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Don't use racial slurs here. It's not about any one race in particular, it's just common courtesy for everyone as well as not attracting negative attention and wider censorship to the blog or host site in general. Also as general decency which applies to all foul language--egregious overuse of it is frowned upon simply to keep a minimum level of decorum.

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Yup. The race responsible for this horrid clusterfuck is the human race.

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Thank you for the timely updates. Amazing content!

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Samantha Power is a ghoul. She appears to be a sadist who gets off on human suffering. Blackrock thanks her for helping “invest” in Ukraine, aka stealing the land and resources after all the fighting age men have been killed in the meat grinder or fled.

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Samantha Power literally wrote a book on genocide called "A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide."

Modi is alleged to have said to VVP soon after the SMO commenced that "this is not a time for war." Modi may have been right--I'm sure he believed he was right, who can say--but this is certainly an era of genocide & this is Samantha Power's era.

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That bitch has no problem with genocide as long as it fulfills CIAs gameplan. Like Israeli geocoding Palestinians or Ukraine their own men. She wrote that book to invade under apuses to "Right to protect" anywhere USA feels like it - she just says a Genocide is about to take place. Like Libya.

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The hypocrisy is hip-deep when it comes to Samantha Power. Her signature quote--"Silence in the face of atrocity is not neutrality; silence in the face of atrocity is acquiescence"--has seen her through a lot of grisly death.

"Human life is sacred" is what she told her angry USAID workers when they demanded to know her stance on Israel's indiscriminate bombardment of the Gaza Strip.

That platitude was not enough for some of them, who quit USAID.

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Saddening. For the first time I read Simplicius and actually *feel* the futility of all those poor boys who died - fodder, en masse - because America/Israel politicians sacrificed them, running them into the iron wall of The Bear. Lord have mercy.

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It is time for serious nationalists and industrialists to start joint plans for pogroms of Jews and Jewish corporations.

Much like England gave charters to Privateers to pirate enemy ships, we will pogrom all of USA corporations traded on the Wall Street exchange. Foremost enemies are Neocon Blackrock, Vanguard, and Blackstone. Violent takeover of corporations is hard to imagine today, but conditions will worsen and opportunities will arise.

An untouchable entity needs to create charters, give material support, and coordination for Privateers to take over corporations with local force. For example, an industrial plant will be forcefully taken and the board of directors imprisoned. Local businessmen will control this locally. State governors and sheriffs would ideally be involved. But conditions could get so bad that their support is not needed.

These are the ways that we need to push forward nationalism. If we are not discussing violent pogroms against genocidal Jews now, we may fail and die like Christian White Russians did against the Soviet Bolshevik Jews. White Russians retreated and died in the frontiers of Russia. Currently, all of America’s White nationalists are retreating to the Western Redoubt AND they have no plans to take the East and West coasts and no plan to destroy Jewish Wall Street and Jewish controlled corporations. When the economy fails, you will learn that only ONE entity owns all of the publicly traded stocks in America. Your stocks are derivatives, play things. Your stock portfolio is a fantasy football team. You own jack shit until you pogrom the Jews and take back America with blood and spoil.

The victors with create the new industrialist billionaires and family dynasties. Glory, greed, and ambition will save Nationalist America.

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Some part of the intelligence/military nexus will come out on top after the coup- and we will be even MORE fucked in regards to civil liberties. History repeating.

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You do mit understand the difference between Jewish faith and Zionism. To call for progroms against Jews is beyond my understanding.

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I also find it frustrating when people target "jews" rather than Zionists. There are plenty of jews that oppose the evil of Zionism. Whenever someone talks anti-jew i always suspect that they are a Zionist trying to poison the well and discredit those the rightly point out the perils of the Zionist big business, big money world.

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When will people ever learn? Feeling pity for the soldiers and civilians is the most basic of humanity. But the blood-lust shown in the West is horrible. I feel for the Ukrainian soldiers who got trapped in this War by corrupt leaders. After all Ukraine and Russia is both a brother and sisterhood.

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I don't think there is a lot of 'brotherhood' being felt for Western Ukraine, the birthplace and breeding grounds of Ukrainian Banderastan - those people have never changed.

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Agree. The Western Ukraine is something else. Read my other comment. But I have been in the Eastern part of Ukraine. They are russians by culture, language and attitudes. You know Russia is made up of many etnical entities but they share a common ground. It is a deadly sin to kill people of your owns as the Kiev-mafia did with people in Luhansk/Donetsk/Odessa.

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pretty grim reading. Seems like it would be great to be reading this grim stuff about Israel - maybe next year I hope

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Young men sacrificed for greed and lust for power. Such a waste.

