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Mar 3, 2024
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Maidan 3 will be done by the well known Putin supporters: Poroshenko, Budanov, Zaluhzne and others.

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Mar 5, 2024Edited
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I decided a month or so ago that the Bandera Capo Zelenski and Sirski are either really incompetent or foreign agents. Zaluhzne is not much better, but I know what side he is on.

When I call Z a capo I mean it as the Yiddish insult, pronounced kā•pō.

The green is Zelenski's wardrobe for this this docudrama. It's disgusting.

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Mar 8
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In Yiddish, a capo is a jew the NAZIs placed over the other Jews for the slave labor in the concentration camps. A very serious insult.

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2 March 2024 KK Ll Au and the propaganda machine: to NATO or not NATO

What a difference a day makes

Tuesday KK


“Estonia is not discussing sending ground forces to Ukraine, Prime Minister Kaja Kallas (Reform) said on Tuesday, after French President Emmanuel Macron suggested this scenario could not be ruled out “

Wednesday KK


“We shouldn’t be afraid of our own power. Russia is saying this or that step is escalation, but defense is not escalation,” the Prime Minister of Estonia Kaja Kallas told Sky on Wednesday. “I’m saying we should have all options on the table. What more can we do in order to really help Ukraine win?”

Thursday Lloyd Austin to US House Armed Services Committee

“If you are a Baltic state, you are really worried about whether you are next… And, frankly, if Ukraine falls, I really believe that NATO will be in a fight with Russia”

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Austin is all for putting NATO troops on the ground in Ukraine because Russia would not dare to attack them. On the other hand if we don't support Ukraine Russia will attack NATO countries. Did anyone in Congress ask him to clarify that, of course not.

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What risible drivel and arrogance by the declining West assuming if they put their soldiers in Western Ukraine that the Russians will be intimidated and back down. Any NATO troops sent there is a provocation and they will be hit hard as they should be with the West escalating this conflict since the coup in 2014

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It is so very unfair to assume those of the West believes what they are saying. For lying "is mother's milk to them."

(tip of the hat to Alan Jay Lerner's My Fair Lady reference to "gin" )

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Yes, it's risible and along with arrogance it's incredibly stupid. The Russians will wipe them out, and then what? The cupboards are bare, the budgets blown out, the "credit card" maxed out, and the BRICS+ ready the exit from the west's ponzi. Yep, send in the DEI crowd and see how it works out.

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Well, that's one way to put an end to DEI.

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"and then what?"

no nato. that is RU's mission in this world chess game.

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I mean, if we could sacrifice the DEI crowd in the meat grinder, then western nations might begin to get back on the right track.

Unfortunately, we all know those people will line up for the gas chamber before they'd volunteer for the front lines.

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Everybody, every single observer knew NATO had operators, including mercenaries just out of their warm uniforms, seeded throughout the Ukraine.

If Ukraine "cannot be lost" then the West should never have started this war in the first place. How many millions of Ukrainians need to suffer and die for Pronouns and Greed?

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True, and no one in congress or the MSM seemed to think that was odd, which I found very odd.

All wars are bankers wars is the short answer. Look at how so many wars end, they don't end until the ability to make a profit is gone.

The only way out of this that I see is to insist that ALL those who call for war be on the front lines, and that no war can be started that requires debt.

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It is self contradictory, but doublethink is all the rage these days.

The whole point of the war is to keep NATO out of Ukraine. That is what they are doing and will continue to do. And the heads of state of most NATO countries have made it clear they will not send troops for a war with Russia. Heads of state seldom make such definitive statements.

Population : Russia 155 million

NATO 965 million

I guess the idea is that Putin has an insane plan to attack NATO. How do you know he has this plan? Because he's insane. How do you know he's insane? Because he has this plan.

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Yes, exactly.

And what does the world leadership's ongoing denial of logic do to the listener, a listener who realizes they are being lied to?

It deadens them, makes them feel helpless, vulnerable, uncertain as to what is coming next. And THAT is the hidden purpose behind these lies.

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That is a purpose. But many millions of people believe those lies. Strange as it may seem to us.

Reports from the Deutschland of 1944 tell us it was generally believed that Germany would win the war. That's just how people are. The High Command knew better and tried to assassinate H. No dice.

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I think being lied to has a numbing effect and over time on some, it makes them believe what they are hearing must be true.

You see that with people in abusive relationships, they are afraid not to believe, so they believe.

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Most people choose trusted sources and believe whatever they say. A cult will take it a step further and demand that their followers shut their ears to other narratives. A totalitarian state takes it further by severely punishing all other voices. It works.

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The difference between this gaslighting and an abusive relationship is that the abuser is often the authority figure in that relationship, and the person being abused has some sort of fear or respect for them.

No one is afraid of Joe Biden or the rest of these mediocre pussies who dominate the top ranks of federal elected officials and bureaucrats in D.C.

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Yes, witness the Frog Foreign Minister saying, a propos of Mini-Mac’s recent drivel, the government doesn’t (!) seek to increase the anxiety of its citizens!! Right.

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Hah! Who do you believe, ME or your lyin' eyes...

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These are the same guys who helped the US stop that threat to international stability. Nordstream I & II. Hey wait a minute who's side are these guys on?

"What more can we do in order to really help Ukraine win?” Stop all efforts put forth under that title. And no, historically the country with the most efficient crematoriums, is not the winner.

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NATO 965 million

965 million what? citizens? soldiers? stray cats? what? a meaningless number.

BTW your entire argument is bogus

try again.

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The commentators will crow about how well the Ukrainians have degraded the Russian military, and then segue right into the next segment talking about the danger of Russia invading eastern Europe.

So which is it, oh brilliant neoliberal and neoconservative warhawks of the west?

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"because Russia would not dare to attack them"

how does one come to this conclusion?

RU has been knocking out one brothel a month full of american, french and polish nato troops.

Whenever the news states tha tLviv (on the polish border) has been hit, it means contingents of nato troops have been vaporized.

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Yes, it makes absolutely no sense. And congress sits there listening to this lunacy and nodding their empty heads. They all know the war is lost, they all know Russia is winning, they all know the money that has been thrown at this might as well have gone down a well for all the good it did. Yet they nod away, the unnecessary deaths in Ukraine, the horrific deaths in Gaza all that blood is on their hands.

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“…but defense is not escalation,” Oh!! Kallas perfectly validates Putin’s launch of the SMO. Small state, small mind…

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But -----Big Ambitions - she'll sacrifice her country to get to be EU Commissioner or NATO whatever it's called

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Vaulting ambition, to quote the Bard!

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A baguette too far

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a blaguette too far?

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You kill...

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Why can’t the French and Germans ever learn not to mess with Russia? If the Grand Armee and V2 rockets failed, why do they think that a few legionnaires and Taurus missiles will help this time?

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Because they learned to do as they are told.

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...or else.

