I recall back at the onset of winter when the NYTimes printed a fairly long article about how the Russians are ill prepared to fight a war in winter. They didn't even have warm jackets! Absolutely unreal how our media gets away with outright lies that don't even pass the smell test and too many Americans don't even think about it. I mean…
I recall back at the onset of winter when the NYTimes printed a fairly long article about how the Russians are ill prepared to fight a war in winter. They didn't even have warm jackets! Absolutely unreal how our media gets away with outright lies that don't even pass the smell test and too many Americans don't even think about it. I mean really, I don't have any special information about Russia's war preparations but I do know that Russia gets very very cold in winter and Russia has been fighting wars in the winter ever since Russia started fighting wars. Next they'll tell us that Canadians don't know how to dress for snow - and the idiots will believe them.
The people who will read the NYT, WaPo, or watch CNN, or Fox will call bullshit on the BLM riots, or orher things they can actually verify false, but will trust those same lying news outlets on a topic they have no expertise in.
All humans default to trust, because living in constant paranoia and suspicion is not healthy. It's the price we pay for being normal.
Humans default to trust because in our history, we had no choice but to do so. As hunter gatherers, you had to stick with the tribe because if you didn't, you were cast out and that meant near certain death. Back then, the tribe might have been wrong sometimes but not too often because if they were wrong, they might get the tribe killed by a predator or another tribe or a bacteria or drought, etc. Today, the "tribe" can be entirely wrong, mislead and deliberately lie and most of the followers don't end up dead. So we have a mismatch between what we evolved to do and what is required of us in the modern world. In the modern world, we shouldn't default to trusting the "tribe" because there are few consequences for them if they are wrong - and not going along with the "tribe" rarely results in death for the people who dissent.
I recall back at the onset of winter when the NYTimes printed a fairly long article about how the Russians are ill prepared to fight a war in winter. They didn't even have warm jackets! Absolutely unreal how our media gets away with outright lies that don't even pass the smell test and too many Americans don't even think about it. I mean really, I don't have any special information about Russia's war preparations but I do know that Russia gets very very cold in winter and Russia has been fighting wars in the winter ever since Russia started fighting wars. Next they'll tell us that Canadians don't know how to dress for snow - and the idiots will believe them.
The people who will read the NYT, WaPo, or watch CNN, or Fox will call bullshit on the BLM riots, or orher things they can actually verify false, but will trust those same lying news outlets on a topic they have no expertise in.
All humans default to trust, because living in constant paranoia and suspicion is not healthy. It's the price we pay for being normal.
Humans default to trust because in our history, we had no choice but to do so. As hunter gatherers, you had to stick with the tribe because if you didn't, you were cast out and that meant near certain death. Back then, the tribe might have been wrong sometimes but not too often because if they were wrong, they might get the tribe killed by a predator or another tribe or a bacteria or drought, etc. Today, the "tribe" can be entirely wrong, mislead and deliberately lie and most of the followers don't end up dead. So we have a mismatch between what we evolved to do and what is required of us in the modern world. In the modern world, we shouldn't default to trusting the "tribe" because there are few consequences for them if they are wrong - and not going along with the "tribe" rarely results in death for the people who dissent.