May the Total Hohol Death and Ukrainian demilitarization continue, and may the US join them in the same shallow grave.

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I will hold off on judging a Trump peace plan for Ukraine until it comes from him officially. There's a lot of bullshit flying around right now, with the scumbag neocons pushing plans that are supposedly from Trump, but that have no official backing from him whatsoever.

My hope is that he and Putin can cut a deal and end the war. If not, then Trump should simply cut all funding to Ukraine and let it collapse. The Russians can take what they wish and hand the rest off to the EU. Let them deal with it since they helped make the mess in the first place.

The Russians will NOT accept any of the bullshit neocon plans, nor should they. They are winning the war and have the right to decide what's what by right of conquest.

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Yep, Trump's absolute priorities are the US and its people, not Ukraine or any other war.

He is not going to put the welfare of the US people at risk in a futile effort to prop up the neoCons' war in Ukraine. In fact he has recently referred to the extent to which US money being spent on Ukraine could be used to rebuild US infrastructure and do other work needed in the US.

And the people talking about a "$500 billion lend-lease program" for Ukraine are utter morons. No one will lend Ukraine 10c without a guarantee from a financially solid party, and the latter would never get their money back. Trump is a highly successful businessman. He understands where risk lies in borrowing arrangements and will not have a bar of such a proposal. He might agree with it in principle if European countries are the guarantors, which they're not in a position to be, but certainly won't agree to it with the US as guarantor.

It is also foolish to take what he may have said 18 months ago, when the war was at a very different situation than it plainly is now, and assume that reflects actions he will take on assuming office. The lodestar is that he will do what improves the economic welfare, safety and security of the American people. Anything else is a non-starter.

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It's taxpayer's money, not his own. In any case, the Fed will simply print it and hand it over to the demons that run the MIC.

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It does not work like that. Printing money is a form of tax since increasing mass of money chasing the same amount of goods will simply dilute the value of money. I.e. it causes price inflation.

And price inflation is one major reasons (and quite possibly THE reason) why Kamala lost. Americans are fed up with inflation. Trump understands that, and given a choice of destroying his popular support and giving up Ukraine he is not going to give any second thought about Ukraine. It simply is not important, as loss in Ukraine does not really affect security or prosperity of US. Inflation does.

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Trump DOES NOT UNDERSTAND THIS. He's not a economist, and is very easily bamboozled by simplistic sounding plans. He's already going to be printing $3Tn a year just to cover the Govts expenses, another $500Bn might not sound a big deal to him - especially when it makes the MIC sweet.

I hope he DOESN'T do it, and that you're right and he can see through this, but I would not take that as concrete as you are doing.

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This time he is surrounded with people who do understand. Vivek and Elon have shown that they understand Austrian economics, and I suspect Kennedy understands it, too (though it's not his forte). Vance so far did not espouse monetarist economic nonsense either. (Tulsi's grasp of economics is rather poor.)

Money printing will be necessary to avoid complete and sudden crash of both government and banks, but hopefully extricating US from foreign boondoggles and reducing government spending would help in reducing inflation.

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Austrian economics is as bad as MMT, just in a different way. Problem with Trump is not who he has around him, it's who sounded authoritative most the last who spoke to him.

When he starts closing US bases, I'll believe you're right. But if I held my breath, I could collect a whole oceans worth of pearls, I suspect.

"Reducing Govt spending" under Trump, will almost certainly entail cutting social programs, rather than massively wasteful MIC/Big Corporates spending. With 50%+ of the US public already in poverty, and unable to pay bills, let alone afford healthcare, or saving for pensions, this is a recipe for catastrophe. Needless to say inflation is already considerably higher than admitted.

Workers are not just recipients of paychecks, they are also the consumers.

You think stinking billionaires like Musk are going to raise incomes by one cent?

Or cut the very Fed budgets he benefits from personally?

Trump MAY be OK on foreign matters, possibly end ONE war, but the American people are going to be a LOT poorer by the end of his term.

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Donald Trump actually has a degree in economics, he graduated from the Ivy league University of Pennsylvanian with a bachelors degree in economics in 1968. Its rather amazing how few people know that.

His education in addition to the 40+ years in the Real Estate game make him both the most formally credentialed and practically experienced President in business and economics in a generation.

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economic education in the US is as poor as one can imagine, it's all about maximizing profit, economic models (mathematics) that have proven wrong over and over again but seem to be scrosanct in the academic field. The distinction between micro & macroeconomy almost doesn't exisit and the fundamental knowledge that once debt is the plus money of another is not understand even rudimentarily as it seems to me. Since we all in the west live by a debt driven system, cutting on state credit simply means that this money will no longer exist - that means that the purchase power will be gone and no need to produce anything that can't be sold on the markets - with all the following consequences.

In the end 0,001% will have (own) all the means of production and money and the rest is going to cut each others hair and earn not even enough to eat because the debt will choke every part of private and state activity.

The only possible outcome at that point will be civil war since fathers will be out there trying to feed their children by any means they have.

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He ran casinos into the ground, and is a superb grifter. His Daddy gave him his degree and his millions, but bred a hollow man -- the perfect president for self-destroying Empire like the USA.

Hey, the US is not even interesting: Caligula was MUCH more entertaining and as for Israel -- can anyone imagine a subject tribal leader going to Rome and excoriating the Emperor In the Roman Senate? Defying The Empire and leading it around Circus Maximus with aring in its nose?

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He obviously didn't learn much considering he still seems to believe that the Chinese will be the ones who pay for his tariffs.

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Depends on which billionaire, and which economist. Many "billionaires" are as batshit as other mainstream businesspeople, and as Adam Smith said:

Smith states that the interest of manufacturers and merchants "in any particular branch of trade or manufactures, is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public ... The proposal of any new law or regulation of commerce which comes from this order, ought always to be listened to with great precaution, and ought never be adopted till after having been long and carefully examined, not only with the most scrupulous but with the most suspicious attention."

Frankly, I hold most Economists and most Businesspeople with the same contempt.

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That's wrong, well the 'he's not a economist' part at least, the other part I am not sure to be honest. He has a business degree and worked in business his whole life, you mean maybe he was more a marketing/PR guy, which is true.

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Marketing/PR? Sure he did that, as well as building things, completing municipal projects that were over budget and under built before he took over. This says nothing to the fact he also Owned/s many buildings and marketing assets.

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don't be surprised if getting rid of the Federal Reserve becomes a priority under a Trump administration. Stop the money printing.

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exactly. I think the most relevent comment from Trump was about how Zelensky is the "best businessman in town" because he goes home with $6 B in his pocket every time he visits. Pretty sure Trump didn't like that because he himself always wants to get the better "deal" not some beggar in a T-shirt.

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Trump knows most of that rubber-check money is making its way back to the ones who ok’d it. And he knows it’s gotta STOP.

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"The lodestar is that he will do what improves the economic welfare, safety and security of the American people. Anything else is a non-starter."

Sorry. I must disagree. I do agree that Trump will want to improve the "economic welfare, safety and security of the American people", but I disagree that such will be his highest priority which is to support the "economic welfare, safety and security" of the zionist regime in Occupied Palestine. He is an American patriot but above all a zionist patriot. He has made big promises to his Jewish supporters and is not just indebted to them, but honestly supports them with his heart. Though he does not want to pursue war, and I believe him on this issue, he will, in the end drive America into war in a fruitless pursuit of the "economic welfare, safety and security" of the zionist cancer growing in West Asia, abandoning America's interests. His full support for the zionist cause (and he is just a great a monster as the Occupier since he supports the genocide) and his contempt for Iran will be the motor that drives him to war with Iran - Bibi will see to that. And as a result of that war America will find its ultimate fall from hegemony and the final dissolution of the Western alliance.

Trump will not be able to fix the US Deep State. He has the right ideas but he will be redirected soon after taking taking office. IF he survives to take office, a scenario that must be considered - it could very well be the case that the zionists are setting him up for assassination (again planned by Bibi and friends) and blaming it on Iran which would cause an epic call for revenge on Iran and an immediate march to war - which America and the Western alliance will lose, if not militarily, most assuredly economically as their prime sources of oil will be destroyed.

In either case, the world will not be the same by the end of 2025.

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As an addendum to the above, I am truly concerned with the wellspring of unrestrained optimism rising up among the American populace after this election cycle. The impact on American society if and when the fall comes might well prove fatal to the country.

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As I recall there was unrestrained optimism when bathhouse Barry the Bumboy became president too. How did that go for the plebs?

