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Jul 5
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Mexico too, they control both sides of the border, and Mexico has gone "militarized"

"A 2021 study by CIDE, a Mexican research organization and university, found that between 2006 and 2021, over 246 government functions previously overseen by civilian authorities were transferred to the Mexican armed forces. The pace of handovers has only accelerated over the past four and a half years."


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The Mexican gov't, including the military, controls about the southernmost 1/3 of the country starting not far north of Mexico city. The northern 2/3 is entirely controlled by the cartels, which, even before the Biden administration in the US, control both sides of the US/Mexico border except for the official border crossing points.

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Except today both sides are controlled by Jews.

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The emperor has no clothes. Except a diaper.

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The emperor has no - brains !!

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Mate he had a cold. And jetlag. And a stutter. Your ageist. 😉. And you're right.

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The Donor Class is a Euphemism for The Richest Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire 10,000 years old Families in the World. These Satanic Demon Gods also have Satanic Rituals like the Palladian Rite whereby they can download into a body so as to manage their World plantation.


A small number of Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire banking families, now operating out of the City of London as the Anglo-American Empire, but previously as part of the Venetian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Carthaginian Empire but always the 10,0000 years old Phoenician Empire I detail in my book, AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME SIX .. have for generations held these wealth records with fortunes that are orders of magnitude above anything we might have imagined.

All of the global major corporations are eventually controlled by Corporation Vanguard and the Corporations are owned by “Dick Cheney, the Rothschilds, the Queen, the Bushes, the Rockefellers, Clintons, Donald Rumsfeld and many other influential people and owners of the Federal Reserve and the Jesuit Vatican, "Iron" Bank. In a word, these people are the rulers of the earth, who, through Corporation Vanguard, control all mega corporations such as Pfizer, Mod e RNA, Monsanto, Google, Facebook and Microsoft.


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I have heard that Obama and Hillary are running the Dem Party through the cabinet with the support of the above. Obama is certainly handling the fund raising on YouTube. Makes sense. Obama VP next president with Obama cabinet. But they are just participants in the WHO, WEF, UN thing and trying to support depopulation via gender confusion.

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Bush was the most powerful president in modern times—you don’t want a powerful president!!

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"Phoenician" is the new euphemism for "jew" then?

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Not all Jews are Phoenicians. All the ones who went to the concentration camps are not Phoenicians. Phoenicians are a 10,000 years old race. Their modus operandi is that of infil-Traition.

So not all Jews are Phoenicians who as well as marrying in to Jewish families thus infil-Traiting them, they have also married into the British Aristocracy including the Rothschilds cucking - like the cuckoo - the Royal Family! Also all major American, Iranian, Chinese and Indian families! Worldwide!

Delving deeply into the genealogies of famous people, film stars, scientists, artists, composers, musicians currently and through history we find that mainstream media and history itself is a web of deceit and lies and that all famous people are Phoenicians - from, “The Phoenician Navy” Thalassocracy and are all given the promotion needed to become famous by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires. Dark Forces have used Infiltrating Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families which have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis. In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Phoenician aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World. http://www.energyenhancement.org/Sacred-Energy/Against-Satanism-Volume-6/AGAINST-SATANISM-6-Satanic-History-of-the-World-Part-2.pdf The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires in that process have developed a lot of experience in the engineered destruction of Empires and the raising of the new. It seems they always use the same playbook from the Fall of the Roman Empire to now which I will describe below... https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/throughout-history-seventy-two-empires

The purpose of the Engineered Collapse - the done on purpose collapse - of the preceding Empire - America - and the founding of the New Empire - China - is control of humanity. I do not believe its suicide - it's engineered suicide just like the soon to be introduced worldwide suicide pods provided by the Canadian Government under MAID or MAD. They create the reason for suicide - one girl took the deathvaxx which has so far killed 35 million people so she could see her dying mother in hospital but the deathvaxx cut her spinal cord and made her quadriplegic so she could mot move. The Canadian Government offered her the suicide pod as their solution! In the same way the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires have little spats which control history but at a higher level provide stupid reasons for War, which is one of their major methods of creating poverty - The Oligarchic Principle of Poverty. Again, history provides the answer as to why Russia is and has always been attacked - So, we see a great enmity of the Pippins and the Morosini Family against the Emperors of Byzantium who after the defeat of Constantinople in January 1454 moved to Russia. The reason Russia is being attacked and has always been attacked.. After the first sacking of Constantinople in 1204 when Venice brought back to St Marks square all the booty, the statues, Constantinople muddled on until it was defeated by the Muslims first created by the Carolingians - Charlemagne - who created the Catholic Church - in order to defeat Constantinople and the Greek Orthodox Church. After the sacking, Constantinople and the top Byzantine Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire families who had earned the enmity of the Charlemagne Catholic Church and the Morosini Family moved to Russia... One of those families were the Romanovs. Muscovite Russia, meanwhile, had acquired the consciousness of being the last bulwark of true Orthodoxy. In 1472 Grand Prince Ivan III (reigned 1462–1505) married Sofia (Zoë), the niece of the last Byzantine emperor. Phoenician Families trace their genealogy through the female line. Byzantium took over Russia! See the article and read the book - for free... https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/why-russia-is-being-attacked-and

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Any chance you can summarize your shit?

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Simplicius often has interesting things to say, but his writing product suffers from gratuitous jew-baiting when claiming things like dual passport holders (Who? no names proffered), are the silent string-pullers running the Biden WH. It's like he has this irresistible itch that can only be soothed by venting his anti-Jewish id.

But worse, cheap shots, like Jew-baiting show he really does not respect his readership's intelligence.

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How much respect for our intelligence do you have when you expect us to believe that it's just a wild coincidence that the overwhelming bulk of Biden's inner circle is jewish?

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I disagree, there is too much evidence to the contrary.

Simplicius offers data on the Ukraine war I don't find too many other places, data which generally proves to be accurate.

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What world do you live in that you can deny the outsize Jewish/zionist influence in the west?

Are you Jewish & offended by the truth?

Or are you so gaslit that you are incapable of or afraid to acknowledge reality?

Simplicius is not so clear- I guess he has his reasons.

But to deny excessive Jewish influence is to choose wilful ignorance & blindness.

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yes, he's covering up for the jews and the jewish bible

he'll try to bend his argument around to the "One God" or "One Source" doctrine, the most dangerously errant and instinctively efficient concept of all

they literally do not know what it is that they are talking about, nor what they are reading and the history behind it, nor how any of it actually works

you are seeing an ecology in action

have hope, know that it is real enough to be measured, quantified, and understood...and that you shall have weapons and blueprints suited to the task

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"He" has read your comment and can't make heads or tails of it.

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Let’s just expell the Jews for the 500th time and then see how many problems remain.

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The Phoenicians are Satanic Globalist married in to many Aristocratic Families of many races Worldwide. The Phoenician Satanists own 70% of Banks, 70% of International Corporations, 100% of Central Banks, Worldwide! Including the Federal Reserve. Where will you expel them to?


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You’ve figured it out and no one else has!! Good for you!! 😂

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Yet the world has been expelling and murdering Jews for thousands of years and still "problems remain". Perhaps you need to try something else if you want to create a perfect world. Like all progressives, you seek to perfect the world.