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They won't protect Europe anymore.

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no they do not think they can win but they are obliged to pretend to say that they can - because, believe it or not, they are more afraid of the US spiking their beer or arranging for an accident or uncovering a shady transaction

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Beside which they don't want to be snubbed by their WEF buddies.

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The CIA has a backup plan. If they get kicked out of Europe, then are now well entrenched in mainland USA.

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the US?


give the rest of the world a break

they can do their jason bourne movies locally.

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The FBI will be very upset if the CIA starts conducting false flags that are the responsibility of the FBI.

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the RU-DE-FR and UK history is long and sordid.

ww1 three cousins, one of which was german (and certifiably crazy) one of which was british and one of which was russian spawn of q. Victoria royal family (german by the way) went to war with each other. this war is still going on.

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The US started this game let them finish it!

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Thank you for the update; are all the intelligence leaks, and the press coverage, a way to prepare for escalation? Simple infighting and fracturing among allies? Or a way to pave a political path for negotiated ending?

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Could it be they are hoping Russia will lose its temper and attack every damned one of them? Surely a third world war would be justification to put off all of those horrid upcoming elections? To them WW3 could be the upside they see in all of this.

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i'm assuming you mean the clown show elections in the US.

why are you assuming that the US will be home free?

there will be no elections if ww3 starts because the US will cease to exist. period.

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I'm not assuming the US will be home free. I am assuming these clowns feel THEY will be ok what with their bunkers and all, and THAT is all they care about.

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The current conflicting statements from various political leaders in EU countries and the EU Council and Commission

Including extremist and rabid nuke the whales type statements from the BalNord puppets

Coupled with diverging and slow track schemes to re arm

Well broadcast economic and budgetary problems

Obvious signs of dissension among some of the military hierarchies involved (usually involving reports written retired supreme commanders or generals)

More frequent evidence of military unprepared ness, lack of personnel, armour, and basic competence (particularly Brit but also German) not only in Ukraine but as per naval demonstrations in Red Sea defeats by Ansar Allah, and the current NATO exercises

With increasing de escalation evident in US Congress and populace

None of which co ordinated in any way but haphazard and demeaning – and this from the part of the globe which has always cherished a sophisticated and polished control of the ‘narrative’ as being victory itself

All this is merely a clear indication of the increasing escalation of chaotic confusion to come

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Rats abandoning the sinking ship.

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It's hard to say. The elites appear to be in a bit of disarray. On one hand, they want to avoid nuclear war because their vacation villas will be unlivable.

On the other hand, they will lose a lot of face if/when Russia keeps on marching deeper into Ukraine.

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The fact Der Speigel authenticated it tells me it was the Germans who leaked it

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I agree, I think it was a structure in the German political establishment working with contacts they still have on the Russian side who leaked the conversation, furthermore I believe the entire discussion was staged aka they knew it was for external distribution. This I think was done to de-escalate or at the very least, absolve Germany of any near future attempts by the British and Washington from using Germany as a ram against Russia. I think there must be some forward thinking politicians who aren't very happy with the way NATO/Washington has hoodwinked Germany into this whole mess, so they may be trying to dismiss themselves from political responsibility and any future fallout.

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This war is going too long. Vladimir Putin needs to do do a good old fashioned blitzkreig.

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I understand Russia's 'grind them down' approach, but they have to understand that as long as a country called "Ukraine" exists as a political entity with territory, there will be problems. They have to destroy "Ukraine" and do it ASAP.

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The Russians will do that, but slowly, not ASAP, as there is no reason to blitzkrieg at this point. Drawing out the war grinds Ukraine to dust and severely weakens NATO's stature on the world stage as they must stand to the side helplessly, humiliatingly, while their project fails miserably or take action which will destroy them.

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“…there is no reason to blitzkrieg at this point.”

I respectfully disagree. Every day that Ukraine survives past this moment is a day that invites what Victoria Nuland called a “nasty surprise” for Russia. As the disintegration of Ukraine accelerates and the desperation of an incompetent and impotent NATO reaches a flashpoint, the likelihood of some Hail Mary attack by Ukraine increases. We cannot underestimate what The West may be willing to do to avoid the utter shame of losing a war to Russia. If NATO can’t win the conventional war (or the economic war or even the propaganda war), it is very plausible they will turn to other available means. Let’s face it, the existence of NATO, the EU, and United States “Union” itself is at jeopardy. If this war is not ended very soon, I think we can count on The West trying something stupid.

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You're absolutely correct, Jack. I've been saying the same thing for many months now. See below the usual retarded responses from the usual retarded suspects.

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Mar 2, 2024
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No, I'm. not RSH. Sorry.

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Displaying fear of a 'nasty surprise' seems unlikely to be in Russia's favor. As they grind on Ukraine, they're also grinding down NATO in a variety of ways.

Russia taking Ukraine this week and the war ending would give NATO the relief it desperately needs to avoid collapse of credibility and cohesion. As an American, I too have the urge to see them blitz through the torture-murderers and exact justice. It's hard to be patient, even as their deliberately slow pace is producing obvious results in their NATO enemy.

It might help to pay more attention to the cracks forming in and between the NATO puppet countries as the consequences of their actions become clearer even to them.

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well said.

RU has said, this will go into 2025.

where will EU and US economies be then?

e.g avg outstanding credit card bill for each american = 6500+ $$

does not include buy now and pay later plans.

CRE is cratering. A canadian pension fund just sold its stake in a NYC property for $1

this is a war on many fronts. CN and IR included. tectonic names like rothschild and walton, koch, rockefeller come up. all western creations where will they sit at the multipolar table?

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What is more, delay only allows for fortifications to be built and men wounded in killed assaulting more Ukrainian fortifications. Get on them like a dog on a bone, move fast, gain ground, and do not let them entrench. Basic war-fighting 101.

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Every time Russia has mobilized and concentrated forces for a breakout attack, NATO's ISR assets know about it in real time and then columns of vehicles start getting wrecked by missile and conventional massed artillery.

It plays directly into the only thing the Ukrainians do well: execute a NATO defense against a Russian mechanized attack.

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As time passes NATO and Ukraine become weaker. NATO is clearly showing signs of deep fraction. There is little chance of a Hail Mary attack by Ukraine as she is becoming too weak and internally fractious herself. If the West tries something stupid, they will be destroyed as they too are weak and arguing among themselves. If anyone tries anything , they will of necessity do so in the knowledge that they are acting outside the bounds of the alliance and therefore are subject to Russian retaliation.

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how would you blitzkrieg a 1000km front?

v.nuland is on life support.

money, weapons, will, troops are waning.

the US economy is failing.

the US society is failing.

the military is failing.

v.nuland does not walk on water.

she passes water just like the rest of us. :)

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I would say that U.S. society will be healthier if the people can say no to our "elites" demanding we have to keep supporting bloodshed in Ukraine.