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Exceptionally.O'bomber was keen on repeating the unrivalled exceptionalism of the US of A and its priviliged class. Clearly it turned out just fine. By the sounds of it there is still a fair amount of influx on the southern border...:)

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And they voted for Trump in large numbers. Why? Because they are Catholics.

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Opposite sides of the coin...but we'll see if it's a same outcome.

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Sounds like "He'll do a lot of things I don't like because of Jews" to me. He did more to calm the middle east than any president in decades, and that was his first term.

Meanwhile every other country either provides weapons and support to stir up trouble or sits back and says "woe is me". Oh, and da jeewwws!

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Not Jews- Zionism and Zionism is a psychotic supremacy force that stops at nothing to achieve it’s delusional aims

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Hey David, how is ordering the assignation of Suliemani calming the Middle East? That is a copybook of what the Zionazis do and look where it them got today.

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Not long now, and the US presence in the Middle East will be a thing of the past. The Middle East doesn't need America' The Land of the Free' to steal their oil, prop up whichever dictator kisses their backside, topple the ones that don't - and to just generally create chaos, by having military bases in places they are definitely not welcome in.

'Calm the ME' -is a typical entitled American viewpoint. The assasination of General of another country doesn't even feature...and that's the problem.

It's definitely time the rest of the world calms the USA down a bit - maybe accuse it of having WMD, too many oligarchs, a rigged undemocratic voting system, a crap culture that glorifies killing - sounds like more than enough reason to calm them down.

As for Israel...they also have to be calmed down. Someone has to tell them they're not as special as they have been led to believe. Otherwise they're going to walk themselves into HollowCause V.2, all by themselves.

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"Highly successful businessman!"

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Yeah, had me laughing too.

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while you both sit back and barely make your monthly bills? It's the scorpion telling the elephant how tough he is.

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Nov 9Edited

>Yep, Trump's absolute priorities are the US and its people, not Ukraine or any other war.

Did you seriously write this?

Trump's priorities are the oligarch ruling class, and in particular the faction of it that supported him in opposition to the faction that didn't. But the policies he implemented in his first term were all generally in their favor of both faction as a single class, not in favor of the regular people, and so it will be now.

The wealth of the likes of Musk was steadily growing during Trump's first term, then exploded in his last year during the pandemic and thanks to his mishandling of it.

Well, guess what -- every dollar that the billionaires gain is a dollar stolen from you, thus when they get richer, you get poorer, and if they are getting richer, then the policies in place are directed against you.

If you see a US president using established precedent to call MQ-9 Reaper drone strikes on billionaire mansions just because he felt like it (established legal precedent gives him that power; by doing so he will force the elites to either restore the rights people in this country no longer have after that precedent was established, or the president can just continue to deal with the problem that they are with direct kinetic action), or he starts throwing them in jail for decades for financial fraud (not a single one of them is not guilty of that on a massive scale), then you will know that he is on your side. Good luck waiting for Trump to do that.

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You mean those policies like prison reform, and trying to block all that cheap labor coming over the border, and tge $2k tax break middle class me remembers receiving?

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"Trump is a highly successful businessman"

No he is not. He inherited a fortune from his slumlord father, had multiple bankruptcies and was bailed out by NYC Jew owned banks. The blackmailing homosexual Ray Cohn kept a close eye on him. He is totally a Zionist project.

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No matter how you repeat the tired tropes, your simplistic rationale of how Trump went from millions to billions will never be enough to explain that amount of success. I am however glad your view is comforting to the 'small brains'.

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I'm glad you are glad. What a lad.

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True tired tropes

Millions to billions

Small brain comforts

Humpty Dumpty Trumpty

Is being set up

For a big fall

Please refrain from insulting others

Don't be rude


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Had Trump taken the money he borrowed from his father and sunk it into an S&P 500 index fund and reinvested the proceeds, he would be richer than he is today, and he would not have to do anything other than cash checks.

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what childish nonsense, made for tv viewers

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Nov 11Edited

S&P has an over time return of 10% or so, since 1928. This year, 28.35% so far, last I looked.


Back of the envelope says that $1m loan would be worth about $97 million today. So the answer to that is ...no, makes no sense.

His net worth today, $4.8 billion, would be approached in about 2067 if he lived that long, through that S&P 500 technique.

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At the bottom of the market in early 2009 the S&P 500 hit 666. Today it's 6001. Nobody could have predicted it would go up so much. It's gone up mostly because of bad government policy. It will likely come back to fair value at some point, maybe even lower.

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G'day FF, no EFTs in those days but spot on. Love it

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True, but the beauty of an index fund is that anyone can replicate it.

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I think its more that the deep state will infiltrate the Trump presidency, like they have with every other president since the 1940s. Like they did with the Trump presidency before. So it will be interesting, how that will play out. Could be a lot of compromises from the deep state and Trump too, remember, as Trump assassinated that Iranian General, all of a sudden all MSM praised him for the first time.

But it really doesn't matter that much regarding the Ukrainian war because that was over the moment Russia decided to start the SMO. Only uncertain outcome was the economic war of the West against Russia, I think not even the Russians thought it will go that good for them.

The Trump presidency will have a tough fight against the corrupt globohomo swamp. Its f.cking huuuuuge man. We are talking about millions of millions of people who are in the bureaucratic/technocratic swamp and profiteering off of the laaaaarge sums of money, billions of billions of taxpayers money. That will be a tough one, I think it will be interesting how he manages that, imho a almost impossible task. And they will try to off him again, guaranteed.

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Correct. The media monkeys are already reporting "evidence" that Iran wants to "take out" Trump. Another Zionist false flag in the making with Iran featured as the contemporary Lee Oswald. The false flag factotums also report that the evil Putin is trying to blow up planes with a U$ destination. Oh! The horror! Like the Russians would have any interest in blowing up airplanes. Zero benefit to them and they're not stupid. You can't make this shit up.

Then tone deaf Zionists at the Euro-soccer match...thinking that acting like assholes in Amsterdam would somehow redound to their credit. Morons. Monsters.

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I don't know what was involved in the decision-making over Amsterdam (though the Israeli press says Mossad was there "just in case"), but I think the actual Israeli ultras were mainly just enjoying themselves. It's reported that one of their chants was "We make war for fun!"

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They already have. Pompeo and Haley are back in Trump’s good graces. Brian Hook is on the short list of nominees at State.

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"But, but... This time will be different, Trump has LEARNED from the first time!" 🤡

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It seems the Trump camp posted a Tweet that both are not coming back into the administration. But we will see, I think he has to let some of the neocons in, some of them stayed loyal to him, like Lindsey Graham. And lets be real, are there that many people in the US in Politics or higher ups in the bureaucracy/technocracy who aren't hawkish in their foreign policies? And Trump was kind of hawkish against Iran for some reason in his first presidency.

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I agree with and support your advice about Ukraine and the US, Morgthorak.

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What I hope Trump will do early on is to get rid of all the 4 stars that betray their oath to the Constitution withdraw from NATO. cut off all funding for foreign wars (including Zionist Israel) and start closing and withdrawing our troops from foreign countries, and do this with one big executive order.

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Well, he won't.

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He’s already asked for their resignations. https://youtu.be/P_96WiziP_0

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>My hope is that he and Putin can cut a deal and end the war.

There is no deal to be had for Russia that Trump could accept.

The minimal acceptable for Russia outcome of the war is complete end of Ukrainian statehood, occupation of the whole territory of the country by Russia, and then gradual erasure of the very concept of being Ukrainian over the subsequent generations. Yes, in Galicia too.

First, things have gone too far by this point, and leaving any sort of independent Ukraine guarantees it will be used as platform for long-range strikes into Russia forever. Because there can be no Ukraine that is not an anti-Russia, due to the fact that most Ukrainians are self-hating brainwashed Russians, who will revert to being Russians the moment you take away their hatred for Russia.

Second, western Ukraine has two nuclear power plants that can serve as source of fissile material. And that is assuming the US/UK/France/Israel don't give the warheads to them directly.

Note -- this is the minimal acceptable for Russia outcome.

"Minimal acceptable" because it does nothing to resolve the issues of US nukes in Finland, Poland, Romania, Germany, etc.

An acceptable outcome means the US taking all its nukes out of Europe altogether.

A real victory is total eviction of all US military infrastructure from Eurasia.

Read this again, then consider where freezing the conflict along something approximating the current line of contact fits in that context.

Also, remember where the Nazis were in the 1941, and where the Brest-Litovsk treay drew the borders prior to that.

Putin will be in effect signing a new Brest-Litovsk, but this time one that will stick, or he will be making most of the Nazi gains from the 1941 Operation Barbarossa push permanent.

