Once Georgia Dream performs its Zourabichvilli-ectomy, we will no doubt see Salome convening an Extraordinary Committee in Brussels, if what S describes in this Medley is right
Last of the first comments this year, unless Denis has got in before me. In other breaking news, this mercenary is now being called a 'hostage' of Russia. I actually this is kinda true. I think the Russian might be hoarding foreigners for negotiations other wise this guy would has a bullet in the back of his head.
The "recapture of Jerusalem" will replay the Crimean War, though shifting its epicenter considerably south. Stakeholders like France & Britain will join in, along with typical Major Players--Israel certainly--and Islamic powerhouses.
Turkey might make a River-to-the-Sea bid, in this case creating a Turkish link of the Euphrates to the Red Sea. Jurisdiction over such a waterway would make for a fortuitous route in the Belt & Road Initiative and accentuate the Atatürk aspect of Recep.
Turkey's open expansionism to this extent is going to rattle the other Arab states. Egypt in particular faces this game to its west in Libya, and won't want to be pincered.
The Israelis looked like they had thrown any future with the Gulf states away in Gaza, which is a big medium-term (3-4 decade) problem with Europe crumbling and the USA in serious decline. Now Erdogan has solved what appeared to be an Israeli Zugzwang in Gaza/ Lebanon, and re-opened the possibility of Abraham Accord type Gulf cooperation just in time for Trump.
Israel is still facing every bit of the Turkish/ Super-Hamas threat that Simplicus talks about, and Iran as the regional wild card isn't going to be easy on anybody. But the Turks really did Netanyahu a solid, and have never looked especially deft in their regional diplomacy. Turkish demographics are positive, but I expect they're about to find that the regional sledding will be rougher than they they expected.
Sigh. Forget it, Simplicus, it's Middle East town...
Love the Chinatown reference, one of my favorite movies.
I agree it's going to be rough. Just today Sisi reportedly announced Egypt will be bucking the trend and not recognizing Jolani's gov't. Meanwhile Turkey and Saudi Arabia reportedly inked a big military deal and Qatar has also already been quietly hosted by Jolani.
It's going to be a really big mess and likely won't ever resolve entirely, but Turkey's increasing presence will start opening up some very interesting possibilities vis-a-vis Israel.
It will force the neo-cons to lay all of their cards on the table and confess that they really do not care about U.S. security and are concerned only with Israel. Even the dopiest dopes in the U.S. (in other words John Q. Public) will figure out that the U.S. is simply an Israeli-controlled satellite once the U.S. media instantly pivots to 24/7 propaganda against Turkey. which will happen by the end of January once bar Netanyahu's messianic cabal concludes that destroying all the buffer states around Israel was the stupidest thing that Israel could do.
Yeah, I still don't get that. Attacking every nation around them, was really full retard, never go full retard. Try to get allies, maybe attack a couple of them, but frequently attacking Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Libanon, Iraq, is insane.
It's the same with Ukraine... North Korea... . Buffer states are, in general, a good idea if the goal is to maintain peace and stability. This is the cornerstone of Russia's foreign policy. When you are a religious zealot, however, and think that you are God's favorite and that everyone else on earth is mere chattel, and that God is going to descend from the clouds and grant you victory over your enemies no matter what happens, reason... logic... peace... stability... none of that matters.
Israel and their neo-con proxies in the U.S. created this mess when they destroyed Iraq. Anyone with a schoolchild's understanding of the Middle East knew that removing secular Sunnis from power in Iraq would open the door for Iran to enter the Middle East by commanding the allegiance of the local Shiites. There is no "corridor" for Iran to support Hezbollah if Iraq is still a formidable buffer state.
The zionist neo-cons keep making the mess worse. In order to destroy the corridor that they created for Iran to threaten them, now they destroy Syria as a buffer state, which anyone with common sense (like Simplicius) can see opens the door for Turkey to fulfill its territory ambitions and enter the Middle East as a 3rd great regional power along with Israel and Iran (with Turkey now probably the most powerful regional player).
The destruction of Lebanon, which will be next if the Israeli zealots do not realize their folly, will only bring the whole situation to a head in short order. I think that is the idea though, of Netanyahu and his cabal, to bring the situation to a head. They want global war, because they believe that Netanyahu is the messiah who will lead Israel to the glory promised to David and the prophets. That is why I call him bar Netanyahu. He is a modern-day bar Kohkba.
As an interesting aside, the original Simeon bar Kohkba (which means "son of a star") was actually named Simeon ben Kosiba (which means " a disappointing son.") If you know anything about ancient Hebrew and the Old Testament, there is a lot of word-play with the last names of people. Netanyahu is actually Mileikowsky, which comes from the name of a town in Belarus.
Turkey will become a nuclear state. They can't achieve their dream of becoming a regional superpower, let alone Ottoman resurgence, if they cannot match Israel in nuclear arms. Turkey easily has the technology to do it, and they can get plenty of plutonium from their reactors.
Egypt?? Egypt is a completely neutered country. Egypt won’t do anything.
And Türkiye is not going to confront Israel, all these statements are strictly for internal consumption! No, Erdogan has way more important and easy targets closer to home. He will move against the Kurds, first in Syria, then in Iraq, where he can secure some oil rich satrapies right on its frontiers while claiming that he’s only doing some “special military anti terror campaign”. That’s why he’s going to collide with the Gringos via proxies, not bc Israel.
Why would he want to fight the Zionists in the Golan instead???
This is 100% the truth. The idea that Turkey would fight Israel is a deception which Erdogan is deviously encouraging, in order to enshroud his territorial ambitions. Consider that Azerbaijan is a Turkish client state- taking orders directly from Turkey, and Azerbaijan is also a close ally of Israel. Does it make sense that Turkey would allow its client state to be a close ally of Israel if Turkey viewed Israel as an enemy?
The painful truth is that Jews will always be joined at the hip with America because Jews depend on capitalism, and America is the ultimate guarantor of capitalism. The global Jewish cabal controls many corporations, private equity firms, and hedge funds. They are almost as powerful as the Bilderberg club.
Jewish strategy was always to sap Russian strength and convert Russia into a gas station benefitting Western capitalism. Jews comprised over 50% of the oligarchs who dominated Russia during the 1990s and tried to do just that, until the economy collapsed in 1998.
The Jews and Bilderbergers know this decade is their best opportunity to solidify control over the planet before other rising powers are strong enough to prevent it. All they need is either Putin to lose or stay out of their way. Unfortunately, many of the oligarchs in Russia today are still Jews, and Putin depends on them too much to truly oppose Israel. Without opposing Israel, the Middle East is lost, and the petrodollar survives.
The fall of Syria is a disaster for Russia- it will allow Turkey and Israel to consume the country, and perhaps Lebanon too, effectively expanding NATO contiguously to the Red Sea. Once NATO solidifies control over the eastern Mediterranean, I would not be surprised if they try to take over Libya for the oil resources, and to push Russia out. They are currently annexing Western Sahara's vast oceanfront to Morocco, a de facto NATO extension.
Sadly, in part because of our leaders' blindness in trusting Turkey/Israel, and reluctance to use nuclear weapons, it appears the Resistance is doomed to lose the Great Game. For those of us from the Global South, our grandchildren are doomed to serfdom serving Jewish and Western masters, just as our great-grandparents did in the 19th century.
Putin has dealt with the Jewish oligarchs. The ones who wouldn't come on side have either been banished, or left Russia voluntarily. IMO Putin treats Israel with kid gloves because he understands just how dangerous it is to tangle with them. Furthermore, most Russian Jews left Russia after the USSR collapsed. According to Pew Research, there were only 230,000 Jews in Russia in 2010. And a lot of those left after the SMO began. Putin's real problem is Jews abroad--specifically, American Jews, many of whom have ancestors who came to the US from the Pale of the Settlement, and hate Russia with the white-hot passion of a thousand suns.