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yes- clearing out Ukraine for the Israeli settlers perhaps. I saw a video of tons of them - maybe 100 - dancing and partying in the street somewhere in the Ukraine city that is not affected yet by the war too much.

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The joke will be on them. Ukraine will be a failed state with no coastal access, over run by NAZI Azov types, whom I'm sure will be well pleased to have jews as neighbours.

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I think Russia might have a problem with them too - if they start their expansion thing - like say if Blackrock ( zionist ) and all the land owners from the west - all zionists - and the new inhabitants fleeing Islrael - all get along okay - it could be bad for Russia. I heard from a woman whose daughter in law was from Ukraine that there are Jewish Only villages now in Ukraine. As there are also in the US - but they are the more Orthodox Jews...they move into little towns all as a unit after they've bought most of the businesses and land - and the American families that are there, are shunned.

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This is exactly how it works. Pure unashamed racism.

They are said to be buying up Odessa now. They want to be beside the water – it's central to their New Year tradition (Rosh Hashanah).

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I think those evil settlers are going to be severely disappointed if that is what they are counting on. That land is part of Russia now, not Israel.

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Soon, very soon.....

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omg I hope so. I have never been so involved in war scenes and politics. This is so evil and why no one has stopped it yet. He's a mad man - very similar to Hitler in invading other neighbouring countries. When people defend Hitler, I think they need to remember how he invaded other countries. He also was a madman but didn't have the technology that this one has.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Hitler and Netanyahu funded by same British cartel and no need to be so rude. I can't beleive the way people talk to each other on the internet. Your first comment was so sane and your next comment was insane

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User above is given a first temporary ban for egregious over-use of racial slurs which is prohibited here for ANY RACE for the sake of keeping a minimum level of civil decorum. This is not Storm Front or whatever it is you might be used to reading, go there for that type of sewer posting. Here you'll maintain a minimally civil discourse.

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Admittedly, it's really hard to do that in this case and in the Israeli case, but OTOH I don't want to be suspended... ;-)

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me neither So Sorry Simplicius. Your community is extremely polite generally speaking. please forgive me if I ever offended you

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Ann, you need to research more. Hitler invaded to regain German land that was lost in WW1, and to protect the Germans that were stranded there (similar to Russia liberating oppressed Russians from Ukies in Donbass).

As for being a madman, that is western propaganda. Churchill was not the sanest person either, a ranting, angry, corrupt, genocidal, alcoholic (Read Churchill's War, parts 1, 2, and 3)

Don't you know who financed the NAZI war machine, and for what purpose, and who placed Hitler in power? Western capitalists. Just as they have done with the Ukie puppet "leaders".

Adolf was even Time magazine Man Of The Year in late 30ies.

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The Germans in those lands were treated horribly by those governments and their people, many pogroms having been exercised since WWI.

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I totally agree with this. But I still think Hilter was a madman - and yes, he was a frontman - insane - like Netanyahu. and Zelensky - they always find their man. I also agree that Churchill was a madman. If Hitler wasn't a madman why did Russia lose 20,000,000 people fighting him ? It was insane. Someone that I think possibly HAS BEEN made into a monster without being one is Stalin, I don't know enough about Russia history. I know that the gulags were the way the Russian economy kept going - it was very cheap labour. Which the US is doing today. Anyway - its pretty bad about Ukraine.

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Thank, but who is the writer of Churchill's War? I find different books. Is it David Irving?

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But, but, but, he's an "anti-semite" the crowd will squeal. LOL

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Under the post-industrial logic of the Trilateral Commission agents that took over the reigns of government in the 1970s, a full spectrum program was unleashed that shattered the spirit of progress that once animated a vibrant western culture. The creative momentum towards new breakthroughs in nuclear fission and fusion power, space tech and assisting former colonial people in their aspirations for industrial progress was systematically sabotaged as a new logic of scarcity management, population reduction and global governance was made the top priority for all US foreign and domestic policy.


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That S-70 wing would be of little technical interest to the West. Indeed, I expect we'll see a lot of derisive comments about its lack of "stealthiness" and complete ignorance of the fact that prototypes are NOT the final product.

To call in an Iskander strike, would have necessitated having *every* Iskander battalion in range of the flight path on standby waiting for the coordinates and fire permission (which would have to pass across *two* chains of command) never mind that setting up the alert standby in the first place would entail communications that OTAN/Ukraine *absolutely* would be trying to listen to, especially at the local level that would alert them to the flight occurring.

Far better to have the escort in place to do what it did, and not risk word of the flight leaking to NATO.

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The collective West are flying blind. China, Russia are far advanced in weaponry, they have shared technology with their BRICS+ major partners and are playing the long game with the aim of minimising harm to the majority of the planet's population.

