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TS/SILO/SKIF documents accessible to this nerdy boy? Not likely. Something smells...

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But he was an entry level IT tech at some national guard base in the middle of no where, surely that entitles him access to all CIA archives, no?

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You ain't seen nothin' yet!

This wunderboy will continue to leak documents from his jail cell. (at least that'll be the initial explanation from the govt/MSM morons when the leaks continue)

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Or he will be JFKized...or maybe a 'suicide'?

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Only in the Alice in Wonderland world our government would like us to believe. This is worse than the 3 men in a boat blowing up Nord stream. Oh and a woman because we must have diversity.

I feel really worried about what is going to happen with/to this kid. His family needs to lawyer up

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Tsk, Tsk, not enough crew to cover all the genders on the boat...

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It's funny you should mention those things. I just put up my first Substack post at 'The Rabbit Hole' which compared the news coverage from this leak to Seymour Hersh's media coverage. I was waiting for a friend to proof read it before posting here, but Simplicius has already found it. That man really doesn't sleep. Welcome to Wonderland.

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My stepson had a visit from FBI to Winnipeg Cda to investigate a message he left them. He burned their firewall deep then left tech details how & what to do preventitively about it. He didn't hide his I. D., he just wanted to warn them of vulnerability. He was 13. Knowledge often entitles access in dark places, regardless of age.

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Yes ok, but these docs wern't obtained by hacking. they are paper docs, walked out of a secure room and photographed.

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Precisely my point, if you're bright, determined & the digital chainsaw breaks down, sometimes a hatchet achieves the goal. Police go through people's garbage all the time & get results. Instead of high tech, he went low tech & beat the system, then hung himself online flouting it to friends. He's just a stupid man child in way over his head. Media as usual focuses/deflects on how, not on what, was revealed, a la Assange, Snowden, Manning... The crime apparently is revealing atrocities, not committing them.

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Chelsea Manning and that blond chick from a while back were both young'uns that had access to way too much information. No clue as to what made me think of them.

Here nor there, another day, another crazy gummint story.

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Reality Winner? Also, Snowden was a young man with no credentials.

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Not to split hairs, but he had skills, not credentials. Some community college, no degree. Some gradschool classes, no degree. He did work for BAH and he did know what he was doing which in the IT world can get you pretty far.

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Yes! Thank you. Reality Winner is the one I was trying to remember.

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Bradley Manning. Unless one is in to the gender bender psyop bullshit.

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Larry Johnson's latest article; he states according to CIA colleagues there is no way this kid would have had access to the documents or a top secret clearance.

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I mostly agree with the sentiment, but the kid was apparently assigned to the intelligence wing specifically, so it's a possibility. In fact it's the very famous and storied 102nd intelligence wing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/102nd_Intelligence_Wing

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So was the kid at Fort Bragg or Cape Cod? How do you be at both places at once?

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Tbh I wouldn't put it past Gerasimov to try to sabotage the SMO. I have heard elsewhere (and believe even Prigozhin/Lavrov mentioned it) that there is a faction trying to end the SMO to get their assets back. Judging by how the beginning of the SMO went, and the things Russia didn't do, it is possible that Gerasimov was sabotaging the SMO. Why he was placed as the head, is unknown if this is true.

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Based on what, the gossip of some official of the Enemy nation Russia is fighting? I wouldn't be quick to believe that.

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I'd argue that since its internal documents not meant for public consumption - it may have some validity to it

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Not for public doesn't mean real or accurate information

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True. But it is more likely to be accurate since the US is internally trying to assess Russian capabilities in case of war. If you don't have an accurate picture, you can't adequately plan.

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nothing from these imply they are to assess for a Hot War with Russia. Those would be separate plans, even more restricted to the top brass, these were more a sitrep type of stuff.

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pretty rare!

the usa does not seem to have assessed the capabilities of the high cost wunderwaffen donated to ukraine.....

from ads missiles, himars, to glide bombs the dud rates are most impressive......

of course, most of the donations are suggested by field marshal elenski!

who if conscious falsely assumes the spec sheets on touted on wiki or supplier sites are what the things were tested to do!

much less could ukraine take up usa's expensive 'military doctrines' out of whole clothe at the end of a long supply line.

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"Why he was placed as the head, is unknown if this is true

Maybe the answer is actually quite simple. Bullshit is just that: Bullshit.

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There is no way this kid actually purloined the data out of a highly classified area. Larry Johnson is adamant that these documents would NOT have been accessible from a Military base.

IF this kid actually put the documents on Discord he had to have been given them by someone who did have access to such information. The big question remains why and who

He was set up and now looks to be the fall guy???

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Also the fact that there's hundreds of documents and they were all hand printed by him is really strange. That would mean it wasn't a quick sneak-a-roo type job, but rather he sat there nonchalantly printing them for hours without any oversight.

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Well who knows, just taking notes defeats the purpose of showing it was real. Maybe it was a locked down system and he had no way to bring a phone for screen shots, that would leave him with only the printer I assume was there in the office he was in. Wouldn't be too surprising to quickly print out pages, maybe he was authorized to print anyway, it would have looked like part of his job.

