As if set off by the chain of recent diplomatic failures, Ukraine’s Kursk front has initiated a rapid unscheduled disassembly, or in other words, a catastrophic collapse.
Please differentiate between Neo-Cons and those Americans who have opposed the insanity of NATO expansion. Yes, US policy is to blame but not all Americans supported that policy.
Sorry Dick, but after 70 years of this shit, 'the Americans who oppose the insanity' are gonna have to do a shit ton more to stop it or they get thrown on the pile.
"Russia is fighting Ukraine, not America/West directly"
No. This is a war the US started against Russia. Over 100,000 US military personnel participate full time in this war.
The US started this war but Russia will finish it on Russia's terms. You can see that in the way Trump talks when he lets slip his full understanding that Russia is holding the cards and the US has failed to dominate Russia, which it must do to win its war on Russia.
It was a really stupid idea for the US to start a war against a nuclear power that will not back down but will fight to the death.
Hubris will continue and egos won't be satisfied until it comes home to the USA, but Americans have had no voices for a long time and now are speaking up, so neo-cons are retreating. This retreat however is not enough, they must be destroyed and the USA back to "no foreign excursions" and mind your own country. Russia was never the foe, it is within the US that the foes reside and from where they've done so much damage to the entire world with their regime change and manipulation. Beware of the wounded dogs now of Europe and UK because a cornered animal might do the unthinkable. Russia, end the war and show us the way to peace, you, who has lost so much to all past wars!
The US government exists for the people by the people. The US government has been preparing the way for this conflict for 80 years.
The US literally partnered with the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalism, the same people who carried out 1/4 of the Holocaust and the US continues to support them to this day.
I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Today, our main enemies are domestic, not foreign. And as a government derived from the people, the people don't have an excuse for the decades of corruption and abuse or abandonment of our founding principles.
Our government is us, whether we like it or not. The deaths in Ukraine, Syria, are on us.
I'm not saying this in the abstract. My wife is Ukrainian. My church is in Ukraine. Much of my family is there. My daughter joined the Air Force and helped train Ukrainian pilots and air controllers that bombed my town and my father-in-law's workplace. My daughter doesn't get an out. The government doesn't get an out. US citizens don't get an out. That's what comes of a government deriving its authority from the people.
So on point, well stated, fully agree with your sentiments, just this evening I spoke with my wife about just how many former U.S and Western military personnel must exist who realise they were used, used to enhance the wealth and privilege not of the nation, but for a select few.. enriching them, taking the bullet, the shrapnel, the PTSD, for what, certainly wasn’t to advance democracy or democratic values, not of the type most believe that’s for sure… I cannot think of a worse feeling than as a former service member realising you were used, your sacrifice totally meaningless save the faux platitudes… Bon homie, sprayed around with gay.. yep that to nowadays… abandon at events used to mark events of import… all theatre, meaningless tripe, hidden no more, service members now spoken freely of as being “trip wires” why not just say bait… as the reason these greed obsessed retards use to rationalise the next “all in” at least your not so much lied to anymore… what truly astounds is how readily they shaft you, those needing the care promised on return home… yet time and time again, sucked in, off to war, the next them or us, here or there excuse rolled out… it’s tiring, certainly must be getting that way over there… just saying..
But genuinely loved reading your mea culpa… you are so correct, at least you get it, once responsibility is recognised, who is at fault, who the enablers genuinely are… then you will have a shot at changing it… for the better..
Well stated and if this wasn't enough, after several deployments backed up by lies, the shot mandate, maiming forces in case you didn't get shot at enough at war! A gov dedicated to eradicate its white population! Pure evil!
Much of the Anglo-Saxon elites admired and helped the Nazis before the war.
In turn the Nazis got all their bad ideas from American practices towards natives and African slaves and English theories of racial supremacy.
If you analyze events objectively, not clouded by the post-war propaganda geared to justify the winners' victory, Nazis and Anglo-Saxons were one and the same long before the war.
So it was not at all hard to "assimilate". There wasn't all that much assimilation to do.
Which is why the Nazi-American alliance actually started six months before the war had even ended, in order to keep as much of Germany as possible out of Soviet hands, though the need to keep appearances meant fighting continued
That is distinct, not less significant, but different. One is a question of shared values or common culture at various levels. The other is official and deliberate incorporation of policies from a narrow (historically speaking) manifestation of Austrio-German ideology.
The use of Operation Paperclip and similar programs does not negate two centuries of US history where German came one vote of being the preferred language or the largest people group overall. Or US philanthropic connections. Not to mention European monarchies shared that go back farther.
That is significantly different though than establishing official US government policy by actually giving thousands of leaders from a narrow spectrum of German elite and intelligentsia of an already historically acute time period oversight of the government in particular because the government knew what it was doing.
