I can post that "Russians" have revealed to me that Biden was trampled to death by a stampeding herd of turtles in the Rose Garden. Without some link/corroboration, it's just an amusing shitpost, similar to yours-
You're both way off with your numbers, archives put the amount of executed during 1930-1950s at about 700k people, about 3.5mil convicted. There's a bit of confusion on how to count those who were sentenced to death during war time but got sent to the penal battalions instead and survived there, but I can assure you, the range in general is neither in tens of millions, nor is it in tens of thousands.
Interesting. Is this why the Solzhenitsyn documentary (DOCUMENTARY) "Two Hundred Years Together " about jews in Russia is still banned by ALL publishing houses in UK and US?
"Two Hundred Years Together" was naturally criticized by Jews for being antisemitic. That lead to banning in the west and the difficulty of finding a good English translation. Many non-Jewish Russians criticized it for not going far enough.
The book appeared to me to be thorough and well researched. I have no way of validating the documents cited, but it is hard to believe that someone of Solzhenitsyn's stature would cheat there.
That said, it is tough slogging to read. Here is a link...
What are your thoughts about the legendary "6 millions?"
Are you for the investigation of these numbers?
There is a documentary about the history of jews in Russia, "Two Hundred Years Together." The documentary was written by the Laureate of Nobel Prize in Literature. And yet, this documentary is not available in English because all UK/US printing houses refuse to publish this documentary. ALL of them.
Let’s compare the vigor of Solzhenitsyn research with Elie Wiesel’ and Otto Frank’ (a real author of “diaries “) and the likes claims. Will your thuggish ADL (created in memory of a rapist and murderer Leo Frank) allow any honest investigation? Or any Qs about “6 million” are antisemitic?
I am using raw data from 30-40ies press, official memoirs and official archives.
Not some liars like Solzhenitsyn or others.
I don't give a fuck about ADL, Leo Frank and everything else you have listed. I mostly care about history of my country and hate the bullshit some stupid Westerners still spew to this date. I guess they never learn.
Reminds me of the priests who were raping nuns in the convents, when they weren't doing that they were doing each other or the altar boys, how unnatural for a so-called religion to forbid sex of its clergy and to encourage unprotected sex amongst their impoverished churchgoers.
Remember the walls in Belfast? Those Christians got along side by side greatly didn't they 😂
The Jewish Mayor of Dublin was a cool dude who helped overthrow the colonialist British.
More projection. Orthodox jews have a child rape rate of OVER 50 PERCENT. The jewish founder of Survivors for Justice said that child rape is almost a rite of passage in the Orthodox community.
Yet you do nothing to stop it, but project your crimes onto others. You should not be allowed around children.
lt is not that the Gentiles have been incompetent, it is that they have been successfully undermined by the MYRIAD number of Jews in leading positions in every sector of American life! The Jews have their own agenda, and has nothing to do with America`s needs
If only you people weren't so greedy susceptible to Jewish money pornography and alcohol production and the way we make you beat your wife and children often, sorry about your gullibility
Haym Solomon helped the revolutionary war cause financially and was left unpaid back by the United States and died penniless, revolutionary war soldiers were also not paid for their fighting time by the US government, gentile corruption already infested it with but a handful of Jews in the country doing their best to help it yet the Gentiles stabbed in the back.
Lots of competency on the gentile side when it comes to self-serving behavior, they will equally crush jew or gentile, losers who blame the Jews are the worst
Not exactly.. Throughout history the J. places himself in a position where he is the one who is always responsible for things going horribly wrong all over the world..
Everything was so swell with holobiz museums and shoah business overall, wasn’t it?, and then the damn internet has revealed the true nature of talmudic/ judaic education by providing the pictures of the real holocaust of the Palestinian children and women by jewish fascists. The politicking scum and psychopathic tribe “stand with Israel” , whereas all decent people abhor zionists.
Also, certain jews can’t help themselves but reveal their bad manners, which shows that their ancestors lived in shtetls and belonged to law-grade genetic pool disliked by the educated European jewry. Are you, by the way, a Ukrainian jew? Banderites and zionists have in common more than fanatical supremacism and liking of sadistic tortures; they are most likely related by blood.
When Gentiles gather, malicious plans emanate for sure, when in doubt those incompetent Gentiles who are so greedy for Jewish dollars blame the Jews who gave them the dollars 😂
Since the gentiles are so bad, your kind should stop dwelling among them. Do you think your kin could pry themselves away from their predisposition to financial parasitism long enough to give the goyim a break?
If only your people weren't susceptible to Jewish thoughts dwelling in your brain rent free, now off to church and have some Jesus wafers, but they're not kosher, do you guys say special prayers after you poop on Monday after church? What goes in must go out
Yagoda (born Yenokh Gershevich Iyeguda) was the head of the Soviet-era NKVD secret police who oversaw the bloody Great Purges.
Add to this name the names of Sassoons, the opium traders and poisoners of China, who used British army to protect their wealth and maintain their title of “Rothschilds of the East.”
Then there was the Russia tragedy of the beginning of the 20th century, which was a handiwork of jewish financiers. Trotsky (born Bronstein), was one of the ‘kept revolutionaries’ financed by Jewish American banker Jakob Schiff. To weaken Russia, Schiff also provided financial help to the government of Japan during Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. And Shiff paid for the revolutionary propaganda among the Russian POWs.
After the victorious Jewish Bolshevik revolution (the first soviet government was 85% jewish), Russia was subjected to mass tortures, genocide, destruction of Russian traditions, and wholesale looting. (See the ongoing holocaust of Palestinians by the “most moral”).
Jews Sverdlov and Goloshyokin (born Itsikovich) were in charge of an assassination of the Russian tsar and his family (including children). Goloshykin was a dictator (the First Secretary of the Communist Party) of the Kazakh Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic. His rule brought immense sufferings: the Goloshyokin Genocide eliminated 40% of all native Kazakhs.
Naftali Frankel was among the principal organizers of GULAG; Frankel also designed and implemented a schema of starving to death those prisoners who were sick or physically weak.
Jews Rozalia Zalkind and Bela Kun arranged a sadistic mass murder of Russian officer corps in Crimea.
The ongoing genocide of Palestinians is a feature not a bug of the jewish tribe
Thats lie and propaganda. 10 to 20 million. why not 40 millions? or 400 millions? And western Nazi loving shitheads trying to say that Hitler didnt want geniocide of russian people, but he wanted LIBERATE them from jews
And retarded Candace Owens and others shitheads dont even know that biggest enemy of Zionizm was Stalin himself and Stalinists who defeated Trotskism(Globalist communism).
Degeneracy about 80 mil Christians and other lies needed just to cover truth about Zionizm+Nazism and that Hitler served to jewish banksters.
YES Entire Nazi project was JEWISH PROJECT and Stalin and Red Army save Russian Civilization from the WESTERN BANKSTERS
Yagoda BS and other BS - its just INTERNAL CIVIL WAR Bteween patriotic socialists (Stalinists) and international globalist communists (Trotsky whos real name is Bronstein)
Thats why when i hear westerners talk about STALIN STALIN STALIN but they never talk about Trotsky and how he was asset of western banksters(Jews) aswell as Hitler i just roll my eyes.
he didn't do it because he was helping the Jews. But because the territories where Israel is located were a British colony. Stalin wanted to drive Britain out of there and increase the influence of the USSR in the Middle East.
