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Nov 9, 2023
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Go and organise it then. Stop dreaming, just do it.

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While I suppose a blockade of Russia would have some effect, what difference would it make on the ground war in Ukraine? This is a land war between neighbouring countries. One of those countries is self-sufficient in pretty much everything it needs and appears to have geared up for real. The other country is Ukraine.

NATO can't stop Russia's formidable domestic war machine, but maybe they'll attack Russia's main exports instead: like food and petroleum? I don't think so. It would cause instant famine in some parts of the world, higher food prices everywhere else and to top it off, $3/L gasoline.

There's also the reality that when one country blockades another, it's the same as a declaration of war, legally. Are you sure you want to start a war with Russia?

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Nov 8, 2023
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Not with any of those NAZIs mentioned in the article. They are no better than the current puppet. It will have to be fresh faces to satisfy Russia.

The Pukies are deluded if they think they will dictate who sits on the throne.

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Awesome!!! Suppose 'Christmas Crackers' are gonna be in a lotta Unkie stockings this Xmas!!! Wonder what the counter move against Z is gonna be? Poison his coke?

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There is no counter move against ZE, it is a brit psyop with plausible deniability. Nato + EU can NOT lose this war or they are finished even more if Biden loses potus elections but expect no change from Trump or now already discredited RFK Jr who is full zio on Gaza. Whoever is potus does not matter decisions are taken in...London (russiagate was MI6 creation)where you find the real financial power and globalist deep State even if at first sight people think "come on the UK is small has no army etc..."yes but you meet there all jew oligarchs RU anti Putin, some ukies one, and mega globalist oligarchs like Soros junior ..and real money, insurances, FIRE economy . US is only world globalist police for the City not really for WS.

Expect major false flags in Russia they are in the making in London, maidan in Georgia still confirmed for dec before Christmas (same scenario as in Kiev) can also be some action in PMR as diversion as they need big diversions for the msm from genocide in Gaza. ZNPP could also come back.

Who will be Putin’s successor? A live discussion with WION, India’s leading global broadcaster


Western Propaganda Gets More Desperate as World Majority Sides with China and Russia Against the US over Gaza.


For BMA aka Alex, gaza is a joint RU CHI Iran payback operation versus ZIO + Neocons via proxies as well...

interesting analysis here

Geopolitics Update

Situation in the Middle East and Ukraine


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Correct. Few understand UK took US back over in 1913. Thats why we went from hating them to fighting their wars and #1 ally.

As far as Putin man will stay lucid and fit well into his 90s. He;s got two more runs in him at least

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Nov 9, 2023
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Keep whimpering Nazi and maybe yor fantasies will come true.

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When he said "socialist", I already lost interest in reading what he has to preach. Socialism = Taking what isn't yours And Coercing your thoughts on to others. We conservatives and freedom-loving folks only want to be left alone. You go preach your socialism utopia among Your ppl.

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Nov 11, 2023
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There is no separate situation just one unfolding action, thus far on only two boiling points .

There will be a lot more , because both sides are all in . The gaza is not a payback just an adaptation which perfectly serves the interest of Izrael and gives a perfect excuse for the Neocons for building up the firepower , close to the anti hegemonic , rules based world order deniers .

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Nov 9, 2023
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This time is different , all the wars in the past was about conquering and looting .

This time they going after the human soul , and the war is starting in the kindergarten to temper with nature . This will effect all of us , the Russians can't do it alone . This will be the IQ test for humanity. Man is planning , but the omnipotent will decide.

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Nov 9, 2023
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Now, Mr. Pagan Soldier ! don't be reading books if it triggers you to commit violent act . ( Elders of Zion ). You should read Snow White , you will feel better.

Books are great to read . but if you don't pay attention books can condition you , influence your thinking a negative way . But seriously , if there are no more Jews = there are a lot more wars ! Jews don't go to wars , they may instigate it, but they no good at it . Warrior spirits go to war , for just about any reason , even over reading a wrong book . If a warrior spirit is let himself be instigated why would you blame others for it ?

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All of our souls globally AND Russia's vast mineral wealth.

Can't never be to greedy!

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But, the Global South that is supposed to usurp this rules based order ain't Saint either. Plz explain to me why Lulu is forcing kids to take the JAB. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/disease/brazil-to-force-covid-vaccinations-on-children/

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I explain it , please use common sense . Lulu , or whatever the name of the person , if knowingly harming anyone is a wicked coward . You are using a word "saint" , I don't have any kind of organized religious background , but I am sure none of us are "saint" . But we have a beating feeling hart , and a common sense that give us an absolute conviction , between right and wrong . Considering our position in this life we are not in a position , it is not our calling to make justice . All we are allowed to do is to discuss it, and express our condemnation as we do in our conversation . It will cause an ever so tiny ripple effect , until more and more people talk about it . It may not be much of a consolation for us , but karmic justice catch up with all of them. " the karmic wheel of life" . Our personal responsibilities are , not reacting to wickedness with wickedness. "there will be no rest for the wicked ones " .