The first preceded the second even enabling it. That doesn't make it the same. And assimilation in this case in particular is quite different because it was assimilation within particular agencies and not in the broader culture.
Collective responsibility is not well defined. It certainly applies in Israel - where more than 95% of Israeli Jews enthusiastically support the genocide of the Palestinian people. Even if support for foreign adventures has dropped in the U.S. from a high of maybe 90% for destroying Damascus, bringing open air slave markets back in Libya, causing the deaths of millions of children in Iraq, and the others - it's still well over half and probably 70% in support of more confrontation with Russia.
There are a few U.S. citizens who oppose NATO expansion. Not as many as Germans who opposed the Nazi party at the start of WWII, but a few. It's still most of everybody.
I remember the elation I felt when it appeared that the Cold War was actually over, we hadn't been incinerated in an almost certain nuclear war, and trillions of dollars would be freed up for improving humanity. The the Blue Meanies figured out a new, even shittier narrative to promote their murderous and evil mechanations. Im fuckin choked!!
In reality I have come to realise that they just destroyed all the old nukes that were outdated and replaced them with newer more powerful ones, all be it in smaller numbers. Then there is all the biological weapons, glad I moved as far away as I could. I used to live near RAF Fylingdales which was nothing more than a US military base that was an early warning station for anything leaving the East heading for the US. Guess what would have been an early target.
I was born on Loring AFB in the northernmost tip of Maine, just across the ice cap from Russia. Dad would sleep in wooden barracks next to the runway and if the Russians tried to nuke us, he had 15 minutes to get his B-52 (and five others behind it) off the ground and on the way to nuke Moscow.
If you are in the West, the US/NATO cabal is the reason your lifestyle is not that of e.g. Romania in the 1980s or Cuba in the 1990s, but something much more comfortable.
Sure, the elite siphon off most of the imperial loot, but enough of what is extracted from the rest of the world trickles down to the masses to ensure a relatively comfortable lifestyle (even if downward trending).
The people who were (and still are) really screwed by their rulers are Russians. The wealthiest country on the planet, ruled by absolute scoundrels who have been handing over its riches to the mortal, centuries-long enemies of that country, for pennies on the dollar, who refuse to defend its national interests, and who gladly sacrifice hundreds of thousands of its people just so that they themselves face no risk to their personal safety and wealth (the war in Ukraine could have been very quickly over with targeted strikes on the Ukrainian oligarchy and with a few tactical nukes at the border crossings with Poland and Romania, but those actions posed such risks to the Russian oligarchy, so they are still off limits).
I understand your first point, and it's an analysis of the imperial system. It's mostly correct in a general way.
But then you drop the systems approach and criticize the Russian leadership itself as the source of it's problems.
In the system you describe above, Russia was behind Europe in industrialization and risked becoming one of the exploited countries, and has been in an uneasy balance with Europe since the 19th Century.
Doesn't this explain Russia's loss of wealth as much as the particular characteristics of her rulers?
You need to educate yourself about what Romania is like today. It puts the west to shame, makes the west look like a crumbling rubbish dump. Your thinking is 40 years out of date.
The Ukrainians have a habit of mining bridges they plan to retreat over to cut off pursuit, it seems Russian drones triggered them early, trapping the fleeing forces. It made me laugh for some reason.
There is actually a video footage from an FPV drone which was passing exactly under that bridge in Sudzha. Plenty of explosives planted there by Ukrainians! It was such an easy job for an FPV drone.
Totally - it reminds us that the tripe narrative that 'General Winter' is what really wins wars for Russia is bullshit - these guys win their wars the Old fashioned way: they earn it.
The last two tunnels may have been narrower, but the units doing it, like the 114th, are consisting of a lot of miners. This time, there were no miners.
SJ, did you see the video last week of ambushed mercs? A Russian soldier enters the frame running, with a silenced pistol and kills two, the second as he begged for his life.
A well deserved outcome.
If me though, in the position of a Russian soldier with all that they have been put through I wouldn't kill them immediately, just pump a few in to them and let them bleed out.
Getting INTO a gas pipe in a safe area would be simple enough(cut it open) .. but how would they get OUT behind enemy lines. These pipes are airtight, not even a molecule of Methane can escape.. but kitted out soldiers can?
However surely those canny Russians didn’t put an inside-opening maintenance (escape)hatch in underground pipes, just in case they needed one at some point? Anything is Possible I guess.
Yes I get that part .. but you would need to flush it thru end to end pretty thoroughly to ensure there weren’t pockets in humps, bends etc to prevent those guys being asphyxiated. Detectors would alert you for sure .. but then what… Only the Russians would know I guess. I really have no insight into it, the other similar operation at Avdeevka was different in that it was an above ground water pipe that had already been blasted open in several places.