I wouldn't count Hezbollah and Iran out yet. There are plans afoot. And Israel won't like them. Nor should you count Turkiye out - at least in the longer term as Erdogan will want to deal with nearer issues first, like the Kurds and the consolidation of power over the new Syrian government. After that, Israel beware - As S has pointed out, the Turks are saying: “Yesterday Hagia Sophia, today the Umayyad Mosque (Damascus), tomorrow Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem).” That might be an empty threat, but I suspect not. The Turkish population really, really wants action against Israel and the takeback of Jerusalem. Don't even count out a behind-the-scenes deal between Turkiye and Iran/Hezbollah to keep attrition heat on Israel.
I absolutely do not count Turkey out. Like I said, they have the demographics to be in this for decades, and the ambition. Plus more national industrial/ defense capability than most people understand. Their regional diplomacy and history is an "Intel giveth and Microsoft taketh away" kind of deal, though, so I expect their ride to be rough.
Nor do I count Iran out. Even "regional spoiler" for a critical region of the world is a serious amount of power. Its proxies are well-trained, and again people underestimate their engineering. In part because of their over-the-top boasting, but if they aren't nearly as good as they say they are (is anyone?), they aren't nearly as poor as we say they are. They have a loss of faith problem in their society that rhymes with our own, but they're also key to both Russia and China's long-term economic plans. So we'll see.
My New Year’s resolution is to cut WAY back on my online presence. I am starting to realize that I have been wasting my time arguing and reading with imbeciles. In the end that’s not helping my wallet and it’s not affecting much change. Ever since 2020 I have found myself stuck in this same rut as if I was going to miss something that might just save my life or something. 🤷♂️
It hasn’t all been a waste tho. I have met some really remarkable people and have made quite a few friends. I have also stumbled onto one of the most humble and trustworthy of sources. His name is Simplicius.
You really are a cherished voice in the wilderness Simp. You published a list once (I think) of other writers. I think that is how I found John Carter to be honest. If that list does exist I would be eternally grateful if someone kind could send me a link.
I'm with you Luke. The current happenings in our old world can be sooo mesmerizing. I have in the past a time or two gone cold turkey on "news" and it has been freeing. I may again as my new years resolution, at least for a time. I think I would still read Simp's occasional musings, which are enough to keep one informed. Most of what is available for one to feed on today is not only unnecessary but negative because simply a waste of time better spent. May go back to just ready books. With an occasional dose of Simplicius.
Ah Luke, you have the same thoughts as I do. I thought that I might be able to add something to the conversation with my dimwitted fellow Americans. Surely, if people are given enough facts and have them presented in an open not aggressive way, people will slowly begin to accept reality. I accept that I was wrong.
I will keep up to date but I will keep my comments to a minimum, it is apparent to me now, people do not care about the objective truth, they have picked teams like it is a football game and that is that.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year! PS - My feelings about our esteemed author might not be exactly like yours BUT I do read him for the information he provides
But the charts for approval or disapproval of the Ukraine war is changing in Europe - look at Germany! New information is impacting people's perceptions. I fear some are losing interest now that Syria was lost. Buck up for Palestine. The real question is, what can we do, what impact we have when Bilderberg elite run things? People want to try Fauchi and Gates. That would show them.
Those of us who want to live in a better world no matter how disenfranchised we are, need to keep complaining about this one and making suggestions and pointing out the truths.
For those of us who see how utterly we are all being stripped of our personal power and sovereignty over our own lives and bodies and CHILDREN we really need to keep on waking the sleepers up...
It seems a tiring and dispiriting JOB from my position, a bit like trying to remove a mountain with a spade, but there's a LOT of us doing it now, and this year we seem to have started to turn the tide!
To quote Duran channel...these people just have no reverse gear and just won't go away...fon Der Lejen, or Trudeau or that bitch from New zealand.it is truly a cult. Him being at the Beildenberg Caba'sl table head position is bad news for the world. Rutte as is terrible MIC yes Man but I foresee another difficult year in 2025.
@JimG I'm from Sweden and we haven't changed much, at the opposite end of Italy. Swedes don't understand that to join NATO is leathal. The Germans are stupid but we are a magnitude worse.
2005 - 2014 I used Paypal for payments for my then online business. I had many accounts locked for 6 months due to what they falsely stated was "suspicious activity" (sometimes on days that there was no activity).
Then paypalsucks.com went online. It was run by ex middle tier paypal managers whistle-blowing and they clearly showed how paypal stole money straight out of client's paypal accounts.
As paypal wasn't classed a bank even though it held daily untold amounts of money, they could get away with it.
Paypal managers instructed staff to do this.Luckily I didn't have any stolen.
I would not trust Muskrat with anything. He is a grifter.
Tempting as it is to see "identifying and killing our overlords and their minions" as a solution, the very act makes the system self select the most psyhopathic to lead the revolution.
I've done what I believe is required to effect some change IN MYSELF. I've worked out ways where if I AM forced into physical clashes with authority, (they come to force vaccinate me, etc) I believe I can sow enough unexpected/techncial confusion to enable my escape, by understanding exactly what the systems ranged against me are, and how they work..
If you break the right radio set at the right time, or jam the right lock in the right place, or even spill a patch of cooking oil or bag of marbles in an inconvenient place, little people can have BIG effects againt overweening authority. It's having the will to push back constantly and inexorably that us little people need more of.
Gonzalo Lira NAILED IT when he said: "understand what's going on".
This is true. Most people don't recognize they are the problem because that requires a level of self-reflection that may prompt a requirement for them to change.
I have faced this repeatedly in my own life. It is quite difficult to admit that I created or contributed to 'the problem'.
You don't have to quit, but I can understand scaling back somewhat. Pointless debates with shills arguing in bad faith is especially something you should disengage from. Throughout the Culture War, I found myself falling into a habit of mentally refuting false media narratives whenever I heard them, then realized that I was wasting mental energy by doing this, which would be better spent elsewhere.
Israel is turning into a do-nut. Turkey will indeed extend itself into Syria with its eye on Jerusalem. Best of luck dealing with Turkey, Israel- a NATO member with an ability to grab the goolies of its allies and squeeze them hard. It is one thing bombing poor people all over the ME, quite another to take on a NATO member armed to the teeth and with real effective reach.
Meanwhile the west reinforces its..... BUREAUCRACY! If only words were weapons, eh, and the resources to build them. Paper money is so last year. While Israel is an obvious for the do-nut title, a similar hollowing out phenomenon is happening all over the west.
Terrorist strikes and bombing easy targets in the ME is no substitute for real hard economic power, and that core has shifted decidedly east. That means not just beyond western control, but beyond those in the east still hanging onto western tatty coattails.
I said, turn its eye as in 'set its sights'. I chose my words with care. There are many pause points on a given road, all with issues and benefits of their own.
This is like saying that Mexico is setting its sights on the territory that the Gringos stole from them in 1848. Yeah, maybe in a 100 years Mexico will be grande again.
Turkey is not going to confront Israel while the Us remains a global power, so you can prepare for a long wait.
Good try, but technically it’s not only Mejicanos doing the invasion but people coming out of most Iberoamerican countries.
But don’t despair yet, ye faithful legacy Gringos! Trump is close to completing one of his best deals and will open up a new land of opportunity for you to settle: Greenland! Land of milk, honey, and, as the name suggests, where the grass is greener than everywhere else!
"It is one thing bombing poor people all over the ME, quite another to take on a NATO member armed to the teeth and with real effective reach."
We've yet to see the "modern" Ottoman army succeed in battle against a determined and able foe. A Turkish drive south as a NATO member would be a crisis for NATO rather than an advantage for Turkey. It's likely that both their economy and Military would fold up. The Turks were alien invaders from the beginning, experts in dominating as a minority by exploiting the worst qualities of the natives they dominated for 500 or 600 years.
If they do so and succeed, it will be because God raises them up supernaturally as God often seems to do: using the ambitions and agendas of men to accomplish his own ends.