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If a husband has been guilty of battering his wife 111 times, would you defend him on the 112th? You dishonor your ancestors by calling them racist and biggotted. You are the Progressive idealist in thinking that giving a free pass to Jews will create anything other than societal collapse. Jews secretly opened Spanish gates to Muslim invaders. These things remain the same. Reform the LARPing Euro-Jews by eliminating the evil Talmud is one step that worked in the Russian Pale. Also, forbidding Jews from occupations in finance and media is required.

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No, you have things backwards. Jewish Messianism and the desire to Tikkun Olam, or heal the world, has resulted in Jewish radical control of social and political movements across the history and the board today. It's the Jews who say that they want to create a perfect world, and after they set themselves up at the levers of power and FAIL MISERABLY at creating a better world, they wonder (like you do) why the result is antisemitism. Heal the world! The Jews saw problems with classes. Solution: do away with classes. Communism failed miserably and bought about a huge retaliation against Jews in the 20th Century. The Jews saw problems with religions. Solution: do away with religion. They have been quite successful with the wiping away of Christianity in Western Europe and the Americas. Islam is a different story. The Jews saw problems between the sexes. Solution: do away with gender differences, motherhood, and promote feminism. When this proved insufficient, move on to doing away with gender altogether. Make it something you can choose. The Jews prefer to operate in host societies that they can critique and then control through usury, ethnocentrism and antihumanism. This means promoting a society that is full of minorities; Jews prefer to operate in a society where they can "blend in" with other minorities. And so the promotion of open borders immigration, miscegenation, etc. Will this result in antisemitism when these societies reject the latest project? Some people say that insanity is doing the same thing yet expecting different results. There is clear evidence that Jews are more vulnerable to affective disorders.

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There is a huge difference between Jews in general and Zionists.

A failure to differentiate the two makes you equally repulsive racist as Zionists and Nazis.

I hope Rumble will silence raving lunatics like you.

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I agree.. It is on record that the nomadic Israelites, led by their king David found Zion already established by the Canaanites Jebusites, who are the original inhabitants of what became Jerusalem.. Yes.. there are political Zionists who are usurpers and charlatans in our time...

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Boris, in America we have this idea that no one should be silenced. I think that is correct.

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Including Nazis? That used to be so with ADL long ago -- no longer...

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US Genocide in little Gaza -- ~ 500,000 dead so far ?

The United Nations has declared a state of famine across all of Gaza, attributing it to Israel's intentional starvation campaign against the Palestinian people, which UN experts have labeled as a form of genocidal violence. The situation has resulted in significant casualties, including the deaths of children due to hunger and malnutrition. Israel's military operations, aimed at eliminating Hamas, have led to the destruction of civilian infrastructure, including schools and shelters, and have displaced many residents. Calls for international intervention, humanitarian aid, and sanctions against Israel have intensified amid the escalating conflict.

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Send Jews back to the Russian Pale and kept under strict control for 2000 years for rehabilitation. Russians controlled them well enough until they broke out in a Marxist rage.

We are not just dealing with Satanists. The transhumanists worship Ahriman, but fortunately many are Jews. So back to first step, confiscate all assets and send Jews to Russian Pale.

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You are a bigot sir. This statement is not a joke. F off banderite scum

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Banderites are degenerates. But Jews are the world’s #1 problem. Russia has a strong man that can control Jewish impulses. Western Civ Globohomo has no cultural immune system. Time to active self peeservation and clip the Zionist demons.

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Russia and China BOTH have strong leaders who are well aware of the malign Jewish influence on the west, mostly through banking, but also through media control. These sovereign nations feel no Holocaust guilt and will not allow Jewish control of their central banks. India is the same, a nation that repeats that it will make decisions based on the interests of its population, as are the quickly growing and developing nations in Southeast Asia, West Asia, and Africa. The growth of BRICS+, the SCO, and the Eurasian movement will spell the end of the #1 problem in the world. They are panicking. I am cheering. The Rules-Based International (dis)Order has a clear expiration date!

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No big deal. Like others in his admin, he's just got a fetish! No kink shaming! ;)

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To each their own in their personal life. I'm a degenerate and I'm happy with it. Bur I'm not the leader of a country. Genocide joe is degenerative. We aren't the same eh

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The diaper is not such, but a recycling machine of semi-solid waste and gases in order to protect the environment from methane and other dangerous pollutants .. Biden protects the planet to the last fart ..

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And the little boy is holding is nose.

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If it works for cows...

You hold him while I spray him for pinkeye (bird-to-cow-to-human death flu, lolz)

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Biden has actually implemented the America First policies Trump ran on…but then again you most likely voted for Romney because he is a white!

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muh russia

I bet they're trying to get Biden out so they can stick Ukraine on Trump.

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They are trying to get Biden because they are worried about down ballot races at this point. The dems know they lost they presidency on Thursday no matter who is top of the ticket. But yeah for sure they are gonna pin losing in Ukraine on Trump. It's makes no sense obviously but the will frame the narrative that way. And millions of brain dead cattle will believe it because "legitimate journalists" told them so.

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Seen on the web:

"OMG! He will take us all with him!"

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Doesn't matter who is in office, the people behind the scenes do not change.

Come on people how hard is that to figure out?

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All of it?

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Suddenly they re-awoke. Be interesting what happens when the reality in Ukraine settles in. Hey we were just kidding around.

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It makes some difference, at least superficially. Trump would obviously alter the vectors of Biden's most destructive policies. He might, for instance, cancel that idiotic CO2 pipeline project in the Midwest and restart an oil pipeline project or two.

But, yeah, longer term, we're all screwed no matter how many times we change our "leader".

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Yes. The neocons fill the ranks of every administration, and judging from the catastrophic diplomacy (or is it "diplomacy?") the US engages in, I'd say the neocons have been running foreign policy for some time.

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The "neocons" (Jews) have been pecking away at the USA for a long time, into the 1800's and probably much longer.

I have to say, I admire their tenacity and ability to get things done, even while I don't like what they have done.

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Read up on the policy pages on Project 2025.

It is interesting and I didn't see any obvious red flags among the named individuals responsible for the various sections.

In particular, the liberal types are panicking that Trump seems to finally have a team and an agenda to take on and make over the upper layers of the Federal Bureaucracy - as opposed to rely on the Republican neocon wankers to do it.

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The red flag is when it is anything other than the Constitution.

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Meh - I am not impressed by liberals talking about "protecting the Constitution" given their constant desire to change it whenever it is inconvenient.

I'm going through the intel community section now - what I have seen so far is 100% what I would like to see happen.

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Absolutely. If voting changed anything they wouldn't let us do it.

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They didn't notice Biden was senile until the tv told them it was okay to notice, so yes.

To both pin Ukraine on Trump, and to get the white boys to march off to die, leaving their women for the harvest.

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Who didn't notice Biden was senile<< Everyone with a functioning brain noticed, and those that said otherwise thought their ideology was being served with Biden in office or were tarded simps.

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Yes, the pretending on this really gets me. I was watching carefully back in early 2020, when the demented idiot first started making noises about running, and even the networks ran stories on his obvious mental decline. I thought, "Ha! No way Cracker Joe has a chance here; the Dems aren't that desperate, that stupid, that cynical." It just goes to show you.

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He's actually perfect for the group running things, they don't have to tell him much, he does and signs what they say, he isn't cognitive enough to know to ask, and in the end they can blame everything on him and his dementia.

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I am pretty sure that my country is just interested in chaos in USA. The longer there is no clear leader in America, the longer the rulers seem incompetent, the longer there is instability in political circles, the better it is for us. We do not bet on one side, we specifically prop the losing side (whichever it is atm). We want your country to slip further and further into gerontocracy, because this way you lose a lot of international moral and diplomatic cred.

