Obeying an impulse everyone thought dead, buried & gone forever from its war-stained past, Germany moves to militarize now even more. Chancellor Scholz has asked the Bundestag to classify the war in Ukraine as an emergency, with grave consequences for Germany’s and Europe’s security, in order to designate ever greater amounts of debt for the German government to shoulder as it supports the war in Ukraine.
Enshrined in the constitution, the debt-brake limit dictates that the government cannot borrow more than 0.36% of the country’s annual GDP. Since the SMO began, Germany has sent $11.5bn to Project Ukraine. During that time, however, the country’s GDP has shrunk, meaning the percent of GDP it has in reserve to send to Project Ukraine has shrunk too.
Although the war has persisted for nearly 3 years, Scholz was not moved to declare it an emergency until SecDef Hegseth said that DJT is unlikely ever to allow Ukraine to become a member of OTAN. Suddenly on account of DJT’s stance the war in Ukraine after 3 years has become a pressing emergency.
Scholz is now wanting to call a State of Emergency in his *own* country, Germany, in order to feed corruption in *another* country, Ukraine. Moreover, he is asking the Bundestag henceforward to exempt ‘defense spending’ from debt-brake considerations, meaning that in any given year the Chancellor can borrow more & more money for weapons of war and not run afoul of the constitution. Germany will be taking on more debt so it can armor up. The lust for war has seized hold of European politicians, some of whom live in countries under occupation of the country which now calls for peace.
Suddenly foreign policy is not really *foreign policy* any longer because DJT did not give the German foreign minister a heads-up prior to his phone call w/ VVP. Compared to how Collective Biden treated Germany, this kind of foreign policy is *foreign.*
Describing Germany, the nytimes once characterized the country as “an economic leviathan but a military minnow" and went on to say that "the use of military power often raises uncomfortable associations with its Nazi past. The fact that German soldiers have repeatedly been implicated in high-profile cases of right-wing extremism contributes to the concern. Commandos in the Budeswehr’s special forces were implicated in 2023 in a bizarre coup to overthrow the government.”
The rebirth of the Budeswehr, Germany’s military, sparks trepidation in Europe & elsewhere. Unsavory associations w/ the return of *Hitlerism* arise, as do tendencies toward a fascist revanchism. In 2021, an OTAN platoon led by a German mechanized unit training in Lithuania serenaded Adolph Hitler on the occasion of the long-dead Fuhrer’s birth. The Bundeswehr was founded by men who fought in the Reich’s Wehrmacht—and today it bills itself as the “clean Wehrmacht”—a force innocent of Nazi crimes.
According to historian Timothy Snyder, 6.5mn people in the Ukraine S.S.R. were murdered as a result of German “killing policies” or died as a result of the carnage the Reich unleashed in that republic between 1941 and 1944.
In response to Scholz's debt-brake plans, Zakharova mused from the Russian foreign ministry, “How could this end?” She paused for effect and then answered her own question, which had not been rhetorical at all. “Alas, history tells us.”
This is the history that repeats itself, so Santayana told us, when we fail to remember it. Not a good sign: Germany & Japan are both militarizing at the same time.
"The rebirth of the Budeswehr" is scary but even scarier is this bovine, spineless Germany, humiliated & brutalized into submission by the Brussel's nonentities. How many wars the world got as the result of suppression and humiliation of Germans?
All the money and effort to set humanity on a path. Poof. Ok never mind that now we wanna play nice.
Well if the EU truly were on board with plan A, Ukraine would not be desperate now. If Russia was truly a threat the EU would have been up to speed by now.
Russia however did feel some heat and there it is. We started this and now they should bend to our will? If the roles were reversed would we capitulate?
Actually a terrifying prospect. Just who could have launched a US nuclear war with Joe Biden being so far gone? Blinken, Nuland, Hillary, Obama? Who runs the show?
Yes - WW1 started in Europe, but Japan (unofficially) started WW2 by invading China in 1937, with over 1 million military casualties (both sides combined) by 1939, figures not reached in Europe until Germany invaded the Soviet Union. Arnaud Bertrand also stated that 100% of World Wars started in Europe, but I think a more accurate figure would be 75%.
I also disagree with Arnaud Bertrand that the past is a guide to the future. Europe's colonies are gone, and the chance of Australia or India sending soldiers to fight in European wars is nil. European wars will only be regional in the future.
Australia is more likely than India because it's still tied to the UK through its constitution, and the US by various treaty arrangements. I'd say Australia is a neo-colony tied into the globalist architecture and attempts to assert self interest are sharply reined in whenever they arise.
I don't recognise what you're describing. America humiliated Germany by occupying it, by tapping its leaders phone calls and by blowing up Nordstream 2. European countries on the other hand have been humiliated by Germany through it's political and economic domination. Look what Merkel did to Greece and Cyprus. Why are we buying German cars, shopping in German supermarkets and eating German sweets? As Peter Hitchens says 'the European Union is the extension of Germany by other means'.
Japan has deep social malaise, and a demographic problem. The Plaza Accords were the nail in the coffin for the "Japanese miracle". It's a time I remember having stayed with a friend working at a Recruit language school in the Ginza. As the Mitsubishi ad ran, "Please consider", regain some independence or perish.
The same Snyder that called Ukraine the beacon of democracy? Many people died in WW2, but the amount of death of some have been used to achieve a certain goal (Israel is such achievement for example). Snyder is a very strong supporter of Ukraine and so I doubt his numbers. Reading many of your comments, makes me think that I am having wrong assumption here about Snyder. Please let me know.
Nota Bene: The nytimes article from January 2023 was skeptical of Germany's impulse to rebuild the Bundeswehr, and the article included the Snyder numbers as a way to reinforce an overall negative opinion of Germany, by remembering Nazi crimes in the Ukraine S.S.R.
But your words about Snyder leave me questioning the nytimes article's intent. It was not flattering of contemporary Germany's rush to fortify its military. Thx for pointing out how easily those w/ impure motives can manipulate numbers.
Yep, historical activism is a thing. I gave up correcting the errors of Ukrainian nationalists on Wikipedia who insisted on making Russian poets, artists, scientists, etc. into instruments of their national insecurity.
Weirdly, just flipping through some tabs while ago, I found a recent interview w/ David Remnick of The New Yorker who--speaking of the *Resistance* in the U.S. to DJT (which may or may not be manifesting)--quoted Timothy Snyder's book ON TYRANNY, in which Snyder told *Resisters* "Do not obey."
Of course, Snyder's advice could have applied to those who broke from Collective Biden, but no matter...
"On September 25, 2020, Snyder was named as one of the 25 members of the "Real Facebook Oversight Board", an independent group monitoring Facebook." -- This Oversight Board was financed by the USAID, along with "providing millions of dollars in funding to groups that have links to terrorism."
It must be difficult to be a German these days. When your army is small, your "allies" complain that you are not doing enough for your defense. When your army is big, your "allies" complain that you become a threat...
They won't be able to militarize for shit until they get their red-green coalition smashed so they can get their industry running again. Getting their ethnics under control would also be a big plus so their military doesn't look behind them and see their cities burning while they defend other nations' cities.
Vance's comments are comical in the context of the proven ability of all US based search engines and social media platforms to "suppress" or "silo" or "ring fence' all posts and alt-media sites that to not conform to their approved Overton Window range of opinions.
That eliminates the need for hard censorship and protects the idea of "free speech", since the fringe cannot easily go mainstream. So the real problem for the EU states is that they do not have their own platforms to manage.
Perhaps we'll worth bearing in mind that the reading age of the average British Army recruit is that of an 11 year old. For the lower percentile it's 8 ! Maybe someone's been reading too many Comics or Playing Call of Duty too much.
I’m no fan of the British ruling class, but, if correct, that the UK produces high school graduates whose reading level is FIVE grades behind the standard is a numbing tragedy for the individual and the country.
He is a normative comprador issuing what was ordered to him to issue. Guess, the City of London still expects the europeans to die for the banking cartel's glory.
At a certain point if they do not see the Nordstream attack as an act of war, then let them expend themselves in Ukraine. It would seem their infatuation with Nazis goes on.
Ok if the German people are so servile they ignore being attacked by an "Ally" then let the German people toss themselves into the dustbin of history, yet again!
War may come to Europe's Compradors from a direction they failed to anticipate and not from outside their domestic borders either. I sense Germany's people have had enough of this shower of gangsters.
I beg to differ here. Germany is an American protectorate. Even if this control is carried out by deep state Nato Pentagon anchored operatives, Germany will fold to Trump if he can hold to power without being taken out. Vance put it clear. America is going to support nationalist governments in Europe, and this mean AFD will probably take over, very soon.
From Winston...NO, no not the Winston from 1984 but the whisky swilling, cigar chomping ruler of the Brits. Lest we forget...Winston's Mom, Jenny Jerome, aka "Lady Randy" was an American who reputedly, "slept around a bit..." The Huns are either at your throat or at your feet <<link>>
It's not so much a lust for war, as a lust to impose moral authority on both Russia and Europe's own stinking masses, using deceptive reframing of the issues as excuse. Self destruction knows no bounds in the mindless pursuit of sanctimony, virtue signaling, and worship of the Holy Narrative.
Mother Russia has 11 time zones and 00DLES of resources. 1000 years ago, Russia rid herself of Khazarian Face-Stealers then, more recently, the Bolsheviks; AKA: J00Z! Now, the 'chosenites' seek recompense for being treated badly. It's not even a persecution complex. It's just another LIE!
There's never joy in that part of the world when there's peace on earth.. They are now gunning desperately for a war to end all wars which will burn everyone on this planet. As an African, it's sad I can't muster all the hatred a person can show towards these lesser humans..
Vance’s speech will echo in eternity. Compare that to Kamala’s Munich speech, which started a war. The Euro Cuck-submission was given a deserved spanking and now they are throwing tantrums to save face.
Perhaps. I say "Stein", instead of Jill. "Truss", instead of Liz (Although more commonly that "airheaded Queen-murdering bitch".
And the male politicians get it worse, Chimpie, BloJo, Kid Starver, Micron, Nuttyahoo.
But overall, I can see you have a point. It came from the Romans, who decreed that women had to be in the home, and subservient, embedded also in their horrible Xian cult.
In the Pagan world, women were near equals.
Women such as Queen Buddug, or Boudica, were not exceptional or unusual in the pre-Roman European world.
I think you go a bit too far about female power in the pagan world. Sure, there were women leaders, but as ever, the real power rested with men. Boudica wouldn't have been of much account without the decidedly alpha-male soldiers behind her.
Mhhmmm, maybe, maybe not. Ever been up to Skandi? Those women are completely capable of punching the shit out of most males around the World.
And the peoples of the British Isles are the same lineage. We all came from Doggerbank.
When the Roman scum attacked Britain, they massacred the women as much as the men. Why? Because the women were just as fierce in the defence. The Romans obviously wrote the 'Official Histories', being the victors. And NO Roman general would ever want to admit his crack stormtroopers were annihilated by WOMEN - they would have lost all face in the Psychopath Capital from then on.
But here's just one titbit, there's tons of such actual archaeological evidence coming to light.
LMFAO @ the batshit notion that the US can impose Christian Fascism on Europe as well. Did love the bit about "Commissars", and the cancellled elections, however.
But in at least Western Europe, Shittianity is finally a busted flush after being imposed by the sword and spike for 2000 years, that disgusting Slave religion.
Less than 2% in the UK go to church, and most of those who loudly proclaim "We are Christian!" are just far-right thugs wanting to express they hate "Muzzies", and couldn't express a single Christian thought except the ones of hatred added by the Roman psychopaths.
Once again we are "Divided by a common language". This shit isn't go to fly over here.
The only noteworthy historical elements are that the US-instigated slaughter in Ukraine IS over, that the US can't really see much point to NATO if there is a new European Security Architecture, that the regime-change ops are taking a big hit, and that the Empire of Lies is finally retreating from being a Global Hegemon. And that with a bit of hard negotiating, Russian can take whatever the fuck Putin wants.
The Green Goblins Gravelly voice is no longer impressive to anyone, except the most brainwashed committed cretins. And BloJo, who is in this up to his neck.
The new regime in DC may imagine its new beachhead of control will be from the Christians, but frankly there's not much utility from 70+ year old geriatrics afraid of dying.
The vile anti-White foreign sandland cult of Christ, imposed initially upon the Eastern White races of Europe by the Sun worshipping Roman emperor Constantine circa AD300 at the urging of his two top advisers - Both kikes to
destroy the White race's cultures and societies.
"The Bible is a tool, used by those that rule, to pacify the fool."
~Derek Redgate~
I gave you a thumbs up, but I do not share your views about Zion Don Trump the duplicitous traitor.
OWNCO, One World New Communist Order with American Mexicana at the head and Zion Don Trump the traitor, wearer of the Silver Crown of the Torah as King.
"Anti-White?" How TF can there have been such notions before "Whiteness" was invented by Americans to justify their use of immoral African slaves, 1700 years later?
The Pagan world allowed travellers from EVERYWHERE to travel and trade freely, to come to the huge parties and festivals, to sleep together, and to settle there.
People came from as far as the Urals to the great annual Stonehenge festival, and from North Africa.
I agree with your criticism of the Roman cult, but your ideas of Pagan racism are just... wrong.
It's sad that Trump has bought into the Zionazi clan, for sure. Or perhaps been bought by them is more accurate.
"If you aren't a parentheses chasing ghettopotamuses I will eat my hat "
:'D (No comment).
I'd be considerably more proud to have the intelligence of the Native Indians in my blood than the cretinous imbecilic savages that came over on the Mayflower. Sadly, that is not the case.