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True. All plans are hatched in London. Ukraine and Israel are both British projects, may be Zionist projects is a better description. The insane fixation on Crimea is enough to see. British perfected the art of divide and rule and have been using it successfully forever. I believe the two factions in Kiev currently at loggerheads are controlled by London (Yermak) and Washington (Zaluzhny).

Still not sure about who planned the Gaza uprising but I'm more inclined towards believing it was planned by sane people who know how to lead it to a good end. Perhaps the opposition (Netanyahu) knows this and that's why they've gone completely unhinged in the carnage on civilians. Somehow they're particularly focused on targeting children, both in Ukraine and Gaza.

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I'm curious: so the theory is that Israel and/or its western backers have been supplying, funding, arming and directing Hamas into attacking Israel for the last half century so they have a pretext to invade Iran and conquer Gaza for Israel? I dont get it though, if Israel wanted Gaza, why did they pull out in 2005? Or do they need an ongoing terror threat from Gaza as an excuse, so they pulled out, and after destroying

Hamas, they reconstituted it to carry out more terror attacks on themselves to have an ongoin excuse to invade Iran, Jordan or justify MIC spending? I'm getting the feeling that many people here believe that Israel did to Palestine what the US did to the Ukraine, except spreading propaganda to make Ukraine hate Russia, Israel uses Hamas to spread Anti-Israel propaganda among Muslims to make Muslims hate Jews and justify the hostilities. Is that it? Or am I off the ball?

Can I get an articulated argument to how this entire thing works from your guy's perspective?

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I cannot speak for anyone else, but from my perspective, Hamas fits into the pattern of CIA/Mossad agents gone rogue over the past 6 decades. Mossad and the CIA copy one another, when not actively working together to forward whatever interest.

The model has been to find some radical group of ne'er-do-wells (like the Banderistas, for example), fund them, choose some leadership for them, and set them against whomever the U.S. or Israel does not like (i.e. Al Qaeda against the Soviet Union or the recent ISIS versus Syria routine). What inevitably happens is that these radical ne'er-do-wells go rogue and begin acting independently and not following commands from Tel Aviv or Washington. These are radicals and not the most stable or reliable groups of people, after all, which is why they were selected by Mossad/CIA in the first place.

Mossad set up Hamas to rival the PLO and split political power in Gaza and the West Bank. Since then Hamas has gone rogue and begun operating independently (much like Al Qaeda or any number of other CIA/Mossad radical dissident groups).

The real question is, why is no one in foreign policy in the U.S. or Israel questioning why so many of these CIA/Mossad Frankenstein monsters have come back to cause so many problems for both Israel and the U.S.? Isn't it time to clean out Mossad and the CIA and put people with some new ideas in charge? They keep repeating the same stupid mistake over and over again, and the entire world is forced to contend with their disasters and try to clean up their messes.

Recently, it seems that these intelligence agencies have found radicals in their home countries, on the left, to stir up against anyone who begins to question how "intelligent" are these intelligence agents. I submit as proof of this statement the obvious CIA attempt to install Biden via the various "Russian Disinformation" nonsense that has proliferated American media. As usual, however, both the CIA and Mossad are losing control of their Frankenstein monster of LGBTQers, anti-establishment Communists and anarchists, and 5th columnist immigrants (in the U.S., at least). They are destabilizing their own societies just as they have done to so many others. What comes around, goes around.

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Nov 9, 2023
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"aren't you anti-establishment yourself?"

I suppose that depends upon which establishment. I am probably the last living human being who believes in the divine right of kings. So, if the establishment is the Congress of Vienna, then I support it... lol. The current establishment... not so much.

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I agree with you almost entirely, but would only suggest that the blowback from US/CIA actors may be as welcome to the CIA et al as their allegiance.

For out of chaos, any chaos, comes opportunity. In the US for example, internal chaos has enabled NDAA, the Patriot Act, the Jan 6 tribunals, the calls for all media control, and a demand for ever more cash for the MIC.

To rule the world, the Davos end game, the US, China and Russia need to be destroyed. Not new leadership, but destroyed; broken down into Davos controlled weak city states. When you know that, everything that is happening makes sense.

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It is amusing to see how much Britain gets credit for, when the declining Empire come Commonwealth, come Woke Joke, can project pin pricks, write articles for controlled Media, but couldn't lift 2 marshmallows stuck on a toothpick in real War.

It is not sad to see the Stiff upper Lip get the Stiff boot in the butt.

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Perhaps, read Black Mountain Analysis? I find the work, there, informative? Old lady with a virtual cat❤️🐈‍⬛

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I think Hamas is an excellent example of, "He who rides the tiger cannot get off.." Israel created/funded Hamas with the plan of reducing the effectiveness of the PLO and preventing a two state solution from being implemented.