Now if only our legions of purple-haired activists would go volunteer to fight on the frontlines for Ukraine.

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the war is about hegemony vs multi-polar world, Ukraine is just one of the flashpoints. it will not be "ended" until one approach wins. it is incredibly stupid to take unnecessary losses to 'end' conflict that is not end able until transitions are worked through, because right away next one would start (blockade of Baltic Sea, Kaliningrad, action in Moldova, etc) . Let dying world order go for its Heil Mary as it would anyway, bid for time, which is working for you, use the time - this is exactly from Global Majority is doing right now as it is getting stronger and stronger and stronger each week and each month.

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Victor, that's yesterday's news. Go make a pot of coffee and wake up.

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Russia is watching the U.S. Debt Disease.

When WWII started the U.S. had a 45% Debt to GDP ratio in an Industrial Economy producing taxable income.

Today the U.S. economy is Banking/Financialization/Mirage.

If the West could print arms the way they print money, debt and bs, Russia would have no hope.

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well said

this is not often brought out.

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Chucky aren't you bored with this tired, old canard of yours?

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Obviously not, dipshit.

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One-hit Wonder.

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war is not a video game

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And you are not a bright bulb.

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The evil little doll has no argument against facts, only insults. We all know how it ends for Chucky.

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You've presented no "facts," dim bulb. But I have. So go inhale more of your own gas.

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Why, I'm surprised you're not already on the General Staff.

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Why, I'm surprised you're not already dead from AIDS.

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Lost your skills with the knife I see, probably too much time masturbating to pictures of Victoria Nuland. Everyone heard you shouting from your closet: "Everyone, feel the power of Chucky's doll size micropenis! Watch me dribble!"

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Don't project your Vicky fantasies onto me, nutjob. It's ok - we all know about your fatty fetish.

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Like I said Chucky, you scream so loud, but your fingers are so tiny - to grasp that tool firmly in your tweezers. No mystery left, so no more movies for you.

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The BIG question is: Does Vlad even have your email address let alone phone number ? How is he to receive your military wisdom, if he has neither ?

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The BIG question is: How did you manage to fail an IQ test when it's not pass-fail?

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you don't understand the "grind them down approach."

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You don't understand that it's time to finish them off.

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I don't think so. Not because of Russia's needs but because of China's. As long as Nato/US is embroiled in Ukraine and in Isreal it becomes increasingly difficult morally and logistically to fortify Taiwan. Ideally, from the enemy perspective, the US should be simultaneously embroiled in as many battlefields as possible.

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Finish them off so they can't cook up any "surprises." The more time they give them, the more time they have to do something stupid, like bomb the nuclear power plant or Kerch Bridge.

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I understand your statement that finishing off Ukraine may stem irregular military attacks. However, on the face of it, trading a bridge or nuclear plant on the Russian borderlands in exchange for crippling the US-NATOs ability to operate in the entire Pacific Theater is well worth it. Especially if such attacks continue to degrade the legitimacy of US-NATO in the eyes of their middle managers, as we saw with the German Taurus missile leaks.

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The longer the war the better for Russia. Not to mention a blitzkrieg would fail. The only way Russia loses is by doing something dumb like that, which is why the 6th columnists push so hard.

Don't worry, though, Russia will keep doing what they are doing.

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Exactly. For the impatient in their armchairs no amou t of escalation would be enough. Plausibly, the tally of AFU casualties has at least doubled in the last couple of months, but they cry out More, More.

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Also the longer this ww3 sabre rattling the better my little bitcoin stash.

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And what happened to the blitzkrieg Colin. They are pursuing a winning strategy not the strategy of Nazi losers.

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From the Russians' point of view, it seems to me, the longer it goes on the better in some ways. As I pointed out in my previous comment, the idea of NATO egging Kiev on to fight Russia was always militarily ludicrous. But politically, it is messier. The longer the fighting continues the greater the war-weariness, poverty, and anger will grow among Ukrainians. And the longer Western citizens have to wake up to the treachery and folly of their political leaders. It is often pointed out that Mr Putin is good at judo. In Ukraine the West set out to use the Ukrainians as a lever to topple Russia; but the Russians have grabbed the initiative and are now using it as a lever to topple NATO and many of its member governments.

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Excellent point, the (NATO) hunter has become the hunted.

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I'd go a bit further and say Russia is using the West's weight to destroy the West. Now that's judo.

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Can be frustrating to watch their slow pace, from an American perspective, but it helps to focus on the obvious success their 'grind' strategy is having on NATO.

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Some people find chess much too slow and boring. But it's not if you know enough about the game to work out possible variations in the intervals between moves.

Not that even top grandmasters always apply ferocious concentration. I remember the famous anecdote about how Mikhail Tal once sank into deep thought for over an hour; afterwards journalists pressed him to reveal what he was thinking about all that time. He replied that he imagined a hippopotamus had got stuck in mud, and what sort of machines and apparatus one could use to extricate it.

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Uhm, chess is much too slow and boring, and the constrained movements of each piece aren't reflective of modern war at all.

The guys in military intel who were good at chess tended to be the same guys who were good at code-breaking when I was in. They were almost all shit analysts though.

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How do you perform a blitzkrieg with so much surveillance. The art of surprise and moving large numbers of troops and equipment is extremely difficult with the saturation of satellites

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The REAL war is happening in the Middle East pitting BRICs against NATO. All of this Ukraine distraction happened when Russia and China secured most of the Middle east oil, including Iraq. All through back room deals with the Saudis and Kurds. Iran was already sold. They now pretty much control the Persian Gulf which means they have vice grips on NATO's nuts. Russia and China are wisely keeping their powder dry for the big oil war. Don't take your eye off the oil and gas. Read oilprice dot com.

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You are right, oilprice.com is a pretty realistic source for information, but remember they do also publish reports from very pro western CIA style sites The Jamestown Foundation and one of those eurasia;nets, both of which are very unreliable on Central Asia in particular

And also Simon Watkins, who has good contacts and info, but is very anti China and anti Russia, the typical the world is lost type of old timer

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Funny you should say that as I was about to recommend Simon Watkins and just tell you to ignore his opinions and rather follow his facts. The nice thing about people with an obvious bias is that you can use them to actually distill the truth out of this ocean of lies we are forced to live in. Just look for the "Statement against interest" and run with it.

An anecdote to illustrate: You come across a car accident. Two t-boned cars in the middle of an intersection. You walk up to one of the drivers and he starts cussing saying "That idiot ran a red and nailed me !!". Is he to be believed ? the answer is a definite maybe. maybe he is telling the truth or maybe he is lying. You walk over to the other guy and he whimpers "I wasn't paying attention. i was reading Simplicius on my cell phone and went sailing through a red light". Is he telling the truth ? The answer is "Absolutely ! Why would a guy confess to causing an accident if he didn't ? It's against his interest to do so."