It wouldn’t. It is owned by OpenAI of the US. Western tech is fully part of the NATO campaign. Google ‘How many NATO troops are in Ukraine’ and a host of ‘Fact Checking’ (sic) sites will firmly insist there are NO NATO troops in Ukraine, at all, and never have been. And so on.
Very simple. There are robots that drive through these tubes; they are doing inspection work. And every few kilometers, you will find a place where you can put the robot in or out. These robots work when the pipeline is transporting gas. Therefore, the inspection hatches must be complex, but the Russians installed and maintained them, they should know how to open such a thing. When the North-Stream was blown up, one of the theories was that such maintenance robots were used to place the explosives.
War zone lots of explosions, thing has been turned off. I am wondering how much air they pumped in. They could probably make a cart to ride on. With gear that is a hike, stooped over, yikes!
Construction paved crawl space, too low to crouch. We had 4 wheeled carts and you lay on your back head first and push with your feet. One of the few jobs you must have your hardhat. Quite fast, of course we had races.
Russians built these pipelines, they have the exact blueprints and know where the joints and maintenance points are. Not everything is Maskirovka. If there were other ways to reach behind enemy lines, they would have done it earlier without a need to cook up fantasy.
You must have noticed who built this and many other pipelines throughout the Soviet Union ! And everything the Soviet Union built has all the documents in Moscow down to the last scrap of paper, you probably don't know, but the Russians are maniacally meticulous people who love systems, what's not in their document archives doesn't even exist ! You know, in the West they think that the Germans are the ones who organize everything into archives, and so are the Russians ! This pipeline system was not built by the Ukrainian SSK, but by the Soviet Union, that is, Moscow, they know every screw, every cleaning service opening, better than the Ukrainians ! Well, this applies to all industrial infrastructure in Ukraine, because it was all built by the Soviet Union ordered by Moskva and not by Ukrainians ! Can you imagine who knows the plans of a power plant, a nuclear power plant, a bridge, a huge building, the electricity and gas network best, if not those who built it ! And I bet a lot of money that since 1991, when the Ukrainian (?) oligarchs stole the country from the Ukrainians, nothing has been built since then, they only use what the Soviet Union built on the orders of Moscow until 1991 !
Are those guys SMOKING in the pipe??? They truly are insane. But I am also humbled to know such men are alive and among us. This war has produced unbelievable acts of heroism and is a testimony to human fortitude. I need to make a trip into Russia and do the WW2 history tour properly
On US intelligence- so, was it really that good? News says Russians are able to take advantage, but kursk looked like it was on its last legs anyway. Sometimes I do think american ISR is even more capable than we realize, and the level of actual assistance is more vast than the $ figure quoted. Blinken alluded to that himself, and for once I believe him
Finally, on negotiations. People need to get their head straight- literally nobody is aligned here. Zelensky and Europe need the war to continue, Trump wants out but he wants it on his terms, and Russia would be insane to accept a western promise of any kind. Forget about Trump leaving in 2029, the guy can change his mind in 20 min!
And now Romania has proven that hoping for governments to be tossed and elections to produce less insane candidates is not viable - Soviet Europe is here to stay. Russia has a real threat to face and it's called the EU
'Soviet' has a political meaning, primarily of workers councils. "A soviet is a workers' council that follows a socialist ideology, particularly in the context of the Russian Revolution", so "Soviet Europe" would be much better than the neoliberal oligarchs councils we now see.
The US had there last election. Anyone thinking Trump will give up leadership of the US when in his mind he is the only person that can save the US really have some surprises coming. Added to that he won the majority vote so in his mind he has a mandate and Americans love him, their great leader.
It was once absurd to think the world was not flat. It's just a matter of how time will play out. Let's see if the unthinkable is the same as the improbable. Democracy always faces it's demise to thunderous applause. Not wishful thinking merely possibilities.
On jan 20, 2029, Donald Trump will no longer be president of the US. I would happily place a $100k bet on that, right now. Easiest money I'll ever make
Smoking is probably what kept them going, never doubt the power of nicotine! As there was no methane flowing in the pipe, having a fag posed no danger.
I'm sure it was heavy and acrid and definitely not an ideal place to enjoy a fag, but if they didn't have their smokes I'd say things would have been a lot worse for them. From my extensive reading of war autobiographies, the cigarette is as necessary as artillery and a rifle for the foot soldiers.
In WWI the French, Germans, and Austrians used liquid oxygen. Then the air is always good enough for humans. But what about the leftovers from the missing toilet? This is the real deal; a cigarette can help! Read about "La butte de Vauquois".
When I served in the Legion Etrangere in the early eighties, I remember we would be issued one packet of filterless gitaines, also a very small shot of brandy in our ration pack. Smoking was almost a ritual in the army.