One thing to consider, If Turkey does commit itself to such an adventure, they will need to either see Russia defeated or pinned in Ukraine or they will have to make a deal with Russia to secure Turkeys back and then it might be for Russia - a dish of revenge served cold
The answer is that the whole Western world is heading for a geopolitical disaster. Russia didn't want to fight the war in Ukraine, but the West was hellbent on regime change and the ultimate Balkanization of Russia.
We are now getting closer to the end game. The Western world simply has fewer weapons to send to Ukraine.
I don't think it's the end game. It's more like a first stage of the big war. Ukraine was one battle and even that seems far from ending. As no deal is possible, Russia will probably continue the slow grind to gradually assimilate more territory. New fronts are being readied for 2027, as they say.
They've been depleting their stockpiles gradually and can't produce enough quickly enough to replace the losses.
They are running low. There's a reason why the Ukrainian artillery fire has been slackening off with time. The West never designed their military supply chain for nation state war.
It's a gradual process. The West will never completely run out, but their production is at a low enough level that they don't have enough ammunition and spare parts to sustain the war.
Thiel is in Bilderberg. And people still think Vance or Trump are going to change anything? If MIC is making profits and creating jobs, Trump will not touch it even.
Was Syria sacrificed so that Turkey could be placed in position to deal with Israel once and for all? But Turkey is too nefarious with much too huge appetite for neo-Otoman expansion to be allowed to gain such power. We'll end up with a new and much more independently powerful Israel-ish entity. They have ambitions in much of the space around Russia as well.
My thoughts exactly on Thiel/Vance connection. I’m surprised Simplicius didn’t dig into that at all. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The grift must flow!
I have always felt the ruling “elite” only want us to think that a Trump presidency rattles them. They are, always have been and always will be, in full control. Trump I didn’t do any new wars because the elites were not ready or in the mood. Trump II has their full blessing.
Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Trump will do more of the same Trump things he did in his first mandate. I don’t know why people cannot grasp this simple concept…
They are desperate for things to not be this way - acceptance is a struggle I think the hardest thing about all this insanity is being totally powerless to do anything about it. So people place hope in someone who superficially offers change. I am totally sceptical but despite myself feel hopeful trump won’t be a massive disappointment. However even though trump is not going to do anything to change the course of history, I have enjoyed the liberal meltdowns and the wave of hope that resulted in his win even if it’s absurdly optimistic and unrealistic . One thing to remember is people have a lot of expectations for him and when he fails to deliver they might just work out that voting isn’t going to change this trajectory and we’ll have to try something else.
Two failed deep state assassination attempts later Trump appears more serious and wants to put in place a couple of good leadership picks. He also has picked a few that disappoint me.
I don't think they're in full control, so far the "combined west" has alienated ninety percent of the planet. The Bilderbergers will end up fighting with each other as elite interest splits and they realise there is no alternative to dealing with China; and Xi is not a Bilderberg puppet. It's more likely Trump is aiming to create a garrison state and rope in as many vassals as possible.
“Aggravated vandalism” at sea: Finnish authorities seized an oil tanker on 26 December, suspecting it of cutting the Estlink2 submarine cables lying on the sediment bed of the Gulf of Finland. The cables carry electricity between Estonia and Finland. The Eagle S tanker had been sailing from Saint Petersburg to Port Said, Egypt when the Finnish customs agency impounded it.
Authorities suspect that the tanker might be part of Russia’s shadow fleet—a method of circumventing Western-imposed price caps on Russian oil transported by sea.
To skirt the restrictions back in 2022, the Kremlin invested billions of dollars in unmarked tankers not easily traced to Russia, some sailing under the flags of Gabon or the Cook Islands, and selling oil to buyers in countries not bound by the West’s price cap, like India and China.
Finland’s prime minister Petteri Orpo said during a news conference that “Our task is to find effective means to stop the shadow fleet. It pumps money into Russia’s war-fund so that Russia can continue to wage its war in Ukraine against the people of Ukraine, and it has to be stopped.”
Other cables have been cut in the Baltic Sea over the past few months, one of them pinned to the anchor strike of a Chinese commercial vessel, but now OTAN nations suspect a “covert campaign” on Moscow’s part to sabotage critical infrastructure.
These shadow accusations against a shadow fleet represent a shadow effort to throw ingenious shade @ Russia: one wonders why OTAN did not think of this sooner—! It's evidence of increasingly slipshod acts of desperation, which signal the *Late Ukraine* phase of the entire conflict. Are they going to impound all tankers departing Saint Petersburg?
Meanwhile, Lady vdL interrupted her holiday celebration to commend Finnish authorities for taking “swift action.”
Looking at the spectacle with some objectivity, it looks like “kayfabe”. What the Biden admin is now doing is accelerating the pace of events so that when Trump is exalted into the throne he will have the excuse to say: “look, these crises I inherited cannot be controlled any more, we will have to resolve them by more direct & forceful engagement.
Taking a page out of the NordStream2 playbook: OTAN and "collaborators" are sabotaging select cables when suspiciously flagged tankers leave Saint Petersburg, with an eye toward hanging the acts of sabotage around Russia's neck.
Or, more insidiously, there's *no* sabotage to the cables at all: the *accusation* that Russia's shadow fleet has sabotaged the cables is provocation enough to seize, detain & impound: OTAN messing w/ Russia
I think you misunderstanding the Bilderberg's game, they want Russia destroyed. Talking about none existent red lines just not very helpful. War is a cruel activity, so quit talking and start shooting!!!😭
If you cut off the head of the snake, then there will be peace.
It is with the current path we are on that the only two options remaining are Armageddon or the end of Russia.
But there is that orthogonal move still available -- surgical decapitation strike on the people responsible. The technical problem has always been not having enough missiles and thus having to use giant nukes to achive that effect, with unacceptable collateral damage, but things like Oreshnik, assuming the warheads can be spread out over a wide area, are independently targetable and can be nuclear, goes a long way towards solving that problem.
You know very well that if there was a meeting of all of the Axis of Resistance anywhere in the word, the Israelis would bomb it immediately.
But the Kremlin taking out Davos, the Bilderberg meeting, the Palantir data centers, the various mansions in Europe where puppeteers reside, etc? No, that is off-limits, let millions of Slavic working class grunts die in the trenches while we never touch the actual enemy, because reasons.
It’s because Russians are not jews. The latter live by kol nidre, whining, deception, and predation. As soon as Americans wake up to the looting and debasing of their country, they will become as bad as ‘bad Germans’ and ‘bad Russians.’ The nomadic tribe lives by dishonorable rules. See the largest ever numbers of pediatric amputees in Gaza in the context of the still opened whining Holo museums that all stand with the fascist jewish state.
I am not advocating for deception and predation, I am advocating for openly striking the people responsible for so many Russians dying and publicly comitting to keep hitting them if they do not stop.
This is the only way to make it stop.
The problem is that the Kremlin is not loyal to the Russian people, but to the Russian oligarchy, and that puts a brake on that path being followed. A fact that most Putin fanboys are still blind to.
"The U.S. needs to prepare to kill Turks in Syria," so claimed arch-neocon Mark Rubin in a WaPo op-ed this week. His reasoning is Atlanticist-centric: If the U.S. kills Turks in Syria, Article 5 won’t kick-in, because the Turks are the aggressors *in* Syria, that is to say *inside* Syria: they’re not on their own territory. Therefore OTAN-style regulations won’t apply if the U.S. kills Turks in Syria.
Mark Rubin seemed very relieved to work out the tedium of this rationale. The rationale did not, however, disguise the craven glee at the prospect of staining Syria's sand w/ Turkish blood.
"the global deep state’s structure: it consists of military and intelligence-linked bigwigs chairing secret syndicates attended by all the world’s top business and political leaders" all the world's top business and political leaders, that is, except China. The unstoppable force is hitting the immovable object. Everything else is a play within a play. Every day the correlation of forces shifts. Here's just one example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m93jV4h692w
I have heard it said that turn-about is fair play. America's leaders are idiots with a chip on their collective shoulders. Thanks to FJB we do not even have much of a strategic petroleum reserve any more, if at all.
