The idea of choosing military strategy & tactics to validate an opponent's (now largely invalid) assumptions & preconceptions about what "victory" looks like is irrelevant, outside of online Twittercentric warfare.
The idea of choosing military strategy & tactics to validate an opponent's (now largely invalid) assumptions & preconceptions about what "victory" looks like is irrelevant, outside of online Twittercentric warfare.
I would agree in terms of battlefield realities. However, in the political space - where I believe warfare extends - it matters. Remember how everyone was for the Iraq war, till they were against it.
The USA ownership class will likely always win a propaganda war waged against their own population. I remember a great deal more than the Iraq adventure.
They certainly won't win a physical contest on foreign territory vs. anything close to a peer opponent.
As far as I can tell, those with the actual power are still believing their own propaganda. That disconnect with reality is going to cause a large reduction in world population shortly, AFAICT.
The idea of choosing military strategy & tactics to validate an opponent's (now largely invalid) assumptions & preconceptions about what "victory" looks like is irrelevant, outside of online Twittercentric warfare.
I would agree in terms of battlefield realities. However, in the political space - where I believe warfare extends - it matters. Remember how everyone was for the Iraq war, till they were against it.
The USA ownership class will likely always win a propaganda war waged against their own population. I remember a great deal more than the Iraq adventure.
They certainly won't win a physical contest on foreign territory vs. anything close to a peer opponent.
As far as I can tell, those with the actual power are still believing their own propaganda. That disconnect with reality is going to cause a large reduction in world population shortly, AFAICT.
Oh, you again?
Fuck off, Nazi.