This whole story seems dubious at best. The pipe was in operation until a few months ago and would still be full of highly explosive methane fumes mixed with air just waiting for a spark or flame to set it off. I had trouble believing they could breathe without oxygen or compressed air, but smoking would be impossible unless the pipe was open and vented at both ends for a very long time for all the methane to dissipate. I'll need to see a reasonable explanation of how they could get out at the desired destination - and without attracting attention - before moving this out of the realm of fantasy.
This daring pipeline raid will be long remembered, along with the amazingly courageous and disciplined men who carried it out...All the more reason for Putin to ignore American diplomacy and carry on with the SMO until it has achieved every goal, and the NATO threat neutralized...
The Irony of this being that Zelensky made this attack possible by cutting off tje has supply to Europe, which enabled Russian forces to use the pipelines.
There couldn't be a better form of Karma.
You can bet that Victor Orban and Robert Fico are laughing hysterically, at the Ukrainian idiocy.
Those pipelines fed European power for decades. The ideal defense would have kept those pipelines pumping fuel with no interruption. It's called peace!
When I first heard the tunnel story, I assumed it was more fog-of-war BS.
Getting inside is the easy part. How did they manage to open an exit point? Was there someone at the other end who precut the pipe, or removed a section or valve assembly.
A 12km hunched trip on steel would ruin most men's backs or knees. Did they supply skateboards. mechanic's creepers or other low wheeled devices?
considering theres a war on the exit point could have been blown open ages ago for all we know. But if its like the other operations they just took the cutting gear with them
They had youth on their side. Old geezers like you tend to forget the time when you could sleep on cold gravel and wake up rested, and back pain was just a bullshit excuse the oldtimers used.
I think I could do it today but i'd be hunched over at the end. Young guys don't have to worry about that shit. More proof of the truism - the Army breaks your body. Every soldier over 40 has a profile - a list of the stuff they can't do because of the progressive damage to their bodies.
2nd lot of spam today
You eat my wife's meals too?
May the US/NATO cabal burn in hell for ruining peace in our time.
Lol, they have been poisoning our food since WWII. It's called modern agriculture
This is yet more spam. Every time they post the same words, always a different name, always a 'like'.
Always clickbait also. I refuse to click anything that is teasing me to do so.
Please differentiate between Neo-Cons and those Americans who have opposed the insanity of NATO expansion. Yes, US policy is to blame but not all Americans supported that policy.
Dick Minnis
Sorry Dick, but after 70 years of this shit, 'the Americans who oppose the insanity' are gonna have to do a shit ton more to stop it or they get thrown on the pile.
"Russia is fighting Ukraine, not America/West directly"
No. This is a war the US started against Russia. Over 100,000 US military personnel participate full time in this war.
The US started this war but Russia will finish it on Russia's terms. You can see that in the way Trump talks when he lets slip his full understanding that Russia is holding the cards and the US has failed to dominate Russia, which it must do to win its war on Russia.
It was a really stupid idea for the US to start a war against a nuclear power that will not back down but will fight to the death.
They are losing, and now crying for the money they lost.
Typical Western mentality.
typical cry bully jew....
Kellogg was right when he said that Russia is not the kind of country you want to be getting into a fight with.
Nice strawman argument.
Hubris will continue and egos won't be satisfied until it comes home to the USA, but Americans have had no voices for a long time and now are speaking up, so neo-cons are retreating. This retreat however is not enough, they must be destroyed and the USA back to "no foreign excursions" and mind your own country. Russia was never the foe, it is within the US that the foes reside and from where they've done so much damage to the entire world with their regime change and manipulation. Beware of the wounded dogs now of Europe and UK because a cornered animal might do the unthinkable. Russia, end the war and show us the way to peace, you, who has lost so much to all past wars!
The US government exists for the people by the people. The US government has been preparing the way for this conflict for 80 years.
The US literally partnered with the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalism, the same people who carried out 1/4 of the Holocaust and the US continues to support them to this day.
I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Today, our main enemies are domestic, not foreign. And as a government derived from the people, the people don't have an excuse for the decades of corruption and abuse or abandonment of our founding principles.
Our government is us, whether we like it or not. The deaths in Ukraine, Syria, are on us.
I'm not saying this in the abstract. My wife is Ukrainian. My church is in Ukraine. Much of my family is there. My daughter joined the Air Force and helped train Ukrainian pilots and air controllers that bombed my town and my father-in-law's workplace. My daughter doesn't get an out. The government doesn't get an out. US citizens don't get an out. That's what comes of a government deriving its authority from the people.