" The Pagan world allowed travellers from EVERYWHERE to travel and trade freely, to come to the huge parties and festivals, to sleep together, and to settle there. "
Yet somehow Europe remained almost completely White / Caucasian till the 50s . Amazing how that was possible.
I agree with a lot of what you say except the far right bit about British hating Muslims. It's a helluva lot more complicated than just a tiny percentage of British citizens hating muslims. I'm not saying there isn't a small amount of far right idiots in Britain. There is in every country. But most of the British citizens who have had enough haven't got a far right bone in their body. The media makes the divisions they want to make in society & they label each faction. I've lived in one of the cities that had some of the biggest & most violent protests last summer all of my life. Not once has my city voted Tory in any election. It's a socialist stronghold always has been. But it's been the poorest region in Britain for not decades but centuries. Highest child mortality rates, lowest life expectancy, lowest employment rates, highest poverty rates. First thing the government & media did was label the protesters far right. Why? Is it far right when you have nothing, not even hope for a future. To protest at a thousand immigrants being placed into your city 1 weekend without informing the public? That their terrible health service was going to become under more strain from none tax paying immigrants, that terrible job prospects were going to become even worse? That the housing waiting list you've been on for 2 years makes no difference. These immigrants were a priority now. Are you far right to protest these things or is it common sense these policies were going to cause unrest?
>Putin almost certainly will not water down the demands about demilitarization, deNazification, and the four regions which have already constitutionally joined the Russian Federation
The demand for the "four regions" is automatically conceding no demilitarization and denazification.
For the simple reason that demilitarization and denazification is 100% incomaptible with independent Ukrainian statehood.
That place can only exist as Nazi hyper-militarized anti-Russian state. Because there is simply no other basis for its existence.
Thus if the Kremlin was serious about denazification, it would be also seriously getting on with the business of militarily occupying Galicia and everything in between.
But is it?
Well, do we need to elaborate on that question...
If you are saying "give me the four regions and we will negotiate", you are automatically giving up on actually winning the war, the minimal condition for which is going much further than those four regions.
Putin's June 2024 demands were not demands, they were him begging on his knees to be allowed to surrender.
Because you can't imagine living outside of your bubble?
I have tried to explain this on multiple occasions -- the fundamental problem of this place and much of the "alternative media" is that it comes out of and/or caters to a libertarian/conservative right audience that wants to hear comforting tales about how the knight saviors on white horses are going to save them from globohomo, those saviors being Trump and Putin.
That automatically makes them blind to the actual actions of those people. The actual actions being the transition from rule by corporations to rule by oligarchs in the USA (i.e. going from catastrophically bad to something even worse), and the gradual destruction of the Russian state by the hands of the Kremlin.
And it makes them blind because the real critique of the actions of those people comes from the left (but the true left, the one concerned about socioeconomic issues, not the liberal pseudoleft).
Specifically in Russia, the strongest component of anti-Putinism are the communists. It is not only them -- when the Angry Patriots Club was formed you had all sorts of people there -- true communists like Alksnis, people who have swayed back and forth ideologically like Kalashnikov, the likes of Gubarev who imagine some new different version of socialism emerging, and then true Whites like Strelkov. But even the modern-day Whites want a strong state controlling much of the economy and in practice there is much more in common between them and the communists than between them and Western libertarians (or even liberals).
Two of the most telling episodes of the SMO were:
1) Putin's first public meeting on February 24th being with the oligarchs, in which he profusely apologized to them for having to start it, but also assuring them that nothing will fundamentally change. That promise is, in retrospect very clearly, when the SMO was doomed to catastrophic failure, because things staying the same internally was not compatible with winning a major war, which required a return to at least a mild form of Stalinism.
2) The Kremlin never touching any of the prominent Ukronazis, but aggressively going after the Angry Patriots internally, jailing Strelkov long-term and arresting pretty much all of them for at least a brief stint behind bars, to send a message. That clearly shows who the Kremlin perceives as the real enemy.
And those are objective facts. Both of them never discussed in the Western alternative media.
As are some others:
1) Have Russian missiles flown successfully with little problems all the way to the Polish border? Yes.
2) Is there any place in Ukraine that they cannot hit? No.
3) Are the critical objects that keep Ukraine in the war -- command-and-control centers, key transportation nodes, the railways, the border crossings with Poland Romania, etc. -- still untouched and fully functioning? Yes.
From 1), 2) and 3) it automatically follows that the Kremlin can win the war at any time of its choosing but it is deliberately refusing to do so.
If you are not constantly asking and bringing up the question why that is, you are just not serious about analyzing the situation.
But again, because of the ideological blinders I described above -- the requirement to approach it from a traditional socioeconomic left perspective, which most people frequenting the Western alternative media outlets are fundamentally incapable of -- that is not happening.
Keep going. You make many good and interesting points despite writing a lot that seems way off to me. I like to read widely and assuming you are Russian with a great command of written English I learn much from your analysis.
If it ends like this, it will return it to the 90s because the oligarchy will have triumphed over the patriotic forces.
I was very, very enthusiastic about the SMO early on because I and many others truly believed that nobody would launch a major war without being committed to the kind of internal changes necessary to win it, i.e. in this case doing away with the oligarchic socio-economic model.
Little did we know that the oligarchi model would not only veto any changes, but actively sabotage the war so succefully that right now Russia has been turned into a giant Syria, a place anyone can bomb whenever they feel like this is the new normal, in perpetuity, and the Kremlin just accepted it under the dictate of the people who have the real power in Russia.
Who are, of course, not bothered by it, because they themselves live in Monaco, London, Paris, NYC, LA, etc., all the places that should have suffered major consequences for what the Western oligarchy did, but are perfectly safe to this day. Unlike major Russian cities in which something major explodes daily.
I agree. Can you imagine Stalin during WW2 or right before not purging the counter-revolutionaries? This would have caused the USSR to not be able to put in the extra-odrinary effort it did at best and collapse at worst.
"...SMO was doomed to catastrophic failure, because things staying the same internally was not compatible with winning a major war, which required a return to at least a mild form of Stalinism..."
So the SMO was doomed to failure which is why it was thusly named and not an invasion prompting a war? Hundreds of thousands killed and maimed for an ideal that was never going to happen? In that case, a catastrophic failure that was a success.. No wonder no one can bear the reek of it..
Also, how come that neither a single holobiz museum nor synagogue has denounced Nuland-Kagan's collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party Svoboda in 2014? https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-7-2014-003446_EN.html "Svoboda party is ‘an extremist, right-wing, nationalist organisation which emphasises its identification with the ideology of German National Socialism." Mazel Tov on the union of zionism and neo-nazism!
With USAID on the chopping block, I think we'll see his activity abruptly taper off. Budanov's crew of miscreant and propagandists don't work for free.
it is a collection of propaganda tropes, hardly an opinion. Also, the path GM is taking has high probability of landing him/her in prison. First you talk about "Angry Patriots " you like and support (various foreign agents group, pretty much all of them), then you talk to some friendly person over TG/chats to 'spur action' against 'weak Putin', and then bam you just ruined your life and arrested for terrorism as you try to light up some fuse box. plenty of idiots are getting Darwin awards or decades in jail following GM's line of thinking...
and yes CIA/USAID was funding plenty of 'patriotic opposition' in RU along with 'liberal opposition', west is/was concurrently funding communist opposition and monarchist opposition (restoration of monarchy). Realize that opposition at the time of war, funded by your enemy (hmm for what reason I wonder?) is not just 'minority-polar view'.. it is incredibly stupid to be involved in that.
At this very moment, In the Air French broadcast, Putin hospitalised, Russian soldiers dying by the thousands, ten thousands, Russian economy on its knees (the French going after the Titanic!), but before 2030 Russian ground troops entering Paris, London, Berlin? This all said with a touch of French “je m’enfoutisme” flush my deposits with yours down the toilet.
In addition, the fact that Ukraine is allowed to hold onto Odessa is a travesty. That means it still has access to the sea and remains a semi-functional state. Cutting Ukraine from the sea, means that it will not be able to be much of a threat without external financing. Russia is moving too slow for me to believe there will even be an Odessa operation.
Putin has never mentioned Odessa in his speeches - he keeps talking about the "4 oblasts". And I doubt in negotiations, Russia has leverage to get Odessa without fighting unless they force Ukraine to unconditional surrender (which does not seem likely as Ukraine seems to think they have leverage)
Just look at the map or better walk around in Ukraine. The country is big. The country has (had) a big army, the 2nd best army in Europe (Turkey 1st I believe), supported by billions of foreign aid with money and waepons.
But if you think you can do a better job, why not volunteer to replace Putin? I do hope you are not accepted as I feel it will not end well for anybody.
Turkey's quiet alliance with Israel over Kurdistan and Shia Crescent means both are about to become ensnarled in another fine mess of their own making.
At least they might overthrow the mullahs' occupation of Persia, rightful historic hegemon and gateway of the southern Silk Road, so I'd take their mess as a win.
I would volunteer to replace Putin - unfortunately thats not how it works, the Oligarchy would not allow it as my first action would be to investigate them for ill begotten wealth. They would never allow that and this is why I can never be Russian President.
Not so sure, SA. The Russians won't stop without Odessa and they will get it. It's a war of attrition so the speed of advance doesn't matter. It's the body count not the yardage count that matters. The Russians will grind the Ukies down until they collapse, then walk into Odessa.
Putin has never mentioned any intention of attempting to capture Odessa. I doubt Russia will, unless their hand is forced (for example by Moldova taking action against Transnistrea).
Yes, because Putin is weak and stupid at the same time. Projecting much?
Putin, a great leader, is fully aware that when he accepts, what you are suggesting, the war will come back within the next decade because of European human traits: hubris, hatred, jealousy.
Just look at our history over centuries. We are a violent continent and we are unable to do much about it if anything.
"Just look at our history over centuries. We are a violent continent and we are unable to do much about it if anything."
If you ever want a deep dive into the depressing details re your point, A Distant Mirror" is a bigly sad tale of ancient European never ending stupidity. New losers, same as the old losers. <<link>>
Putin is a pro-West liberal and that explains everything in this war.
This war is not about going against the West. This war is about showing the US that Russia should be seen as an "equal" partner. Putin is not Stalin, who is willing to go against the entire West by choice.
Well Europe and the US certainly have the same shared values in regard to promoting and participating in Israel's colonial slaughter in Palestine. They agree on genocide at least and ethnic cleansing. Two out of three ain't bad.
It was hard-hitting. It was withering. It delivered a fusillade of steel-edged truths.
Was JD’s speech @ the Munich Security Conference actually in fact a *speech* or was it an “intervention”—because oh-oh—German defense minister Boris Pistorius lashed out stridently against Vance’s words just afterward: “Democracy was called into question by the U.S. vice-president for the whole of Europe.” Pistorius labeled JD’s intervention “not acceptable. He speaks of the annihilation of democracy. And if I have understood him correctly, he is comparing conditions to parts of Europe with those in authoritarian regions.” All of which , in Pistorius’s eye, “is not acceptable.”
JD thrashed Europe mercilessly: “The threat I worry the most about vis a vis Europe is not Russia, it’s not China. It’s not any other external actor. What I worry about most is the threat from within, the retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values.” JD in particular emphasized the nullified elections in Romania in this regard.
JD lambasted Thierry Breton, without naming him, as the European Commissioner “who went on television recently and sounded delighted that the Romanian government had just annulled an entire election. These cavalier statements are shocking to American ears.” JD suggested that an annulled election, “the very same thing could happen in Germany.”
JD castigated Europe for silencing dissent, even blocking populist parties from attending the Munich Security Conference: “To many of us on the other side of the Atlantic, it looks more and more like old entrenched interests hiding behind ugly Soviet era words like misinformation and disinformation, who simply don’t like the idea that somebody with an alternative viewpoint might express a different opinion or, God forbid, vote a different way or, even worse, win an election.”
JD blasted Europe for running in fear of their voters: “Even when our people express views that disagree with their leadership, we shouldn’t be afraid of them. What are you defending yourselves for?” JD got golf-clap applause in response to that sentiment. Then he shocked an already fairly stunned room when he took the European leaders further to task: “If you’re running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you, nor, for that matter, is there anything that you can do for the American people who elected me and elected President Trump.”
Meanwhile, the WSJ’s fake news headline—“Vance Wields Threat of Sanctions, Military Action to Push Putin into Ukraine Deal”—does not match the actual content of JD’s interview. His sit-down w/ the WSJ took place in Paris, but by the time JD got to Munch, he was ready to tell the Europeans @ the MSC that there was “a new sheriff in town.”
Lady vdL may like to wield some tools as a result of JD’s words, but the tools Lady vdL has won’t work on JD.
When the WaPo said that ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness,’ they were wrong. *Munich* is the place where democracy goes to die.
It blows my mind that the BBC was receiving more money from USAID and U.S. taxpayers than they were receiving from the television tax levied on all British households. By a billion dollars!
Arresting someone for praying silently for the death of an unborn child?....think about how deranged a culture has to be for arresting someone for this. While allowing gang rapes.
the largest ever numbers of pediatric amputees in Gaza are fine with the Friends of Israel in the UK (of many stripes), who are in charge of the British morals.
Absolute withering stuff. Talk about a dressing down. This guy is impressive. takes no prisoners. And this is clearly the message that Mr T wanted to send.
