To complement Ukrainian diplomacy here is the kernel of US diplomacy

2019 with reference to whether there were to be any diplomatic discussions with the RF with regards to the situation in Syria

« Ambassador to Russia and Deep State mouthpiece John Huntsman said of two aircraft carrier groups in the Mediterranean, “When you have 200,000 tons of diplomacy that is cruising in the Mediterranean, this is forward-operating diplomacy — nothing else need [sic] to be said.”


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Says it all.

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Nov 13Edited
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Nope. If anything there will be more and more mycotoxins in your cheaper foodstuffs. Peanuts, beans, grains that get wet. Mould grows in it, and it produces mycotoxins like Aflatoxin, Citricine and whole bunch more. Lockdown also exposed many people to mould toxins.

Go read up on it, if you're freaked out by mRNA spike proteins and vaccines - this is real hard science, and it is whole lot more scary. It will also explain a whole range of symptoms people acquired and are flustered about.

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Nov 12Edited
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Yeah we know

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Obviously the not so deep state, big mouth puppet had not reckoned with the fun loving Houthi brothers and their wonderful resistance to all things angloZionaZi. Z.

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The adults are back in charge. Is it time to make a Downfall parody video for Zelenskyy? Here is the version for Harris: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/downfall-kamala-2024-election

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Adults, my arse. You need to check out how Trump's cabinet is shaking out.

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Yes; am thinking the same.

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LOL-- sure you do🤣

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Because you read and even worse trust the same "rags" that lie about everything. Because you hate Trump you believe every negative thing written. My fellow Americans and other westerners just prove on a daily basis how easy it is for Govt. to manufacture consent for literally anything. You guys are great for my early morning coffee

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Exactly! People forget that Trump didn't take the usual 300M plus for his transition team from the US govt. Their money their rules re: how done, what criteria they have to meet etc. So he funded it privately (has been since the summer)-- his own money-- saved the US taxpayers over $300million. They are freaking no control, no pipeline to who he is picking etc. It's driving them nuts, so like WaPo they make up stories and unfortunately some Simp posters fall for it.

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Same simp posters that got us here in the first place.

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Myself, the MIGA candidates make me think:

1. Since he nearly had his head blown off, Trump has found religion.

2. He cottoned to his favorite daughter's religion because it is a war religion, with the certainty of a war religion.

Just as Reagan was forced into a tradeoff with the Usual Suspects in order to end the Cold War, Trump has made a deal with the devil in order to take on the current Deep State. One needs powerful allies to attempt either goal, and they aren't going away anytime soon.

Everyone on a mission is fired by Belief; belief is what enables us to accept both hardships and self-sacrifice. This is why headwinds make belief stronger, it is self-proofing that our cause is righteous. Belief is like muscle.

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As for Trump negatives, 'there's a lot of material there'.

Great actor though.

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It is a massive improvement over the potatos cabinet. I guess Pete Butplug is your idol?

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... and here it is, omnipresent and omniscient Yuri, shamelessly advertising his channel...

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Which he is good at, both channel and advertising, so I don't see a problem.

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I wouldn't know, because I wouldn't click his links, not even by mistake.

As for comments - if you like banalities and platitudes. He just is the person who HAS TO HAVE an opinion regarding everything and share it; some would call this narcissism.

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Too bad, it's one of the most valuable standalone pieces here on Substack. I don't agree with everything, but he gets a lot right in a very thought-out fashion, and what's most important, he implores people to think, which I hold at the highest esteem. So credit is due. Comments are a reasonable way to expand the channel, they're not abrasive and you're free to scroll them by.

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Since you are so nice, I will take your advice - thank you :)...

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If he was any good he wouldn't have to come here begging for readers.

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Then you are as ignorant as he is. Trolling other stacks begging for readers is a big problem for anyone with a shred of integrity

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A tad hackneyed already, what?

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There are almost no adults left in the US, UK, or EU. Adults will not be in charge of those places until they collapse.