So everytime Simon admits to something that is against the interests of NATO in general, you can take that to the bank.

He had a particularly interesting article about how Russia weaseled into the Kurds and their oil, which was the whole reason the USA spent a Trillion dollars and murdered a million people. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/The-Oil-Deal-That-Could-Break-Up-Iraq.html

By the way, it didn't break up Iraq... yet at least. Iraq was so impressed with the deal the Kurds got that they signed on for it also. It's now been revealed that Russia now has control over all Iraq's oil or most of it. Read this, if nothing else.... https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Russia-Takes-Control-of-Iraqs-Biggest-Oil-Discovery-for-20-Years.html

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SW does publish some good info, but every third line is China taking over Iran, with Russia, Russia and China taking over Irak or else read my book adverts

I do read him, but regret the old days, he wasn't this rabid only two years ago, and was more than interesting on China Iran

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I buckled and bought his book, only because I often invest in resource stocks. He must be fully immersed in the industry over there for the amount of fine detail he goes into on his coverage of the wheeling and dealing in the world of oil and gas.

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Eh, one major air sorties on the terminals cuts off middle eastern oil for everyone. Saudi Arabia has two major oil terminals, and they're highly combustible. If they went against the U.S., we'd destroy their only useful commodity.

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They are already going against the USA. What would be the consequences of the USA blowing up oil output from the Middle East? You aren't making a ton of sense.

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Russia doesn't want Ukraine. It would be an endless drain. This is why the USA is trying to provoke them into taking more territory.


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Exactly right - the RF will find a way to leave Ukraine reconstruction to the EU, let it join the EU maybe, let in more French troops! - the US will also leave the costs to the EU

Stealing the CBR $300B, if the EU ever dares, will only result in RF adding this on to the reconstruction bill, plus a reparations for damage to Donetsk bill

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100% agree.

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too long for who?

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If you read articles from just a few weeks back, Simplicius explains why the blitzkrieg strategy plays into NATO hands. Basically, concentrating a big arrow push, as they call it, allows Ukraine to get maximum value out of the weapon systems they have. The troop and vehicle concentrations get rained on by HIMARs and Ukraine gets to put their best units in concentrations to do maximum damage against Russian columns.

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Austin needs to be fired for threatening us with a false flag attack to get us into a nuclear war. Either Austin is fired, or we need fallout shelters in every city, duck and cover in our schools, and we don't even have homeless shelters. Perhaps we could economically build underground bunkers for the homeless! Fucking security state threatens us all, all human beings. THEY HAVE BUNKERS; WE DO NOT.

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Mar 2, 2024
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And then give the order himself?🤔😀

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Not tirades only calm steady and well planned reactions to the imbecile angry behaviour of your ruling class will allow for significant resistance

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Madame Le Guillotine also works, when the time is ripe.

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Where would we get a blade that big? We outsourced all the factories to China.

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i had the distinct misfortune this week to see that retarded bastard sit there and grin while telling Matt Gaetz that it was perfectly okay for him (Austin) to lie about being sick and go AWOL but that the 8000+ American soldiers who got fired for refusing the vaxx broke the rules and deserved their punishment. Truly revolting.

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Mar 2, 2024
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Twice as many standards has to be twice as good, right?

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Revolting...yes, but it only helps to reveal the hypocrisy of the appointed - they do not care about anyone, but themselves. The 8000 or so who were kicked out for refusing the poison injection are LUCKY! Now, they no longer have to be part of a failed military and can walk away. Maybe, now these people realize that they are just a vaccine pin cushion for big pharma and the generals who bend over and take the money to wreck their underlings health. Why fight and die to spread homosexuality and transgenderism? Why fight for International Banks and Private Corporations? The US military hasn't fought to defend the US in over 100 years. Do you see the US military going to the border and stopping the migration? Are they stopping the fetanyl and heroin that is pouring in and killing 100,000 Americans a year? The only branch that seems to stop drugs and crime is the Coast Guard, which is the only half way decent branch nowadays.

Hey, where was the military when the order came down to forcefully inject people with poison? Oh, yeah, they were literally there injecting the people with it. The US military is an evil force upon the world and has caused immense damage to the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and Latin America over the last 75 years. The more degraded and screwed up the US military gets, the fewer people will join; hence, they are having a major recruiting crisis now. Good. No one should join. Funding for the US military needs to be cut by nearly 75%, and all of the overseas bases need to be closed down. Bring the troops back home and station them on the borders. Europe, Japan, and Israel need to defend themselves. No more foreign wars. No more false flags like 9/11. Justice for our Troops and innocent people who died in Iraq/Afghanistan. Justice for Pat Tillman. Justice for the Vietnam dead.

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>The US military hasn't fought to defend the US in over 100 years

Make that 212 years. The war of 1812 was the last time the continental US was threatened by a foreign force. Even Pearl Harbor was a sneak attack, not an invasion.

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Duck and cover? LOL a school desk isn't much protection against a Sarmat.

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Are you sure? For I clearly remember Sister Mary Joseph extolling the virtues of a solid, American made, oak school desk replete with standard issue ink well as ample coverage in the event of nuclear attack.

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Hehe, maybe back then, however recent studies have shown that the oak school desk can't cope with hypersonics.

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WHAT!!! Impossible!!

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The AFU are extremely predictable at this point - they are going to try to bog the Russians down with "meat" to buy time and try more PR stunts to have something positive for the media. And since they are losing territory now, it's gonna be a lot of meat throwing and PR stunts. Like the recent "battle" at Tendra spit, where the AFU wasted a special forces platoon in an operation to stick a flag at a new spot (or something).

Ultimately, Ukrainian soldiers are so brainwashed into ferocious hatred, that they keep fighting to the bitter end, even after being literally grabbed on the street, beaten up and thrown into the meat grinder. Ukraine is far more dangerous than even a hater like me could have realised and should definately be destroyed for good.

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Quite True!!

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I think it was Putin who told the story of a group of Ukraine soldiers although surrounded and facing certain death when called upon by Russian troops to surrender replied in Russian, "We are Russians, we NEVER surrender!" And didn't. Choosing death before dishonor in their opinion. As they say; one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

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I wonder if those stories that Ukrainians are given drugs to fight without fear, or pain, are true?

The Ukrainian Army was full of professional brave Soldiers before the war and maybe until after the counter offensive. But now having forced people to join results in less bravery for which now is certainly a losing effort.

If true; it may be why more Ukrainian Troops are not refusing to go to the front and near certain death. Although I imagine that any individual conscrpt that refuses to go the the front may risk being stood against the wall and shot. Seeing something like that may result in most of the mobilized thinking the only way out alive is surrendering to the Russians. But then again I've heard stories where Ukrainians would kill any Ukrainian soldiers attempting to surrender peacefully to the Russian.

This really is a foul war when I'm sure most of us thought this type of killing would be in the past only. History should condemn the west for doing this to Ukraine. Hopefully it will never happen again to another country that deals with the west/USA. But then again we have Taiwan waiting off stage for their kick at the cat.