If he agrees to that, he deserves to be shot and buried in an unmarked grave by angry patriots the way Nicholas II was by the Bolsheviks.

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Knowing Putin and how the elites under him are compradores, I wouldnt put it past him to "cut a deal" with Trump

I certainly hope I am wrong and he doesnt cut a deal, but I am not getting my hopes up considering Putins tendencies to cut cuckold deals and fear of escalating.

It seems to me Trump will continue supporting Ukraine - I believe that a conversation with Ze was had and guarentees were given - which is ironic given how Ze threw Trump under the bus during investigations against him.

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Nov 9Edited

Of course,it will continue. This isn't Trump's decision to make to begin with. Other people pull the strings.

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Trump is no doubt hoping that the Russians will take Pokrovsk and move from there to Zaporozhye before he takes office. So he can say, it's over.

Trump knows that the Ukraine war and the Gaza holocaust are dead weights for a president. He saw what they did to Biden. He and Vance and others are no doubt thinking of how to end these while still pleasing the fanatic Jews in the media.

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Nov 9Edited

Re Russia advancing before inauguration - I don't know if he's hoping that, but it would be a politically neat solution. Alas there's too much ground to cover in 2 months

Re Gaza/Lebanon slaughter - Trump admin is going to be the same blank check for Netanyahu that Biden was ... he literally campaigned on it

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I agree in regards to Russia, but the Israel status is that they have been largely successful and are seen in a favorable light (screaming street rats not withstanding).

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Reports of Trump putting Marco Rubio up for Secretary of State ring true enough. Rubio hates Trump and will do exactly the opposite of what Trump campaigned on, so he appears qualified to be in a Trump Cabinet. With Mike Pompeo green-lit for a new role (Secretary of Defense this time, maybe?), we're just waiting for news on what positions John Bolton, William Barr, Jared Kuschner, and Liz Cheney will be offered.

F*ck Trump. Better than Biden, but the whole make-believe of appointing his enemies who do exactly what the establishment would do (and everything Trump promised he wouldn't) is old at this point. It's as manipulative as just outright lying on the campaign trail, like Obama did about being a Peace President in 2008.

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Yes, such appointments would certainly confirm that he hadn't learned a thing from his first term.

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It is obvious that Trump remains weak, stupid and easily manipulated.

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I’m pretty sure I read that Pompeo is definitely out of the running for the Trump cabinet

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I agree - until it comes from Trump, I would treat all MSM reports about his staff picks and policies as deep state lobbying. Remember the BS reported about who was going to be VP?

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He's already appointed a neocon as head of his transition team.

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Trump remains weak, stupid and easily manipulated.

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That looks like a good read on the situation, Morgthorak. I doubt the Artful Dealer telegraphed to Bartiromo his actual plan for Ukrainian peace or will ever propose a deal that risks making him look bad. I suspect whatever he says about it publicly is more like a feint or tease to feel out international reactions and keep expectations low. He’s more likely to leverage economies to get Russia and Ukraine to play nice—even if Ukraine gives up a chunk of real estate—than he is to expect anything from NATO. If in fact CIA bases on Russia’s border was Putin’s main beef, and considering four years of Pax Trumpana and four more of the neocon's disgraceful waste of personnel and materiel, whatever Trump settles for will almost certainly benefit the US. I hope.

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Just so. And unless I misjudge their former mutual respect & admiration, Trump will not try to dominate Vlad at all. That’s not going to work anyway, as Rootin-Tootin is many times over more experienced at international diplomacy than DJT…who surely knows who holds (at the moment) the upper hand.

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Just do the right thing mr. Trump, call CIA to JFKed Zelensky, instal Zaluzhny, and let Putin take the whole Ukraine, you can still have EU to pet, more importantly make peace with Iran, end Israeli Aid. Of course it will not happen and we know that for sure, so WW3 is about a year away.

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I looked back a few hundred years..didn't you write the same thing in Columbus' ship Log?

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Wait and not expect much, especially given the ugly names mentioned as possible cabinet members, is the only thing we and Moscow should do. Everything tastes better when you didn't expect a good surprise and yet received one, but it tastes just plain enough when you receive a "disappointment" instead.

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"especially given the ugly names mentioned as possible cabinet members" Well said. Marco Rubio would be a return to Trump's first administration habit of appointing dangerous fools like Pompeo and Bolton.

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The supposed Russian arming of the 'Houthis' and others is not going to happen

The RF does not support the 'Houthis' and confirms support for the UN backed 'Aden' government

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true, but sometimes long-range anti-ship missiles accidentally fall off the back of the truck don'tcha know ;)

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It is widely said, no links, that it is NK which supplies AA with missiles, 'facilitated' by Iran

RF has no need to intervene

China is said to be very happy that such live testing by the NK and by the AA of missiles and drones against the US Navy should reveal all the many failures recorded

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Of course the RF isn't going to arm Ansar Allah. But they WILL be arming Iran...

dot, dot, dot...

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If it is your suggestion that Iran will pass on RF missiles to the AA - you are mistaken

This would be to supply arms to the AA, which they will not do, nor, as explained above, will they or Iran need to do

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They have been supplying weapons to AA since the Sauds/Western media dishonestly claimed that AA were an Iranian ancillary - they had nothing to lose after that.

But the Yemenis don't even need actual missiles - just the blueprints to build them themselves, and have the high-end electronics snuck in.

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'They' is who, who is supplying weapons to AA

Certainly not the RF - many pronouncements have been made to the contrary

C ertainly AA can stich together quite a lot, but they can have no deep industrial base and practice as possessed by NK to produce missiles of much sophistication

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Is English not your native tongue? You seem to have problems in expressing yourself clearly.

Those "Stitched together" missiles have penetrated a US carrier strike fleets defences on several occasions, and have even probably managed to hit a carrier itself.

I'd be happy to be able to "Stitch together" such high technology.

And what you are ultimately saying is that IRAN'S technology is so superior to the Americans own, even knock-offs in the hands of AA are superior to the West's.

They clearly do not need Russian missile tech. Indeed, in some areas Iran may well be ahead of Russia.

On that note recall that Israeli pilots noted an "Unknown" radar profile that locked onto their "Stealth" US-built jets.

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No one is denying the success of the AA and of their homegrown m's

It is also thusly with many drones

But it is clear that advanced missile technology is the product of industrial structures which the AA lack

I am not and have not commented on Iran's missile tech

I have mentioned that AA receives advanced missiles from NK - this with the blind eye blessing of the China gvmt, and is to the advantage of Iran when they say, with apparent accuracy, that their relations with AA do not involve the provision of missiles

'Native' is a word I do not much use in the attribution of successful English, although I am happy to recognise the general use of a variety of English by the ynakas and others, I hardly regard their forms of english as particularly successful

Try Indian english for a more adequate form thereof

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I disagree.

Anything that distracts or depletes the US militarily or financially is in Russia's interests now and the Houthis have given the US Navy their hottest engagements in 80 years.

Furthermore, both the Russians and Chinese have a strong interest in learning how to defeat American systems. There is no better testing ground than in real operations. They could both help the Houthis by supplying and trading information at essentially no cost to themselves and without any of their signatures appearing on any missiles. And they could do this without the diplomatic cost of withdrawing their recognition of the Aden government.

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It may be in RF's interests to make sure they may defeat the US, here and there

But not at the expense of behaving like the US

The RF, vey generally, does not use proxies

And certainly not in this case - as they have expressed on many occasions, both Lavrov and Nebenzya at the UN have been quite definite

The Chinese, as I have suggested, as well as the NK are adequate to the task of 'facilitating' what ever missiles may be added to AA inventory better to test and defeat the US Navy in the Red Sea

To suggest that the RF could, in ciircumstances in which they might easily be discovered, lie about their actions, when their actions are rendered unnecessary or redundant by the actions of their allies, is absurd

One does not have to 'sign' a missile for it's provenance to be discovered by an analysis of the parts- if these are being fired at an enemy this enemy has every possibility of establishing this provenance

You appear to think that all nations behave as the US behaves - by definition this is not true

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If the US goes "all in" on Ukraine, Russia will fight back through symmetric and asymmetric means. It won't be just arming Ansar Allah, it will be providing carrier-killing missiles to Iran and it will likely also strike US and NATO assets directly.

Keep in mind NATO's often wrongly quoted Article 5 has a flip side: "An attack by *any* NATO country is an attack by *all* NATO countries." Russia could strike low-hanging fruit in the Baltics, Poland, Germany, and other NATO countries. If the US wants to step that up to general war, Russia will be ready.

A fight with the US directly attacking Russia is a very different deal than a proxy war within the limits of the former "Ukraine." Russia will respond accordingly.

