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Dec 22, 2023
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Of course President Putin remains polite when referring to EUUS leaders - why should he be as stupid and as foolish as they are who call him.....dictator evil and so on

It is up to you to call your leaders for what they are and to take action to remove them -

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Dec 21, 2023
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This circus should have been stopped by Russia as early as march 22: decapitate the junta, we would not be in war now with innocents rf soldiers and civilians dying for nothing.

According to Mercouris VP has low morale and ready to de facto capitulate just ''try'' to keep Donbass and Crimea no more which would be a suicide for Russia meaning bombing from nato ukraine including Odessa continuing for years etc....right or fake no idea? It is about time to strike, where are the hundreds of missiles and drones from last winter?

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first (sorry, couldnt hold myself), now back to reading. спасибо, друг!

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"Worse? How could it be worse? Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah."

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I thought 2023 is bad already, more war, more inflation, high taxes, sky rocketing prices, underperformed-economy, but yeah.... Let's hope we survive through 2024...

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still waiting aliens to land near the white house

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Aliens from the south certainly will take over the house if left untreated. But who cares, might as well big war explodes in the states and the neighbors.

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The aliens are IN the WH.

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"more inflation, high taxes, sky rocketing prices, underperformed-economy"

Biden had nothing to do with any inflation and there's no way to bring it down anyway. And the inflation is slowing down. Taxes have been flat for years. The economy is going gangbusters.

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And the Fed is operating at a loss. In other words, it's printing money without any backing, not even with backing in the form of debt. Hyperinflation, the first stage.

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LOL you reactionaries have been screaming hyperinflation due to debt for ages now. When is it going to start?

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Be careful! I didn't say "hyperinflation due to debt", I said "printing money without any backing". I talked about debt as possible backing for money. I said the Fed is printing money NOT in return for debt, but for NO REASON. Well, it's not for no reason, it's for technical reasons of cash flow operations. Nevertheless, macro, it's without backing AKA for no reason.

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"I said "printing money without any backing"."

LOL we've been doing that forever since we went off the Gold Standard in 1971. You crazies have been Chicken Littleing about HYPERINFLATION HURR DURR ever since. Let me know when it starts!

"I said the Fed is printing money NOT in return for debt, but for NO REASON."

That's never the case. The debt is no big deal as we owe it to ourselves, so who cares? Does it matter how much money you "owe yourself" LOL?

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@Robert Lindsay

I just skimmed your writings, finding your repeated claim that inflation isn't a major thing in the US economy.

That alone compared to all my personal and business purchasing experiences these last 2 years is enough to lead me to skip anything else you may write.

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The price of most key goods has nearly doubled since 2019. The government numbers don't reflect this, but go look at actual prices and you see what I mean.

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Sounds like massive bullshit to me. Some stuff went up though. A chicken used to be $6 and now it's $8. Everything else at the store seems about the same to me.

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Go to Home Depot, look at say, a miter saw. Bottom line model used to hover in the $100 range, now $219. 12 packs of soda, formerly could be had on sale for about $2.50 apiece, list at $5, now minimum price is more like $4.50 and list is almost $10 apiece. The list goes on and on. This is just the crap i've run into lately, there's much much more. Even canned vegetables...

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There was a lot of inflation but Biden had nothing to do with it and the Republicans have no plan nor ability to stop it either. I believe it had to do with COVID and oil prices. Anyway once prices go up it's almost impossible to bring them down.

LOL how are the Republicans going to "fight inflation?"

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+1, Bob is either a shill or doesn’t live in reality.

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@Forrest Gimp

Or his wife/cook/other manor staff may do the grocery shopping for him.

Which is more than half way to not living in my reality, I guess.

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The first only counts after reading the article. lol

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Confirmed: People Who Comment 'First!' Shall Be Last In Kingdom Of Heaven


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666 a day casualties. Can't make these munbers up. I guess they are complaining they are only getting 33 per day. Willing recruits

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Well, to be precise, putting 20,000 / 30 into a calculator gets:

666.6666666666667 👿

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So that would be 666 complete bodies and a headless and limbless torso.

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Grim, but funny nonetheless.

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No, the .666666... is the guy (or gal) in the wheelchair missing a leg.

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This all an emotional roller coaster-not sure I'm coping. Really really really hoped Hamas would come out strong with suicide bombers and mass Israeli casualties. Nothing but heart break. Desperatley hoping for VIOLENT coup against Z. Looking like a slow cook off. Got super EXCITED that Hezb would get some action going. Just fuck'n pillow talk from Nas no nuts Rah Rah. All sorts of Lebanese MSM stories about diplomatically moving Hezb back across the Litani-if so what a bunch of cucks. At least the Houthi's are shaping up-fingers crossed they got something special up thier sleeve that can take out a western war ship or 2. Now all I'm left with a Uki slow grind and a desperate hope Israel will invade Lebanon and force Hezb into some action. Fuck. I feel like used up crack whore.