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One of the future F-16 pilots who didn't express sufficient levels of enthusiasm when "mobilized suddenly" was beaten to death in the street by his recruiters. There is some grumbling over this in Ukraine, but it's best to be discreet there these days.

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Soldiers have been using drugs to fight better for ages, usually amphetamines so this is quite likely. The Nazis distributed it under the trademark Pervitin to their soldiers.

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Indeed. I've read about Pervitin and it's use. There is an interesting story of a Finnish soldier that took a lot and was awake for something like 4 days straight while also doing a lot physical exertion.


Also the highly caffeinated chocolate Scho-Ka-Kola. It is very good chocolate. Both dark and milk chocolate. I usually buy 20 of them in December for Christmas gifts.I guess that they would be like baby aspirin compared to Pervitin.


In World War 1 I think we mainly used Rum for this effect before climbing out of a trench to face the MGs and Arty. And in World War 2 I've heard when ever a hot meal was supplied that it meant tough times ahead. I think that for centuries the UK has been using both rum and tea for this purpose,,,, :)

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Scho-ka-kola, but yeah. I've had it from Amazon but can't find it there anymore.

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Simp, do you seriously believe the Russian will stay their hand if they know NATO troops in present in high value target? Because if so, there is chance that NATO would just let their troops accompany Ukr attack force and this will help them steam rolling all the way to Kremlin because nobody dare to strike NATO assets and risk starting nuclear war.

Silly me what do i even typing? What i want to say is that Medvedev or even Putin sometime hint it not pulling punches even if NATO troops are on the ground. So i believe them Frenchies will not receive any special treatment when they "officially" cross the border.

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I agree. Russia has been giving extra attention to NATO assets from the beginning and will continue to do so.

Bad strategy on the part of NATO as it allows Russia to degrade them piecemeal.

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I dont believe Russia will refrain from attacking NATO soldiers that are in Ukraine. If those soldiers congregate, or are active with some weapon system, Russia will be happy to target them.

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Anyone operating or supporting a weapon system in Ukraine is a legitimate target for a Russian attack. Currently NATO specialists are working under a (thin) veil of plausible deniability.

Once that veil is lifted those nations become full belligerents in the war and all their territory and assets are also legitimate targets.

WWIII basically.

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The question is whether the Russian leadership has the stomach for this. All indications are that Russia is trying to avoid escalation, while the West is itching for more.

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They say they'll do it. I believe them. The whole point of the war is to keep NATO out of Ukraine. If NATO is allowed in at all then it will grow until it is a dire threat to Russia. https://science1arts2and3politics.substack.com/p/why-ukraine-is-vital-to-russias-security

Besides, Germany and other horrified nations hastened to state they would NOT send any troops. It is not lost on them that in World War III they would be utterly screwed while the USA remains unharmed.

Russia has a force in Ukraine much larger than it needs to defeat Ukr. I say this massive force is there to prevent NATO from getting any clever ideas.

The USA is outgunned in Ukraine and has a very long and feeble supply line while Russia is right next door. This guarantees failure. And if somehow they work a miracle and "win" then the grand prize is nuclear war. The US does lots of things that don't make military sense but that is going too far even for them.

Remember when the USA threatened Iran? Iran damaged a Saudi oil refinery and promised more. The US backed down immediately.

What the USA would love to do is get the EU and Russia to devastate one another, restoring the 1946 era dominance. But Europe has made it crystal clear they aren't buying. Once was enough.

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I think they just want a buffer zone which seems to me what they are doing at the moment.

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Who is "they"?

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Lavrov mentioned the 60 French troops who were killed and he also said that 50 NATO leaders were also killed. It’s on Tass. And Sputnik says that about 1,000 Ukrainians were killed in just a few days. And of course he couldn’t not mention that the Abrams tank lasted less than a week.

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Very obvious the West don't think Putin has the balls to openly strike at a NATO blocking force after ignoring all the "red lines crossed" with no serious response beyond bitchslapping the Ukies.

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I wonder what those NATO idiots are thinking why the Russians are massively producing weapons and building up their military for? Certainly not for Ukraine, but for a much bigger fish.

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Yep. Pretty bad strategy on the part of NATO. Allows Russia to degrade their forces without having to face much in the way of reprisals. Should be pretty clear by now Russia prioritizes NATO targets in Ukraine. Why stop the enemy when it is making a mistake. Just shows how poorly run the west is at this point.

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The Russians did not ignore "red lines crossed", and they did give serious responses.

Were you that kid in school that never paid attention?

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Agree, but that is the one sided retoric we are hearing so often in the west☹️. But even in the alternative medium it feels that the responses are in no relation to the ‘injustice’ done to Russia and it’s population. An eye for an eye.

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No; an eye for an eye today may well be the equivalent of radioactive dust tomorrow. Besides, it is never good to act impulsively; this gives an advantage to those whom you contest. The US is overstretched, and if I am (finally-insert wry smile) correct, our economy will be in the shitter before too long. Our numbers are fudged now as it is.

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Just what my heart feels, my mind says otherwise😊. Retaliating based on emotions is not a good thing

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Great Article Simplicius, thank you! Hopefully Germany isn't stupid enough to try it now.

A Skeptic War Reports


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Plenty of them are. Harald Kujat isn't getting worked up over nothing and yelling into the ether — he's laying into somebody on that panel or asking a question from the audience talking deluded bullshit.

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Don't kid yourself. All those western escalations without a Russian response simply invite further escalation.

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I've seen proportionate response. Attacks on the Odessa port needed to export Ukr grain among them.

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FF is a US troll - Russia is weak Russia is losing the US is 'escalating' to inevitable victory

What the US doesn't get is that they are being suckered into sending all their arms and amour and indeed any special forces technicians pilots etc into the Ukraine, to be defeated, as up until now has been the case

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So what was the response to, for instance the Nordstream Destruction?

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You are like a Pavlov's dog always responding with a bark

Long ago the RF learned to not respond to provocations, mere distractions

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Translation: you have no answer other than insult.

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If you think calling you a Pavlov's dog is an insult, perhaps I should have called you a Pavlov's puppy and you'd be happy

No - my bone with you is that you have two or three, max, comments, which you post here there and everywhere

Russia is weak because 'dithering - 'EU are on their knees to US masters' - and is there a third...? oh yes Nato will double down

Get a better bot

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In December 2019, I was in Kharkov - city near the Russian border and the front line in the Donbas. I took a taxi. The driver could speak a little English. He asked me where I was from. I told him Australia. He looked thoughtful and then told me that there were "many Australians in Kharkov". I asked him if they were soldiers and he merely smiled.

Imagine my surprise to find that Australia was fighting against Russia. It could only have been the Australian SAS and in substantial numbers. If the Australians were there, you can be sure that their British cousins were also there.