The WSJ is a zionist nest of dual-loyalty scum. When Kolomojsky (the former prez of jewish community of Ukraine) founded and financed four (4) neo-Nazi battalions to protect his properties in Donbas (this resulted in the violent deaths of thousands and thousands civilians of all ages) the WSJ was elated. https://www.wsj.com/articles/ukraines-secret-weapon-feisty-oligarch-ihor-kolomoisky-1403886665
EU + NATO is the 4th Reich aka the continuation of the failed nazi 3th Reich, that is as simple as that. I worry that Lavrov and co always say: 'no nato' for 404 ok guys but they should ad no EU as the EU is now an official military entity (illegaly according to her own treaty), as they provide money and weapons for war to attack another country (a real one Russia, EU is not a country).
That's the problem, Alex D. Once the lie fades, the values based on it still remain; the next generations, with no memory it was a lie, believe they are fighting for the good.
Lady vdL has begun to beef up the *defensive* quadrant of the EU to such an extent that she is demanding the cancellation of projects which helped w/ initiatives in Greece and poorer countries in the EU in order to redirect those funds to Project Ukraine.
Ursula is a comprador and obedient servant to banking cartel, BlackRock, Vanguard, StateStreet, and other mega-Looters who need the continuation of the war on Slavs.
Yeah, but the EU is a shambles. Undemocratic and inefficient. It's constitutionally incapable of creating a viable military because it's decision making would be consensus based nonsense.
Look at how the EU's share of World trade has declined in the last 50 years. What technologies do we lead in nowadays?
There are 550 million Europeans and only 140 million Russians, but the bureaucracy and inefficiency of the EU guarantees we are no threat to Russia.
Was I Putin, I would "begrudgingly, let Ukraine in to the EU, as a "major concession". The bankrupt and corrupt Ukraine would absolutely destroy the EU!
Whenever shitlibs start talking feverishly, one must ask them what their words mean. Because invariably their words don't mean what the dictionary and common usage say they mean. In your example, the word is "democracy."
Apparently "democracy" is something that demands one nation go to war against another nation against the wishes and interests of that nation's citizens, but in the best interests of a third nation which is not a democracy.
"In conclusion: the conference thus far has left Europe reeking like a fetid roadside carcass. There is nothing but disillusion and disarray as the globalists scramble like crazed hens to keep the trembling house of cards up. Time is running out." Really, it is a fetid roadside carcass. The decay is palpable and irreversible, in its place will likely be years of confusion, continued missteps. And the rest of the world will move on.
Vance: "As I have always said: American troops should not be in conflict zones unless our interests and security require it..."
article: "Speaking of Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, he blankly admitted his only purpose was to extract mineral concessions and obtain US ‘securities’ from Ukraine:"
The mineral concessions are what would make it an American interest. Zelensky seems a bit slow on the uptake about the art of the deal. Hopefully he continues to be that slow, as I don't think globalist mining interests are worth American tax dollars and American lives.
You do recall that BlackRock and Vanguard, The UK govt (pensions) amongst a few other behemoths already made deals with Ukraine re : mineral rights. Laughably of course because the Russians are in the drivers seat to determine the ownership. So what is this wringing of hands here about the US pushing this. A good # of US corps were in there with Biden's/Blinken's blessings. So of course there is going to be some negotiations with the Russians. Can people actually stand back and see the forest instead of the trees?
All the US military equipment provided to Ukraine was stuff sitting in Pentagon warehouses around the world. The "value" of these items, which were paid for many years ago, is subjective. They have been subject to "adjustment" by the Biden Administration and Congress many times in a political attempt to minimize the dollar number.
"Cost" can be any of; the original Pentagon acquisition capital cost, current depreciated value or replacement cost. Plus the transportation and configuration costs by US personnel.
Now Trump seeks to maximize the number, but for different political reasons... discrediting Biden and shaming other NATO members.
Any dollar number should be considered a total fabrication. There is a reason the Pentagon can never pass an audit.
There is another explanation: the USA is aware of this situation and makes a proposal that is never going to be accepted. Another ‘excuse’ to drop out and leave the dirty laundry to the Europeans.
For a guy that can give us not only what type of arms each side is using but the how old they are and provide the most detailed specs on them, you really have a problem finishing Trump quotes or putting them in context. Its shocking and disingenuous. Not only was Trump's comment about BRICS made in the context of whether they use the US$, which you failed to provide context on, but the fact you don't comment on Vance's speech (if he was a tank would you?) in any geo-political context is mind blowing. Context keeps missing in your reporting of the new US administration. Guess you are a military guy who can't see the big picture as some have surmised.
No consideration that perhaps Trump and Putin have been meeting and negotiating the big picture of what they want since before his inauguration? What? That didn't hit your sources WaPo (CIA) or did you see that in the WSJ? These " news sources" are bought and paid for. Do better or dont cover it.
S has given a link to the full speech, I watched it, together with the information S supplied and the insight from the comments, I think you should be able to get more geopolitical context yourself?
It would be interesting to see if S is going to reply and what he replies.
Don’t get me wrong. Your comment challenges me to think as well as I am always in search of the ‘truth’
trump 1.0 (first term) was more easily dismissed because it was like the supposed comment stalin made "how many divisions does the pope have?" when he was basically alone and surrounded by rinos. trump 2.0 now has a full bench so every comment he makes has to be cross checked by what those around him are doing. vance was not off the reservation with his speech and was an articulate expression of trump's shorthand communications. with the decrepit and corrupt demoncrats having no answer along with their media cadres neutered by musk every trump utterance will either lead to something or pass in the wind. in either case the first time heard it should simply pique interest not lead to some conclusion or pronouncement of a dead end. less then a month in the games are just beginning.
That you’ve been lockdowned for nothing? Johns Hopkins meta-analysis of 18000 studies proved that lockdowns didn’t work and worse, killed people by stopping those with cancer or heart conditions from getting testing and treatment
Could you please explain why no Health Agency researched the 30+ COVID effective cures, but instead censored and banned the doctors successfully applying them? Was it because a successful cure would void the Emergency Use Authorization of the lethal vaccines?
Should every single vaxxed on the planet be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA plasmids in their vaccines, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence in the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada?
Failed again? Show 10 secs in the middle of this video (who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you)
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet 8 towers down. WTC7 imploded, free falling on its footprint, in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach as well as the unblemished Deutsche Bank. All 7 World Trade Center towers and that bank needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center...
The “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings.
The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
There's a plan to slow-murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by 200 infiltrated FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
In 2022, the same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband millions of Brazilians against the stolen elections through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:
- Since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population by adding hCG to infertilize women: lab-detected in 30 countries, and overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” (tampering) by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas). Check SoundChoice.org or videos.
- Excess deaths in the first 2 years: 40 million people killed by the lethal injections... so far. COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
2. There's proof of deliberate geoengineering to increase global temperatures and droughts, and decrease albedo by dissolving clouds with satellite and Weather Radars’ Electro-Magnetic Frequencies.
3. Life involves a carbon cycle. A war on carbon is a war on life, causing crop/food scarcity, increase in food prices and famines. Decarbonization is part of the plan to exterminate 95% of us.
- Apart from sin-empowered demons, what is their main source of power? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
Taking down central banking doesn't solve the problem. Their source of free endless money is counterfeiting, fractional reserve banking and financial instruments (e.g. derivatives, debt over debt, compound interest above real growth, etc.). Also, insider information, sabotage, infiltration, manufactured news and events to create profitable market-movements.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: the SSS (Satanic Secret Societies such as masonry) create trillions out of thin air and launder them through their Banks, foundations, and foreign loans and “aid”, with which they buy puppeticians and seats in the boards of the Federal Reserve (the only private-run Central Bank in the world), judiciary, corporations, media, healthcare, universities, foundations, political parties, etc.
The masons’ worst nightmare is that the daydreaming majority wakes up, finds out their crimes, and seek justice. We are a million to one. Until they achieve the CBDC digi-tatorship, they are walking on a tight rope.
We've got a very small window of opportunity to fight or ... die (they want to murder 95% of us).
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
A jewish veterinarian Albert Bourla, the Pfizer CEO, has got the Genesis Prize [$1 million] for "combatting the pandemic ... and his leadership, determination, and especially for his willingness to assume great risks [for other peoples' expense, of course]. The Committee noted Dr. Bourla’s pride in his Jewish identity and heritage, commitment to Jewish values and support for the State of Israel."
The new jewish Mengele:
"In 2022, Bourla's total compensation was $24.35 million, which included a salary of $1.75 million and equity awards of almost $23 million.
In 2021, Bourla's compensation was $24.3 million, making him the second-highest paid CEO in the industry."
Ursula also got her share: "Von der Leyen previously used her phone to award contracts worth several hundred million euros while acting as defense minister of Germany, effectively bypassing public procurement processes. While awarding the COVID-19 vaccine contracts worth billions of euros as head of EU commission, Von der Leyen similarly bypassed procurement processes via her phone and withheld messages on it."
Good reminder for everyone who fell for the covid conspiracy shit back in the day, or worse yet thinks they were right about everything somehow. All of it was a psyop to distract susceptible people from real issues, real politics, and who's actually in power by leading them down the rabbit hole of idiotic and thus safe, low hanging schizo conspiracy crap that's been around for decades... masons, illuminati, vaccines, flat earth, fake moon landing, UFOs, alternate health, Satanism and the occult. Except back then it was an entertainment product, not politics. Now conservative grifters have ensured that anyone with an ounce of intelligence or common sense will get scared back onto the plantation once they get outed as a "liberal" for not indulging the mentally ill narcissists that infest these spaces
Goodness gracious. 95% extermination. I love these kinda posts. So, at 1 million killed a day it's going to take 22 years, 8 billion is a lot. After 50 days have passed and 50 million are dead, I will take you seriously, since I can guarantee you it will be all over the news. Until then my best advice is to relax. You're winding yourself up, and if ever there is a mass extermination of such magnitude it'll probably be nuclear. I will cope with that when it arrives.
Vance attack on UK&EU migration politic and their advancement of state controlled ”free speech” was a slap in the face of many EU-crats.
Starmer is in panic mode and wants a meeting with Trump (who hasnt answered).
Vance declined meeting with Scholtz and did instead have a good time with Weidel.
Laughing all night about the pictures where the true leader of Ukraine, Yermak, realized it is all over. Good times ahead. Or?
I cant imagine Putin be so dumb to freeze the borders at the current state of the battleline. US will have to sweaten the deal a lot for that to happen.
Kol Nidre: "The phrase Kol Nidre is rather a legal formula used for the annulment of vows.
Said at the start of the Yom Kippur fast day, Kol Nidre declares all future vows and promises invalid, by declaring that all vows are "absolved, remitted, cancelled, declared null and void, not in force of in effect." Said by the cantor, surrounded by men holding Torah scrolls, it is sung to a traditional tune."
Is this religion compatible with the serving on the US Supreme Court? In the US State Department?
After suffering through the sniviling/moaning of Steinmeier & Co about Musk.
"Trust me, I say this with all humor," he said. "If American democracy can survive ten years of Greta Thunberg scolding, you guys can survive a few months of Elon Musk."
The fake false flag was of course made in MI6. But I expect this time as the situation is more than existantial for both NATO + EU(not the US),a real F F some kind of 9/11 x 100 .
This is their only possibity to force the US to send boots on the ground or worse.
Desperate people do desperate things
Ukraine euro- british failed adventure according to WSJ or Bloomberg is going to cost EU +UK 3 trillions usd in the 10 years to come, well done people. They don't even have the first euro or pound to start with as they only have mountains of debts, no cheap energy, no minerals, and their last industrial prods are or closing or leaving to the US. Europe will become a museum, a big Disneyland with services for the yuppies in big cities, beaches in the summer in the South and in the UK it is even worse.
Just f..k the USA! They started the war, they financed the war and Ukraine, they destroyed Europe's acces to energy etc and now they say that they have nothing to do with this. Europe should kick out the USA, should start real negotiations with Russia, China, middle east, Iran, Africa. Let's not forget that the new administration in Washington are payed by the same people as Biden. There's a uni party so, no matter who's in charge, things stay the same.
Vassals do not get to dictate to the first amongst nations. Europe is a series of our vassal states (as is the UK and Japan and Korea and the Philippines, etc.).
Well paid Vassals who take money with one hand and bitch behind their backs. Just wait until the closing of the US bases start. Trump already announced 20,000 leaving Germany.
I hope all will leave. Germany can work for themselves. Greens got into power because of the US support and their interference into media and politics.
Me too. LOL!! yup all of Germany's problems are because of the US. Seriously? Greens were a European creation that migrated to North America. Time to take some responsibility for their decisions. You could have said no to the Marshall Plan 🤷♀️
The Germans don't need to be occupied by a foreign army. They are natural slaves. Who but the Germans would have tolerated their fantastic economy and culture being destroyed by the Greens and Merkel?
Funny don't know if you saw-- but the Japanese Prime Minister recently visited Trump and made a bunch of new trade and military deals. They get along really well-- oh well! And I think SK wont be worrying about that for quite awhile-- with their President being arrested and all
Did they or were the other Russia haters in the UK and Europe helping? Did the US put all those windmills in Europe and de-industrialize Germany or did they commit suicide with the help of the Greens? The US didn't fund the Green Party as Vance pointed out they were too busy defending attacks from the WEF /globalist funded Greta, Soros et al with Europe helping out. LOL -- kick out the US -- every technocrat at that "security" conference owes its job to the US. Have you not been following the fast drip of Biden's criminal organization sending billions to European institutions for that purpose. One of the highlights this week was the video of the former Tory MP in the UK whining that the rest of his wife's USAID grant ($1 mil) was stopped due to the DOGE audit process. Multiple that by hundreds of thousands. They have over 2 trillion of fake "Social Security" payments to all over Europe. Can you say money laundering?
That parallel globalist govt that Europe was cooking with Biden and his Neo-cons along with the UK is done.