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could be someone with access and need to know walked away and left the building and the young airman ran the prints off the open accounts.

of course sealed. certified classified printers have print logs.....

or if the disa less competent than the white house?

or maybe he did it at bragg where the 'no grooming standards' of delta run over to sensitive data procedures.

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The TTG dude at turcopolier dot com is a retired Lt colonel of the DIA and he says it's quite possible - I quote below. Larry Johnson doesn't know everything by a long shot:

"This young dumb ass sat in a G2/J2 office somewhere at Bragg. At his desk he had unfettered access to JWICS and Intelink. Yes, this is the result of the “share all intel” attitude that developed after the intel failure of 9/11. This is especially infuriating to me since some of those photographed documents had the ORCON caveat. That means originator controlled. ORCON material is sent to specific addressees only, not to anybody with sufficient clearance. If an analyst wants to use ORCON material in a finished product, he contacts the originator for release and, in every case where I was involved, the analyst ran the exact wording by me before using the intel. At that point, the ORCON caveat is not needed. IMO, an ORCON document should never be on JWICS for any dumb ass to search for and view. There are also way too many printers in DoD and DIA spaces. That wasn’t the case in the CIA, at least on the operational side. Maybe that will change now."

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i never had access to the classified dod internet, which is run on only approved equipment and approve software, to access a linked machine you are in secured room/area, sign in sign out control and all personal electronics and paper checked and non let out.

that is nothing! there are classified ways and access walls to assure data is available only to "need to know".

unless thus kid beat the tools from the black world labs........

serious gaps must have been exploited by a 21 year old!

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So, the TTG guy at Turcopelier, a retired LTC, endorses the MSM boiler plate ... surprise surprise.

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Is Turcopelier associated with Bellingcat?

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Call me crazy but the notion that a low level air guardsman had access to the breadth and depth of what was contain in those docs seems like a a bit of a stretch.

Then again fabricating a scapegoat with zero upward connections is something rather than a much bigger nothing. WeakSauce either way....

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Yes the kid is a scapegoat who was likely manipulated and yes the docz that he uploaded were subsequently liberally seasoned with BS by higher-up deviants, but --- the Democrats (and the NYT expresses the views of this particular political force) urgently needed militarized racist traitors to the Motherland. And then just a leak, and next to it - the right contingent. So I'm guessing this operation has a domestic crackdown as primary motivation. Watch for new even more absurd "laws" from the criminals in Congress.

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The Restrict Law.........

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Nailed it

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Wish i was wrong :-(

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Yeah well if you can help others brace 4 impact.....

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That video is a national embarrassment.

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What a stomach curdling video that is. Like watching a Michael Bay movie. The real leaker(s) should be celebrated. The damage's been done by the Brandon & co Neoclown club. The APC is a nice touch. Remarkable it's already reported he's a gun totting gaming nerd racist, plus white male, fits all the DNC templates.

In all fairness, credit must be given, for the Deep State/Davos concocted this hot garbage of a tale lots quicker than the Ukrainian yahtmens sorry. What A Joke.

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don't forget he's a right winger as well....that's sure to seal his fate.

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MI6+CIA counter psyop as diversion of the first real leak. Total fake.

(The piece is bylined by Bellingcat's Aric Toler.) There is no explanation where the "additional documents" are coming from or how they were found.The tale does not really explain how the 'reporters', the Post's intelligence and national security scribe Shane Harris and Samuel Oakford of Bellingcat fame, found the person or why it was willing to completely spill its beans:


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Some of the more absurd stuff in these files always reminds me of the 'intelligence' the British spread, always turns out to be rumours and tabloid level articles the English James Bonds like to read while drinking their morning tea in their comfy English mansions.

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This typical FBI CIA instigation they been doing this same crap here and overseas to everybody and each and everyone.

Over and over Americans sit back and watch this same charade played by the FBI or the CIA, all these shenanigans that happen in the halls of government are corrupt.

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We have been advised a long time ago: Military Industrial Complex' WARNING



A MIC 'coup' happened in the US since then the us is some kind of 4th Reich (of course no tank in the streets yet, no nazi flag etc..) but finaly little difference as the worst is yet to come.

Ukraine is the 51 th State a view of what all the US will become when the dedolarized World emerge which means the total collapse of the US as we know it.

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You cite Larry Johnson. I highly suggest watching his interview with Judge Napolitano. There are two specific docs that tell us the kid is innocent of doing the deed of collecting the docs--one CIA and one FISA. But listen to Larry and the crazy WA Post interview within, https://sonar21.com/a-controlled-leak-and-a-21-year-old-scape-goat/

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Hi there, Karlof1. Thanks for this link. 42 degrees North, 123 West, neighbors across the miles🌅

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As Natoistan posted here, Moon of Alabama is pointing out discrepancies in this story, and also in the new stories the MSM is posting based on unseen alleged "new leaks". I tend to agree that if this kid had access to these docs, then just imagine what real Russian, Chinese and Iranian spies could do if they were implanted in the services.