I am sure the Russians knew all of this long ago. There are many thousands of "Russians" in Kharkov and it would seem that these troops were not being very discreet.

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Westerners have never been known for discretion....

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it's pathetically easy to find Western soldiers when they're deployed somewhere on a "secret" or "unpublished" mission because they ALWAYS and i do mean ALWAYS hang out in bars and run their fucking mouths while trying to pick up girls. Also, they always drink too much as well. With one grenade, I could've taken out every US marine (note: they were there to "protect" the US embassy) in Chisinau a few years ago and I told 'em to their faces that their drunken sloppiness was a disgrace.

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When I lived in Paris 30 years ago, the US Marines had an open house in their barrack every Friday night. It was only a few hundred metres from the Élysée Palace. I think it was in rue du Colisée.

I went there once with some girls. There was no security of any sort. There were drinks and dancing.

At that time, the US Marines frequented a restaurant/bar that no longer exists - in rue de Ponthieu. It was called Cactus Charlie. A drunk Swedish friend of mine tried to start a fight with a peaceful group of Marines that were sitting at a table. I apologised and pulled him away.

Things were relaxed in those happy days.

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Mar 2, 2024
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Conscripts? 30 years ago? In the 1990s? I think you mean 50 years ago, Peter, surely...

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Why do you think they were conscripts? The draft ended in 1972, and Marines were not conscripts. The draft ended when we pulled out of Viet Nam. I know, because I was in that draft.

Mr. Pape's memory is probably quite accurate.

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May he rest in peace.

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Modern day wannabe Rambo's who's lack of integrity and morals are their downfall. May they all be eliminated by the RAF because we sure don't need them coming home to the USSA/NATO. We have enough problems as it is.

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It is not easy to be conceited and at the same time discreet

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Well, it's not like those Aussies could speak Russian.

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Where the truth lies, who knows.

This article refers to the participation of SAS which is to be expected given past deployments.

They were deployed in Afghanistan prior to 9/11 !


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Thank you for that. This is an excellent publication. Australians are so brainwashed that I was very glad to get out of there before the lockdowns.

I spent a bit over a year in Cairns in 2018-2019. I went to Odessa from there - via Tokyo and Istanbul. Cairns is my favourite place in Australia. I liked to go the "Salt Bar" on Monday nights when drinks were half-price and lots of European girls would go there. Sometimes, girls would invite me to dance. A good laugh. 😊

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You have posted this comment verbatim across many stories for the past 12 months plus.

If you are trying to make some sort of point you should publish on your own stack.

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I have been publishing it for several years now. I am sure many people have not yet read it. I will continue to post it until the Australian government comes clean and admits that it has been involved in a hybrid war for 4+ years. The Australian public has the right to know.

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NATO military men (British, French, German) discussing their well-known obsession with destroying the Kerch (Crimean) Bridge is not a bombshell. That is par for the course.

The REAL BOMBSHELL is that Russian GRU military intelligence was able to intercept a top secret telephone conversation among German military officials.

Don't agree that it was an internal leak. The Russians tapped and leaked the German military phone call to embarrass Scholz just as they leaked the 2014 phone conversation between Ambassador Pyatt and Vicky Nuland to embarass the Obama Administration, which was pretending that the Maidan activists were independent actors not US controlled sock puppets

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You are surprised? the ynaks have been doing this since whenever..and the RF can or has not?

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It was allegedly an unsecured line, raising more questions.

If it wasn't a German leak, and rather a Russian tap, there will be more, used when the next decision about weapons or military happens.

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2 March 2024 FT Freak Out: CBR Confiscation rises from the Dead RF invades Italy

On the sidelines of the major freak out about sending troops to Ukraine, the Russian invasion of the BalNord states, and the German Taurus scandal-

-The usual freak outs are still breaking out all over Europe

‘How to get around Russian assets seizure nervousness’



Complete with new portraits of Vicky N to strike terror – the article is worth checking out just for this fright – Madame le fric c’est chic

Supposedly written by a lawyer, this shows very little concern or regard for the law, I’m sorry I’ll correct myself – because this is written by a lawyer the article does not consider relevant international law

Avoids and omits the considerations put forward by Euroclear itself as to the economic consequences – does not mention the probable tit for tat RF confiscations of the same amount of western company assets, does not heed the UN debate on confiscation/reparations, has no notion of the damage caused to the Euro and the Euro financial system and industry

The giveaway that the author is a clueless US implant is the reference to the G7 countries needing to provide legislative approval – this may be true internally in the US, where the appropriate Bill is stuck since July 2023 in Congress and does not look like coming unstuck any day soon

-but by definition can not be true in Europe, nor the US bill be acted on

externally to the US: either the EU Council, Commission, or Parliament may be called on, or each member of Euroclear, or…well it’s complicated (executive decisions are treated distinct to judicial and legislative)

And that’s before legal action by Euroclear shareholders, China’s Central Bank in the lead

The FT has been deserted by reporters and journalists and can not find even native schoolchildren to provide up to the latest date nonsense, although some might say that child labour is better than the Ukranian CIA implants the FT employs

VdL …..on the campaign and on the run


If you have the courage to check this out, well done, but it’s not worth it – it’s been said so many times before for so long, why say it yet again (confiscate the interest from Euroclear, she assumes this is possible)

‘Russia unleashes war propaganda offensive in Italy’


The war is one being fought by the Italian, and EU, ruling class against the working class and against any information being provided to the peoples of Europe about the war in Ukraine or about Russia that is not ruling class approved propaganda

Polls show the European peoples turning against Ukraine


Another variant of the Russians are Coming recently observed in the US, whereby everything bad or a little unpleasant, except high sky balloons, is the result of Putin’s dastardly acts

This is as trivial as the James Bond terrorist tactics being rolled out by EU, now complete with Blonde Heroine (from Russia with love) and BalNord AA lectures about invasion

But no matter, despite, the urgent dangers imminent and overwhelming to national security which this tiny manifestation of ‘propaganda’ has inspired in the rulers of Italty, still nothing has been done to re arm, as the article admits, this is all talk and no action – there are no arms nor soldiers adequate in Italy

The uproar is due to a museum exhibition held in the town of Foligno, population 55,000, where 80 people gathered – so most of Italy pop 60 Million is in fact safe from contamination – the mighty Putin was fearful of taking on someone his own size…etcetc

A widespread Russian propaganda campaign is stigmatised as putting national security and survival at risk – yet no other manifestations of any ‘propaganda’ are listed

“We are at a critical juncture. There are decisions — long-term decisions — that need to be taken now, which Italy is not taking,” Quartapelle [‘Lia Quartapelle, a lawmaker with the opposition centre-left Democratic party’] said.

“In Italy, like elsewhere in Europe, the arsenals are empty. Some European countries decided to order more arms and spend more on defence. So far, Italy didn’t.”