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While your country may benefit from the situation in the US, it would appear that similar upheaval is happening throughout the ‘western’ world….political upheaval in many of the EU countries, etc. Frankly, I don’t expect that Russia (which I assume may be your country??) benefits from a chaotic world.

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Although generally speaking if one is too busy putting out fires at home sometimes limits the number of fires that can be started abroad

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Even comic book supervillains have more concrete plans than that.

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What country would that be?

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Well, I am a Russian and I disagree with KonstantinovRR. I have no sympathy with current ruling American elites, either kind - they all are enemies of my country and as Russians joke "both are worse". But no matter how difficult and dangerous times Russia is going through now, it will end and we will be faced with a huge task of switching from full steam military economics to civil one and we will need as little chaos anywhere as possible to trade and develop as Africa/ Asia/ LATAM and the rest of the newly found "friendlies" will simply be not enough for that task. It is always better to have an understandable, consistent responsible enemy than a meat dummy behind whom God knows who is lurking with totally free hand to take any crazy decisions...

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"meat dummy" I like it, I've wondered for a long time why we (America) were not allies with Russia, We do business with China much to our dismay as they currently control a significant portion of our military supply chain, not to mention civilian supply chain.

So why not Russia?

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Because the British intellectual class that has driven the Empire recognizes Russia as the key alternative to their permanent imperial ambitions through littoral sea control--meaning it must be destroyed (and resources expropriated). This traces back at least as far as the 1830s, at which point hyperbolic news articles ginned up Russia as the only other intact power who could, with development, challenge Britain.

And, because the US has been fully captured by that intellectual class since Truman sided with the nascent (and MI6-created) CIA and purged State of Communist sympathizers. The banking system was already captured since the creation of the Fed in 1913, and the intellectuals in education were heavily influenced since the 1880s. The torch of imperial implementer was fully passed to the US after the Suez Crisis.

Contrast with past US-Russian interactions, as in which the Czar sent his fleet to protect (from Britain) the North during the Civil War, and under FDR there was talk of a railroad across the Bearing Strait such that trains could run from one end of the world to the other.

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Britain is irrelevant and has been since WW2, (in fact Britain still owe us money) the Sun set and no Brit is controlling anything, Britain is essential a banking hub and nothing more.

My guess is Russia seeks to maintain sovereignty, and this is not what the goal is.

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Precisely: Britain is the essential banking hub and nothing more. Because to those directing such banking nothing more is needed to exercise their interests.

Why maintain an expensive empire when you can hire enforcers across the pond? Look to the *interest* and *actions* and see how the US has behaved geopolitically. And consider carefully if it would have behaved any different were the labels of "USA" and "Britain" swapped.

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Seriously- until this year the City of London through LIBOR has controlled U S interest rates and financial markets. The U S finally broke away by creating SOFR. Do some reading.

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The railroad project dates back to the late 19th century. "Lincoln’s Pacific Railroad superintendent, General Grenville Dodge, advised Russia on its Trans-Siberia railroad, built with Pennsylvania steel and locomotives from 1890-1905. By 1906, Czar Nicholas II of Russia supported the plan for the American-Russian Bering Strait tunnel, officially approving a team of American engineers to conduct a feasibility study. Russia would complete the trans-Siberian railway in 1905 under the leadership of “American System” follower Count Sergei Witte. On its maiden voyage the Trans-Siberian rail saw Philadelphia-made train cars run across the Russian heartland, and it is no accident that all of the key players involved in the Alaska purchase were also involved in the Russian continental rail program on both sides of the ocean. https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/why-russia-saved-the-united-states

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Exactly it works for the moneyed interests in the City of London

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Indeed. All we had to do at the fall of the Wall was to throw open our arms and cry, "Our brothers and sisters! We love you, we have always loved you!"

We did not know then that we were occupied.

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The point is that for 97% of the world, we don't get a chance to vote in the US elections but have to live with the result. And I think there will be little change in US foreign policy whichever deep state puppet gets in. It does beg the question as to who is calling the shots just now. No one and everyone. Well group think has a long and illustrious history of effing things up, so with the doomsday clock at 5 seconds to midnight what could possibly go wrong?

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Jul 5Edited

How come some Russians like West? I've always wondered this. Western Europeans will always see you as undermenchen slavs or mongol mutts. Attacked you for 100s of years. Even attacked Russia after USSR collapsed in every way. Supported Jihadis, Nazis, NATO missiles right on Russia border all to bust up Russia even more...kicked her while down. Its hard for me to understand why so many Europhile Russians. The rich russians even educate childrens and buy mansions there.. They still sell gas to Europe while Europe is trying to exterminate Russians.

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Business is Business.

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The grass always seemed greener.

But it is much less clear that this is true any more.

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We say "meat puppet" around here. Like Pinocchio, no visible strings but wood between the ears.

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There is no war economy in Russia.

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I don't think you are incorrect. I am just saying that I think that our leadership behaves in such a way, that it can only be explained in the way, I have postulated. They do not want a strong leader in the West. Whether or not that is a correct way, only the history will show.

However, I would like to point out, that in most cases Russia have acted in pure "legalist" ways and that was not always profitable for us historically.

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If your country is Russia, then you are badly misreading your own leadership.

No one with half a brain, much less Putin, wants a senile old man to (not) be in charge of the US military, US nuclear weapons and the US intel agencies.

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True. But senile man is not in charge of anything. Senile man is not in charge of his own discharge. That is exactly what I am calling a loss of credibility by the US.

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This should be more terrifying. Who then is in charge? The wife? The campaign gofer now national security advisor? The drug addict son?

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Pretty sure it's "deep state". Only it is no longer as deep. Everybody knows that non elected apparatchiks of the West are the ones in charge. And that makes the West look worse in everybody eyes. Because it turns out it is no better than stagnant USSR Empire at its lowest. Only it seeks constant control over others.

Such lenses and behaviour is profitable to Russia. Get everybody to the playing field and then beat them through experience. At least, in theory.

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The Deep State has means to control but it does not have overt control.

The varied but indirect means by which Trump is getting attacked - starting even before Russiagate but extending through obstructionism to him during his 1st Presidential term to the last year's lawfare etc etc are example of indirect power and circuitous attacks.

The control over the US nuclear arsenal, on the other hand, is something specifically prescribed by procedure and people.

Mercouris has referred to the differences between indirect control and actual legal control: if Janet Yellen is in charge of the US domestic agenda but the US Attorney General is disobeying - Yellen can do absolutely nothing about it whereas if Biden were in control, he could trivially fire Garland.

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Donald Trump is owned and controlled by the Jews and if they stick Ukraine on Trump, Trump will be just as compliant an dementia Joe. Just remember this:"Changes Must be Made in Order That Things Remain The Same," it's and old Jewish proverb.

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Sure, that's why the ((oligarch)) controlled US government has mounted so many fraudulent cases against Trump.

Ukraine will be totally done before the next president takes office and,, blessedly, the US no longer has the military or economic power to save Israel from its self-chosen destruction.

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It's complicated.

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Love it Victor!

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Read up on the Project 2025 policy papers.

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My cat informs me that she is ready to sacrifice her private life and put her hat in the ring for president.

She's black. She's a female. Far more intelligent and likeable than the current incumbent VP. And she has an imperial attitude, taking no shit from anyone.