As someone once said (might have been Dick Marcinko), "military security is to security as military intelligence is to intelligence." In other words, there isn't any.

I personally think Bernhard at Moon has it right: the initial docs were legit. As Larry Johnson points out on Judge Napolitano's Youtube show today, at least one was a CIA doc and there's no way this kid had access to those. But everything the MSM is posting about now is likely Bellingcat fakes, since it is Bellingcat writers who are doing the writing about these alleged "new leaks".

Team10tim has a nice writeup over at his Substack about the motives for these new "leaks" - worth the read:


I remind everyone that I posted a number of docs from the first and second tranche on my Google Drive which you can download here along with an article from a Chinese Web site analyzing them:


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Chelsea Manning, low level leaker. Snowden, low level leaker. These monkeys "sorry no offense to you real monkey's" never learn. Hooray for the leaker and thanks from a greatfull fellow Citizen of the world.

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Ah, someone else remembers Chelsea. The father of the transition agenda. And there was that blond girl, I don't remember her name, but what is striking is how young they all are to have been given such responsibilities.

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I'm also against trans politics, but I should point out that Chelsea Manning at the very least, like Jazz Jennings, is a true transsexual of the homosexual type. This is best seen as an extreme form of homosexuality. 11% of MtF transsexuals fall into this category. They do not have female brains. Instead, their brains are female-shifted or halfway between male and female brains. The other 89% of MtF have male brains. They simply have a paraphilia or sex fetish called Autogynephilia.

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Too much ssexual info for me. Almost sounds as if it is a birth defect based on what you are saying, which is something I haven't considered. All I know is that there is a percentage of people w/ssexual issues since the dawn of time, and that what is happening in today's world is an Agenda being shoved down our throats.

Some people are so lost, lonely, and confused, especially the young, that they have bought the Agenda hook, line, and sinker, and others I think have been genetically altered to have warped DNA via vaxxines given as children, or perhaps toxins in the food supply. I don't know, I just know what I have observed, and something isn't right.

I have noticed it particularly in young males, they have been modified in some way, I see it w/my own eyes. My nephew is one of them and it creeps me out. I am not a scientist, nor would I ever claim to be one in real life because at this point I would be embarrassed to be part of the profession. It is a just theory based on my own observations and conclusions.

And then there is the cash aspect of it, someone is making gazillions of dollars off the poor souls that think they are trans but are not. Very much like the BLM scam. I miss the old days of there being male and female w/some gay and lesbian thrown in. The LBGTXYZ is just too much.

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"Too much sexual info for me."

No need to clutch pearls, ma'am. I never realized that science was pornography.

The 11% who are Homosexual transsexuals have been that way since before age 5. If they've been that way after age 5, then they're autogynephiles. I do feel sorry for these types, but they still should not be given puberty blockers. As I noted, they have "female-shifted" brains. But they're still not women.

The best evidence is that it seems to be a developmental disorder related to hormonal levels in the womb. All male homosexuality and a good portion of true lesbianism follows the same pathway. If you want to call developmental disorders birth defects, be my guest.

Well, 89% of the men are just sex perverts. They're simply transvestites. The end stage of transvestism is transsexualism. This is particularly true of the ones who transition later in life. I'm pretty sure there are a fair number of effeminate gay men who have decided that they are nonbinary simply due to their effeminacy. It's ridiculous. Very feminine men have always existed. Most are gay and it's a pretty normal thing.

The MtF transsexuals have the most mental disorders of any group that is seen clinically. Transsexualism is not their only problem. These people are also seriously disordered.

I suppose we should let them transition, but they're not women, and their perversion should be written into law.

Almost 100% of the girls and young women claiming to be men are not true transsexuals. This is a mental disorder similar to anorexia that is spread by social contagion especially among suggestible teenage girls. Female transsexuals exist but they are quite rare.

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I didn't say sexual, I said ssexual, there is a difference. Science is bullshit, and so is data, it all depends on who is doing the writing, just like w/history.

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Ok I get it! Too much tranny! LOL. Took me a while to figure that out.

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Here ya go, I watched this tonight and thought of you. Says much of what I think. I won't get started on parents letting their kids get chopped up. I hope she/he can go on the road and tell people to not get sucked into this evil being done by design.


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A detransitioner. Yes, I have imbibed many of their stories. Sad.

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There is no way this 21 year national guard soldier from MA had access to these classified files by design. That is fiction. Even if he had any access to the DOD system, it would clearly not include these category of files. He may have been provided access somehow by the person or connection to the person with the real DOD clearance or he is just a stooge. We always to have operate on the assumption that whatever the US government makes public to us is a DECEPTION or falsehood. The US government has been in the business of committing massive corruption based crimes and covering them up through MSM propaganda control and other forms of deception for the last 100 years. . Nothing is as it is stated to be. The US govt is a massive money laundering grift operation. What do the Dept of HUD, Education, Energy really do with their multibillion dollar budgets? Where does the 850 billion DOD budget really go? Not to munitions, or artillery systems for sure. Enough said for today. The truth about the US Govt and where the money goes would literally scare you to death.

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Regime change begins at home.

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