Remember "f..k the EU"?! The USA told Europe to shut up because they have a "great plan, a marvelous plan" in which they will get the Russian resources for free, like in Syria, Irak etc and they will make China to succumb. Europe's poodles believe it, invested in by closing factories in Russia, selling them for 1$, cut themselves from cheap gas and oil etc. The plan failed so now is the blaming part of the show. Europe should kick out the USA, UK also, israhell also, and start building back all previous relationships, of course, with the proper amount of respect for others.
Cookies Nuland left the building a few years back. As Vance said-- new Sheriff in town. Europes past due date is past. Living large on other peoples dimes (Africa, US) creates sloth -- reap what you sow.
Cookies Nuland just moved over to NED, she didn't leave at all.
Please remember, USAID and NED et al are in the business of influencing elections, globally; this is why all the weird projects like trans parakeets in Madagascar, USAID money is being funneled to niche groups likely to vote the way Intelligence wants them to vote, to ultimately place puppets and sway policy.
I agree, but there could be something else in play as well. The USA after WW2 buying influence in main stream media in Europe, propagandizing public opinion. NGO supporting the organizations that were in line with USA values. Hence, I think our politicians are not organically risen to power. They are and were groomed by USA influence and the result we see today.
I hope you're right, but I don't think these cunts are going away just yet. Expect false flags and depraved terrorist attacks by small gangs of elite troops as they flail about around the globe.
COG since JFK whoever is potus does not matter only on small details, but foreign policy is the same otherwise potus is " JFKIZED '', it nearly happened to Trump this past summer).
Not so simple. The Nuland-Kagan's collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party Svoboda in 2014 was a triumph of PNAC formulated by ziocons in 1990-s. And it was Obama's presidency in 2014. You are correct about the supremacist lunatics bent on creating a talmudic full-spectrum dominance.
Zionism is the jewish form of Fascism/Nazism and must be outlawed and persecuted.
Sad What Europe has done to Ukraine. They made false promises leading them down this path. Terrible destruction and then the ukrainian people let it happen because their leadership was poor and compromised. Very tragic situation that has happened. Should not have happened. Ukraine could have been a neutral ‘Turkey’ Of sorts
The Jew nukand works for her tribe. Russia needs to make sure these Jews start having ‘accidents’ all over the world. Nuland kagan soros blinken Netanyahu kushner. Get rid of the parasites of the world.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has maintained a significant presence in Ukraine since 1948, nurturing and supporting the Banderites. The country is home to numerous CIA bases and biological laboratories. This conflict is essentially a proxy war orchestrated by the United States, with Victoria Nuland playing a key role. She traveled across Europe, delivering an ultimatum to nations: either align with the U.S. or face the consequences. Through threats, coercion, bribery, and blackmail, countries were compelled to demonstrate unwavering solidarity.Even the Rand Corporation's 2017 report titled "How to Overextend Russia" outlined the precise strategy to be employed, with the ultimate objectives being regime change and the fragmentation of the Russian Federation. This would enable the U.S. and its allies to seize Russia's vast resources. European nations were promised a share of the spoils if they supported this reprehensible act of aggression, which constitutes a crime against humanity.
Mr. and Mr. Macrons have a very interesting past indeed. The French authorities have gone to a great length (by breaking rules and regulations) to ensure that Mr. and Mr. Macrons occupy the Élysée Palace.
Actually, the Kagans were busy with the project Ukraine since 1990-s when they invited the leading banderite Dobrianslky to sign PNAC, a blueprint for Wolfowitz doctrine of "full spectrum [talmudic] dominance."
Zionism/judaism is a plague on the collective west. Look what zionists (jewish fascists) have been doing in Palestine while squealing about their "incorporable sufferings" because "hitler&nazi." They are brought up, from infancy, in a spirit of genocidal Purim (see cookies in a form of the human ear) and the legal formula of Kol Nidre: "All vows, prohibitions, oaths, bans, renunciations, penalties, or invocations of the divine by which we have vowed, sworn, renounced, or foresworn anything from this Yom Kippur to an auspicious next Yom Kippur, we repent of them all. We repudiate them. All of them are undone, abandoned, cancelled, null and void, not in force, and not in effect. Our vows are no longer vows, and our prohibitions are no longer prohibitions, and our oaths are no longer oaths."
Any civilized society that allows these subversive and anti-human teachings targeting all "others" is doomed to a rot from within.
Well, I see these recent moves as significant, albeit small steps towards reconciliation between Russia and the US. We are certainly dumping this war on Europe, a best case scenario since they have neither the resources nor conviction to see anything through regarding aid/arms. Russia will emerge reborn, galvanized through the fires and with a strong sense of self, and America will play a leading role in restoring Russia's image via fair diplomacy and hopefully a rational ceasefire structure. Europe will return over time, head down and downtrodden to beg Russia for economic deals. So long as Trump doesn't ignite anything with Iran or China/Taiwan, this is starting to read like a dream scenario for many based Americans who mandated an end to foolish wars abroad, reckless spending, and long neglected diplomacy. The defense contractors got their $$, now it's time for damage control and an about face.
Well, I see these recent moves as significant, albeit small steps towards reconciliation between Russia and the US. We are certainly dumping this war on Europe, a best case scenario since they have neither the resources nor conviction to see anything through regarding aid/arms. Russia will emerge reborn, galvanized through the fires and with a strong sense of self, and America will play a leading role in restoring Russia's image via fair diplomacy and hopefully a rational ceasefire structure. Europe will return over time, head down and downtrodden to beg Russia for economic deals. So long as Trump doesn't ignite anything with Iran or China/Taiwan, this is starting to read like a dream scenario for many based Americans who mandated an end to foolish wars abroad, reckless spending, and long neglected diplomacy. The defense contractors got their $$, now it's time for damage control and an about face.
And by extension that will mean China as well. At that point the UK will be shitting it pants (soverign debt crisis) and Europe will be experiencing large capital flows leaving to the US.
This isn't a game played on a board. People die when they go up against bankers and the MIC. Lots of people. To reach your utopian vision Trumplione needs a lot more horses heads dotted around the planet. Perhaps Consigliere Musk has everything in place though I doubt the showdown will ever take place.
Obeying an impulse everyone thought dead, buried & gone forever from its war-stained past, Germany moves to militarize now even more. Chancellor Scholz has asked the Bundestag to classify the war in Ukraine as an emergency, with grave consequences for Germany’s and Europe’s security, in order to designate ever greater amounts of debt for the German government to shoulder as it supports the war in Ukraine.
Enshrined in the constitution, the debt-brake limit dictates that the government cannot borrow more than 0.36% of the country’s annual GDP. Since the SMO began, Germany has sent $11.5bn to Project Ukraine. During that time, however, the country’s GDP has shrunk, meaning the percent of GDP it has in reserve to send to Project Ukraine has shrunk too.
Although the war has persisted for nearly 3 years, Scholz was not moved to declare it an emergency until SecDef Hegseth said that DJT is unlikely ever to allow Ukraine to become a member of OTAN. Suddenly on account of DJT’s stance the war in Ukraine after 3 years has become a pressing emergency.
Scholz is now wanting to call a State of Emergency in his *own* country, Germany, in order to feed corruption in *another* country, Ukraine. Moreover, he is asking the Bundestag henceforward to exempt ‘defense spending’ from debt-brake considerations, meaning that in any given year the Chancellor can borrow more & more money for weapons of war and not run afoul of the constitution. Germany will be taking on more debt so it can armor up. The lust for war has seized hold of European politicians, some of whom live in countries under occupation of the country which now calls for peace.
Suddenly foreign policy is not really *foreign policy* any longer because DJT did not give the German foreign minister a heads-up prior to his phone call w/ VVP. Compared to how Collective Biden treated Germany, this kind of foreign policy is *foreign.*
Describing Germany, the nytimes once characterized the country as “an economic leviathan but a military minnow" and went on to say that "the use of military power often raises uncomfortable associations with its Nazi past. The fact that German soldiers have repeatedly been implicated in high-profile cases of right-wing extremism contributes to the concern. Commandos in the Budeswehr’s special forces were implicated in 2023 in a bizarre coup to overthrow the government.”
The rebirth of the Budeswehr, Germany’s military, sparks trepidation in Europe & elsewhere. Unsavory associations w/ the return of *Hitlerism* arise, as do tendencies toward a fascist revanchism. In 2021, an OTAN platoon led by a German mechanized unit training in Lithuania serenaded Adolph Hitler on the occasion of the long-dead Fuhrer’s birth. The Bundeswehr was founded by men who fought in the Reich’s Wehrmacht—and today it bills itself as the “clean Wehrmacht”—a force innocent of Nazi crimes.
According to historian Timothy Snyder, 6.5mn people in the Ukraine S.S.R. were murdered as a result of German “killing policies” or died as a result of the carnage the Reich unleashed in that republic between 1941 and 1944.
In response to Scholz's debt-brake plans, Zakharova mused from the Russian foreign ministry, “How could this end?” She paused for effect and then answered her own question, which had not been rhetorical at all. “Alas, history tells us.”
This is the history that repeats itself, so Santayana told us, when we fail to remember it. Not a good sign: Germany & Japan are both militarizing at the same time.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that many of Japan's current ships in their navy have the same names as their WW2 naval ships.
Do not be concerned until Yamato reappears... 😉
So what? Many of those names would probably have been assigned before the Second World War.
Good for them. The Jews nuked them and I hope they retaliate accords
More Banzai charges. Honorable Deaths. For the Emperor?
Hitler Youth are now 90 years old.
Only those that expect others to bleed for them, are eager to start WWIII,
"The rebirth of the Budeswehr" is scary but even scarier is this bovine, spineless Germany, humiliated & brutalized into submission by the Brussel's nonentities. How many wars the world got as the result of suppression and humiliation of Germans?
All the money and effort to set humanity on a path. Poof. Ok never mind that now we wanna play nice.
Well if the EU truly were on board with plan A, Ukraine would not be desperate now. If Russia was truly a threat the EU would have been up to speed by now.
Russia however did feel some heat and there it is. We started this and now they should bend to our will? If the roles were reversed would we capitulate?
if it would have been reserve, then nobody would have been left on this planet to capitulate
Actually a terrifying prospect. Just who could have launched a US nuclear war with Joe Biden being so far gone? Blinken, Nuland, Hillary, Obama? Who runs the show?
Throw Lloyd the 3rd and Jake "the slim reaper" Sullivan into the mix. It could have been an ensemble effort, like Presidency By Committee.
Reminiscent of one of those Agatha Christie mysteries like Orient Express where 12 people wound up plunging the knife.
Yes - WW1 started in Europe, but Japan (unofficially) started WW2 by invading China in 1937, with over 1 million military casualties (both sides combined) by 1939, figures not reached in Europe until Germany invaded the Soviet Union. Arnaud Bertrand also stated that 100% of World Wars started in Europe, but I think a more accurate figure would be 75%.
I also disagree with Arnaud Bertrand that the past is a guide to the future. Europe's colonies are gone, and the chance of Australia or India sending soldiers to fight in European wars is nil. European wars will only be regional in the future.
The Australians might, they love a scrap.
Australia is more likely than India because it's still tied to the UK through its constitution, and the US by various treaty arrangements. I'd say Australia is a neo-colony tied into the globalist architecture and attempts to assert self interest are sharply reined in whenever they arise.
No more British Empire/Commonwealth where naive, foolish young men will be drum-beaten into joining to save that Old Hag England.
And Germany? Better make a deal with Russia to divide up Poland before Poland makes a deal to divide up Germany.
I don't recognise what you're describing. America humiliated Germany by occupying it, by tapping its leaders phone calls and by blowing up Nordstream 2. European countries on the other hand have been humiliated by Germany through it's political and economic domination. Look what Merkel did to Greece and Cyprus. Why are we buying German cars, shopping in German supermarkets and eating German sweets? As Peter Hitchens says 'the European Union is the extension of Germany by other means'.
Japan has deep social malaise, and a demographic problem. The Plaza Accords were the nail in the coffin for the "Japanese miracle". It's a time I remember having stayed with a friend working at a Recruit language school in the Ginza. As the Mitsubishi ad ran, "Please consider", regain some independence or perish.
"Japan has not had a child birth in 2 months?" https://x.com/lungileisblack/status/1861874141135081667?mx=2
The same Snyder that called Ukraine the beacon of democracy? Many people died in WW2, but the amount of death of some have been used to achieve a certain goal (Israel is such achievement for example). Snyder is a very strong supporter of Ukraine and so I doubt his numbers. Reading many of your comments, makes me think that I am having wrong assumption here about Snyder. Please let me know.
Nota Bene: The nytimes article from January 2023 was skeptical of Germany's impulse to rebuild the Bundeswehr, and the article included the Snyder numbers as a way to reinforce an overall negative opinion of Germany, by remembering Nazi crimes in the Ukraine S.S.R.
But your words about Snyder leave me questioning the nytimes article's intent. It was not flattering of contemporary Germany's rush to fortify its military. Thx for pointing out how easily those w/ impure motives can manipulate numbers.
I consider Snyder an "activist", not an "accurate", historian.
Yep, historical activism is a thing. I gave up correcting the errors of Ukrainian nationalists on Wikipedia who insisted on making Russian poets, artists, scientists, etc. into instruments of their national insecurity.
Thx for the word of caution. I will know how to *read* him going forward.
Weirdly, just flipping through some tabs while ago, I found a recent interview w/ David Remnick of The New Yorker who--speaking of the *Resistance* in the U.S. to DJT (which may or may not be manifesting)--quoted Timothy Snyder's book ON TYRANNY, in which Snyder told *Resisters* "Do not obey."