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Too long, too long have cats not had their rightful place, a place on top of the table, a place where cats can lap up gravy out of the gravy boat....

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I think the time is right for cattle dogs to run the show, border collies, Aussie cattle dogs, and Australian shepherd breeds specifically.

Lots of nipping and herding required.

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My cat identifies as human!

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Cats were gods in Egypt; why would they want to lower themselves to becoming human?

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A dog and a cat die and are presented to St Peter on his throne before the gates of heaven.

St Peter asks the dog if he has been a good doggy in his life.

Sure the dog said, I fetched and begged and was cute, and loved my master, guarded the house and ate up everything without complaint.

St Peter lets the dog into heaven.

St Peter asks the cat if he has been a good cat in his life.

The cat says "you are sitting on my chair..."

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Even if the Victor Cat foregoes the litter box the white house will not stink as bad as it does now!

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Is your cat also paying the price for hundreds of years of slavery of her ancestors?

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That’s a good point, if Biden does win he will be in charge of the mess he created. Middle East, Ukraine, increasing terror in Central Asia and Africa, a devalued dollar a stock bubble and SEAsia all coming to a head in the next two years. I think some in the party would love Trump to win as it will all collapse under Trump, and blaming Biden will only soothe the mind, not the situation.

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The oligarchs are not unified. If they were, there would not be such an unseemly scramble leaking through the press.

Some would benefit from lining up behind Trump, as he well knows and probably is already talking to them (e.g. Elon). Other factions are deeply invested in the globalist control agenda that Russia and China challenge (by existing). And still others are terrified of what de-dollarization actually means to their financial houses of cards.

It's a complex web, under stress, and how it tears is likely to determine how global the carnage is, how quickly.

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🤣🤣🤣What’s the weather like on your planet?

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Good luck with régime change

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Where does The Economist allude to the term having been stolen? Oh, you snuck that word in?

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Yes, that's my own adlib.

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I rather easily differentiate such literary scenarios and always seems pretty obvious to me when you're reporting on news and add a bit of your own waffling (that's a big part of the reason we read tbh). I didn't interpret you as claiming the article said that for what it's worth.

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The Economist is like an early version of A1 - one has to read between the lines to steal any sense

Now far from it's origins - written by recent Oxbridge graduates as grunt work to be considered more as ideology patrol of current Party directives than as the cynical rationalisms of the post war anglo consensus

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I seem to recall an article from somewhere about "fortifying the election against Trump" or something. Basically "we stole the election so bad guys wouldn't get it!"

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Chitchat about Biden versus Trump is intended to distract from the task in hand, just as the supposedly frantic Biden IS senile chitchat, and the donor class not knowing scrambling etc

This is the circus for the masses

As the VVP's and the Xi's know - this is business as usual for the US ruling class

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I think you’re talking about this: https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/

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That was an article in Time magazine.

It was progressives gloating over how much they cooperated with tech billionaires to perpetrate massive disinformation campaigns.

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This was a soft coup from the beginning. Such early debate on purpose to force Michelle Obama or Newsome onto the peasants. I think Trump made a mistake by debating tok early; a few weeks before the election would have been golden

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Even if Trump backed out, they would have held the debate anyway as Biden wouldn't have known the difference.

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That's probably literally true. Using AI and clips from numerous Trump remarks (or even creating a videos for the endless Trump-Tweets), the ususal suspects could have opened the debate with Joey Greenscreen shaking hands with a ghost just as a signal to the faithful that all was well and in hand, broadcast the "debate" (it's not as if CNN would have any objection to such a plan) and dismiss all Trump complaints that it never took place as "more conspiracy theories". Oh and yes indeed, the veggie in chief would not have known the difference. They'd just give him an ice-cream cone after shaking hands with the ghost (one of Murika's 'voter' class, who always 'vote' as instructed by the 'donor class').

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I don’t understand why people keep putting Michelle Obama in this equation. She’s not interested in politics.

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Michelle Obama knows that running for office would tarnish her and her husband's grifting schemes. If she runs for office, they'd have to be far more selective of which paid speaking gigs they do.

Also, imagine if she lost? Too much to risk when her and Barry are raking in money for making short meet and greet appearances. I also wonder how much Obama is skimming off the top of those mega-expensive fundraising events he's hosting for Joe.

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Because we're almost certain that the war on white civilization, coming to its crescendo, will include a poke in the eye to humiliate not only the dying vestiges of white society, but also to demonstrate to the Cold War old guard- the genontocrats- that their time is over, and the young diverse bulls are pushing the old white bulls off the top of the hill.

A gibbering puppet like Kamala, or a black tranny like Micheal LaVergne Robinson (as Michelle's Illinois driver's license said until 2004) would be the perfect stick. Why?

Because you want a clear and convincing demonstation to your helots of their powerlessness.

Because, the ballot-harvesting machine set up by Obama and his black Atty. General, Eric Holder, is run by black Senator James Clyburn through the black AME Church network. (The same church in which Jeremiah Wright paired up Obama and his "beard" Micheal in a back room program for promising young black Democrat homosexuals.)

Note too the many 'urban' local government officials; few outside of America know that our Civil Rights 'movement' was a Jewish color revolution using black proxies like the idiot gangster MLK.

The black Democrat proxy class was incentivized and rewarded with government jobs under the guise of so-called "Affirmative Action"; their presence and numbers are now come to power, they have matured into an influential faction demanding recognition and extracting further concessions, negrolatry, and negritude.

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Yeah, them Blacks . . . they're an "influential faction?" Only in your fervid dreams. Just a load of racist slanders and nincompoopian political confusion.

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Yeah, it will no more be her than Rachel Maddow.

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To be specific her name is Big Mike. She ain't no lady.

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Simplicius…I have worthy challenge for you.

Figure Out Who Carries the Nuclear Football. Or start asking questions about where it is…..good lead on a story

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Wouldn't be surprised if it's someone tied to her, wink wink nudge nudge https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avril_Haines

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Gracias Amigo 👍

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…who is Jewish….

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Never heard of this person, but I knew it before clicking on the link and checking the Early Life section. I don't know why I bother to confirm these things anymore. Waste of time.

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My thoughts exactly, as in Holy Sh*t.

You see, the Dimona Sampson Option is largely a fraud, like Saddam's WMD's. The real Sampson Option is getting Israel's Aryan enemies to nuke each other. Avril Haines would be perfect for the part to get Russia and the US lobbing away.


(Aryan if you read the Old Testament, Roman Christian if you read the New; Eastern Roman Empire Orthodox versus Western Roman Catholic>Protestant>Masonic. Anglican King James and the Founders were Masons, an attempt to syncretize knowledge bases, keeping the best parts and cutting the bad, in order to avoid another intra-religious Christian War.

A war promoted by, guess who, the folks who make war loans.

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Lol 😂

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Could very well be. Those kid spooks are groomed for jobs in the trade when they start high school.

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Frightening. Especially the part where she went straight from running a leftist bookstore in Baltimore to being the deputy director of the CIA in 1998: "Adrian's [Book Cafe] hosted a number of literary readings, including erotica readings, which became a media focus when she was appointed by President Barack Obama to be the deputy director of the CIA"

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She didn't go straight from that. Please be honest.

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"Please be honest?" I see you don't have the ability to read and understand simple English, or you wouldn't write something so off base. Or, perhaps you do have sufficient English skills to understand that what you wrote was a lie, for implying that what I wrote was dishonest, but it's just that you yourself are so dishonest you've adopted the US and UK agitprop style of telling any lie to discredit a comment you don't like.