That worked, but as Hamas grew it became a force for the Palestinians aligning with likeminded regional partners such as Hezbollah, Syria and Iran. It also gained cred and experience fighting in Syria, and I suspect in possible Hezbollah joint actions.

Was the Oct 7 attack known to Israel, maybe, but when it happened Israel did not respond for something like 6 or 7 hours. That told me that this war would run as long as it takes for: Bibi to feel safe, to allow Israel to gain control of North Gaza for the alternative to the Suez channel route, and until control of the offshore gas fields are secured.

I give the war five, maybe seven years, will the US enter in, yes. Will the US bomb Syria and Lebanon, yes. Will Iran step in, maybe. Russia and China will only intervene if the US attacks Iran. And it is 50/50 the US attacks Iran. In any case those new, "Hey you white guys, come die for Uncle Sam!" ads the US army is running says it all.

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Yes. Those ads of a paratrooper laying on the ground clutching his front parachute pack, like a pregnant belly, must have young white men, clamoring to enlist.

Whoever is on the inside, fronting the dismantling of U.S. Power, is doing a heck of a job.

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Thank you, you have made me reassess that image, I thought he was clutching his kidneys delighted to discover he was still alive.

The downfall of the US has been going at full tilt since the Dulles brothers if not longer. It is a testament to the strength of the culture that it lasted as long as it has with such insidious people on the inside.

The time to drive them out is long overdue. Yet given the US election results of yesterday, the strength of the voting fraud remains strong. This will get far worse before it gets better. And the world knows it.

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I don't think you get it right. From what I understand, Mossad/CIA didn't exactly fund or arm Hamas but let it develop when it appeared in 1980s. The idea was to divide Palestinian resistance and kill 2 state solution internationally. PLO/Palestinian Authority (PA) is the official representative of Palestine. Hamas was the radical revolutionary group who initially wanted all Palestine to be free and was against 2 state solution, so letting them grow worked for Israel. Moreover they were willing to use suicide bombers and other forms of armed resistance which helped Israel declare them as terrorists and hence, no dealing with terrorists or we need to control Gaza etc. By 200s, PA was bought off by US/Israel. When elections were held in 2005-6, US didn't expect Hamas to win but people had lost hope in PA and thought only Hamas was fighting for Palestine. This ended up in Israel blockading Gaza in 2006 and more than 5 wars on Gaza since then. There were probably some people in Hamas controlled by Mossad because a faction of Hamas fought against Assad and with ISIS in Syria. Apparently they were cleared up by Hamas later and by 2017, Hamas had made peace with Axis of resistance..Syria, Iran, Hezbollah.

This attack was allowed to happen probably because Netanyahu was in political trouble at home and he didn't expect the attack to be this big. Although reports from Haretz seem to suggest the attack became big due to incompetence and decimation of IDF groups guarding Gaza and panicked overreaction from forces sent later. An Israel.is known to act disproportionately against civilians, so the more they get insulted or attacked, the worse they vent out on civilians.

As of Iran, Israel fears Iran and has been trying for US to start war with them. Some say the wars on Iraq and Syria were for Israel primarily..to secure oil/gas pipelines from Azerbaijan and to basically destroy every state that's anti Israel, pro Palestine.

But as usual, everything about Middle East is always complicated with multiple parties involved. I hear different theories from different people and all seem to make sense to some extent 😀

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I recently came across interview with Zachary Foster on Syriana Analysis channel ( YouTube). He explains the real history of Hamas and I learnt several things I didn't know before. May be you could have a look.

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BMA…is my virtual cat❤️🐈‍⬛Old lady with a virtual cat. (I hang on his every, word) when I was listening to one of his live recordings, OMGoodness, bad, real bad old lady crush. What to do? Carry on and collect virtual cats.❤️🐈‍⬛

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Especially under such a threat, it sounds like an opportune time for a coup. It might be the only way Zaluzhny stays alive. Love the palace intrigue, especially with Netanyahu contradicting Blinken on the Gaza settlement and threatening to use nukes - nuclear blackmail of their supporters. Blinken and Europe are so weak.

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Channeling 'A fish called Wanda', it is surely only appropriate that a piano should be somehow involved....

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Are you then seeing a role for Zelensky?? /s

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Nov 9, 2023
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Thank you, I look forward to reading the links! I am of the same belief, that Ukraine was to be Israel 2.0, once it was emptied of those pesky Slavs.

As they have not managed to pull Operation Homecoming off, it puts the current attempted purge underway in Israel in perspective. To put it in mundane terms; they found out that moving would be problematic, so they decided to renovate.

I do not see this as the plan nor wish of many of the Jews in Israel, I see this as originating out of London and the Davos crowd. Many of the Jews in Israel are very much opposed to Bibi and his party, the largest protests Israel has ever seen have been ongoing for sometime.