You're calling someone "stupid" when you're too stupid to realize that you should have used the noun stupidity in your comment instead of the adjective form. Now, that's a rare brand of stupid!!!
Israel is a valid sample of Jews. The Israeli IQ is 92. There are 39 nations that are intellectually stronger than Jews and do not use the unprincipled conniving, lying, blackmailing, nepotism, and display the overall dishonorable behavior characteristic for global Jewry at large. It’s the tribe’s problem that the decent and highly intelligent Jewish individuals are a minority among the genocidal scum like Milejkowsky and the Kagans. Why is Nuland-Kagan and her ilk are so fond of the self proclaimed Ukrainian Nazi? Any ideas?
Beyond all your bloviating bs, you just prove how mediocre jews are. With that said, get your shine box and pushcart Kike and head back into the ghetto.
Listen everyone's a little upset with what's going on right now, you know the dead Presidents and stuff, let's call an amnesty on Caps and delirious conspiracy theories, especially those involving the ethnics, let's say at 12:00 UTC?
only a couple of hours to go then my friends I mean our esteemed allies and I are launching a concerted sanity attack on the US mainland and heartland with tickets to the Third Plenum sessions as rewards to those who surrender first
It is funny how the recent occurrences are said to be undemocratic or a threat to democracy. The delusions are constant, the gerrymander that is the college vote, the money that is needed to attain office in the US is soooo well known yet these recent incidents are causing such ructions it seems. Just another scene in the play as Simplicious states towards the end of this report.
You are repeating CIA propaganda. The Russian historian Vadim Rogovin who spent years in the Kremlin archives after the collapse of the USSR puts the number who died in the Stalinist purges at under a million. Yagoda like Yehov, who both shot during the purges, were merely tools in Stalin's hands. The majority of those who were imprisoned or died were not Christians as you claim. The group which suffered the most in the purges was the rank and file membership of the Soviet communist party itself.
Lazar Kaganovitch, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine (aka butcher of Ukraine) was considered to become a successor to Stalin. This criminal lived to the old demented age in Moscow, in comforts. "Kaganovich died on July 25, 1991, at the age of 97... He is buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow."
"Zemlyachka died on 21 January, 1947 in Moscow. Her ashes were buried at the Kremlin Wall Necropolis."
There was also Isay Berg, a secret police officer, who designed the first ever gas van (the real gas chamber) and personally used this instrument of murder on political prisoners.
Add to this name the names of Sassoons (opium traders and poisoners of China, who arranged British army to run two Opium Wars to protect the Sassoons’ wealth and keep their status of the “Rothschilds of the East”); Trotsky (Bronstein), the protege and ‘kept revolutionary’ by Jacob Schiff, a Jewish American banker who also provided financial help to Japanese during Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905 to weaken Russia. Jews were also in charge of the murder of the Russian tsar family (including children), see Yakov Sverdlov and Phillip Goloshyokin (born Itsikovich).
Natali Frankel was in charge of the organizing the GULAG (a network of concentration camps in USSR); Naftali Frankel also imposed a scheme of starving to death the sick and physically weak prisoners. The mass murder of the Russian officer corps was arranged by Rosalia Zalkind in collaboration with another Jew, Bela Kun (born Kohn). The first Soviet government was 85% Jewish. The government was formed after the victorious Jewish Bolshevik revolution financed by Jewish bankers (with the participation of German government).
The Russian tragedy in the beginning of the 20th century was a handiwork of Jewish financiers. The genocidal Talmudic spirit lives on in the ongoing holocaust of Palestinians, complete with sadistic tortures, mutilations, mass slaughter of the innocent civilians (children are targeted in particular), the vicious destruction of others peoples’ traditions, and the institutionalized theft and looting. Supremacist education produces genociders.
Remember the Nazi who got hung and said remember purimfest?
My favorite war crime was when the American soldiers executed the SS officers in a holding pen because they were so disgusted with what they had been doing to their prisoners including Jews Gypsies Slavs Jehovah's witnesses and whoever else they crossed. General Ike gathered the local populace to March them through, instead of taking pride in their malicious malevolent hateful actions towards their neighbors they cried like bitches, like Jesus when he was getting crucified, oh God why have you forsaken me he said lamenting lacking faith.
How incongruous and odd the worship of the crucifixes
The number of deaths attributable to Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953, vary widely, ranging from several million to over 20 million. The exact number is difficult to determine due to the secretive and repressive nature of the Soviet regime, as well as the passage of time and the destruction of historical records.
A significant number of Jews were involved in Stalin's regime, particularly in the early years of the Soviet Union. This was partly due to the fact that many Jewish intellectuals and activists were attracted to the ideals of the Bolshevik Revolution and saw the Soviet Union as a haven for progressive and left-wing ideas.
During the 1920s and 1930s, Jews held key positions in the Soviet government, the Communist Party, and the secret police. Some prominent Jewish figures in Stalin's regime include:
Genrikh Yagoda: As mentioned earlier, Yagoda was a Soviet secret police official who oversaw the Great Purge as the head of the NKVD from 1934 to 1936.
Lev Kamenev: A key figure in the Bolshevik Revolution, Kamenev served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party from 1922 to 1924 and was a close ally of Stalin.
Grigory Zinoviev: Another prominent Bolshevik leader, Zinoviev served as the head of the Comintern (the international organization of the world's communist parties) and was a key figure in the Soviet government during the 1920s.
Solomon Lozovsky: A Jewish Bolshevik leader, Lozovsky was the head of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and played a significant role in the Soviet economy and labor policies.
All you have to look at is the Jew genocide of Palestinians. Some of which are Christian. Sniping women and children. They are just following their stupid book and volcano demon.
You mean the ZioNazi history? What is her name, Nuland-Kagan? How come that the Kagans had been collaborating with the Ukrainian Nazi Party in Kiev in 2014, to initiate a civil war against Donbas and give the world WWIII? Ihor Kolomojsky, the President of the Jewish community of Ukraine, personally founded and financed four (4) Nazi battalion, including the Israeli-adored Azov Battalion, to protect his properties in Donbas. The "penist" Zelensky and his "ethnic" retinue celebrate Stepan Bandera as a Hero of Ukraine. This is indeed your zioNazi crap on the Slavic lands.
The Overton Window has shifted this month. Good News, open discussion of pogroms is happening. Expel Jews, reclaim trillons of stolen assets from Fed Reserve, Blackrock, Mainstram media, Hollywood, and Nasdaq and S&P 500 - all given back to Americans from stock here since WW2.