In reality my post was, indeed, 100% honest. I commented on the content of the link that Simplicius shared, the Wikipedia write-up on Avril Haines. Follow the link and read that page carefully and you'll see that the quote I reported from that page is 100% honest, that is, it is exactly accurate. Yep. No doubt about it. A word for word comparison shows that's exactly what was on the Wikipedia page. 100% honest.

And, indeed, the content of that page is frightening to anyone with an IQ high enough to understand the content and the context and to have the decency to feel that the murder of thousands of innocent people by secret forces unfettered by even the pretense of democratic institutions, such as a judiciary, is frightening. Truly frightening is the evil reported by that page, such as Haines's key role in the murder of thousands of people. If you are an intelligent and worldly person it is also especially frightening to read that she went from running a left wing bookstore straight to being a deputy director of the CIA. Well-read people know that picking ideological hacks off the street, so to speak, and putting them into executive positions in agencies which operate secret armies and secret air forces and kill many thousands of people per year in dozens of secret wars is how the vicious ideologues in charge overall can ensure those agencies and powers can be used to do the evil desired.

I don't know if your problem is that you're stupid or just dishonest yourself. I don't really care.

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You said: "she went straight from running a leftist bookstore in Baltimore to being the deputy director of the CIA in 1998"

meaning, she had no intermediate jobs. The Wikipedia page says in 1998 she enrolled in law school, then became a legal officer, then a law clerk in the judicial system, then as a lawyer in the Department of State, then on treaty affairs, then in the White House, and then in 2013 she was initially going to be appointed back to the Department of State, but then was finally assigned to the CIA.

According to this history, in no way did she go straight from running a book store to running the CIA.

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Well I'll be damned. You're right. I apologize. I completely misread the Wikipedia article, the part that I quoted, to wrongly read it as indicating a straight jump from being a bookstore owner to being a vicious murderer and war criminal.

I should have connected the dots from the later discussion of her career path from 1998 to becoming a fully-fledged war criminal and murderer, to see that in fact she was well trained by the system for her role as murderous war criminal.

Once again, my apologies: you are completely correct in pointing out she did not make a direct jump from bookstore owner to murderous war criminal.

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Nope. Cabinet officials can't do it because they don't have executive authority. Even Jake Sullivan is out, because of this.

It is Jill.

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Follow the bread crumb to WestExec, a group Blinken founded when he left the Obama admin just as DJT's first term was beginning: WestExec bagged beaucoup $$$ from govt & military security contracts.

Avril Haines, Joe's current Director of National Intel, was a WestExec mainstay before joining the Biden admin in early 2021. Jen Psaki had also served as a contractor for WestExec.

A revolving door existed between the influence industry & government, w/ WestExec as a reliable portal--but the company flew enough under the radar not to trigger lobbying laws that would require a full disclosure of clients' identities or the specific issues addressed w/ government entities. WestExec bridged the Pentagon-Silicon Valley divide, a lucrative form of shadow lobbying. The company--remember: founded by Blinken--provided comprehensive governmental relations & other nuanced stakeholder-mapping strategies to help them advance a whole-of-Beltway objective.

Not surprising to see how woven into WestExec current admin members like Avril Haines were during the DJT *interregnum*

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Look half probably don't work as advertised, and the rest are too stoned to press the launch button.

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Jul 5
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"No one’s pressing the launch button, as it’s mass suicide for everyone in that room, and the world if it was." Nope. As well reported by the most influential author of the US's plan to fight a nuclear war, the US has *always* planned on a massive first strike. Even after learning that such a massive first strike, even if it annihilated the USSR or Russia, would result in so much fallout and other effects that virtually the entire population of the US would also be killed, the US has continued to this day to keep hundreds ICBMs on hair-trigger alert ready to commit such mass suicide.

Read Daniel Ellsberg's first-rate 2017 book "The Doomsay Machine, Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner" for details. He begins the book with a quote from Nietzsche, "Madness in individuals is something rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule."

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Until the moment I’m blinded by an exploding nuke, I call bullshit.

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Learn something about the subject. Read the book. And then tell me I'm wrong.

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With respect - to medicalise, to pyschologise or pathologise, the actions of classes is an evasion, a substitute for thought, a condemnation of agency

If a ruling class is behaving exclusively to their own apparent benefit, and not as might be 'wished for', or in ways that subject the population to poverty and misery, it is precisely because this class sees their profit by so doing

To treat this as 'madness' is ridiculous - what can madness mean except deviation from some norm which is defined as not mad, and is involuntary

Just as absurd would be to claim as 'mad' that the poor might/should revolt in their own interest to overthrow this ruling class and gain release from poverty/oppression

If society is sick, there is no cure - so....everyone is innocent or obliged but only to suffer

This is nihilism, a cheap exit

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Nietzsche - the chosens' philosopher of nihilistic doom. As discussed elsewhere these days: a nutcase who wound up drinking his own piss in a corner. A failure at everything, it drove him mad. And he is supposed to be some font of wisdom? As with nearly everything promoted by the so-called chosen of god, inversion of reality is their specialty.

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"This is nihilism, a cheap exit"

Learn something about the subject. Read the book. And then tell me the US plan for mass suicide is not madness.

The cheap exit is saying the consideration of harsh reality is nihilism. No, it's not nihilism, no more than the reality that an alcoholic never gets better until he acknowledges he has a problem. Acknowledging the problem and then taking obvious steps to fix the problem is a positive, not a negative approach. It is not surrendering to the problem.

The US's first strike plans and the thousands of nukes and trillions of dollars of machines and infrastructure and hundreds of thousands of men and women who work every day to ensure those plans can be put into action on a minute's notice are a problem for all of human civilization, easily the worst problem humanity as a whole has ever encountered. It may not be a risk of an extinction event for all humanity, but without doubt it is real risk of an extinction event for our civilization of cities and technology. After general, nuclear war between the US and Russia the worst of the Dark Ages in Europe will have been more civilized than what will prevail in the northern hemisphere and in much of the southern hemisphere, with only possibly the southern tip of South America spared.

All that can be changed, and it can be changed without inventing antigravity or any other totally new technologies. It can be changed simply as a matter of politics. There are plenty of political pathways to organizing deterrent nuclear forces which will serve to deter nuclear attacks from adversaries without the risks of automatic first strike all out attacks using thousands of nuclear warheads that will extinguish civilization along with billions of people.

To say that we have created a suicide machine and that it is a simple matter to unplug it and to replace it with something already on hand that provides real security without suicide is the opposite of nihilism.

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‘Read the book’ - I guess you are referring to the Ellsberg book, as opposed to the Nietzcshe

I was not writing about the Ellsberg, but about the Nietzsche, specifically his nihilism, and the quote about ‘madness’

I regret that this was not more evident

In any case, the belief that the ruling class is mad is a self serving excuse for apathy, and one which the dominants encourage to defuse any notions/organised resistance, on the grounds that nothing can be done

In this sense N is merely a hired hand preaching poverty

That the ruling class made plans as to the use of nuclear, or did not, I do not comment on – as having little interest in close up analysis of the detailed operations of such a foreign social/political system which thrives not on accurate and rational policies, but on obscure politics designed …well….. to be difficult to understand in order to baffle and to create chaos

Incidently I will say that all players in the US gvmt class share a platform of illusions they are unable to influence or to overcome

– but all operate in the service of the dominant class, who have none such about their power or the power of their money, and who have a long record of dominance and success which it is absurd to deny or to categorise as anything other than extremely successful

To claim that, despite this success, this dominant class has ‘in fact’ turned suicidal may not be taken seriously – this class has succeeded in fooling all of the(ir) people all of the time for many centuries now

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Duh. It is Jill.