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Even to accept a situation is which the US might go 'all in' would be very difficult, indeed un reasonable

If one is being un reasonable it would be more reasonable to speculate about the use nuclear arms by the US

Rather than avoiding any specific speculation by the use of a generalised phrase coming from poker - even by playing such games one can tell something about one's opponent as long as they are playing by the same rules, which in this case they are not

The Russians do not play poker - only the US does

To start with an unlikely premise, or very unlikely, in order to speculate about potential reaction is the least reasonable of methods

RF is nothing if not reasonable

Even so the RF would not use the US methods of war - has not will not can not

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Putin and the Russians play chess. The Americans scratch their onions and respond..."you misspelled 'chest'.

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Of course it is not going to happen.

First, if it ever was going to happen, it already would have. NATO strikes deep inside Russia have been ongoing for more than a year now. What is Putin waiting for?

Second, Putin is more loyal to Israel than to Russia, and he won't do anything that really pisses Netanyahu off.

Third, it is meaningless anyway. Given the West's egregious violations of all norms established back in the days during the Cold War, the only thing that will reestablish deterrence is direct strikes on Western elites (not the politicians, those are figureheads, though they deserve it too, but the people in the castles and skyscrapers). The Houthis can't do that all the way from Yemen.

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What 'of course it is not going to happen'?

Nuclear war?

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"Putin is more loyal to Israel than to Russia, and he won't do anything that really pisses Netanyahu off."


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Well consider that Putin is Yeltsin man and protected him from investigations by Russias cheif prosecutor in the 90s for stealing elections, widespread corruption and treason.

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CS ---Comments please on how the Burns Caper in Qatar is confirmed as a CIA PR op

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Qatar’s foreign ministry spokesperson said Doha will work with Biden’s administration “until the last minute” before U.S. election to reach Gaza truce deal--and beyond.

Meaning there will be obfuscations, falsehoods and smoke & mirrors toward which Burnsie can contribute before Joe's admin heaves its last breath on 19 January 2025.

G, can you believe it: Burnsie may never come back from Qatar.

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Qatar going all in on Burns is good news for us and for the 'Middle East' as he calls it- Burns and Qatar both will keep alive the flame of Democracy until the return of Biden and his merry crew in ....when's the next US Election?

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I like the way you spelled "Autocratic Imperialism" as "Democracy", that was clever.

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Burnsie is getting fitted for a gelibiya as we speak. He may order an extra one for Joe who, it is rumored, will attend Eid celebrations in 2025.

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This is great news CS - to ship Democracy and it's true leaders to the 'Middle East' will open up the place to a new settler class - all those Dems and 4B's disgusted with Trump and men can re locate, and form new breeding grounds for a brighter future

This will re shape world geopolitics in a way few suspected the day before yesterday

How to turn defeat into a Victory for Mankind

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Glassy shimmers rising from the sand form a liquefaction of mirages which have nothing to do w/ their child-less cat-full lives in the U.S. where the guys always forget to put the toilet seat back down

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There are, you know, laws in the Middle East about cats and their care, about who touches a toilet seat and when and how, and whether women can or may drive cars

These and many other attractions, the rules as to who can meet or look at who, will serve to transform the Gulf and the Saudi A Hinterland into the blossoming and burgeoning full cradles of democracy

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Hello Simplicius. Short article but said all that was needed. this quote - Bundestag deputy Anton Hofreiter leaked all the trumps. "In the eastern part of Ukraine, large reserves of lithium are concentrated and Germany is waging a war for them. " - I would have thought it was cheaper just to buy the lithium from the previous Ukraine than what Schollz did. What a horrible goblin he is.

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Colonial civilized powers don't believe in buying but grabbing for dirt cheap cost...which they thought it would be. How else would they make huge profits and become first world countries?

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Hi Rashmi. But Germany has gone under with this miserable policy. And I don't believe that the German people would have chosen this. And its not civilized to do this. Maybe when all Europe was blood thirsty back in the neo dark ages ( 1400's ) but not today. This is whatever is guiding most politicians now. Is it zionism ? I have heard that asshole is chabad lubavitz. Maybe that's to blame for what he did to Germany and those graves in Ukraine. In fact its so similar to Gaza. Like they're just clearing the land of the inhabitants. I mean there are ( were ? ) alot of Ukrainians that were jerks. Nazi supporters. But only a fraction of the population And all those graves.

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"Maybe when all Europe was blood thirsty back in the neo dark ages ( 1400's )"

Back in the 1400's? That's missing the early part of the 20th century (lot of blood thirst in action in WW1), just before the middle part (hard to beat the European blood thirst on display in WW2), just after the middle part (the French using poison gas on freedom-seeking Algerians, France's brutal actions before its defeat in Vietnam, the Netherlands using bombing, mass executions, and village destruction to kill as many as 500,000 people in Indonesia in attempt to keep Indonesia their colony, the UK's brutality against Kenyan freedom fighters seeking their freedom, and then the UK's brutality against Greek Cypriot nationalists (admittedly, only a few thousand slaughtered by those "civilized" Brits).

And then there's the latter part of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, with European nations re-acquiring from the US a taste for slaughtering brown skinned people, for example, in the European bombing of Libya. Heck, they even went after their own whites, like the European bombing of Belgrade that killed over 30,000 civilians.

Most recently there's the EU blood thirst that's powering, along with the US, a war to the last Ukrainian that's already killed or maimed a million Ukrainian men. Nothing "civilized" about that.

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I was thinking this. Europe could have had all that lithium on the free market (And internal market to boot), all they had to do was NOT attempt/plan to genocide the Russian-speaking population in those areas, to deliberately cause a Russian invasion (To "Weaken Russia in the ensuing conflict").

The Empire showed its true colours though, it couldn't help itself.

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I think we should all be clear that it is the financial-corporate empire. And perhaps it always was ...

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It is uncertain what Scholtz actually ”did”. He was coerced and forced to react. And he let himself and that Rot-gelb-regierung be pushed around by warmonger Boris, Ursula and Macron. When US/UK/Norway/Sweden blew the Nordstream pipes it was fait compli and game over for a sovereign German stance.

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yes. But he's the leader of Germany. He can't be excused because he's a pussy

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Of course. Whole Germany is domisticated. An election will show if there is any resistance left at all.

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Hm, I live in Germany and the population is massively brainwashed. They believe all the bs which is coming from the MSM, which are all getting money from the government. Aside from the state media which is getting also huge amounts of money (>12 billion per year). Still non establishment parties like AFD and the BSW are getting roughly 30%. Me personally I think Germans will only wake up, when they freeze and starve. And even then they maybe believe some stupid scapegoat story again, to conformist and obedient, no real critical thinkers right now in Germany. Something like Rogan or Trump are unthinkable at the moment in Germany.

I think Germany is f.cked and there is no way out.

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if all Germans except you were brainwashed we wouldn't see those huge protests. And yeah - populations definitely can be brainwashed but Sahra Wegenachts ( sp? ) party is awesome and she is awesome and maybe the elections are rigged but probably the EU has succeeded in silencing dissent on the internet. That's the only reason why the US got out of Democrats - was podcasts on alternative media - its ZIONISM its not the population that is the problem. I hope they don't freeze. Germans are brilliant people actually but whether its the education system that has dumbed them down I don't know

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Totally agree ... Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) has been very public for years, so people do hear solid oppositional views. Why so few take them to heart is a mystery to me.

I personally think there has been a general dumbing down since neo-liberalism became the dominant approach to everything - schooling for corporations, universities working for profit, etc. Not to mention social media accustoming people to logics made up of arbitrary clicks.

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Nah, I said AFD and BSW have roughly 30%, so no, not all are brainwashed, but the majority is. And I don't say I am the epitome of wisdom and intelligence either. Trust me, I know that very well.

I highly doubt the majority of the population will come around. I am happy to be false though, I even would love to be false on that regard. But I talk to to many people, like Drs, self employed people, department leaders, really intelligent people, people with influence in my community, and I just see unbelievable naivety and they are believing everything they have been told by the MSM.

As I said, there is only MSM in Germany, they censored and shut down other media and are in the process of doing so, in the name of 'democracy' and 'freedom of speech' of course. Its a little bit like in the cave allegory by Plato, if you just have people like that around, everyone gets his 'news' from state media and the 'free' other MSM, then its basically over.

I think the 30% come more from living standard going down, more unemployment (of course rigged unemployment numbers from the state for decades, we have roughly 3 times more unemployed people), high energy costs, etc.. Not really from the reality which slowly comes in into Germany. When the leader of the opposition the CDU, Friedrich Merz, without any irony talks in the Parliament about threatening Putin to give Ukraine the Taurus missiles, which have basically no chance of changing the direction of the war at all (they are bunker missiles, specifically built for that), you feel just defeated. The people in the ministries seem to be just dumb and without a clue at all.