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I was a loyal reader of the FT from the 1970's. I subscribed for half the time until around 15 years ago. I got tired of trying to sift the truth out of the BS they were publishing.

My comments were banned after a dispute with the Jewish Zionist Gideon Rachman. He used a pseudonym to reply my own comments.

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Owned by Nikkei, Inc.

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I'm a disloyal reader of the FT as I believe it is a prime reflector of ruling class positions and an instrument for spreading/ensuring conformity among the business class

Any survey of their comments section will go to show this

They employ a number of 'journalists' so stupid and so extremist it is hard to believe - GR a prime example, but there's Martin Sandbu who's batshit and on the Ukie payroll, and a brit in Paris Kuper I think his name is who's a schoolboy cheerleader

Check out the 'lawyer' who just wrote a very foolish article on the CBR confiscation, which I just posted here today

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Twenty years ago, when I was a university student in London, I used to buy and read the Guardian Newspaper. Now, it is a cesspit of lies and Russophobic/Zionist propaganda

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Like yourself I was also a regular Guardian leader for many years. That changed when it became obvious to me that they and other papers that I had previously regarded as capable of investigative journalism lost the plot completely with Julian Assange. It is also worth mentioning that this was a culmination of a growing tendency in the media since the event of 2001

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They didn't "lose the plot", The Guardian toed the line and went all-in on being a tool for the US political establishment, and all GloboHomo narratives. It maintains a sliver of a pretense by maintaining its traditional opposition to Tory politics... Except when it comes to anything that actually matters.

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We need an OffTerrorgraph to date OffGuardian.

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I check out the Culture-Film section almost every month.

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Thanks for archiving that article, it is an amazing read. I didn't really catch the amateurish nature of the writer, but the premise of this proposed seizure is absurd. The proposal for some sort of "Reparations loan" leveraged against Russian assets is beyond absurd, and this part,

"the precise amount of that claim will eventually need to be determined by an internationally-recognised body of some kind, " is just incredible beyond belief. With the current state of world politics, the notion that there could be an internationally recognized court that could determine and enforce war reparations, whilst maintaining even the thinnest patina of impartiality is also totally absurd.

Siezing Russian assets is theft, you could make it technically legal, but it would still be theft. People recognize theft, legal or not, and they also recognize people who do it as thieves. People don't want to do business with thieves.

When considering this question, the dialogue between Lando Calrissian and Darth Vader from "The Empire Strikes Back" always comes to mind,

"That wasn't the deal Vader!"

"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."

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Amateur in the sense of not knowing anything, not expressing nor discussing, about the law governing sovereign asset seizures or reparations, especially third party, or the operations of such, or any notion of the legal status of Euroclear, and/or of the authority who may enforce seizure

And how are these claims to be defined, let alone shifted around, as per ‘move the claim for reparations’, who would grant this entitlement or is it a claim? As per ‘Ukraine would pledge its entitlement to receive war reparations’

These somethings are impossible or incredible to conjour into existence and even more difficult to bounce around

The constant references to G7 as having any status is misbegotten – as is failure to acknowledge that even in the very rabid US the confiscation Bill is hung up in Congress, and not for nothing because the Bill is a legal and legislative mess that even the critters recognise is dead in the water, or blood to a shark

The problem is not that it would be theft (most actions of the west in this war have involved theft) the problem is that it is impossible to make it technically legal – there would be a very stringent response from the RF, as well as Euroclear’s owners who are not reddit level but National Central Bank level, starting with China

No mention of the fact that the only internationally recognised body who could get involved, the UN, are already involved – they declined to do more than semi authorise the setting up of an independent of the UN register of claims – the vote was hard fought, and it is doubtful that even a register of claims, third party, on ‘behalf of’ the Ukraine is going to survive challenge – this register has stated that claims may be registered as of, perhaps, March this year, but nada mas, any action would have to wait the end of the war

No international body is going to get involved in this hornet’s nest

That’s not to mention the economic and financial catastrophe it would ignite/accelerate

Reparations are claimed and enforced by the victor, this is obviously not only de facto but de jure as well as inevitable

The FT, VdL&KK and the EU parliament gang who’re also reparations hounds, are going to have to swallow this puppy and see if they can squeeze out another one

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I work a lot in the legal sphere and know a bit, but not a great deal about the precise detail. What I do know is that possession is 90%. What I also know is that if you opt to steal someone's money, they don't do business with you again. And the same applies to everyone else. So these actions are ultimately self-destructive. Sure - steal $300B of assets. Watch Russia steal $3T of [western assets] in the Ukraine (no compensation) and also a dramatic decline in trust in the Euro and USD$. Talk about a self inflicted wound...

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I work a lot in the legal sphere and know a bit, but not a great deal about the precise detail. What I do know is that possession is 90%. What I also know is that if you opt to steal someone's money, they don't do business with you again. And the same applies to everyone else. So these actions are ultimately self-destructive. Sure - steal $300B of assets. Watch Russia steal $3T of [western assets] in the Ukraine (no compensation) and also a dramatic decline in trust in the Euro and USD$. Talk about a self inflicted wound...

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Right. It's just tough talk. Not gonna happen. Freezing the assets is already bad enough.

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$3T of western assets in Ukraine? Can you give some details?

I'm sure the RF does not want to get into a stealing contest with the west - at which the west is undisputed champion

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A guess on the value, but when the war is done, Russia will control what was Ukraine's largest on-shore gas field, and a regions rich in natural resources - as well as millions of acres of prime farm land. I doubt much industry will survive but it should acquire millions of educated people. If it can take Odessa it will also control the off shore gas fields plus more of the same listed above. Firms llike Blackrock have been reportedly been buying up land and assets and once taken over by Russia, won't be getting their money or assets back. Similarly loans made securitised with Ukraininan assets. The western financial system will take enourmous losses if Ukraine loses the war and as a result is forced to give up territory. Unless of course Russia decides to let them off the hook...

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It seems you conflate ‘western’ assets with Ukrainian, and many of those with Russian, if as I think you include this in putative Ukrainian assets

The extent to which the Donbass was Ukrainian was disputed by both the Ukraine, who by force attempted to submit the independent and atagaonistic minded territory to Ukrainiasation and control, and of course was disputed by Russia, timidly then not so

I understand that the RF public and private are re investing already in the Donbass – long recent article by John Helmer I failed to absorb

To name the Donbass a western asset seems far fetched

Lithium? The Uk gvmt recently cancelled the purchase by an Aus company of the major mine or company and EU is desperate for lithium, but I think I have read that the quantity as well as the quality of Uk lithium has been put in doubt

As for the other assets, agricultural, it seems that these lie in large part beyond Donbass, and may be Ukrainian to sell to the ‘West’, despite the Ukrainain laws against such in fact all large scale sales of land

It is alleged that the usual suspects Blackrock Carlyle and co have bought large stretches, but not in the Donbass?, but unless the US manoeuvers into an overwhelming victory and plants large armies and green zones it is probable that any other ruling class/government/ nation will repudiate such war time sales

How else to pay for reparations to the RF?