Of course, Snyder's advice could have applied to those who broke from Collective Biden, but no matter...
Snyder is having a *moment*
Snyder the opportunist: "Snyder is a member of the Committee on Conscience of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum [still a member of this organization despite the genocide of children and women in Gaza and the greatest ever numbers of pediatric amputees in Gaza: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20241011-un-gaza-home-to-largest-number-of-amputee-children-in-modern-history/]
"On September 25, 2020, Snyder was named as one of the 25 members of the "Real Facebook Oversight Board", an independent group monitoring Facebook." -- This Oversight Board was financed by the USAID, along with "providing millions of dollars in funding to groups that have links to terrorism."
Mr. Snyder loves, loves money!
Wowza--another tendril of the ganglia
It must be difficult to be a German these days. When your army is small, your "allies" complain that you are not doing enough for your defense. When your army is big, your "allies" complain that you become a threat...
Hitlerism. Is the answer to the problem.
Timothy Snyder is not Jewish, but is involved with organizations that support Jewish research and Holocaust remembrance - of course.
Thx for this clarity. Snyder is a gentile Zionist.
They won't be able to militarize for shit until they get their red-green coalition smashed so they can get their industry running again. Getting their ethnics under control would also be a big plus so their military doesn't look behind them and see their cities burning while they defend other nations' cities.
Russia = gas station with nukes
America = strip mall with nukes
Germany = multi-racial ghetto without nukes
That British lunatic should be reported for incitation to hatred and terrorism. How can his account not be blocked or banned!?
How DARE you accuse me of being a filthy Limey!!
Zorost I don't think he means you pal. I think Axel means that mercenary dick in the main article who wants to bomb Moscow.
If you were British you'd have better comprehension skills. 😄😄
I guess that was JDV referring to: free speech even if you don’t like.
But rest assured Russia has put his name on a list, a list you don’t want to be on.
Hopefully he'll end up with his bollocks sewn in his mouth
you mean, even zionists can be criticized in the US?
"Anti-Semites" will be deported by President Drumpf.
Vance's comments are comical in the context of the proven ability of all US based search engines and social media platforms to "suppress" or "silo" or "ring fence' all posts and alt-media sites that to not conform to their approved Overton Window range of opinions.
That eliminates the need for hard censorship and protects the idea of "free speech", since the fringe cannot easily go mainstream. So the real problem for the EU states is that they do not have their own platforms to manage.
Perhaps we'll worth bearing in mind that the reading age of the average British Army recruit is that of an 11 year old. For the lower percentile it's 8 ! Maybe someone's been reading too many Comics or Playing Call of Duty too much.
I’m no fan of the British ruling class, but, if correct, that the UK produces high school graduates whose reading level is FIVE grades behind the standard is a numbing tragedy for the individual and the country.
The British (and Western) Ruling Class is thoroughly Jewish these days.
He's more likely to be in the House of Lords knowing the Brit Establishment...
Perfect timing to show that the Emperor Scholz has no clothes. My god the delusion of past glories.
He is a normative comprador issuing what was ordered to him to issue. Guess, the City of London still expects the europeans to die for the banking cartel's glory.
revenge for Brexit
At a certain point if they do not see the Nordstream attack as an act of war, then let them expend themselves in Ukraine. It would seem their infatuation with Nazis goes on.
"them" would never don a fatigue: "them" want others to fight and die for "their" comforts.
Actually, the IDF wears stolen ladies' under-garments over their fatigues.
Ok if the German people are so servile they ignore being attacked by an "Ally" then let the German people toss themselves into the dustbin of history, yet again!
War may come to Europe's Compradors from a direction they failed to anticipate and not from outside their domestic borders either. I sense Germany's people have had enough of this shower of gangsters.
On a continent of meek and obedient sheep, germans are the most rule-following prissy hall monitors of all.
I beg to differ here. Germany is an American protectorate. Even if this control is carried out by deep state Nato Pentagon anchored operatives, Germany will fold to Trump if he can hold to power without being taken out. Vance put it clear. America is going to support nationalist governments in Europe, and this mean AFD will probably take over, very soon.
From Winston...NO, no not the Winston from 1984 but the whisky swilling, cigar chomping ruler of the Brits. Lest we forget...Winston's Mom, Jenny Jerome, aka "Lady Randy" was an American who reputedly, "slept around a bit..." The Huns are either at your throat or at your feet <<link>>
A close childhood friend whose father was Welsh and mom a German war bride...
remarked not very charitably that German speech reminded him of "dogs barking".
Yes, but Deutsch works so well in German Opera! It's remarkable!
Churchill the Jew bootlicker owned by the ‘focus group’
The entire "West" is a Jewish Colony. From the CoL to the Beltway to Vatican City.
It's not so much a lust for war, as a lust to impose moral authority on both Russia and Europe's own stinking masses, using deceptive reframing of the issues as excuse. Self destruction knows no bounds in the mindless pursuit of sanctimony, virtue signaling, and worship of the Holy Narrative.
Sanctimonious Hypocrisy
Mother Russia has 11 time zones and 00DLES of resources. 1000 years ago, Russia rid herself of Khazarian Face-Stealers then, more recently, the Bolsheviks; AKA: J00Z! Now, the 'chosenites' seek recompense for being treated badly. It's not even a persecution complex. It's just another LIE!
There's never joy in that part of the world when there's peace on earth.. They are now gunning desperately for a war to end all wars which will burn everyone on this planet. As an African, it's sad I can't muster all the hatred a person can show towards these lesser humans..
I guess in 80 years some Germans can't remember getting their raw asses kicked from Stalingrad back to Berlin.,
Vance’s speech will echo in eternity. Compare that to Kamala’s Munich speech, which started a war. The Euro Cuck-submission was given a deserved spanking and now they are throwing tantrums to save face.
Who or what is a Kamala?
they fall out of coconut trees when they're unburdened by what has been
She was certainly unburdened of any brains
It's what Willie Brown used to use as a mattress.
You mean “a blow up doll with Hoover skills.”
I try very hard to not think too much about the details.
Yes, once seen (imagined) it cannot be unseen.
Ahhh, I can answer that!
K'Mala is a hand-puppet operated by Killary, on the corporate networks children's shows.
Women politicians are referred to in the diminutive, by their given names, like children. And also to emphasise that they are women in a man's world.
Perhaps. I say "Stein", instead of Jill. "Truss", instead of Liz (Although more commonly that "airheaded Queen-murdering bitch".
And the male politicians get it worse, Chimpie, BloJo, Kid Starver, Micron, Nuttyahoo.
But overall, I can see you have a point. It came from the Romans, who decreed that women had to be in the home, and subservient, embedded also in their horrible Xian cult.
In the Pagan world, women were near equals.
Women such as Queen Buddug, or Boudica, were not exceptional or unusual in the pre-Roman European world.
Was it my error? I always said “Truss Liz” and found it curious that her name was also a command.
I was lolling so hard I tried to find the lol-smiley reply button for a second there. ;) :'D
I think you go a bit too far about female power in the pagan world. Sure, there were women leaders, but as ever, the real power rested with men. Boudica wouldn't have been of much account without the decidedly alpha-male soldiers behind her.
Mhhmmm, maybe, maybe not. Ever been up to Skandi? Those women are completely capable of punching the shit out of most males around the World.
And the peoples of the British Isles are the same lineage. We all came from Doggerbank.
When the Roman scum attacked Britain, they massacred the women as much as the men. Why? Because the women were just as fierce in the defence. The Romans obviously wrote the 'Official Histories', being the victors. And NO Roman general would ever want to admit his crack stormtroopers were annihilated by WOMEN - they would have lost all face in the Psychopath Capital from then on.
But here's just one titbit, there's tons of such actual archaeological evidence coming to light.
Because women are children.
Are children women?
What point do you thinking you're winning with this bizarre reply?
A prostitute surrounded by presstitutes.
A confused nitwit with substandard thinking and speaking skill as in she was Kamala she was so stupid.
LMFAO @ the batshit notion that the US can impose Christian Fascism on Europe as well. Did love the bit about "Commissars", and the cancellled elections, however.
But in at least Western Europe, Shittianity is finally a busted flush after being imposed by the sword and spike for 2000 years, that disgusting Slave religion.
Less than 2% in the UK go to church, and most of those who loudly proclaim "We are Christian!" are just far-right thugs wanting to express they hate "Muzzies", and couldn't express a single Christian thought except the ones of hatred added by the Roman psychopaths.
Once again we are "Divided by a common language". This shit isn't go to fly over here.
The only noteworthy historical elements are that the US-instigated slaughter in Ukraine IS over, that the US can't really see much point to NATO if there is a new European Security Architecture, that the regime-change ops are taking a big hit, and that the Empire of Lies is finally retreating from being a Global Hegemon. And that with a bit of hard negotiating, Russian can take whatever the fuck Putin wants.
The Green Goblins Gravelly voice is no longer impressive to anyone, except the most brainwashed committed cretins. And BloJo, who is in this up to his neck.
The new regime in DC may imagine its new beachhead of control will be from the Christians, but frankly there's not much utility from 70+ year old geriatrics afraid of dying.
Goddess bless Trump. The New World is beginning.
The vile anti-White foreign sandland cult of Christ, imposed initially upon the Eastern White races of Europe by the Sun worshipping Roman emperor Constantine circa AD300 at the urging of his two top advisers - Both kikes to
destroy the White race's cultures and societies.
"The Bible is a tool, used by those that rule, to pacify the fool."
~Derek Redgate~
I gave you a thumbs up, but I do not share your views about Zion Don Trump the duplicitous traitor.
OWNCO, One World New Communist Order with American Mexicana at the head and Zion Don Trump the traitor, wearer of the Silver Crown of the Torah as King.
"Anti-White?" How TF can there have been such notions before "Whiteness" was invented by Americans to justify their use of immoral African slaves, 1700 years later?
The Pagan world allowed travellers from EVERYWHERE to travel and trade freely, to come to the huge parties and festivals, to sleep together, and to settle there.
People came from as far as the Urals to the great annual Stonehenge festival, and from North Africa.
I agree with your criticism of the Roman cult, but your ideas of Pagan racism are just... wrong.
It's sad that Trump has bought into the Zionazi clan, for sure. Or perhaps been bought by them is more accurate.
If you aren't a parentheses I will eat my hat
Either that, or if you were American you'd tell me your grandmother was a full-blood Cherokee
"If you aren't a parentheses chasing ghettopotamuses I will eat my hat "
:'D (No comment).
I'd be considerably more proud to have the intelligence of the Native Indians in my blood than the cretinous imbecilic savages that came over on the Mayflower. Sadly, that is not the case.
lol. Native Indians. The savages who were but fauna
" The Pagan world allowed travellers from EVERYWHERE to travel and trade freely, to come to the huge parties and festivals, to sleep together, and to settle there. "
Yet somehow Europe remained almost completely White / Caucasian till the 50s . Amazing how that was possible.
I agree with a lot of what you say except the far right bit about British hating Muslims. It's a helluva lot more complicated than just a tiny percentage of British citizens hating muslims. I'm not saying there isn't a small amount of far right idiots in Britain. There is in every country. But most of the British citizens who have had enough haven't got a far right bone in their body. The media makes the divisions they want to make in society & they label each faction. I've lived in one of the cities that had some of the biggest & most violent protests last summer all of my life. Not once has my city voted Tory in any election. It's a socialist stronghold always has been. But it's been the poorest region in Britain for not decades but centuries. Highest child mortality rates, lowest life expectancy, lowest employment rates, highest poverty rates. First thing the government & media did was label the protesters far right. Why? Is it far right when you have nothing, not even hope for a future. To protest at a thousand immigrants being placed into your city 1 weekend without informing the public? That their terrible health service was going to become under more strain from none tax paying immigrants, that terrible job prospects were going to become even worse? That the housing waiting list you've been on for 2 years makes no difference. These immigrants were a priority now. Are you far right to protest these things or is it common sense these policies were going to cause unrest?
What a joke. What about Ursula haverbeck. Why not mention her jailing for merely telling the truth. Oh right. Zion don and Vance serve the Jew.
Lady Liberty shedding tears of joy: DJT, Vance & Uncle Sam go metal w/ Kekkius Maximus on vocals.
>Putin almost certainly will not water down the demands about demilitarization, deNazification, and the four regions which have already constitutionally joined the Russian Federation
The demand for the "four regions" is automatically conceding no demilitarization and denazification.
For the simple reason that demilitarization and denazification is 100% incomaptible with independent Ukrainian statehood.
That place can only exist as Nazi hyper-militarized anti-Russian state. Because there is simply no other basis for its existence.
Thus if the Kremlin was serious about denazification, it would be also seriously getting on with the business of militarily occupying Galicia and everything in between.
But is it?
Well, do we need to elaborate on that question...
If you are saying "give me the four regions and we will negotiate", you are automatically giving up on actually winning the war, the minimal condition for which is going much further than those four regions.
Putin's June 2024 demands were not demands, they were him begging on his knees to be allowed to surrender.
This fifty center troll needs to be booted.
Then block him and stop whininig.
I don’t see that option. Can you help me?
Any more advice, fiftycenter?
Because you can't imagine living outside of your bubble?
I have tried to explain this on multiple occasions -- the fundamental problem of this place and much of the "alternative media" is that it comes out of and/or caters to a libertarian/conservative right audience that wants to hear comforting tales about how the knight saviors on white horses are going to save them from globohomo, those saviors being Trump and Putin.
That automatically makes them blind to the actual actions of those people. The actual actions being the transition from rule by corporations to rule by oligarchs in the USA (i.e. going from catastrophically bad to something even worse), and the gradual destruction of the Russian state by the hands of the Kremlin.