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I thought the Trump team categorically disowned Lanza's BBC comments?

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It was information from an unnamed aide. Must be the same aide who told Politico that Pompeo was on the Sec Def shortlist.

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" the unnamed aide " trick -- geez people 🤣🤣

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Nov 12Edited

>But there is no indication of that given that Russia continues signaling maximalist intentions of achieving all stated SMO goals, which includes the liberation of Zaporozhye and Kherson in their entirety—capital cities included.

That is not maximalist intentions.

It is utter and complete betrayal of Russia by the traitors in the Kremlin, for which they should hang from trees.

Nothing short of going very, very far west of Kiev suffices as the *minimum* requirement for successful completion of the SMO.

"Maximalist goals" would mean no US bases anywhere in Eurasia.

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Traitors in the Kremlin because of your fantasy minimum requirements of the SMO or 'your' SMO?

Utter and complete betrayal?

What utter and complete nonsense. Go find a tree, go to the Kremlin and get the traitors and hang them. I dare you. Let me know how it all goes down.

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Never has the Russian government expressed a goal of anything beyond the four new territories. Where do you get this fiction?

That is not to say that the other traditionally Russian territories might not fall into their hands, but that is certainly not a "stated" goal, nor has it ever been.

You need to pinch yourself awake.

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Nov 12Edited

>Never has the Russian government expressed a goal of anything beyond the four new territories. Where do you get this fiction?

Where do you get the fiction that the Russian government started this with the goal of acquiring those four territories?

The original goals were denazification and demilitarization, there was absolutely nothing about territory there.

Not only that, but then in Istanbul Putin once again tried to shove the DNR and the LNR back into Ukraine and even put Crimea on the table. For the latter alone he should be put on trial and shot for grand treason.

The four territories ended up being "the goal" simply because that is how far Russia forces got.

Had someone bothered to:

1) Organize a proper offensive in Nikolaev, with sufficient forces allocated for it, instead of the shit show we actually got (a symbolic smattering of armor and soldiers that showed up there expecting to be handed the keys to the city)

2) Actually carry out a proper initial strike that would have knee capped the AFU for good, instead of the absolute shit show we got of inexplicable restrictions on targeting

3) Followed basic warfare 101 and isolated the battlefield by destroying the AFUs logistics and the transport links with Europe instead of allowing all of that to function largely without obstacles to this day (because Ukrainian oligarchs are best buddies with Russian oligarchs, and both groups have serious influence on the Kremlin, thus nobody dared hurt their business interests by taking out the transport network)

4) Done a proper mobilization of manpower and the economy when it became clear it is urgently needed (which was in March 2022)

5) Not do a series of "goodwill gestures" (i.e. yet more grand treason)

Then the Russian army would have been occupying a lot more than what it did in September 2022

And we would not be talking about "four new territories", but something else altogether.

These four territories were never the goal on their own. And they can't be, because taking them doesn't solve anything

The war started because of the threat of Ukrainian territory being used as a staging point for a land invasion and missile attacks into Russia. Well, guess what -- the most relevant territories with respect to that threat are not the Donbass, Kherson and the Zaporozhye, but Chernigov, Sumy and Kharkov (you can add Kiev and Poltava too). You know, the ones that Putin has stubbornly refused to recover for a third year running now. So what he got was both a land invasion and missile attacks from those territories. What a surprise...

With much worse to come.

More generally, the goals of "demilitarization and denazification" still stand.

But you can never achieve these without actually physically occupying the whole of Ukraine.

Further, you can never achieve "denazification" without ending Ukrainian statehood and then ending the very idea of "Ukraine" as something separate.

Because by this point it is not possible to separate "Ukrainianness" from Nazism. Those things were already tightly linked by the history of WWI and WWII, now with this war they have become irreversibly inseparable.

Again, the "four new territories" does not solve absolutely anything. Worse, leaving things at that creates a lot of very serious new problems that didn't exist before the SMO.