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Dude, it's fucking people! If you want to see a war, go to Ukraine and you'll see war with your own eyes.

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Fuck'em. I wanna see Israeli bodies piled high. I wanna see NATO bodies burnt. Ain't nice but neither was 500 year plus of contious genocide-the shit the we see going on is a pity party compared to the shit the west has doled out to the people of the earth for over half a millenium. Fuck'm. Let the tears and blood flow. Franz Fannon : 'Violence is man re-creating himself'. Lets start creat'n.

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Dec 21, 2023
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'appear to be approving collective punishment ' appearaces can be deceptive. punish the guilty.

'Not a good look' dont worry about looks, its just superficial

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The people here don't want war

Don't want lgbq bullshit. We have been conquered and are subjects to those whom we would nit serve. I an a felon for getting mybAR and going to fight. Not enough if us willing to fight. So I live a felon without any others willing to stop this madness in America or Eurooe.

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What I MEANT was that a ton of people of all kinds are going to die in those wars. In addition, none of these wars will be fought IN the West, they will all be fought "over there" and then the West will again come and rebuild it's empire.

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1. people dies every day regardless, often brutally due to western actions in one way or another-war, working in some super expoitative situations cause thewest set up trade rules and a global economic envorment of misery. 2. The struggle is not in the west, hence most of the violence will be at the empiral periphery (but who knows when the core goes into meltdown maybe the USA will be a bloodbath) -the death has always been in the periphery. 3. The west will certainly try to regain control but may end up in the same situation as the Byzantine Empire-a shadow of itsef but still a player. 4. Revolutions and revolutionary change , like the working class, are very very ugly at times. Forget about Antifa shit and that western bourgeois BS. It's gonna be ugly.

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Keep your pants on lol. It’s undoubtedly going to get violent here. I don’t believe there’s any way to stop it at this point.


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Research the Black Nobility. The three city states. Understanding is key. It is nit us. We have been subjugated.

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We all want IOF and US/NATO bodies in bags but that means more dead good guys too.

Patience comrade.

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Percisely. Patience. You'll get what you want - the removal of the West, you just need to steady yourself so you won't "break the rank". :)

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I personally have a lot of faith that people like Putin and Xi have it all over the idiots in charge of the West.

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It's men against boys.

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You mean like electricity and cars and internet?

Modern life was from the west. We are being destroyed by the WEF. So they can take over you and us.

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Billy, think of it as a death of a thousand cuts. the BRIX know that full fledged war destroys everything like Gaza. However, Taking turns punching Israel between Hamas, HizbAllah, the Houtis. Beside the three Hs, God knows who else might pop up, while Israel slow cooks.

Before this is over, the US will be out of Syria and Iraq, but first the shells must be depleted because you can print Dollars but you can't print shells. Ammo is a serious concern for the empire of lies a d from Ukraine, everybody knows it.

I am of the same opinion as Scott Ritter, if Israel goes into Southern Lebanon, HizbAlllah might regain back its territory from the IOF. Bibi keeps talking about KhizbAllah going back over the Letany River. If Bibi gets his hands on that water he will win the favor of those displaced settlers from Israel's northern territory.

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I know your right but FUCK. I want it NOW!!!! I've been like a fuk'n YO YO, now I'm spent. My last bit of emotionl energy is pinned on invsion of South Leb. That'll get 'ol Billy Boi smil'n

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Again, South Lebanon is not Israel. If Israel invades Lebanon, OBVIOUSLY the war will not be fought in Israel but in Lebanon, therefore the DESTRUCTION will be of Lebanon not of Israel. You're not going to see NATO bodies burning, you'll see Lebanese homes burning.

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You can bet that if Lebaneese homes are burning m, Israeli homes will be demolished. Keep escalating until you run out of ammo and patriots. KhizbAllah is way bigger than Khamas for you to continue your arrogant posture.

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Nasrallah made it clear years ago; the next war will not be on Lebanese land. They will take the fight to the occupied territory.

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Hezbollah is not an army your bring from Beirut to UNIFIL area and then withdraw, it is people in towns and villages around and south of Litani River. How do you move them?

What media are we talking about? Many Lebanese would sell their mom in order to hurt Hezbollah (Geagea-like peeps come to mind).

