With due respect....... these published reports, at least the ones I have seen, seem wild exaggerations, BR buying up all UA agri land etc
Both Ukraine investment reports and CSIS mention BR only with respect to the investment fund - it is unlikely that these very interested parties in promoting inward investment into Ukraine wou…
With due respect....... these published reports, at least the ones I have seen, seem wild exaggerations, BR buying up all UA agri land etc
Both Ukraine investment reports and CSIS mention BR only with respect to the investment fund - it is unlikely that these very interested parties in promoting inward investment into Ukraine would fail to mention BR 'massive 'purchases if they had in fact taken place
Selling UA agri land to foreigners is illegal, although Z was trying to subvert this law
"The Ukraine Development Fund, created by BlackRock and JPMorgan, aims to attract private investment to sectors like energy, infrastructure, manufacturing, agriculture, and IT by leveraging “concessionary capital” from international financial institutions. Targeting $500 million to $1 billion in catalytic capital, the Ukraine Development Fund plans to draw $2 billion in private capital, starting project funding in 2025'
The fund was launched June 2023, and still has not raised any significant amount 'targeting $500m'
Every bone honest yank likes to have some fairy bogeyman to curse, preferably one just around the corner - it's a tradition
But BR may be a disastrous company - however they did not get rich and make their clients rich by buying illegal assets from a country losing a war against Russia, nobody did nor does
When they can buy Pittsburgh, or Venice or whatever
Their quaterly reports do not go into such detail as to list all their investments, they would be thousands of pages long if they did
Besides Cargill and Monsanto control mostly all Ukraine grain exports, without needing to go buying any land - that's a story for another day
I tend to discount wild reports, but the basis is there. And BR is an extractive Parasitic member of the FIRE sector that's responsible for deindustrializing the West while promoting the government financial polices that have given it so much wealth and power. Black Rock like its kin is an enemy of All Humanity.
It is curious that the Ukraine does not mention these investments, nor CSIS, an extracftive US Deep State organisation
Of course they do not mention Cargill or Monsanto either -
The problem with all times of war is that rumour and ideology come to the fore and people feel they are free to believe what they like in order to not have to face the hard facts
I do not believe that phrases such as the enemy of all humanity, are useful - after all this is as the USEU propaganda designates Russia, and VVP
To describe capitalist practice as such merely avoids understanding how capitalism works and how or what to do about it
Dear Karl
With due respect....... these published reports, at least the ones I have seen, seem wild exaggerations, BR buying up all UA agri land etc
Both Ukraine investment reports and CSIS mention BR only with respect to the investment fund - it is unlikely that these very interested parties in promoting inward investment into Ukraine would fail to mention BR 'massive 'purchases if they had in fact taken place
Selling UA agri land to foreigners is illegal, although Z was trying to subvert this law
Here's the CSIS report, Sept 2024 -https://www.csis.org/analysis/untapped-market-impact-investing-ukraine
"The Ukraine Development Fund, created by BlackRock and JPMorgan, aims to attract private investment to sectors like energy, infrastructure, manufacturing, agriculture, and IT by leveraging “concessionary capital” from international financial institutions. Targeting $500 million to $1 billion in catalytic capital, the Ukraine Development Fund plans to draw $2 billion in private capital, starting project funding in 2025'
The fund was launched June 2023, and still has not raised any significant amount 'targeting $500m'
Every bone honest yank likes to have some fairy bogeyman to curse, preferably one just around the corner - it's a tradition
But BR may be a disastrous company - however they did not get rich and make their clients rich by buying illegal assets from a country losing a war against Russia, nobody did nor does
When they can buy Pittsburgh, or Venice or whatever
Their quaterly reports do not go into such detail as to list all their investments, they would be thousands of pages long if they did
Besides Cargill and Monsanto control mostly all Ukraine grain exports, without needing to go buying any land - that's a story for another day
I tend to discount wild reports, but the basis is there. And BR is an extractive Parasitic member of the FIRE sector that's responsible for deindustrializing the West while promoting the government financial polices that have given it so much wealth and power. Black Rock like its kin is an enemy of All Humanity.
It is curious that the Ukraine does not mention these investments, nor CSIS, an extracftive US Deep State organisation
Of course they do not mention Cargill or Monsanto either -
The problem with all times of war is that rumour and ideology come to the fore and people feel they are free to believe what they like in order to not have to face the hard facts
I do not believe that phrases such as the enemy of all humanity, are useful - after all this is as the USEU propaganda designates Russia, and VVP
To describe capitalist practice as such merely avoids understanding how capitalism works and how or what to do about it