And it makes them blind because the real critique of the actions of those people comes from the left (but the true left, the one concerned about socioeconomic issues, not the liberal pseudoleft).
Specifically in Russia, the strongest component of anti-Putinism are the communists. It is not only them -- when the Angry Patriots Club was formed you had all sorts of people there -- true communists like Alksnis, people who have swayed back and forth ideologically like Kalashnikov, the likes of Gubarev who imagine some new different version of socialism emerging, and then true Whites like Strelkov. But even the modern-day Whites want a strong state controlling much of the economy and in practice there is much more in common between them and the communists than between them and Western libertarians (or even liberals).
Two of the most telling episodes of the SMO were:
1) Putin's first public meeting on February 24th being with the oligarchs, in which he profusely apologized to them for having to start it, but also assuring them that nothing will fundamentally change. That promise is, in retrospect very clearly, when the SMO was doomed to catastrophic failure, because things staying the same internally was not compatible with winning a major war, which required a return to at least a mild form of Stalinism.
2) The Kremlin never touching any of the prominent Ukronazis, but aggressively going after the Angry Patriots internally, jailing Strelkov long-term and arresting pretty much all of them for at least a brief stint behind bars, to send a message. That clearly shows who the Kremlin perceives as the real enemy.
And those are objective facts. Both of them never discussed in the Western alternative media.
As are some others:
1) Have Russian missiles flown successfully with little problems all the way to the Polish border? Yes.
2) Is there any place in Ukraine that they cannot hit? No.
3) Are the critical objects that keep Ukraine in the war -- command-and-control centers, key transportation nodes, the railways, the border crossings with Poland Romania, etc. -- still untouched and fully functioning? Yes.
From 1), 2) and 3) it automatically follows that the Kremlin can win the war at any time of its choosing but it is deliberately refusing to do so.
If you are not constantly asking and bringing up the question why that is, you are just not serious about analyzing the situation.
But again, because of the ideological blinders I described above -- the requirement to approach it from a traditional socioeconomic left perspective, which most people frequenting the Western alternative media outlets are fundamentally incapable of -- that is not happening.
And I get accused of being a troll as a result.
Because your bought for bullshit is a trite routine on every article, and you are grossly overpaid.
Keep going. You make many good and interesting points despite writing a lot that seems way off to me. I like to read widely and assuming you are Russian with a great command of written English I learn much from your analysis.
Perhaps because the SMO is lifting Russia out of its long malaise like nothing ever before.
If only.
If it ends like this, it will return it to the 90s because the oligarchy will have triumphed over the patriotic forces.
I was very, very enthusiastic about the SMO early on because I and many others truly believed that nobody would launch a major war without being committed to the kind of internal changes necessary to win it, i.e. in this case doing away with the oligarchic socio-economic model.
Little did we know that the oligarchi model would not only veto any changes, but actively sabotage the war so succefully that right now Russia has been turned into a giant Syria, a place anyone can bomb whenever they feel like this is the new normal, in perpetuity, and the Kremlin just accepted it under the dictate of the people who have the real power in Russia.
Who are, of course, not bothered by it, because they themselves live in Monaco, London, Paris, NYC, LA, etc., all the places that should have suffered major consequences for what the Western oligarchy did, but are perfectly safe to this day. Unlike major Russian cities in which something major explodes daily.
I agree. Can you imagine Stalin during WW2 or right before not purging the counter-revolutionaries? This would have caused the USSR to not be able to put in the extra-odrinary effort it did at best and collapse at worst.
"...SMO was doomed to catastrophic failure, because things staying the same internally was not compatible with winning a major war, which required a return to at least a mild form of Stalinism..."
So the SMO was doomed to failure which is why it was thusly named and not an invasion prompting a war? Hundreds of thousands killed and maimed for an ideal that was never going to happen? In that case, a catastrophic failure that was a success.. No wonder no one can bear the reek of it..
Is this you, nanny Nukland-Kagan? Since when the Institute for the Study of War (the Kagans' sinecure) cares about the lives of "others?"
Also, how come that neither a single holobiz museum nor synagogue has denounced Nuland-Kagan's collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party Svoboda in 2014? https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-7-2014-003446_EN.html "Svoboda party is ‘an extremist, right-wing, nationalist organisation which emphasises its identification with the ideology of German National Socialism." Mazel Tov on the union of zionism and neo-nazism!
GM is expressing a minority-polar view that some of us share. It's always good to see both sides right?
I agree with Denis.
GM is fully entitled to express an opinion that personally I don't share.
It's copypasta AI.
With USAID on the chopping block, I think we'll see his activity abruptly taper off. Budanov's crew of miscreant and propagandists don't work for free.
it is a collection of propaganda tropes, hardly an opinion. Also, the path GM is taking has high probability of landing him/her in prison. First you talk about "Angry Patriots " you like and support (various foreign agents group, pretty much all of them), then you talk to some friendly person over TG/chats to 'spur action' against 'weak Putin', and then bam you just ruined your life and arrested for terrorism as you try to light up some fuse box. plenty of idiots are getting Darwin awards or decades in jail following GM's line of thinking...
and yes CIA/USAID was funding plenty of 'patriotic opposition' in RU along with 'liberal opposition', west is/was concurrently funding communist opposition and monarchist opposition (restoration of monarchy). Realize that opposition at the time of war, funded by your enemy (hmm for what reason I wonder?) is not just 'minority-polar view'.. it is incredibly stupid to be involved in that.
it is doubtful that GM resides in Russia.
At this very moment, In the Air French broadcast, Putin hospitalised, Russian soldiers dying by the thousands, ten thousands, Russian economy on its knees (the French going after the Titanic!), but before 2030 Russian ground troops entering Paris, London, Berlin? This all said with a touch of French “je m’enfoutisme” flush my deposits with yours down the toilet.
In addition, the fact that Ukraine is allowed to hold onto Odessa is a travesty. That means it still has access to the sea and remains a semi-functional state. Cutting Ukraine from the sea, means that it will not be able to be much of a threat without external financing. Russia is moving too slow for me to believe there will even be an Odessa operation.
‘slowly, slowly, then all at once’
I also doubt Russia renounces to Odessa. Still, Ukraine could be given a narrow sea corridor.
Putin has never mentioned Odessa in his speeches - he keeps talking about the "4 oblasts". And I doubt in negotiations, Russia has leverage to get Odessa without fighting unless they force Ukraine to unconditional surrender (which does not seem likely as Ukraine seems to think they have leverage)
Just look at the map or better walk around in Ukraine. The country is big. The country has (had) a big army, the 2nd best army in Europe (Turkey 1st I believe), supported by billions of foreign aid with money and waepons.
But if you think you can do a better job, why not volunteer to replace Putin? I do hope you are not accepted as I feel it will not end well for anybody.
Turkey's quiet alliance with Israel over Kurdistan and Shia Crescent means both are about to become ensnarled in another fine mess of their own making.
At least they might overthrow the mullahs' occupation of Persia, rightful historic hegemon and gateway of the southern Silk Road, so I'd take their mess as a win.
'At least they might overthrow the mullahs' occupation of Persia."
-- Does this self-directed exercise make your sleep better?
I would volunteer to replace Putin - unfortunately thats not how it works, the Oligarchy would not allow it as my first action would be to investigate them for ill begotten wealth. They would never allow that and this is why I can never be Russian President.
Not so sure, SA. The Russians won't stop without Odessa and they will get it. It's a war of attrition so the speed of advance doesn't matter. It's the body count not the yardage count that matters. The Russians will grind the Ukies down until they collapse, then walk into Odessa.
Putin has never mentioned any intention of attempting to capture Odessa. I doubt Russia will, unless their hand is forced (for example by Moldova taking action against Transnistrea).
Same here. Putin has never mentioned anything beyond the "4 oblasts". My suspicion is once he gets them, he will quietly wrap up the war.
Yes, because Putin is weak and stupid at the same time. Projecting much?
Putin, a great leader, is fully aware that when he accepts, what you are suggesting, the war will come back within the next decade because of European human traits: hubris, hatred, jealousy.
Just look at our history over centuries. We are a violent continent and we are unable to do much about it if anything.
No, Putin the person is neither wak nor stupid.
But he is deeply compromised by loyalties to interests very different from those of Russia.
Which makes Russia very weak.
"Just look at our history over centuries. We are a violent continent and we are unable to do much about it if anything."
If you ever want a deep dive into the depressing details re your point, A Distant Mirror" is a bigly sad tale of ancient European never ending stupidity. New losers, same as the old losers. <<link>>
Putin is a pro-West liberal and that explains everything in this war.
This war is not about going against the West. This war is about showing the US that Russia should be seen as an "equal" partner. Putin is not Stalin, who is willing to go against the entire West by choice.
Well Europe and the US certainly have the same shared values in regard to promoting and participating in Israel's colonial slaughter in Palestine. They agree on genocide at least and ethnic cleansing. Two out of three ain't bad.
It was hard-hitting. It was withering. It delivered a fusillade of steel-edged truths.
Was JD’s speech @ the Munich Security Conference actually in fact a *speech* or was it an “intervention”—because oh-oh—German defense minister Boris Pistorius lashed out stridently against Vance’s words just afterward: “Democracy was called into question by the U.S. vice-president for the whole of Europe.” Pistorius labeled JD’s intervention “not acceptable. He speaks of the annihilation of democracy. And if I have understood him correctly, he is comparing conditions to parts of Europe with those in authoritarian regions.” All of which , in Pistorius’s eye, “is not acceptable.”
JD thrashed Europe mercilessly: “The threat I worry the most about vis a vis Europe is not Russia, it’s not China. It’s not any other external actor. What I worry about most is the threat from within, the retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values.” JD in particular emphasized the nullified elections in Romania in this regard.
JD lambasted Thierry Breton, without naming him, as the European Commissioner “who went on television recently and sounded delighted that the Romanian government had just annulled an entire election. These cavalier statements are shocking to American ears.” JD suggested that an annulled election, “the very same thing could happen in Germany.”
JD castigated Europe for silencing dissent, even blocking populist parties from attending the Munich Security Conference: “To many of us on the other side of the Atlantic, it looks more and more like old entrenched interests hiding behind ugly Soviet era words like misinformation and disinformation, who simply don’t like the idea that somebody with an alternative viewpoint might express a different opinion or, God forbid, vote a different way or, even worse, win an election.”
JD blasted Europe for running in fear of their voters: “Even when our people express views that disagree with their leadership, we shouldn’t be afraid of them. What are you defending yourselves for?” JD got golf-clap applause in response to that sentiment. Then he shocked an already fairly stunned room when he took the European leaders further to task: “If you’re running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you, nor, for that matter, is there anything that you can do for the American people who elected me and elected President Trump.”
Meanwhile, the WSJ’s fake news headline—“Vance Wields Threat of Sanctions, Military Action to Push Putin into Ukraine Deal”—does not match the actual content of JD’s interview. His sit-down w/ the WSJ took place in Paris, but by the time JD got to Munch, he was ready to tell the Europeans @ the MSC that there was “a new sheriff in town.”
Lady vdL may like to wield some tools as a result of JD’s words, but the tools Lady vdL has won’t work on JD.
When the WaPo said that ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness,’ they were wrong. *Munich* is the place where democracy goes to die.
Thanks for pointing out the fake BS in the WSJ. Simp seemed to have missed that.
Wonder how much taxpayer funds the porcine welfare kangz over at WSJ have been getting from USAID over the years...
NY Times, Politico, Reuters, AP-- the list grows daily
Forgot that bastion of truth-- the BBC 🤣
It blows my mind that the BBC was receiving more money from USAID and U.S. taxpayers than they were receiving from the television tax levied on all British households. By a billion dollars!
Are you sure about that? Do you have a link?
Arresting someone for praying silently for the death of an unborn child?....think about how deranged a culture has to be for arresting someone for this. While allowing gang rapes.
They have Stockholm'd themselves to the nth--captor & captive interchanging places so rapidly a moral atomization results.
Could it be the chemicals destroying their brains? All of it is so bizarre.
Cricket flour--?
the largest ever numbers of pediatric amputees in Gaza are fine with the Friends of Israel in the UK (of many stripes), who are in charge of the British morals.
That’s the Jew for you
Absolute withering stuff. Talk about a dressing down. This guy is impressive. takes no prisoners. And this is clearly the message that Mr T wanted to send.
Weirdo Vance owned by homo weirdo Peter theil
The WSJ is a zionist nest of dual-loyalty scum. When Kolomojsky (the former prez of jewish community of Ukraine) founded and financed four (4) neo-Nazi battalions to protect his properties in Donbas (this resulted in the violent deaths of thousands and thousands civilians of all ages) the WSJ was elated. https://www.wsj.com/articles/ukraines-secret-weapon-feisty-oligarch-ihor-kolomoisky-1403886665
There is a special connection among zionists and nazis, which has been going on since zionist leader jabotinsky was an eager follower of Benito Mussolini. Not surprisingly, bibi is an eager follower of jabotinsky whom Mussolini himself called a "jewish fascist." https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200127-the-mussolini-jabotinsky-connection-the-hidden-roots-of-israel-fascist-past/
Good synthesis here. Thx
lol @ "Munich is the place where democracy goes to die" deep truth in that one
EU + NATO is the 4th Reich aka the continuation of the failed nazi 3th Reich, that is as simple as that. I worry that Lavrov and co always say: 'no nato' for 404 ok guys but they should ad no EU as the EU is now an official military entity (illegaly according to her own treaty), as they provide money and weapons for war to attack another country (a real one Russia, EU is not a country).