No I think the opposite, RT is so wrong - they don't want to say anything . Borzzikman (youtube) had a good take by saying if a Russian anti aircraft missile hit it would have been down straight away. i saw fragments which conceivable could come from a Ukraine drone explosion, which by happenchance was in the area. My money on the Ukraine terrorist regime.
A Ukrainian brigade of robots is defending a 5-mile stretch of frontline northeast of Kharkov, facing off against as many as 8000 Russian troops. From the Ukrainian side, this is a first-ever full-scale combined arms robotic assault, using a mixture of remote-controlled aerial surveillance & mine-laying drones, kamikaze drones & gun-armed robots.
While an impressive development, technologically speaking, pundits @ the FT and The Economist opine that this is a worrying sign for Ukrainian forces. It suggests that Ukrainian human resources are overstretched, necessitating the robo-brigades. Taking ground w/ them is possible, however, *holding* ground is not.
Additionally worrying is the fact that Roomba vacuum cleaners have entered the fight, courtesy of $20bn in draw-down R & D funding @ Raytheon/Dynetics, which rigged the j7+ model w/ an M2 Browning 50-caliber machine gun. The AFU’s shock reliance on Roombas makes the appliance difficult for ordinary homeowners to procure for use around the house, where hoovering up Cheerios stuck to the living room carpet is a constant Saturday morning problem, as is dispensing w/ the kitty litter granules scattered across the kitchen tile .
The company iRobot has pledged to import dual-use electronics from China, a country which mysteriously boasts an overcapacity of such items.
Thanks Simplicius. You've been working hard over Christmas. Much appreciated. If Bilderberg are desperate enough to have Stoltenberg front the show then they (the founders and controllers) must have jettisoned it as a forum and are likely creating a new one.
“ . . . and Stoltenberg—despite his clear lack of intelligence, wit, or social grace of any kind— . . .” The best description of this political grifter I have read to date.
Exactly... and Simplicius said it's been a "slow news cycle"... LOL! He must be kidding us. I hope that he will cover these events in the next article(s). This is not an article that I would expect from Simplicius.
The case of the Ursa Major is especially concerning because it seems to have been an attack, not an accident. If Russian ships are going to be attacked from now on, even in the Mediterranean Sea, we are facing a major escalation of the war. (The kind of thing we would expect from the Biden administration in its last days)
The crew experienced 3 explosions and then the ship started to list. Magnet mines attached? The cargo, precious Liebherr cranes , bound for Vladivostok and Rosatom was lost.
And if they continue attacking Russian shipping - what next?
Russia has a nasty habit of calling military strikes on its civilians and infrastructure "terrorist attacks".
But can it be a "terrorist attack" if it is military-grade USVs guided by NATO ISR launched by NATO attacking your ships in NATO-controlled waters? No, it is war.
Which in act that, ironically, major wars were historically started over. Everyone knows the story.
But the Kremlin is so cucked out that they dare not call it for what it is.
You are wrong. Due to sanctions it is very precious vehicles that was lost.
This is hybrid-warfare from Ukraine and US/NATO and next time it will be another ship or the closure of Baltic Sea. Just wait and see what the strategic implications will be…
Whatever else, it is a reminder for Russia to stop depending on Western imports, such as these strategic cranes. It will initially cost more, and take more time, to develop such cranes domestically, but it is very much within the capabilities of the economy and tech base that built thousands of mobile ICBM carriers.
Meanwhile it is now open season on Russian shipping and commercial aviation, which will leave the Kremlin with two options:
1) Be physically isolated, with all the consequences
2) Finally start the real war, which will also reduce to the same outcome in the short term with the goal of eventually relieving the blockade once the war is won.
Russia loses either way because they clearly don't want that war.
But again, that is too inconvenient to comment on from the point of view of maintaining the narrative...
You do not appreciate the level of depravity and sadistic and rabid hatred which possess the jews-in-charge. Read their Kol Nidre to get the flavor. Who owns the “Anglo-Saxons”? - zionists and Friends of Israel of all stripes. They are not interested in humanity. They are interested in gesheft by any means. Have you noticed the Israelis are especially happy when maiming and killing children? The so-called x-tian friends of Israel in the UK are totally content with the mass maiming and mass murder of Palestinian children. And of journalists. And of medics. Holobiz lies work wonders for genociders
Once Georgia Dream performs its Zourabichvilli-ectomy, we will no doubt see Salome convening an Extraordinary Committee in Brussels, if what S describes in this Medley is right
Last of the first comments this year, unless Denis has got in before me. In other breaking news, this mercenary is now being called a 'hostage' of Russia. I actually this is kinda true. I think the Russian might be hoarding foreigners for negotiations other wise this guy would has a bullet in the back of his head.
I retired from calling first while I was at the top of my game, Billy. lol
"might be hoarding foreigners for negotiations other wise this guy would has a bullet in the back of his head."
Ah, no, no risk of that. As the joke goes, we don't have a death penalty here in Russia, we have something far worse: Russian jails.
The "recapture of Jerusalem" will replay the Crimean War, though shifting its epicenter considerably south. Stakeholders like France & Britain will join in, along with typical Major Players--Israel certainly--and Islamic powerhouses.
Turkey might make a River-to-the-Sea bid, in this case creating a Turkish link of the Euphrates to the Red Sea. Jurisdiction over such a waterway would make for a fortuitous route in the Belt & Road Initiative and accentuate the Atatürk aspect of Recep.
Only, this will only happen in Erdogan’s head. Unfortunately for him.
Turkey's open expansionism to this extent is going to rattle the other Arab states. Egypt in particular faces this game to its west in Libya, and won't want to be pincered.
The Israelis looked like they had thrown any future with the Gulf states away in Gaza, which is a big medium-term (3-4 decade) problem with Europe crumbling and the USA in serious decline. Now Erdogan has solved what appeared to be an Israeli Zugzwang in Gaza/ Lebanon, and re-opened the possibility of Abraham Accord type Gulf cooperation just in time for Trump.
Israel is still facing every bit of the Turkish/ Super-Hamas threat that Simplicus talks about, and Iran as the regional wild card isn't going to be easy on anybody. But the Turks really did Netanyahu a solid, and have never looked especially deft in their regional diplomacy. Turkish demographics are positive, but I expect they're about to find that the regional sledding will be rougher than they they expected.
Sigh. Forget it, Simplicus, it's Middle East town...
Love the Chinatown reference, one of my favorite movies.
I agree it's going to be rough. Just today Sisi reportedly announced Egypt will be bucking the trend and not recognizing Jolani's gov't. Meanwhile Turkey and Saudi Arabia reportedly inked a big military deal and Qatar has also already been quietly hosted by Jolani.
It's going to be a really big mess and likely won't ever resolve entirely, but Turkey's increasing presence will start opening up some very interesting possibilities vis-a-vis Israel.
It will force the neo-cons to lay all of their cards on the table and confess that they really do not care about U.S. security and are concerned only with Israel. Even the dopiest dopes in the U.S. (in other words John Q. Public) will figure out that the U.S. is simply an Israeli-controlled satellite once the U.S. media instantly pivots to 24/7 propaganda against Turkey. which will happen by the end of January once bar Netanyahu's messianic cabal concludes that destroying all the buffer states around Israel was the stupidest thing that Israel could do.
Yeah, I still don't get that. Attacking every nation around them, was really full retard, never go full retard. Try to get allies, maybe attack a couple of them, but frequently attacking Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Libanon, Iraq, is insane.
It's the same with Ukraine... North Korea... . Buffer states are, in general, a good idea if the goal is to maintain peace and stability. This is the cornerstone of Russia's foreign policy. When you are a religious zealot, however, and think that you are God's favorite and that everyone else on earth is mere chattel, and that God is going to descend from the clouds and grant you victory over your enemies no matter what happens, reason... logic... peace... stability... none of that matters.
