

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Hell, the AfD could publicly toss refugee toddlers alive into piranha tanks and nobody would raise a peep, as long as the AfD got a new attitude on American overlordship in general and the War On Russia in particular.

as I pointed out, a generation or so ago, the europeon greens were offered a similar choice. we know how they chose. Or, for that matter, in the United States, Team D became rabid supporters of war, empire and The National Security State as the price of power.

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True, given the number of stabbings of German candidates, I think you can tell who the honest people are. The ones being stabbed. This link is from 2023, these attacks have been going on for some time.

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Aleksandr Bortnikov, Russia's FSB Director, reported today: "The Ukrainian & Western intelligence services are expanding the circle of possible perpetrators recruited to commit high-profile crimes inside Russia. Although ISIS-K quickly took responsibility for the Crocus City massacre, Bortnikov has determined that Kiev used the Islamist group as a proxy. He found "the involvement of the Ukrainian military 's intel services in the terrorist attack" last March. Moreover, Investigators "have established that the funds for training the terrorists flow through commercial organizations, including Burisma Holdings," which has long had a link to the Biden family. Bortnikov further stated that Ukraine, w/ the support of OTAN countries, is stepping up efforts to commit terrorist attacks & engage in acts of sabotage on Russian territory, trying to destroy the resources of the Russian military & provoke panic among civilians."

The amount of bandwidth the U.S.-led OTAN is throwing @ this staggers the mind. Whenever the partners gather for an occasion, like in Normandy, or pose for a *family* photo, casual talk never strays from a fixation on Russia. It has got them in chains. The D-Day anniversary itself was so little focused on the few remaining soldiers who stormed the beaches & survived 79 years ago: it was a slurpfest of the Usurper in Kiev & calculating what distance a long-range missile would need to travel in order to kill Russians in Russia. The war in Ukraine has hijacked a high percentage of OTAN's gray matter. Everything gets subsumed to Ukraine. This obsession has turned out to be a disastrous strategic liability for an alliance purportedly founded on security. Even welcoming new partners seemed redundant, only adding to the clutter. The war has not strengthened OTAN in any way, shape, form or fashion. If nothing else, Russia has performed a vivisection on it, exposing under each dissected layer the sluicing decay & putrescence.

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«The D-Day anniversary itself was so little focused on the few remaining soldiers who stormed the beaches & survived 79 years ago: it was a slurpfest of the Usurper in Kiev & calculating what distance a long-range missile would need to travel in order to kill Russians in Russia.»

Is that the real reason Sunak left early?

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Maybe he was just afraid they would start the war while he is still in office?

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"Aleksandr Bortnikov, Russia's FSB Director, reported today: "The Ukrainian & Western intelligence services are expanding the circle of possible perpetrators recruited to commit high-profile crimes inside Russia."

This is obvious. What does Russia propose to do about it?

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To me that's the bit: That America is sure it will not get hurt by a 'limited nuclear war in Europe'

As in WWI and WWII.

America has to get hurt. America has to feel the pain.

Seems to me on the ground the easiest way is chopping off those 700 grasping fingers it has all over the world. That could be done by 'third party' forces, doesn't need Russian direct attack.

That's the public bit. Good PR hopefully, perhaps very potent.

But probably the bigger part is the hidden part: the economic interests that 'don't get hurt' and that do profit from these wars. They don't get hurt even if America is bombed to bits, so to speak. They retain their wealth. 'They' are a few mega rich. Not corporations but the people who control them.

These people need to get hurt. They need to feel the pain.

Lose their existing riches.

Lose any foreseeable chance of getting more.

Lose their anonymity which quite coldly and perhaps cruelly but necessarily means their whole extended families - they all need exposing for what they are. If some child or relative or friend claims innocence then let them do it publicly and dissociate themselves from the principal.

These wars are struggles for wealth. But it is not wealth for the people.

Don't let Russia and China get it they say. But Russia and China don't get it. They perhaps do the mining and marketing and get profit from it, whatever it is, but the boon of that resource being available is out there on the open market and the whole world benefits.

Perhaps some Russian or some Chinese oligarch makes inordinate profit but that's as far a 'Russia or China getting it' goes and to you and I, the fellows on the street, that makes no difference whatever.

It is misdirection, sleight of hand, subterfuge, in today's popular brutal vernacular: bullcrap.

