I tend to discount wild reports, but the basis is there. And BR is an extractive Parasitic member of the FIRE sector that's responsible for deindustrializing the West while promoting the government financial polices that have given it so much wealth and power. Black Rock like its kin is an enemy of All Humanity.
I tend to discount wild reports, but the basis is there. And BR is an extractive Parasitic member of the FIRE sector that's responsible for deindustrializing the West while promoting the government financial polices that have given it so much wealth and power. Black Rock like its kin is an enemy of All Humanity.
It is curious that the Ukraine does not mention these investments, nor CSIS, an extracftive US Deep State organisation
Of course they do not mention Cargill or Monsanto either -
The problem with all times of war is that rumour and ideology come to the fore and people feel they are free to believe what they like in order to not have to face the hard facts
I do not believe that phrases such as the enemy of all humanity, are useful - after all this is as the USEU propaganda designates Russia, and VVP
To describe capitalist practice as such merely avoids understanding how capitalism works and how or what to do about it
I tend to discount wild reports, but the basis is there. And BR is an extractive Parasitic member of the FIRE sector that's responsible for deindustrializing the West while promoting the government financial polices that have given it so much wealth and power. Black Rock like its kin is an enemy of All Humanity.
It is curious that the Ukraine does not mention these investments, nor CSIS, an extracftive US Deep State organisation
Of course they do not mention Cargill or Monsanto either -
The problem with all times of war is that rumour and ideology come to the fore and people feel they are free to believe what they like in order to not have to face the hard facts
I do not believe that phrases such as the enemy of all humanity, are useful - after all this is as the USEU propaganda designates Russia, and VVP
To describe capitalist practice as such merely avoids understanding how capitalism works and how or what to do about it