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Europeans like being slaves.

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racist comment basically. Germans are as diverse as any other peoples. Zionism is ultra strong in France and Germany as well as England and the US.

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I dunno man. Like, if the UK PM came out of a meeting with the POTUS, and to the media the POTUS said he'd "Stop the Channel Tunnel if the French got sniffy about AUKUS", I'd AT LEAST expect a raised eyebrow, and maybe even a request for clarification - if not an outright "...Uh, actually that's vital infrastructure that cost us many £Bns, and we'd strongly prefer it if you didn't actually.".

Sholtz stood there like a dummy, and crucially, *was not surprised at all*.

When the true cost of the loss of Nordstream becomes well known, if he retires in Germany, he's gonna need 24/7 security.

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Nov 9Edited

Sounds like BS honestly. German industry doesn't need Lithium - it's just for EV cars and for that purpose it is already cheaper to import from China than EU would ever make it. To be competitive, they do need cheap electricity, natural gas, and a Chinese export market that is friendly to them (eg sell 5MM cars in China, produce 10MM sets of components, send half to the factories at home).

This is the more profound cost of maxing out on the Atlanticist programme. China can see where it is going, and is quite mercilessly closing its doors on the full range of mid-tier EU tech and industrial goods

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sounds about right

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The last person actually said that the Russians are fighting over the control of the lithium resources, which is utter BS as Russia never had the intention to annex these regions: feb 2014 agreement on peaceful transition, minsk 1&2, istanbul peace talks/agreement.

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yeah - and Russia actually was trying to help Ukraine by buying their stuff and selliing them really cheap energy.

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Hofreiter talking about lithium sounds to me like Trump talking about the Syrian oil as an argument to stay there. The Deep State makes the decisions and then people like Hofreiter and Trump try to sell it (also to themselves) with arguments like these.

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War mongers in Washington & Brussels embroiled the bloc & OTAN in this catastrophe, Project Ukraine, strong-arming even the most reticent of member states--the omnivores?--into assuming vituperative attitudes toward Russia and Putin. Now that the war mongers in Washington are no longer Deciders, DJT should delegate to Orban the details relative to negotiating a Trump-approved end to the war. Empowering Orban would so totally thump Brussels.

Project Ukraine was entirely a debacle of Joe's admin, and DJT should extricate the U.S. from it, stat. Let Europe take ownership of this fiasco, and let Orban steer it toward an appropriate conclusion.

No one has forgotten that Europe strung VVP along w/ the sham Minsk Accords over several critical years. The death & destruction, which Project Ukraine wrought for all sides, could have been averted had Europe stepped up in all sincerity. For its menacing lack of sincerity, its disingenuousness, Europe should pay handsomely.

Brussels can figure it out--but w/ *Orban* guiding them. DJT should allow Europe to bear the full weight of Project Ukraine.

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Good analysis, and that may happen, but it is also entirely false to say the US-backed violent coup; the biolab CIA bases along the border; and the mega-$Bns in "aid", were the fault of the Europeans, and they should pay all the price.

It is a bit laughable for the Froggie ^&*£*% to claim that "Europe is herbivore", considering all the horror the Europeans are STILL inflicting all over the world.

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Pigs are Omnivores.

"Day of judgement, God is calling

On their knees, the war pigs crawling

Begging mercy for their sins

Satan laughing, spreads his wings

Oh lord, yeah!"

War Pigs, Black Sabbath (1970)


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Wow !!! Lyrics is incredible — thank you

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Rock when it was actually good and not stupid ass rap or bubblegum pop.

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Thanks! ... the golden age of rock!

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If you really want to drain the swamp, shut down the feed trough that is Ukraine that the Biden, Pelosi, Kerry-Heinz, Romney, Murphy, Klobuchar, McCain, Blumenthal - you get the idea - gang have been feeding from. This goes back to the days of the Dulles brothers.

This has been the plan all along. Ukraine is the keystone of the globohomo arch. Ask Soros. IMO Putin is in on the kabuki theater. Global reset incoming.

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Regarding Trumps plan for Ukraine, its too early to tell and rumours are worth as much as pre-pandemic toilet paper, and controversial rumours bring eyeballs to commercial media, so other than our sanity, everyone benefits from these time sinks.

Trump cares about business, and Ukraine war is good business for US. Depleted NATO stocks - good business. Expensive fuel for European manufactures - good business. Fear of Russia - good business. You get the point. Doing the right moral and ethical thing - only if it is profitable. So expect more of the same policy, until the last Ukrainian, or until Europe is bled dry, whatever comes first.

The debt keeps growing, the interest on the debt is greater than the budget, manufacturing is shrinking, immigrants keep pouring in, christians keep shrinking, cultral gap keeps widening, left ideas are more insane, the western world is imploding.

China keeps growing, already more than a 3/4 of its trade is with global south, making them sanction proof. Brics is expanding, dollar collapsing. This isnt good for American business. And here is where Trump will go all-in on retaining China. He’s been talking about China for over a decade. But sadly for Trump (and great for Brics), the poker hand is weak and its only a bluff, and Brics will ante up and expose the naked empire.

Then the fun starts ….

(Disclaimer - after covid I immigrated away from a western country, seeing the writing on the horizon, moving my family to potentially greener pastured. Not green yet, but has potential).

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I stepped over several Christians on my way to the keyboard, they were only knee-high already and still shrinking. Soon they will match their intellectual size, around big enough to bite at ankles of people who don't believe carefully produced fairy tales, but follow actual religions thousands of years older and wiser.

Apart from that, pretty good post and analysis.

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"but follow actual religions thousands of years older and wiser." As if adding on years makes carefully produced fairy tales any more real.

I cannot resist adding, given that Christianity is 2,000 years old, what "actual religions" did you have in mind that people follow today which are "thousands of years older" than Christianity?

"Thousands" means at least 2,000 years older than Christianity, that is, more than 4,000 years old. There don't seem to be any "actual religions" still followed that are that old. For example, Hinduism as it is practiced today goes back only as far as the Vedic period, which was at most 3500 years ago. Judaism goes back only about 3300 years. Zoroastrianism is at most 3200 years old, Jainism only 2600 years old, and Shinto a mere 2500 years old.

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The Paganism from which they all sprang.

"Xians" have a head start - as they follow the Pagan festival calendar already, and not the Jewish calendar, as they would if their fairy tales were the remotest true.

Xianity will fall on its own, it is already doing so, and this will accelerate in the Internet Age, as EVERYONE can step out of their bubble and see everyone else laughing at them.

The next Aeon is upon us already, and Jesus (bless him) died 2000 years ago. It's time and past for the edifice allegedly built upon his name to die also. With all of its atrocious ideas and memetic bollox.

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I didn’t understand your comment - to convoluted for me

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Smallstepforman said: "The debt keeps growing, the interest on the debt is greater than the budget, manufacturing is shrinking, immigrants keep pouring in, ***christians keep shrinking***, cultral gap keeps widening, left ideas are more insane, the western world is imploding."

I took him at his word. ;)

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Thank you -- you are eloquent and witty..

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Very good point that China has now moved on to trading with the rest of the world more and that the west is only 1/4 of its trade. I've heard that point in the Duran podcast. Its basically over for the West, the dream of hegemony was just that, a dream. Its gonna be interesting if they understand that, I doubt Trump has understood that, Russia and China don't need the West anymore.

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True true true. True true true. The only thing I will add is that the U.S.A. is a population gathering machine. We'll probably wake up tomorrow and find it has a billion people. And we'll probably wake up next year and find there are two billion Merkins. It's one of the laws of thermodynamics isn't it? >>>Inexorably, all humans will move to the U.S.A.<<<

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Bolivia and Argentina have lithium reserves that are each about 40 times greater than eastern Ukraine. In this case, the opinion of that German cretin, Anton Hofreiter, merely shows the mathematical incompetence of his class.

Furthermore, anyone who thinks that EV cars have a future is deluded. The consumer is waking up. EV cars depreciate at a fantastic rate.

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And I think some of the recent U.S. vote shows the general public is not going to tolerate being pauperized in the name of the elites' ideas. Maybe its taken a good long while to awaken many people but the idea that Cali land government is going to make conventional hydrocarbon vehicles too expensive to own in a decade or so is sheer fantasy. More and more native born "backbone" people are bailing on California, leaving the ruling elites with more or less their newer foreign serfs to sustain them. It's not a viable situation for long.