Industrial – I think that much of these in Uk proper have been destroyed, Sich and co

Where is this on shore gas field you refer to? In Donbass or the other bit?

Odessa and the rest is speculation for now, Putin is nothing if not careful prudent and cautious even tho’ he has spoken out more and more frequently about how essential a part of Russia this is

– and as for the Ukrainian work force after defeat every skilled semi skilled or unkilled I mean unskilled man woman and child will flee to the EU, leaving only a rump middle class hoping to finish off/steal what little is left, especially if the EU is obliged to put their money where their mouth is and join Uk into EU

Which will be saddled with control & order and restitution responsibility for debts & reparations & re construction, this must be both the US goal as well as the RF goal

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"tit for tat RF confiscations of the same amount of western company assets"

Why not confiscate ALL Western assets? I believe these are more than Russian assets in the West. Indeed I expect these Russian assets are mostly oligarchic funds stashed overseas that are useless to Russia. I recall a 2022 Putin speech in which he more or less said, you disloyal losers, serves you right, kiss your money goodbye, fu.

This is why the seizure won't happen. It isn't like the thefts from Afghanistan and Venezuela.

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Russia has not confiscated, nationalised, very many western assets - only those, and not all, in key industries, oil and the artic mostly

Despite big noise in the west, most western companies did not leave when sanctioned to do so by their own governments, or pretended to do so while discreetly changing 'ownership'

This, one must suppose, the RF consider to their benefit

And in any case RF is extremely careful about the law and wish to make clear that RF respects the law, espeically international law - one point constantly re iterated by RF is the west's lack of respect for the law, of course US notorious disregard is constantly underlined

This goes over very well with the attempts by RF China and others to re build respect for the law at the UN, and otherwise

The seized assets in question in EU and US are Central Bank assets, RF has little interest in private Russian capital overseas other than as fit punishment and a way of encouraging them and others to invest in RF only

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In my opinion Russia's 2006 extortion of Royal Dutch Shell is the true cause of the war.

Even CNN is faintly unenthusiastic about the asset seizure attempt. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/12/politics/us-proposal-russian-assets-ukraine/index.html

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That's a very big statement - I'm sure you are being sarcastic - there was a lot of too ing and fro ing on Sakhalin, but this is fairly standard procedure for oil companies and states, back then RF was a lot less well organised and confident than today so they were less skillful than today

But such a tiny mouse roared up war? Would have been easier to invade Shell, I'm sure war plans were drawn up gamed and exercised

The CNN article is very self serving, claiming to the be the first full scale article on the wretched US CBR confiscation plans that have been, I remember, schemed about ever since the war began

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The way I heard it Russia harassed Royal Dutch Shell with costly environmental concerns until they sold a majority interest in their Sakhalin operation. The concerns disappeared. Hostility between the two countries has ruled ever since.

RDS didn't get a good price but more than Exxon did in 2022. Exxon abandoned a $4 billion installation in Sakhalin getting zip in return. https://science1arts2and3politics.substack.com/p/when-did-cold-war-ii-begin

But who knows? There could be all sorts of gripes I don't know about..

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Shell got 'harrassed' with environmental concerns? That is an exaggerated way of describing differing perceptions of operation procedures and costs between an extractive company founded on the premise of serving geopolitical interests, with consequent dis regard for the country, nature workforce natives etc etc, in which they are operating

And which is par for the course with oil companies, at least such conflicts are, and especially concerning Shell: I do not know if worldwide their record is worse than most, but their .... contemptuous misbehaviour in Africa, in Nigeria is notorious

Hostility, miscomprehension, between west and east will have added bitterness to the breakdown of relationships between the oil companies in these instances, however the history and profits of western company predations, by oil companies and all others, after the break up of the Soviet Union in the 1990's and beyond, will more than make up for these slight losses

They behaved like typical western companies, the focus on short term benefits and negligent of the long term – heck they do this in country as much as out– they have deserved much more harassment than the recent gentle measures operated on them in the US; however the US ruling class encourages, mostly, their bad behavior in country as well as out

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Bullying a foreign corporation into selling its "rights" to exploit your countries assets seems like a eminently sensible position. It's what EVERY country should do.

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This is sad. Austin is a fool, Biden a senile snake. I have a Ukrainian friend; I told her in October not to trust the US. I'm in NYC, I can only pray that we don't force it to the point of nukes flying. At least it'll be quick for me.

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I too hope we dont get in a nuclear war. But let's face it, the British nuclear missiles (Triton) dont even work, the US's minuteman silos are rusted out wrecks, their planes keep crashing, and all they've got left are a few (I think just 5 or 6) shitty submarines ("boomers") built in the 1970s. In other words, the West could barely launch nuclear missiles right now even if they wanted to. Thank goodness!

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There are always low tech, easy to deploy dirty nukes to worry about.

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People like Andrei Martyanov maintain that the US Nuclear submarine fleet is still excellent. Coming from someone like him—a former Soviet naval officer—who loves to rip into the fraudulent capability of western military platforms and arms while also touring the deadly capabilities of the modernisation of the Russian navy, I tend to believe it.

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Submarine capabilities are the only logical place to spend money on strategic nuclear weapons.

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B-52s are extremely reliable and can still haul something a bunch of nuclear-tipped tomahawks close enough to launch them well outside the ranges of Russian air defense.

Anyone saying the U.S. nuclear arsenal is a joke doesn't know what they're talking about.

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You made me chuckle. I am one of those evil boomers, you know. I'd be very careful about assuming our nukes won't explode.

Do you know of the Cuban Missile Crisis back in the '60's? I cannot attest to the truth of it, but I've read that a deal had been worked out BEFORE the US stopped the Soviet ships for inspection. The US had placed nukes in Turkey, and I read that the agreement was we would pull our missiles and they would pull theirs. Meanwhile, the Soviets would let us save face by not resisting inspection.

I have no idea as to the veracity of this account, but this brinksmanship is not new; that I can attest to.

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In the OP comment/context....'boomers' = 'Ohio class submarines', that is their diverse, inclusive and equality affirming nickname for these fabulously close quarter subs, loved and cherished by woke seamen worldwide.

Cancel the generational affront. United we stand, divided we fall.

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HAHA! I wasn't offended, actually; neither personally or generationally. I'd never heard the term used in the context of a class of subs.

I wouldn't have chuckled if offended (I think (-:)).

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I wonder if the reason they have let the US nuclear assets go to seed is because they have other weapons they have put their (aka our) money into such as HAARP, DEW. I view the "earthquakes" in Turkey as well as the "fires" in California, Maui and now in Texas with great and well earned suspicion.

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Mar 2, 2024
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Entirely possible, with a side order of MIC greed.

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