Yes. That is aipac - every politician is a shabbos goy Jew stooge. That is why jfk wanted to identify aipac as a foreign entity (which it is). For that and trying to stop the Jew nuclear program (material stolen from USA) he was assassinated.
my vote would be a war crimes tribunal, such a scum he is. But I'll take him dropping dead I suppose. Subbing in Kamala unlikely to make a substantial change, considering the same sponsors who picked him picked her too
I don't even care about WW3, I just don't want to have to go through the upcoming hellish 4 years with Kamala talking to the nation about it all like we're a kindergarten classroom. She gives me the heebeejeebees.
"So Ukraine is a *little* country in Europe? It exists next to a big country called Russia? Russia is a bigger country? Russia is a powerful country? Russia decided to invade the smaller country called Ukraine? So basically that's wrong?"
As far back as 2019, US Army-commissioned studies examined different means to provoke and antagonize Russia who they acknowledged sought to avoid conflict. “
What they never understand is that when Russia wants to avoid conflict it means Russia doesn't want to drop whatever it's busy with to steamroll poor clueless fucks.
The nytimes Editorial Board wants Kamala off the 2024 ticket because of "profound concerns" about her electability: "There are other qualified Democrats who could take on Mr. Trump and win."
Once the nytimes Editorial Board gets a drumbeat like this going, they don't let up: "There is still time to put leading candidates through a process of public scrutiny before the party's nominating convention beings on Aug. 19, to inform the choice of a nominee and to build public support."
They could take someone from the VP list. So they pick one who polls worse than Harris? I know they thought the world was theirs 20- 30 years ago. The world has changed and the powers that be are still in an echo chamber.
Well since july 22, now july 26 it seems they have seen the light, the bummer man has proclaimed and the Harris IS the ticket. Because imagine what unburdened from the past, etc etc we could be right?
There was a picture yesterday in Ru-internet with Swan Lake ballet on TV and a CNN logo was plastered in the corner. Brilliant, hilarious and on point.
For those not in the know, it was scheduled for Soviet TV on August 19th, 1991, but ended up being broadcast for three days non-stop. You turn your TV on and there's only it. The whole country realized that a coup was underway.
JOE is alive. I imagine once Kamala bombs in polls by September they will 25th Amendment Joe and swear her in as a last ditch FREE MEDIA ploy to make her look electable. Actually, it's their best play. Does anyone understand this besides myself?
She did date montel Williams and sucked a mean mayoral cock in San Francisco while imprisoning pot smokers and laughing when asked if she ever smoked pot and she's a brown woman, seems legit
It's too complicated for short attention span, normalcy bias-addled "normal Americans" to get fired up about. In fact, they will do everything they can not to think about it at all.
It's been said that the average American IQ has dropped by one standard deviation due to immigration. I had some doubts, but I can see that it may well be true.
Better than immigration is the well known direct connection between lead in water supply to at least 2,500 US cities and deficient childhood brain development.
They say God works in mysterious ways. You have to wonder if Trump turning his head set off a chain of events like Bilbo being the one who found the ring in Gollum's cave... that ultimately led to the destruction of the ring and the dark lord. One can hope, but it's important to be rational.
Obviously, and she thinks it's sooo clever. There's a video compilation of her saying it on multiple occasions, with all the arm gestures they taught her. You can see on her face how she believes she's imparting great wisdom to the rabble.
If she had any self awareness at all she would die of cringe.
The order of succession specifies that the office passes to the vice president; if the vice presidency is simultaneously vacant, the powers and duties of the presidency pass to the speaker of the House of Representatives, president pro tempore of the Senate, and then Cabinet secretaries, depending on eligibility.
That was last night she's since opted for the full death package - I was referencing Kamala (and Jill) but have been reminded they are one and the same manifestation
I've heard of this manifestation - she said she's a bio weapon implanted by the .....skulluggery Russians to interfere with the due process of the other manifestation aforesaid, but there's a use by date apparently upon which she explodes but only while full sail in Congress (don't ask me that's locked in to the forscan codings)
Also for those of you still naive enough to hope that things will get better, there's this... watch the whole thing, but only if you're ready to give up hope.
So I am left wondering after the roller coaster, is it Trump for the Deep State win or is it Kamala and Cum-panties? Don't hate me the jokes write themselves...
Zients appears to have been purchased, as previously he was part of the cabal stiff-arming Harris.
Kamal's mantra is a clue to how she will exercise the office--similarly to her startling authoritarian bent in CA. I'll remain surprised if the US has elections.
Or martial law /postpone elections as a result of an August/September false flag affecting US interests that only a seasoned former Foreign secretary can lead the response to 😣🤔🤔🤔 yup it's her. What part of a very long and prosperous run of the Deep State do you think they want to give up? The next 3-4 months they will pull out every stop to preserve their declining power.
The main reason the Big Man is so committed to the Ukrainian cause, is that he and his family have been so deeply enmeshed into various illicit moneymaking schemes there, of which Burisma is just the tip of the iceberg. Zelensky and other Ukie players must have drawers full of kompromat on the Biden family, and no doubt threaten to drag them down with them as they sink. Biden has no choice but to continue propping up the Ukie regime.
The whole Ukranian impeachment of Trump made zero sense until it was contextualized by the war’s development. Every article had the requisite caveat “nobody suspects The Bidens of any wrongdoing”.
scKamala Kamaltoe Harris put me in jail when i ran for mayor of san francisco killafornia 2007 against Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom, who later promoted injextions falsely called vaxxxxies into kiddies, and others, many of whom died or were injured.
She scKamala shut down my taxi business , Grasshopper Taxi cab, gone forevermore, and placed me into jail, into solitary,. i was told under orders from Michael Hennesy, sheriff, because i ran for mayor, that they put me into solitary.
i served 6 months, because they wanted to give me three years probation but i chose more jail time instead.
I was kicked off my own counsel and forced to accept the sketchy legal repressssentation of Zadik Shapiro, who told me later how he was able to buy a house in Pittsburgh, how much they spent to terrrorize and torture my ass....
Carol Yaggy kicked me off my own counsel for saying "oh my God."
They charged me with a misdemeanor count of terrorism, but no intent was ever discussed.
They refused to take the video out of my taxi camera the law required me to have. I couldn't access it.
They said i'd crashed into the center divider when i drove her at 80 mph, but that was in 5 o clock rush hour traffic the days when better living thru chemistry Barry Bonds was breaking home run records.
it was barely possible to do 8 mph.
They never once questioned any of the lies of her narrative, but kicked me off the counsel of my own defense without ever having an opening statement.
Grasshopper was denied any appeal.
Regards from SF killafor nia
i miss Russia, Russian, and having any meaningful relation with anyone except the cats and dogs i encounter. One came over to me today, i was so happy to know an animal can love me, even if people think i am just a dammmed crazy Russkie, or whatever they misconceive.
Funny that Biden was couped, no one knows, hardly, and i guess they had to assassinate someone , after Fico, they keep trying till they succeed, maybe elenskies will get the covid, too, sic....
“I miss Russian.” When trying to explain how important, how emotionally central is language I mention the story of the White Russian expat marooned in Paris after the civil war who sickened and died of despair over the loss of his language in exile.
Not only that, but Russian language's intricacies and ability to convey complex emotions or opinions are often lost with other languages, it's like switching your diet to fast food or something even more bland, except for the internal space of thoughts and feelings. It may truly be disastrous for a person.