You have no idea what Nazi was for. You have been brainwashed into something by the same who do this nowadays: small hats.
We are in 1933.
That's the problem, Alex D. Once the lie fades, the values based on it still remain; the next generations, with no memory it was a lie, believe they are fighting for the good.
Lady vdL has begun to beef up the *defensive* quadrant of the EU to such an extent that she is demanding the cancellation of projects which helped w/ initiatives in Greece and poorer countries in the EU in order to redirect those funds to Project Ukraine.
The mesmerism is as intense as the bamboozlement.
Ah VDL or von der Crazy (best thing Alex K.- Duran has coined) -- what can a Nazi do except prepare for war? lol
I saw "Ursula Fond O Lyin'" on MoA.
Ursula is a comprador and obedient servant to banking cartel, BlackRock, Vanguard, StateStreet, and other mega-Looters who need the continuation of the war on Slavs.
100 %
Yeah, but the EU is a shambles. Undemocratic and inefficient. It's constitutionally incapable of creating a viable military because it's decision making would be consensus based nonsense.
Look at how the EU's share of World trade has declined in the last 50 years. What technologies do we lead in nowadays?
There are 550 million Europeans and only 140 million Russians, but the bureaucracy and inefficiency of the EU guarantees we are no threat to Russia.
Was I Putin, I would "begrudgingly, let Ukraine in to the EU, as a "major concession". The bankrupt and corrupt Ukraine would absolutely destroy the EU!
Please don't conflate the current zionized nazi scum with the patriotic Germans facing "Judea Declared War on Germany" since 1933.
That’s idiotic. NATO is the negro and tranny organization.
Whenever shitlibs start talking feverishly, one must ask them what their words mean. Because invariably their words don't mean what the dictionary and common usage say they mean. In your example, the word is "democracy."
Apparently "democracy" is something that demands one nation go to war against another nation against the wishes and interests of that nation's citizens, but in the best interests of a third nation which is not a democracy.
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass
A war to save Democracy, again?
Democracy, as used in the Hijacked Century, was first a tool to bring down monarchies, then nationalists.
Democracy = Jew rule.
Isnt it ironic that Pistorius first name is "also" Boris. WTF ?
Vance gained and enormous weight as a potential USA president in the coming years. Amazing
The new Euro fascists...same as the old goose-stepping bosses.
mo' war...mo' war...mo' war.
Do these assholes ever tire of stupidity and evil?!
"In conclusion: the conference thus far has left Europe reeking like a fetid roadside carcass. There is nothing but disillusion and disarray as the globalists scramble like crazed hens to keep the trembling house of cards up. Time is running out." Really, it is a fetid roadside carcass. The decay is palpable and irreversible, in its place will likely be years of confusion, continued missteps. And the rest of the world will move on.
Vance: "As I have always said: American troops should not be in conflict zones unless our interests and security require it..."
article: "Speaking of Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, he blankly admitted his only purpose was to extract mineral concessions and obtain US ‘securities’ from Ukraine:"
The mineral concessions are what would make it an American interest. Zelensky seems a bit slow on the uptake about the art of the deal. Hopefully he continues to be that slow, as I don't think globalist mining interests are worth American tax dollars and American lives.
You do recall that BlackRock and Vanguard, The UK govt (pensions) amongst a few other behemoths already made deals with Ukraine re : mineral rights. Laughably of course because the Russians are in the drivers seat to determine the ownership. So what is this wringing of hands here about the US pushing this. A good # of US corps were in there with Biden's/Blinken's blessings. So of course there is going to be some negotiations with the Russians. Can people actually stand back and see the forest instead of the trees?
Explain relevance.
I'm getting flashbacks; I'm pretty sure we've had this same conversation but on different topics.
There is no US tax $s being used here, nor troops. This is the US govt making sure their corps get what they paid for. Pure business transaction.
[begins twitching]
Yes. OK. Now explain the relevance of what you said to what I said.
Funny I was just going to post the same to you
No US tax $s being used: $200 billion says "what am I, chopped liver?"
With no actual cost of aquisition, those rights at a discount will be paid for out of cash flow.
All the US military equipment provided to Ukraine was stuff sitting in Pentagon warehouses around the world. The "value" of these items, which were paid for many years ago, is subjective. They have been subject to "adjustment" by the Biden Administration and Congress many times in a political attempt to minimize the dollar number.
"Cost" can be any of; the original Pentagon acquisition capital cost, current depreciated value or replacement cost. Plus the transportation and configuration costs by US personnel.
Now Trump seeks to maximize the number, but for different political reasons... discrediting Biden and shaming other NATO members.
Any dollar number should be considered a total fabrication. There is a reason the Pentagon can never pass an audit.
I like the dog fight between you and CJ. Waiting to unfold…
BlackRock and Vanguard should file for bankruptcy.
The UK "govt pensions" could be helped by daddy Charles' fortune.
There is another explanation: the USA is aware of this situation and makes a proposal that is never going to be accepted. Another ‘excuse’ to drop out and leave the dirty laundry to the Europeans.
For a guy that can give us not only what type of arms each side is using but the how old they are and provide the most detailed specs on them, you really have a problem finishing Trump quotes or putting them in context. Its shocking and disingenuous. Not only was Trump's comment about BRICS made in the context of whether they use the US$, which you failed to provide context on, but the fact you don't comment on Vance's speech (if he was a tank would you?) in any geo-political context is mind blowing. Context keeps missing in your reporting of the new US administration. Guess you are a military guy who can't see the big picture as some have surmised.
No consideration that perhaps Trump and Putin have been meeting and negotiating the big picture of what they want since before his inauguration? What? That didn't hit your sources WaPo (CIA) or did you see that in the WSJ? These " news sources" are bought and paid for. Do better or dont cover it.
I've noted that the political analysis of the US is not insightful. Perhaps that is just a blind spot.
Do tell
Brava, CJ
You are spitting' fire tonight
A polite thanks with bowed head to your comment
Thinking if I agree with your comment or not.
Will re read the article to get confirmation.
S has given a link to the full speech, I watched it, together with the information S supplied and the insight from the comments, I think you should be able to get more geopolitical context yourself?
It would be interesting to see if S is going to reply and what he replies.
Don’t get me wrong. Your comment challenges me to think as well as I am always in search of the ‘truth’
Start your own website and show us all how it's done... Chip
trump 1.0 (first term) was more easily dismissed because it was like the supposed comment stalin made "how many divisions does the pope have?" when he was basically alone and surrounded by rinos. trump 2.0 now has a full bench so every comment he makes has to be cross checked by what those around him are doing. vance was not off the reservation with his speech and was an articulate expression of trump's shorthand communications. with the decrepit and corrupt demoncrats having no answer along with their media cadres neutered by musk every trump utterance will either lead to something or pass in the wind. in either case the first time heard it should simply pique interest not lead to some conclusion or pronouncement of a dead end. less then a month in the games are just beginning.
People need to understand that this war was an excuse for deeper motives of the masons:
- Control the Ukraine supply of food to the world
- Stop the ban on GMOs
- Get the Ukraine's resources (just like they did in Iraq)
- Weaken Putin and Russia
- Divert attention from the fact that the COVID response was designed to kill even more people than COVID
- Embezzle billions from the money destined for the Ukraine (or kickbacks)
- Give even more billions to the masonic US, UK and EU Military Industrial Complex
- Destroy the EU economy
Did I miss anything else?
What’s your best way to wake-up those who didn’t yet?
The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!
What’s your experience about asking for an opinion on the following topics?
Why is food poisoning legal? (Rumsfeld forced the FDA approval of Aspartame/Nutrasweet)
Your phone attacking with ultrasonic booms?
How could a father get 20 million dollars from the Government?
A 20 sec video of a baby with vax seizures?
Your opinion about Big Pharma scandals?
Ready for anti-COVIDiot pills?
Did you know that Fauci admitted that there was no scientific basis for social distancing?
That the CDC admitted that masking was useless against COVID?
That you’ve been lockdowned for nothing? Johns Hopkins meta-analysis of 18000 studies proved that lockdowns didn’t work and worse, killed people by stopping those with cancer or heart conditions from getting testing and treatment
Could you please explain why no Health Agency researched the 30+ COVID effective cures, but instead censored and banned the doctors successfully applying them? Was it because a successful cure would void the Emergency Use Authorization of the lethal vaccines?
Should every single vaxxed on the planet be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA plasmids in their vaccines, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence in the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada?
Failed again? Show 10 secs in the middle of this video (who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you)
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet 8 towers down. WTC7 imploded, free falling on its footprint, in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach as well as the unblemished Deutsche Bank. All 7 World Trade Center towers and that bank needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center...
The “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings.
The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
There's a plan to slow-murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by 200 infiltrated FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
In 2022, the same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband millions of Brazilians against the stolen elections through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:
Weaponization of migration to destroy nations
Elections: bought or stolen? Both!
Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:
(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, amazing tool for a discussion):
- Since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population by adding hCG to infertilize women: lab-detected in 30 countries, and overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” (tampering) by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas). Check SoundChoice.org or videos.
- Excess deaths in the first 2 years: 40 million people killed by the lethal injections... so far. COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:
- Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer
Go green with gasoline!
- You are the carbon they want to exterminate! Proven in 3:
1. No one denies that man affects the weather, but science disagrees with the official narrative.
Prehistoric data from ice cores proves that temperature rise precedes carbon release in the atmosphere, not the other way around.
2. There's proof of deliberate geoengineering to increase global temperatures and droughts, and decrease albedo by dissolving clouds with satellite and Weather Radars’ Electro-Magnetic Frequencies.
3. Life involves a carbon cycle. A war on carbon is a war on life, causing crop/food scarcity, increase in food prices and famines. Decarbonization is part of the plan to exterminate 95% of us.
- Apart from sin-empowered demons, what is their main source of power? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
Taking down central banking doesn't solve the problem. Their source of free endless money is counterfeiting, fractional reserve banking and financial instruments (e.g. derivatives, debt over debt, compound interest above real growth, etc.). Also, insider information, sabotage, infiltration, manufactured news and events to create profitable market-movements.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: the SSS (Satanic Secret Societies such as masonry) create trillions out of thin air and launder them through their Banks, foundations, and foreign loans and “aid”, with which they buy puppeticians and seats in the boards of the Federal Reserve (the only private-run Central Bank in the world), judiciary, corporations, media, healthcare, universities, foundations, political parties, etc.
The masons’ worst nightmare is that the daydreaming majority wakes up, finds out their crimes, and seek justice. We are a million to one. Until they achieve the CBDC digi-tatorship, they are walking on a tight rope.
We've got a very small window of opportunity to fight or ... die (they want to murder 95% of us).
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?
Weaponization of Justice
Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:
Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:
Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:
Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia
Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!
Thank you, ❤️🐈⬛
Congratulations on the longest post ever...
And here I thought CheetosSpring held that honour..LOL. (No offence, Cheets 😉 )
Thanks for the laugh, Victor. Cheets gets the quickest off the line award and a couple of other highly sought after prizes.
Long story short, the SMO was fired up when Putin found out about the biolabs.
A jewish veterinarian Albert Bourla, the Pfizer CEO, has got the Genesis Prize [$1 million] for "combatting the pandemic ... and his leadership, determination, and especially for his willingness to assume great risks [for other peoples' expense, of course]. The Committee noted Dr. Bourla’s pride in his Jewish identity and heritage, commitment to Jewish values and support for the State of Israel."
The new jewish Mengele:
"In 2022, Bourla's total compensation was $24.35 million, which included a salary of $1.75 million and equity awards of almost $23 million.
In 2021, Bourla's compensation was $24.3 million, making him the second-highest paid CEO in the industry."
Ursula also got her share: "Von der Leyen previously used her phone to award contracts worth several hundred million euros while acting as defense minister of Germany, effectively bypassing public procurement processes. While awarding the COVID-19 vaccine contracts worth billions of euros as head of EU commission, Von der Leyen similarly bypassed procurement processes via her phone and withheld messages on it."
Birds of the feather.
"I asked to see Ursula von der Leyen’s texts to Pfizer’s boss [Bourla] and she [Ursula] went to court to stop me. Why the secrecy?" https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2025/feb/10/i-asked-to-see-ursula-von-der-leyens-texts-to-pfizers-boss-and-she-went-to-court-to-stop-me-why-the-secrecy
Good reminder for everyone who fell for the covid conspiracy shit back in the day, or worse yet thinks they were right about everything somehow. All of it was a psyop to distract susceptible people from real issues, real politics, and who's actually in power by leading them down the rabbit hole of idiotic and thus safe, low hanging schizo conspiracy crap that's been around for decades... masons, illuminati, vaccines, flat earth, fake moon landing, UFOs, alternate health, Satanism and the occult. Except back then it was an entertainment product, not politics. Now conservative grifters have ensured that anyone with an ounce of intelligence or common sense will get scared back onto the plantation once they get outed as a "liberal" for not indulging the mentally ill narcissists that infest these spaces
Goodness gracious. 95% extermination. I love these kinda posts. So, at 1 million killed a day it's going to take 22 years, 8 billion is a lot. After 50 days have passed and 50 million are dead, I will take you seriously, since I can guarantee you it will be all over the news. Until then my best advice is to relax. You're winding yourself up, and if ever there is a mass extermination of such magnitude it'll probably be nuclear. I will cope with that when it arrives.
Bloodbath is good description of what happened.
Vance attack on UK&EU migration politic and their advancement of state controlled ”free speech” was a slap in the face of many EU-crats.
Starmer is in panic mode and wants a meeting with Trump (who hasnt answered).
Vance declined meeting with Scholtz and did instead have a good time with Weidel.
