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Excellent overview, thanks.

With 77% undraftable it makes you wonder about the other 23%. What percentage of those will disqualify themselves? And; where is the competence to run the industrial part of any war? Nobody seems to be doing the math.

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And the kicker to that 23% number is that THOSE are the people who are also the best fit for the heavy work needed to produce war materiel...

The obese and unfit won't be building tanks, or making ammunition...

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Right you areтАжand just who is it who is going to merely keep the country running at all if we are sending our best people for cannon fodder ? It is already nearly impossible for businesses to find anyone competent enough to hire.

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In addition, that draftable 23% is unlikely to be spread homogeneously throughout the country but more localised geographically and in different socioeconomic strata. So, any draft would fall much more heavily on some sections of US society, with serious pushback from them.

And, of course, it excludes women, who are supposed to "be able to do anything a man can do, but better", and who are competing with men for positions throughout the economy and will get even more advantage when competent and fit men are conscripted and forced to lose career time.

In truth, it may be that even less than 23% is draftable, given that adapting to modern war conditions will put a premium on people able to think for themselves and deal with complex problems and technology. Given the abysmal education standards in US Democrat controlled cities, not many young blacks will meet the real education requirement even if they meet the physical requirements. Downgrading standards is one thing when you are not going to war. For a wartime army it is a guarantee that a much higher proportion of your army will get killed.

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A big part of that 23% that is mentally and physically fit and with a clean police record is white Christian males - the same demographic that the government says is a domestic far-right terrorist threat. Article: Devastating Military Recruitment in 2024 https://identitydixie.com/2023/09/07/devastating-military-recruitment-in-2024/

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and there is no conflict between the two. As Afghans, Iraqis, and going back Koreans and Mexicans can testify, the best far right terrorist, decedents of slave patrol, Chinamen lynch-ers are useful inflicting terror on those "other" people, so the system keeps on breeding them. Never know when it will be useful to have the black-shirts operating "again" in the USA. Just as long as they don't go killing puppies. https://archive.org/details/wtf-us-marine-throws-puppy-off-cliff-dailymotion-video-manifest

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This is a curious response - if it is true that the best and the better part of the recruitable demographic for the necessary conscription in order for the US to win any overseas war against others than smallish groups of 'terrorists' in third world countries......

How can it be that the very same are identified as 'domestic far-right terrorists' and so presumably the subject of consequent repression, criminalisation, surveillance and surpression

This puts the US in a bind - their only efficient for foreign warfighting population is one the US is intent on waging domestic war on

My my - feels like a tizzy

Besides is it not their ynak ruling class which practices slavery and so on?

Perhaps one can conscript them, if no one else will do

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Assume you are familiar with what the black-shirts(capitalist friendly Nazis) did to the brown-shirts (socialist friendly Nazis) and it just slipped your mind. If not, then it's a good item to study.

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Remind me - which were the fat ones? or... did they not do obese back in that day

Fast forward to the present - looks like no body's going to be killing nobody in your world

But you can always bore them to death on the internet

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I should have guesses from the grammar in your first comment. You'll go far in life.

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Gerrard - Reading the responses, and knowing people who think and talk like him in real life, who are always blaming "Y-T" for their shortcomings and self-inflicted problems (see numbers of weekly Chicago murders to see who is killing who currently in the streets of U.S. cities) and seeing the violence that can be unleashed on lone "Y-T's" who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time or not follow proper security precautions for fear of being called a racist...

Maybe the capacity to perform serious industrial scale violence to solve a problem once it goes on long enough / gets big enough - is a feature, not a bug.


by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late,

With long arrears to make good,

When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,

They were icy -- willing to wait

Till every count should be proved,

Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.

It was not taught by the state.

No man spoke it aloud

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.

It will not swiftly abate.

Through the chilled years ahead,

When Time shall count from the date

That the Saxon began to hate.

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Thank you for this reminder that reconstruction was in no way radical enough.

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The 23% will hike it South to Mexico.

The border works both ways.

The 23% are hated by the fascist regime running the USA, by both R's and D's. They wont fight. Antifa and BLM will have to take their place with the wahmyns and the trans special forces taking up the rear.

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My son is a little old for draft 31 but just in case we got his passport up-to-date and about 20K in a central American bank. No way I'm letting my only die for these neocon crazies...I would say go to Russia but whole nothern hemi gets wasted in WW3. Southern hemi is not a threat.

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I moved out of Canada down to SE Asia to get away from the woke and the fascists..Not sure what else to call them. The classic definition of fascism is the govt and corporations teaming up to oppress people. Thats my country now. Mental health wise my country is garbage. Covid broke people.

Your a smart man and great father. If there is a decent sized nuclear exchange you are correct it will take a long time for the radiation to make it way to southern South America in particular. Argentina and Uruguay are as good as i can find on the planet. Uruguay looks good just to retire in peace.

I hope no one shows up to the neocon's war. They should lead the charge themselves. That would be poetic justice and that would be my punishment for them. The pay per views of Victoria Nuland getting shot at could go to help the rebuilding effort or to the children of Donbas

The neocons need to be publicly humiliated then put down like the vicious dogs they are.

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If shit hits the fan, South will not help. While, apparently, 'nuclear winter' is largely myth, radiation is real and it will hit everything. We only have one atmosphere.

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It's not just lack of people. What about meat and potatoes (armor and ammunition)? Why the heck Russia produces more of it, than whole West combined? That's much bigger problem , because you can press gang the people like Ukraine does, it doesn't work like that with materiel

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