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They have 50 Billion Euros to play with

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Over 5 years that is

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maybe. seems the Germans think they've given enough. I guess now it's Moldova's turn!

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To be fair, Germany has said "enough, no more" on several occasions in the past, but an American snaps his fingers and european knees hit the floor with a resounding thwack.

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Quite a few tractor driving farmers seem to have a different view.

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Last I checked, those protests weren't directed at American overlordship.

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As Ayn Rand almost said "You can ignore American overlordship, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring American overlordship."

But with the degree of thought control in Germany, they may never get it.

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This is for 4 years. But Ukraine needs 30-50 billion/year only to maintain social functions of state.

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According to the mainstream media, the money in the subject package is not for weapons and ammunition - there is to be a separate funded program for that. The 50-something billion is supposed to be for stabilizing the Ukrainian social system, paying salaries to civil-service professionals, repairing vital infrastructure and preparing Ukraine for membership in the EU.

That said, those are the priorities European 'leaders' avowed; as of the time the approval of the first tranche of funds was announced - which I believe was Saturday - official Ukraine has not indicated to Europe in any meaningful way how it intends to spend the funds.

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I have heard a breakdown of this package by UA analyst called Ruslan Bortnik (look him up) who said it was significantly less than that in reality

- mix of 'grants' (actual aid) and 'credits'

- how is it going to be funded (EU countries have to first agree to destroy property rights by stealing RU assets to fund it). there are no laws for that and they have to be passed first (if EU is insane enough to do it)

- how is it going to be actually applied , on what schedule

- a BUNCH of circuit breakers already built in to be able to stop it any second , i.e. for not having 'multi-party system' (which does not of cause exist in UA) or 'respecting minority rights'.

in short, a bunch of PR noise over nothings. EU promises to pay itself what it already lent out with money it does not have and hopes to steal, assuming it can actually force its members to do it, and all of that with huge MAY BE..

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