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there are several, here is just one https://english.aawsat.com/arab-world/4597956-intense-diplomatic-efforts-beirut-steer-lebanon-away-gaza-war

"Many Lebanese would sell their mom in order to hurt Hezbollah" yes, agreed, that is why , i suspect, Hezb can't just jump into the fight but must needle Israel until it flips out and invades. Could Hezb be convinced to move north of the river? Maybe-as you say they only have sectarian support base plus most (all? ) Lebanese politician are extremely corrupt (just look at the palce for evedence) and could be paid off by Israel to turn up pressure on Hezb. BUT is Israel invades then shit has the potential to become more of nationalistic. How do you move Hezb? Give the order to stand down, move heavier weapons north-then Israel breaks whatever backdoor agreements were made, invades and kills off unarmed Hezb village militia types. I pray for an invasion before this.

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Yes, Lebanese politicians are extremely greedy and corrupt specimen (apart from Hezbollah?), but I do not see any entity in Lebanon that could arm twist Hezbollah into retreating north of Litani. I mean, Lebanese army is a joke, Hezbollah essentially protects the country. Are we taking about "South Lebanese Army" style-force being formed once again?

They cannot lose Litani to Israel again, too important for Lebanon.

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"Many Lebanese would sell their mom in order to hurt Hezbollah (Geagea-like peeps come to mind)."


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I am not so sure. They are very fragmented society and power hungry and corrupt. They gathered around Hezbollah for a while after the 2006 war, due to their nationalistic feelings, but that dissipated later on. Would they mind if Israel hit only Dahieh in Beirut again? I'd say not really.

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You don't understand. 65% of Lebanon is with Hezbollah. 35% is against Hezbollah.

In addition, to Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Lebanon have taken up arms.

Also, a Sunni Islamist group has taken up arms and fights alongside Hezbollah.

In addition to 100,000 Hezbollah members, there is a Hezbollah militia made up of secular Shia, Sunnis, Druze, and Christians. It has 100,000 members and fights right alongside Hezbollah. There are also Sunni, Christian, and Druze Hezbollah local militias all over Lebanon. They only fight in their home regions.

You don't understand. In Lebanon, Hezbollah is *just the people*. The people and Hezbollah are the same thing, at least in the South.

Half of the Maronites are with Hezbollah.

The SSNP has also taken up arms against Israel. They are mostly Greek Orthodox.

Also, a group from Syria allied with Iran has moved into Southern Lebanon to fight with Hezbollah.

The President of Lebanon, Auon, a Maronite allied with Hezbollah, has already said that if Israel invades Lebanon, the whole country is going to war.

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Yes, Hezbollah are people in the south. Thats why i said you dont bring Hezbollah doen from Beirut, its there, the people, and i dont see them retreating north of Litani.

Which Sunni islamist groups joined? The ones from around Tripoli?

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"Fledr Maus"

So you are a bat, then? A German bat, I presume, dear Watson?

Which Sunni Islamist groups joined? The ones from around Tripoli?

It's a hardline Islamist political party, more or less Salafist. But they have an armed wing, and believe it or not, they took up arms against Israel! I was wrong though. They do not fight alongside Hezbollah but instead fight separately from them. But it's interesting that they felt it was worth taking up arms.

I assume their base is up around Tripoli. It's odd that they are such hardline Islamists, nearly Salafists, yet they are willing to fight with Hezbollah here.

Other than the Shia, no one else has opted to fight alongside the Palestinians. All of the Sunni governments and armed groups are sitting on the sidelines.

I guess nowadays the Sunnis would rather kill the Shia than fight Israel. That's why all these shitty Sunni countries are fighting alongside or helping Israel - Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, and Egypt - absolutely pathetic that they hate the Shia so much that they will help ISRAEL fight its war against the Palestinians because THE EVIL SHIA happen to be helping the Palestinians.

What are the stupid Sunnis doing anywhere?

In Sudan, murdering the non-Muslims in South Sudan and the Blacks in Darfur.

In Saudi Arabia and UAE, setting up an overland trade route to ship goods to Israel to make up for the losses due to the Houthis, shooting down Houthi missiles heading towards Israel, and bombing the Houthis to help Israel. Why don't they just convert to Judaism already?

In Syria, murdering everyone on the side of the "Shia" government. In Iran, killing the Shia Iranians.

In Jordan, helping the rescue land bridge to help Israel circumvent their loss of shipping trade to the Houthis and shooting down Houthi missiles to protect Israel.

In Egypt, shooting down Houthi missiles to protect Israel.

In Turkey, shipping supplies to Israel to help them fight the war! In Bahrain, joining the navy going to fight the Houthis for Israel to help open up Israel's port again.

Part of the problem here is with Salafism, sadly the dominant strain of thought in the Sunni world for the last ~25 years. Salafism is quietist in terms of dealing with Sunni rulers and generally argues that it is against Islam to try to overthrow the Sunni Muslim leader of a Sunni Muslim country. It's banned as causing fitna or strife. Dumb idea.