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You understand we passed peak oil 20 years ago? Fracking is not only extremely toxic - wait til those drill reservoirs break and enter your water supplies - but also very short term, and completely unprofitable.

Conventional oil is on the way down, and rapidly. No, electric can't replace them. For a huge number of reasons, not least there simply isn't enough raw materials to electrify everything.

Whether you like it or not, Western countries do not have a personal hydrocarbon vehicle in the future, and the not-too-distant future either.

I suggest you start promoting cycle lanes in your municipality, and become as healthy and well-prepared as the Danes.

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I quite agree. That is why we are having wars to determine who will get the oil that is left. The West would love to get its hands on Russian oil - minus the populations of course.

There is plenty of natural gas out there. Enough to power IC vehicles for many decades. It is ridiculous to burn natural gas to make electricity for EV's. Also, there is enough coal under the seas to keep society going for centuries. The problem is that there are no honest engineers in government.

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"and become as healthy and well-prepared as the Danes."

You're right about fracking and the lack of a hydrocarbon solution in Western countries, but that last sentence is a hoot. Denmark struggles with high rates of alcohol consumption, tobacco use, and obesity. It's in the top 15 or 20 countries in the world in alcohol consumption, down between 20th and 30th place for life expectancy and a miserable 30th place for infant mortality. They're also psychologically deeply unhealthy, a land of perverts.

Denmark also struggles with the extremely unhealthy habit of acting with a very low IQ. As for "well-prepared," it was intensely stupid for the Danes to commit acts of war against Russia. Nothing they can do will save them from Russian retribution, and the sooner the US or any other NATO country escalates matters to general war with Russia, the sooner that retribution will come.

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Alcohol is amazingly cheap there (Due to the state supporting the two big Beer companies, not least), tobacco until recently was seen as a personal liberty issue (And rightly so), and obesity is lower than most other Western countries, albeit US advertising and terrible products are gradually overcoming local resistance generation by generation.

No country is without problems and looks like Marvel films population, but at the same time DK is doing *better* than most Western countries, especially the US & UK.

In fact the Danes have one of the lowest rape and sexual assault figures worldwide, so gawd alone knows what you regard as "perversion".

"Denmark also struggles with the extremely unhealthy habit of acting with a very low IQ."

What does this mean?

"As for "well-prepared," it was intensely stupid for the Danes to commit acts of war against Russia. Nothing they can do will save them from Russian retribution, and the sooner the US or any other NATO country escalates matters to general war with Russia, the sooner that retribution will come."

Probably, although the recent Danish media admission the US blew up Nordstream in a major publication may make up for some of that.

I'm hardly saying the country is a paradise in all respects, however 20% of CPH workforce cycle-commute to work, and school kids are highly likely to do so. This creates physical stamina, and a certain toughness that those who travel in armoured vehicles do not have. They also - crucially - have the safe infrastructure to do so, and the experience to maintain it.

This will be vital in years to come.

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"In fact the Danes have one of the lowest rape and sexual assault figures worldwide, so gawd alone knows what you regard as "perversion".

That would be the Danish love of sex change operations and inability to understand that gender is a matter of biological reality that no amount of woke foolishness can change, no more than wishing really hard and clicking your heels three times will change your pet dog into a unicorn.

"Acting with a very low IQ" means they have done intensely stupid things, like committing acts of war against Russia. Starting a war with Russia is profoundly stupid.

"Probably, although the recent Danish media admission the US blew up Nordstream in a major publication may make up for some of that." No, nothing that propaganda media write in Denmark, even if they occasionally admit the truth, will save Denmark from the consequences of them deciding to start a war with Russia.

Those fools did all in their power to kill Russians and to destroy Russia's economy and sovereignty. Sooner or later they'll pay a real price for that.

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Sex-change may be foolish and far too hyped, but it is hardly a "perversion" as commonly understood. If you don't want to have one, then don't. Leave alone those who do, as long as they respect existing gender boundaries and compete against their natural gender, not CHEAT.

Starting a war with Russia is profoundly stupid, and so that includes all of Western Europe, America, Canada and other 'white-supremacist' lunatic asylums. The Danes are not more so.

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Very low IQ? Average of 98. This is a very good value. And they do something about migration! They stopped the flood of uneducated, low IQ people entering the country.

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"Very low IQ? Average of 98. This is a very good value. " Ah, no, that's not a very good value. It's below average, which is pretty darned bad for a country that preens itself on its superiority to other countries. (An average of 98 IQ is below average, which is an IQ of 100.)

The low IQ in my post refers to them committing the incredibly stupid act of starting a war with Russia. As stupid as that is on the face of it, even more low IQ is thinking the US, France, or the UK will cheerfully incinerate their own countries to save the Danes, or, in the alternative, failing to understand that by doing intensely stupid things to go along with the terminally low IQ trend in NATO they bind their country to the consequences of whatever is the most extremely foolish act committed by any other NATO country, even a historically self-destructive country like Poland, against Russia.

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Ummm, to drag a WHOLE COUNTRY down 2 points on the average means either that country has a LOT of *actual* morons (as defined by IQ), or a large chunk of the *smart* people have left....

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I've heard that point with peak oil for 30 years or more now. It always was bs. I don't know the oil reserves of the planet and all the so called experts neither. We simply don't know how much oil the earth has inside it. I am all in for renewable and less air, earth and sea pollution. But thinking you can all nilly willy randomly replace a working infrastructure with something which is (at least now) more expensive and almost or equally as dirty as the other side is obviously not working.

By the way, there are thousands of renewable open patents of giant wind power plants, sea power plants, etc. How about just build hydro power plants the old good way on hills and mountains? It's established, will bring jobs and infrastructure to small and middle communities and just works and works and works. I know of hydro power plants who are over 100 years old and are working as a charm. But nooooo! What will happen to those monstrous wind power plants who nobody needs and which are not bringing back the energy in their 20 year lifespan as when they were build?

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Keep dreaming. Conventional oil has been in decline for over 10 years. Now, fracking is reaching its peak. Declines in fracked fields are much faster than in conventional oil fields. Each new fracking region declines faster than its predecessor. It is simple maths.


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Lol, I have no stake in oil, I couldn't care less if peak oil was reached or not. And I repeat, neither you or anyone on this planet knows how much oil there is in the planet and nobody can say for sure that peak oil was reached. Forget your 'experts', anyone who says stuff like that is a moron.

I googled not even 10 seconds on 'new oil fields', and I found this link with global top ten upcoming oil fields: https://www.offshore-technology.com/data-insights/global-top-ten-upcoming-oil-fields/. Some of those oil fields will have their limit >2070. You will get immediately the peak of current oil production when the price spikes up on a long term basis without political or other interference.

I say it again, its impossible to know how much oil there is on planet earth, you can't calculate or accumulate through models, it will always fail to be exact.

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The oil is getting more expensive to recover and the fractions of fracked oil are lighter fractions. It's the heavy fractions that have higher energy density and therefore, are more desirable. If we weren't including natural gas liquids in the crude count it would be obvious we're getting low. In 30 years copper will be worth what gold is worth today. Things are going to get worse and the there's no getting around it.

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It's not such a matter how how much may be left, it's a matter of how hard it is to extract it and STILL benefit from the extra energy. When it costs as much or more in energy to extract the oil as the benefit from the oil, then the jig is up for good.


I'm cool with hydro power, and tidal power where they are appropriate. Worth bearing in mind though that rebar concrete has a very specific lifespan, as the collapses of "well-maintained" bridges even in Europe has dramatically shown in recent years.

Sooner or later, living downstream of a rebar dam will be a death sentence.

The first modern commercial wind turbine built was in Denmark, and is still running, and still pumping out electricity, ~ 50 years later. It's called Tvindkraft, look it up. However the ludicrously large corporate turbines are unlikely to last that long, I agree.

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Yeah, of course you have to maintain this infrastructure then. Yeah, I've heard of them, I think decentralized energy production is great, its good for a community, its really green and its there for a long time. But you can't have patents with those, you can't funnel money from the Windpark companies to Politicians, and thats why a lot of mediocre to even sub par technology is pushed all over the world. Its just corruption to go along with all those bs projects. Has nothing to do with being 'green' or being environment friendly and people like this Alfred Nassim are falling for it, when he is not even working for one of those companies, sounds like it.

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It's more important to have locally-owned decentralised energy than to be "green", although I happen to think excessive CO2 is a real problem. You have to in a cult to manage to believe chemists in 1880 were laying the ground for a psyop to get research grants 140 years later, when they isolated CO2 and recognised it as a thermal insulator.