There are protests outside his home right now, a great many Israeli's are against this war/purge. And Bibi's goons have been roughing up Orthodox Jews who are also opposed to Bibi, and the Gaza genocide.

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Nov 9, 2023
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Repeating your stupidity with copy-paste doesn't make it intelligent or believable. Your posts are nothing, just:

Lionel Trilling: “…irritable mental gestures which seek to resemble ideas…”

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His Coca-Cola or his cocaine?

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Whatever happens, Ukraine, what is left of it, will most likely remain under Jewish control.

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He sure looked related to producer Winestain.

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Hadn't thought about that, but you're right. I thought he looked the typical Ukrainian mafia boss.

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So does Weinstein.

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There will be nothing left of it or Putin himself will be toast. No-one is going to fall for his "let's be nice to our Western partners" crap anymore.

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Interesting quote from Big Serge about market garden WWII seemed relevant to Ukraine.

"Model demonstrated - as if this war had not provided more than enough proof already - that modern armies have absolutely astonishing recuperative powers, so long as the command apparatus remains intact and the men in the field feel that the war is still worth fighting."

Well that's 2 strikes, the ticket buying fans all switching to Israel is 3. Don't see Russia in a hurry to stop though. The lesson of millions of proxies dying for nothing but profit for the effete, is a lesson the world needs to sink it's teeth into. WHO profits? Well hell yeah, it's about the money.

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For some yes it is about the money but for those who print the currency it is about their very existence. This is a fight to the death and Putin had better get his arse into gear and attack them full bloodedly as they have been attacking him and Russia. The days of his mister Woosy pants leadership need to be gone and gone now.

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"Fools rush in." Put yourself in the boots of a grunt. Ultimately dying quickly and pointlessly is not your top priority, you want confidence that some gung ho fool isn't taking some uninformed gamble with you and your buddies lives so he can get a cushy job with a major MIC outfit.

After centuries of jealous neighbors educating them, the Russian leaders would get a chuckle from your rah-rah Hollywood couch potato nonsense.

Our culture is obviously destroying itself from within. No hurry every day finds us weaker at the end.

Woosy? Hell at least he wears pants, your heroes probably are confused when it's time to dress themselves.

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Nov 11, 2023
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I tend to ignore data that incites hate and labels in general.

You could delineate Zionists, as like the KKK, their specific ideology has some clearly illegal and at least immoral imperatives.

"A profound division exists between Zionist advocates of Israel on the one hand, and both secular and religious Jews, on the other, who reject Zionism and thus the very idea of a separate state for the Jews."

That is a quote from an article that explores the topic with some detail, the link for your edification. https://www.globalresearch.ca/why-so-many-jews-denounce-israel-war-gaza/5839453

I have some dear friends who are Jewish. Have never had a Nazi acquaintance that appealed to me in the least.

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Soros must have heard there was blood in the streets. Time to buy. Not.

Russia, a country with real resources and real leadership is not going to let the copper pot peddlers in to clean up the magic lanterns.

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Boys will be boys. Horseplay play with grenades is normal over there.

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I think it's worth remembering that his young son was horrifically injured in this explosion, which happened right in front of his wife and daughter (they were in an adjacent room). In other words, three innocent people were deeply scarred by this. And the son may yet die as he's in critical condition.

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George Orwell: “A people that elects corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors aren’t victims…but accomplices.”

There is nothing innocent about Ukrainian leadership or their families. They planned to pillage Ukraine for their wealth, and to kill as many Ukrainians as necessary to fill their Swiss bank accounts.

Sergey Lavrov (UNSC - April 24, 2023): “…no one allowed the Western minority to speak on behalf of all humankind.”

Andrés Manuel Lopéz Obrador (AMLO): “[Biden will] supply the weapons, and [Zelenskiy] will supply the dead.”

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Always a great analysis. Thanks Simplicius

A Skeptic War Reports


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🔸 The ratio of “Russian soldiers killed / Ukrainian soldiers killed” was 1:9 on July 24, 2022, and 1:12 on December 24, then 1:15 on May 24, 2023, and finally 1:12 on October 24 ... Current trend: increasing (≃ 1 in 13).

🔸 The average number of Ukrainian soldiers killed each month was 10,000 on July 24, 2022, and 13,000 on December 24, then 18,000 on May 24, 2023, and finally 20,000 on October 24... The same number, on the Russian side, increased from 1,100 to 1,600.

🔸 Vain Ukrainian assaults south of the Vremivka salient (Vremevka) and Ougledar, while the Russian army shells its enemy in the Donbass and near Kupiansk... This Tuesday, Kiev lost 560 KIA (killed in action) and 620 WIA (wounded in action).

🔸 One hundred and fifty-seventh day of unsuccessful counter-offensive for Kiev, whose losses, since June 4, amount to more than 98,820 killed... while the Ukrainian army is bleeding again near Kherson , Avdeevka, Liman, and Kupiansk.