The Sunni Malays at least banned the Zim Israeli shipping company. The rest of the Sunnis have been worse than useless! Sunnis are just completely worthless anymore. They're so concerned with hating and killing the Shia that they can't even see straight.

"That's why i said you dont bring Hezbollah doen from Beirut"

I don't understand this.

There are huge pro-Hezbollah, anti-Israel, and pro-Palestinian marches and rallies in Beirut on a regular basis. Keep in mind that Hezbollah also rules the Bekaa Valley.

"i dont see them retreating north of Litani."

Ain't going to happen. Israel will have to force them there with an armed invasion.

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"All sorts of Lebanese MSM stories about diplomatically moving Hezb back across the Litani - if so what a bunch of cucks."

Won't happen.

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Lets hope but trust Lebanese politicians like slippery soap bar in a prison shower....

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Not going to happen. The government has already said that if Israel invades, the whole country is at war with the Jews.

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Well, just wait a bit longer. 2024 might be a very interesting year. Unless you are living somewhere really isolated you may be seeing plenty of exciting times up close and personal shortly happening in the U.S. (or where ever you are).

The problem with war is that no matter how much you want to see the other guy get theirs, like a grass fire, once started the fire doesn't stop at the end of you enemies property, it continues until it burns out on its own. Conflicts may not remained contained and may expand in unexpected and undesired directions.

The gunfire goes both ways - incoming as well as outgoing - and could be coming from more than one direction.

Also, not only do you have to worry about the bullets addressed to you specifically, but also those flying around addressed simply "To whom it may concern".

And of course what goes for bullets also goes for whatever explosive devices show up and get used. Even ghetto rats know how to make a firebomb, and sooner or later they'll have one bright enough to think to tie it to a drone and fly it into a building.

Not the kind of thing I'm looking forward to seeing, even if it means those whom I consider my enemies are getting theirs.

We all need to use the remaining relatively quiet time to stock up and prepare.

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The Colorado Supreme Court issued an immediate stay of their order pending an Appeal by Trump to the U.S. Supreme Court. That Appeal is a near certainty to be accepted by the Supreme Court with a decision pending. That means until a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court is made, Trump is still on the ballet.

The real legal issues were never addressed. The Colorado decision by 7 Democrat appointed judges was decided 4 to 3, with the 4 majority making absurd conjectural arguments that wouldn't be accepted in a duly appointed Kangaroo Court.

Trump, once again, has the U.S. Justice Department, Biden, the DNC, and 100% of the grubby Apparatchiks in the District of Corruption, pushing as hard as they can to get him elected.

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1. The CO GOP has already said if they take him off the ballot, they will go 100% to a caucus format.

2. Apparently someone in the Biden admin got the CO case going. Talk about shooting oneself in the foot! LOL

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Yes. If they go the the SCOTUS and lose, the damage is still done

Astonishingly dumb

possibly, SCOTUS to make an evasive ruling since Trump not yet tried of a criminal offense as far as I know, only indicted. maybe they'll hold out hope that both candidates might be disqualified (crowd pleaser scenario, IMO), but ofc that won't happen

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The ruling will probably turn on the fact that the 14th amendment specifies that Congress gets to say who is an insurrectionist. Not the CO Supreme Court or anyone else. That'll be a minimis ruling but it also kills most of the lawfare against Trump in one shot.

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The 14th Amendment doesn't say that Congress determines who is an insurrectionist. It only states that Congress "may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability." In other words, Congress gets to say who isn't an insurrectionist. That case won't apply to Trump.

That said, I don't think that what happened on Jan. 6 amounted to insurrection or rebellion, not in a legal sense. Riot, sure, unlawful trespassing on government property, yup, disruption of Congress, yeah, but it's a bit of a stretch to say that all that amounts to "insurrection" or "rebellion." Especially, when no one took up arms.

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Read the last line of the amendment. It's similar to the Prohibition amendment - it left the actual details to Congress as part of its regular lawmaking power. The Volstead Act is what powered that enforcement regime, same deal here.

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"The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article."

There are four other sections of the amendment wherein the enforcement clause implies congressional actions. Such as: "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

In this case Congress can make laws to enforce this clause, superseding state laws that allowed for racial discrimination for example. However, the courts have mostly taken a very narrow view of the Congressional powers of enforcement.

As for clause 3, regarding who is ineligible, the language is pretty clear. The only issue is what constitutes insurrection. If what happened on Jan 6 is determined to be insurrection Congress would have to pass a bill, by two-thirds majority, that would have to specifically state that Trump was not engaged in insurrection in order for the amendment not to apply to him.

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Oh you're goddamn right it was baby.

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If government property is public property, how can the public trespass on it?

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You mean he has to be convicted of doing an insurrection for the law to apply?