So on point, well stated, fully agree with your sentiments, just this evening I spoke with my wife about just how many former U.S and Western military personnel must exist who realise they were used, used to enhance the wealth and privilege not of the nation, but for a select few.. enriching them, taking the bullet, the shrapnel, the PTSD, for what, certainly wasn’t to advance democracy or democratic values, not of the type most believe that’s for sure… I cannot think of a worse feeling than as a former service member realising you were used, your sacrifice totally meaningless save the faux platitudes… Bon homie, sprayed around with gay.. yep that to nowadays… abandon at events used to mark events of import… all theatre, meaningless tripe, hidden no more, service members now spoken freely of as being “trip wires” why not just say bait… as the reason these greed obsessed retards use to rationalise the next “all in” at least your not so much lied to anymore… what truly astounds is how readily they shaft you, those needing the care promised on return home… yet time and time again, sucked in, off to war, the next them or us, here or there excuse rolled out… it’s tiring, certainly must be getting that way over there… just saying..
But genuinely loved reading your mea culpa… you are so correct, at least you get it, once responsibility is recognised, who is at fault, who the enablers genuinely are… then you will have a shot at changing it… for the better..
Thank you again.
Kia Kaha (stay strong) From New Zealand
forced to fight brother wars for the benefit of the jew.... WW1, WW2, etc., etc.,,,
Well stated and if this wasn't enough, after several deployments backed up by lies, the shot mandate, maiming forces in case you didn't get shot at enough at war! A gov dedicated to eradicate its white population! Pure evil!
the holohoax is FAKE. like all wars this too was started by the jew...
>The US government has been preparing the way for this conflict for 80 years.
And by doing that it merely took over from the Germans and Austrians, who had been at it for more than a century already
Operation Paperclip and other similar efforts were acts of assimilation with dire consequences.
Well, it started long before that.
Much of the Anglo-Saxon elites admired and helped the Nazis before the war.
In turn the Nazis got all their bad ideas from American practices towards natives and African slaves and English theories of racial supremacy.
If you analyze events objectively, not clouded by the post-war propaganda geared to justify the winners' victory, Nazis and Anglo-Saxons were one and the same long before the war.
So it was not at all hard to "assimilate". There wasn't all that much assimilation to do.
Which is why the Nazi-American alliance actually started six months before the war had even ended, in order to keep as much of Germany as possible out of Soviet hands, though the need to keep appearances meant fighting continued
That is distinct, not less significant, but different. One is a question of shared values or common culture at various levels. The other is official and deliberate incorporation of policies from a narrow (historically speaking) manifestation of Austrio-German ideology.
The use of Operation Paperclip and similar programs does not negate two centuries of US history where German came one vote of being the preferred language or the largest people group overall. Or US philanthropic connections. Not to mention European monarchies shared that go back farther.
That is significantly different though than establishing official US government policy by actually giving thousands of leaders from a narrow spectrum of German elite and intelligentsia of an already historically acute time period oversight of the government in particular because the government knew what it was doing.
The first preceded the second even enabling it. That doesn't make it the same. And assimilation in this case in particular is quite different because it was assimilation within particular agencies and not in the broader culture.
Don't forget the UK.
The worst!
Collective responsibility is not well defined. It certainly applies in Israel - where more than 95% of Israeli Jews enthusiastically support the genocide of the Palestinian people. Even if support for foreign adventures has dropped in the U.S. from a high of maybe 90% for destroying Damascus, bringing open air slave markets back in Libya, causing the deaths of millions of children in Iraq, and the others - it's still well over half and probably 70% in support of more confrontation with Russia.
There are a few U.S. citizens who oppose NATO expansion. Not as many as Germans who opposed the Nazi party at the start of WWII, but a few. It's still most of everybody.
I remember the elation I felt when it appeared that the Cold War was actually over, we hadn't been incinerated in an almost certain nuclear war, and trillions of dollars would be freed up for improving humanity. The the Blue Meanies figured out a new, even shittier narrative to promote their murderous and evil mechanations. Im fuckin choked!!
Exactly my experience!
Me too, I was only 8 years old.
In reality I have come to realise that they just destroyed all the old nukes that were outdated and replaced them with newer more powerful ones, all be it in smaller numbers. Then there is all the biological weapons, glad I moved as far away as I could. I used to live near RAF Fylingdales which was nothing more than a US military base that was an early warning station for anything leaving the East heading for the US. Guess what would have been an early target.
I was born on Loring AFB in the northernmost tip of Maine, just across the ice cap from Russia. Dad would sleep in wooden barracks next to the runway and if the Russians tried to nuke us, he had 15 minutes to get his B-52 (and five others behind it) off the ground and on the way to nuke Moscow.
GWOT turned out to be even more “effective”…and then there are all the regime change operations that went in to overdrive.
Demonic Rust never sleeps…..
Where do you live?
If you are in the West, the US/NATO cabal is the reason your lifestyle is not that of e.g. Romania in the 1980s or Cuba in the 1990s, but something much more comfortable.
Sure, the elite siphon off most of the imperial loot, but enough of what is extracted from the rest of the world trickles down to the masses to ensure a relatively comfortable lifestyle (even if downward trending).