Remember how "someone" got into Space Trek's Seven of Nine sealed divorce paper from the Republican lawyer running as a Republican against Obama that were so embarrassing sexually that the Republican dropped out and Obama won unopposed. He's got to be thankful to California for that. And what about Michael Jackson and all the lawfare and suicides in Hollywood? And who is she married to? A Jewish Hollywood "second gentleman" (rather than first lady) in the USA. You got to be a Hollywood exec to promote yourself like that on Google.
Tin foil hats are much better.
I can post that "Russians" have revealed to me that Biden was trampled to death by a stampeding herd of turtles in the Rose Garden. Without some link/corroboration, it's just an amusing shitpost, similar to yours-
Can turtles actually stampede? I'd pay a dollar to see that.
It is a rare fool today that will stand up and defend the 2020 elections as fair and square.
2000 Mules documentary shows how it was done...
Zients will be the second JEW in a row to serve (control) President Biden
The "service" is the other way around.
Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda, responsible for killing 10 to 20 million people, most of which were Christian.
You're both way off with your numbers, archives put the amount of executed during 1930-1950s at about 700k people, about 3.5mil convicted. There's a bit of confusion on how to count those who were sentenced to death during war time but got sent to the penal battalions instead and survived there, but I can assure you, the range in general is neither in tens of millions, nor is it in tens of thousands.
GULAG HAD LESS PEOPLE in 1937( 1 million, including ALL convicts not just politians) than US GULAG HAS ATM 2.2 millions
this retarded propaganda about GULAG 100 MIL PEOPLE OMG HOLY SHIT is just retarded racist anti RUSSIAN yes its anti russian history propaganda.
I mean, pretty much, a mil at a time, why the caps though. No need to yell.
The caps are for EMPHASIS!
Interesting. Is this why the Solzhenitsyn documentary (DOCUMENTARY) "Two Hundred Years Together " about jews in Russia is still banned by ALL publishing houses in UK and US?
i heard about that book but never read it myself
Solzhenitsyn was a traitor and a 5th column. His books were anti Soviet/Russian propaganda.
"Two Hundred Years Together" was naturally criticized by Jews for being antisemitic. That lead to banning in the west and the difficulty of finding a good English translation. Many non-Jewish Russians criticized it for not going far enough.
The book appeared to me to be thorough and well researched. I have no way of validating the documents cited, but it is hard to believe that someone of Solzhenitsyn's stature would cheat there.
That said, it is tough slogging to read. Here is a link...
Thank you. It's almost impossible to fight ignorance and propaganda here in the stupid US.
One needs a Jewish intellect to do it properly, sorry you're stuck with yours
Because the Jew controls the media.
What are your thoughts about the legendary "6 millions?"
Are you for the investigation of these numbers?
There is a documentary about the history of jews in Russia, "Two Hundred Years Together." The documentary was written by the Laureate of Nobel Prize in Literature. And yet, this documentary is not available in English because all UK/US printing houses refuse to publish this documentary. ALL of them.
Do you know why?
David Irving and others cover this.
"Two Hundred Years Together" is not a documentary. That is nonsense.
Let’s compare the vigor of Solzhenitsyn research with Elie Wiesel’ and Otto Frank’ (a real author of “diaries “) and the likes claims. Will your thuggish ADL (created in memory of a rapist and murderer Leo Frank) allow any honest investigation? Or any Qs about “6 million” are antisemitic?
I am using raw data from 30-40ies press, official memoirs and official archives.
Not some liars like Solzhenitsyn or others.
I don't give a fuck about ADL, Leo Frank and everything else you have listed. I mostly care about history of my country and hate the bullshit some stupid Westerners still spew to this date. I guess they never learn.
Is that how many men your wife has been with?
Nothing but sexualized remarks. A Neanderthal mind living among humans.
Reminds me of the priests who were raping nuns in the convents, when they weren't doing that they were doing each other or the altar boys, how unnatural for a so-called religion to forbid sex of its clergy and to encourage unprotected sex amongst their impoverished churchgoers.
Remember the walls in Belfast? Those Christians got along side by side greatly didn't they 😂
The Jewish Mayor of Dublin was a cool dude who helped overthrow the colonialist British.
More projection. Orthodox jews have a child rape rate of OVER 50 PERCENT. The jewish founder of Survivors for Justice said that child rape is almost a rite of passage in the Orthodox community.
Yet you do nothing to stop it, but project your crimes onto others. You should not be allowed around children.
Now do the Jew and their stupid book about raping a 3 yr old girl is just like a poke in the eye to her.
That’s the Jew for you. A race of in-bread perverts.
It seems everywhere you look around one particular ethnoreligious group is over presented and it’s not a good thing.
And they still cannot be criticized, it is an amazing bubble they have built around themselves.
When Gentiles are incompetent the go-to plan is blame the Jew
Then they go to church on the wrong Sabbath and have Jesus wafers and blood 😂
Probably the best explanation, in one sentence, that I have ever read. Well done.
lt is not that the Gentiles have been incompetent, it is that they have been successfully undermined by the MYRIAD number of Jews in leading positions in every sector of American life! The Jews have their own agenda, and has nothing to do with America`s needs
If only you people weren't so greedy susceptible to Jewish money pornography and alcohol production and the way we make you beat your wife and children often, sorry about your gullibility
Who owns all of the porn sites and media?
Who owns the banks?
Who owns pharma companies?
It isn't the Amish
Unit 8200 reports for duty right on time!
Haym Solomon helped the revolutionary war cause financially and was left unpaid back by the United States and died penniless, revolutionary war soldiers were also not paid for their fighting time by the US government, gentile corruption already infested it with but a handful of Jews in the country doing their best to help it yet the Gentiles stabbed in the back.
Lots of competency on the gentile side when it comes to self-serving behavior, they will equally crush jew or gentile, losers who blame the Jews are the worst
Not exactly.. Throughout history the J. places himself in a position where he is the one who is always responsible for things going horribly wrong all over the world..
Everything was so swell with holobiz museums and shoah business overall, wasn’t it?, and then the damn internet has revealed the true nature of talmudic/ judaic education by providing the pictures of the real holocaust of the Palestinian children and women by jewish fascists. The politicking scum and psychopathic tribe “stand with Israel” , whereas all decent people abhor zionists.
Also, certain jews can’t help themselves but reveal their bad manners, which shows that their ancestors lived in shtetls and belonged to law-grade genetic pool disliked by the educated European jewry. Are you, by the way, a Ukrainian jew? Banderites and zionists have in common more than fanatical supremacism and liking of sadistic tortures; they are most likely related by blood.
Whites need to be as ethically nepotistic as the Jew. Expose them and force those chicken swingers out.
Gentile swinger groups swinging on Saturday night and going to church on Sunday morning. 😂
When Gentiles gather, malicious plans emanate for sure, when in doubt those incompetent Gentiles who are so greedy for Jewish dollars blame the Jews who gave them the dollars 😂
Since the gentiles are so bad, your kind should stop dwelling among them. Do you think your kin could pry themselves away from their predisposition to financial parasitism long enough to give the goyim a break?