Either Putin finds the courage to solve those problems, or he has to go and then hang.

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How about basic stuff, like sending aircraft with SEAD loadouts, rather than assuming that Ukrainian air defenses would somehow crumble?

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All good points, but that's why this conflict is 'special', not an actual war. Makes you question the motives of all involved and how the world order really works.

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The goal of liberating Russian-speaking territories for the purpose of allowing those inhabitants their Human Rights of Self-Determination in choosing which country to join (or to be independent) is different than the goal of de-nazification, "de-NATO-ization" or removing the military danger posed to Russia, or whatever one wants to label it.

One goal may or my not geographically coincide with the other goal.

And there is also the goal of removing the weaponization (and Russophobia) of the political and educational systems of "Ukraine" (exemplified by the criminalization of speaking the Russian language) and restoring Freedoms of Speech, Press and Religion. The alternative is allowing rump Ukraine to become a Baltic-style viper's nest of Western-directed covert anti-Russian agitation and hostility - an "Estonia" on steroids, with a big army.

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Kiev is 85% Russian speaking

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No way, it was more than that when I lived there.

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Most of the land west of the Dnipro has far more Ukrainian nationalists. You'd either have to evict them or govern them.

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Nov 12Edited

1) Do you have any other choice?

2) What do you think "denazification" means in practice?

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Since you very clearly lack the intelectual capacity to understand it I won't waste time trying to explain it to you

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Or kill them

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Said by a stupid little boy that's never put on a uniform. Go sign up and show them how it's done.

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>One interesting thing mentioned was that if the winter happens to be a ‘mild one’ then Ukraine could manage without too many devastating blackouts. And as I hear it from meteorologists, Russia has been slated to have a very ‘mild’ winter, which we can only assume will reflect somewhat in Ukraine as well.

That is how many "mild winters" in a row now?

Wasn't global warming an evil globalist scam?

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Global warming is total B.S. and no one has a clue if the winter will be mild or not.

Meteorologist cannot even predict the weather accurately there days early so imagine a month ahead.

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Nov 12
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Don't get angry so quickly. Half of the commenters on this platform are 65 and older, and the other half seem to have significant problems with logical reasoning

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Shut the fuck up. You are a goddamn spoiled Frenchman who despises Russia and supports Nazis in Ukraine, while your shitty country is ruled by a bad Napoleon impersonator and is overrun by third world trash. How are those colonies in Africa? Any new fires in Paris?

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And here you are, caught up in another imaginary debate. You think I’m French, that I despise Russia, and that I support Ukraine. All three assumptions are false. You’re fighting with a person that doesn’t exist, a figment of your imagination. You should really consider seeing a doctor sometime. Or at the very least, stop commenting without proper thought. You’re ruining the experience for everyone else.

Or you are a bona fide troll, constantly repeating the same points over and over. Please step aside and let normal people communicate please!!!!!!!!

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I'm fighting with a troll who attacked me - totally unsolicited - yesterday and bragged about his military "service" and work in some factory and then proceeded to go on a tirade about how shitty Russia is and how great the west is, despite never having been to the US and probably never having been to Russia. Fuck you troll.

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It’s scam!

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Nov 12
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Oh the name calling brainwashed teenage soy boy. You so cool!

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There are no centuries of evidence. Zero, nill, nada. There are dozens of models, who are now all proven wrong. Show me one model which predicted a temperature rise and I show you a failed model. Models are always just deviations of reality.

Climate is a chaotic system, as is weather. And like Axel said, we can't even really predict 1-2 weeks in to the future, how do you expect someone to create a model which is capable of predicting temperature rises 10, 20 or even 30 years ahead? You can't, simple.

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Nov 12
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And in this discussion thread I haven't seen one reference to HAARP or any other weather modification technology which is being used extensively nowadays.

Climate change is complex, and now there is acknowledgement that the activity of the Sun is far more consequential than any unfounded notions (it is socio/politically driven) of anthropomorphic CO2 caused factors.