The people who were (and still are) really screwed by their rulers are Russians. The wealthiest country on the planet, ruled by absolute scoundrels who have been handing over its riches to the mortal, centuries-long enemies of that country, for pennies on the dollar, who refuse to defend its national interests, and who gladly sacrifice hundreds of thousands of its people just so that they themselves face no risk to their personal safety and wealth (the war in Ukraine could have been very quickly over with targeted strikes on the Ukrainian oligarchy and with a few tactical nukes at the border crossings with Poland and Romania, but those actions posed such risks to the Russian oligarchy, so they are still off limits).
I understand your first point, and it's an analysis of the imperial system. It's mostly correct in a general way.
But then you drop the systems approach and criticize the Russian leadership itself as the source of it's problems.
In the system you describe above, Russia was behind Europe in industrialization and risked becoming one of the exploited countries, and has been in an uneasy balance with Europe since the 19th Century.
Doesn't this explain Russia's loss of wealth as much as the particular characteristics of her rulers?
GM, where do you live?
You stated you lived in Russia and another poster writes that you live in San Francisco?
You need to educate yourself about what Romania is like today. It puts the west to shame, makes the west look like a crumbling rubbish dump. Your thinking is 40 years out of date.
The Ukrainians have a habit of mining bridges they plan to retreat over to cut off pursuit, it seems Russian drones triggered them early, trapping the fleeing forces. It made me laugh for some reason.
There is actually a video footage from an FPV drone which was passing exactly under that bridge in Sudzha. Plenty of explosives planted there by Ukrainians! It was such an easy job for an FPV drone.
That is without a doubt the most stunning special forces operation in recent history, if not in a century or even more.
There is no special forces outfit on earth right now that would be capable of such a daring operation.
Just incredible, and a testament to how lethal the Russian military is in 2025.
Might always marries Right in the end, and we are witnessing this hieros gamos in real time.
Totally - it reminds us that the tripe narrative that 'General Winter' is what really wins wars for Russia is bullshit - these guys win their wars the Old fashioned way: they earn it.
It's mind-blowing. Nothing for people with claustrophobia, I would think. Hats off to those guys.
The last two tunnels may have been narrower, but the units doing it, like the 114th, are consisting of a lot of miners. This time, there were no miners.
Very true e very wellll said!
Russia shouldn't take any prisoners. I would shoot them all. I would at least shoot every mercenary, regardless of nationality.
They have been shooting mercenaries in Kursk for a while now, and also taking few prisoners ....
It’s finally paying off.
SJ, did you see the video last week of ambushed mercs? A Russian soldier enters the frame running, with a silenced pistol and kills two, the second as he begged for his life.
A well deserved outcome.
If me though, in the position of a Russian soldier with all that they have been put through I wouldn't kill them immediately, just pump a few in to them and let them bleed out.
find the jew wherever it is: Kushner; soros; kagan, nuland; kagan;
No! They're always need and their stories even more!
Getting INTO a gas pipe in a safe area would be simple enough(cut it open) .. but how would they get OUT behind enemy lines. These pipes are airtight, not even a molecule of Methane can escape.. but kitted out soldiers can?
This is a clever Maskirovka.
Through the soldier removal hatch? Maintenance etc
Well, I know nothing of course, just speculating.
However surely those canny Russians didn’t put an inside-opening maintenance (escape)hatch in underground pipes, just in case they needed one at some point? Anything is Possible I guess.
Have you never heard of a cutting torch?
I have .. I also know methane(potentially residual in the pipe) burns with a blue flame.
Google LEL. A detector to monitor methane levels costs a couple hundred bucks, and dozens are available at any petro business.
There was no gas in the pipe. The pipeline stopped working on January 1, when gas supplies through Ukraine stopped.
Yes I get that part .. but you would need to flush it thru end to end pretty thoroughly to ensure there weren’t pockets in humps, bends etc to prevent those guys being asphyxiated. Detectors would alert you for sure .. but then what… Only the Russians would know I guess. I really have no insight into it, the other similar operation at Avdeevka was different in that it was an above ground water pipe that had already been blasted open in several places.
A single AP artillery hit will open the pipe at the desired spot, some distance ahead of the troops of course. So will a drone with a shaped charge.
Thanks for pursuing this line of questioning, Neil. ChatGPT says there are no confirmed reports of the Kursk pipeline operation.
I never served, know nothing about military matters, however IMHO this operation always just seemed like a deception to spook the Ukrainians.
Seems to have worked!!
It wouldn’t. It is owned by OpenAI of the US. Western tech is fully part of the NATO campaign. Google ‘How many NATO troops are in Ukraine’ and a host of ‘Fact Checking’ (sic) sites will firmly insist there are NO NATO troops in Ukraine, at all, and never have been. And so on.