If only your people weren't susceptible to Jewish thoughts dwelling in your brain rent free, now off to church and have some Jesus wafers, but they're not kosher, do you guys say special prayers after you poop on Monday after church? What goes in must go out
Why do you Jews perform fellatio on babies and sacrifice foreskins to your stupid volcano demon?
Why do you swing chickens?
Why do the females have to do a panty check with your pervert rabbis when they menstruate ?
Why do you string wires in the air to trick your ‘god’ so you can go outside ?
Why do all you holidays celebrate genocide ?
They can't live without us. We would thrive without them, and they know it, hence the constant effeminate gaslighting.
That is the definition of a parasite sir.
Yagoda (born Yenokh Gershevich Iyeguda) was the head of the Soviet-era NKVD secret police who oversaw the bloody Great Purges.
Add to this name the names of Sassoons, the opium traders and poisoners of China, who used British army to protect their wealth and maintain their title of “Rothschilds of the East.”
Then there was the Russia tragedy of the beginning of the 20th century, which was a handiwork of jewish financiers. Trotsky (born Bronstein), was one of the ‘kept revolutionaries’ financed by Jewish American banker Jakob Schiff. To weaken Russia, Schiff also provided financial help to the government of Japan during Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905. And Shiff paid for the revolutionary propaganda among the Russian POWs.
After the victorious Jewish Bolshevik revolution (the first soviet government was 85% jewish), Russia was subjected to mass tortures, genocide, destruction of Russian traditions, and wholesale looting. (See the ongoing holocaust of Palestinians by the “most moral”).
Jews Sverdlov and Goloshyokin (born Itsikovich) were in charge of an assassination of the Russian tsar and his family (including children). Goloshykin was a dictator (the First Secretary of the Communist Party) of the Kazakh Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic. His rule brought immense sufferings: the Goloshyokin Genocide eliminated 40% of all native Kazakhs.
Naftali Frankel was among the principal organizers of GULAG; Frankel also designed and implemented a schema of starving to death those prisoners who were sick or physically weak.
Jews Rozalia Zalkind and Bela Kun arranged a sadistic mass murder of Russian officer corps in Crimea.
The ongoing genocide of Palestinians is a feature not a bug of the jewish tribe
The gentile often cries out along with his Arab cohorts, the Jew hit me back
It's the other way around. Stop stealing Gentile proverbs; don't you have any originality?
Thats lie and propaganda. 10 to 20 million. why not 40 millions? or 400 millions? And western Nazi loving shitheads trying to say that Hitler didnt want geniocide of russian people, but he wanted LIBERATE them from jews
And retarded Candace Owens and others shitheads dont even know that biggest enemy of Zionizm was Stalin himself and Stalinists who defeated Trotskism(Globalist communism).
Degeneracy about 80 mil Christians and other lies needed just to cover truth about Zionizm+Nazism and that Hitler served to jewish banksters.
YES Entire Nazi project was JEWISH PROJECT and Stalin and Red Army save Russian Civilization from the WESTERN BANKSTERS
Yagoda BS and other BS - its just INTERNAL CIVIL WAR Bteween patriotic socialists (Stalinists) and international globalist communists (Trotsky whos real name is Bronstein)
Thats why when i hear westerners talk about STALIN STALIN STALIN but they never talk about Trotsky and how he was asset of western banksters(Jews) aswell as Hitler i just roll my eyes.
You do know that Stalin was amongst the first to recognize Israel and arm it
You're stupid is unfathomable
he didn't do it because he was helping the Jews. But because the territories where Israel is located were a British colony. Stalin wanted to drive Britain out of there and increase the influence of the USSR in the Middle East.
You're calling someone "stupid" when you're too stupid to realize that you should have used the noun stupidity in your comment instead of the adjective form. Now, that's a rare brand of stupid!!!
Asinine insignificant comment
Your stupid is showing along with excessive vapidity .
You must be new to the internet to consider word choices as a rare brand of stupid.
Thanks for the triple! You really clarified yourself, clear as winter ice
Go cry in your tunnel Jew.
Israel is a valid sample of Jews. The Israeli IQ is 92. There are 39 nations that are intellectually stronger than Jews and do not use the unprincipled conniving, lying, blackmailing, nepotism, and display the overall dishonorable behavior characteristic for global Jewry at large. It’s the tribe’s problem that the decent and highly intelligent Jewish individuals are a minority among the genocidal scum like Milejkowsky and the Kagans. Why is Nuland-Kagan and her ilk are so fond of the self proclaimed Ukrainian Nazi? Any ideas?
Beyond all your bloviating bs, you just prove how mediocre jews are. With that said, get your shine box and pushcart Kike and head back into the ghetto.
Thanks for fighting the good fight but stupidity and brainwashing were out of control here in the US 30 years ago.
Um.. who funded the Maoists in Chyna, eh?
Uh, please stop with this pseudo history already.
Listen everyone's a little upset with what's going on right now, you know the dead Presidents and stuff, let's call an amnesty on Caps and delirious conspiracy theories, especially those involving the ethnics, let's say at 12:00 UTC?
And get back then to the real world
That suit you? ...anyone....?
They do seem to be in full stride!!!!!!
only a couple of hours to go then my friends I mean our esteemed allies and I are launching a concerted sanity attack on the US mainland and heartland with tickets to the Third Plenum sessions as rewards to those who surrender first
It is funny how the recent occurrences are said to be undemocratic or a threat to democracy. The delusions are constant, the gerrymander that is the college vote, the money that is needed to attain office in the US is soooo well known yet these recent incidents are causing such ructions it seems. Just another scene in the play as Simplicious states towards the end of this report.
Your humour is appreciated Gerrard.
Are you sure this reply was for me?
Yes I am
Then you possibly misunderstood what I was saying. My reply was to Triumphiant Ape and claims about 10-20 millions killed in USSR.
Nothing to see here when the Jews commit a genocide on stolen land.
What pseudo history is that ? Oy vey. The goyim are noticing.
You are repeating CIA propaganda. The Russian historian Vadim Rogovin who spent years in the Kremlin archives after the collapse of the USSR puts the number who died in the Stalinist purges at under a million. Yagoda like Yehov, who both shot during the purges, were merely tools in Stalin's hands. The majority of those who were imprisoned or died were not Christians as you claim. The group which suffered the most in the purges was the rank and file membership of the Soviet communist party itself.
Lazar Kaganovitch, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine (aka butcher of Ukraine) was considered to become a successor to Stalin. This criminal lived to the old demented age in Moscow, in comforts. "Kaganovich died on July 25, 1991, at the age of 97... He is buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow."
Rozalia Zalkind (aka Zemlyachka) the murderess who organized, together with Bela Kun (Cohn) the massacre of 50,000 Russian officers in Crimea, had a very comfortable life to the end of her days. https://historycollection.com/historys-deadliest-woman-and-other-lesser-known-killers/
"Zemlyachka died on 21 January, 1947 in Moscow. Her ashes were buried at the Kremlin Wall Necropolis."