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If he's being removed from ballot due to criminal record, maybe doing so is the prerogative of the states, not even sure of that, but he certainly has to have a criminal record first.

If he's being removed preemptively to 'defend democracy', by the state's judicial branch no less, then seems that's not in the spirit of the US constitution. Can't speak for the legal logic but.... um...

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I'm not sure. I'm man enough to say, "I'm not sure" about a million things, even hotly political. How come no one else does that?

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I'm not sure.

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IIRC, Trump has not been indicted for "insurrection" or similar. Nonetheless, the man will be convicted of *something*.

Even if all they can get is that Trump unlawfully ripped off the tags on a mattress once, this will be spun as The Most Heinous Crime Since The Founding Of The Republic.

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Is not insurrection a right against a corrupt installed govt and entrenched bureaucracy clearly working for decades against the people of the US? It’s almost like the people who pull these stunts don’t realize if things ever come to violence that they are likely to be targeted. I certainly don’t see this as a means to solve these issues but on the other hand when a majority of people come to realize that there are no democratic institutions left in their country and therefore no democracy(in what was supposed to be a republic) would they not eventually turn to violence? Maybe they believe Americans are too propagandized, fat and lazy to do anything which I tend to agree with, they may well push some past their breaking point and get wrath. At that point TV condemnations of peoples violence aren’t going to make a bit of difference. I still don’t get what Trump brings to the table that’s such a threat to the rulers since he was easily hamstrung and booted last time but we are here now mostly because of their actions.

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Won't work. He can't run at all.

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Not to mention the media who get promoted and rich mocking him. It is laughable, isn't it? They really can not help themselves. Foolish idiots or stark raving mad, which?

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Ponder this: IF Ukr can hold on for the rest of the year, then the Demonrats can say POTUS Trump "lost" Ukr - "Because he is a Russian puppet". They know Biden can't win already, that duck isn't lame, it's had half its head blown off.

There are plans within plans, always are.

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If Trump's off the ballot he can win.

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HE can't win anything, but the Dem machine can. But that would be a pyrhhic victory at best, most likely a new civil war.

BTW, wasn't Killary a "Seditionalist" during Trump's term?

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None of this is going to happen. You reactionaries are just projecting again like you always do.

"BTW, wasn't Killary a "Seditionalist" during Trump's term?"

LOL no?

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"Reactionary"?? Lol. Literally the first ever time I've ever been called that, although kudos for using it, I've been trying hard to get the term back into mainstream discourse for Murdoch kool-aid drinkers.

And yes, she was.

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You're for Trump but you're not a reactionary. Ok bro.

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So they are both dumb and cowardly. Amazing combination.

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Sometimes I wonder if these Judges and DAs even have a law degree or have studied law at all.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Supreme Court announced that the Trump appeal had "no standing". Their corruption is why we are having all this turmoil now, and it is only going to get worse.

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Decency, Honesty, Integrity. So yesterday.

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Oh dear. It's right there in the Constitution but who cares about trivialities?

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I did not vote for Trump in 2016, nor did I vote for him in 2020. I also did not vote for HRC or for Halfwit Joe.

That said, rigging an election by imprisoning the opposition candidate and/or ensuring that the opposition candidate is not on the ballot (and write-ins preemptively forbidden) sure sounds like something we'd see in a full-on banana republic.

And in fact, the United States is demanding that Serbia do its elections over, since the United States' preferred candidate didn't win.

For that matter, Brasil at least features nicer weather, more attractive females, and a less hyper-belligerent foreign policy.

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And they let you download horse porn. Mind you, they talk funny.

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Wake up. Even if the Regime allows Trump to run as a candidate - doubtful - they will NEVER allow Trump to win.

Too many Americans are still in shock at what happened on Nov 3, 2020 and naively believe that America is the same as it was before that awful day.

I guess that when disaster strikes, it's normal to cling onto what you can to convince yourself that nothing has changed, as opposed to accepting the awful reality that's right in front of you.

Many of the passengers on the Titanic did exactly that.

Americans must understand. You are now living in a totalitarian state. The worst part? In this early stage, when the regime is still finding its feet and is run by true imbeciles, is the best it gets.

It only gets worse from here, as the regime comes to understand that they control everything and are totally unaccountable, finds its feet, starts to get competent (evil, but competent) people in place, and kicks into overdrive.

They fear Trump because he's their last major opponent who has mass support. He is their last hurdle to full control. That's why they must destroy him.

Americans need to wake up and remove these people from power. The longer the regime stays in place, the worse things will get. Sorry - but that's just the way it is.

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Scipio, say, aren't you supposed to be over in Gaza doing the Carthage thing to the Palestinians? Sorry, sick.