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Are we sure that wasn't Prighozyn urinating against the NATO equipment in the promotion vid? ^_^

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Nato wanting to go for broke:

The Times Article on Zelensky's Policy

🇺🇸 without taking into account the fact that the entire Western agenda of the past week revolved around another article in The Economist by the commander-in-chief of the AFU, Zaluzhny, concerning the reasons for the failed counter-offensive, the problems in the troops and the measures needed to turn the tide on the front. At the centre of the analysis of Zaluzhny on the enemy forces are the following key theses:

▪️ A positional stalemate has been reached on the frontline. Neither side is ready to move to serious offensive operations. The situation is reminiscent in its acuteness of the Battle of Verdun in 1916.

▪️ To overcome the positional deadlock, a sharp scientific and technological leap is needed, which is impossible without Western supplies of the necessary volume of offensive weapons.

▪️ He criticised the reduction of arms supplies by the West, giving a direct hint at the interest of foreign partners in prolonging the armed confrontation between #Russia and #Ukraine.

❗️An assessment of the scale of anxiety evident in Zaluzhny’s article cannot be understood without taking into account the 12 demands of the Republican Party for President Biden voiced this week.

1️⃣ Biden and Zelensky must provide the U.S. Congress with a realistic strategy for winning #Ukraine. Estimates do not have to be exact, but we must understand the ultimate goals and exit criteria.

2️⃣ What is the approximate cost associated with implementing a victory strategy? Selective disclosure and incremental requests averaging $12 billion per month are unaffordable, unsustainable, and unacceptable.

✅ Biden and Secretary of Defence Austin should:

3️⃣ Clearly inform Americans about the status of the war in #Ukraine. This includes informing them of #Ukraine's progress, the reasons that led to the current stalemate, and the status of the "spring counteroffensive."

4️⃣ Explain why future US investment is necessary, what specific weapons are being sent, and how those specific weapons will help win the war, not just continue it.

5️⃣ Provide Congress with a list of weapons that have not been sent to #Ukraine but could effectively change the current situation.

6️⃣ Explain what happens if US investment in #Ukraine stops. What major military exports are needed?

7️⃣ Provide a clear explanation of why the resources requested are the right ones for victory.

8️⃣ The Treasury and Commerce Departments should report to Congress on the level of implementation and compliance with already approved sanctions against #Russia.

9️⃣ The US and all NATO members should adopt a full-fledged sanctions policy against #Russia that includes oil, grain, and rare earth minerals.

🔟 Provide an answer as to whether the US and #Ukraine's goals on #Crimea are aligned? Is #Ukraine's desire to regain #Crimea realistic?

1️⃣1️⃣ Biden and Zelensky should continue to provide Congress with a full accounting of the weapons systems that have been shipped and used to date by #Ukraine.

1️⃣2️⃣ Biden must provide commitments and evidence that his administration is not compromising the schedule and cost of critical domestic weapon programmes or the commitments we have made to Taiwan's and Israel's FMF programmes.

📌 A key message of the Republican appeal also contains the following thesis: "We cannot cannibalise potential at the expense of our own capabilities, or our other strategic partnerships, to meet commitments to #Ukraine. The administration's current slow policy has only made #Ukraine's situation worse, and Congress must play a role in deciding what additional options should be offered to #Ukraine."

Kherson direction

The enemy is trying with all his might to expand the bridgehead at Krynki, messing around at the Antonovsky and railway bridges, operating in the vicinity of a couple more villages, and does not take losses into account. Reconnaissance is being actively carried out, and serious means are being used for this purpose. In addition, isolated cases of armored vehicles moving to our shores are becoming a new element of the situation. The fact of the use of the AFU of a medium amphibious transporter with an BTR-4 and the destruction of a NATO armored vehicle on our shore is documented.

Krynki. The enemy has established a foothold in one of the parts of the village, every two minutes he organizes attacks on our positions and no matter what: guns, mortars, drops from large drones, FPV.

Our combat work is going on and is going on effectively: the front-line soldiers are surprised where each new Ukro comes from, especially after the death of so many brothers-in-arms. Everything here is explained by the tactics of the meat assault of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. They just don't feel sorry for people. 80 of our FABs per day alone, not counting other countless weapons.

Conclusion - at all costs, the political leadership of Ukraine needs an information feed. Hence the specific, albeit suicidal, plans for an attack on the southwest of the Kherson region. In some places - with landing forces. In some places - with distracting blows.

If you look at each day separately, then nothing disturbing is happening on this section of the front. Boats and equipment are destroyed, enemy soldiers are killed in batches. However, there is also a creeping advance of the Ukrainian Armed Forces through the bloody mess of its sister cities, albeit only a meter a day. It is also sometimes alarming to think that it is our troops who must liberate and denazify with decisive actions, moving through enemy territory. But it's not time yet.