There was also Isay Berg, a secret police officer, who designed the first ever gas van (the real gas chamber) and personally used this instrument of murder on political prisoners.
The source you are citing is similar to yellow press trash tabloids.
No serious sources, no historical documents.
Please do not embarass yourself.
born Yenokh Gershevich Iyeguda
Add to this name the names of Sassoons (opium traders and poisoners of China, who arranged British army to run two Opium Wars to protect the Sassoons’ wealth and keep their status of the “Rothschilds of the East”); Trotsky (Bronstein), the protege and ‘kept revolutionary’ by Jacob Schiff, a Jewish American banker who also provided financial help to Japanese during Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905 to weaken Russia. Jews were also in charge of the murder of the Russian tsar family (including children), see Yakov Sverdlov and Phillip Goloshyokin (born Itsikovich).
Natali Frankel was in charge of the organizing the GULAG (a network of concentration camps in USSR); Naftali Frankel also imposed a scheme of starving to death the sick and physically weak prisoners. The mass murder of the Russian officer corps was arranged by Rosalia Zalkind in collaboration with another Jew, Bela Kun (born Kohn). The first Soviet government was 85% Jewish. The government was formed after the victorious Jewish Bolshevik revolution financed by Jewish bankers (with the participation of German government).
The Russian tragedy in the beginning of the 20th century was a handiwork of Jewish financiers. The genocidal Talmudic spirit lives on in the ongoing holocaust of Palestinians, complete with sadistic tortures, mutilations, mass slaughter of the innocent civilians (children are targeted in particular), the vicious destruction of others peoples’ traditions, and the institutionalized theft and looting. Supremacist education produces genociders.
They did not teach you about jewish bolshevik revolution in your yeshivas?
They celebrate their genocides. Hanukah and Purim are genocide holidays celebrating the deaths of innocent Gentile civilians.
Remember the Nazi who got hung and said remember purimfest?
My favorite war crime was when the American soldiers executed the SS officers in a holding pen because they were so disgusted with what they had been doing to their prisoners including Jews Gypsies Slavs Jehovah's witnesses and whoever else they crossed. General Ike gathered the local populace to March them through, instead of taking pride in their malicious malevolent hateful actions towards their neighbors they cried like bitches, like Jesus when he was getting crucified, oh God why have you forsaken me he said lamenting lacking faith.
How incongruous and odd the worship of the crucifixes
The number of deaths attributable to Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953, vary widely, ranging from several million to over 20 million. The exact number is difficult to determine due to the secretive and repressive nature of the Soviet regime, as well as the passage of time and the destruction of historical records.
A significant number of Jews were involved in Stalin's regime, particularly in the early years of the Soviet Union. This was partly due to the fact that many Jewish intellectuals and activists were attracted to the ideals of the Bolshevik Revolution and saw the Soviet Union as a haven for progressive and left-wing ideas.
During the 1920s and 1930s, Jews held key positions in the Soviet government, the Communist Party, and the secret police. Some prominent Jewish figures in Stalin's regime include:
Genrikh Yagoda: As mentioned earlier, Yagoda was a Soviet secret police official who oversaw the Great Purge as the head of the NKVD from 1934 to 1936.
Lev Kamenev: A key figure in the Bolshevik Revolution, Kamenev served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party from 1922 to 1924 and was a close ally of Stalin.
Grigory Zinoviev: Another prominent Bolshevik leader, Zinoviev served as the head of the Comintern (the international organization of the world's communist parties) and was a key figure in the Soviet government during the 1920s.
Solomon Lozovsky: A Jewish Bolshevik leader, Lozovsky was the head of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and played a significant role in the Soviet economy and labor policies.
All you have to look at is the Jew genocide of Palestinians. Some of which are Christian. Sniping women and children. They are just following their stupid book and volcano demon.
20 million? Sure, but of course there is no source and archive documents say completely otherwise.
You're getting the info from yellow press tabloids?
Not just Yagoda: jews ran all of the gulags and together they killed over 60 million innocent White Russian Christians.
Yagoda was born in Rybinsk into a Jewish family. The son of a jeweller
Yawn, boring nazi crap
lol. Shut up Jew. Deny the facts and swing that chicken.
A rekoning is coming Moische.
The Overton Window has moved this month. Pogroms are on the menu.
Deepstate operative trying to muddy the waters at a crucial time. First poster, conveniently. Ironically, good chance he is jewish.
lol. Nice try flipping the script Jew. Name the Jew and watch them cry ‘I’ve been found out’.
You mean the ZioNazi history? What is her name, Nuland-Kagan? How come that the Kagans had been collaborating with the Ukrainian Nazi Party in Kiev in 2014, to initiate a civil war against Donbas and give the world WWIII? Ihor Kolomojsky, the President of the Jewish community of Ukraine, personally founded and financed four (4) Nazi battalion, including the Israeli-adored Azov Battalion, to protect his properties in Donbas. The "penist" Zelensky and his "ethnic" retinue celebrate Stepan Bandera as a Hero of Ukraine. This is indeed your zioNazi crap on the Slavic lands.
The Overton Window has shifted this month. Good News, open discussion of pogroms is happening. Expel Jews, reclaim trillons of stolen assets from Fed Reserve, Blackrock, Mainstram media, Hollywood, and Nasdaq and S&P 500 - all given back to Americans from stock here since WW2.
Garbage comment.
Oy vey shut it down. Mask off Jew. Go back to your tunnel.
Serve Biden?
"Handle" Biden.
Every federal politician and important state politicians, have a Jewish "handler"
Kamala is married to hers.
Obama had/has Rahm Emmanuel.
Know what's going on.
Yes. That is aipac - every politician is a shabbos goy Jew stooge. That is why jfk wanted to identify aipac as a foreign entity (which it is). For that and trying to stop the Jew nuclear program (material stolen from USA) he was assassinated.
Biden should resign or be retired under the 25 the Amendment.
This crop of disloyal cabinet officers have denied their oaths to the constitution as the suppress their duty prescribed in the 25 Amendment.
This is the only topic to be debated in the coming election!
Obama & Susan Rice will give the High Sign--and then Joe will resign
No, Joe is going out feet first...and could already be dead...
The Manifold prediction market currently has Biden being removed by section 4 of the 25th amendment at 7~9%
Yep. Outside observer, thousands of miles away from the USA: it looks ludicrous you can't protect yourselves against this travesty. Ludicrous.
my vote would be a war crimes tribunal, such a scum he is. But I'll take him dropping dead I suppose. Subbing in Kamala unlikely to make a substantial change, considering the same sponsors who picked him picked her too
War crimes are the U.S.!
How about no Jew in the US govt ?
No zionists.
The PTB, the Leviathan, are doing to Joe what Brezhnev did to Nikita in 1964: sign here.
The public has not seen Joe since Wed on the tarmac
Nikita dwelled under house arrest after his defenestration @ the hands of Brezhnev et al, given to crying jags from time to time.
This is the defenestration of Joe--but without the window
“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. “ Sir Walter Scott.