Israel and their neo-con proxies in the U.S. created this mess when they destroyed Iraq. Anyone with a schoolchild's understanding of the Middle East knew that removing secular Sunnis from power in Iraq would open the door for Iran to enter the Middle East by commanding the allegiance of the local Shiites. There is no "corridor" for Iran to support Hezbollah if Iraq is still a formidable buffer state.
The zionist neo-cons keep making the mess worse. In order to destroy the corridor that they created for Iran to threaten them, now they destroy Syria as a buffer state, which anyone with common sense (like Simplicius) can see opens the door for Turkey to fulfill its territory ambitions and enter the Middle East as a 3rd great regional power along with Israel and Iran (with Turkey now probably the most powerful regional player).
The destruction of Lebanon, which will be next if the Israeli zealots do not realize their folly, will only bring the whole situation to a head in short order. I think that is the idea though, of Netanyahu and his cabal, to bring the situation to a head. They want global war, because they believe that Netanyahu is the messiah who will lead Israel to the glory promised to David and the prophets. That is why I call him bar Netanyahu. He is a modern-day bar Kohkba.
As an interesting aside, the original Simeon bar Kohkba (which means "son of a star") was actually named Simeon ben Kosiba (which means " a disappointing son.") If you know anything about ancient Hebrew and the Old Testament, there is a lot of word-play with the last names of people. Netanyahu is actually Mileikowsky, which comes from the name of a town in Belarus.
The Clown World elite are all sisters AND daughters.
Don't forget about uncle grandpa
Egypt will do what the U.S. says, for now.
Turkey will become a nuclear state. They can't achieve their dream of becoming a regional superpower, let alone Ottoman resurgence, if they cannot match Israel in nuclear arms. Turkey easily has the technology to do it, and they can get plenty of plutonium from their reactors.
Egypt?? Egypt is a completely neutered country. Egypt won’t do anything.
And Türkiye is not going to confront Israel, all these statements are strictly for internal consumption! No, Erdogan has way more important and easy targets closer to home. He will move against the Kurds, first in Syria, then in Iraq, where he can secure some oil rich satrapies right on its frontiers while claiming that he’s only doing some “special military anti terror campaign”. That’s why he’s going to collide with the Gringos via proxies, not bc Israel.
Why would he want to fight the Zionists in the Golan instead???
Exactly. Ignore Erdogan's touching rhetoric. Watch what he does, and he clearly is a co-conspiratior with Israel.
This is 100% the truth. The idea that Turkey would fight Israel is a deception which Erdogan is deviously encouraging, in order to enshroud his territorial ambitions. Consider that Azerbaijan is a Turkish client state- taking orders directly from Turkey, and Azerbaijan is also a close ally of Israel. Does it make sense that Turkey would allow its client state to be a close ally of Israel if Turkey viewed Israel as an enemy?
The painful truth is that Jews will always be joined at the hip with America because Jews depend on capitalism, and America is the ultimate guarantor of capitalism. The global Jewish cabal controls many corporations, private equity firms, and hedge funds. They are almost as powerful as the Bilderberg club.
Jewish strategy was always to sap Russian strength and convert Russia into a gas station benefitting Western capitalism. Jews comprised over 50% of the oligarchs who dominated Russia during the 1990s and tried to do just that, until the economy collapsed in 1998.
The Jews and Bilderbergers know this decade is their best opportunity to solidify control over the planet before other rising powers are strong enough to prevent it. All they need is either Putin to lose or stay out of their way. Unfortunately, many of the oligarchs in Russia today are still Jews, and Putin depends on them too much to truly oppose Israel. Without opposing Israel, the Middle East is lost, and the petrodollar survives.
The fall of Syria is a disaster for Russia- it will allow Turkey and Israel to consume the country, and perhaps Lebanon too, effectively expanding NATO contiguously to the Red Sea. Once NATO solidifies control over the eastern Mediterranean, I would not be surprised if they try to take over Libya for the oil resources, and to push Russia out. They are currently annexing Western Sahara's vast oceanfront to Morocco, a de facto NATO extension.
Sadly, in part because of our leaders' blindness in trusting Turkey/Israel, and reluctance to use nuclear weapons, it appears the Resistance is doomed to lose the Great Game. For those of us from the Global South, our grandchildren are doomed to serfdom serving Jewish and Western masters, just as our great-grandparents did in the 19th century.
Putin has dealt with the Jewish oligarchs. The ones who wouldn't come on side have either been banished, or left Russia voluntarily. IMO Putin treats Israel with kid gloves because he understands just how dangerous it is to tangle with them. Furthermore, most Russian Jews left Russia after the USSR collapsed. According to Pew Research, there were only 230,000 Jews in Russia in 2010. And a lot of those left after the SMO began. Putin's real problem is Jews abroad--specifically, American Jews, many of whom have ancestors who came to the US from the Pale of the Settlement, and hate Russia with the white-hot passion of a thousand suns.
It's not like the Arab states can do anything about it. Their military ineptitude is one of the main reasons Is-ra-el still exists.
I wouldn't count Hezbollah and Iran out yet. There are plans afoot. And Israel won't like them. Nor should you count Turkiye out - at least in the longer term as Erdogan will want to deal with nearer issues first, like the Kurds and the consolidation of power over the new Syrian government. After that, Israel beware - As S has pointed out, the Turks are saying: “Yesterday Hagia Sophia, today the Umayyad Mosque (Damascus), tomorrow Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem).” That might be an empty threat, but I suspect not. The Turkish population really, really wants action against Israel and the takeback of Jerusalem. Don't even count out a behind-the-scenes deal between Turkiye and Iran/Hezbollah to keep attrition heat on Israel.
It's an empty threat. The US has too many levers over the Turkish leadership.
over the years Erdogan has created his own version of a Turkish bath house with competing European, Arab, Caucasian and Iranian players.
I absolutely do not count Turkey out. Like I said, they have the demographics to be in this for decades, and the ambition. Plus more national industrial/ defense capability than most people understand. Their regional diplomacy and history is an "Intel giveth and Microsoft taketh away" kind of deal, though, so I expect their ride to be rough.
Nor do I count Iran out. Even "regional spoiler" for a critical region of the world is a serious amount of power. Its proxies are well-trained, and again people underestimate their engineering. In part because of their over-the-top boasting, but if they aren't nearly as good as they say they are (is anyone?), they aren't nearly as poor as we say they are. They have a loss of faith problem in their society that rhymes with our own, but they're also key to both Russia and China's long-term economic plans. So we'll see.
My New Year’s resolution is to cut WAY back on my online presence. I am starting to realize that I have been wasting my time arguing and reading with imbeciles. In the end that’s not helping my wallet and it’s not affecting much change. Ever since 2020 I have found myself stuck in this same rut as if I was going to miss something that might just save my life or something. 🤷♂️
It hasn’t all been a waste tho. I have met some really remarkable people and have made quite a few friends. I have also stumbled onto one of the most humble and trustworthy of sources. His name is Simplicius.
You really are a cherished voice in the wilderness Simp. You published a list once (I think) of other writers. I think that is how I found John Carter to be honest. If that list does exist I would be eternally grateful if someone kind could send me a link.
Happy New Year!!
I'm with you Luke. The current happenings in our old world can be sooo mesmerizing. I have in the past a time or two gone cold turkey on "news" and it has been freeing. I may again as my new years resolution, at least for a time. I think I would still read Simp's occasional musings, which are enough to keep one informed. Most of what is available for one to feed on today is not only unnecessary but negative because simply a waste of time better spent. May go back to just ready books. With an occasional dose of Simplicius.
reading books of course 😁
Ah Luke, you have the same thoughts as I do. I thought that I might be able to add something to the conversation with my dimwitted fellow Americans. Surely, if people are given enough facts and have them presented in an open not aggressive way, people will slowly begin to accept reality. I accept that I was wrong.