Other planets in our Solar system are experiencing slight elevations in temperature - let's legislate to stop that!

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They've adjusted the numbers to make it look catastrophic. See Tom Nelson channel on YouTube and watch at least a few minutes of the video with Frank G. Lasee from 3 weeks ago. He specifically pulls apart the real data and compares it to their "adjusted" data. You could watch thousands of hours of this caliber of debunking, though no one should need to.

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The centuries of evidence clearly prove its a scam. The fossil record very clearly shows us that it IS A SCAM.

The geologic record very clearly proves its a scam.

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The last several odd winters and summers are most likely the consequence of the subsea volcanic explosion in the Tonga area back in 2022 which put 40 billion gallons of vaporized water (the most potent greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere. This year is probably the peak year for those effects.

Also, they no longer call it "global warming", it's now called "climate change" because most of the model predictions have failed.

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Nov 12
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The whole global cooling thing was by and large a farce perpetrated by one article from Time magazine in the late 70's. If one read the research papers on climate from the 60's and 70's it is clear that the little blip of cooling was brought on by WWII and industrial emissions that were quickly overwhelmed by greenhouse gasses. Climate change is one of the reasons I'd say everyone in the West is stupid, not just the Neo-Libs.

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Yes moron and once that idea failed they desperately switched it to climate change. You're as dumb as the potato in the white house.

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Read "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton

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Global warming is an absurd canard pushed by criminals who want to fill the world with toxic trash and pollute at will. If you were serious about environmentally friendly, low cost energy, there are a dozen alternatives that will scale, and dozens more suited to site use, not grid distribution.

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No dumbass it's not. The warming period ended like it always has. That's why they dropped the warming lie and switched to climate change.

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Tell that to the FIRE sector, and specifically the insurance and property management rapacious capitalists in Florida.

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Global warming is not BS.

ANTHROPOGENIC global warming is.

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No it's not warming. In 1989, 98% of the world's climate scientists signed a letter stating that if we didn't stop emitting CO2 all coastal cities would be underwater by year 2000. To make a prediction that far off is inexcusable for a "science". BTW, they're still building high rises in Miami so banks and insurance companies see clear sailing ahead.

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You have to differentiate between propaganda and actual science.

"Scientists" jumping on hype train funded by people who have business/political interests in derailing the status quo, are perhaps doing science, but are not acting according to it themselves.

Meanwhile, the real science is correct: measured average temperatures on the planet are rising. That's all for global warming. It doesn't say temperatures are rising everywhere. It says the planet on average is getting warmer.

The same for "climate change". It doesn't say you're about to drown and boil in 20 years. It says the climate is getting more extreme, in large part due to warming - which is observably true and we're seeing the effects ourselves. It doesn't even say it's man-made. It just says mankind is partially responsible, but the size of that part is not easy to quantify.

All the rest of the rhetoric about global warming and climate change come from some interest groups, some more benign than others.

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Nope. The same twit who got famous predicting that Y2K would make all the computers shut down started promoting AGW when his original schtick didn't pan out. John "H"-something...Hanford?

Al Gore's professor who taught AGW originally worked for the National Weather Service, and wanted to get a bigger budget for more weather balloons, so he submitted a proposal which lead to his own career of self-promotion.

Washington Post headlines in 1922 (!): The Arctic icecaps are disappearing, the Bering Strait seals and whitefish are doomed to extinction. The Arctic will be ice-free by 1930.

Who in this audience has even heard of Maurice Strong, CEO of PetroCanada, progenitor of the Green Revolution?

There is such a long history of political and propaganda chicanery behind the oil spies of the Great Game it would take volumes to fill. You are looking at the subterranean maneuvers of resource oligarchs.

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You seem to have somehow responded to my comment by ignoring it in its entirety.

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That isn't true, try reading some of the research, this is yet another strawman and not a very smart one at that. 2030 is when it was predicted sea-level rise would begin inundating coastal cities.