The point here is not to spur someone to give the command to knock out the Ukrainian Armed Forces from somewhere; they will sort it out without the majors. And do not place the mood arrows at critical values.

The point here is to organize a comprehensive assessment of the situation. Preferably dry and unemotional. In recent days, communicating with comrades from the direction, we have become convinced that weak points remain: the flow of information, lack of communication, incorrect assessment of enemy forces, and the training of troops. And we still don’t put people in jail for false, even “beautiful” reports. And no one here is a “fool”, not a “bastard”, not a “loafer”. It’s just that General Teplinsky inherited a very difficult “inheritance” and in a week or two you don’t understand this business.

Our Army is learning to fight. Unfortunately, each unit is responsible for its own mistakes.

Two Majors

source lords of war tm

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Kherson beach is a demilitarization trap. Russians would setup the bridges for them but would be too obvious.

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NATO is a joke. There isn't a single NATO army, with the possible exception of the Turks who could stand and fight it out with Russian forces for more than 3 months . The US just sent half its navy to the Eastern med to intimidate Hezbollah !!LOL!! Meanwhile Lavrov let the Americans know in a message directed at their Israeli mercenaries that no more attacks on Syrian civilian infrastructure would be tolerated and damn, there hasn't been any since then...The US had better be working on how to save face while learning to accept its second class global economic status to China going forward..It would be a good thing for us Americans if they do.

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What did you think of the missile strike on the artillery ceremony? Was a "mass casualty event" with 50+ killed.

Why is this reported as major news (similar to the Ru barracks strike last year) while the hundreds of losses across the battlefield every day is not? Not saying anything, just find it a quirk of media reporting.

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It is not a quirk of media reporting.

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And the genocide in Gaza with thousands of KNIA (killed not in action) mainly children women almost no real hamas.

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Actually, have you seen ANY Hamas? I haven't, but then I don't watch a lot of videos showing these atrocities. I leave that to those with tougher stomachs than I.

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Maybe because the media can play it up as "Russia is MEAN." This war is because Russia is so mean, it must be funded.

Daily losses are depressing, can cause people to turn against the war, can't have that.

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"Zelensky is now trying every possible strategy in getting new funds:"

Yes he is, His latest ploy is to identify as being Jewish since the U.S, is sending all their money to Israel now. See my Image for the Day, today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/2023/11/07/78694/

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Makes sense on several levels, after all those attacks on Israel jeopardize his and his parent's Israeli homes/condos.

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I know this is off topic and I apologise for that, but this came across my desk late yesterday and I posted it late that day, so it is at the bottom of the stack - apologies also for posting twice but think it is important to see another facet of what is going on in Gaza that most people are unaware of:


Viewer discretion - extremely graphic mass murder of civilians.

Something needs to be done to stop these monsters! It demonstrates clearly the true character of the IDF.

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Inteldrop = sbu fake news

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I have to disagree with you there. Inteldrop has as its key reporter Gordon Duff who, though I often disagree with him, is certainly not sbu...LOL

However, if you have some evidence proving otherwise, I am certainly open to examining it.

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This is an old video Victor. Several years old, I remember watching it back then. Not Israhell unfortunately, as I would love it to be for the world outrage factor.

The problem with pinning the atrocities of others on to the ashkeNAZIs is that it will be disproved and increase their plausible deniability for the atrocities they do commit.

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Do you have a link supporting that? Others apparently feel the same as you - that it is old. I guess perhaps I was taken in. I agree with you that such videos can be used to provide cover for actual atrocities, however.

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No link, sorry. As I said I viewed it years ago and it stuck in my memory. Much like a movie that you have forgotten but when viewing it again, you realise you've seen it.

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Where is it from? Libya? or the 2014 Gaza incursion? I'd really like to know.

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It is not Gaza or anywhere in Occupied Palestine. Maybe Libya, as is many years old.

Maybe someone tech savvy here can pull the data from the original video?

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Not older than 2017 is all I can say, as the software copyright (or rather copyleft) embedded in it goes up to 2017. I'm not skilled enough to make head nor tail of it, but what appears to be the header section, up to the start of the actual video code, is

ftypisom  isomiso2avc1mp41 freenA×mdat ­ÿÿ©ÜEé½æÙH·–,Ø Ù#îïx264 - core 152 r2854 e9a5903 - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC codec - Copyleft 2003-2017 - http://www.videolan.org/x264.html - options: cabac=1 ref=2 deblock=1:0:0 analyse=0x3:0x113 me=hex subme=4 psy=1 psy_rd=1.00:0.00 mixed_ref=0 me_range=16 chroma_me=1 trellis=1 8x8dct=1 cqm=0 deadzone=21,11 fast_pskip=1 chroma_qp_offset=0 threads=6 lookahead_threads=1 sliced_threads=0 nr=0 decimate=1 interlaced=0 bluray_compat=0 constrained_intra=0 bframes=3 b_pyramid=2 b_adapt=1 b_bias=0 direct=1 weightb=1 open_gop=0 weightp=1 keyint=120 keyint_min=12 scenecut=40 intra_refresh=0 rc_lookahead=20 rc=crf mbtree=1 crf=30.0 qcomp=0.60 qpmin=0 qpmax=69 qpstep=4 ip_ratio=1.40 aq=1:1.00 € 6eˆ„ _ìƒz)?Áj} p²1~ùÇý+Ð+{ѐ5 tÙNdvòœ¸mè¶Æz{¶0äÁ&>ßS/\«ã•?jl-Ÿ~eƒ’ŒÿA÷