Very simple. There are robots that drive through these tubes; they are doing inspection work. And every few kilometers, you will find a place where you can put the robot in or out. These robots work when the pipeline is transporting gas. Therefore, the inspection hatches must be complex, but the Russians installed and maintained them, they should know how to open such a thing. When the North-Stream was blown up, one of the theories was that such maintenance robots were used to place the explosives.
Good points 👍
War zone lots of explosions, thing has been turned off. I am wondering how much air they pumped in. They could probably make a cart to ride on. With gear that is a hike, stooped over, yikes!
Yeah the stooped over part would just be a back killer, you would need to come out somewhere you could have a half hour to recover
The Russians bombed the pipeline in the area where they wanted the soldiers to come out.
Wouldn't even notice an explosion.
Construction paved crawl space, too low to crouch. We had 4 wheeled carts and you lay on your back head first and push with your feet. One of the few jobs you must have your hardhat. Quite fast, of course we had races.
James Bond Q Division laser saws, obviously.
They cut it open and digged themselves out.
What makes you think some poor bastard *didn't* make the trek in both directions, to check the far end?
Any military commander worth his commission would order that done first, before committing to the assault..
and if he didn’t come back, you would assume what .. he succumbed to gas, was found out .. or??
That's the question a good commander has to be certain of the answer of.
(Note that you don't send one guy in the first place, you send a squad, the designated runner comes back)
Which leads to the trade off: How many MORE men can he send to verify the answer, before he writes the idea off as a non-starter.
Because he CAN"T send a whole Assault Company to die the same way.
Russians built these pipelines, they have the exact blueprints and know where the joints and maintenance points are. Not everything is Maskirovka. If there were other ways to reach behind enemy lines, they would have done it earlier without a need to cook up fantasy.
You must have noticed who built this and many other pipelines throughout the Soviet Union ! And everything the Soviet Union built has all the documents in Moscow down to the last scrap of paper, you probably don't know, but the Russians are maniacally meticulous people who love systems, what's not in their document archives doesn't even exist ! You know, in the West they think that the Germans are the ones who organize everything into archives, and so are the Russians ! This pipeline system was not built by the Ukrainian SSK, but by the Soviet Union, that is, Moscow, they know every screw, every cleaning service opening, better than the Ukrainians ! Well, this applies to all industrial infrastructure in Ukraine, because it was all built by the Soviet Union ordered by Moskva and not by Ukrainians ! Can you imagine who knows the plans of a power plant, a nuclear power plant, a bridge, a huge building, the electricity and gas network best, if not those who built it ! And I bet a lot of money that since 1991, when the Ukrainian (?) oligarchs stole the country from the Ukrainians, nothing has been built since then, they only use what the Soviet Union built on the orders of Moscow until 1991 !
Learning and special operations, dear!
I don’t see how Ukraine will negotiate with Russia under any circumstances when Ukrainians appear to view Russians as “orcs” and subhumans
They might not negotiate, but they will surrender unconditionally if they don't.
Once the NGOs stop poisoning the ideological well for a few years, things will improve amongst the Slavic Bros
Russia wil not negotiate with Ukraine, it is vassal state.
Hey Simp how long do you think the war will keep going? I hope it ends soon, kind of sick of it to be honest. Glory to Russia!
It depends on how long Star Link stays up. Poland is paying for it, at a reduced rate, but I don't know if there's a contract.
It also depends on how hard Russia wants to punch.
Are those guys SMOKING in the pipe??? They truly are insane. But I am also humbled to know such men are alive and among us. This war has produced unbelievable acts of heroism and is a testimony to human fortitude. I need to make a trip into Russia and do the WW2 history tour properly
On US intelligence- so, was it really that good? News says Russians are able to take advantage, but kursk looked like it was on its last legs anyway. Sometimes I do think american ISR is even more capable than we realize, and the level of actual assistance is more vast than the $ figure quoted. Blinken alluded to that himself, and for once I believe him
Finally, on negotiations. People need to get their head straight- literally nobody is aligned here. Zelensky and Europe need the war to continue, Trump wants out but he wants it on his terms, and Russia would be insane to accept a western promise of any kind. Forget about Trump leaving in 2029, the guy can change his mind in 20 min!
And now Romania has proven that hoping for governments to be tossed and elections to produce less insane candidates is not viable - Soviet Europe is here to stay. Russia has a real threat to face and it's called the EU
Soviet Europe. I like that analogy.
"A soviet is a workers' council that follows a socialist ideology, particularly in the context of the Russian Revolution"
'Soviet' has a political meaning, primarily of workers councils. "A soviet is a workers' council that follows a socialist ideology, particularly in the context of the Russian Revolution", so "Soviet Europe" would be much better than the neoliberal oligarchs councils we now see.
The original intent of "Soviet" vs the reality is a superb analogue for the original intent of the EU, vs the current situation
The US had there last election. Anyone thinking Trump will give up leadership of the US when in his mind he is the only person that can save the US really have some surprises coming. Added to that he won the majority vote so in his mind he has a mandate and Americans love him, their great leader.