I will keep up to date but I will keep my comments to a minimum, it is apparent to me now, people do not care about the objective truth, they have picked teams like it is a football game and that is that.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year! PS - My feelings about our esteemed author might not be exactly like yours BUT I do read him for the information he provides
But the charts for approval or disapproval of the Ukraine war is changing in Europe - look at Germany! New information is impacting people's perceptions. I fear some are losing interest now that Syria was lost. Buck up for Palestine. The real question is, what can we do, what impact we have when Bilderberg elite run things? People want to try Fauchi and Gates. That would show them.
Those of us who want to live in a better world no matter how disenfranchised we are, need to keep complaining about this one and making suggestions and pointing out the truths.
For those of us who see how utterly we are all being stripped of our personal power and sovereignty over our own lives and bodies and CHILDREN we really need to keep on waking the sleepers up...
It seems a tiring and dispiriting JOB from my position, a bit like trying to remove a mountain with a spade, but there's a LOT of us doing it now, and this year we seem to have started to turn the tide!
Don't any of you give up now!
To quote Duran channel...these people just have no reverse gear and just won't go away...fon Der Lejen, or Trudeau or that bitch from New zealand.it is truly a cult. Him being at the Beildenberg Caba'sl table head position is bad news for the world. Rutte as is terrible MIC yes Man but I foresee another difficult year in 2025.
My apologies for the typos... since my mild stroke in May my typing is atrocious.still in denial to wear my reading glasses 🤓
@JimG I'm from Sweden and we haven't changed much, at the opposite end of Italy. Swedes don't understand that to join NATO is leathal. The Germans are stupid but we are a magnitude worse.
I agree, I've already started to cut back. This one I'll keep. Thanks Simplicius.
Same, I'm down to just a few and oftentimes don't 'check in' for over a week.
My only comment on this is Thiel (Vance) + Musk = Paypal mafia.
"Paypal mafia. "
2005 - 2014 I used Paypal for payments for my then online business. I had many accounts locked for 6 months due to what they falsely stated was "suspicious activity" (sometimes on days that there was no activity).
Then paypalsucks.com went online. It was run by ex middle tier paypal managers whistle-blowing and they clearly showed how paypal stole money straight out of client's paypal accounts.
As paypal wasn't classed a bank even though it held daily untold amounts of money, they could get away with it.
Paypal managers instructed staff to do this.Luckily I didn't have any stolen.
I would not trust Muskrat with anything. He is a grifter.
And, it doesn't end there.
All of the conversations online are allowed because it lets people vent, and feel like they are doing something.
In the end it's all talk, no one wants to do what is required to change things.
Tempting as it is to see "identifying and killing our overlords and their minions" as a solution, the very act makes the system self select the most psyhopathic to lead the revolution.
I've done what I believe is required to effect some change IN MYSELF. I've worked out ways where if I AM forced into physical clashes with authority, (they come to force vaccinate me, etc) I believe I can sow enough unexpected/techncial confusion to enable my escape, by understanding exactly what the systems ranged against me are, and how they work..
If you break the right radio set at the right time, or jam the right lock in the right place, or even spill a patch of cooking oil or bag of marbles in an inconvenient place, little people can have BIG effects againt overweening authority. It's having the will to push back constantly and inexorably that us little people need more of.
Gonzalo Lira NAILED IT when he said: "understand what's going on".
I doubt the most psychopathic will be leading the revolution, since they are already running the country.
This is true. Most people don't recognize they are the problem because that requires a level of self-reflection that may prompt a requirement for them to change.
I have faced this repeatedly in my own life. It is quite difficult to admit that I created or contributed to 'the problem'.
You don't have to quit, but I can understand scaling back somewhat. Pointless debates with shills arguing in bad faith is especially something you should disengage from. Throughout the Culture War, I found myself falling into a habit of mentally refuting false media narratives whenever I heard them, then realized that I was wasting mental energy by doing this, which would be better spent elsewhere.
Happy New Year to you too!
Thank you, same to you! Much regarded advice.
Israel is turning into a do-nut. Turkey will indeed extend itself into Syria with its eye on Jerusalem. Best of luck dealing with Turkey, Israel- a NATO member with an ability to grab the goolies of its allies and squeeze them hard. It is one thing bombing poor people all over the ME, quite another to take on a NATO member armed to the teeth and with real effective reach.
Meanwhile the west reinforces its..... BUREAUCRACY! If only words were weapons, eh, and the resources to build them. Paper money is so last year. While Israel is an obvious for the do-nut title, a similar hollowing out phenomenon is happening all over the west.
Terrorist strikes and bombing easy targets in the ME is no substitute for real hard economic power, and that core has shifted decidedly east. That means not just beyond western control, but beyond those in the east still hanging onto western tatty coattails.
Turkey retaking Al Aqsa will only happen in the minds of some nostalgic Turkish nationalists. Don’t hold your breath…
I said, turn its eye as in 'set its sights'. I chose my words with care. There are many pause points on a given road, all with issues and benefits of their own.
This is like saying that Mexico is setting its sights on the territory that the Gringos stole from them in 1848. Yeah, maybe in a 100 years Mexico will be grande again.
Turkey is not going to confront Israel while the Us remains a global power, so you can prepare for a long wait.
Turkey viz the ME and Mexico viz whatever, are not the comparable, CC.
As I said, you forget the stops on the route and what those stops will mean for them BOTH.
Very much related bc any of these things are only gonna happen when the Evil Gringo Empire safely lands in the dustbin of history.
When people aren't discussing along lines that have salience to my initial point, I disengage. I recommend it to all.
I thought Mexico have already invaded and populated all of southern US.
Good try, but technically it’s not only Mejicanos doing the invasion but people coming out of most Iberoamerican countries.
But don’t despair yet, ye faithful legacy Gringos! Trump is close to completing one of his best deals and will open up a new land of opportunity for you to settle: Greenland! Land of milk, honey, and, as the name suggests, where the grass is greener than everywhere else!
Who do you call Gringo?
"It is one thing bombing poor people all over the ME, quite another to take on a NATO member armed to the teeth and with real effective reach."
We've yet to see the "modern" Ottoman army succeed in battle against a determined and able foe. A Turkish drive south as a NATO member would be a crisis for NATO rather than an advantage for Turkey. It's likely that both their economy and Military would fold up. The Turks were alien invaders from the beginning, experts in dominating as a minority by exploiting the worst qualities of the natives they dominated for 500 or 600 years.
If they do so and succeed, it will be because God raises them up supernaturally as God often seems to do: using the ambitions and agendas of men to accomplish his own ends.
One thing to consider, If Turkey does commit itself to such an adventure, they will need to either see Russia defeated or pinned in Ukraine or they will have to make a deal with Russia to secure Turkeys back and then it might be for Russia - a dish of revenge served cold
The answer is that the whole Western world is heading for a geopolitical disaster. Russia didn't want to fight the war in Ukraine, but the West was hellbent on regime change and the ultimate Balkanization of Russia.
We are now getting closer to the end game. The Western world simply has fewer weapons to send to Ukraine.
I don't think it's the end game. It's more like a first stage of the big war. Ukraine was one battle and even that seems far from ending. As no deal is possible, Russia will probably continue the slow grind to gradually assimilate more territory. New fronts are being readied for 2027, as they say.
Agree. People have underestimated the collective west, and overestimated the BRICS+ countries.
Well put, succinct.
Yes. The Underestimation of the collective west’ owners’ sadistic amorality and the meek flock mentality of populace.
I think some of the problem is that our Western leaders still think in terms of WW2. Modern urban warfare is a lot harder, thus the slow grind.
"The Western world simply has fewer weapons to send to Ukraine."
We've been hearing that one for years, now.
They've been depleting their stockpiles gradually and can't produce enough quickly enough to replace the losses.