Israel and its pet war dog have stepped too far outside the allowed property and are about to get wacked and wacked hard, maybe even put down.

Whatever happens, Western hegemony led by the KOY is over.

My personal hope is that BRICS+ pull the plug on the Petrodollar around the Winter Solstice, December 21st.

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They really are gonna go to last Ukrainian aren't they? I'm sure there is some profits involved and Right sector but that's not all. I think neo-cons in DC idea is that Russians simply get tired of dying too. After all they are not forced to be there so are more casualty conscious.. If this war goes on for another 2.5 years I could see death fatigue kicking in.

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.. says Jeremy Shapiro, head of the Washington office of the European Council on Foreign Relations.

Shapiro 😉

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Another member of "the tribe".

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The EU and UK NATO need a bigger War to distract from unpopular Elites and empty indebted Treasuries that could collapse at anytime.

And that is what we will get.

Ukranian's are just the meat, unfortunately brainwashed into this by Nuland and Co

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All talk of negotiations or positioning for negotiations is just that- talk.

The "west" & their puppets in Kiev talking among themselves & the mockingbird media reporting it like it has relevance.

Russia will advance to Ukraine's western border and establish a new, modern "iron curtain" to secure the security zone they require against the AmeriNATO threat.

Then together with the Chinese they will rebuild & modernize this new Russian territory and get on with developing maximum relations & cooperation within the growing BRICS bloc of sovereign countries.

The "west" & Israel are in for a world of pain.

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Yep, anyone that believes Russia will allow a partition to be sooner and later weaponised against them is a copium addict.

They will go as far as they feel the need to. The Russian military machine is unstoppable.

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Russia needs a neutral buffer zone between her and NATO. So ist makes no sense to extend Russia into middle Europe. So they will enforce a neutral rump state.

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Also more than a year since I suggested the excess female Ukrainian population of breeding age and the excess Chinese male population of similar to slightly older ages would be brought together.

I wish my most cynical thoughts did not keep coming true.

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Thank you for expanding on how a general collapse of the Ukrainian armed forces could occur - there's plenty of talk about a collapse at the front, but WHY the fall of certain key areas would trigger it and HOW it would unfold wasn't very clear.

There was always a tendency for the NAFO side to dismiss any Russian gains as 'Just another small town in a country with thousands of small towns' and that everyone was getting too worked up about nothing.

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Marat explains nuts and bolts a little better if interested


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Per Marat: "Bakhmut-Toretsk-New York-Avdeevka-Krasnogorovka-Maryinka-Konstantinovka-Ugledar - this was the first line of fortifications. Chasov-Yar-Konstantinovka (the 2nd)-Pokrovsk-Selidovo-Kurakhovo - this was the second (reserve) line. These fortifications were built and improved continuously for ten years."

It's impressive how methodically the RF, the LDR & DPR forces & the Wagnerians worked hand-in-glove to debone Ukraine. They excised the spine.

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After witnessing the destructive firepower of the Russian military, I cannot understand why the Ukrainian’s tried to escape Ulgledar, rather than surrender. Does the propaganda and hate run that deep?

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It could have been a point of pride, like a sea captain going down w/ the ship, after such a lengthy defense of the Ugledar stronghold: when death is preferable. I mean, a commander committed suicide, opting to off himself rather than to live.

There's a seppuku aspect.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

My guess is they were totally brainwashed by relabelled atrocity videos. "If you surrender to the orcs they will cut your balls off, rape you, and kill you! And if you are lucky they will do it in reverse order." Anyone fanatical enough to fight the Russians without the need for that is either dead or safely in the rear to throw more meat into the grinder instead.

Also surrendering through a storm of FPV drones and artillery is difficult. Commanders may execute anyone who tries to prevent a cascade effect if one person actually manages to surrender.

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Yes, surrender is barely an option, due to combination of 1/ propaganda ("savage orcs"), 2/ hatred (invaders), and 3/ getting killed by their "own side" for betrayal.

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Thank goodness for civil discourse; I come here, to learn, from the bright bulbs. Inhale, exhale…following along the best I can. The split in humanity reminds me to stay humble. Thank you my pal for another sublime evening bed time read. Singing these old bones, hOMe.💙🇷🇺❤️🐈‍⬛

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Thank you.

A question since variety of drones erupted on scene in a modern wars:

How are their operation integrated in various military formations - all the way to platoons and even individual soldiers?

Differences between Russia’s and Ukraine’s military - and likely future trends.

Many thanks in advance.

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Ukrainian MP Goncharenko, what can I say? .................... He is hopelessly full of crap. Diarrhea of the mouth ladies and gentlemen, diarrhea of the mouth. Send his skinny ass to the front pronto. ;)

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His ass is said to be already well worn, if you see what I mean. ;)

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