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Régime change in the US is easy – just a question of changing one figurehead for the next

No plans no programs no appeal to any part of the public or the commonwealth is required

In other countries more work more appeal and more documents are required

The documents produced by the RF and by China, especially the Joint Declaration, can or will be compared to the documents produced towards the EU parliamentary Elections, the UK General Election, and the US Presidential Elections

This will underline the very different methods and procedures between East and West

Note in China and in Russia the public debate aspect of the policy preparation procedure, absent in the West

In the West the major policy influences are fueled by Corporate and Commercial inputs, associated PR, Lobby -ist, or direct cash payments called donations

Although the west talks a great deal about events in other countries, this consists entirely in declarations/discussions for the purposes of internal factional infighting, and not for the construction of a practical foreign policy

Free Market politics is the ideological as the practical expression of such; to reflect the economic structure, and to result in miniature policies designed to produce internal conflicts, overlaps, appeals to minorities as if these were not factions but moral values, and to minority partisan or commercial interests as opposed to a majority or national, to be deliberately anti consensual

To focus on the means never on the ends, which are always the same no policy – the careful grooming of chaos

China produces hundreds if not thousands of position papers, proposals, lectures and consultative documents from an enormous number of policy research and consulting institutions, the press, universities, network platforms– witness the CCPPC amongst many others dependent or independent

This profusion of debate represents and validates a useful confluence between the governing and the ruling class, taking into account the very large powerbase of the Party itself, 100 million members

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Annexe – Links


The First Debate Trump-Biden June 28 – the evidence of a dead end – change of the figurehead by any means is required

Project 2025


? Anything else?

(Please …twitter does not count)


Presidential Executive Order May 7, 2024 VVP


The Joint Declaration May 16, 2024 Xi Jinping & VVP



CCP Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, 15/18 July 2024

Lead-in speeches from Xi Jinping – as much history lessons as VVP’s


Wang Huning’s instructions to the CCPPC, charged with the preparation of documents to submit to the Central Committee


The Joint Declaration




The EU Council June 28, 2024 (same old : Europe is a ‘safe space’)


To look out for – the Capital Markets Union








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Hmmm, I must wonder how much group-think is embedded in their process. I seriously doubt that the process as described guarantees the correct conclusions. The Chinese are human after all and trying individually to hold their place in society and prosper, which is to say they are just as prone to make "emotional" decisions as we are (which is over 90% vs. truly rational decisions, btw).

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Well read the documents - there are literally thousands of them - to realise that the collective is the aim and the goal

- to make conclusions before you have any experience of the structures/systems/ideas discussed will leave you personally guaranteed to fail

I do not think that correct conclusions can be guaranteed in any social system, but they are certainly impossible without basic understanding of the over riding importance of the collective

This is rational - but this is also the inevitable conclusion of any society with any tradition, or connection to the era before recent industrial modernity

Only in societies cut off from the past can any belief take hold in the personal preceding the collective in importance, and the paramount of indulging in sentiment over survival

Rational decisions are imposed by rational structures as well as their conformity with the experienced normal or natural

Think - how does language work

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A government *captured* by an outside entity, as the U.S. government is *captured* by the Israel Lobby, cannot pay significant attention to the importance of the collective.

The "position papers," if they exist @ all, would only serve in a fig-leaf capacity: to hide what is not there

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There cannot be a cohesive collective in a diverse society, that is, a majority-minority society. That would be fighting all the millions of years of social instinct itself.

Mr. White's preposition that homoethnic neosocialism- aka nationalism, "Scandanavian socialism", or Swiss cantonism- could replace the old Cold War ideological constructs handed to us as the kosher sandwiches of capitalism/socialism, neoconservatism/neoliberalism, or as their flawed reformation, postmodernism, is extremely interesting. Especially as, it might scale to the size of modern populations, utilizing the inherent brainpower of the collective.

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I am not suggesting that, by some miracle, the US ruling class change course 180° and learn from current Chinese practice how the imperatives of the collective might be applied at US state level

This is not possible - Given the rejection of the previous by the leaders of this settler society, the rejection of traditions other than those which secure dominance, together with the purposed diversity of the importation of the slaves and semi slaves required for industrial agriculture and mechanical industry, together with the techniques and administration systems of the same (capitalism)

However – it is useful to grasp that these inevitable system differences serve only the interests of the US ruling class, who then provoke and propagandise rivalries and wars with the other minded societies, wars which only serve their interests

The first of which is to keep their slaves their slaves

This is achieved by various means, most important is the imposition of myths of personal freedom, individual happiness, the benefits of deeply felt ‘private’ emotion which may not be questioned, the atomisation of society and the self – the old tricks of divide and rule

For the rest of the population (other than the middle class managerial minders) to understand the importance of the collective is paramount – that being a slave is not in their interest

To learn how to operate resistance, it is necessary to understand (structure and goals of) collective social systems as a first step to the planning of a program, collectively, to ‘alter the present distribution of power in their favour’

This may take some time, but will be accelerated by the current chaos

Look to the current state of Nigeria as to how this chaos pans out

PS One generally overlooked key indicator is the negative effects of the declining fertility rate

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Fair enough. We must not underestimate a country with a 5,000 year cohesiveness (more or less).

We should be envious of having a strong culture even if we can't agree with others'. Growing up in the US, I felt we had a well-defined culture (I was indoctrinated with all rest), but clearly it is a hodge-podge at best and currently being turned inside-out with every citizen out for whatever they can get in terms of personal benefit.

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There is a well defined and dominant culture in the US – the trouble is that it is not your’s

It’s their’s – has invaded your’s and almost completely colonised it

Nonetheless - There are a thousand and one miniature survivals of regular anglo or European common cultures of tradition

And - There is the common culture of consumerism and commerce which provides a broad base of common understandings, a platform for social normalisation

Also - There is an adequate distribution network for standardised messaging and memes of behaviour

Romantic dreams of personality and the individual are a commonplace peg and serve as an index of existence or success

But – all these are as nothing in comparison with the ruling class culture of money, oppression, and chaos

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Ari Emanuel may be the son of a terrorist but he seems very reasonable:


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Are you reasonable when you still put the blame on Hamas? I tend to disagree. Hamas could be one to blame amongst many that are to blame for this human crisis.

What would he or we for that matter had done in such situation?

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This “human crisis” is called the US genocide in Gaza…

The Nazi-dominated government of Israel were just the executioners.

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"Calling it “another overvalued IPO” Forbes wrote that, “Endeavor will test investors’ appetite for overvalued and over-hyped IPOs. No matter how many Elon Musks it adds to its board, Endeavor’s expected valuation of $10 billion is in nosebleed territory.”" BWAHAHAHA! That one's gonna hurt.....

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Thank you for that link, JC

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Great write up, Simplicius.

Just my 10 cents but I wonder if this situation is also a result of Obama & Co losing control of their puppet, and being now unable to get him out of the White House without risking exposure and destruction


The reason why they can't move too directly against Sleepy Joe is because the Biden cartel has the goods on all of them - and can use that as leverage if required.