I'm not sure the dynamics are in place for the Bottom Feeders in the District of Corruption to pull a JFK on Trump, or Musk, for that matter. But I suspect the curve of Awake vs. the Woke crossed over and even some young adults are getting a sour taste of the rigged system.

The Dictators, plural, in the U.S. are rooted in Dirty Money, and they are destroying their foundation, like all Druggies, in desperate need of their daily juice. Gotta, gotta, gotta bump up that stock, every day, gotta, gotta, gotta print and borrow more every day. Just gotta.

Nixon, like Johnson, couldn't pay for the Vietnam Ego Show from money in the till, so off the gold peg and onto full counterfeiting. Now they have picked a fight with a Heavyweight after years of financial and mental obesity. Will they go Nuclear politically? Will they go Nuclear financially? If they do, they will be hunted down, burned out of their bunkers, by those who have nothing left to lose.

You know full well History is a pendulum that swings back hard.

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The following article might be of value to those interested in more information as to the state of the US Navy.


19 December 2023 by Larry Johnson


Here is an excerpt from the article:

While an aircraft carrier can be rearmed at sea, surface warships cannot, which constrains the ability of carrier strike groups to sustain forward operations without taking frequent trips back to fixed infrastructure.

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I posted this once before, but this is WAD, the increased firepower and versatility of VLS systems is seen as a reasonable tradeoff versus the old armature-based platforms which could be replenished at sea and Russia uses VLS systems with similar limitations. Not to mention Soviet missiles like the P-500 that were simply so large they were not feasible to replenish except in port. There's plenty of reasons to criticize the USN, but this isn't really one of them.

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So do you think the article is inaccurate?

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Not at all, there is just a common theme circulating that the USN 'dropped the ball' by moving to VLS systems that can't be reloaded at sea, which I don't think is the case If the concept sucks, why are Russians utilizing similar systems in their newer ships? Also, does anyone think Soviet era systems like the P-500 were stupid because the 4-ton projectiles could not be reloaded at sea? I certainly don't. The whole operational concept of that particular system was you launched every single ASM you had at once and that was that. If you damaged or sunk a USN carrier, who cares if you shot your load?

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To summarize: The issue of concern is the $2 million vs $20k offset. The reloading at sea issue is a fol-de-rol.

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I don't think Russia cares as much about long term sustainment away from port.

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they'll back off to the Indian Ocean and lob cruise missiles at whichever place has the highest density of phone calls. all fine and dandy.

not clear how it will "solve the problem"

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The Yemeni coastline topography has rocky cliffs with caves. Very dangerous for passing vessels. You can see it on Google Earth.

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Antiship missiles pop out of caves or holes in the cliffs, shoot their missiles and then go back inside and the hole closes up. Have fun.

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Thank Vasilios, what I got from the article, as you said, the cost differential is quiet high. However my take from the article was that should the assets protecting the carrier face multiple swarms that end up depleting their fire power, the whole carrier group has to retreat to refit and rearm. This will causes its operations to be of short duration.

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Yup, that's the article I just referenced in my post.

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Well, technically that's not true; replenishment of missiles and gun ammo for the warships could be delivered to the carrier, and then to the ships by heavy jackstay while they are alongside the carrier fueling. The carrier frequently transfers fuel to its consorts via UNREP, or underway replenishment, although they likely have a dedicated tanker in the group as well.

All elementary, anyway, as containerized missiles like Harpoon and Tomahawk cannot be reloaded at sea. So the ships could receive them, but could not carry out reloading. So the broad point is correct, but it is also true for the carrier; it's just that the carrier typically does not mount offensive missiles, just self-defense.

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> Over 98% of the wounded during the special operation recovered due to timely evacuation and competent medical care.

> The lethality among the wounded in the special operation is less than 0.5%, the lowest in the history of military medicine.

Honestly, it's these two datapoints that are a jaw-dropper for me. I'd like to see some evidence, tho. :)

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Agree, I'd love to see the data. I'd like to reconcile these two.

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Reconciling is easy: if you get a leg blown off but survive, you're in the 2% that didn't recover but in the 99.5% that survived.

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Maybe it's 98% of the wounded that get evacuated back to field hospital unit?

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The wording makes it seem he's talking about 98% of all the wounded.

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Modern body armour, and Russia has been on the defensive. Shorter and covered supply lines, easier to retreat and get them back to a hospital. Most Ukie losses were bleeding out on the battlefield, with their comrades unable to help.

Also, likely a strong emphasis upon teaching vital first aid to the troops, AND a modernised, common and well equipped first aid kit handed out to all. Enormously cuts losses.

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Probably less in the way of dumb crap like the US conversion from the PASGT helmet, the one that looked like a WWI/II German helmet, to the ACH which basically just covers the top of your head. Lots of TBIs caused by bullets entering around the ear that would have been at least deflected by the PASGT.