I don't even care about WW3, I just don't want to have to go through the upcoming hellish 4 years with Kamala talking to the nation about it all like we're a kindergarten classroom. She gives me the heebeejeebees.
"So Ukraine is a *little* country in Europe? It exists next to a big country called Russia? Russia is a bigger country? Russia is a powerful country? Russia decided to invade the smaller country called Ukraine? So basically that's wrong?"
Is that a first graders take on the conflict in Ukraine?
I think he may be doing a Kamala impression, actually.
Yes, it's a quote from whatshername in question form.
Bro, let us be unencumbered by what has been. [arm gesture]
Do yourself a BIG favor and stop watching the mockingbird media. Unless, that is, you are irrevocably committed to remaining clueless.
Who 'wants peace'?
“2019 RAND Paper . . .
As far back as 2019, US Army-commissioned studies examined different means to provoke and antagonize Russia who they acknowledged sought to avoid conflict. “
What they never understand is that when Russia wants to avoid conflict it means Russia doesn't want to drop whatever it's busy with to steamroll poor clueless fucks.
Chill with the RT propaganda big guy.
Wish I could, do you know how hot it is in Moscow right now?
You mean like bombing the poor clueless fucks in Iraq, Libya. Afghanistan etc?
Dropping thermal balloons on essential agricultural crops and forestry in Syria?
Introducing Caesar sanction
Stealing Syrian oil depriving Syrian people of fuel, electricity, health care, water. Unprecedented coercive measures designed to starve Syrian people
. Increasing {illegal} military footprint in Syria ?
Really sophisticated worldview you have there.
I've taught quite a few 1st graders who were smarter than Kamala will ever be...Kamala can't talk down to them, it's the other way around...
New law: One cannot hold any elected office unless both sides of your family have been in the USA since 1900.
This literally means only black and native Americans could run for office.
George that is literally woke.
You are dumber than the potato.
So does Zion Don.
The nytimes Editorial Board wants Kamala off the 2024 ticket because of "profound concerns" about her electability: "There are other qualified Democrats who could take on Mr. Trump and win."
Once the nytimes Editorial Board gets a drumbeat like this going, they don't let up: "There is still time to put leading candidates through a process of public scrutiny before the party's nominating convention beings on Aug. 19, to inform the choice of a nominee and to build public support."
The nytimes Editorial Board is whitesplaining to the POC candidate that it's not her time
No tell me it is not so they killed her too....?
Fuck the New York Times.
Factions at war within the Democratic Party…
They could take someone from the VP list. So they pick one who polls worse than Harris? I know they thought the world was theirs 20- 30 years ago. The world has changed and the powers that be are still in an echo chamber.
They might prefer death to defeat.
But she's doing the in today's polls
Well since july 22, now july 26 it seems they have seen the light, the bummer man has proclaimed and the Harris IS the ticket. Because imagine what unburdened from the past, etc etc we could be right?
There was a picture yesterday in Ru-internet with Swan Lake ballet on TV and a CNN logo was plastered in the corner. Brilliant, hilarious and on point.
For those not in the know, it was scheduled for Soviet TV on August 19th, 1991, but ended up being broadcast for three days non-stop. You turn your TV on and there's only it. The whole country realized that a coup was underway.
as i've said before & elsewhere :
Nobody, but Nobody, Trolls Like The Russians. -alfred venison
Could be worse, in case you have to be stuck on 1 programme. Swan Lake is a beautiful ballet.
True, true.
“The whole country knew. . .” That’s the question: are we as dumb as they think we are.
JOE is alive. I imagine once Kamala bombs in polls by September they will 25th Amendment Joe and swear her in as a last ditch FREE MEDIA ploy to make her look electable. Actually, it's their best play. Does anyone understand this besides myself?
No, you are the only person smart enough to understand this. Allahu Akbar
Who is Allahu Akbar?
Exactly - Praise the Lord and let us count our chickens
So many mixed metaphors, so little time.
What makes you think it is a person?
What makes you think I was implying "it is a person"?
Some strange words has been mentioned, that hasn't been asked by no one.
What makes you think this is the right place for selling strange ideas ?
If you have been imprisoned by this words why should you introduce it for those,
who has no meaning or knowledge or interest in it?
If it is part of your wisdom then wait for those who are interested.
God is Great, a praise to Allah used in praying and by Takfiris and jihadis before death.
No, Kamala the EDI token gets placed as POTUS for two months, sets a record, leaves and then the EDI boulder is out of the road for 28.
Is she even eligible to be POTUS?
She did date montel Williams and sucked a mean mayoral cock in San Francisco while imprisoning pot smokers and laughing when asked if she ever smoked pot and she's a brown woman, seems legit
They can shout down any demand for ID. On that capability we have proof.
Americans must get fired up over the continuing cover up by the Deep State Secret Police and the Democratic (sic) party hacks/enablers.
It's too complicated for short attention span, normalcy bias-addled "normal Americans" to get fired up about. In fact, they will do everything they can not to think about it at all.
Not at all, one hour explains it.
You don't know much about normal Americans if you think they are going to sit through a one hour video "explaining" a political or ideological issue.
Speak for yourself, Grampa. You despise the American working class. Move to Australia or wherever you people run to.
You don't have to hate people who happen to not be an intellectual powerhouse.
Isn't it time for bed, misanthrope?
You're awfully confused, aren't you?
@Quick then take Webb's written article instead about what Vance represents (not good): he has connections w/Vivek Ramaswamy (Big Pharma gofer) and Peter Thiel of PayPal, Bilderberg and Palantir (which provides surveillance tech for intelligence agencies and the Pentagon). Vance’s company Narya Capital is an investor in Amplify Bio, Amplify Bio is in partnership RNAV8 Bio that creates more mRna vaccines. all having to do with medi-care (did Vance in senate disclose this when voting on anything to do with medi-care especially funding?) - https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210921005111/en/Chapter-Announces-17-Million-Series-A-Round-led-by-Narya-Capital-and-Peter-Thiel-with-participation-from-existing-investors-Maverick-Ventures-Susa-Ventures-and-XYZ-Venture-Capital
this needs to be exposed far and wide.
It's been said that the average American IQ has dropped by one standard deviation due to immigration. I had some doubts, but I can see that it may well be true.
did you read the article? it's a good one ;-))
Better than immigration is the well known direct connection between lead in water supply to at least 2,500 US cities and deficient childhood brain development.
Well worth a browse..
Job done.
They say God works in mysterious ways. You have to wonder if Trump turning his head set off a chain of events like Bilbo being the one who found the ring in Gollum's cave... that ultimately led to the destruction of the ring and the dark lord. One can hope, but it's important to be rational.
It burdens us
Or in Kamala-speak: "What can be, unburdened by what has been"
I wonder if she had a speech writer for that quote.
Obviously, and she thinks it's sooo clever. There's a video compilation of her saying it on multiple occasions, with all the arm gestures they taught her. You can see on her face how she believes she's imparting great wisdom to the rabble.
If she had any self awareness at all she would die of cringe.
Kamala is unburdened by intelligence and knowledge.
Mordor on the Potomac…
Who comes after Kamala?