It's understandable how the Biden cartel could conclude that keeping Joe there is their ultimate insurance policy. It's the least worst option, because if Joe isn't there, the Biden cartel risks exposure and destruction from any new POTUS.

Despite the efforts by Obama & Co/Deep State to bribe them with $$$ and immunity deals to persuade Sleepy Joe to step down/aside, they have decided that the best option is in fact to keep Bribem in the White House.

This of course creates huge problems for the puppet masters- and for Anerica. The puppet masters likely know that they now can't 'win' the 2024 election on a Biden/Harris ticket without obvious and blatant rigging (even worse than 2020) - the citizens just won't accept the outcome. Ditto, a Harris or Newsome ticket.

They cannot win, or more accurately, they can't plausibly cheat. However as explained above, they can't move against Biden either. Therefore, their options seem to be to 'get rid' of Trump and #1 rig the election again on a Biden/Harris ticket, or #2 suspend/postpone the election entirely, on national emergency grounds

That's what I suspect may be going on behind the scenes. Once you understand the Democratic Party as feuding organised crime gangs (eg Biden cartel, Clinton cartel, Obama cartel) as opposed to a 'political party', a lot of the surface developments make sense. They remain unified when it's in their interests to do so, much like the Mafia Commission, but they can also turn on each other quickly if threatened.

Let's see what happens. Dangerous times in America.

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Yup. The popcorn is out and watching .....

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A lot of speculations but I agree, there is more going on then what appears in media. Biden isnt reasonable anymore to his masters. Jill Biden said Biden should stay because he deserves it”. And she, if any, could see that the man is a living dead. The hidden, non-public, rulers that I call ”they” has miscalculated grossly or having a surprise event to explode in august.

I mean they, killed Set Rich, over the DNC-leaks, they fabricated Trump accusations, the hide Hunter Biden scandal, they did something fishy in the election 2020, they staged the 6th january to learn MAGA a lesson, they have hunted Trump with prosecutions all made up or in no public interest. All this to have the obedient dog Biden as President. They have accused critics of his ability of being extremists and conspiracists. Could be that they thought they would get rid of Trump easy and now he is a even bigger threat than before.

Could be they have assisted Biden so much that he himself believs that he is fit for service.

Anyway, we havent been seeing the last of the Democratic Party or the Deep State. Be prepared for surprises!

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I think they’ll have to go for #2 for the exact reasons you specified

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I, too, look at national politics through a lens of mafia rule with competing families. It frames events in a way that explains and, more often than not, accurately predicts what transpires.

Whatever the case, what our ruling elites present to We the People is always a fiction. I do hope more people are waking up to this fact. We cannot help ourselves before we see and admit to the problem.

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I just hope that anyone who finds themselves newly informed about Biden's dementia pauses for a minute to consider why it was a surprise, and then entertains the idea of checking other news outlets than the "trustworthy" ones that kept them in the dark.

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One can hope.

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Biden doesn't have the goods on anyone. He's always been a frontman for smarter people. The only thing genuine about Joe Biden has always been his ambition far outreaching his competence.

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And as we speak right now Joe is sitting down for his *unedited* convo w/ Stephanopoulis for broadcast later this evening

The PTB are not just clutching their pearls, they are clutching their sham fig-leaf

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However, they risk Biden blurting out an uncomfortable something implicating his scheming handlers when he's near a mic.

Yesterday he made this declaration: I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president...the first black woman to serve with a black president.”

His condition is progressing exponentially.

What could go wrong?

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Hahahahaha...jeebers, Scott. Good golly miss molly!

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Read today that Wisconsin is bringing back unattended ballot drop boxes this cycle.

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I can think of three things Trump would likely do differently that would make a positive difference--wind down Ukraine, close the border and get rid of the woke nonsense. Otherwise I don't see much that would change. His tough guy foreign policy act is a joke and, like all mainstream candidates, he's thoroughly in the pocket of both AIPAC and Wall Street. The risk that's mitigated in Ukraine is doubled for the Middle East and China. His demagogic policies toward Iran, China, DPRK, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba have been appalling. And he's on his knees before Israel--"let them finish the job". On this, though, I agree, let Hezbollah finish the job--without US interference. His bluster is frightening when it's not laughable. But since he's essentially a snake and a windbag he may be able to shit-weasel his way out of actual catastrophic action--which of course would be a good thing. If ever US foreign policy cried out for a dealmaker, it's now. Negotiation is the only way to deal with powers of the magnitude of Russia, China and Iran. If only he would live up to that moniker. As for domestic policy, the bankers and the corporations are out of control--they are the rot behind the rot. I fondly recall Teddy Roosevelt smashing the crap out of Rockefeller's Standard Oil and JP Morgan's railroad monopoly. If you're going to make a point, pick the biggest, baddest guy in the schoolyard and kick his ass. If only The Donald could channel Teddy--the people would certainly be behind him. Unfortunately I fear the patient is too far gone and the doctor is not up to the task.

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If he winds down Ukraine and we avoid WWIII then I will consider his administration the most successful of my lifetime.

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Ukr won't be the start of WW3. Israel will.

Trump will do as he's told or die.

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Nope. He has to secure the border and deport all illegals, otherwise his 2nd (3rd?) term will be an abject failure.

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I am a trump fan but seems like he is a bag of wind

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Trump won't leave Ukraine. Twice he cucked out of leaving Syria.

Trump is weak, stupid and easily manipulated.

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You nailed it. I'm guessing I had read more books before I left the 8th grade than Trump has read in his lifetime. The best gift of the "debate" was that Trump sounded almost eloquent compared to the nursing home escapee. We weren't exactly witnessing a Lincoln/Douglas debate.

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Which is why Team D is trying to to find a replacement for Biden.

Biden's best days were long ago, and his best days never were very good. At the same time, there is the sense that the country is desperate for an alternative, a candidate that makes sort of sense. (Trump could have been that candidate, but Trump remains weak, stupid and easily manipulated.)

At the same time, I wonder whether Biden's continuing refusal to step down is a form of bargaining on the part of The Biden Family, a form of playing "chicken" with the country. The longer this goes on, the more firm the refusals, the more leverage The Family has -up to the point at which President Trump 2.0 becomes a fait accompli, at which time the leverage disappears.

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Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.

This is just Team Biden raising the stakes.

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If JFK can get the Dallas haircut(just a little off the top-thanks) in broad daylight, old creepers like FJB can slip on spilled ice cream or slip in the shower on any given Friday. Problem solved-NEXT! Secret Service guys on hand to expedite the end...

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I'm kinda getting into his three-word sentences--subject, verb, and one modifier: that being "very". As in "China bad, very bad" and but "Xi smart, very smart." Oops that's four words, then again I may not be very smart.

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Bingo! Sometimes I imagine him taking a different course simply because his head is so empty he could literally go in any direction. This is the upside and I'm sure it's wishful thinking. The downside is that, as you say, he is weak, stupid and easily manipulated. I fear the outcome will not be good.

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Exactly. Trump is a pushover, he will do absolutely nothing on his own, maybe someone will push him into some direction, maybe not.

People should have learned that after 2016. He was doing absolutely nothing for 4 years. Except, of course, of shaking the air. People voted for him to change the country and the world and he just dismissed all that.

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"I fondly recall Teddy Roosevelt smashing the crap out of Rockefeller's Standard Oil and JP Morgan's railroad monopoly."