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No, no, the headline clips from 1989 describing the sea-level rise of 2000 are readily available. I remember them fondly, it was all the rage. We were only ten years on from the 'odd-even' days of the 1979 gas rationing under Carter.

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I am not sure you know how to read. The headline clips? I am talking about the actual research, who cares what the media says.

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I sure miss Honolulu and South Beach.

Really, they should run...run, for higher ground!

(p.s.- the high-water mark posted by the Conquistadores in St. Augustine hasn't changed in 500 years.)

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The absolute terror of farming wheat in the Yukon strikes again.

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Was and is a scam. The Swiss keep finding things like old (4000 yr) forests remains as the glaciers recede. We've been here before.


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Let’s say the theory is wrong - nothing to worry about. Let’s say the theory is right. It’s too late to change the sea level rise by ceasing co2 output. It’ll take a couple hundred years for that to have an effect. We need a solar shield or particulates in the atmosphere.

Either way there is nothing to do and nothing to worry about. You can continue your futile whining and cursing at people, but you’re irrelevant.

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Dear God, relax. The birth control is making you emotional.

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Someone is lacking their transition drugs, xhi is probably melting breadwrappers to get xhir needed hormones.

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Calm down. State your argument, but do just quit the personal angle. Yes, there is a very observable difference in the climate, and yes we are using a hell of a lot of hydrocarbons a day - 100 million barrels of oil/day, add coal to that, gas. On top of that we added yet another 80 million humans, like you and me, to this earth and we all need diesel - it makes this shitty old world turn around. Gets the food to you from the farm to the shop where you and I buy it all nicely wrapped in see through plastic on a polystyrene punnet.

So, the earth is getting hotter....

Finally getting to the point. There is water on this earth, quite a lot of salty water and when it gets hot, at the surface the molecules get excited and evaporate. This is a proven scientific fact. That means that a lot more water ends up in the atmosphere, and when it eventually condenses it will rain a lot more too.

But, evaporation causes cooling of the main body of water/earth equilibrium and so the planet 'saves' itself.

Now whether this equilibrium shift is big or small or quick and nasty or drawn out and boring is anyone's guess.

Whether it is going to take the 8 billion fleas going round and round into account is also debatable.

And if you've read up to here, the terrible fucking news is - 99% of everything that has ever lived on earth has become extinct. Humans or no humans. So don't treat people and their use of diesel as a sin. Oil has only used for about 100 years now, and I promise you, it's the reason you and I can communicate. So choose your words wisely they fuck up the atmosphere.

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Nov 12
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This is probably an intern for the same twit who's peddling research into a 'vaccine' to keep cows from farting.

Some stellar PR for the Green cause, I must say.

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How old are you? I remember when they were pulling their hair out over "the new ice age" back in the 1970s. They were actually more hysterical then they are now. Nothing to worry about. We should be celebrating the milder weather and increased plant growth. The levels are rising rapidly but diatom algae are converting CO2 into limestone. We'll have run out of hydrocarbons and minerals and nuked ourselves over that long before the levels could even reach a climate altering level. I remember when medical scientists and doctors unanimously wanted to ban breast feeding from 1960 until 1981 (when mothers put their foot down). Big brains are always stupid in at least one area, especially when there's a paycheck in it.

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Never happened, yours is a strawman argument. This was spun off of one Time article. If you read the research from the 60's and 70's, nobody was predicting an ice-age.

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Ah Sharkid - would you ever relax boy

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About 10,000 years ago there was a glacier a mile thick where NYC was, and 20,000 years ago the sea level was down about 440 ft. 40,000 years ago you could walk on dry land from London to Denmark. So yes, climate has been changing, and will continue to change. And there is nothing you or I or anyone else can do about it.

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Nov 12
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Totally false. 100+% false.

Plus stop cursing.