The order of succession specifies that the office passes to the vice president; if the vice presidency is simultaneously vacant, the powers and duties of the presidency pass to the speaker of the House of Representatives, president pro tempore of the Senate, and then Cabinet secretaries, depending on eligibility.
She's dead too
Your information is outdated, she's undead already.
That was last night she's since opted for the full death package - I was referencing Kamala (and Jill) but have been reminded they are one and the same manifestation
Just you wait for AOC.
I've heard of this manifestation - she said she's a bio weapon implanted by the .....skulluggery Russians to interfere with the due process of the other manifestation aforesaid, but there's a use by date apparently upon which she explodes but only while full sail in Congress (don't ask me that's locked in to the forscan codings)
Also for those of you still naive enough to hope that things will get better, there's this... watch the whole thing, but only if you're ready to give up hope.
🙄 ah the black pillers
It's actually pink with a little hello kitty on it, the effect is the same.
Where is Samson when you need him?
distracted by Delilah
Holy cow! What a trip down the rabbit hole!!! Webb is one smart cookie. An absolute encyclopedia of the deep state intelligence apparatus... Chip
She is impressive.
So I am left wondering after the roller coaster, is it Trump for the Deep State win or is it Kamala and Cum-panties? Don't hate me the jokes write themselves...
Zients appears to have been purchased, as previously he was part of the cabal stiff-arming Harris.
Kamal's mantra is a clue to how she will exercise the office--similarly to her startling authoritarian bent in CA. I'll remain surprised if the US has elections.
Or martial law /postpone elections as a result of an August/September false flag affecting US interests that only a seasoned former Foreign secretary can lead the response to 😣🤔🤔🤔 yup it's her. What part of a very long and prosperous run of the Deep State do you think they want to give up? The next 3-4 months they will pull out every stop to preserve their declining power.
Society as we know it will end if that evil creature is at the helm
It already has ended for the "working class" boomer generation.
Find the nearest petard & hoist yourself upon it
[said Nancy Antoinette to Joe]
Petard hoisting is a Biden family past time.
Could be a competitive Olympic event--?
Paris 2024 in 4 days
Why does Hunter Biden automatically come to my mind?!
A petard is an explosive breaching device…being “hoisted” means getting blown into the air…a classic case of misfire.
The main reason the Big Man is so committed to the Ukrainian cause, is that he and his family have been so deeply enmeshed into various illicit moneymaking schemes there, of which Burisma is just the tip of the iceberg. Zelensky and other Ukie players must have drawers full of kompromat on the Biden family, and no doubt threaten to drag them down with them as they sink. Biden has no choice but to continue propping up the Ukie regime.
See also: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/mainstream-media-already-turning-bidens-dark-legacy-ukraine
The whole Ukranian impeachment of Trump made zero sense until it was contextualized by the war’s development. Every article had the requisite caveat “nobody suspects The Bidens of any wrongdoing”.
The point of the impeachment was to get all the evidence of Democrat (Bidens et al) embezzlement attached to Trumps name in the media.
Straight out of the Lefftist playbook..
They follow Alinsky's Rules For Radicals to the letter.
Ukie Jews and Neocon Jews control Biden. Head of Staff Jeff Zientz plays the role of Wormtongue to Biden/Theoden.
And here comes immigrant Muslim Kamala and her Wormtongue Jewish Mafia husband, Doug Emhoff.
Wake me when it os time for Pogroms.
Paywalled. Here's an archived link: https://archive.ph/5ofXq
scKamala Kamaltoe Harris put me in jail when i ran for mayor of san francisco killafornia 2007 against Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom, who later promoted injextions falsely called vaxxxxies into kiddies, and others, many of whom died or were injured.
She scKamala shut down my taxi business , Grasshopper Taxi cab, gone forevermore, and placed me into jail, into solitary,. i was told under orders from Michael Hennesy, sheriff, because i ran for mayor, that they put me into solitary.
i served 6 months, because they wanted to give me three years probation but i chose more jail time instead.
I was kicked off my own counsel and forced to accept the sketchy legal repressssentation of Zadik Shapiro, who told me later how he was able to buy a house in Pittsburgh, how much they spent to terrrorize and torture my ass....
Carol Yaggy kicked me off my own counsel for saying "oh my God."
They charged me with a misdemeanor count of terrorism, but no intent was ever discussed.
They refused to take the video out of my taxi camera the law required me to have. I couldn't access it.
They said i'd crashed into the center divider when i drove her at 80 mph, but that was in 5 o clock rush hour traffic the days when better living thru chemistry Barry Bonds was breaking home run records.
it was barely possible to do 8 mph.
They never once questioned any of the lies of her narrative, but kicked me off the counsel of my own defense without ever having an opening statement.
Grasshopper was denied any appeal.
Regards from SF killafor nia
i miss Russia, Russian, and having any meaningful relation with anyone except the cats and dogs i encounter. One came over to me today, i was so happy to know an animal can love me, even if people think i am just a dammmed crazy Russkie, or whatever they misconceive.
Funny that Biden was couped, no one knows, hardly, and i guess they had to assassinate someone , after Fico, they keep trying till they succeed, maybe elenskies will get the covid, too, sic....
just saying...
I'd say you at this rate should be thankful you're still alive
I am thankful . Gratitude is all I have, and the cats that hang around. Thank God for koshkas
You think she was crazy then she's much crazier now and under a much bigger gun with a much happier trigger
You should not present yourself as anywhere near possible collateral damage
We all are damaged now, no?
Same they did to me, they did to you too, 2020
Who's 'you too 2020' ?
I'm backwoods central Africa - they tried to sick their Covid on us, didn't take, too tough, or perhaps the malaria mosquitoes ate their breakfast
I stand corrected. Rock on
Yes, the Ronron of cats is very much a comfort. Remember they step between the worlds and dimension seamlessly.. :)
“I miss Russian.” When trying to explain how important, how emotionally central is language I mention the story of the White Russian expat marooned in Paris after the civil war who sickened and died of despair over the loss of his language in exile.
Not only that, but Russian language's intricacies and ability to convey complex emotions or opinions are often lost with other languages, it's like switching your diet to fast food or something even more bland, except for the internal space of thoughts and feelings. It may truly be disastrous for a person.
Vladimir Nabokov, a White Russian, suffered in exile a sick longing for Russia the final 60 years of his life
About the intricacies of Russian, the language: the poet Robert Frost said that the only thing missing from a translation of Pushkin is Pushkin
A friend in Crimea called Pushkin "our literary Genghis."
For the Russian missing Russia... with love from America :) These guys rock.. very, um subversive? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f45FZOGHS3c
Sounds like the kranberries paRusskie
Remember how "someone" got into Space Trek's Seven of Nine sealed divorce paper from the Republican lawyer running as a Republican against Obama that were so embarrassing sexually that the Republican dropped out and Obama won unopposed. He's got to be thankful to California for that. And what about Michael Jackson and all the lawfare and suicides in Hollywood? And who is she married to? A Jewish Hollywood "second gentleman" (rather than first lady) in the USA. You got to be a Hollywood exec to promote yourself like that on Google.