Teddy R. was a polymath, a real man of intelligence and learning. The Orange Dump, likely never opened a book. Fun fact: Kermit Roosevelt, Teddy's grandson, was CIA station Chief in Tehran when democratically elected Mosaddegh was overthrown. IE, "how did the west's oil get under Iran's sand?!"

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Why does everyone's children marry Jews ffs. I know, I know, it's the money.

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First and foremost, it is the admision ticket to the club. Money is an extra perk.

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Anecdotal report: I know of four couples in my friendship group that have marriages of one gentile partner and the other half, Jewish. Interestingly, the gentile side of the marriage happens to be some of the smartest people I know and in all but one instance, are of German descent. One Jewish mom was so appalled by the daughter's marriage to a gentile, of German extraction, that she refused to attend the marriage ceremony. On the Jewish side, all are from families of accomplishment in some area...usually business, academic or professional success.

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Very much enjoyed this comment. Could take this in several different interesting directions regarding intelligence, sophistication, culture and national personality, but will simply say such liaisons are familiar to me.

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So we have him to thank for the fucking mess that is the Middle East. Overthrow legally elected leaders. What could possibly go wrong?

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He would do the same belligerent and genocidal policies, but at least there wouldn't be this omerta vs any kind of criticism

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DJT will wind down Ukraine in favor of permitting Bibi to "finish the job"--however, Hezbollah et al knows Israel has already lost. Moreover, if that were not the case, Hezbollah et al would not let Bibi "finish the job" even if Israel were capable of such a thing.

Game over [and no cheat-code]

This is a Chicken Caesar Wrap-it-up

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Winding down Ukraine in order to double-down on Bibi's "finishing the job" will send the right signals to the Donor Class--but it will be a performative fool's errand nonetheless, because Hezbollah et al will not under any circumstances permit Bibi to "finish the job."

Destroying Israel is a way to dismantle the government which the Israel Lobby runs--an unexpected two-fer

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If the U.S. becomes Israel's safe homeland, who will be the new Amalek--?

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I've been sort of contemplating, in a very whimsical way, what impact Israel's behavior and the destruction of Israel/Zionist project will have on Jewish identity.

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Something curious--and anecdotal as hell: Jewish friends of mine in Chicago & NYC share a common identity-forging experience: going to Israel many times, from middle-school years on up; learning Hebrew; working on a kibbutz; viewing Israel as a safe haven/ancestral homeland

Jewish friends of mine in Moscow, however, do not at all have that sort of r'ship w/ Israel. When they described their Judaism, I could tell their sense of being a Jew was devoid of Zionism.

Very eye-opening.

BTW, my friends in Chicago & NYC were & are supporters of Palestine & advocate for the Palestinian cause. Although they had those formative Zionist-related experiences pertaining to their Jewish identity early one, the Hillel sort of thing, Zionism did not take root

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Why guess when you can read the policy papers at Project 2025.

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Thanks for the recommendation. Had a look. Big business's and the Christian Right's wet dream.

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Pretty clear you didn't actually read anything of substance - like the intel community section. No doubt you can find dog whistle issues in any large set of documents, particularly by groups you dislike.

But whatever - the takeaway I get from what I have seen so far is that the Trump team *is* prepared this time to fill the top layers of the Federal Bureaucracy *and* have a clear plan to change those bureaucracies.

To decry this is ludicrous since this is precisely what every incoming administration - Democrat or Republican - does. The difference here is that there is a clear public documentation of what they want to do and why - unlike the machine political parties and their sausages.

The intel community paper by Carmack - I am 100% supportive of its outlined goals.

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There's no way Biden stays in. And there's no way to bypass Kamala. Say hello to President Harris! It will be hilarious.

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Not even Americans are that stupid... yet. Hawaiians might be. The oligarchs will get enough of what they want from Trump.

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Although Tulsi is not that bad.

But I find hard to swallow that the Oligarchs of US will ever support Harrisburg as President. It defies sanity.

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I think they’ll be fine with her because she’ll go along with the program

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Maybe, but then US is totally lost. Imagine other world leaders meeting her, see the horseface laughing at her own jitter and that garbage coming out of here. She cant behave, even less act, as Statesman. I have seen here talking coherently for about 2-3 minutes but did not understand what here point was. It was as she explained something childish to herself with a cirkular reasoning.

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Apparently, her family had to move from Canada back to the US because she had trouble learning French as a kid.

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:-) District attorney of SF and then Attorney General of California…? I cant understand how that worked out.

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President Harris will go along w/ the program--she has already shown as much. She will finish out Joe's term.

Plus--President Harris will pardon Hunter

Winner winner chicken dinner

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She's WEF.

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President Harris will finish out Joe's term.

She will lose @ the ballot box in November but she will pardon Hunter before *her* term ends

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Oh, I am personally sure there is a way he stays in. He just does. Because what Simplicius has brilliantly described is an oligarchic dictatorship, and you don't get to decide in one. This article still needs to make one step further and admit that you lot are going to be forced to watch him being dragged into power again against all odds and despite overwhelming evidence of election fraud. Under media fanfares blaring that it's the cleanest election in history.

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BIDEN is a non-question. It was always the plan to keep him ”up” to the last moment and then switch candidate (remember that the Democrats has no democratic way to rise a candidate) just before election. To keep Trump in the dark who he is supposed to race against is a smart, or desperate, move. What now happens is just a show for the public, a smart show eventually, because all focus is on the Democrats. And Trumpgang cant form a strategy until they know who they will compete against. If Democrats are so dumb that they promote Kamala Harrisburg, then Trump will win (or be defeated by a monster-ballot-voting..)

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The truth comes out in the end!!!

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As an American who gave up on the system over a decade ago, I find this very entertaining. I honestly don't think our American oligarchs care whether Trump wins, as he won't change policies much. However, they are very worried about more of the hoi polloi figuring out that they have no real power and are slated for limited lives of wage slavery, debt, poverty, no assets, and low intensity war forever.

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the system is senile dementia

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Stopping mass migration will cause a property price crash. Fertility rates are too low to sustain growing property prices.

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Mass migration at serious scale required to invert population decline can not be sustained, as donor countries' birthrates decline

MM creates instability, accelerates class divisions and conflicts, can not provide high skilled workers in required numbers

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Jul 5Edited

I own 4 houses outright all earned through 40 years of work. No trust fund baby here. 2 I rent 2 live in part time each. I'd glady suffer depreciation for non violent streets where some white kid isnt being jumped by new immigrants. In Europe they are being killed and raped by Afghan and Maghreb gangs with knives bats and shit. Money isnt everything.

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So let it fucking crash then. Property taxes will come down too, crime will decrease, working class wages will rise. All positives.

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Oh I agree. The elites have been kicking the can down the road since 2007. First with QE to banks, then to govt, then a controlled economy via an artificially prolonged c19 response, more stimulus, and mass migration to prop the banks up. The whole thing is a tower of cards. I suspect the simultaneous withdrawal of various centrist leaders, such as Macron, Sunak, and the Dems throwing themselves under the bus with sleepy Joe, are all a coordinated move to put the upcoming financial crisis onto the opposing party. I suspect the gameplan since c19 has been Military Keynesiasm by instigating and escalating war with Sino-Russia, but this plan has failed as Gaza popped up and caused political division, and Putin cleverly avoiding escalation. I am not sure what hope there is for the West beyond gold and bitcoin.

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But if property taxes go done how will all the crooked connected dems get paid?

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Watching the BBC talking heads squirm like CNN in 2016.

First France, now the UK. Shit's getting real all over the place.

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