As you say, the sniff-test is how much baksheesh can be made from the programs. The honest ones have near zero, BS like Carbon-capture are 100% pork.

So were the fluorescents by Obomber.

Frankly, the real problem is a world of 9Bn monkeys, when it can only healthily support a 10th of that. Probably the only country in the World that is not overpopulated is Russia.

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In the 50's they predicted (Rockefeller fake think tanks) peak oil in the 1970's. Understand this, abiotic oil. Oil is NOT a "fossil fuel"... Chip

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Nonsense. Abiotic oil only makes up 0.7% of crude. And even if 100% of all crude came from this, what are we going to do, hibernate for 2 billion years waiting for a fill up? Reservoir engineers aren't idiots. They can tell where this stuff came from by measuring it's isotopes or whatever. Oil is the biggest business in world history. These are serious, sober, smart people.

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Peak oil as a concept has been promoted at various times over the last 60 years or so. It’s more a financial play than a description of any physical reality.

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yeah, I live in Oregon and expect the whole West coast to continue is "Progressiveness" to the bitter end. Likely will become a safe haven for illegals while the sane continue to migrate Eastward. My family plans to go all the way to Russia soon.

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I have friends in Oregon. In years past when I'd still visit the US I'd visit them. It's beautiful country, but crazed liberals sure are ruining it. I add the adjective "crazed" because I have nothing against liberals per se. In years past there were plenty of sensible liberals who took a different approach than conservatives, but not to delusional extremes. For example, they'd pitch diversion programs for first time minor drug offenders, but they wouldn't go nuts and decriminalize thefts below $900 or try to defund police forces.

I'm an American living in Russia, and have for years. It's a wonderful place to live if you're not a crazed liberal. You do have to learn the language, though, to get the most out of living here. That will take an adult about six months of fairly intensive effort to do the job right. You can get by with a lot less fluency in Russian (heck, in Moscow you can live as an expat with almost no Russian...) but that will hold you back from enjoying some of the best parts of the country, like having a wide circle of friends, enjoying local movies, plays, TV, and so on.

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Thanks John. I married a Ukrainian 23 years ago and lived there (Kherson) first two years of our marriage. I've learned Russian pretty well by now. My mother in law turns 85 next year and I plan to retire this Spring so my wife and I can go live her in her sunset years. The transition will be easy for me and I do suggest people considering this take a good deal of time considering before taking this step, especially if they don't have ties there or speak any Russian. Best to you!

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Oregon is so beautiful indeed, John. Too bad it has gone "liberal". I was born here 56 years ago. It was quite conservative for half my life. Then liberal Californians stared arriving and it slowly turned. That was good for my high end remodeling business because they sold their home for 2-3 times what they could by a similar house for here and had a lot on money left to fix up their new homes. My best friend is quite liberal and we rarely speak about politics except a good humored tongue in cheek joke now and then. We get along fine this way. When we move out of country I'm gonna find a way to move my legal residence to another State. Idaho perhaps - I have good friends there whose address I could use as my permanent residence I believe. Don't want my taxes going to fund liberal nonsense anymore.

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Nobody will ask the American public.

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Correct about EVs.

The market for them is collapsing month on month, and in the double-digit range.

They are a commercial disaster, which only ever were advocated for for political and not practical or empirical reasons.

When you understand that they are extremely heavy because of the batteries, then clearly, at least half of all that "green energy" is wasted in moving from A to B.

On that metric ICE vehicles then become a no brainer.

And given that CO2 has never been any sort of threat to anything except desertification, then the whole narrative implodes in on itself.

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Except their SW does bit depreciate at all - Tesla’s is continuously upgraded

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“bit” was meant to be NOT

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Who could have guessed that a vehicle which needs to refuel every 100-150 km for half an hour, will not win against vehicles who can drive 6-10 times as much and can refuel in merely 5 minutes?

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Ever since the First.Gulf War, Alt Media types have been addicted to the idea that all wars are really wars over resources.

For example, since the War On Afghanistan, we have been reading insane and breathless theories that the war was really about rare earths or a pipeline or somesuch. It wasn't,. Afghanistan is a lousy place for a pipeline. If rare earths wwere the objective, it would have been easy to cut a deal with the Taliban, like in Saudi Arabia.

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All wars are resource wars, at their root. The US just did coups in Pakistan and Bangladesh. This was because India is getting friendly with Russia and China so the Americans moved in to create a bridgehead against India. Just like they'd invented the conflict between Tibet and China. Or how Britain invaded the entire middle east when oil was first discovered. They also shutdown development of resource rich countries like when the Americans kept overthroughing the Iranian leader as soon as he got the idea to develop the nation for his people. And to speculate, it looks like the reason we never developed thorium reactors is because they couldn't be used as an excuse to invade to prevent nuclear weapons development.

The issue now is that so many countries are developing and consuming at increasing rates that the pressure on resources has skyrocketed. The only thing we have more than enough of is iron ore.

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Pakistan and Bangladesh have no resources to speak of.

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WTF is Zion Don always on about "the perfect phone call"? What does it even mean? The moron has the vocabulary of a 5yo and what appears to be a very unhealthy obsession with his wannabe jewness and zionism. He's either blackmailed, or bought. The only thing he hasn't done (publicly at least) is to hump Bibbi's leg. Those Epstein files sure is the gift that keeps on giving. It won't surprise me when the zioscum filth assassinates him to blame Iran. The jewmedia is already planting the seeds and the Orange Jewce is lapping up the bullshit hook, line and sinker.

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Yeah, he's like one of those insects tripping over the rim of the insect-eating plant before being slowly consumed.

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If Mr T goes with any of these ill thought through plans, then he will hobble his administration. If - and a big IF maybe - he and his team see the Ukraine as an irrecoverable FUBAR, then they would do well to cut and run at the earliest possible moment and let it collapse, letting the Biden clowns take the blame. The more political capital he invests in Ukraine, the more sh*t sticks to him. We wait and see.

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I think between now and Jan 20, we are going to hear every conceivable batshit plan you can imagine. But this is actually smart from the Trump team, because it allows them to crowdsource feedback and criticism, so, I will give the benefit of the doubt, and its aligned with how he makes decisions historically. Clearly Musk has his ear, and I do wonder what he is thinking.

From where I am sitting, there is no deal. Zelensky is intractable, and Europeans are hysterical, and the US strategic interest simply doesn't align. Trump will have to figure out how to turn his back and walk away, literally Afghanistan style, while minimizing the negative optics associated, and ignoring the Hail Mary attempts from allies to drag him back in - such as, and I mean insane stuff, like the Poles launching a missile strike directly from Poland, or the Brits sending an SAS team into Kursk etc.

But I am still extremely skeptical. The institutional gravity pulling towards a forever conflict is just too great, and while Trump has better people around him this time around, his clock ends in 2029 while most of these people have ambitions beyond. And so they will seek to maintain relationships etc

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100-1 there are already SAS (Sheep-dipped, mercenaries or retired) in Kursk. The Westerners who joined in that escapade were the fanatics, the extreme Russophobes. The ones shooting the pressganged Ukrainian conscripts if they tried to retreat.

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No doubt. But my point is an overt, designed to be caught move. A fait accompli

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Ummm, a "gotcha" attempt has to have some point to it, generally...?

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If the DPRK forces attack into Ukraine, officially, then the AFU would be legit in launching strikes into Pyongyang and frankly I would expect nothing less. Similarly forcing a response from Russia would tie Trumps hands. He simply will not be able to walk away from a hot war that engulfs all of Europe

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Then Russia is already legit to fire weapons at Western NATO countries, using that logic.

There is literally zero chance that DPRK troops will take part within Ukraine, that would be joining a war, and Putin/Russia does not even remotely need it anyway.

There's possibly a small chance that the troops may be deployed against the Kursk invasion, to gain battle-experience, especially drone ops. That is entirely within international law for allies. It is, after all, Russian territory in ALL legal jurisdictions.

TBH, I thought you'd meant a "Gotcha" for mentioning the SAS being there, which had me scratching my head.

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As I said, various countries have an interest in doing stupid shit to achieve broader objectives

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Bash, with respect, how is Ukraine going to strike North Korea?Explain

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No idea. But they have proven resourceful with their long range drones. I wouldn't rule it out 100%

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With what will AFU strike into Pyongyang? It will also be quite difficult to smuggle GUR teams into DPRK as they do elsewhere.