They are running low. There's a reason why the Ukrainian artillery fire has been slackening off with time. The West never designed their military supply chain for nation state war.
It's a gradual process. The West will never completely run out, but their production is at a low enough level that they don't have enough ammunition and spare parts to sustain the war.
We've been hearing that one for years as well.
And it's true.
Otherwise the pace of Russian advance would be much slower. It's been accelerating a lot of as of late.
At the rate the "accelerated advance" is going, Russia may reach Kiev by 2056 at the latest.
Thiel is in Bilderberg. And people still think Vance or Trump are going to change anything? If MIC is making profits and creating jobs, Trump will not touch it even.
Was Syria sacrificed so that Turkey could be placed in position to deal with Israel once and for all? But Turkey is too nefarious with much too huge appetite for neo-Otoman expansion to be allowed to gain such power. We'll end up with a new and much more independently powerful Israel-ish entity. They have ambitions in much of the space around Russia as well.
My thoughts exactly on Thiel/Vance connection. I’m surprised Simplicius didn’t dig into that at all. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The grift must flow!
I have always felt the ruling “elite” only want us to think that a Trump presidency rattles them. They are, always have been and always will be, in full control. Trump I didn’t do any new wars because the elites were not ready or in the mood. Trump II has their full blessing.
Change my mind.
Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Trump will do more of the same Trump things he did in his first mandate. I don’t know why people cannot grasp this simple concept…
They are desperate for things to not be this way - acceptance is a struggle I think the hardest thing about all this insanity is being totally powerless to do anything about it. So people place hope in someone who superficially offers change. I am totally sceptical but despite myself feel hopeful trump won’t be a massive disappointment. However even though trump is not going to do anything to change the course of history, I have enjoyed the liberal meltdowns and the wave of hope that resulted in his win even if it’s absurdly optimistic and unrealistic . One thing to remember is people have a lot of expectations for him and when he fails to deliver they might just work out that voting isn’t going to change this trajectory and we’ll have to try something else.
you so nailed it, leaves me impressed! nothing to add really but truly happy that people like you with your mindset and insight still exist.
Two failed deep state assassination attempts later Trump appears more serious and wants to put in place a couple of good leadership picks. He also has picked a few that disappoint me.
We will have to see.
If the Deep State wanted Trump dead, that would be easy to arrange.
Shoot down his airplane (bomb, MANPADS, whatever) is the most obvious choice.
Remember their attempts on Castro included exploding Cigars, perhaps they could have given Golf balls a try :-)
I don't think they're in full control, so far the "combined west" has alienated ninety percent of the planet. The Bilderbergers will end up fighting with each other as elite interest splits and they realise there is no alternative to dealing with China; and Xi is not a Bilderberg puppet. It's more likely Trump is aiming to create a garrison state and rope in as many vassals as possible.
Like the future outline, not sure about Trump’s intentions and intellectual might.
Well, we pretty much got most of NATO and AUKUS to carry our bags and fetch the coffee.
I just can't see the "unwoke" states deciding to destroy their cultures and economies by becoming vassals at this point.
Trump was selected to make Covid-19 happen. Nobody would've listened to Hillary if she had started yapping about a cold that is super-dangerous.
We can only imagine what he's going to be used for this time.
(Not trying to be a doomer here. The Covid-19 pandemic was actually quite an awesome and very intriguing period of time.)
I was quite surprised by how quickly 49 states and half the population in the US were easily convinced to surrender civil liberties.
I'd use the word "shocked".
The stage was already prepared by 9/11 and the WOT. Hardly anyone even hesitated to take off their shoes to go on an airplane.
I would not say that Trump has their "fulll blessing" but Trump remains weak, stupid and easily manipulated.
The elites can handle the cheeto doofus.
For the Medley:
“Aggravated vandalism” at sea: Finnish authorities seized an oil tanker on 26 December, suspecting it of cutting the Estlink2 submarine cables lying on the sediment bed of the Gulf of Finland. The cables carry electricity between Estonia and Finland. The Eagle S tanker had been sailing from Saint Petersburg to Port Said, Egypt when the Finnish customs agency impounded it.
Authorities suspect that the tanker might be part of Russia’s shadow fleet—a method of circumventing Western-imposed price caps on Russian oil transported by sea.
To skirt the restrictions back in 2022, the Kremlin invested billions of dollars in unmarked tankers not easily traced to Russia, some sailing under the flags of Gabon or the Cook Islands, and selling oil to buyers in countries not bound by the West’s price cap, like India and China.
Finland’s prime minister Petteri Orpo said during a news conference that “Our task is to find effective means to stop the shadow fleet. It pumps money into Russia’s war-fund so that Russia can continue to wage its war in Ukraine against the people of Ukraine, and it has to be stopped.”
Other cables have been cut in the Baltic Sea over the past few months, one of them pinned to the anchor strike of a Chinese commercial vessel, but now OTAN nations suspect a “covert campaign” on Moscow’s part to sabotage critical infrastructure.
These shadow accusations against a shadow fleet represent a shadow effort to throw ingenious shade @ Russia: one wonders why OTAN did not think of this sooner—! It's evidence of increasingly slipshod acts of desperation, which signal the *Late Ukraine* phase of the entire conflict. Are they going to impound all tankers departing Saint Petersburg?
Meanwhile, Lady vdL interrupted her holiday celebration to commend Finnish authorities for taking “swift action.”
Thanks. Not to speak about the RU ship sunk in the Mediterranean and the Azerbaijani plane shot down in the Caucasus….
Escalations, provocations...Collective Biden trying to slam the door shut on their way out
Looking at the spectacle with some objectivity, it looks like “kayfabe”. What the Biden admin is now doing is accelerating the pace of events so that when Trump is exalted into the throne he will have the excuse to say: “look, these crises I inherited cannot be controlled any more, we will have to resolve them by more direct & forceful engagement.
Expect the door to detach and crush. Truly the west is in the clutches of the finest idiots
Taking a page out of the NordStream2 playbook: OTAN and "collaborators" are sabotaging select cables when suspiciously flagged tankers leave Saint Petersburg, with an eye toward hanging the acts of sabotage around Russia's neck.
Or, more insidiously, there's *no* sabotage to the cables at all: the *accusation* that Russia's shadow fleet has sabotaged the cables is provocation enough to seize, detain & impound: OTAN messing w/ Russia
Good old Anglo piracy is back in vogue!
…and whenever they close Baltic Sea for Russian ships were are in act 2.
So then just send the Oreshnik missile over to the meeting of this Bilderberg group. Game Over!
I think you misunderstand Russia's game. They want peace, not Armageddon.
It's a forlorn hope abcdefg peace with warmongers and MICs.
In the words of the late Robert L Kocher;
The only thing some people understand is fear of messing with you.
What did he die of?
Old age, I think.
I think you misunderstanding the Bilderberg's game, they want Russia destroyed. Talking about none existent red lines just not very helpful. War is a cruel activity, so quit talking and start shooting!!!😭
>They want peace, not Armageddon.
If you cut off the head of the snake, then there will be peace.
It is with the current path we are on that the only two options remaining are Armageddon or the end of Russia.
But there is that orthogonal move still available -- surgical decapitation strike on the people responsible. The technical problem has always been not having enough missiles and thus having to use giant nukes to achive that effect, with unacceptable collateral damage, but things like Oreshnik, assuming the warheads can be spread out over a wide area, are independently targetable and can be nuclear, goes a long way towards solving that problem.
An uninvited appearance of Mrs. Oreshnik at a Bilderberg meeting in Davos could be called a Reset 2.0.
I had just come here to post the same suggestion.
You know very well that if there was a meeting of all of the Axis of Resistance anywhere in the word, the Israelis would bomb it immediately.
But the Kremlin taking out Davos, the Bilderberg meeting, the Palantir data centers, the various mansions in Europe where puppeteers reside, etc? No, that is off-limits, let millions of Slavic working class grunts die in the trenches while we never touch the actual enemy, because reasons.