History has taught us and is teaching us that if it is an American oligarch who 'gets it', if we are to dwell on that question fairly irrelevant though it is, it will not be used to the benefit of anyone but that oligarch.

But let Russia or China 'get it' then I'd be willing to bet it would be used to the benefit of all.

Let us think of the cheap gas that Germany built a prosperous nation on. Russia 'had' that and doubtless some Russian oligarch profited inordinately. But millions of Germans profited, too, the whole nation did.

Now that the USA 'has' that cheap gas inasmuch as today's 'cheap gas' for Germany is American LNG what do we see? Germany prospering? Or Germany noticeably and by all measures sinking?

But that's all by-the-bye, I'm wandering. The main thing is that certain Americans should feel the pain.

On the ground chop off their fingers.

Behind the scenes hurt the oligarchs and who knows how to do that? Oligarchs, I guess.

We need an army of oligarchs to attack the American oligarchs.

Putin I believe meets on a regular basis, annually, with a great bunch of Russian oligarchs. Perhaps he's got it all well under control.

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Your remarks appear to be contradicted by the reports of RF nuclear sub or subs off of Florida and the pointed despatch of some RF ships to Cuba

If this is not a reminder that war is everywhere and not 'restricted ' to this or that 'theatre' by geography, what is?

Even an 'oligarch' can understand this

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Yep, and Lavrov has repeated many times, the USA will not be protected by oceans.

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But the fact is the USA is protected by oceans up to this time.

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Correct. But Lavrov's point is that is no longer the case.

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Lavrov's claim.

Such as Rurik would bust out laughing.

Maybe it doesn't matter. It might be all stitched up. Have you been following Helmer's 'electric warfare' thread?


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yes I am following that. To be clear Arthur, are you claiming the Russian position that the USA mainland will remain untouched is bogus?

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Actually the US has another blind spot in addition to the issue of nuclear subs off all coasts.

Missiles shot from Russia over the North Pole would be able to enter US airspace without too much of a problem from what I have read.

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In fact it is amazing how close Russia and USA are isn't it? Not mainland USA but Alaska. 55 miles between the two mainlands. But each own an island in between and the distance between the two island is about 4 miles.

We could rightly say the two countries are only 4 miles apart.


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I think the US was so sure for so long that the oceans and Artic would protect the US that they never built out security infrastructure to protect the interior.

And if the stories of the US having major govt bases underground in the mid west are true, then the bunker buster bombs Russia has developed would be a real concern.

But the people running these games down through the centuries don't think of losses, they only ever think in terms of financial gain. Cash hungry Nosferatus, the lot of them.

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Those things are simply 'the end of times' aren't they? That's open war with the USA. That's total war. Nobody expects that.

Not at all what I was talking about.

Oligarchs continue to make their money while ever the game continues for they are not harmed. That is what I was/am talking about.

Everyone has known for the longest time that 'war is everywhere' depending upon point of view. My remarks ( I don't see that I made any but assuming I did and your response is legitimate) about a war being localised are, of course, from the point of view of battlefield and as pertaining nuclear conflict in Europe entirely what the very thing predicates.

War is everywhere because of the oligarchic nature: i.e. the global interests involved and financing. We saw during our recent World Wars international financiers financing both sides..

This is the taken for granted and well known background. It is the background to which I refer when I say the American oligarchs are not being hurt.

They should be hurt and they could be hurt.

On the ground, the battlefield, their interests.

In the public space by exposure.

In the 'oligarch space' by whatever means they employ to hurt each other'.

'contradicted by reports....'

I think you actually didn't read my post or didn't comprehend it.

I don't blame you for either.

But there's my response.

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You are talking about overthrowing the US 'oligarchy' it would appear

If you wish to do that you have to have a coherent ideology and a practical rational plan for doing so - to start with Marx and Mao is useful

This is neither the plan nor the interest of the RF China

This is your problem

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I am not. I am talking about making them feel the pain. Decide to forgo this avenue for profit. Remove the profit in this avenue.

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Impossible to seperate 'this avenue' from the rest of their activities, indeed from the structures and operations of US capitalism

This is class warfare not a clever pin pointing of the personnel you wish to eliminate

It's not like the Obama's drone assassinations

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I agree with Arthur on this: it is the global oligarchs backing this. I think a few selective, deniable assassinations might make them rethink things. Why not sacrifice a small number of them (the 0.1%) rather than thousands of innocent gazans, russians, and of course ukrainian cannon fodder (I exclude the Nazis, I'm just talking about the conscripted guys).