and at the end is

Õn2¾n8Õn=± sgpd roll  ÿÿ sbgp roll  .Q  budta Zmeta !hdlr mdirappl -ilst %©too data  Lavf57.83.100

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And of course, the 2017 date only constrains the age of the file, not of the images shown, which might have been transferred from another format. If it can be trusted at all.

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It doesn’t sound like Hebrew language spoken by the executioners. Also, “Those ordered to do this are from among the 20,000 troops from Bangladesh fighting in Gaza today as mercenaries”?🧐

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Bangladesh troops in Gaza???????

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No such thing. Bangladesh has around 6k soldiers serving in UN peacekeeping missions, but exactly zero of them are in Gaza.

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Of course not -- just to illustrate who/what is this paid troll “Dazimon”....

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You’re too quick on the draw to label me. The statement was in quotation marks and ended with a question mark. Here again is the source of that goofy claim:


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I have NOT seen any quotation marks -- I apologize if in error...

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The new HOMELAND of the new Israel. Bangladesh. Of course the U.S. will need to supply a lot more bullets to extinguish the 172 million illegitimate inhabitants currently squatting there.

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I remember at the beginning of June this year or maybe even earlier, Ukrainians occupied what remains of the Antonovski bridge in Kherson and established a bridgehead on the Russian side of the Dnepr.

Russians could not dislodge them, and they tried by resorting to troops, drones, arty, aviation, even ballistic missiles.

Then, came raids to places like Cossack Leheri. Now we are in November and the Ukrainians control the whole or parts of three villages between Kherson and Kakhovka. It is said they have started to ferry heavy equipment: tanks, artillery, on the Russian side of the Dnepr. Their objective seems to be the control of the riverside highway between Kherson and Kakhovka, as a springboard for more actions to come.

I just want to notice the undeniable progress of the Ukrainian infiltration in this most neglected sector .throughout the months. Basically they have made more progress there than during the offensive in Zaporozhzie.

Soon Russia will be forced to send more heavy equipment to counter what seem to be a perilous landslide of this front, diverting forces from the crucial Eastern fronts, Kupiansk and Donetsk.

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Heard the same about Rabotino from would be military consultants. First line of Russian defense was already pierced and victory was plainly at hand…

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just saying, the overall situation is favourable to Russia, but not everything is as triumphal as Simplicius paints it to be

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Expecting instant reaction along a 600 mile front is a bit silly. Russia's Military Leaders need only assess what assets they have to counter, if and when needed.

Maybe these Ukrainian soldiers are breathing but already dead.

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there has not been even a delayed reaction, much less an instantaneous one... it's been months the AFU holds the initiative both in South Bakhmut and in Kherson.

At this point, we can say there still continue to be no reaction because Russians cannot spare the resources, evidently.

Like I said it's more like a 70/30 dominance, than the 95/5 that one seems to read everywhere in the pro-Russian sphere and not just here

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Throwing a stream of troops into a bunch of meatgrinders is Initiative???

Frontline NATO gear blown up without touching the Russians is Initiative?

Letting the Russians perform textbook defence as you die for media headlines is Initiative??

The only place Ukraine dominates is in the (Western) Media Press Releases.

Whatever you're smoking is expensive and hard to get...

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giving up the railway embankments South of Bakhmut with a couple of strategic villages overlooking after doggedly contesting them for months is not textbook defence, it's a retreat which implicitly acknowledges the strength of the enemy.

Meatgrinder? Please. The rest is 5D chess

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A heavy equipment ferry in a war with ubiquitous drone use is just a slow moving target ( never mind what a Ka-52 10k away would do), and a sure way to lose the cargo. That right there is a sure sign of high impact, zero quality rumour milling.

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not to mention the Russians have been driven out from two of the 3 settlements they occupied on the railroad south of Bakhmut. These are Klischivka and Andreevka. There is constant fighting there but the Russians seem confined to defence and attempting to contain territorial losses.

True they are focusing on other axes like Avdeevka and Kupiansk right now, but so is the AFU that has to defend them.

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I'll remind you what happened to the French after 1916. There were lots of back and forth trench occupations due to raids, it all amounted to a hill of beans. The Germans chose to minimize casualties, the Allied forces chose to do foolish frontal offensives.