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I have to correct you here. First drilling for oil 1859, formalized by Rockefeller 1877 into selling the stuff not for cars, planes, trucks, tractors. Nope - lampoil, to light lamps. It didn't really become popular until machines got rolled out inbetween the two world wars. The last one ended 80 years ago, so we have only intensively started using oil for 80 years, maybe a century. Same with electricity- coal was burnt but obviously as a source of heat at home.

Not centuries!

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Nov 13
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Rockefeller saved the whales!

We didn't need whale blubber oil for our lamps anymore.

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Yeah, but the weather is better then it's ever been in human history and getting better all the time. Extreme weather events are at an all time low. Some people just like to worry.

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It really is, in a big way. Hurricanes, the kind not amplified by GE/DoD's Atmospheric Research Bureau, impact tropical zones because everybody wants to build by the coast. Long Island and Coney Island used to to have long stretches of sand dunes because everybody knew storms happened.

Hurricane Helene was like Hiroshima...it was the unveiling of a superweapon (directed hurricanes), just as Lahaina was a taste of DEW.

They're letting us know they can ruin us with a drought, a forest fire, or flooding whenever they want something under our land, magnifying our feeling of helplessness and their sense of power.

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There us no such thing as fossil fuel. That LIE was started by John Rockefeller.

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We have a global warming. Good. A global cooling would be worse. And the warming has nothing to do with Climate Hoax.

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Nov 12
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Ok, kid…

What I mean with Climate Hoax is following:

1. CO2 is food for vegetation. The 280 ppm in 1880 was times with severe starving in Europe- they migrated to US…We now have 430 ppm, thanks to our emissions of CO2. In a greenhouse you need 1000-2000ppm.

2. The Electricity Hoax will not save the Climate Hoax. There is no way you can build so many batteries without other problems to surface.

3. Getting rid of Meat will not hinder an eventual evolution with new Ice Age or Warming.

4. Why dont you engage in things that matters? Over-consumtion, all these girls using ”beauty products” with Palm Oil (destroying real forest), the 1% billionaries buying yacht and private islands. The pollution of air, rivers, land and seas of multiple chemicals…

And…why not discuss the topics int this article instead of virtue-signalling?

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There's no point in trying to have a civilized conversation with something as uncivilized as "SharKid". Whether it's a bot or just a neurotic human, it's clearly unhinged and unable to have a discussion on technical matters.

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We know temps rise and fall fast, e.g. Younger Dryas where it dropped 10C in decades. What we don't have is 100 year granularity about things a million years ago or more.

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Imagine not realizing that is exactly what you did. Do you care to show any data that proves nothing in the past moved as fast as current temps?


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Winters have become noticeably colder here over the past 40 years. Is some other part of the globe stealing our heat? The 5 to 10 days of 70F or above in January have gradually dropped to 0 or 1 in current years. That's been an easy metric to follow, and it's doing "global warming" no favors.

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Is someone paying you to TROLL Simplicius' comment section, or are you having emotional problems?

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In Toronto, the last 11 winters have been really mild and the summers much less hot. I work in a aluminum casting plant and 10 - 25 years ago we were dying in here in the summer. The last ten summers are the coolest in a century yet most people are freaking out about how hot it is. And everybody has air conditioning in their cars and homes now. I don't have either because I don't need it but you'd think I'd know about the weather.

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Well, these are the same people that tell you heat is somehow 'hiding' in the deep oceans, as if heat were a thing and not a condition.

The oceans are about to boil over, I tells ya!

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I like how Obama got his Mansion right on the ocean for when it rises. Watch out for that glacier melt, wait a minute, it had the largest growth recorded since being recorded only two years ago. The United States has had the coldest winters on record in the last decade, snow so bad in Texas that it failed their entire energy grid. You are full of shit.

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The Antarctic has nearly doubled in size, Greenland's ice cap is larger than it has been in centuries, the Arctic is growing again...it opened up for a spell recently, just as it had during the Colonial period when Hudson's Bay was founded.

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Nov 14
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Don't worry, I'll find you.

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