This is absurd, TDS of the highest order
It was once absurd to think the world was not flat. It's just a matter of how time will play out. Let's see if the unthinkable is the same as the improbable. Democracy always faces it's demise to thunderous applause. Not wishful thinking merely possibilities.
On jan 20, 2029, Donald Trump will no longer be president of the US. I would happily place a $100k bet on that, right now. Easiest money I'll ever make
Ok let's wait and see.
Agree. He is there to stay until he dies in office or assassinated.
Lucky you that DT is back with orange changes?
Hope that he STOPS satanyau et israhellll, dears...
No more sucking taxpayers money...
Soros et the gang are upside down...
Smoking is probably what kept them going, never doubt the power of nicotine! As there was no methane flowing in the pipe, having a fag posed no danger.
Truly outstanding bravery.
I would have thought the air would be heavy and acrid. I used to be a pack-a-day and this looked like smoking in a car with the windows closed!
I'm sure it was heavy and acrid and definitely not an ideal place to enjoy a fag, but if they didn't have their smokes I'd say things would have been a lot worse for them. From my extensive reading of war autobiographies, the cigarette is as necessary as artillery and a rifle for the foot soldiers.
In WWI the French, Germans, and Austrians used liquid oxygen. Then the air is always good enough for humans. But what about the leftovers from the missing toilet? This is the real deal; a cigarette can help! Read about "La butte de Vauquois".
When I served in the Legion Etrangere in the early eighties, I remember we would be issued one packet of filterless gitaines, also a very small shot of brandy in our ration pack. Smoking was almost a ritual in the army.
Filterless gitanes with pieces of leaves in ones mouth, et how U miss it et its amell, dear!
EU is no threat. It's crumbling.
This whole story seems dubious at best. The pipe was in operation until a few months ago and would still be full of highly explosive methane fumes mixed with air just waiting for a spark or flame to set it off. I had trouble believing they could breathe without oxygen or compressed air, but smoking would be impossible unless the pipe was open and vented at both ends for a very long time for all the methane to dissipate. I'll need to see a reasonable explanation of how they could get out at the desired destination - and without attracting attention - before moving this out of the realm of fantasy.
Methane is lighter than air. It would not accumulate like that
This daring pipeline raid will be long remembered, along with the amazingly courageous and disciplined men who carried it out...All the more reason for Putin to ignore American diplomacy and carry on with the SMO until it has achieved every goal, and the NATO threat neutralized...
The video of the guys in the pipe is hilarious! Even through the toughest missions they’re cracking jokes 😂
Oh when the officers get way out on a limb, the boys can say and do what they want.
France has a Macronmania but at the same time a Trump-o-trauma, and for what the big guy is concerned…heaven is waiting.
My favourite time of the day, Simplicius o'clock!
It's kinda funny that the trolls seem to have disappeared since USAID got closed down, or am I just imagining it?
Hahaha omg now that you mention it, the neo- tards have almost disappeared on YouTube recently, as well. Probably too good to be true.
Even Cheetos seems to have disappeared. Cheetos, tell me it's not true! LOL
Blocked him ages ago
His keyboard has probably melted :)
GM is still here)
Interesting question
The Irony of this being that Zelensky made this attack possible by cutting off tje has supply to Europe, which enabled Russian forces to use the pipelines.
There couldn't be a better form of Karma.
You can bet that Victor Orban and Robert Fico are laughing hysterically, at the Ukrainian idiocy.
Honestly Orban does not seem the sort to laugh when people are dying for nothing.
He's not laughing at the people dying you Moron, he's laughing at Zelensky, or are you not capable of understanding the reference???
Laughing at tragedy is moronic. I do not see Orban doing anything hysterically.
I will give you this the irony is delicious. We need action not hysteria.
Those pipelines fed European power for decades. The ideal defense would have kept those pipelines pumping fuel with no interruption. It's called peace!
The facts are clear, NATO did this to itself!
When I first heard the tunnel story, I assumed it was more fog-of-war BS.
Getting inside is the easy part. How did they manage to open an exit point? Was there someone at the other end who precut the pipe, or removed a section or valve assembly.
A 12km hunched trip on steel would ruin most men's backs or knees. Did they supply skateboards. mechanic's creepers or other low wheeled devices?
considering theres a war on the exit point could have been blown open ages ago for all we know. But if its like the other operations they just took the cutting gear with them
They had youth on their side. Old geezers like you tend to forget the time when you could sleep on cold gravel and wake up rested, and back pain was just a bullshit excuse the oldtimers used.
I think I could do it today but i'd be hunched over at the end. Young guys don't have to worry about that shit. More proof of the truism - the Army breaks your body. Every soldier over 40 has a profile - a list of the stuff they can't do because of the progressive damage to their bodies.