As for Trump - I am inclined to believe the conversation happened and promises were made since Ukraine is not in panic mode. If they did not recieve guarentees it would be all over the internet as is their wont

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Does no one on this blog think the Ukrainians couldn't arrange a special forces group to launch a very limited strike against the DPRK from, say, the sea of Japan? Perhaps the Brits would carry them in one of their subs. It really doesn't take that much imagination. What for? You may ask. Well it's in Zelenskys interest to do that, and then declare that he did it publicly

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Yes, he needs to cut and run and in a hurry. His term may be 4 years, but it could easily get cut in half at the mid-terms given the small margin of GOP'rs in the Senate and even worse in the House. Ukraine is already a quagmire and could take till the mid-terms to wind it down if everything goes relatively smooth.

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>> "the legitimate concern is that Trump will make some inane offer which will be rebuffed by Putin, that will not only hurt Trump’s ego but embarrass him on the world stage, causing him to seek retaliation by threatening to go “all in” on Ukraine" <<

This, quoted above, is indicative of the Putinization of DJT: something will embarrass him, something will humiliate him, something will cause him to lash out.

Rhetorically, it acts as a goading: mind-read DJT and tell him what he is going to do before he has had a chance to act--*in order to force him into fast & quixotic action.*. It is a style of Narrative Escalation like we have seen used on VVP: print the lie out there publicly, according to "anonymous sources." Then get "experts" in other media outlets to weigh-in on the assertion [the lie]--a process known as stovepiping. Have several retired generals saber-rattle on CNN about the assertions [the lie] and what so-and-so said, driving the news-cycle ad infinitum.

The public lie becomes the bright & shiny object over which everyone can spill the ink & spill the tea. Eventually, the whole rhetorical process of Narrative Escalation will get used against DJT when he ends up not doing what "they," the anonymous sources, said he would do.

Example: they say Pompeo will be his Secretary of State.

Suddenly all the talk is of Pompeo: pros & cons.

Axios will ask Susie Wiles if Pompeo is coming in as Secretary of State. She offers no comment.

Then they collar Elon and get him to opine. He deflects.

Eventually an irate DJT supporter objects vociferously to the choice of Pompeo as Secretary of State. Other firebrands step forward. Liz Cheney starts defending Pompeo as the best choice @ State.

Narrative Escalation itself will go thermobaric, sucking all the oxygen out of the Beltway, if not the room.

The media stenographers & typists are auguring still to be relevant.

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Spot on.

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Best comments on the actual topics in the Simplicius article!

This creation of narrative and laying out of mental traps is so obvious. Trump has no media he can trust except his own. Least of all, Fox news. So there are no trial balloons from Trump. If he hasn't already finished his government, he's done. Everyone will try to get their Trojan horse into his cabinet.

The claim about Rubio is a pressure on Trump. The fat Hubba Pompeo is pure desperation from the deep state in their attempt to control Trump. As in the US, this is going on in Europe. Here they spew lies that Trump will abandon Ukraine and by portraying it as a betrayal of the entire Western world, they hope to put Trump in a position where he has to act pro-Ukraine (instead of America first).

Trump has a long way to create a strong team. Expect demonic media to trash everyone who appear in his cabinet. And to find a place for RFK, Musk, Vivek, Tulsi and make them play the same melody would be a huge task.

I totally agree with Cheetos!

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But Trump is reactionary and egotistical. I like the guy but let's be serious. Look at how he went along with the Covid scam and immediately made the vaccine a military product by creating Operation Warp Speed. Didn't anybody think it was strange that the US military was escorting it worldwide and guarding the vials? They either played him like a violin or he was in on it. With his blatantly obvious fake assassassination attempt I lean towards him being part of the blob. I still hope he kills the green agenda.

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The real problem is Trump is not talking to Austin - he probably doesn't have an actual clue as to the true state of US armaments and military situation. He's been 100% focused on campaigning, not reading Simplicius' substack.

And the new (Politically-appointed) head of the Dept of War may block such knowledge from reaching him until the situation is too late due to bad decisions from bad information.

Sad it is indeed if Trump goes for utter fuckwits like Pompeo, Cotton or Rubio, instead of folk like Colonel Douglas MacGregor, who would instead be straight up with him.

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I'll watch it in a minute. Don't agree with him on everything, but he's honest in his opinions, and they're more often right than not, imo. Especially on the big things.

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Nobody could realistically ask for more.

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BTW, here was my own prescription for Making America Great Again - notably differing from the Col's recipe, but I agree with many of his extra points in the vid:


14 hrs ago

Here's how it can be 'fixed':

Close all foreign bases.

Shutter the "Professional Army" and go back to defence militias as in the US Constitution.

Slap on a maximum wage, and apply that also to capital gains - tax can be avoided by transferring shares to the actual workforce.

Raise the minimum wage to $30 to raise local tax revenues.

Remove the long-term copyright and patents law, reverse it at least back to the 50s level.

Nationalise the health & pharmaceutical industries, and create a single-payer NHS.

Nationalise the arms industry, fire 90% of the execs, immediately scrap the high tech junk like the F35 program.

Nationalise the energy sector, and subsidise US-built solar panels for every home, and other cheap local community-owned energy production.

Immediately end ALL sanctions, incl on Swift. Apologise to a whole bunch of countries, and pray they don't demand reparations for this act of war against them.

This would stabilise the budget deficit, boost the real world economy and creative industries, increase the number of co-ops (Thereby raising incomes), slash the billionaire numbers dramatically (and thereby reduce political corruption), cut costs and increase revenues.

I have more chance to win a lottery I haven't even bought a ticket for than any of this be done, under Trump or any realistic candidate.

So its Plan B - Crash and Burn, Baby.

The 5 eyes will be right there with you, as we immolate like Aaron Bushnell - but for a far less noble cause.

Fingers crossed China avoids the same Imperial fate, and maintains the close alliance with Russia/Eurasia even after the leaders of both change."


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The colonel's strategy seems to be the one that BRICS has adopted; ie the development of international trade and communications as the key to prosperity for everyone - this needing to be underpinned by a reluctant US recognition that multipolarity is now the de facto way forward for everybody, not just BRICS.

But as he implied, the fly in the ointment is jewish delusions of superiority over everybody else, which they are both unable to relinquish, and which they will unleash nuclear Armageddon to preserve, in line with their famous Samson Option.

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yeah, why he won't get a major place under Trump, not an Israel accolyte

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Bloody Hell Gnuneo, and they call Harris a Socialist!

Personally I love it. It would give America a fighting chance of turning things around. It'll never happen though.

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I'm not even a socialist - more hardcore Adam Smith Libtard/Anarchist too.

But when the population is hurting, the solutions are in one direction. Once the population isn't hurting anymore, Liberal and Conservative elements can be considered.

The ultimate problem of the USA is the Wealth Gap, and all the corruptions that flow from that. This was understood in the 19th Century across the West, and especially in America. We've had 3 generations where the 'elites' have carefully programmed the population not to realise this. What they were incapable of realising is that the head relies upon a healthy body to be healthy itself - and that thought is distributed around the body too. Adam Smith's "markets" are very, very different to monopolisation and centralisation.

Ironically, monopolies and centralisation have more to do with Marxism than Capitalism.

By far the best model of Capitalism are private worker-owned companies. They tick every box.

No, it won't happen, in any Western country. Nice to dream about though, isn't it? :(

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While he may occasionally exaggerate, his ability to convey the true realities of the situation would make him a valuable addition to the Trump team.

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Macgregor is in on advising Trump at the moment I understand. Trump would be most wise to make him Sec of defense. Not likely tho

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I agree, and sadly agree.

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Maybe better, Secretary of State.

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God help the US in such a case.

MacGregror's incompetence has been on display every day for nearly three years now. All copisly documented with video on YouTube.

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I think what you mean is he is not good at predicting events or understanding Russia's method of conducting war. Agreed. Doesn't mean his take on the wider situation is wrong. He is opposed to the West's foreign policy and adventures abroad. That is what matters and I hope he is able to help influence Trump to reject the neocons outright.

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No, it has been much much worse than that.

He doesn't know the geography of Ukraine, doesn't know the history, doesn't know the current weapon systems and their characteristics, is prone to throwing baseless claims around with great confidence, etc. etc.

I saw him positively in the beginnning but over time you just can't ignore what is revealed in front of your eyes.

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I did notice that actually. He speaks too confidently and is a fair bit like Trump in this regard. Not good. But still I am glad he is advising Trump now and hope he will at least be an advisor to him in his admin as he is overall correct big picture imo, and would advise him in a right direction - away from the neocons

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Reason 5,001 why we need a down vote button... Chip

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You said it brother!

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"advising Trump at the moment" that's good news for sure, hope you are correct.

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They said on Academic Agent today that the majority of Trump's inner circle regularly watches The Duran.

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