Nothing is absolute, and nothing has a Pk of 1, despite the advertising on the box. More gradual escalation and testing of weapons and doctrine. F-16s as they are plentiful and cheap enough to throw away, esp. the early generation, now that Mig29 and Su27 are getting scarce. I'm not a knuck, but I suspect that zoom climbing a B16 t…
Nothing is absolute, and nothing has a Pk of 1, despite the advertising on the box. More gradual escalation and testing of weapons and doctrine. F-16s as they are plentiful and cheap enough to throw away, esp. the early generation, now that Mig29 and Su27 are getting scarce. I'm not a knuck, but I suspect that zoom climbing a B16 to 30kft with multiple JDAM under the wings will not be a dynamic manoeuvre....nor will they hang around up there to re-accelerate, it will be a toss launch. Patience. Slowly slowly catchee monkey?
Nothing is absolute, and nothing has a Pk of 1, despite the advertising on the box. More gradual escalation and testing of weapons and doctrine. F-16s as they are plentiful and cheap enough to throw away, esp. the early generation, now that Mig29 and Su27 are getting scarce. I'm not a knuck, but I suspect that zoom climbing a B16 to 30kft with multiple JDAM under the wings will not be a dynamic manoeuvre....nor will they hang around up there to re-accelerate, it will be a toss launch. Patience. Slowly slowly catchee monkey?