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I don't wish to follow you down this road, Gerrard.

I do it under protest this one time only.

You make postulations about elements you choose to find in my general contention and then I'm suckered into responding to them.

You are controlling the narrative and taking it in directions I never had any interest in going.

Whether or not it is possible to separate an oligarchs activities in one area from the rest of their activities is not a question I'm qualified to discuss nor is it one I ever intended to discuss. It is a digression.

Sufficient to point out that one would think it is essential for oligarchs to be able to isolate activities and that in fact such isolating and merging is at the heart of their famed tax avoidance.

The question of whether or not 'this is class warfare' takes us immediately into the realms of ideology, philosophy, psychology, sociology etc. etc... and though the current conflict can be seen in those terms, just as it can be seen in any other, pick one at random: energy distributions/inequalities? it is not a POV that I tried to look at it from nor express an opinion on.

I leave that to politically agitated undergraduates, fervent politicians and CIA agitators.

I am not talking of 'clever pin pointing of the personnel ' I wish to eliminate.

I am talking of bringing reason, sanity, pain to relevant oligarchs.

To suggest otherwise is to misread and misrepresent me either deliberately or otherwise.

The importance of oligarchs in warfare is not seriously doubted. There's a contention in fact that all wars are oligarchic. A book written about it.

You may be interested in this: https://johnhelmer.net/the-last-cut-for-alexei-kudrin-is-the-deepest-oligarchs-aim-to-bury-his-corpse-at-discount/print/

We all know that Russia came near to total dissolution via misappropriation of its wealth by various criminals who became known as oligarchs and that Putin's real major triumph was to get them under control when he was actually supposed to be controlled by them.

And they, in turn, arm in arm in a sort of Mafioso sort of marriage with the American and British claque of oligarchs.

To this day the interaction between Russian govt and oligarchs is still considered a very major issue.

Some such as our own Rurik Skywalker see this whole thing as a deliberate oligarch farce and recently he wrote again about it and quoting Michael Golovlev’s" SVO Clausewitz and the Void." in support of his contention.

It seems to me, Gerrard, that you have something to say. Something that you are totally convinced of and feel very deeply. But rather than say it you choose to attack with quibbles and asides, distractions and minutia other people's posts seeking to make other points.

To you they/we are all 'wrong' because they/we are not saying your truth.

Well I suggest you save your energies and marshall your thoughts and express this truth of yours in perhaps a book or Substack series or something.

But stop picking on me.

You have not yet made a quibble that stands up to my scrutiny, have not furthered my understanding or knowledge of this conflict or the characters within it one whittle.

You have caused me to take a considerable amount of time away from my own interests merely to deal with your quibbles. The more fool me.

I won't be doing it any more, Gerrard.

Rather I will be looking forward to your publication of 'Gerrard White: His Reality'.

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I believe you are referring to the banks, and the Larry Finks of the world.

What you need to identify are the people behind these organizations. The ones who historically fund both sides of wars and profit no matter who wins.

I suspect Putin knows who all of them are. The question is, what would he do about them. And most importantly will he take the bait if the US/NATO run a FF to get a nuclear war. Would he take a chance and wait to see if Trump can make it into office and peace break out?

It is possible, I doubt Orban visited Trump to chat about the Balkans.

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Yes, I am. You're right. I think they supposedly are 'above' it all, simply 'doing business' perhaps 'equably' to either side.

But I don't go along with that as a story.

I don't go along with financing wars generally but everything needs to be taken on a case by case basis of course.

In this case financing the deaths of half a million Kiev Ukrainian men and boys in pursuit of a goal of ethnic cleansing is unsupportable to my mind.

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i agree completely, and If I were in charge at the time, all of them would have been taken out at the start of WW1.

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The U.S. has compliant friendlies to the North & South--and fishies to the East & West. The fishies are saying they want to swim w/ Russia

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Nothing would delight NATO more than a limited nuclear war in Europe.

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That's a terrible thought. It might even be true. That's even more terrible. If that makes sense. :)

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I don't know that the EU members are terribly hot on that idea. Perhaps that is why von der Lady looks so unhappy lately.

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Nobody will ask them.

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True, which probably explains why she is so unhappy :)

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