It’s because Russians are not jews. The latter live by kol nidre, whining, deception, and predation. As soon as Americans wake up to the looting and debasing of their country, they will become as bad as ‘bad Germans’ and ‘bad Russians.’ The nomadic tribe lives by dishonorable rules. See the largest ever numbers of pediatric amputees in Gaza in the context of the still opened whining Holo museums that all stand with the fascist jewish state.
I am not advocating for deception and predation, I am advocating for openly striking the people responsible for so many Russians dying and publicly comitting to keep hitting them if they do not stop.
This is the only way to make it stop.
The problem is that the Kremlin is not loyal to the Russian people, but to the Russian oligarchy, and that puts a brake on that path being followed. A fact that most Putin fanboys are still blind to.
Ho hum.
Well, aren't you a good little dimocrat?
You came here for the same reason you always do, a bunch of verbal diarrhea.
Their true value is not worth an Oreshnick (sp?)
The best Oreshnik ever spent!
"The U.S. needs to prepare to kill Turks in Syria," so claimed arch-neocon Mark Rubin in a WaPo op-ed this week. His reasoning is Atlanticist-centric: If the U.S. kills Turks in Syria, Article 5 won’t kick-in, because the Turks are the aggressors *in* Syria, that is to say *inside* Syria: they’re not on their own territory. Therefore OTAN-style regulations won’t apply if the U.S. kills Turks in Syria.
Mark Rubin seemed very relieved to work out the tedium of this rationale. The rationale did not, however, disguise the craven glee at the prospect of staining Syria's sand w/ Turkish blood.
It doesn't get serious until the U.S. media tells us every 6 months that Turkey is 2 months away from developing a nuclear bomb.
Spot on!!!!
Turkey is hardly reluctant to shed Syrian and Kurdish blood in Syria.
I won't shed many tears for them, irrespective of my disgust with US warmongering.
Israeli perspective.
Mark Rubin is Talmud-centric
"the global deep state’s structure: it consists of military and intelligence-linked bigwigs chairing secret syndicates attended by all the world’s top business and political leaders" all the world's top business and political leaders, that is, except China. The unstoppable force is hitting the immovable object. Everything else is a play within a play. Every day the correlation of forces shifts. Here's just one example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m93jV4h692w
I have heard it said that turn-about is fair play. America's leaders are idiots with a chip on their collective shoulders. Thanks to FJB we do not even have much of a strategic petroleum reserve any more, if at all.
RT dot com doesn't have an article about the Azerbaijan airline event. That is as good as a confession.
No I think the opposite, RT is so wrong - they don't want to say anything . Borzzikman (youtube) had a good take by saying if a Russian anti aircraft missile hit it would have been down straight away. i saw fragments which conceivable could come from a Ukraine drone explosion, which by happenchance was in the area. My money on the Ukraine terrorist regime.
Very good point if true!
I'm pretty sure RT official twitter has been covering the airline shoot down all day long. Not sure about the site.
Seems right most of the time....
Tried to paste a link to RT about the plane crash. It is forbidden by Substack…
Another try.
They had a piece but what blah-blah about bird collision.
It is more plausible that it was damaged by a missile when entering airspace around Groznyij which was under attack from Ukrainian drones.
Send in the droids—!
A Ukrainian brigade of robots is defending a 5-mile stretch of frontline northeast of Kharkov, facing off against as many as 8000 Russian troops. From the Ukrainian side, this is a first-ever full-scale combined arms robotic assault, using a mixture of remote-controlled aerial surveillance & mine-laying drones, kamikaze drones & gun-armed robots.
While an impressive development, technologically speaking, pundits @ the FT and The Economist opine that this is a worrying sign for Ukrainian forces. It suggests that Ukrainian human resources are overstretched, necessitating the robo-brigades. Taking ground w/ them is possible, however, *holding* ground is not.
Additionally worrying is the fact that Roomba vacuum cleaners have entered the fight, courtesy of $20bn in draw-down R & D funding @ Raytheon/Dynetics, which rigged the j7+ model w/ an M2 Browning 50-caliber machine gun. The AFU’s shock reliance on Roombas makes the appliance difficult for ordinary homeowners to procure for use around the house, where hoovering up Cheerios stuck to the living room carpet is a constant Saturday morning problem, as is dispensing w/ the kitty litter granules scattered across the kitchen tile .
The company iRobot has pledged to import dual-use electronics from China, a country which mysteriously boasts an overcapacity of such items.
Thanks Simplicius. You've been working hard over Christmas. Much appreciated. If Bilderberg are desperate enough to have Stoltenberg front the show then they (the founders and controllers) must have jettisoned it as a forum and are likely creating a new one.
“ . . . and Stoltenberg—despite his clear lack of intelligence, wit, or social grace of any kind— . . .” The best description of this political grifter I have read to date.
No analysis of the crash in Aktau and not even a mention of the Ursa Major freighter???
Yes very surprising that it is not even mentioned. These two events are potentially way more important than anything else commented in this piece.
Exactly... and Simplicius said it's been a "slow news cycle"... LOL! He must be kidding us. I hope that he will cover these events in the next article(s). This is not an article that I would expect from Simplicius.
Not to speak about Trump wanting to seize the Panama Canal, Greenland and Canada!
Yeah! Gringos making friends all over the world, as usual!
The case of the Ursa Major is especially concerning because it seems to have been an attack, not an accident. If Russian ships are going to be attacked from now on, even in the Mediterranean Sea, we are facing a major escalation of the war. (The kind of thing we would expect from the Biden administration in its last days)
The crew experienced 3 explosions and then the ship started to list. Magnet mines attached? The cargo, precious Liebherr cranes , bound for Vladivostok and Rosatom was lost.
And if they continue attacking Russian shipping - what next?
These are clearly terrorist attacks that have no operational/tactical/strategic purpose; they are just meant to provoke Russia in escalating the war.
Russia has a nasty habit of calling military strikes on its civilians and infrastructure "terrorist attacks".
But can it be a "terrorist attack" if it is military-grade USVs guided by NATO ISR launched by NATO attacking your ships in NATO-controlled waters? No, it is war.
Which in act that, ironically, major wars were historically started over. Everyone knows the story.
But the Kremlin is so cucked out that they dare not call it for what it is.
You are wrong. Due to sanctions it is very precious vehicles that was lost.
This is hybrid-warfare from Ukraine and US/NATO and next time it will be another ship or the closure of Baltic Sea. Just wait and see what the strategic implications will be…
Whatever else, it is a reminder for Russia to stop depending on Western imports, such as these strategic cranes. It will initially cost more, and take more time, to develop such cranes domestically, but it is very much within the capabilities of the economy and tech base that built thousands of mobile ICBM carriers.
It's too inconvenient to comment on.
Doesn't fit the narrative that Russia is winning.
Meanwhile it is now open season on Russian shipping and commercial aviation, which will leave the Kremlin with two options:
1) Be physically isolated, with all the consequences
2) Finally start the real war, which will also reduce to the same outcome in the short term with the goal of eventually relieving the blockade once the war is won.
Russia loses either way because they clearly don't want that war.
But again, that is too inconvenient to comment on from the point of view of maintaining the narrative...
Yep. Once upon a time, attacks on a country’s merchant shipping was universally understood to be a casus belli.
Next stop: Angloamerican pirates seizing Russian oil and gas tankers along the seven seas!
You do not appreciate the level of depravity and sadistic and rabid hatred which possess the jews-in-charge. Read their Kol Nidre to get the flavor. Who owns the “Anglo-Saxons”? - zionists and Friends of Israel of all stripes. They are not interested in humanity. They are interested in gesheft by any means. Have you noticed the Israelis are especially happy when maiming and killing children? The so-called x-tian friends of Israel in the UK are totally content with the mass maiming and mass murder of Palestinian children. And of journalists. And of medics. Holobiz lies work wonders for genociders