Then, the Germans did a limited offensive at Verdun, not to capture it per se, but to draw the French in to kill hundreds of thousands in futile counterattacks.

Who is playing who in this recap of history?

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I don't think Russians are making fancy 5D moves here.

About Kherson, there is a Simplicius' report from this summer where a video is shown of an Iskander ballistic missile landing on top of the Ukrainian position under the left end of the Antonovski bridge. Doubtful Russians would launch ballistic missiles on enemy positions they'd intend to keep for meatgrinding purposes. They'd instead want to kick back the AFU to its own bank of the river, but cannot overcome their artillery, antiair, reconnaissance support.

South of Bakhmut, I'll concede probably Klischivka and Andrivka are now indefensible piles of ruins, so maybe OK, it's logic for Russians to retreat. But they did allow the AFU to go past the railway embankment which does not make much sense even if a 5D Russian meatgrinder was planned in this sector, because then the railway would be the optimal place. All points to the truth being Russian forces are feeling the heat over there.

So in the end the war is probably going more 70-30 in Russia's favour, rather than 95-5 as Simplicius always seems to suggest in his reports

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Does it really matter given the fundamentals? This was never winnable by the Ukes. There's nothing 5D about attrition. You don't waste lives fighting over pointless stuff, you wait for enough casualties to erode the enemy's will to resist. You do need to counterattack sometimes, or it's just an endless retreat, but you use firepower and surprise to your advantage to minimize losses.

I believe you mistake useful military progress, e.g. achieving a useful tactical or strategic goal, for 'any' progress. Owning land and believing that to be a useful goal in itself was a characteristic of, amongst others, Hitler.

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Yes, the word is AFU has to show progress for the sake of it, in order to keep Western support going.

Then again they want to occupy the coastal road from Kherson to Kakhovka and springboard some further offence from there, which some could say it's a sound strategic goal because they'd be closer to Crimea and could target it, or get to the behind of the Surovikhin line.. in short they'd force Russian to relocate forces there and in doing so dictate the pace of the war.

On the other hand, what you say is true for both sides. What's the point for instance, of the current very slow rate of Russian progress in Kupiansk? Tectonic plates beneath the combatants are are currently moving faster

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If the Ukes defend, and thereby incur losses, it's a general win for the Russians. I've often thought that the Ukrainians could really improve their chances by purely static defense, but that doesn't please the NATO masters.

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Russsia's goal on the East is to push AFU far away from Belgorod and Donetsk regions in order to stop constant shelling of these areas. However Russian methodical advance is completely different from what AFU is doing with their offensive.

So AFU even while on defensive with heavily fortified positions suffers greater losses than advancing Russians.

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From Smolensk to Berlin, Hitler in the East had no defensive line to retreat to. That's why in winter 1941-42 he chose not to heed suggestions from the military because he feared a retreat would turn into a rout.

He was more or less correct until operation bagration destroyed army group centre in two months in the summer of 1944. Only then they immediately planned for a line of defence on the Oder while delaying the Soviets in Poland.

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He had been encouraged by people like Manstein to set up an 'ostwall' of some kind in the timeframe of Kursk, which of course was not done. His belief was that fortification lines in the rear would encourage the generals to retreat to them forthwith. Compare that to Ludendorff in WWI. In any event, I don't think he thought it would be a rout. He did believe the generals lacked backbone to resist in place. It is likely that his experiences on the Western Front in WWI probably influenced his views on this. Static defense was king then.

And of course, Hitler's issue was losing territory on a map. As if owning it accrued some benefit when it was in doubt.

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Forest for the trees. It is one heck of a feint when your Allies and Military are openly suggesting that you find your best kneepads and knock on Putin's door.

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Were you Napoleon's stenographer on the return home from the vacation in Borodino?

"Miles and miles of road were captured as our glorious army marched west."

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I think Borodino happened during the first-leg journey, and they kept marching eastwards afterwards.

Napoleon is a bad example of someone who cares of "only gaining territory": he was probably the utmost proponent for the annihilation of the opposing army in one or a few of decisive battles, in order to win a war.

But the current Russo-Ukrainian war is an attritional conflict, and in this case occupying the best positions, that is, territory, matters a lot.

I don't think the Russian plan is to massacre the Ukrainian army as much as they can in order to make them sue for peace. This is quite retarded if you stop for a moment and think about it.

They want to drive the AFU out of their fortified Donbass lines. This implies taking tactically valuable territory as a springboard to take some other tactically valuable territory down the line. On the rest of the front, which basically consists of a landbridge to Crimea, they just defend.

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I sense a much crueler intent here. The intent is to eliminate the Uke powers of resistance and dictate a peace. That said, you could be right, but it would be hard to tell at this point.

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Seeing a lot of comments on the interwebs from uninformed people who are just now starting to realize Ukraine has lost the war.

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Riddle: Why does the new Ukrainian navy have glass-bottomed boats?

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To see where it is going?

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