Laughing all night about the pictures where the true leader of Ukraine, Yermak, realized it is all over. Good times ahead. Or?
I cant imagine Putin be so dumb to freeze the borders at the current state of the battleline. US will have to sweaten the deal a lot for that to happen.
Russians should never trust Americans. Never.
Kol Nidre: "The phrase Kol Nidre is rather a legal formula used for the annulment of vows.
Said at the start of the Yom Kippur fast day, Kol Nidre declares all future vows and promises invalid, by declaring that all vows are "absolved, remitted, cancelled, declared null and void, not in force of in effect." Said by the cantor, surrounded by men holding Torah scrolls, it is sung to a traditional tune."
Is this religion compatible with the serving on the US Supreme Court? In the US State Department?
Trump is personally agreement capable in Putin’s parlance. The rest of the USG is not until cleaned out. It might take a while.
Semper Fidelis JD! This is one for the books.
After suffering through the sniviling/moaning of Steinmeier & Co about Musk.
"Trust me, I say this with all humor," he said. "If American democracy can survive ten years of Greta Thunberg scolding, you guys can survive a few months of Elon Musk."
The fake false flag was of course made in MI6. But I expect this time as the situation is more than existantial for both NATO + EU(not the US),a real F F some kind of 9/11 x 100 .
This is their only possibity to force the US to send boots on the ground or worse.
Desperate people do desperate things
Ukraine euro- british failed adventure according to WSJ or Bloomberg is going to cost EU +UK 3 trillions usd in the 10 years to come, well done people. They don't even have the first euro or pound to start with as they only have mountains of debts, no cheap energy, no minerals, and their last industrial prods are or closing or leaving to the US. Europe will become a museum, a big Disneyland with services for the yuppies in big cities, beaches in the summer in the South and in the UK it is even worse.
Great post-- thanks. BTW Europe is already a museum-- just a museum that Americans have been paying for since WW2.
they have Crown and the obscenely wealthy "aristocracy" to shake.
"The British royal family's net worth is estimated to be between $28 billion and $90 billion."
List of British billionaires: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_British_billionaires_by_net_worth
The late queen used to mention some "higher power." Guess, she meant the City of London, the nest of the real owners of and deciders for the UK.
Time to share your wealth, banking cartel: enough of the rivers of human blood and mounds of human flesh to ensure your prosperity.
Just f..k the USA! They started the war, they financed the war and Ukraine, they destroyed Europe's acces to energy etc and now they say that they have nothing to do with this. Europe should kick out the USA, should start real negotiations with Russia, China, middle east, Iran, Africa. Let's not forget that the new administration in Washington are payed by the same people as Biden. There's a uni party so, no matter who's in charge, things stay the same.
Vassals do not get to dictate to the first amongst nations. Europe is a series of our vassal states (as is the UK and Japan and Korea and the Philippines, etc.).
Well paid Vassals who take money with one hand and bitch behind their backs. Just wait until the closing of the US bases start. Trump already announced 20,000 leaving Germany.
I hope all will leave. Germany can work for themselves. Greens got into power because of the US support and their interference into media and politics.
Me too. LOL!! yup all of Germany's problems are because of the US. Seriously? Greens were a European creation that migrated to North America. Time to take some responsibility for their decisions. You could have said no to the Marshall Plan 🤷♀️
Perhaps one day Germany will no longer be occupied by a foreign army...
Yes and maybe Germany will be an adult country instead of a vassal. Gilded cages are still cages.
The Germans don't need to be occupied by a foreign army. They are natural slaves. Who but the Germans would have tolerated their fantastic economy and culture being destroyed by the Greens and Merkel?
"their" war on Germany was declared in 1933.
Germans are the talented and hardworking people hated by the judaized UK and humiliated by the judaized US.
Looking forward to it, they can start by fucking off from SK and Japan
Funny don't know if you saw-- but the Japanese Prime Minister recently visited Trump and made a bunch of new trade and military deals. They get along really well-- oh well! And I think SK wont be worrying about that for quite awhile-- with their President being arrested and all
Imagine the Japanese having the balls to tell the US to stick their Empire.
Can’t wait for it to happen
Did they or were the other Russia haters in the UK and Europe helping? Did the US put all those windmills in Europe and de-industrialize Germany or did they commit suicide with the help of the Greens? The US didn't fund the Green Party as Vance pointed out they were too busy defending attacks from the WEF /globalist funded Greta, Soros et al with Europe helping out. LOL -- kick out the US -- every technocrat at that "security" conference owes its job to the US. Have you not been following the fast drip of Biden's criminal organization sending billions to European institutions for that purpose. One of the highlights this week was the video of the former Tory MP in the UK whining that the rest of his wife's USAID grant ($1 mil) was stopped due to the DOGE audit process. Multiple that by hundreds of thousands. They have over 2 trillion of fake "Social Security" payments to all over Europe. Can you say money laundering?
That parallel globalist govt that Europe was cooking with Biden and his Neo-cons along with the UK is done.
Remember "f..k the EU"?! The USA told Europe to shut up because they have a "great plan, a marvelous plan" in which they will get the Russian resources for free, like in Syria, Irak etc and they will make China to succumb. Europe's poodles believe it, invested in by closing factories in Russia, selling them for 1$, cut themselves from cheap gas and oil etc. The plan failed so now is the blaming part of the show. Europe should kick out the USA, UK also, israhell also, and start building back all previous relationships, of course, with the proper amount of respect for others.
Cookies Nuland left the building a few years back. As Vance said-- new Sheriff in town. Europes past due date is past. Living large on other peoples dimes (Africa, US) creates sloth -- reap what you sow.
It's the US that sucked out it's vasals and created most wars since 1945 with millions of dead people including the war in Ukraine
The most vile and evil nation on our beautiful planet is the United States of America
That you are for a big part under Zionists control doesn't make it better
It's not Europe nor Russia or China who is the sucker in town it's the exceptional (sick) United snakes of Murica
Cookies Nuland just moved over to NED, she didn't leave at all.
Please remember, USAID and NED et al are in the business of influencing elections, globally; this is why all the weird projects like trans parakeets in Madagascar, USAID money is being funneled to niche groups likely to vote the way Intelligence wants them to vote, to ultimately place puppets and sway policy.
judaism professes supremacy (which always leads to sadism and genocide) and dishonorable behavior towards "others" (see Kol Nidre).
The Kagans' clan, and the shoah-buziness at large, are the reflection of these judaic "values."
That would work if Europe was European.
Hit the nail on the head: money laundering, all the way up the chain.
We shall see if it continues or ends under Trump. I’m not sanguine about this but I’m enjoying the fireworks display.
I love the fireworks and where they lead.
What they light up, and what they burn down when they land
I can sense the wonder in your eyes. The best anti-aging treatment ever.
Take it where and when you can get it; take it all
I agree, but there could be something else in play as well. The USA after WW2 buying influence in main stream media in Europe, propagandizing public opinion. NGO supporting the organizations that were in line with USA values. Hence, I think our politicians are not organically risen to power. They are and were groomed by USA influence and the result we see today.
By Neocons, yes
you mean, ziocons?
These EU politicians were bought.
I hope you're right, but I don't think these cunts are going away just yet. Expect false flags and depraved terrorist attacks by small gangs of elite troops as they flail about around the globe.
COG since JFK whoever is potus does not matter only on small details, but foreign policy is the same otherwise potus is " JFKIZED '', it nearly happened to Trump this past summer).
I agree.
When the US comes to Europe and starts talking about free speech.......hmmmmm.
While they want to repatriate or terminate study to those who are pro Palestine
American Hypocrisy is like American pie.
Putin has himself stated The 2020 election was stolen out from under the people of the United States
Trump won the election.
It was Biden and his team of lunatics along with those who secretly built those bio labs who sponsored that war.
Not so simple. The Nuland-Kagan's collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party Svoboda in 2014 was a triumph of PNAC formulated by ziocons in 1990-s. And it was Obama's presidency in 2014. You are correct about the supremacist lunatics bent on creating a talmudic full-spectrum dominance.
Zionism is the jewish form of Fascism/Nazism and must be outlawed and persecuted.
The logical action for the EU is to dissolve the corrupted union.
Absolutely and to remake friendship with Russia and BRICS.
Sad What Europe has done to Ukraine. They made false promises leading them down this path. Terrible destruction and then the ukrainian people let it happen because their leadership was poor and compromised. Very tragic situation that has happened. Should not have happened. Ukraine could have been a neutral ‘Turkey’ Of sorts
Or Austria. Or even what Finland was before joining OTAN.
You all seam to forget who orchestrated the brutal coup in Kiew
It was not the "fuck the EU"
But the fucking cunt Nuland and who is this cunt working for?
Trying to blame the war in Ukraine on Europe is like blaming the WW2 on Germany 😉
How would the world look like today if they hadn’t ‘stolen’ the 2020 elections?
Who’s they ?
The Jew nukand works for her tribe. Russia needs to make sure these Jews start having ‘accidents’ all over the world. Nuland kagan soros blinken Netanyahu kushner. Get rid of the parasites of the world.
Europe did to Ukraine......this war was started by the US under Nuland et al.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has maintained a significant presence in Ukraine since 1948, nurturing and supporting the Banderites. The country is home to numerous CIA bases and biological laboratories. This conflict is essentially a proxy war orchestrated by the United States, with Victoria Nuland playing a key role. She traveled across Europe, delivering an ultimatum to nations: either align with the U.S. or face the consequences. Through threats, coercion, bribery, and blackmail, countries were compelled to demonstrate unwavering solidarity.Even the Rand Corporation's 2017 report titled "How to Overextend Russia" outlined the precise strategy to be employed, with the ultimate objectives being regime change and the fragmentation of the Russian Federation. This would enable the U.S. and its allies to seize Russia's vast resources. European nations were promised a share of the spoils if they supported this reprehensible act of aggression, which constitutes a crime against humanity.
Thanks Martin.
I am just hoping that this will 'shake Europe up.' I live here in France. After 3 elections trying to keep Le Pen out and now a useless Govt.
I feel very strongly the EU has to go.
Mr. and Mr. Macrons have a very interesting past indeed. The French authorities have gone to a great length (by breaking rules and regulations) to ensure that Mr. and Mr. Macrons occupy the Élysée Palace.
Actually, the Kagans were busy with the project Ukraine since 1990-s when they invited the leading banderite Dobrianslky to sign PNAC, a blueprint for Wolfowitz doctrine of "full spectrum [talmudic] dominance."
Zionism/judaism is a plague on the collective west. Look what zionists (jewish fascists) have been doing in Palestine while squealing about their "incorporable sufferings" because "hitler&nazi." They are brought up, from infancy, in a spirit of genocidal Purim (see cookies in a form of the human ear) and the legal formula of Kol Nidre: "All vows, prohibitions, oaths, bans, renunciations, penalties, or invocations of the divine by which we have vowed, sworn, renounced, or foresworn anything from this Yom Kippur to an auspicious next Yom Kippur, we repent of them all. We repudiate them. All of them are undone, abandoned, cancelled, null and void, not in force, and not in effect. Our vows are no longer vows, and our prohibitions are no longer prohibitions, and our oaths are no longer oaths."
Any civilized society that allows these subversive and anti-human teachings targeting all "others" is doomed to a rot from within.
Good stuff but just say ‘the Jew’.
True, although the various europuppets were all in favor at the time.
Well, I see these recent moves as significant, albeit small steps towards reconciliation between Russia and the US. We are certainly dumping this war on Europe, a best case scenario since they have neither the resources nor conviction to see anything through regarding aid/arms. Russia will emerge reborn, galvanized through the fires and with a strong sense of self, and America will play a leading role in restoring Russia's image via fair diplomacy and hopefully a rational ceasefire structure. Europe will return over time, head down and downtrodden to beg Russia for economic deals. So long as Trump doesn't ignite anything with Iran or China/Taiwan, this is starting to read like a dream scenario for many based Americans who mandated an end to foolish wars abroad, reckless spending, and long neglected diplomacy. The defense contractors got their $$, now it's time for damage control and an about face.
Clarkgrizwald and then, in 4 years time, the Dems come back and Russia is back on the naughty step.
I don’t think so. If we ever have a competitive election again I’ll be shocked.
HBI, I sincerely hope you're wrong mate.🙏
After the lawfare and the current uncovering of illegal activity...I just don't see it happening. But I suppose popcorn is warranted.
Well, I see these recent moves as significant, albeit small steps towards reconciliation between Russia and the US. We are certainly dumping this war on Europe, a best case scenario since they have neither the resources nor conviction to see anything through regarding aid/arms. Russia will emerge reborn, galvanized through the fires and with a strong sense of self, and America will play a leading role in restoring Russia's image via fair diplomacy and hopefully a rational ceasefire structure. Europe will return over time, head down and downtrodden to beg Russia for economic deals. So long as Trump doesn't ignite anything with Iran or China/Taiwan, this is starting to read like a dream scenario for many based Americans who mandated an end to foolish wars abroad, reckless spending, and long neglected diplomacy. The defense contractors got their $$, now it's time for damage control and an about face.
And by extension that will mean China as well. At that point the UK will be shitting it pants (soverign debt crisis) and Europe will be experiencing large capital flows leaving to the US.
This isn't a game played on a board. People die when they go up against bankers and the MIC. Lots of people. To reach your utopian vision Trumplione needs a lot more horses heads dotted around the planet. Perhaps Consigliere Musk has everything in place though I doubt the showdown will ever take place.
If I look around you will find many who will die for whatever reason (often money) like ukrainians, fanatic terrorists, zionists, …
Maybe the population should do some hybrid warfare as well?