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It was probably cheaper to produce? More corporate profits.

^^^ summation of why 'the West' is losing badly.

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Tell us how things are going between Zelenskii and Zaluzhnyi?

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I spoke yesterday with a Pole, who attended a birthday party with a bunch of Ukrainians.

One Ukrainian had just gotten out of Lvov, he had three underage children so he was allowed to leave the country, but is terrified for the fate of his children. His oldest son is 17. Prime meat.

He and other Ukrainians at the party tell of bribes to military commissars to get out of being conscripted, while those who cannot pay are dragged off and certified as front-line capable, even if they have had amputations or multiple strokes. Clinics in Lvov are opening new branches, working night and day to process medical disabilities just as fast as the bribes can come in, however. As much as $15,000 per case. Doctors and commissars are both getting obscenely rich.

Meanwhile, there is no shortage of war invalids and funerals are held non-stop.

Every Ukrainian I know complained of corruption before, but now the flood of free western money and no accountability has driven corruption to new heights. And anyone who dares question the official narrative can expect a visit from the secret police. Before, Galicians were de facto exempt from the worst conscription. No more.

The most interesting part was the contrast between Ukrainians who recently left Ukraine and those who haven’t been back in a while. The latter insist against all the evidence that Victory Is At Hand. They still recite all the propaganda, that There Is No Corruption In Ukraine, Russians Are Untermenschen that will flee in terror when confronted by their Aryan Overlords, that These Nazis Are Good Nazis, that Everyone In Ukraine Is United, that Crimeans Are Traitors but at the same time Crimeans Pine For Ukraine, etc.. Of course, Anyone Who Questions The Narrative Is A Traitor, even the "traitor" is a Ukrainian nationalist who was in Lvov just this month.

Those Ukrainians who just broke out tell a very different story. That made for an interesting party.

None of this, of course is any secret to anyone paying any attention, and I had told the Pole on multiple occasions. She thought that I was just

parroting "Russian propaganda".

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What happened to Ukraine and what is happening to Gaza can only happen under satanic influence.

Ukraine was sacrificed to hurt Russia and the Ziocons still push to keep it going.

Once in a while someone will do something, its symbolism becomes part of the zeitgeist. A member of the Polish Parliment carried a fire extinguisher and put out the manora lit in the Parliment building. Maybe someone will put out Zelinsky to pasture and allow Ukraine to run out of dead and live again.


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Well, take away Russia and Ukraine would go from The Beacon Of Muh Democracy to a pariah state.

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70 years of propaganda and Western (mostly US and UK) narratives left Ukrainians, especially West Ukrainians with a false sense of reality. The West used the ugliest form of Ukrainian nationalism to craft a weapon to be used against Russia. Ukraine became a tool of US policy. Ukraine was sacrificed for US and UK profit. The Ukrainians who fled a year ago might take awhile to wake up. Those Ukrainians that just escaped have seen behind the Western curtain. It is a curtain of deceit that hides psychopaths.

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To be fair it's USuk, one is an empire and the other is a lackey.

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"The West used the ugliest form of Ukrainian nationalism to craft a weapon to be used against Russia."

I lived much of my adult life in Ukraine. When I lived there, the nationalists were mocked and despised.

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My family house is in Ukraine. In 2013 no one really thought this would play out like this. But, after 2014, churches got burned. People got attacked. West Ukraine kind of denied it, privately celebrated it, and generally didn't think it was a big deal. East Ukraine thought it was hell. My wife and I were eating in Kiev in the summer of 2021 watching military parades. That seemed like a celebration - a show. At the same time, Azov was attacking non-combatants in Southeast Ukraine. Ukrainians in the West were skiing during winter and enjoying the parks in summer. It depends a lot where you lived.

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I left in 2012.

I recall seeing the nationalists do their little torchlight shows on Kreshchatik. My co-workers used to mime shooting at them with imaginary rifles.

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I love Kiev. There was a great cafe we used to visit on Kreshchatick and enjoy the summer evenings. We'd take the train, stay for a few days, and visit historic sites. So much history. Then we'd go home.

Before the fighting, I'd put Kiev above Paris. So much good food. Ukraine doesn't get enough credit for having a mix of so many food traditions.

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Which cafe? There used to be a little basement bar that featured various single malt whiskeys, cognacs, armagnacs, etc.. it was owned by some minigarch, but nobody knew about it, so I used to use the joint as sort of my private clubhouse.

Food there was pretty good, too, and everything reasonably priced.

