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I think Putin is a genuine conservative. It's just that some in the conservative camp try to underpin their position by constructing an anti-woke ideology.

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No he is trying to signal to a group and appeal to them.

Also there is no such thing as woke, the term is a euphemism. Right wingers either have false consciousness, or they are too scared to call out intersectional feminism.

Also Russia is just as feminist as the west in their own way. Mainstream Russian society allows a teenage girl to hang around as 10 year old boy who they claim they got pregnant off from and have sleep overs, then parade the 10 year old boy around on tv and say. "Ah... how cute is that couple" Girl in question admitted she lied and changed her story, and got a 15 year old boy she slept with charged with rape.

The term woke is vague and meaningless. There is no such thing as woke, so there can't be such thing as anti woke.

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Let's not split hairs. Even if the term woke is vague, you know what I mean. The whole idea of wokeness is vague in itself.

What I'm saying is that, in its crusade to spread liberal values and neoliberal market principles, the West propagates a certain anti-conservative ideology which requires other people to adhere to the West's values if they don't want to be the target of Western sanctions or bombs.

Many people in the global South are inherently conservative and feel uncomfortable with the West's values. For example, Muslim leaders feel uncomfortable about transgender US generals, topless dancing at the White House, or Baerbock's "feminist foreign policy." That's where the Russians see their opportunity to gain influence by offering a conservative view. Muslim leaders who felt uncomfortable with the atheism of the Soviet Union supported the US's attempts to overthrow communist regimes, for example in Afghanistan. Today, these same countries feel more comfortable with Russian conservatism than with Western liberalism.

That is a promising approach and I can understand why the Russians are doing it. What I'm objecting to is that some inside or outside Russia try to make an ideology of it. Any such attempt is bound to be counter-productive.

I'm not American and I look at the issue from a geopolitical point of view. I'm not interested in domestic US issues.

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The right in the USA have done more to destroy the family unit than any other group, then they claim they are pro family and go after gay people and blame them for the decline of family.

Men can be pushed away from their kids, not allowed to see them, forced to pay child support. thus mothers are incentivised to push fathers away. (Most relationship break ups are by women. ) It is a fact that single mothers are so bad at raising kids, that they are a legitimate danger to them.

Fatherlessness was a lot rarer before the government incentivised mothers to kick fathers away, then the right wing blame fathers for not being responsible, and call them dead beat dads, and then pass even harsher child support laws, thus incentivising even more family break up.

My point is, this "anti woke" nonsense is blame shifting by the right, for problems they caused themselves. The right is just as anti feminist as any radical feminist man hater, but at least feminist man haters do not put on a front of being pro family.

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