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If the governments in the Collective West were run by realists, they’d concede they were trounced in every imaginable and unimaginable way by Russia. After which they should proceed to patch up as best they can with the Kremlin, so that global commerce doesn't continue to suffer. And last but not least, they should just move on. Find a less vicious way to interact with the rest of the world. Besides, there are plenty of urgent things for the American government to do in its own country. But it’s all a pipe dream. The American neocons will need to be beaten senseless before it dawns on them that it might be wise to cease and desist.

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They'll never cease. Better to introduce them to lamp posts. But even that would never happen until severe damage has been done to everyone else.

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History gives no evidence that the neocons will ever cease and desist, no matter how much America is beaten because of their policies.. They must be removed from power.

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Question regarding this:

"410 military and dual-purpose satellites from NATO countries support Ukrainian interests."

Does it include Starlink? Because that would signifficantly lower the number of military satellites involved...

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Good question. I thought 410 was a high number and that might explain it. But I'm no satellite expert so can't say.

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Spain already dropped from the coalition of the willing.

Spanish foreign minister told that they would not participate in any action non collectively supported by EU

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Spain will have its work cut out policing Gibraltar. Remember Algeria declared war on Israel too.

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Viva España!

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There is now A LOT of internal debate inside the Spanish Gov. regarding this topic.

Hopefully we can bring our vessels back from the Red Sea and have them do something in the interest of the Spanish people... like graciously asking the Brits to get the fluck out of Gibraltar....

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With respect to the conscription issue, I agree with the officer interviewed. These people will be worse than useless in any combat role, they will drain morale and resources.

Further, it would be great if the UN would amend the Declaration on Human Rights to include the right to avoid compulsory military service. Let the warring countries pay to get the best quality willing volunteer fighters. And develop the best robots and other remote tech needed to win the conflict.

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Good ideas!

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Those robots will be used to quell uppity domestic populations - and it won't take long. Soldiers may refuse illegal and iniquitous orders. Robots won't.

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That’s a sure way toward police state and dictatorship. Historically from the dawn of times political rights in society usually belong to those who fight wars. Hence such a big spread of electoral democracy with advent of large conscript armies.

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To add further to that point, when there is no compulsory military service, one's own skin isn't on the line for a war. This has huge ramifications, and although in principle I think compulsory military service is absolutely wrong, in realpolitik it's not so simple.

One of the US' worst mistakes may have been getting rid of the draft, in my view, since if there hadn't been one, how would there have been such protest against Vietnam? The lack of the draft means the US now has people sitting on their couch watching foreign wars and cheering on the volunteer fighters rather than out protesting to end a war they wouldn't want if they had to fight it. If there was still a draft, would people put up with all the wars there are now?

However, given the complexity of the world today—what with how you get anonymous corporate and non-government interests backing wars such as in Ukraine while wanting to sacrifice their entire populations without concern for what they think, all with the genocide backed by a formerly world-dominating military alliance (NATO)—I don't know that it matters much what any of the laws, human rights, or the UN have to say, anyway.

The only language the masters understand is force, and no law will stop them from using an entire state's population like some sort of mamluk slave army. These are the same sorts of people—literally their descendants and the same class—who, in prior centuries, considered the commoners to be cannon fodder, "like grasshoppers that eat the good grub of the earth" to paraphrase one Emperor of the HRE from memory, whose lives were, as he said, not even worth the silver they are being paid. That is how they see human beings; Ukraine is no different from a medieval siege, throwing "human material" at the wall again and again until it breaks or they run out of slaves.

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Charlie Rangel, the former congressman and Korean War vet who gets crapped on a lot, was pretty smart in this regard. He was an unfailing advocate of the draft, and for precisely the reason you are citing. It serves as a brake for foreign adventurism.

Interestingly enough, he wasn't drafted. :-)

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Do you really think that UN can do anything? It's absolutely useless organisation, where countries just saying to each other their opinions. It's just like any forum in the internet but on official level.

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The USSA leadershit (not a misspelling) is in for one hell of a shock within the next year. Traitorous sons of bitches need to be put on a pike.

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Nothing like a good big war to unite the nation!

Looks like only China is untested and generally detested by Americans after the Siberian orcs so it will be a popular war.

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Not popular for long. US would lose any war with Iran, Russia or China. Trans army cant fight and no ammo. There are a few good units like Rangers or Special forces but these are not these types of wars. These are wars where 90% of people that will be fighting them only signed up for GI bill and health care and don't want to be there. Especially when 1000s a day start dying. Meanwhile, foes are hard. US/NATO has NO Ammo for high intensity conflict Ukraine proved that. Moreover most war games say US loses so it would probably end up going nuclear.

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The US Army is too small to compete with Russians or Chinese. It couldn't be bulked up in a timely fashion, with the rotting away of the reserves as a result of the endless wars and difficulties recruiting for what amounts to colonial service. However, attack CONUS and watch how fast that changes.

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